Harmony of the future mother. Emotional state during pregnancy How to express your feelings, or A few words about constructive dialogue

Everyone knows how important peace and good mood are for a future mother. But how to get rid of sad and disturbing thoughts, being in the very epicenter of instability? Just supporting each other!

Mommy's negative emotions affect not only her health, but also the formation and development of the baby's nervous system. It is even believed that the mood of the mother during pregnancy to some extent determines her future relationship with the baby. Therefore, the most popular recommendation for expectant mothers is: "Look at the beautiful, think about the good." But how to do it when this happens around?!
Finding a positive side in what has been happening to our country lately is quite difficult. Regardless of political beliefs - your own or those around you - the situation itself is so unstable that it is difficult to remain calm. The expectant mother is worried, worried, this is understandable. During pregnancy, a woman already feels very vulnerable. Yes, and the hormonal background rolls over, turning mom into a kind of emotional radar. Any news or spoken word can unbalance her, deprive her of peace and sleep.
The terrible thing is that the acute political situation can divide the spouses themselves.
There are many cases when couples in which the husband and wife held different views on what is happening simply broke up. In other words, hard times are always accompanied by severe stress, which can not only become chronic, but also overshadowed by psychoses, breakdowns, scandals and quarrels. People just can't stand the psychological stress.
Of course, the first advice that comes to mind is to distance yourself from everything, isolate yourself from negative information: do not watch TV, do not listen to the radio, do not read the news on the Internet. But it is hardly possible. The information flow cannot be stopped, but every day can
anything to happen. Well, we need to accept this, come to terms with the fact that we have to go through difficult times. Moreover, during this period also endure and give birth to a baby. And the main task that lies with you now is to make sure that the baby is born healthy.
And one of the prerequisites for this is your peace of mind. Of course, such a quality as stress resistance, the ability to withstand stress plays a big role in this.
How to help yourself?
Some exercises will help you calm down, put your thoughts in order, save yourself from panic.
Sit in a comfortable position and focus on the child inside you.. How can he feel now? Think about how good and comfortable it is for him to sway in the amniotic fluid. Think about the love he has for you and you for him. Imagine yourself in his place: here you are swaying measuredly on the waves, you feel good and calm, you are protected by the love of your mother, who also carried you inside herself. It is useful to remember this when you go somewhere. The kid feels your every step, captures all the shades of mood! Such thoughts will help you calm down, tune in to the good, feel more confident. Your mood will definitely be transferred to the crumbs. In a stressful situation, remember the feeling of security that came to you during the meditation exercise, then it will not be easy to get you out of balance.
Switch. You can't follow the news non-stop right now. Switch periodically: watch good movies, read books, go for walks, quietly do household chores.
Do not participate in online disputes. Remember, you do not need to prove anything to anyone - neither on thematic forums, nor on social networks. Stop any attempts to draw you into a controversy. The best way to win an argument is to avoid it!
Don't force yourself to hang out with people you don't like. You used to be able to afford it. Now it's not worth it. Gently avoid communication, postpone meetings until the next time, without entering into open conflicts.
Support each other with your husband. Difficult times are also a test of strength in relationships. Be tolerant of each other, try to be considerate and take care of each other. After all, no matter what happens, going through difficulties together is easier. Your husband is now experiencing stress no less than yours, because the responsibility for the whole family falls on his shoulders. Help him lighten his burden, especially psychologically. Put aside long-standing conflicts, soften claims, support each other. Troubled times will pass, but your family will remain.

Hormones of happiness, endorphins, restore physiological processes, increase immunity. It's no secret that hormonal changes lead to mood swings, poor health, which, in turn, upsets the expectant mother. And how you want to surround your pregnancy with happiness and positive. Happy pregnancy - healthy baby.

Happy pregnancy.
I bring to your attention the top most positive, in my opinion, ways to make your pregnancy unforgettable and happy.
Show your creativity. If you like to draw since childhood, then get the necessary sets and draw. Draw your feelings, draw what will cheer you up. Indeed, during pregnancy, your worldview changes, and you see something that you did not notice before. You can sculpt, learn to knit. After all, do-it-yourself booties will touch you and your household. Beading, embroidery, writing poetry, fairy tales… the list goes on and on. Do something that will only give you positive emotions. Dedicate the fruits of your creativity to your child. When he grows up, he will be very pleased to meet your creation.
Sign up for courses for expectant mothers. So you will not only find friends, but also get useful recommendations for you. You can choose courses that you can attend with the future dad, but only if you do not feel uncomfortable. You should be surrounded by a calm environment.
Sport. Why not. Did someone say that sports are bad for pregnant women? Now there are special courses for pregnant women. This is a swimming pool, and fitness, yoga or gymnastics. They will help keep the muscles in good shape, relieve the load on the spine and prepare the body for childbirth. Just before you sign up for any course, be sure to consult your doctor. And remember, everything is good in moderation and there is absolutely nothing to overexert now.
Shopping. Treat yourself to a new "Pregnancy" wardrobe or prepare for the birth of your baby. No superstitions will replace your joyful sorting out of children's socks, blouses, bodysuits. The baby inside you will be very pleased with the realization that they are waiting for him and preparing for his birth. One has only to control the volume of packages that you want to take out of the store. A load in the form of extra pounds is not needed, and you should not take too many things for your crumbs, because children grow very quickly in the first months of life.
Give yourself a long-awaited vacation. It can be a flight abroad or a short trip. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of your doctor, who will select the type of rest that suits you. In the case of air travel, it is also necessary to study the requirements of airlines and take care of the availability of medical insurance in another country.
Theaters, concerts, exhibitions, everything that will help you develop spiritually. Whatever you feel, your baby feels too. Read only high-quality literature, listen to good music, better special collections, which include works of classical music, cradles. This disc can then be turned on to your baby, and you will notice how he will calm down to familiar melodies.
Walks. This is essential for you and your child. Find a "Green" zone in your area, pick up a comfortable time for yourself and walk. The main conditions will be - not to get tired and not to freeze. At the same time, you can look at the places where you will walk with your baby in the future.
Remember that a pregnant woman is a woman first and foremost. Take time to treat yourself to a beauty salon. Get a new hairstyle, a stunning manicure. Warn your master of your situation so that he picks up harmless materials. You will see how everyone will admire your ability to remain beautiful and well-groomed in such a crucial period. And you, in turn, will get a storm of wonderful emotions and one more reason to be proud of yourself.
Communicate with those you love and, attention, only with those with whom you really want to communicate. You can find friends on the forum, then the communication will also be educational. You can always find answers to your questions. Communication with people who are pleasant for you is the key to a great mood. And this is what we need.
And remember, your pregnancy will be the way you make it yourself. So why not make her happy?

Happy pregnancy, believe in yourself Ekaterina Samoylik. Happy pregnancy. Believe in your strength!

I. Preparing for pregnancy

We change the way of life. Get rid of fears and bad habits

"Mom" is a synonym for the word "love".

Ernest Legouwe

Obviously, dear readers, at the moment you are as close as possible to the goal of becoming parents. The desire finally coincided with the opportunity, or the little one just really wanted to see you. There is a wonderful, touching version that children choose their parents while sitting on the clouds. It also happens that when walking in the park or rushing to a business meeting, you catch yourself thinking that you are increasingly looking back at the cute crumbs drooling on your father’s shoulder, smiling at toothless babies and staring at women with strollers. Dear ladies, when the pulsating “I want a baby!” stands out among other thoughts, which means that the time has come to decide to join the ranks of pregnant women. Desired children are healthy, balanced and incredibly charming. Toddlers simply flourish in the caring love of their parents and attention to themselves.

Decided to take action. I will not hide - in some places difficulties may arise. Sometimes it will be sad, sometimes even scary, but for hundreds of hours, tens of days and a number of months you will enjoy your special position, flutter with happiness, listen to the second heart inside you, feel the movements of the baby, watch him grow, be keenly interested in changes in your bodies. Pregnancy and procreation is more than a woman's destiny and a trivial, imposed duty. This is an exclusive, magical opportunity to experience incredible emotions, the peak of happiness and millions of joyful moments! Get a unique experience and realize the limitless possibilities of your body. This is an opportunity for you and your partner to get closer.

The mood is wonderful, the plans are coordinated, the desire is incredible, all thoughts are about one thing! But where to start? Successful conception does not only depend on regular sexual intercourse, but nevertheless, it is important to know that spermatozoa remain active for an average of about 48 hours. Keep this in mind so as not to miss biologically favorable days. Analyze your lifestyle, discussions on the impact of some bad habits on conception and fetal development are still ongoing. Tell your spouse about the need for his participation in the preparation. It will not be superfluous for each of you to go to the doctor and take tests. Even with excellent health, a man may have hidden infections that do not cause him concern, but can affect the development of the fetus. Due to many factors, many fathers-to-be will not like this approach. So, try to calmly explain to your loved one that a negative test result will significantly reduce your anxiety. A visit to the laboratory will not take much time, but it will add confidence regarding the correctness of the subsequent actions and successful gestation. Both of you will make a check in order to get rid of anxiety and fear.

My happy pregnancy day by day. Reviews and reviews of the book "My happy pregnancy day by day"

Notebook is very handy! Convenient division by week. There is somewhere to write down something (questions to the doctor, for example), there are pockets for storing directions or something else. Necessary information on the collection in the maternity hospital. Helpful hints at the end of each week. I'm nowhere without it) I recommend!

I didn’t buy the diary, because came DIRTY, as if a company of soldiers walked on it!
Therefore, unfortunately, I can not say anything about the content.
I will not reorder, because soon the belly will climb on the nose.

I loved it! Bought as a gift for a friend. I gave it away with difficulty :) Everything is so cute and beautiful that I wanted another child. I kept a diary every time I was pregnant. Too bad I didn't get one like that. Envelopes, weekly layout, enough space for your own notes. To the touch is very pleasant. Very!

Nice diary. The cover is not paper, but a fabric type. Useful tips inside. I can not say that there are a lot of them, but it is interesting to read. The diary is divided into months, weeks, days. For each month there is a thick page with a pocket where you can put the necessary pieces of paper, referrals, test results, etc.

Video Meditation "Happy Pregnancy" - Female Sangha

– Developer Review –

Every pregnant woman faces a number of difficulties and challenges throughout her pregnancy. In order to make the life of expectant mothers even a little easier and more convenient, we have created the Happy Pregnancy application for iPhone.

It all started with the fact that, by the nature of my work, I often communicate with expectant mothers and this communication made me think about how some of their problems could be alleviated. The creation of the application structure, design, filling with information and the development itself took about 3 months, but the idea was nurtured and matured in my head for more than a year. Fortunately, the programmers were adequate and there were no problems with them. The basic functionality was a little wider than what is currently in the application, but due to the not very large development budget, some functions had to be left for future updates.
Here is an overview of the most useful and important features:

  • The character "Baby" every day will give you useful tips, recommendations and information about the current development of the fetus;
  • The diary will help to write down your feelings and thoughts, as well as add a photo or an ultrasound scan;
  • on the "Baby" tab, you can see a graph of your baby's height and weight, see the stages of development of individual organs and find out the preliminary date of birth;
  • The “weight gain schedule” of the expectant mother will help her not to go beyond the norm and stay in good shape after childbirth;
  • The Questions to Ask Your Doctor Notebook will help you remember what you wanted to ask your doctor about.
  • The Belly Measurement Chart will tell you how much your belly has grown.
  • The "Calendar" will store all the important visits to the doctor, your notes, workout records and much more.
  • The Maternity Hospital Checklist will help you not to get confused, prepare in advance and not forget anything before the birth.

  • Tips and advice before childbirth and breastfeeding will help expectant mothers not to get confused after the birth of a child and provide him with good nutrition.
  • The contraction timer is a useful and indispensable feature. Now you don't have to count minutes and seconds, you can just press one button and the application will do everything for you, and when it's time to go to the hospital, you will be notified by a message.

We also released a free version of the application with limited functionality so that every pregnant woman can try it before buying.
The application will always be at your fingertips. It will no longer be necessary to make notes in notebooks, calculate and measure, search the Internet for the necessary information.
The Happy Pregnancy app will help expectant mothers give birth to beautiful, healthy and happy babies.

- For free
- 66 p.

Positive emotions during pregnancy. What to do so that pregnancy brings more positive emotions than negative ones?

  • Try to protect yourself from stressful situations and conflicts. Do not be a prisoner of negative emotions, do not accumulate them. Better get rid of them.
  • Listen to light, pleasant music during pregnancy. Music invigorates, calms, relaxes. It helps to express feelings: sadness, joy, sadness, fun. Through music, your child establishes contact with the outside world. You can not only listen to music, but also sing songs. Singing songs is one of the most ancient methods of self-regulation.
  • All women benefit from relaxation classes. Relaxation brings feelings, emotions, thoughts into a harmonious balance, normalizes the state of the nervous system, relieves stress, fatigue, nervous tension, improves mood.
  • Take time to relax and try to alternately feel first the cold, which strains and keeps the body in good shape, and then the heat, relaxing and soothing. When you learn this, you can easily cope with nervous and physical overload. Relaxation exercises are best done to calm music.

Expectation gives way to hope, and then disappointment. Tears. Reproaches. Oblique meaningful views of relatives. The decision to investigate. Long unpleasant tests, analyzes and consultations. And there is no result.
And friends have children. Children play in the sandboxes of every yard. And they hurt so much to look at. And it's not nice to stay with your nephews, although they are so funny. And someone does one abortion after another. And for her, who wants to conceive so strongly that all other colors of the world simply fade, fate does not want to meet her in any way.
And the years go by. And there are fewer and fewer hopes. And every period leads to depression. Doctors disagree, but increasingly agree on a poor prognosis.
What's next? Maybe it's your own inferiority. Maybe in a husband. Maybe not everyone is destined to have children, and then try - do not try.
And pregnant women, like mushrooms, grow to warmth, and children chirp louder than songbirds. And shabby black cats scratch at the soul.

What to do?

Only a woman with a removed uterus cannot get pregnant at all. Everyone else has a chance.
First of all, you should not raise the alarm ahead of time. Only a period of one year of married life without contraception and conception can be considered a reason for consulting a specialist. Yes, and this year should, if possible, be used with all productivity. In every woman's cycle, there are two or three best days to conceive. And if you add some small tricks that an experienced natural planning consultant knows about, then the likelihood of a favorable outcome will increase. People come to the natural sympto-thermal method instructor mainly with the question: how not to get pregnant? And for him, a special joy is the arrival of a couple or a woman seeking to conceive for a consultation. And when it turns out, and even after infertility, this is true happiness. There are also live examples. Oksana was helped to calculate an auspicious day for her non-rhythmic cycle. And simple home methods to increase the amount of natural mucus, which is so necessary for the normal advancement of spermatozoa. The child was not long in coming. And the second baby appeared without any help from consultants.
If it still does not work, you will have to resort to the help of doctors. And go through a full examination of both his wife and husband. But no matter what they tell you, do not lose hope for the fulfillment of your cherished dream.
Yulin's first marriage broke up due to his wife's infertility. For more than ten years there were no periods. And the doctors just shrugged. Having met Sasha, she immediately honestly admitted that she could not have children. And he said it was all nonsense. He loves her, and they will definitely have children. During their honeymoon, they visited the Cathedral of the Mother of God in Cyprus. They asked for her blessings. And a little less than a year later, happy parents had a girl. By the way, both pregnancy and childbirth were completely cloudless.
Sveta was treated for infertility until she was thirty-seven. But, alas. I needed to live on. And she changed the eternal expectation of a miracle to humility. Means no luck. Not everyone should bear the cross of motherhood. She has a different path. And you have to play your part. This month, for the first time, she did not listen to her body as sensitively as before. I did not follow the changes in the breast. I didn’t even notice that the number set for the onset of menstruation had passed. And they never came. Nature finally decided to have mercy. And gave her daughter. Huge - four and a half kilogram beauty, gracefully born in the warm water of a home bath.
A good midwife lives and works in a small Turkish town. She sometimes hosts home births. And she is proud of the fact that none of her patients has torn in such childbirth. And it seems, who better than her to have children of her own. But for twelve years their joint attempts with her husband were doomed to failure. After research, treatment, and again research, the doctors said that almost all of the husband’s spermatozoa do not have viability, and those few that do do not have the necessary speed of movement. Conception in a natural way is completely excluded.
The husband's sister became pregnant with her third child. And she offered to endure and give birth for them. And if they don't want it, she'll have an abortion. During this period, the childless couple underwent artificial insemination. And I really hoped for a favorable outcome, and the birth of my own child. But they could not allow the murder of a child in a family of relatives. Give birth - we, anyway, will take it for ourselves. Artificial insemination failed. The sister gave birth and gave them a daughter to raise. She is now five months old. And in the belly of the midwife, for four months now, her own child has been living. Conceived naturally from her own husband. God's long-awaited reward for a couple for philanthropy.
Remember the fairy tale about the peasant who ate one bread, then another, then a roll. And then he ate a bagel. And only then, finally, ate. "Well, I was a fool that I did not immediately eat a bagel." No, not stupid. It would not work to eat just one bagel. Or the story of the American dream. Found one apple, dirty - washed. Sold. Bought two apples. Laundered, sold. And then they found a treasure and got rich. And if there were no washed apples, would there be a treasure?
You need to make an effort to achieve your goal. Believe in luck. The long-awaited well-deserved victory will be more valuable and significant.

While preparing for the arrival of a child, it is worth stocking up on everything you need and just counting the days on the calendar. For pregnant women, 9 months is a complete and satisfying experience. You should only think positive. Everything you think about, your baby already absorbs in the womb, like vitamins. Everything you eat affects both your health and his. Nine months should be the happiest for you.
Focus your attention on the positives. This is a very simple way to be happy. Rejoice in your pregnancy, this and cheer yourself up.
Be alert to the information, thoughts and words you receive. The music you listen to, the movies you watch, the books you read, and the radio and television should not make you nervous, but rather calm you down.

Surround yourself with fun people. You probably know grumpy neighbors or friends who have nothing nice to say about pregnancy. Avoid them, you don't need it. You need inspiration! Make friends with people who always smile, infect people with their laughter, and you will feel happy.
Fill your home with positive vibrations. Buy fresh flowers, fill a bowl with colorful stones, put a rocking chair by the window. Life will become brighter.
Speak daily words of inspiration. You can come up with them yourself and read every day to cheer you up.
Give support to your partner and your other children (if any). Let them participate in choosing a name for the unborn child. Spread happiness around them and you will feel positive in return.
Make a list of things you want to do for your enjoyment. It only takes 5 minutes and then fills 5 minute breaks with fun every day. Ask your husband what he likes to do in his spare time and add it to your list of weekly activities. These nine months will be filled with a lot of activities that you will need to do, and this will not let you get bored.
Stop comparing yourself to others or supposed ideal mothers-to-be. Your pregnancy is unique. Remind yourself of this more often.
Think about children. Pregnancy simply cannot proceed without it. Dream about what school they will go to, what they will do in their free time. At the thought of children, your mind will be cleared, your eyes will be brighter, your mood will be better. After all, children are "ambassadors of good will."

In the previous article, we talked about where strong negative emotions come from and why it is so important not to suppress them. This, of course, is true not only for pregnant women.

If you denied or suppressed them for many years, or, on the contrary, often lost your temper, then it is important to gradually and carefully heal this destructive response pattern, replacing it with a conscious, timely recognition of your feelings: "Yes, now I'm angry / furious / upset and I have every right to be..."

The algorithm for working with negative emotions is approximately the following:

1. Let the feelings be! Not suppressing or resisting them.

“Feelings should always be taken seriously. They have the right to exist just because they exist, they do not need any other reasons or justifications. Udo Baer

2. Call the feeling by its name.

3. Direct attention to the body, body grounding (grounding is a way to be in deep contact with consciousness, emotions, feelings and body).

4. And finally, live to the fullest.

"Feelings cannot be measured, cannot be dosed ... Feelings always need to be expressed." Udo Baer

And only then to identify and, if possible, satisfy the need, the unfulfillment of which is behind the emotion.

Before we finally look at ways of living, let's turn to what else is important to know. Indeed, during pregnancy, all these points are also relevant, only adjusted for the fact that you are not alone here now. In the words of Deepak Chopra: “During those nine months your child depends on you like an astronaut on his spaceship, he is constantly accessing your database of this world.”.

In the modern world, it is no longer a secret that a child in the womb feels all the emotions of the mother. And again in the words of Deepak Chopra: “Your perception of the world around you is transmitted to your unborn baby through the filter of your body. And he readily learns to associate sensory impulses with feelings and emotions, experiencing pleasure or discomfort ... "

Here is a fair reminder of the importance of recognizing rather than suppressing your feelings. After all, while a mother may not notice her fears and worries for the time being, deliberately being distracted by films, books, seizing or speaking her feelings, the child cannot open a book or turn on the TV, he is left alone with this without the possibility take cover.

The consequence of which may be: difficulties with basic trust in the world, increased anxiety of the newborn, intermittent, restless sleep, severe colic, frequent crying and other unpleasant manifestations in the first months of the life of a small person. After all, he has already understood that the world is not safe and he has something to worry about.

We have access to the achievements of perinatal, transpersonal psychology, spiritual knowledge, descriptions of various experiments with hypnosis, and much more, which indicates that intrauterine events affect the formation of the subconscious, mental and behavioral reactions of an adult for the rest of his life.

Therefore, already now it is possible and necessary to take care not only of your feelings, but also of the feelings of the child. For example, if some unpleasant situation has occurred, you can tell the child about your feelings, that you are sad or scared now, but it has nothing to do with it, that such feelings also happen, but you always have the strength to cope with it that your world will always take care of you, and you, in turn, will always take care of it, no matter what happens. Touch your stomach at these moments, stroke it, try to relax, establish a mental connection with the child.

Even if the achievements of perinatal psychology are alien to you and, especially in the early stages, it is still difficult to believe that there is already a feeling baby inside of you, this will help you develop an important skill for the future in communicating with your child about feelings, and saying such an affirmation aloud is guaranteed to help you relax and calm down. Agree, reminding yourself of “I can always cope with everything” is never superfluous.

How to live emotions eco-friendly?

First of all, try to return attention from the outside inward. When emotion hits, we tend to lose ourselves and our sense of being in space. Someone starts to eat everything they see, someone runs from corner to corner, etc. The fastest way to “return to the body” is to feel the floor / ground / support with your feet and hold this feeling for a couple of minutes. Of course, the presence of an established contact with your body will be important here, but this is another and no less extensive topic. In the meantime, let's take a look at the points available during pregnancy ways of living:


Breathe deeply, observing and being aware of inhalation, exhalation;

Perform acceptable physical exercises, clean up;

To stomp, to dance, to express with movement;

Cry, allow yourself to be completely sad, grieve;

Laugh, clap, jump.

Sing, shout;

Speak out, speak out to someone who is guaranteed not to condemn; You can even talk to yourself on the recorder;

Name the emotion by its name;

Exhale with sound. Each time, allowing itself to exhale louder, listening to the needs of the body, it always knows what sound will help release the emotion standing in the throat;

Mantra, prayer depending on your spiritual tradition.


Freewriting (free writing). There are many techniques, you can read more on the Internet (for example, from the authors Julia Cameron or Armen Petrosyan);

Questionnaires of radical forgiveness, letters of grievances. It can also be downloaded from the Internet. They have a very effective effect;

Feelings diary. This useful tool allows you to track and notice your response patterns, see the range of feelings you experience, which will allow you to accept them, and at the same time identify cause-and-effect relationships.


art therapy techniques;

Expressive Arts;

Intuitive painting, right hemispheric drawing;

Work with clay, plasticine;

Psychodrama, playback theater (methods available in special groups).

Listen to yourself and choose the way that seems right for you at the moment, observe your emotions, let them be seen and heard, remember that this is the only way to let them go.

Important! If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, do not neglect to contact a specialist. Pregnancy can bring to the surface deep feelings and childhood traumas that are not always safe to face alone. Even one trip to an experienced art therapist, psychologist, body-oriented psychotherapist can help solve many disturbing issues. In addition, a specialist will help you identify a suitable and affordable way to experience emotions specifically for you. It can also be classes in special groups, in which a trusting atmosphere is created, a female circle, where all the conditions are created to not only let go of feelings and anxieties, but also express them through creativity, thereby gaining new experience and pleasure.

Also, do not forget about the possible physiological causes of increased emotionality. Such seemingly simple factors as the lack of certain vitamins and micronutrients, insufficient water and sleep, lack of regular deep relaxation can cause excessive irritability, depression and other negative lingering conditions. These factors should be eliminated first.

And, most importantly, do not rush yourself and do not demand quick results, each time thank yourself and your body for having lived the next experience more consciously. Take care of yourself and your peace of mind.

Pregnancy is a very big emotional experience. Your emotions and pregnancy put a lot of pressure on your psyche. You may have noticed by now that doctors, your friends and family focus mostly on your physical health. Their main task, of course, is that you and your child are healthy. In addition, your physical health is something more concrete and visible to outsiders than your emotions. However, many pregnant women believe that pregnancy and emotions, as well as mood swings, are as important as physical condition.

Many women look forward to the magical moment of motherhood in their lives. But once you become pregnant, whether your pregnancy is planned or not, your feelings may be different from what you expected before. Women who anticipated a feeling of fear may feel quite confident, while those who thought they were ready may suddenly experience a feeling of insecurity.

Not so long ago, scientists found that the activity of the right hemisphere in women during pregnancy increases. This is what makes them more sensitive and emotional in this period. This prepares the mother's body to form a close bond with the child. The study helped to understand the changes that occur with a pregnant woman. The brain begins to react differently to what is happening, more actively responding to the emotions of others. Experts examined the neurophysiological activity of the brains of several women. They were asked to consider images of faces with different emotions - negative and positive. The right hemisphere in pregnant women functioned much more actively. This was especially clear when they looked at positive faces. Women bearing a child become sensitive and vulnerable. The reason for the changes lies precisely in a different work of the brain. Research results should help in determining the causes of postpartum depression.

“You have to set yourself up for a positive self-adjustment”

Pregnancy and the emotions that change with each trimester is a phenomenon that, as a rule, almost all expectant mothers face. Thoughts about the future do not give mommy peace. During the first trimester, the expectant mother may not yet be aware that she is pregnant. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman can focus on the fact that she will soon give birth to a baby. In the third trimester, mommy can devote most of her free time to thinking and realizing that she will soon be awarded such a great joy as being a mother. All these experiences and thoughts associated with pregnancy require emotional adaptation from a woman.

Your emotions and pregnancy will require a lot of effort from you. We will try to help you with a couple of recommendations.

Here are some tips to help you deal with mental and emotional issues during pregnancy.

  • Feel free to doctors

As soon as you feel that you are starting to show emotional or mental problems, do not delay and talk to your doctor. Even if you do not experience any special problems, but experience stress, sadness or anxiety during pregnancy, contact him. Your doctor can help you determine if your behavior is normal during pregnancy or if it's depression. Emotions and pregnancy can lead you to a depressive mood. Your doctor may prescribe you therapy to help you deal with your emotional ups and downs. Or redirect you to a narrower specialist. There are also some depression medications that are considered safe for pregnant moms. However, you should never buy them on your own!

  • Joint groups

Mutual study groups for expectant mothers may be organized at your hospital. Ask if there are such at your clinic. If not, then there may be such groups in the gyms of your city. There are also joint groups for moral support for pregnant mothers. When communicating with other expectant mothers, you will feel less lonely and isolated, this will help you fight or prevent possible depression and your emotions will become more positive.

  • Physical exercise

Many pregnant women are wary of exercise during pregnancy, but moderate exercise during pregnancy has never been harmful to anyone. It won't hurt to take the dog for a walk. You can also turn your attention to water aerobics or perhaps you will be interested in yoga courses for pregnant women. Don't forget that moderate exercise will contribute to your good emotional health during and after pregnancy.

  • Stay connected with friends

When you become pregnant or have already given birth to a baby, some of your childless friends may stop understanding you in some way. However, such people are rare. Stay connected with your friends no matter what. Try to find some time to go shopping with someone or just get out of the house for a walk.

  • Positive Self-Tuning

Pay attention to how you talk to yourself, for example:

"My body works exactly the way it should to bear a healthy baby"

Now you must love yourself and your body like never before. You have to set yourself up for a positive self-adjustment.

  • Start a diary

Sometimes the practice of writing down your feelings can help you sort them out. Pregnancy and the emotions associated with it will haunt you for a few more months. So feel free to write about all your experiences. Throw out on paper everything that accumulates in you.

If your life has gone through particularly difficult days, and you can not cope with emotions, then it will be useful to confide in a close friend or family member. They can help you put things into perspective and allow you to let go of anger or frustration.

  • Proper nutrition

Eating right is very important. Too much sugar or caffeine can increase feelings of stress and anxiety. Stay hydrated and eat well balanced meals to feel better. Your emotions and pregnancy can play a trick on you and you may not have a healthy appetite, or vice versa. Do not forget that in your position you need to avoid extremes.

  • Use Internet Resources

On the Internet you will find a lot of resources for pregnant women. Chats, websites and forums are designed to help expectant mothers during pregnancy. By visiting our site for future parents, you will find a lot of tips, recommendations, useful and important information about pregnancy. You can discuss all the emotions you have accumulated and your pregnancy on the pages of our website. We try to help expectant mothers at all stages of pregnancy.