25 weeks of pregnancy tone what to do. Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms, increased tone of the cervix. Treatment of uterine hypertonicity

Even those who have never carried a child under their hearts have been heard. This condition, unfortunately, occurs so often that it will not hurt both pregnant women and only those planning to conceive to know about it.

What is increased uterine tone?

To answer this question, let's first understand what kind of body it is. The uterus is a hollow, contractile, muscular organ, the basis of which is the myometrium. Naturally, during pregnancy increases. At the same time, each muscle fiber lengthens by 10-12 times and thickens by 4-5 times. Nature arranged it so that normally, for 9 months, the muscles of the uterus are in a calm (relaxed) state. This allows you to bear the child. Also, normally, the uterus sometimes slightly contracts, this happens closer to the expected date of birth. Such contractions are called training. It's like a dress rehearsal before the main event - the birth of a baby. But it happens that during a long period of pregnancy (in some cases, throughout the entire period of gestation), the muscles of the uterus are in an excited, contracted state. The muscle layer of this organ contracts (its tone increases) - the pressure in the uterine cavity rises. Unfortunately, this is a pathological condition that requires appropriate and timely treatment, since it is a symptom of a threat or

Causes of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

As a rule, fear, overexcitation or overstrain of muscle fibers caused by excessive physical exertion contribute to the occurrence of increased tone (hypertonicity) of the uterus.

If the tone occurred in the early stages of pregnancy, the cause of this may be hormonal disorders, in particular, reduced production of progesterone. As a rule, increased uterine tone in the second trimester usually appears due to overload at work or an unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, hypertonicity can occur due to inflammatory and structural changes (uterine fibroids, endometriosis). Overstretching of the muscles of the uterus, which occurs due to multiple pregnancy, or a large fetus, can lead to increased tone. Moreover, increased uterine tone can occur as a result of a previous acute respiratory disease or other disease (flu, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis), previous abortions, bad habits (smoking, etc.). In the third trimester of pregnancy, increased uterine tone can lead to premature birth.

What does a woman feel in such a state?

  • unpleasant squeezing or aching pains in the lower abdomen (can be both barely noticeable and strong); often they are similar to those experienced by a woman before or during menstruation;
  • tension in the abdomen (it becomes hard, as if made of stone);
  • often - unpleasant or lower backs;

In some cases, pain may be accompanied by bleeding. If this happens, go to the doctor immediately. Also, urgent medical care requires a condition when a woman has cramping pains with an interval of several minutes.

What if you don't see a doctor? What could be the consequences?

Unfortunately not the best. Increased tone can lead to spontaneous abortion at any time. If this happens in the first trimester, they will talk about a miscarriage, in the later - about premature birth. In addition, increased uterine tone threatens with another complication: the risk of pregnancy fading.

Even if the tone is not so significant as to lead to such unfortunate consequences, then this will not be reflected in the best way on the health of the baby. The fact is that a frequent increase in the tone of the uterus provokes oxygen starvation, since the blood supply is disturbed.

Treatment of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

The occurrence of this condition should be reported to your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. He will tell you how to behave in order to reduce the risk of complications, and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

Fortunately, increased uterine tone responds well to treatment. The first thing the doctor will require is to ensure a calm regimen and the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Now, more than ever, it is very important for a pregnant woman to establish a normal mode of work and rest, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air, and feasible physical activity. With an increased tone of the uterus, bed rest is often prescribed and sexual activity is completely prohibited. If necessary, a woman is hospitalized and treated in a hospital. Medical treatment is also used in this condition. To relieve stress and ensure psychological comfort, sedatives are prescribed (tincture of motherwort and valerian). If these drugs are not effective in a particular case, Sibazol, Nozepam, Trioxazin, etc. are prescribed. To relax the uterine muscles, antispasmodics are used (No-shpu, Papaverine). Magne-B6 is often used. If the reason for the increase in tone is an insufficient amount of progesterone, Duphaston and Utrozhestan are used (up to 16 weeks). Drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus (for example, Ginipral) and calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Corinfar) have proven themselves well. To stop bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed (Dicinon, Etamzilat sodium). In addition, if an increase in uterine tone is diagnosed in late pregnancy, a woman is prescribed droppers. Intravenous administration of a 25% solution of sulphate and 10% alcohol can alleviate the situation. In addition to the above options for treating increased tone, a fortified diet is used, as well as physio-, acupuncture and psychotherapy.

If spasms began suddenly and are very strong, then you can take 2 tablets of No-Shpa or put a candle with Papaverine. The next step in this case is an urgent visit to the doctor. Even if the pain has gone, do not leave this issue unattended and do not ignore the visit to the antenatal clinic.

Remember: not only the health of your unborn baby, but even his life depends on how you behave in this or that case.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

The tone was strong from the 26th week, she lay on the preservation until the 38th week, then they were caesarean. The tone was so frequent, literally in 5-10-15 minutes. Basically lay, caloli ginepral, magnesia, saw B6 and motherwort of course. The tone is not a joke, while I was lying in the hospital I heard a lot of scary stories from girls whose tone led to premature birth. So, take care of your children, and in which case, call an ambulance and lie down for preservation !!! I wish you all the birth of healthy children!!!

The 25th week of pregnancy begins the seventh month already! You departed a full six months, however, obstetric, which consist of 28 days or 4 weeks. This is a lot, but there are still 15 weeks ahead, so gain strength and patience.

Let's see how our baby is doing at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy?


He has already grown enough: at the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about 700 g, its size from the top of the head to the heels is an average of 34.5 cm. The development of the baby does not stop for a second! He is becoming more and more like a newborn, although he is not yet ready to show himself to this world. And, nevertheless, if for some reason the birth occurs next week, then the doctors will already be fighting for his life.

The lungs are preparing for the first breath: the alveoli begin to mature, but they are not yet lined with surfactant, which will prevent them from sticking together during breathing. The auricle also continues to form - according to its condition, doctors will judge the degree of full-term child in case of premature birth.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the functions of hematopoiesis, as expected, are completely taken over by the bone marrow (before that they were performed by the liver and spleen).

At this time, the baby's sense of smell is already highly developed. He is also able to feel mom's mood swings, and even feel pain like a newborn, smile with joy or wince in displeasure!

The child begins to actively acquire muscles, the bone tissue is getting stronger, so his movements and pushes will become more and more noticeable. On ultrasound, you can already see how he plays with the umbilical cord, sucks his finger, deftly grabs the leg with a pen, covers his face with his palms - the child’s movements are already well coordinated, moreover, the leading hand has been determined. Also, the uzist will be able to determine the sex of the child, because the external genital organs have long been formed. Now, at the 25th week of pregnancy, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum, and the girl's vagina is formed.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks pregnant

The uzist will first of all assess the condition of the fetus and compare its size with the established gestational age: a large discrepancy will be the reason for additional research to rule out developmental delays.

The parameters of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy are approximately as follows: head diameter - 62.3 mm, chest diameter - 63.1 mm, tummy diameter - 64.2 mm. An important indicator of a child’s vital activity is his heartbeat: now a small heart makes an average of 140-150 beats per minute, and his work is already so well heard that not only the doctor hears the beat through a stethoscope, but when close to the abdominal wall, dad can catch the bewitching rhythm , leaning his ear to his mother's belly.

The wall thickness of the placenta at the 25th week of pregnancy reaches 26.22 mm. If it was low, then there is a high probability that now it will begin to rise.

In addition, the uzist is obliged to examine the condition and amount of amniotic fluid and the uterus - its size, surface and location.


The uterus at 25 weeks of pregnancy reaches the size of a soccer ball. Its bottom (that is, the upper part) rises above the pubis at a height of 25-27 cm. This indicator is very important, so the gynecologist checks the height of the uterine fundus at each of your visits. If the parameters differ from the norms, then it will be necessary to look for the cause of the violation. A smaller height and size may indicate a lag in the development of the fetus, placental insufficiency, large ones - about polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies.

The uterus at the 25th week of pregnancy continues to grow and is already training before childbirth, shrinking from time to time. Therefore, you may feel mild cramping pains - they do not cause much discomfort and soon pass. But if the pain intensifies and becomes more frequent, then it is urgent to go to the hospital.

The muscles that hold the uterus are stretched all the time and can also cause pain, especially when coughing, sneezing, sharp turns and movements.

Belly at 25 weeks pregnant

The abdomen is gradually rounded, adding an average of 1 cm in diameter per week. It will seem to you that now the tummy will grow too fast, which, in principle, it is: the baby is gaining weight.

In connection with the growth of the uterus, fetus and abdomen, your gait, posture, and well-being change. The growing uterus compresses the surrounding organs, so shortness of breath, constipation and heartburn in the second half of pregnancy are not at all uncommon. Try to prevent the occurrence of these undesirable phenomena. And if you can’t, then learn how to effectively deal with them. Pay attention to your diet (include one-day yogurt, beets, prunes), if there are no contraindications to physical activity, do not stop it until the end of pregnancy.

Ask your doctor about wearing a prenatal bandage: it can make pregnancy easier and lessen the pain that can occur due to a large tummy.


In addition to the pains in the abdomen described, these are mainly pains in the back, lower back, sacrum, pelvic region, spine and under the weight of weight, possibly in the legs. These pains can be alleviated in many ways if you follow simple rules:

  • do not sit with your legs crossed, or in a chair without a back;
  • try not to sit for a long time on hard surfaces;
  • learn how to properly get out of bed and squat;
  • do not stay on your feet for a long time (do not walk or stand a lot);
  • do not wear shoes with heels;
  • use a bandage and compression stockings;
  • do gymnastics for pregnant women.

Pain in the hypochondrium will have to be endured, because the baby is growing faster, and the legs are getting stronger - so he pesters you with his blows. Try to change your position if the baby began to kick.

Do not disregard the pain in the anus. They may indicate developing hemorrhoids and be accompanied by itching, burning, bleeding during defecation. If pain is felt during emptying, and a streak of blood is visible on the feces, then most likely it is from an anal fissure (the first step is to get rid of constipation).

If you often begin to worry about headaches, then follow these symptoms: if swelling of the hands and face appears, if it gets dark in the eyes, if the weight gain exceeds the norm, if the stomach hurts. The combination of these signs may indicate incipient preeclampsia, although it usually develops later in pregnant women.

Abdominal pain can also occur with the threat of premature birth or placental abruption, if it is accompanied by an increased tone of the uterus (it becomes stony) and spotting.


Normally, the discharge is transparent or whitish, liquid, sometimes plentiful, which can alert a woman. They should not emit any pungent odors and cause any discomfort. But sometimes it happens that water begins to leak in the second half of pregnancy. this question needs to be clarified with your gynecologist and make sure that everything is fine. Leakage of water is dangerous, so a woman in this case is hospitalized. Water can leak in small portions, drop by drop, or pour out abruptly, wetting the laundry. The amniotic fluid is yellowish in color.

If the discharge has become large, they have acquired a sour smell, become cheesy and cause itching, burning and swelling of the genital organs, then obviously your thrush has worsened. It must be treated before childbirth, because during the passage of the birth canal, the child will also be infected. And henceforth, do not wear synthetic underwear and limit the consumption of starchy foods and sweets.

The risk of developing other sexually transmitted infections also remains high. You should be alert for any changes in normal secretions. See your doctor for a smear test for yellow, green, purulent, earthy, brown discharge. A change in their consistency, appearance, smell and the appearance of additional alarming signs (discomfort, painful urination, fever, chills) should be the reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

Do not be afraid of spotting spotting that appears after intercourse or a gynecological examination and is not accompanied by pain in the abdomen. They, of course, are not the norm, but they do not indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. Most likely, it is an erosion of the cervix.


As you can see, a woman experiences a lot of inconvenience for a period of 25 weeks. But this is far from all the sensations associated with pregnancy. The prevention of thrombosis is now becoming relevant. If you are prone to varicose veins, then by all means wear tight stockings. With the expansion of the veins in the external genitalia, you need to lie more. Your doctor may prescribe you drugs to strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Do not stop walking and moving, but do not walk too much, and put your feet on a raised platform at night.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are no longer just noticeable, and sometimes they can cause discomfort to the expectant mother. This is due to the continuous growth of the fetus: there is less and less space in the tummy, sometimes during coups you can watch how your stomach is stretched, and the bone and muscle tissue of the baby is strong enough to sometimes even cause pain to mom. If you see that the bladder suddenly protested, then try changing the position of your body: perhaps it is uncomfortable for him or you have blocked the access of fresh blood to the placenta somewhere. For this reason, it is not recommended to lie on your back, the most physiological position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.

Sex at 25 weeks pregnant

Don't be put off by the fact that the child is already quite big and active. This is not at all an obstacle to having sex at the 25th week of pregnancy, if there are no medical contraindications to it. Of course, many poses will be inaccessible to you now. The most comfortable with a large tummy - a pose in the style of "dogi style", a pose of a rider. However, try to avoid deep penetrations and sudden rough movements.

It happens that a man is embarrassed by the fact that the child is in the womb of his wife. But if there are no threats to terminate the pregnancy, then you should not worry: the child is reliably protected, and he is hardly able to peep and recognize sexual intercourse.

A woman during this period can look at sex in a new way. It happens that only now she is able to experience an orgasm for the first time, or even several in a row. So don't miss this moment - enjoy it!


Now you have to visit the gynecologist once every 4 weeks. Do not miss scheduled examinations and do not neglect the doctor's directions for taking tests - a general blood test, urine test, glucose test, blood clotting, hemostasiogram. They will help to monitor the course of pregnancy and fetal development and to identify possible deviations and violations in time.

If you have recently taken tests, and the pregnancy is proceeding safely, then at week 25, you may be able to take a break from trips to clinics and laboratories. But according to indications, the gynecologist can refer you for additional studies. This, for example, can be tests to determine the level of hormones, in particular hCG and progesterone.

Now you should be wary of the development of anemia, so the control of hemoglobin levels is also very important. Dizziness, weakness, pale skin, increased heart rate during physical activity, darkening of the eyes can indicate a lack of iron in the body. If you observe these signs in yourself, then you should take a blood test without waiting for the next trip to the doctor.


To prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, proper nutrition at the 25th week of pregnancy will largely help. Include iron-containing foods in your diet: prunes, bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, beets, boiled beef, liver. If the intestines react normally, then regularly consume legumes.

Remember that protein should predominate in the diet. Fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salty, sweet, flour, try to use in minimal quantities, or even completely eliminate. However, nutritional advice remains the same. Drink enough water, cook yourself compotes and fruit drinks. Eat only fresh food and carefully study food packaging in stores.

Try to eat fractionally: every 2-3 hours, eat a serving of half a glass. Do not overeat, so as not to gain excess, but starving during pregnancy is also unacceptable!

Weight at 25 weeks pregnant

Weigh yourself regularly once a week to monitor your weight gain, and write down all the indicators. It is best to weigh yourself at the same time in the same clothes or better without it at all. For example, make it a rule to stand on the scale every Sunday morning.

Not all women gain the same amount, but there are still average rates of weight gain that you should be guided by. At 25 weeks pregnant, your ideal weight should be 6.4-6.9 kg more than the original. A slight deviation from these figures should not be regarded as a pathology, but keep yourself within limits: being overweight is fraught with the development of complications now and in the future, as well as a set of excess weight for the baby.

girls, 25th week, the uterus is in good shape (often), although ultrasound does not confirm this. what drugs were prescribed for you ... and got the best answer

Answer from ЂA$bKa[guru]
The whole pregnancy was a tone due to nerves. Papaverine in the ass, No-shpu or Drotaverine in the mouth, which is absolutely the same, but cheaper. You can take valerian in tablets, 1 pc a day, it will relieve nervousness and you will be happy. I gave birth at 41 weeks to an absolutely healthy girl, and I wish you the same. (Well, I don’t know who will be, a boy or a girl))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: girls, 25th week, uterus in good shape (often), although ultrasound does not confirm this. what medicines were prescribed for you ...

Answer from Yatiana Ryzhova[guru]
tone is not a disaster. this is the activity of the uterus. contraction and contraction. but shpu is possible. one tablet a day. or even 2 pieces a day is possible if there is a strong tone. Take vitamins, relax more often + sexual rest is desirable.

Answer from tata[guru]
the first premature birth ... when discharged from the hospital, the doctor advised to drink wine .. which saved the next pregnancies .. the children were born on time .... well, it’s clear that the measure is reasonable ....

Answer from Ksssyu[newbie]

Answer from Alexandra Bikuzina[newbie]
TONE CAN BE CONFUSED WITH FALSE PARTS, they are also called "Brexton Hicks contractions". They appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or rather, a woman simply does not feel them before, which, however, is individual and depends on the threshold of sensitivity to pain. An increase in uterine tone is quite common during the day, but a woman is busy with household chores or other activities during the day and does not notice these short-term and not very painful uterine contractions. The frequency of false contractions increases with increasing gestational age, but training contractions are not regular and their duration often does not exceed 2 minutes. Most pregnant women describe false contractions in much the same way: for a short time, the stomach tenses, hardens, stiffens, contracts, then releases. To reduce the frequency of false contractions, their pain and even the possibility of the baby being born prematurely, the following recommendations must be observed: 1. False contractions occur more often when a pregnant woman is engaged in even light physical activity. If training contractions cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to lie down or vice versa, get up and take a light walk, in any case, change the type of activity, drink a glass of water, take a warm shower. 2. Do not stand on your feet for a long time, if possible, sit and rest. Make sure you get adequate rest and adequate sleep. But do not go to extremes, do not lie all day. The emergence and intensification of training bouts can be caused by lifting or carrying heavy weights. 3.Early occurrence of false contractions, which can lead to premature birth, is promoted by smoking, drinking alcohol and certain drugs. 4. A sharp increase in physical activity can provoke the appearance and intensification of false contractions.

Answer from Alyona[guru]

Answer from Annushka[guru]
Everyone has long known that it is Magnesium that helps relieve muscle hypertonicity. Well, maybe not for everyone .... I just went in for sports and knew this fact from training times 🙂 I was not surprised when I was given hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus at the 6th week (I MADE THE WHOLE PREGNANCY) and prescribed "Magne B6", however this drug is not cheap and I found an absolute analogue at an affordable price "Magnelis B6"

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]

Answer from Olga Golubenko[guru]
The whole pregnancy with a tone passed. At an early stage, magne B6, rebal, viburkol or no-shpu candles were prescribed. From 27 weeks they began to prescribe verapamil, and after 30 minutes Ginipral (that's how they are taken), sometimes droppers with magnesia. There was some relief, but still sometimes the tone was repeated until the very birth. You need to see a doctor, you need the doctor to palpate the abdomen and determine the tone. And the doctor will prescribe the treatment. Without a doctor, none of the drugs can not be taken.

Answer from Mom Dasha[guru]

Answer from Victoria Vishnevskaya[newbie]

Answer from Џshka[guru]

Answer from tata[guru]
the first premature birth ... when discharged from the maternity hospital, the doctor advised to drink wine .. which saved the next pregnancies .. the children were born on time ... .
Well, it is clear that the measure is reasonable ....

Answer from Ksssyu[newbie]
Even a doctor can determine the tone of the uterus during palpation, without any ultrasound. It is desirable to rest more and not to burden the body. And only doctors can prescribe medications, mostly it’s not in the antenatal clinic, but in the maternity hospital, you can sign up for a day hospital, there you will be relieved of tone in a week before the end of the term, contact the doctor.

Answer from Alexandra Bikuzina[newbie]
TONE CAN BE CONFUSED WITH FALSE PARTS, they are also called "Brexton Hicks contractions". They appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or rather, a woman simply does not feel them before, which, however, is individual and depends on the threshold of sensitivity to pain. An increase in uterine tone is quite common during the day, but a woman is busy with household chores or other activities during the day and does not notice these short-term and not very painful uterine contractions. The frequency of false contractions increases with increasing gestational age, but training contractions are not regular and their duration often does not exceed 2 minutes. Most pregnant women describe false contractions in much the same way: for a short time, the stomach tenses, hardens, stiffens, contracts, then releases.
To reduce the frequency of false contractions, their soreness, and even the possibility of the baby being born prematurely, the following recommendations must be observed:
1. False contractions occur more often when a pregnant woman is engaged in even light physical activity. If training contractions cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to lie down or vice versa, get up and take a light walk, in any case, change the type of activity, drink a glass of water, take a warm shower.
2. Do not stand on your feet for a long time, if possible, sit and rest. Make sure you get adequate rest and adequate sleep. But do not go to extremes, do not lie all day.
The emergence and intensification of training bouts can be caused by lifting or carrying heavy weights.
3.Early occurrence of false contractions, which can lead to premature birth, is promoted by smoking, drinking alcohol and certain drugs.
4. A sharp increase in physical activity can provoke the appearance and intensification of false contractions.

Answer from Alyona[guru]
My uterus was also often in good shape. I lay on preservation 3 times, injections were pricked with drataverine (but shpa), physical therapy, pills (I don’t remember which ones). Nothing good if the stomach hurts, the walls of the uterus put pressure on the child, you need to relax. Born at 41 weeks

Answer from Annushka[guru]
Everyone has long known that it is Magnesium that helps relieve muscle hypertonicity. Well, maybe not for everyone.... I just went in for sports and knew this fact from training times 🙂
I was not surprised when I was diagnosed with hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus at the 6th week (THE WHOLE PREGNANCY WAS KEEPED) and prescribed Magne B6, but this drug is not cheap and I found an absolute analogue at an affordable price, Magnelis B6

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]
there was a story, papaverine, everything ended fine - at 38 weeks a son was born

Answer from Olga Golubenko[guru]
The whole pregnancy with a tone passed. At an early stage, magne B6, rebal, viburkol or no-shpu candles were prescribed. From 27 weeks they began to prescribe verapamil, and after 30 minutes Ginipral (that's how they are taken), sometimes droppers with magnesia. There was some relief, but still sometimes the tone was repeated until the very birth.
You need to see a doctor, you need the doctor to palpate the abdomen and determine the tone. And the doctor will prescribe the treatment. Without a doctor, none of the drugs can not be taken.

Answer from Mom Dasha[guru]
I drank magne B6 in a brothel, gave birth without problems at 39 weeks

Answer from Victoria Vishnevskaya[newbie]
the uterus was in good shape from 20 weeks. I was constantly nervous. The whole pregnancy (because of this there was a tone) gave birth at 40 weeks. 3 days

Answer from Џshka[guru]
the tone that occurs due to any factors - sudden movements, exertion, after sex, etc., and which disappears within a few minutes - is normal and you do not need to take any pills.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here are other threads with similar questions.

The uterus, like other muscles of the body, is able to tense up and relax. If the contraction of skeletal muscles can be regulated independently, then the situation with the uterus is more complicated. Activation of muscle fibers brings it into a state of hypertonicity, while the reproductive organ thickens and increases somewhat. Consider how the tone of the uterus occurs during pregnancy, symptoms, 2nd trimester by week.


In late pregnancy, episodic tension is considered the norm: this is how a woman’s body prepares for labor. The condition does not pose a danger to the mother and fetus and is called training contractions.

In other cases, the symptoms of uterine tone in the second trimester appear as painful and prolonged contractions, which are accompanied by a bloody discharge. This is regarded as a deviation and requires treatment.

Symptoms of uterine tone in the 2nd trimester by week of pregnancy

14 weeks. During this period, the uterus has already sufficiently increased in size and can be felt above the pubic joint. A small belly protrudes forward.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, any stress can result in a spontaneous miscarriage. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • Bleeding from the genital tract;
  • Frequent contractions of the uterus, following each other with an interval of several minutes;
  • Severe pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

The doctor determines the incomplete opening of the cervix and the weakening of the muscular ring of the cervix.

Any stress at home or at work, negative emotions - fear, anger, strong excitement can provoke uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy.

15 week. The baby is already actively moving in the abdomen, but there is no sensation of tremors yet. At week 15, myometrial tension may occur with constipation or excessive bowel activity.

16 week. Signs of uterine tone in the second trimester are manifested in the form of discomfort and cramps in the abdomen. “It’s like menstruating,” women say.

17-18 weeks. It is characterized by the rapid growth of the baby, the rapid weight gain. This leads to distension of the uterus, which becomes the size of a melon. At week 18, a woman experiences slight discomfort, which occurs due to the pressure of the uterus on the navel from the inside. If there is no pain, there is no need to worry.

19-20 weeks. The period is characterized by the beginning of fetal movement. Women who are carrying their first child may take the baby's tremors for manifestations of uterine tone. Movement at the 20th week of pregnancy is felt as intestinal motility, slight trembling, which quickly passes.

The tone of the uterus differs from stirring by a feeling of fullness, pain in the abdomen, like menstruation.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can mask the tremors of the child, then the woman stops feeling his movements. Weak movement is a threatening signal, so you should immediately visit a doctor.

21 weeks. Muscle tension appears and disappears. The woman is visited by the feeling of a "lump" in the stomach. Unpleasant symptoms appear, as if "pulling the lower back."

22 weeks. During this period, there is a rapid growth of the uterus. It can be periodically reduced, these are the so-called "training contractions". At the 22nd week of pregnancy, they are light, do not cause discomfort, there is no vaginal discharge. The number of contractions can reach 10 times a day.

If contractions are accompanied by pain symptoms, a bloody discharge appears, this is regarded as a dangerous condition. Perhaps the woman needs hospitalization in a hospital.

Hypertonicity of the uterus at 22 weeks can lead to early delivery. The cause of the pathological deviation is psychosomatic stress and inflammatory diseases. During this period, muscle contraction adversely affects the development of the nervous system and brain of the child.

23 week. The woman describes her condition as a "stone uterus". During ultrasound, spasm and thickening of the myometrium are visible. The causes of uterine tone are various infectious pathogens: cytomegaloviruses, toxoplasma, influenza viruses.

24 weeks. Hypertonicity can provoke a violation of placental circulation and fetal hypoxia. At the same time, the child develops poorly and is born with low weight.

25 week. The tone of the uterus at the 25th week of pregnancy leads to the fact that the movements of the child become painful for the mother. The baby begins to move rarely or, conversely, move too actively.

26 week. At this time, the increased tone of the uterus indicates the following pathological abnormalities:

  • Placental abruption;
  • The threat of a late miscarriage (or the early onset of labor).

The tone of the uterus at the 26th week of pregnancy is diagnosed quite easily. A woman is able to independently suspect a pathology, to feel how the uterus tenses up, “stands like a stake”, “turns to stone”. When examined by a doctor, the following signs of uterine tone in the second trimester are revealed:

  • The abdomen is sensitive to any touch, as if tense;
  • The pains are cramping in nature;
  • Vaginal examination reveals a shortened and soft neck, dilation of the cervical canal.

What to do if symptoms of uterine tone appear in the second trimester?

How to determine the tone of the uterus at home? To identify pathology, it is enough for a woman to lie on her back, pull her feet closer to her buttocks and feel her stomach. Normally, it should be soft. Any tension or hardening of the abdominal wall indicates muscle tension.

Sign up for an appointment with the doctor

If the contractions are infrequent and do not cause much pain, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. A prerequisite is compliance with bed rest and taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

The appearance of multi-colored discharge from the vagina (pink, brown, yellowish, dark) is regarded as bleeding. A woman needs inpatient observation, at the discretion of the doctor, drip medication is used in the 2nd trimester.

If uterine tone is detected during pregnancy, the symptoms of the 2nd trimester largely depend on the state of the woman's nervous system. If it is weak and sensitive to any changes, then all manifestations will be sharply expressed. Sometimes the symptoms of uterine tone in the second trimester mimic renal colic, then there are paroxysmal pain in the lumbar region, urination disorders, nausea and vomiting.

Renal colic develops in pregnant women due to a violation of salt metabolism, leads to hypertonicity and premature birth of a baby. Recognize both conditions will help studies of urine and ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

With a stable nervous system, the tension of the myometrium may not be accompanied by special signs, the tone of the posterior wall of the uterus is detected during a routine examination and ultrasound.

During the study, the state of the placenta is assessed, the heartbeat of the child and possible defects in its development are determined. There is a special device for measuring the strength of muscle contractions, but it is not in every clinic and has not received wide distribution. Symptoms of tone are already quite characteristic. As an additional study, cardiotocography and Doppler ultrasound are prescribed in order to clarify the health of the fetus.

In addition to instrumental methods, a blood test for hormones (thyroid gland, prolactin, androgens) is carried out. What is dangerous is the tone, so it is uterine bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the state of hemostasis - the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood.

Medical treatment

In the 2nd trimeter, drugs are used:

  • Herbal sedatives based on motherwort, valerian, Magne B6;
  • To relieve spasms - No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine. No-shpa is a safe medicine for pregnant women and can be used throughout the entire period of bearing a baby;
  • Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine), they prevent muscle contraction and eliminate uterine tension;
  • To normalize metabolic processes, Actovegin, Riboxin, Cocarboxylase are used;
  • magnesium sulfate.

Hormonal drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) are selected only for special indications and are prescribed in the minimum dosage.

The drug Ginipral is used after 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, it reduces the tone and contractile activity of the uterus, reduces the frequency of contractions. The tool has a number of side effects, so the decision on the dosage of Ginipral is made by the doctor. In case of emergency indications, it is administered intravenously, in other cases, treatment is carried out with tablets and is prescribed as a course.

When tension appears in the abdomen, a woman can drink 2 tablets of valerian on her own, take No-shpu or put a candle with papaverine. If these activities do not lead to muscle relaxation, medical attention is required.

Having discovered the pathological tension of the uterus, doctors recommend the woman to bed rest and complete rest (physical and mental). Stress and strong emotions cause the release of adrenaline, which can provoke hypertonicity. Conversations with a psychotherapist, relaxing exercises, support of loved ones will have a beneficial effect on the situation.

If uterine tone is detected during pregnancy in the second trimester, a woman should consider a number of recommendations:

  • It is forbidden to bend over, lift heavy objects and move too actively;
  • Avoid long journeys by train and plane;
  • Avoid traveling on public transport;
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse, especially in a penetrating way;
  • Wear flat shoes throughout your pregnancy;
  • Walk for a long time at a leisurely pace, get enough sleep.

If you feel like the uterus is tense, do a few exercises:

  • Sit on a chair and tilt your head forward, relax your facial muscles, breathe evenly and deeply. It is believed that there is a direct connection between the myometrium and the facial muscles.
  • Take the knee-elbow position, in which the reproductive organ "sags" down. Within a few minutes you will feel the disappearance of the tone.
  • "Kitty". Get on all fours and round your back in an arc, linger for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position and arch your back down.

Violation of the intestines can cause hypertonicity. Therefore, in the 2nd trimester and at a later date, the diet should be reviewed. Here are the main recommendations:

  • Eat a handful of nuts daily (if there is no allergy to the product);
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, include buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet;
  • Fill salads with unrefined vegetable oil;
  • Leafy greens and legumes are a source of magnesium, an element that a woman needs during the period of bearing a baby;
  • Half an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of water at room temperature and eat a few soaked prunes.

Small short-term uterine contractions are not a sign of pathology. For example, while touching the abdominal wall, ultrasound, rubbing the nipples with a towel, a woman notices some tension in her stomach.

What is the danger of uterine tone in the 2nd trimester?

Increased uterine tone in the second trimester threatens miscarriage, feto-placental insufficiency, missed pregnancy and uterine bleeding. With muscle spasms, the child does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, the tone of the uterus is dangerous due to growth retardation and intrauterine development of the baby.

Is uterine tone dangerous in the second half of pregnancy? If there is no treatment, there is a chance that the baby will be born prematurely.

girls, 25th week, the uterus is in good shape (often), although ultrasound does not confirm this. what drugs were prescribed for you ... and got the best answer

Answer from ЂA$bKa[guru]
The whole pregnancy was a tone due to nerves. Papaverine in the ass, No-shpu or Drotaverine in the mouth, which is absolutely the same, but cheaper. You can take valerian in tablets, 1 pc a day, it will relieve nervousness and you will be happy. I gave birth at 41 weeks to an absolutely healthy girl, and I wish you the same. (Well, I don’t know who will be, a boy or a girl))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: girls, 25th week, uterus in good shape (often), although ultrasound does not confirm this. what medicines were prescribed for you ...

Answer from Yatiana Ryzhova[guru]
tone is not a disaster. this is the activity of the uterus. contraction and contraction. but shpu is possible. one tablet a day. or even 2 pieces a day is possible if there is a strong tone. Take vitamins, relax more often + sexual rest is desirable.

Answer from tata[guru]
the first premature birth ... when discharged from the hospital, the doctor advised to drink wine .. which saved the next pregnancies .. the children were born on time .... well, it’s clear that the measure is reasonable ....

Answer from Ksssyu[newbie]

Answer from Alexandra Bikuzina[newbie]
TONE CAN BE CONFUSED WITH FALSE PARTS, they are also called "Brexton Hicks contractions". They appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or rather, a woman simply does not feel them before, which, however, is individual and depends on the threshold of sensitivity to pain. An increase in uterine tone is quite common during the day, but a woman is busy with household chores or other activities during the day and does not notice these short-term and not very painful uterine contractions. The frequency of false contractions increases with increasing gestational age, but training contractions are not regular and their duration often does not exceed 2 minutes. Most pregnant women describe false contractions in much the same way: for a short time, the stomach tenses, hardens, stiffens, contracts, then releases. To reduce the frequency of false contractions, their pain and even the possibility of the baby being born prematurely, the following recommendations must be observed: 1. False contractions occur more often when a pregnant woman is engaged in even light physical activity. If training contractions cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to lie down or vice versa, get up and take a light walk, in any case, change the type of activity, drink a glass of water, take a warm shower. 2. Do not stand on your feet for a long time, if possible, sit and rest. Make sure you get adequate rest and adequate sleep. But do not go to extremes, do not lie all day. The emergence and intensification of training bouts can be caused by lifting or carrying heavy weights. 3.Early occurrence of false contractions, which can lead to premature birth, is promoted by smoking, drinking alcohol and certain drugs. 4. A sharp increase in physical activity can provoke the appearance and intensification of false contractions.

Answer from Alyona[guru]

Answer from Annushka[guru]
Everyone has long known that it is Magnesium that helps relieve muscle hypertonicity. Well, maybe not for everyone .... I just went in for sports and knew this fact from training times 🙂 I was not surprised when I was given hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus at the 6th week (I MADE THE WHOLE PREGNANCY) and prescribed "Magne B6", however this drug is not cheap and I found an absolute analogue at an affordable price "Magnelis B6"

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]

Answer from Olga Golubenko[guru]
The whole pregnancy with a tone passed. At an early stage, magne B6, rebal, viburkol or no-shpu candles were prescribed. From 27 weeks they began to prescribe verapamil, and after 30 minutes Ginipral (that's how they are taken), sometimes droppers with magnesia. There was some relief, but still sometimes the tone was repeated until the very birth. You need to see a doctor, you need the doctor to palpate the abdomen and determine the tone. And the doctor will prescribe the treatment. Without a doctor, none of the drugs can not be taken.

Answer from Mom Dasha[guru]

Answer from Victoria Vishnevskaya[newbie]

Answer from Џshka[guru]

Answer from tata[guru]
the first premature birth ... when discharged from the maternity hospital, the doctor advised to drink wine .. which saved the next pregnancies .. the children were born on time ... .
Well, it is clear that the measure is reasonable ....

Answer from Ksssyu[newbie]
Even a doctor can determine the tone of the uterus during palpation, without any ultrasound. It is desirable to rest more and not to burden the body. And only doctors can prescribe medications, mostly it’s not in the antenatal clinic, but in the maternity hospital, you can sign up for a day hospital, there you will be relieved of tone in a week before the end of the term, contact the doctor.

Answer from Alexandra Bikuzina[newbie]
TONE CAN BE CONFUSED WITH FALSE PARTS, they are also called "Brexton Hicks contractions". They appear after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or rather, a woman simply does not feel them before, which, however, is individual and depends on the threshold of sensitivity to pain. An increase in uterine tone is quite common during the day, but a woman is busy with household chores or other activities during the day and does not notice these short-term and not very painful uterine contractions. The frequency of false contractions increases with increasing gestational age, but training contractions are not regular and their duration often does not exceed 2 minutes. Most pregnant women describe false contractions in much the same way: for a short time, the stomach tenses, hardens, stiffens, contracts, then releases.
To reduce the frequency of false contractions, their soreness, and even the possibility of the baby being born prematurely, the following recommendations must be observed:
1. False contractions occur more often when a pregnant woman is engaged in even light physical activity. If training contractions cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to lie down or vice versa, get up and take a light walk, in any case, change the type of activity, drink a glass of water, take a warm shower.
2. Do not stand on your feet for a long time, if possible, sit and rest. Make sure you get adequate rest and adequate sleep. But do not go to extremes, do not lie all day.
The emergence and intensification of training bouts can be caused by lifting or carrying heavy weights.
3.Early occurrence of false contractions, which can lead to premature birth, is promoted by smoking, drinking alcohol and certain drugs.
4. A sharp increase in physical activity can provoke the appearance and intensification of false contractions.

Answer from Alyona[guru]
My uterus was also often in good shape. I lay on preservation 3 times, injections were pricked with drataverine (but shpa), physical therapy, pills (I don’t remember which ones). Nothing good if the stomach hurts, the walls of the uterus put pressure on the child, you need to relax. Born at 41 weeks

Answer from Annushka[guru]
Everyone has long known that it is Magnesium that helps relieve muscle hypertonicity. Well, maybe not for everyone.... I just went in for sports and knew this fact from training times 🙂
I was not surprised when I was diagnosed with hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus at the 6th week (THE WHOLE PREGNANCY WAS KEEPED) and prescribed Magne B6, but this drug is not cheap and I found an absolute analogue at an affordable price, Magnelis B6

Answer from Galina Chadrintseva[guru]
there was a story, papaverine, everything ended fine - at 38 weeks a son was born

Answer from Olga Golubenko[guru]
The whole pregnancy with a tone passed. At an early stage, magne B6, rebal, viburkol or no-shpu candles were prescribed. From 27 weeks they began to prescribe verapamil, and after 30 minutes Ginipral (that's how they are taken), sometimes droppers with magnesia. There was some relief, but still sometimes the tone was repeated until the very birth.
You need to see a doctor, you need the doctor to palpate the abdomen and determine the tone. And the doctor will prescribe the treatment. Without a doctor, none of the drugs can not be taken.

Answer from Mom Dasha[guru]
I drank magne B6 in a brothel, gave birth without problems at 39 weeks

Answer from Victoria Vishnevskaya[newbie]
the uterus was in good shape from 20 weeks. I was constantly nervous. The whole pregnancy (because of this there was a tone) gave birth at 40 weeks. 3 days

Answer from Џshka[guru]
the tone that occurs due to any factors - sudden movements, exertion, after sex, etc., and which disappears within a few minutes - is normal and you do not need to take any pills.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

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