How to wash things for a newborn? How to wash baby clothes for newborns: how to properly and by what means How to wash new clothes for newborns

Everyone knows that the things of a newborn cannot be washed in the same way as things of adults. Baby diapers, sliders, etc., need to be washed properly. But how is it right? It’s not that difficult to answer this question right off the bat, but for quite a long time, so we decided to offer this publication as an answer. It contains information about hand and machine washing newborns, as well as some helpful tips for caring for newborns.

Before washing

Diapers and other things for newborns must be prepared before washing. Some negligent mothers throw diapers, undershirts, sliders into a laundry basket, and then, after a couple of days, they throw them in a huge amount into the washing machine, sometimes along with some adult clothes, and wash it all with ordinary washing machine powder. In our opinion, only a notorious barbarian who does not care about the health of his own baby can wash children's things like this. The right thing to do is:

  1. Clothes and diapers, while feces, urine and other impurities have not yet dried to them, must be rinsed in cold water. If you rinse in warm water, traces of feces will remain on things.

If there is no time to rinse the newborn's things in cold water, you can put them in a bowl of cold water and rinse when the time comes.

  1. After rinsing the baby clothes, take a bar of baby soap and rub all the stains you see on them. It is advisable to rub with soap on both sides, so the pollution will effectively become sour and then go away during washing.
  2. Wet items rubbed with soap can be folded into a basin. Water does not need to be poured. In this state, they can lie until the washing itself, which will have to be started in the evening. It is absolutely impossible to keep diapers wet for days on end.

Newborn clothes usually have biological contamination, which can be removed without problems and without the use of expensive super-effective powders. It is best to start washing such linen by hand using a piece of the same baby soap, however, you can wash a large number of things for newborns or small children in an automatic washing machine. In this case, ordinary bar soap will not work, you will have to use, which the manufacturer allows to use in the washing machine.

There are quite a few such powders on the market: Garden Kids, Frau Schmidt Ocean Baby, Vish Baby and others. It's easy to find, but you have to be careful. Before buying a powder, be sure to read its composition. If the powder contains surfactants, phosphates, zeolites in large quantities, they are not suitable for newborn things. If you are tight on money or don't trust powder manufacturers, you can - this is also a good option, albeit more laborious.

By hand or in the washing machine?

After rinsing and rubbing the baby's clothes with soap and choosing a good powder for washing it, you can proceed directly to washing. If you have time and desire, you can wash your baby's clothes by hand in a basin of water, in fact, the way our mothers and grandmothers did. Hand washing, of course, is troublesome, but also economical. You do not waste electricity, large amounts of water, or expensive baby powder, because you can also wash it by hand with baby laundry soap.

“Piss and poop” are better washed in cold water, but you also want to save your joints, so you need to wash at a water temperature of 15-18 0 C - do not collect ice water in a basin, health is more expensive. Dip baby clothes into a basin of water and start rinsing and gurgling intensively. Things previously rubbed with soap must first be wrinkled and rubbed, then rinsed, and then rubbed again with a bar of soap and “buzzed” again. After the next rinse, most likely, it will be possible to get rid of all the stains, if not, then the procedure will have to be repeated again.

When washing children's clothes by hand, do not bend over the basin of water, creating a load on the lower back, as you will quickly get tired. Put the basin on the floor, kneel beside it and calmly start washing.

In an automatic washing machine, washing things for a newborn should also be carried out in a special way.

  • Place a sufficient amount of baby items in the washing machine drum. If there are too few things, an imbalance may occur, if there is too much, overload.
  • Open the powder drawer and pour a sufficient amount of detergent into the main wash compartment. You can’t pour fabric softener, pour Calgon and similar products too.
  • We close the cuvette and the hatch. Select a washing program. It is enough to select the quick wash mode for 30-40 minutes. At what temperature to wash? Everything is simple here, we choose to wash things in cold water.
  • If the machine has a double rinse mode, then select it and start the wash, if there is no such mode, then the second rinse must be started manually. It is very important that all the remnants of the powder are rinsed out of things.

After washing

As soon as you wash baby clothes in the above ways, you need to wring it out and put it in a pile so that you can then hang all the clothes to dry. You can not strain with the spin, but put all the laundry in the drum of the washing machine and set the spin program. Someone else still has old Soviet centrifuges for spinning clothes. In this case, such a centrifuge can be perfectly used. After such a centrifuge, the laundry at the exit will be slightly damp, which means it will dry much faster.

It is better to dry poorly wrung out clothes of a newborn on the street. In winter, it is necessary to thoroughly wring out and dry the linen near the heater or battery, otherwise you will quickly get mold on the walls from dampness.

Hang thoroughly wrung out laundry to dry. If you live in a gassed area of ​​the city, then it’s better not to dry your baby’s things on the street at all. In this case, a tumble dryer or washer-dryer would be ideal. Of course, these household appliances are very expensive, and if you do not have the means to buy them, you will have to put an ordinary sliding dryer in the room, and a heat source somewhere nearby.

Be careful! Do not hang baby diapers and undershirts directly on heaters, especially if they are spiral-type heaters, as it is not far from a fire.

Finally, instead of a conclusion, I would like to give some advice to young mothers who do not yet have sufficient experience in caring for newborn children regarding the care of their things.

As a bonus to the information presented in this article, we will also talk about ironing things for newborns. Some young mothers neglect ironing certain things, thinking that this is not so important. In fact, this is very important, even if you dry things at home. You need to iron all the things of the baby, and on both sides and, preferably, with an iron with a steamer, so you will definitely get rid of most of the harmful microbes that have time to settle on the drying linen. Do not neglect the rules specified in the article, and everything will be fine!

With the advent of a new family member at home, the need to wash clothes for newborns becomes relevant. Even when using disposable diapers, the baby has to be changed several times a day. To care for things for a newborn baby, you can not use a standard powder. It is necessary to use only special products intended for infants.

Features of washing clothes for newborns

The purpose of washing is clear to everyone: it is necessary to remove dirt, unpleasant odors, dust and germs, as well as to give things an attractive appearance. Many young mothers have a question whether it is necessary to wash the new clothes of the newborn and how to bleach them correctly. Doctors answer this question in the affirmative. New products need to be washed because the immune system of the crumbs does not work at full strength. The child must be protected from contact with pathogenic microorganisms and dirt that may be on purchased diapers and clothes.

Parents do not know exactly what conditions the items were in before they were purchased. It is likely that there was mold, fungus or rodents in the warehouse where things were stored. No one will guarantee that things were touched only with clean hands.

What is the best way to wash baby clothes:

  • It is better to prepare things for a small child two or three weeks before the birth.
  • Doctors recommend the first time to wash things for a small child with baby soap.
  • Before washing, clothes or diapers are soaked in water for 25 minutes, then things need to be rubbed with your hands and rinsed in cool water.

Things are dried in the fresh air, after washing they must be ironed and wrapped in an airtight bag.

Means for cleaning children's things

Washing children's clothes is crucial moment in caring for a newborn baby. The health of the crumbs depends on how high-quality the product is used to wash clothes. The protective barrier in children's skin is practically absent, aggressive substances penetrate into the body through it, which can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin peeling, pimples, itching and redness.

Common household chemicals contain volatile components that can be inhaled after washing. If you use the wrong cleansers all the time, the child may develop respiratory allergies, weaken local immunity and other unpleasant consequences.

The main types of detergents:

  • Soap nuts.
  • Special powders and gels.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Baby soap.

Baby soap

Pediatricians in the first months of a baby's life advise wash his clothes with baby soap. Such a product does not contain fragrances, aggressive synthetic elements and dyes. The right baby soap contains the following elements:

  • antibacterial ingredients. They are represented by extracts of string, calendula and chamomile.
  • softening ingredients. They can be in the form of oil, glycerin, boric acid or lanolin.

The cleansing properties of baby soap are based on its ability to form a foam that absorbs dirt and prevents it from recombining with the surface of the laundry. Baby soap has many advantages, the main ones are as follows:

In addition to the merits The tool also has disadvantages:

  • Low productivity in the fight against stubborn stains on children's clothes.
  • In the first months of a baby's life, his discharge is odorless. They are easy to wash if the item is immediately lathered and soaked.

Some mothers do not use detergents for diapers that are only soiled with the urine of a newborn. At what temperature to wash children's things does not really matter, the main thing is that the detergent is well washed after washing.

Laundry soap

How to wash clothes for newborns before the hospital: it is recommended to use laundry soap. It contains alkali in an amount of 0.15 to 0.20%. The level of fatty acids is not more than 72%, pH=12. The product has an antibacterial effect.

It is impossible to use laundry soap for the skin of a child, and it copes with pollution on things perfectly. Laundry soap easily removes difficult stains, but the product has a drawback - this is its specific smell, so after washing things must be rinsed thoroughly and the smell will disappear.

When purchasing laundry soap you need to pay attention to its composition. A traditional piece of detergent contains only natural ingredients. But some manufacturers have added bleaching elements, flavors or dyes to it. Such a product is not suitable for washing children's things before the maternity hospital.

Now on the shelves of stores for the convenience of using laundry soap, manufacturers have begun to produce it in liquid form or in the form of chips. Such products are easily soluble in water and form abundant foam.

Washing powders

To wash things for a newborn baby, you need to choose products that do not contain potentially harmful substances in their composition. It is impossible to completely remove the powder from the clothing fabric, its small particles remain in the fibers after drying and come into contact with the skin of the crumbs, and can also enter the bloodstream. When choosing a powder, you should pay attention to the mark "For newborns" or 0+, and you should also carefully read the composition. The tool must be missing the following components:

  • Optical brighteners. They remain on the surface of the clothes after rinsing.
  • Chlorine. It dries out the skin and can cause itching or irritation.
  • phosphate additives. They contribute to the destruction of the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin, reduce its resistance to external factors, and if they penetrate the bloodstream, they can change its formula.
  • A-surfactant. Anionic surfactants should not be in the composition, or they should be very small. Elements disrupt the course of redox reactions in the baby's body and destroy some enzymes.

Some powders use non-ionic surfactants instead of A-surfactants. They do not decompose into ions in water, contain contamination in solution and are characterized by biodegradability. Almost all the powders presented in stores are designed for hand or machine washing. The most popular means:

As parents' reviews show, Tide, Peanut and Eared Nyan detergents often cause an allergic reaction in a newborn child. The stork in this regard is the safest option.

Expensive brands represented by means Our Moms, Sodasan, Babyline, Garden and Amway, produce children's powders for cleaning clothes with an extremely safe composition. Their cost is offset by a high concentration of active substances. These manufacturers in the line of products produce washing gel. Advantages of a liquid product: small particles are easily washed out of the fabric fibers.

Tip: when buying a detergent, you need to pay attention to the packaging. It must be complete, with a list of elements and an indication of the expiration date. If the product is bought in a plastic bag, then it should be probed. It should not have lumps.

Soap nuts

Many mothers do not want to wash children's products with products that include harmful chemical elements. You can use soap nuts, they are the fruits of the plant. The dry shell contains a huge amount of natural surfactants - saponins.

Nuts must be packed in a cloth bag and placed in the drum of the washing machine. As practice shows, soap nuts can only cope with minor contaminants.

Wash clothes and diapers for babies separately from adult items. This applies to both clean and dirty laundry.

The nuances of machine washing

Washing machine application saves time and effort of a young mother. Many models of automatic machines are equipped with a "baby wash" function. When it is turned on, the water is heated to the maximum temperature, and rinsing is performed using a large volume of liquid. This mode gives things softness.

If this function is not available, then the clothes in the washing machine must be washed depending on the type of fabric and use an intensive or double rinse. The amount of detergent must be selected in accordance with the instructions. It is very important not to exceed the dose of the powder.

Bed linen and diapers are best cleaned at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. For things made of capricious fabrics, a low temperature can be applied, but it must be at least 40 degrees Celsius.

Features of hand washing

It is impossible to wash things by hand at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. But this problem can be solved by wearing two pairs of gloves. First cotton, and rubber over them. Washing steps:

Laundry of children's products is a responsible occupation. It is important that the detergent provides not only an aesthetic appearance and cleanliness, but is also safe for the baby's sensitive skin. After washing, it is important to rinse things thoroughly.

Attention, only TODAY!

Parents prepare in advance for the birth of a baby in the family, acquiring the necessary things: wardrobe items, a crib, bed linen, a stroller, and personal hygiene products. It is very important to choose the right washing powder for baby clothes. An incorrectly selected remedy often causes a number of serious diseases and allergic reactions. Therefore, before making a purchase, experts recommend studying the products offered by the manufacturer and choosing the best washing powder for newborns. This can be done by taking the rating data as a basis and getting acquainted with the criteria for choosing this necessary tool.

The modern market offers a huge assortment of children's washing powder. It is very difficult to figure out which one is the best, this question often confuses parents. At the same time, each manufacturer claims that its products for babies and children of different ages are safe. When choosing funds, you need to look at the components that make up its composition. It should not contain aggressive substances:

  1. Phosphates. They are chemical compounds of sulfuric acid with various metals. Add them to the powder to soften the water. They are not completely washed out of the tissues, they can have a strong allergic effect on the body, reducing the baby's immunity.
  2. Zeolites and phosphonates is an alternative to phosphates. After washing, they make clothes rough.
  3. Surfactants (surfactants). They can enter the body of the crumbs through the respiratory tract and skin and cause serious harm to it. As a result, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, and skin diseases develop. If there is a lot of foam during washing, then the concentration of surfactant is exceeded.
  4. Bleachers. They serve to remove stains, and are optical and chemical. The former should not be present in baby powders, as they rinse out very poorly. The second with chlorine in the composition, they are also recommended to be avoided. The best powder contains hydrogen peroxide, which has antibacterial properties.

When buying baby powders, you must carefully study their composition. The packaging must indicate all the components included in the detergent. If they are not available, you should not take such a package. Also, you should not buy a powder that has a pronounced floral or pungent aroma, there are no inscriptions: “hypoallergenic”, “for newborns”.

Children under the age of three are strictly prohibited from using adult powders.

Consider the best washing powders that are included in the rating according to the portal.


Laundry detergent for newborns, as already found out, should be, first of all, safe. But you should also choose an effective tool that will help remove dirt and stains on children's things that appear on them repeatedly during the day. You can often hear from mommy: “I wash it, but the stains still remain.” Therefore, many are interested in what kind of powders are the best. Consider the TOP 8 of the best products offered by manufacturers.

According to pediatricians, this remedy is considered one of the best. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause side effects in babies.

True, some mothers complain that their children have redness and itching. But this, as doctors say, occurs in children with hypersensitivity of the skin.

Powder benefits:

  • affordable cost;
  • lack of phosphates;
  • good washing quality;
  • does not have a strong odor;
  • linen after washing is soft;
  • the presence in the package of a measuring cup and instructions for use;
  • retains color after washing, effectively removes stains.

Judging by the numerous comments left on the sites, we can conclude that in general this is a good tool. But some users note that it does not wash greasy stains well.

Prices: 41 - 430 rubles. depending on the packaging.

Prices on Laundry detergent Stork Stork magic whirlwind:

It is phosphate-free and contains natural ingredients: coconut and palm oil.

They are not capable of causing allergies, do not affect the skin negatively, regardless of whether things are washed in a typewriter or by hand.

  • the composition contains infusions of string and chamomile, which is very good for newborn babies with delicate sensitive skin;
  • the product is presented in the form of a concentrated liquid that does not cause allergies;
  • effectively removes dirt;
  • the product is enriched with silver ions, has antibacterial properties;
  • convenient packaging.

Before use, it is advised to add hot water to the concentrate, and then drain the solution into the drum if the process is carried out in an automatic machine or into a basin for hand washing. For some parents, this drawback is not significant, especially when you consider that many manufacturers advise doing this operation with many laundry detergents.

Prices: 105 - 1162 rubles. It depends on the amount of concentrate in the package.

Prices on Laundry detergent Our mother Baby soap:

In the production of the product, baby soap is used. Therefore, on the packaging you can see the inscription - soap powder.

It does not contain synthetic flavors, dyes and other substances, including phosphates.

The advantages of the products are as follows:

  • the cost is affordable for most consumers;
  • the powder is consumed sparingly;
  • has a pleasant smell of childhood;
  • has antibacterial properties, perfectly erases, without causing allergies and without overdrying hands.

Parents who have chosen the World of Childhood powder are advised to pour it in a small amount immediately into the drum, otherwise the product will foam. Washed things are soft, pleasant to the touch. Many mothers call this powder a miracle.

Prices: from 175 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Mir detstva Children's:

4 Tobbi Kids

For a certain circle of buyers, this is the best washing powder for children.

It contains only completely harmless soda and laundry soap.

At first glance, beautiful bright packaging and the absence of phosphates attract. In addition, the powder has the following advantages:

  • the absence of fragrances, dyes and harmful chemicals in the composition of the product;
  • minimum, within acceptable limits, the content of surfactants;
  • acceptable cost;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • safety, the powder does not have a negative effect on babies;
  • perfectly removes stains from drinks, purees, tea, fruits and other products, and dirt.

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices: 50 - 403 rubles.

Prices on Washing powder Tobbi Kids 1-3:

5 Burti

This powder is made in Germany, the excellent quality of the products of this country is known all over the world. No exception was the means intended for washing wardrobe items. The baby powder from BURNUS GmbH, founded more than 180 years ago, has a lot of significant advantages:

  • high degree of washing efficiency;
  • well removes stains from baby food, paints, herbal and other contaminants;
  • washing is distinguished by delicacy and care;
  • there is no allergy from the powder, it does not dry the skin of the hands, it is completely safe;
  • economical spending;
  • it is made on the basis of natural soap, which ensures the softness of the laundry after the washing process;
  • non-aggressive composition, lack of phosphates;
  • good washing out of detergent from things, rinsing, while maintaining color shades, contributing to their restoration;
  • the presence of a pleasant smell.

Disadvantages: rather high cost.

Prices: 362 - 499 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Burti Baby Compact:

6. Eared Nian

Many parents liked the detergent produced in the Northern Russian capital. Due to the high effectiveness of the powder, those who once tried Eared Nyan in action usually choose it for further use. The undoubted advantage is packaging in packages with different weights. The tool is anti-allergic, while it has a number of significant advantages:

  • perfectly washes all kinds of dirt, including stains;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • well rinses wardrobe items;
  • can be washed by hand and machine;
  • clothes become softer after washing;
  • can be used for washing adult clothes, bed linen, towels.

The powder contains mild additives that contribute to the preservation of color shades.

Despite the fact that the product is popular, it contains sulfates, phosphates, perfume, so it is not recommended for newborns.

Prices: 62 - 1399 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Ushasty Nyan For washing baby clothes:

This is another product from a German manufacturer that does not contain phosphates and surfactants. The basis of the powder is vegetable soap and safe additives, which allows it to be used when washing things for babies.

The advantages are as follows:

  • perfectly washes various pollution;
  • can be washed in water of varying degrees of hardness;
  • no smell;
  • economical spending of funds;
  • after washing, things do not lose their brightness, do not deform, the structure of the material does not change;
  • does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Sodasan Powder has been specially formulated for those with delicate, sensitive skin.

Cons: high cost.

Prices: 752 - 1005 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent SODASAN Comfort Sensitive:

This is the best baby laundry detergent for many parents. It dissolves perfectly without requiring additional stirring. Ideal for people with allergies. The product is sold in a colorful convenient packaging that is resistant to water. This indicator also matters. In addition, it has the following advantages:
can be washed by hand and in the machine;

  • no smell;
  • perfectly washes even old stains at any water temperature, preserving the color of clothes;
  • does not contain harmful chemical components;
  • economically spent;
  • has a protective effect against scale;

Cons: high cost.

Prices on Laundry detergent BabyLine for children based on natural soap:

Prices: 259 - 999 rubles.

We reviewed the rating of the best, according to experts and consumers, washing powders for children's clothes. Which one to choose - everyone decides for himself. There is always the opportunity to purchase a small package of funds and experiment.

The child needs careful care. But you will have to take care not only of the baby, but also of his clothes, so every mother, even before he is born, wants to know how to wash baby clothes for newborns? There are various products on the market that will help to clean children's things well and prepare them for the first wear, so it is not surprising that mothers are trying to find the right solution. In this article, we will look at how and with what to wash children's things, why wash new things, and also give some useful tips.

The better to wash things for a newborn

What means is effective and safe for the baby? This question is asked by every mother, because the health of the baby will depend on the right choice. In a baby, the protective barrier of the skin is rather weak, therefore, as a rule, various substances penetrate through it, which provoke the development of allergies. In addition, the composition of household chemicals includes volatile substances that can cause a respiratory allergic reaction in a baby, the immune system is weakened. Before purchasing a detergent, you need to study the composition and read the reviews on the Internet.

Baby soap

  • Softening components - glycerin, oils that make clothes soft and pleasant to the baby's body;
  • Antibacterial substances - extracts of medicinal herbs that soothe children's skin.

The foam formed from baby soap is able to absorb dirt and prevent it from connecting to the surface.

Benefits of baby soap:

  1. Safety;
  2. Washes out easily.


  1. In case of serious pollution it is ineffective.

In the first months of a baby's life, who is fed with breast milk, his bowel movements and discharge are colorless and have no smell. They are very easy to wash, so you can not use detergents: just wash the diapers with plain water.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is also popular, but is it safe for a child? It contains alkalis, fatty acids, and the acidity level is 11-12. This product is antibacterial.

Naturally, laundry soap is not suitable for children's skin, but it will ideally remove all impurities, even complex ones. The disadvantage of this product is a special strong aroma, but if you rinse the clothes thoroughly, it will disappear.

When purchasing laundry soap, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. Basically, it must contain natural ingredients. But some companies add whitening ingredients and chemicals to it for best results. You can not wash children's things with such soap.


You can wash the clothes of a newborn with powder, but it should not contain harmful ingredients. It is also important to know that it is impossible to completely remove all the powder from the fabric, its particles still remain on the clothes and can penetrate the baby's blood through the skin.

When choosing this detergent, you must choose a powder intended for washing baby clothes or buy a product with “0+”, you also need to carefully study the composition. Ordinary adult powders should absolutely not be used for newborns, because they can cause rashes and irritation on the baby's code.

In baby powder should be excluded:

  • Phosphate - reduces the resistance of the skin to irritants from the outside, and when it enters the blood, they even change its formula;
  • Chlorine - causes itching, peeling, also dries out delicate baby skin;
  • Bleaches - remain in the fabric even after rinsing;
  • A-surfactant.

Some powders contain surfactants. They are biodegradable, and contaminants are kept in the resulting solution. Baby powders are available for both hand washing and machine washing. The most in demand are:

  1. Tide for children;
  2. eared nanny;
  3. Peanut;
  4. Stork.

More expensive brands produce powders with the safest composition. Their cost is quite high, but the content of active substances fully justifies the price. Washing gels have also appeared on the market, which are very easy to wash off the fabric.

Soap nuts

But you can wash children's things without using the above means, the so-called soap nuts are suitable for this. Their shell contains a large concentration of natural surfactants. Before washing, these nuts must be placed in a cloth bag. This tool will help to cope with small pollution.

Why do you need to wash new things

Clothes that have been soiled need to be washed in order to get rid of dirt and stains, but should new clothes for a newborn be washed? Doctors say that this must be done without fail.

The child's immunity is not yet fully developed, so it must be protected from all kinds of contact with harmful microbes and dirt that may be in new clothes. Young parents cannot be completely sure that the storage of things took place under ideal conditions, it is possible that mold, fungus, mice and insects are present in the places where they are stored. In addition, no one can guarantee that the clothes were touched with clean hands. In addition, things can be treated with starch so that their appearance does not deteriorate.

It is necessary to bring things to the proper appearance for the unborn baby at least 2 weeks before the expected birth. For washing, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Soak new clothes and diapers in soapy water for a quarter of an hour;
  • Wash by hand;
  • Rinse well with plenty of water;
  • Hang outdoors;
  • Pat, better on both sides;
  • Put in a tight bag.

Preparing clothes before washing

Some mothers wash their babies' things in their own way: someone immediately launders, and someone collects a large amount of dirty laundry and only after that turns on the washing machine. Some even wash children's things with adults and use ordinary detergents, which is absolutely impossible to do. For washing children's clothes, there are some rules that you need to know:

  1. Diapers, while no feces have stuck to them, must be rinsed in cool water. If you do this in warm water, then traces of feces can eat into the fabric;
  2. After rinsing, it is necessary to lather all stains with baby soap. For maximum effect, it is necessary to rub things with this product on both sides;
  3. Wet things on which the stains were soaped can be folded into a basin and left until the evening, then washed. Do not leave wet things for a long time in any case.

Hand wash or in the washing machine?

Many mothers face a choice: hand wash children's clothes or machine wash. Household appliances, of course, make life easier for mothers, especially if the "washer" has a "Children's wash" mode. Clothes in this mode are washed at high temperatures, and rinsing takes place in a large amount of liquid in order to completely wash the detergent from the fabric. If this option is not available, then the mode is selected based on the fabric and intensive or double rinse is required. If we talk about the temperature regime, then for delicate things, it is 40 degrees, and for ordinary things - 80-90 degrees. According to some experts, the “washer” makes it easier for the mother to wash, but it is not recommended to use it too often, because it is unhygienic: in the washing machine, not only the clothes of the baby, but also adult family members are washed from dirt. For this reason, moms may prefer hand washing, but there are some nuances here too.

Hand washing baby clothes at 90 degrees is not possible, so you need to wear 2 pairs of gloves to protect your skin from burns. For hand washing, it is necessary to dissolve the detergent in water, rub the stains and soak from 30 minutes to several hours, which already depends on the nature of the contamination. After that, you need to rub the fabric, and rinse at least 3 times. Note that when changing the water, its temperature must be lowered.

  • It is necessary to wash and store children's and adult things separately from each other. This rule applies not only to dirty things, but also to clean ones;
  • White linen is washed separately from colored linen;
  • Pollution does not need to be washed in separate sections, it is necessary to soak all clothes or diapers in water. This will allow the detergent to be evenly rinsed out of the fabric;
  • Before washing, remove all emptying or food residues from things;
  • Upon completion of washing, it is necessary to rinse the laundry well;
  • It is better to dry washed clothes in the fresh air. It is better to do this in places where dust from the street does not get on children's underwear;
  • If the mother is breastfeeding, then she should also wash her clothes with baby powder.

In this article, we talked about how to wash things for newborns, what are the rules and detergents with which you can get rid of dirt.