What should be given in the dairy kitchen. An assortment of free meals for children. For children up to three years old

I recently found out that it turns out that pregnant mothers are entitled to Dairy cuisine ... Oh!

The GI doctor didn't tell me anything about it. I found out quite by accident - in line with the pregnant woman, they started talking, she was just sitting at the recipe ...

I go into the office...
During communication, I ask: “And when will they start prescribing milk for me?”
The doctor replies: “No way! If we start prescribing milk for everyone right now, our state will go bankrupt!”
I stopped talking, I thought, maybe it’s only for large families ...

Here the nurse agrees with the doctor: “Yes, this is only for Muscovites!”.
I say: "Well, I'm a Muscovite ...".
Her: “Yes? Show your passport!
I show…
Looks ... She grimaced and said: “Yes, indeed a Muscovite ...”, - with such an air as if there were some oddities, as if only non-residents were walking here ... She noted this on my map and said the other day to bring 2 copies of the passport and a questionnaire filled out at home gave me a form.
She brought everything the next day and wrote an application for milk.
At the next appointment, they gave me a prescription for milk for a month (as for baby milk, you need to come for a prescription every month).

The next day, the husband went to the Dairy Kitchen ... He brought:
- Milk Milk! 2.5%, 1 l - 9 pcs.
like this:

I tested this milk for antibiotics. Milk is good, without antibiotics!

Juice Fruto Nanny for pregnant mothers 0.33 l - 12 pcs. (apple and apple + pear)
like this:⁣

All this for a month - not enough of course, but still nice

Like this! I wouldn’t talk to that pregnant woman in line, and I wouldn’t know - our doctors are partisans ...

So, virgins-pregnant-Muscovites, who else is not in the know ... - go and demand

Also in line, I learned that many pregnant mothers write out a prescription for vitamins. I asked the doctor ... The doctor said: “Vitamins are only for needy Muscovites, and those who do not need it are not supposed to, but if there is a question about some expensive drugs in the later stages, they will give.” - how do they determine those in need ... Hmm - a question

After the birth, as soon as we issued a birth certificate for the child, registered at the place of residence, ordered SNILS, received a temporary insurance policy and got honey. card in the children's clinic, the pediatrician began to prescribe dairy cuisine for me, because I breastfeeding without up to the waist and without up to feed!
(mothers of children in the NE and IV do not have a dairy kitchen)

I receive monthly:
- Milk Agusha for nursing mothers 2.5%, 1 l - 12 pack.
like this:

Sometimes give milk Milk! 2.5%, 1 l - 12 pack.

Juice Agusha for nursing mothers 0.5 l - 13 pack.

Sometimes they give such juice Fruto Nanny for nursing mothers 0.33 l - 15 packs:

I will receive such milk for myself for 6 months.
From 7 months milk will be issued only for the child.

The issue of free baby food is of interest to many modern Russians. Who is eligible for this benefit in 2019? And how can this be done in our country?

Free children's food is one of the measures of social protection of the population

Such a benefit as free meals for children is offered by the state to Russian families as social support. Children of different ages fall under it: babies, kindergarteners and schoolchildren. But it is provided not just to anyone and everyone, but on the basis of relevant documents, which will be discussed later.

So, in Moscow today there is Order No. 546 of the Department of Health, adopted in 2014, which refers to the free receipt of products for certain categories of children. The product range includes:

  1. Dairy and sour-milk finished products of Agat and Wimm-Bill-Dann companies:
  • adapted mixtures;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk for children "Agusha".
  1. Fruit juices produced by FrutoNyanya and Sady Pridonya:
  • clarified (pear, apple);
  • unclarified (apple-peach, apple-pear, apple-apricot);
  • with pulp (of the same species).
  1. Meat in the form of meat or meat and vegetable puree:
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • turkey;
  • chicken (chickens).
  1. Instant cereals - mixtures of "Malyutka" and Nestogen for different age groups of children.
  2. Puree "FrutoNyanya" and "Gardens of Pridonya":
  • fruit - from apples, pears, fruit mixture ("fruit salad");
  • vegetable - from cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin.

A Muscovite mom can get such a grocery set for a child at a local dairy kitchen. Moreover, in Moscow this can be done daily from 6:30 to 12:00, taking into account the fact that the official document recommends a certain distribution of baby food:

  • perishable foods - once a week (this is kefir, milk, cottage cheese);
  • the rest - once a month (for example, instant cereals or mashed potatoes).

But it is impossible to take products more than the prescribed norm at a time, because they are checked by expiration date. For example, children under the age of seven from large families, children with disabilities and children with chronic diseases under the age of fifteen are supposed to receive free milk, the monthly volume of which is 18 liters (that is, 18 liter packets). Their mother can receive such a child once a month. And for a baby under the age of two months, a liquid adapted mixture is supposed to be issued. It is issued once a week for six packs, and a month - 24 packs.

Who is eligible for free baby food?

  1. Babies up to one year old.
  2. Children from one to three years old.
  3. Babies from families with large families - from birth to seven years.
  4. Children officially recognized as disabled - from birth to adulthood.
  5. Children under the age of fifteen who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness.

Naturally, in order to receive the described benefit, the mother will have to collect a package of official documents and submit them to the clinic at the place of residence. It is at the children's clinic that the procedure for issuing documentation for receiving free baby food takes place.

The nuances of documenting free meals for children in 2019

For the first time, when applying for a package of documents for receiving free meals for a child, you will need:

  1. Write an appropriate application on your own behalf addressed to the head physician of the medical institution.
  2. Attach the following copies to the application:
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence of the baby;
  • compulsory health insurance policy for a child;
  • parental identity documents - passport.
  1. Additional paperwork may be required:
  • certificate confirming the status of a large family;
  • certificate of disability;
  • information about a chronic illness.

But this is not the end of the matter, as the mother will also have to regularly update the recipe for free meals for her child. So, for different categories of children, excellent terms for using one recipe have been established:

  • for infants up to a year - one calendar month;
  • for children from one to three years old - for three calendar months;
  • for children of other preferential categories (from large families, disabled people with chronic diseases) - for six months.

Experts warn: a doctor issues a prescription on the basis of an examination of the child and a medical report, so without the presence of the baby, such a procedure is not possible. If you want free help, take your child regularly to the clinic for examination.

Free children's meals at school

In a modern Russian school, children can also eat for free. For school-age children, there are their own preferential categories, in addition to those that have already been named - children with disabilities, children from large families or with a diagnosed chronic disease. School beneficiaries include:

  1. Orphans.
  2. From low-income families.
  3. Children whose parents have the status of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

To apply for free school meals, parents need to submit a package of documents that is no different from the above. But it is presented not to the clinic, but to the school social worker. You will also need to write an appropriate application according to the model that is available in each school, addressed to the head of the educational institution. In this application, it is imperative to clarify the type of the child's benefit category, as well as list all the necessary documentation (after all, it is it that serves as the basis for obtaining this benefit). At the same time, experts warn that the preparation of the necessary documentation may take some time - ten days - until the full lists of beneficiaries are drawn up.

In our state, there is also a special service, whose duties include providing children from privileged categories with free meals - social protection agencies. If you find it difficult to contact the school social worker directly, you can contact your local social support office.

In schools for Russian children with benefits in 2019, several types of receiving this benefit are offered. A certain type of free food depends on the capabilities of the regional budget, that is, on the amount of money that the state allocates per one school-age benefit child. Consider all existing types:

  • one free breakfast;
  • percentage discounts when paying for a complex lunch;
  • both breakfast and lunch are offered to the child free of charge.

In Russian schools, it is customary to draw up such documentation for the provision of reduced-price meals for students, starting from the academic year - from the first of September. Therefore, it is best to prepare a package of required papers in advance. If you start dealing with papers only in September, then the benefit will be provided not from the beginning of the school year, but from October.

There are cases when the school administration refuses to provide this benefit to the child. This happens when parents begin to deal with paperwork in the middle of the school year. The motivation for refusal may be as follows: funding for children in preferential categories is distributed by the regional budget at the beginning of the school year (that is, on September 1), so there is not enough money for the “extra” child entered into the database later. Such a refusal is wrong, because the administration of any Russian educational institution is obliged in this case to petition for a child beneficiary in order to increase funding from the regional budget - from the reserve or from alternative sources.

Each case is considered by the school administration on an individual basis. In this regard, experts advise doing everything on time, then there will be no delays in obtaining benefits.

State support measures for families with newborns and preschoolers today take various forms.

For some, cash payments are provided, for others - special cards to which payments come.

One of the forms that is popular and has been operating for more than a dozen years is.

Products suitable for age are issued at specialized points. Their number and content in the set are specified in special lists compiled by specialists, including pediatricians. The lists are approved by local authorities, and directions (prescriptions) are issued by district pediatric doctors during the appointment.

Dairy cuisines in Moscow and the Moscow region: features and differences

Dairy cuisine is available in different cities, since this support measure is popular and in demand among the population. It is known that in modern economic realities, not everyone who has children to raise can use the services of this organization. This is connected, first of all, with the legislation in force in the country, as well as with those local decrees that are developed in each locality.

A little less than 2 years ago there were some changes in the system of functioning of milk distribution points (kitchens). They affected not only Moscow and the Moscow Region, but all organizations in general. The main changes affected the standards for the issuance of products, as well as the composition. Persons who have remained the same. It is known that in the country as a whole, the amount allocated by the state for this segment of assistance to families with children has slightly decreased. As for the list of products, the changes that have taken place in it are positive - in addition to dairy products, you can now get juices and various purees.

Prior to this, such sets were issued only in Moscow. However, dairy products, which are the main for many, are given out a little less, and you have to buy them yourself.

In terms of a set of products, the differences between Moscow and regional points are now minimal.

As for the opening hours, as before, most of the dairy kitchen outlets prefer to dispense meals in the morning:

  • From 6.30 to 10.00;
  • From 6.30 -7.00 to 12.00.

There are also kitchens that carry out their work from 11 am to 8 pm or from 9 am to 9 pm. Please check with your local food outlet for the exact time. Dairy kitchens, which are open directly at children's clinics, are open from 6.30 until the time set by the institution, which should be clarified on the spot.

List and description of products offered in the set

The list of products that are offered to receive is impressive and varied. It includes the nutrition that is recommended by specialists, including pediatricians, according to the age of the child or the characteristics of his development. The specified amount guarantees that the baby will develop fully and harmoniously.

This year, in sets obtained in dairy kitchens, are included(depending on the age of the child):

Children's products are supposed to be issued in accordance with approved standards, categories and recommendations, parents or legal representatives of the child can get a prescription.

Issuance rates

Standards for the issuance of food at dairy kitchen points are developed by local authorities.

In order to find out if the family is included in the circle of persons who are entitled to such assistance, you should visit the MFC at the place of residence or registration.

It is important to remember that the lists of persons differ in each region, but the following categories are unchanged:

  • Children under one year of age (infants);
  • Toddlers from 12 to 36 months (all without exception);
  • Children (each of the kids) from (support is provided until the age of 7 or until the moment of enrollment in school);
  • Children with disabilities (up to 15 years old, the conclusion of a special commission is required).

In addition, pregnant women who are attached to the antenatal clinic can receive food in the dairy kitchens of Moscow and the region. After the birth of a child, they are also given a set of products until the baby reaches the age of six months. The basis for issuance is a conclusion issued by a doctor.

The kits that can be obtained vary and depend on the age of the child. The following norms and sets apply in Moscow:

Child's ageProductNorm for 30 daysQuantity in one packageFor how long is it issued
Newborn (up to 2 months)Milk formula (liquid)4800 200 Week 1
Dry mix for feeding700 500 30 days
3-4 monthsSame set +
Fruit juice1 l200 1 month (30 days)
fruit puree1000g200 1 month
5 monthsPrevious set +
Dry porridge400g400g30 days
Vegetable puree (various flavors)1920200g1 month
half a yearPowdered milk formula350g350g1 month
Milk formula (in liquid form) + dry porridge2400
Week 1
fruit puree1 kg200 30 days
Fruit juice (clarified and with pulp)1.2 l200 1 month

After six months relies:

  • 7-8 months - the same set as in six months, curds (600g), meat and vegetable puree (300g), meat puree (560g) - all products, except dairy products, can be obtained immediately for 30 days;
  • 9-15 months - kefir is added to the previous set (2 liters in packs of 200 ml);
  • from 12 to 24 months - kefir (2 liters), cow's milk 3.2% (2.4 l, issued for 30 days), cottage cheese (total amount 600g, issued in packs of 50 g once a week), fruit juice (2 l ), fruit puree (800g) - for 30 days;
  • 2-3 years - a similar set, but the milk becomes less by 400 ml, the juice increases to 2.4 liters;
  • up to 7 years, as well as disabled people, only milk is issued. The total amount is 1.8 liters for 30 days;
  • pregnant women receive as support and social assistance measures - milk (6 l), fruit juice (2.64 l) for 30 days;
  • lactating mothers receive milk (8 liters) and fruit juice (3.3 liters) for 30 days in the dairy kitchen.

Rules for granting

Dairy products and baby food in packages prescribed by age or pregnancy in the dairy kitchen in Moscow and the region can be receive exclusively by prescription. You won't have to pay for them.

To receive a set of products, you will need to provide a passport, write an application to the appropriate department of social protection working in the district or city (for MO), for example, to the children's clinic or MFC.

Also may be required:

  1. Certificate (original or notarized copy) of the birth of the baby;
  2. Polis honey. insurance (CMI);
  3. Certificate of registration (registration) of the child at the address of residence in Moscow or the Region;
  4. Confirmation of the status of the poor (certificate of employment);
  5. Certificate confirming the large number of children in the family;
  6. Certificate of health of the baby (if special nutrition is required);
  7. The conclusion of the commission about.

Mothers who feed babies naturally (breastfeeding) can write a statement to the head of the children's clinic to which the child is attached. Pregnant women are entitled to help from the dairy kitchen. In order to receive it, you will also need to write an application, but this must be done at the antenatal clinic, in which the woman is observed.

In the event that the family does not have a residence permit in Moscow or the Region, then in order to receive food assistance that is required by law, it is necessary to do temporary registration at the place of residence and with this document apply to the points of issue of food sets.

Thus, the way of social support for babies and families waiting for their arrival works. Today in Moscow and the region there are points for the issuance of dairy products and baby food contained in the recommended lists. The standards are strictly calculated, so each baby will be provided with the necessary set of products. The state guarantees that every child between the ages of 0 and 3 years old will be attached to the dairy kitchen, after this age restrictions come into force, but those who most urgently need support will continue to receive food in the prescribed amount. The quality and safety of products is controlled by special services, so there is no doubt that all the deadlines for the implementation meet the established standards.

The compositions of dairy kitchen sets in Moscow are discussed in the following video:

  1. First you need to find out if the service is available in your locality.
  2. Then you should contact the pediatrician, the prescription is issued until the 25th, monthly;
  3. After issuing a prescription, you should contact the point of issue, according to the place of residence. Products are issued within 10 days from the date of registration of social support.

Nursing mothers take juice, milk in the kitchen, pregnant women take a similar list of products in a different volume. Babies who are under 2 months of age receive formula from milk. If the child is 3-4 months old, he is additionally given fruit puree or juice. Children who are 5 months old are supposed to have vegetable puree and porridge for the presented products. Upon reaching the age of 7 months, the child receives more canned food of vegetable or meat origin, cottage cheese.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow: the composition of food packages and the procedure for obtaining them

In addition, pregnant women who are attached to the antenatal clinic can receive food in the dairy kitchens of Moscow and the region. After the birth of a child, they are also given a set of products until the baby reaches the age of six months. The basis for issuance is a conclusion issued by a doctor.

A little less than 2 years ago there were some changes in the system of functioning of milk distribution points (kitchens). They affected not only Moscow and the Moscow Region, but all organizations in general. The main changes affected the standards for the issuance of products, as well as the composition. The persons who are entitled to this type of assistance have remained the same. It is known that in the country as a whole, the amount allocated by the state for this segment of assistance to families with children has slightly decreased. As for the list of products, the changes that have taken place in it are positive - in addition to dairy products, you can now get juices and various purees.

Dairy cuisine what it should be Moscow 2018: a table for pregnant women, what they give in the Moscow region, addresses and opening hours, will they cancel

In July 2014, there were some changes in the work of dairy kitchens not only in Moscow and the region, but also in other regions of Russia. Namely, the norms for issuing products and the product range itself have changed. But the categories of citizens who are entitled to this assistance, one might say, have remained the same.

Dairy cuisine from January 1, 2018 in Moscow

The Moscow Department of Health has signed a three-year contract for the supply of free meals in 2017-2019 for privileged categories of the population (children, pregnant women, nursing mothers) who are residents of the city of Moscow through milk distribution points (dairy kitchens).

The number of packages given out per month depends on the age of the child:

  • from 0 to 3 months - set No. 1 - 1 box;
  • 4 months - set No. 2 - 1 box;
  • 5 months - set No. 3 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 6 months - set No. 4 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 7 months - set No. 5 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • 8-12 months - set No. 6 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • from 1 to 2 years - set No. 7 parts 1, 2 - 2 boxes;
  • from 2 to 3 years - set No. 7 of part 1, 2 - 2 boxes;

Dairy cuisine for Moscow residents - everything you need to know

  • a copy or original of the birth certificate;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • confirmation of residence or registration of the child in Moscow or the region;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • a document that confirms that the family has many children;
  • baby health certificate;
  • conclusion of the commission on the disability of the child.

Pregnant women can also get food in Moscow dairy kitchens - for this you need to go to the antenatal clinic, to which the woman is attached. After the baby is born, products are also issued up to six months. The basis for this is the opinion of the doctor.

Dairy cuisine: what is required (Moscow 2018 - table with standards)

Babies up to two months old receive only milk formula, children 3-4 months old can also receive fruit. juice and fruit. the same puree, children 5 months + receive porridge and vegetable puree. From the age of 7 months, children are also entitled to cottage cheese and canned meat and meat-and-vegetable products.

The grocery list will be the same. To receive food, you need to write an application (according to the model), addressed to the head of the medical institution, bring the necessary documents. Usually this is a passport page with a photo, a passport page indicating registration, and a child's birth certificate (only a photocopy).

Dairy cuisine in Moscow: what is expected in 2018 (table)

When drawing up documents, take into account the opening hours of the distribution point Residents of the capital are informed about changes in the working hours of dairy kitchens. This information can be seen in the media, in the clinic at the place of residence, etc. But in order to get more complete information, accessible and accurate, it is easier for a mother to look on the Internet. How things are in 2018, and whether the work of the kitchen will change in 2018, that's what moms are interested in first. And many are not averse to looking for vacancies in such kitchens, and find out whether it is worth looking for these vacancies at all.

In 2018, the children's dairy kitchen will indeed undergo changes. On January 1, 2018, the law on the closure of the dairy kitchen in the capital and in the region will come into force. This is because pickup points must be fully inspected, inventoried and closed.

Dairy kitchen: who is supposed to, what documents are needed, the norms for issuing 2018

The basis for obtaining special nutrition in the dairy kitchen is a medical opinion-referral. And the norms for issuing meals are determined by local governments. They also determine the procedure for documenting this right, and also choose the organization that will carry out the issuance.

To obtain the right to a dairy kitchen, it will be necessary to write and submit an appropriate application addressed to the head of the medical institution to which the applicant applies. They may be the legal representative of the child (parent, guardian), pregnant or lactating woman.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow and the Moscow region: what has changed in 2018

  1. All newborn babies up to 12 months old, if they are artificially fed due to the mother's lack of breast milk (also in cases of combined feeding).
  2. All babies are between 12 and 36 months of age, whether they are breastfed or not.
  3. All children under 7 years old, if they are born or adopted in a large family.
  4. Children with a confirmed disability of any group.
  5. Children with confirmed diagnoses of chronic diseases (up to 15 years of age).
  6. Pregnant women at all stages.
  7. Breastfeeding women until the child is six months old (applies only to cases where the child eats only breast milk, without artificial supplements).
  1. If a citizen is registered in one district of Moscow, but lives in another, then it is enough, along with the standard set of documents, to attach a statement that at the place of registration he does not receive any products from the dairy kitchen.
  2. If a citizen is a non-resident, but has issued a temporary registration in Moscow, he has the same right to receive products as Muscovites with permanent registration.

Dairy cuisine what is supposed to be Moscow 2018 for nursing mothers

For children, the composition of the issued dairy products is determined solely depending on the age of the child. It happens that after giving birth, a young mother, for one reason or another, cannot breastfeed her baby, or the baby does not have enough breast milk due to insufficient mother's lactation. In such cases, dairy cuisine is simply necessary to support young families, because due to the current crisis situation in the country, not every seed can provide full and natural nutrition for their child.

By decision of the Department of Health, it was decided to conclude a contract for the supply of kitchen goods with Wimm-Bill-Dann. The contract is signed for 3 years. The presented decision was made because the company is cost-effective and in demand for a long time.

In Moscow in 2019, the provision of free food at the conclusion of doctors of certain categories of children and women who are residents of the city of Moscow is carried out in accordance with the order of the Moscow Department of Health of 04/06/2016 No. 292.

Free food products are formed taking into account the norms of food consumption and the timing of the introduction of complementary foods. In addition to dry mix, milk, kefir and cottage cheese, cereals, meat, vegetable and fruit purees, as well as juices are free of charge for the full provision of children in the first, second and third years of life.

Who is entitled to free meals in Moscow

The following privileged categories of citizens who are residents of the city of Moscow have the right to receive a free set of food products in the dairy kitchen in 2019 (in this context, you should read "registered in the city of Moscow"):

  • children under the age of 3 (three) years. When breastfeeding, free meals in this category are provided only to a nursing mother in accordance with the relevant standards until the child reaches the age of 6 months.
  • nursing mothers (until the child reaches six months, provided that the child is breastfed);
  • pregnant women;
  • children from large families who have not reached the age of 7;
  • children under the age of 15 with the following chronic diseases: chronic glomerulonephritis, malignant neoplasms, hemoblastoses;
  • disabled children.

If a child under 3 years of age has the right to a free supply of food products on the conclusion of doctors for several reasons, food products are provided according to the norms provided for children under the age of 3 years, taking into account the age of the child.

If the child is found breastfed up to six months the right to a free holiday of food products at the conclusion of doctors is granted only for nursing mothers. When breastfeeding by one mother of several children, according to the norms for a nursing mother, food is provided for one of them. For other children, food is provided according to the norms for children who are bottle-fed.

If it is necessary to change the type of nutrition according to previously issued conclusions (due to a change in the method of feeding), the doctor, upon re-examination, must cancel the old conclusion and issue a new one for the following months. Cancellation and issuance of conclusions retroactively is not allowed (when connecting a medical institution to the EMIAS).

Pregnant women, in whose name the opinion was issued, as well as parents, guardians or other legal representatives of children indicated in the opinion, have the right to receive food at the conclusion of a doctor, upon presentation of documents confirming the right to represent the child (birth certificate, guardian's certificate). The person entitled to receive the products may entrust this to another person, indicating in the appropriate column of the conclusion. The indication of a trusted person in the conclusion does not deprive the authorized person of the right to receive the products in person.

Dairy kitchens at children's clinics should give out free meals daily (7 days a week) from 6:30 to 12:00(previously dairy kitchens were open until 10 am).

Rules for issuing free meals

According to the order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow dated April 6, 2016 No. 292 “ Regulations on the provision of free food to certain categories of children and women who are residents of the city of Moscow» Since April 2016, the amount of free meals has NOT changed, but the changes have affected by age group. So, if before children were given food at the age of 0 to 2 months and from 3 to 4 months, now food is prescribed for the age from 0 to 3 months and 4 months.

The composition and amount of free food to be issued according to the prescription is determined by the UMIAS software and hardware automatically in accordance with the norms, age and available benefits (when connecting a medical institution to EMIAS - a unified medical information and analytical system of Moscow).

The procedure for issuing free meals in Moscow

To be included in the lists of recipients of free food, at the conclusion of doctors, a written application is submitted addressed to the head of the medical organization (the application is written in the approved form):

Pregnant women at the antenatal clinic at the place of attachment, in the name of the head of a medical organization of the state health care system of the city of Moscow, which has a milk distribution point, taking into account the territorial principle of servicing a antenatal clinic.

For children parents (legal representatives) submit a written application addressed to the head of a medical organization that has a milk distribution center.

breastfeeding mothers make a written statement at the place of attachment of the child, in the name of the head of a medical organization that includes a milk distribution point. For feeding a breastfeeding mother the application is made in the name of the child, re-issuance of the application when switching from breastfeeding to artificial or mixed feeding is not required, the type of nutrition is determined by the pediatrician based on the results of the examination of the child.

The application must be accompanied by the following original documents(previously provided photocopies):

For women - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mark of registration (registration) in the city of Moscow.

For children under the age of three:

  • certificate of registration at the place of residence (in form No. 8) or documents confirming the establishment of guardianship (order of the municipality, decree of the administration of the municipal district of Moscow and other documents confirming the place of residence in Moscow);
  • MHI policy (compulsory medical insurance);
  • identity document of one of the parents (legal representative) of the child (passport).

For children from large families under the age of 7, disabled children, children under the age of 15 with chronic diseases - the documents indicated above for children under the age of three and original documents confirming that the child is classified as a privileged category. Such a document is a certificate of a large family of the city of Moscow, a certificate of medical and social examination, a medical certificate of the presence of a chronic disease.

Completed applications and attached documents are entered (registered) in the database. Entering information into the Register is the basis for issuing free meals.

If the medical organization has already activated the function of information support for the processes of free meals EMIAS and information about the date of birth, place of residence are entered in the Register, then additional documents for the application may not be provided.

The issuance of an opinion for the free distribution of food products is carried out based on the results of a medical examination and are automatically registered in the Register and electronic medical record. If the medical organization does not have access to the EMIAS software and hardware, the conclusions are drawn up on a paper form according to the approved forms, the issuance of the conclusion is recorded in the medical documentation:

  • Pregnant women - an obstetrician-gynecologist in the "Individual Pregnancy Card" (form No. 111/U);
  • Children - by a local pediatrician in the "History of the development of the child" (in the form No. 112 / U) or the "Medical record of an outpatient" (form No. 025 / U).

How often do you need to write a prescription?

Conclusion for the free distribution of food is issued for one calendar month. Conclusions for each appeal may issued for the period:

  • up to three calendar months- children under the age of three (previously a prescription was issued only at the age of one year), nursing mothers and pregnant women (in the past order, pregnant women could only receive a prescription for a month);
  • up to six calendar months- children from large families, children with disabilities, children with chronic conditions under the age of 15 years.

The specified dates do NOT include the calendar month of the birth of the child, if a separate conclusion is drawn up for this period.

The decision on the number of months for which conclusions are drawn up on one appeal within the above boundaries is made by a doctor based on the results of a medical examination of a citizen, based on the need for re-examinations.

Important! The beginning of the calendar period for which the opinion is issued is determined depending on the time of appearance for a medical examination:

When examining a child in the first calendar month of life, the doctor's conclusion is issued for the current calendar month, for a part of the monthly volume of products, proportional to the number of days remaining until the end of the calendar month from the date of appearance for a medical examination, while the number of products is rounded up to the nearest whole number of packages.

If the inspection is carried out up to the 15th calendar day of the month inclusive starting from the current calendar month, while the issuance rate is calculated for a full calendar month.

If the inspection is carried out after the 15th calendar day of the month, then the doctor's opinion may be issued for a period starting from the next calendar month, in the amount of a full monthly norm.

The beginning of the calendar period for which the doctor's conclusions are issued cannot be later than the calendar month following the current one.

Important! The number and types of products for children under the age of three are determined based on the age of the child, while:

  • when making a conclusion for the first calendar month life, the amount of food is determined according to the norms provided for for age less than 1 month;
  • born before the 15th calendar day of the month inclusive applicable standards are determined based on the age of the child in whole months achieved in a calendar month, for which a conclusion is issued.
  • when issuing a conclusion to a child, born after the 15th calendar day of the month, applicable standards are determined based on the age of the child at whole months reached at the beginning of the calendar month for which a conclusion is issued.

Upon the first receipt of food products, upon the conclusion of a doctor, the conclusion is handed over to the milk distribution point for storage. Each time the products are received, the authorized person presents an identity document.

When issuing free food products, an employee of the dairy distribution point concludes with a note indicating the date of receipt and the number of products. The fact of receiving the products is certified by the recipient's handwritten signature indicating the full surname and initials.