Psychic practices where to start. Effective exercises for the development of extrasensory abilities. How to determine the presence of psychic abilities

Each person is capable of much, but not everyone knows what he can. The article tells about what opportunities we have, how to develop psychic abilities in ourselves and describes some practices for achieving them.

Psychic abilities attract many people who come into contact with esotericism. Thousands of ordinary people also dream of opening clairvoyance or the third eye, but most of them have no idea what great effort and great responsibility are placed on the one who is given this ability.

Determining your capabilities

So is it possible to develop premonition, intuition and such a mysterious phenomenon as telepathy? All that is known as extrasensory abilities is the heritage of man, which was given to him by nature.

After all, extrasensory perception is not the machinations of demonic forces and not a divine blessing, but the ability to capture the vibrations of the bioenergy fields of the earth in a range that is inaccessible to the majority.

Each person can develop paranormal talents in himself by expanding the spectrum of perception.

What can be learned

  1. Astral vision (third eye)- allows you to see the Subtle World (creatures, energy, what is happening) in real time.
  2. inner vision- this is an ability that is realized in the form of a screen in front of the eyes. There is a request for certain information to the Higher Forces and the answer is displayed on the screen as an illustration (for example, about past lives).
  3. Clairaudience- this is the ability to hear music, sounds, creatures of the Subtle World.
  4. Connection with the Higher Powers or an open information channel - the ability to receive ready-made answers from the Forces above in the form of thoughts, ready-made ideas, complex images.

How to develop your psychic abilities

Of course, there are pitfalls on the way to the development of extrasensory perception. So, the following conditions must be met:

  • The presence of adequate motives and understanding of goals. Why do you need special abilities and why would the Higher Forces give them to you? Your answers are required for the Higher Forces to be convincing.
  • Availability of energy for the implementation of abilities. You will need a constant set of energy - the regularity of physical, spiritual and energy training (gym, the correct rhythm of life, meditation). And the absence of high costs: emotional breakdowns, stress and other energy overruns.
  • No bad habits. Complete renunciation of smoking and alcohol, which destroy subtle bodies capable of accumulating working energy.
  • spiritual purity(absence of karmic prohibitions). A person who used his magical talents for other purposes or for evil in a past life receives a ban on disclosing abilities in this life.
  • healthy eating. Often, as a condition for the discovery of abilities, there is a refusal to eat meat.

Unusual abilities are inherent in a person from birth to a certain extent. Children are psychics, parents train them in other qualities: logical, mental.

For children, the suppression of their extrasensory perception begins, so it lives in us in a half-strangled state. However, it can be released.

Practical exercises

Do not be under the delusion that everything will turn out quickly and the first time. It will take a lot of practice, since there are many exercises.

Here is a list of the most important of them:

  • perception of the aura with the help of hands;
  • development of the power of sight;
  • stimulation of prophetic dreams;
  • development of intuition;
  • aura vision.

The easiest way for our subconscious is to manipulate the subtle plane with the help of hands. Thus, it is easiest to start studying the basics of bioenergetics with the development of subtle tactile sensations.

Each exercise should begin with warming up the hands. You need to rub your palms against each other, rub the back side, as if washing your hands.

The palms should warm up on all sides. When they warm up, then you can move on to the exercises. So let's take a closer look at each of them.

Aura perception with hands

  1. You need to sit on a chair so that your back remains straight.
  2. You should completely relax, not thinking about anything and sit quietly for a few minutes.
  3. Then spread your palms at a distance of about 30 cm, while keeping them parallel. Then very slowly bring them together until the palms touch.
  4. Then, just as slowly, you need to return your hands to their original position.

After a few trainings, you can learn to catch the boundaries of the biofield (aura) with your palms. This sensation manifests itself in the form of elasticity or warmth.

Development of the power of the gaze

  1. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm, painting it with black.
  2. The sheet must be fixed on the wall, so that the distance from the eyes to it is 90 cm.
  3. For a minute, without stopping, you need to look at the circle, then move the sheet 90 cm to the left and again hold an oblique look at it for a minute.
  4. Next, the sheet is moved 90 cm to the right of its original position, and repeat this procedure.

You need to train daily, gradually increasing the period of fixing your gaze to five minutes. By achieving this result, you may notice that your gaze affects those around you.

To completely subdue the will of another person, you need the ability to focus your eyes for a full 15 minutes.

Stimulation of prophetic dreams

The essence of this method lies in the fact that, going to bed, you give yourself a certain setting, for example, to see tomorrow.

Although at first glance it is too simple, in reality, giving the command means falling asleep with a single thought. It should be about what you want to know. This can take months of regular training.

It should be noted that using this method for selfish purposes, for example, trying to find out the number of a lottery ticket, is useless. But it is quite possible to see some excerpts from the events of the next day.

Development of intuition

The purpose of the exercise is to learn to intuitively recognize the emotions of other people. To do this, you need to “reincarnate” in them, not just imagining yourself in their place, but really imbued with the consciousness that a particular person is you.

You must turn off all internal judgments about the object from your experience, and after some time you will be able to see the world through the eyes of that person.

aura vision

Do not forget that psychic abilities bring with them a colossal responsibility and a certain test!

A person who is not prepared spiritually and psychologically can end badly, up to insanity, and destroy the fate not only of himself, but of his loved ones, unknowingly contacting negative energies and, as a result, losing everything.

Therefore, you should not try to discover paranormal talents alone, but trust the guidance of an experienced mentor, spiritual healer or teacher of high moral character.

Sooner or later, every person becomes interested in the supernatural. And then he asks questions: "Do I have psychic inclinations?","Can I develop my magical abilities?" At the same time, the motives of each person can be completely different. Someone wants to eliminate competitors, someone needs to solve personal problems, or perhaps a person just wants to become famous. With all this, only one thing is important, when a person begins to advance along the path of spiritual development and evolution, his perception of himself and the world around him changes dramatically in the direction of high spirituality.

There are various methods and ways of developing extrasensory abilities. In order to understand in which direction it is worth developing, it is necessary to understand what is "extrasensory perception"?

Extrasensory perception is most often understood as such perception that does not use ordinary sense organs and goes beyond human capabilities. It's no secret that scientists, while conducting research, found that we use only 10% of the brain. Why then do we need the other 90%? It turns out that many centuries ago people had the knowledge and ability to develop the potential of the brain. From ancient treatises, we have come to know that the ability to concentrate one's attention is important in human development.

One of the well-known exercises is "Concentration on a point", which has several levels of difficulty:

  1. Exercise number 1. Draw a black dot in the center of a white sheet of paper. We hang on the wall at a distance of at least a meter. We sit down in front of the picture and carefully guess the point. At the same time, we try not to think about anything but a black dot. There is only you and the dot. The main thing in this task is to drown out the voice of consciousness, to stop thinking about anything. With sufficient perseverance, this practice can be mastered within a month. The next step is to focus on the blue dot. The exercise is performed by analogy with a black dot. Once you have mastered this ability, you can move on to the next exercise.
  2. Exercise number 2. On a white sheet of paper, draw 2 black dots, located at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. We concentrate on both points at the same time. Since our consciousness cannot capture two objects at once into its zone of attention, it goes into the background and makes it possible for the subconscious to come out. Thus, by concentrating on two points, we enter the magical mode of consciousness and develop the ability of extrasensory perception.

For a long time I observed the relationship between the amount of energy and the quality of practices. I noticed that work sometimes takes a lot of energy. Constant stress negatively affects not only the body, but also the amount of energy inside me. By the end of the working day, sometimes I feel like a squeezed lemon. On such days, magical practices are either much worse than usual, or the sensations from the practices are very weak.

There was a question: "Where to get energy?" I found several answers to my question:

  1. The most effective way is a technology called "Sarcophagus". After it, it just bursts with energy. This feeling is enough for about 2-3 months. But since the Sarcophagus is located in St. Petersburg, you have to look for other options for replenishing energy.
  2. The second way is practices in the "Influence Group". After them, there is a surge of strength, confidence and security. After 2-3 days, the effect of group practices begins to subside.
  3. The third way is to work with mandalas that were brought from the seminar on working with the Sarcophagus. If you connect yourself with the mandala and make an impact on the mandala, then the effect of increasing energy is observed immediately. The same thing happens when working with photos taken during the workshop.
  4. The fourth way is to feed yourself in the reverse circle with the energy of one of the arcana. I love working with 17A and 15A. It is very important when working to create structures for which energy will be hooked (and held) otherwise it will simply dissipate.
  5. The fifth way is a trip to nature, feeding yourself with the energy of life. Unfortunately, there is not enough time for this. In this case, watching films about nature (or photographs) saves.
  6. The sixth way is amulets and talismans. First of all, it is necessary to choose a protective talisman so that society does not steal energy. And then you can decide on the artifact with which you want to work.
  7. The seventh option is a healthy full sleep. Without a sufficient amount of negative energy received in a dream, there will be no quality magical work. In addition, various practices and training can also be carried out in a dream. For example, you can explore the space of dreams or build entire residences there.
  8. The eighth option is to remove unnecessary connections that pull back into the "swamp". Communication with people of a magical mindset is very important. People of the lower castes will draw energy (in various sophisticated ways), and the higher castes will pull you up to their level. In addition, by breaking ties, you will have "excessive" energy, which can be very useful. As you know, it is free energy that is needed to realize something. Don't be afraid to cut ties. The necessary connections will be restored very quickly, and the unnecessary ones will remind of themselves at first, and then come to naught.
  9. The ninth option is Fireball technology, working with a direct and reverse circle of energy. In the reverse circle - we feed ourselves, in the direct circle - we influence someone.
  10. The tenth option is to remove blocks and breakdowns in the human cocoon. This will allow you to accumulate energy, and not waste it.

Probably, you can give a few more ways to gain and save energy. But I would like to draw attention to the fact that constant study at the School also gives a very big advancement in terms of personal development and energy gain. Even if the changes are imperceptible, each person will definitely have them. I will note right away that everyone will progress differently. Someone will go the way to anahata in 3 years, someone in 5 years, and someone will never rise above manipura. Everything will depend on the individual parameters of a person, his faith in magic and the desire to learn.

In our time, there are a lot of skeptics who firmly believe in the absence of anything supernatural. They give different evidence and theories, and when something unusual happens in their life, they call it a coincidence and an accident. But is it really so?

Human possibilities are unlimited, which is proved by our centuries-old history and the presence in it of good healers, famous seers and soothsayers, clairvoyants, etc. Of course, it is impossible to feel and touch this gift, and it is not always possible to explain it. But the person who possesses it always stands out from the crowd. He knows more than those around him, it is difficult to mislead him, and he rarely gets into trouble.

How to check psychic abilities in a person? It should be said right away that there are no exact tests that will say that you are a psychic or an N-level magician. And below will be listed ways that simply determine whether you currently have available abilities. Moreover, most likely, they will be in their initial state, and they will still need to be trained.

The easiest way is to lay out playing cards face down in front of you and try to guess what they hide. If you were able to guess eight or nine times, then this means that your abilities are ready for use (and how did you not notice this before?). But, even constantly guessing four or five cards, you can start training. By the way, such guessing can be included in training for the development of extrasensory abilities.
See to yourself what you can. For example, you know exactly when it will rain or there will be a strong wind, you always feel trouble for a day or two of their onset, your nose itches and butterflies appear if something good happens in the near future. Any natural action is evidence that you feel the future. Do not stop there, start training, and the world will open up new facets for you.

Exercises for beginners

Before you begin any exercise for the development of extrasensory perception, try to perform the following tasks for several weeks. Thanks to them, your extrasensory perception will increase significantly in a few weeks. Then it will be easier for you to perform more complex exercises.

Every morning after waking up, try to catch the news of the next day, as well as its events - positive or negative. After a while, you will be able to feel the approaching danger and anxiety right in the air, as well as joy and all sorts of amenities.
Get in the habit of not looking at the phone right away, but first guessing who might be calling you.
Turning on the radio, try to imagine a melody that can sound (sad, joyful, perky), or even guess the name.
Do the guessing exercise several times a day, and then check to see if it matches.
Throughout the day, you can guess the number of an approaching bus, minibus, whether a person will be late or not, and the like.

These very useful exercises should be done by focusing on your third eye (the point between the eyebrows). This is how you activate your psychic abilities, training them and increasing your strength.

Seeing the aura and working with the hands

The next simple exercise on the way to the goal can be an attempt to see your aura and generally feel the energy with your hands. This can help you in the future when working, since experienced psychics can thus see various holes in the human energy body, such as damage, the evil eye, various types of love magic, etc.

So, before you see the aura, just try to feel the energy with your hands. Sit on a chair, close your eyes and raise your hands in front of you with palms facing each other (keep them loose). Bring your palms together very slowly and bring them back to the starting position. Imagine that you are holding an airy elastic ball, imagine how your palms are resting on it. After a while, you will feel a slight tingle in your fingers and warmth, as well as a dense ball of air between your palms. If you continue to bring them together very slowly, you will feel the elastic resistance of the air.

After some time of such training, you can open your eyes. Then, with slow work with your hands, you will be able to see your aura, first in the form of a white plume when moving, and then the color. At the same time, try to scatter your gaze, trying to cover everything with it and not linger on anything. The training of such a look will allow in the future to see not only the aura, but also the human disease. Of course, having achieved the vision of the aura, do not stop in training, otherwise what you have acquired can be lost very quickly.

Eastern practices for the development of psychic abilities

It should be noted that it is very easy to develop psychic abilities if you are engaged in Eastern practices of pumping energy. For example, you can do qigong or tai chi exercises every day. Long-term practice reveals all the extrasensory abilities of a person, but only after several years of regular training. But along with unusual abilities, you will also train your body.

Also in the East, there are short exercises (like “Eight cuts of brocade”), which also pump energy in the body. In any case, no matter what type of training you choose, you need to do it regularly, because this is the only way you can begin to feel the energy in your body and see it.

Each person has his own gift, thanks to which he can stand out and become famous. Someone has a sonorous voice, someone has a good sense of rhythm, and someone writes poetry beautifully. If obvious abilities are not observed, then you should think about it. Perhaps it is you who has psychic abilities. And our article will help you understand and find out your psychic talents.

Usually, a person's talent manifests itself almost immediately. But a person with paranormal qualities may not be aware of this for years, since such a gift can manifest itself in small things and a person simply does not pay attention to them. You should consider if:

  • You are scared open doors. At first glance, this has absolutely nothing to do with it. But not everything is so simple. Namely, the fear of open doors suggests that you are trying to protect your energy.
  • Materialization of your thoughts. It does not matter whether it is good or bad, connected with you, your loved ones or strangers. If you often notice that your words or thoughts come true, then there is a good reason to think about psychic abilities.
  • Animals can also point to your special qualities. If you notice unusual behavior of any animals associated specifically with your appearance and presence, it is also worth considering.
  • If technology is clearly not your friend, this is also one of the signs. It may also be that, on the contrary, the devices begin to work better.
  • Another indicator is luck. You often manage to find a way out of a difficult situation, and the offender can be punished without your participation. As if by some higher power.
  • You can feel the emotions and feelings of other people. Such a gift, however, is extremely rare.
  • After the touch of your hands, a person becomes easier. Maybe the pain will not completely subside, because these are just minor first signs.
  • Each of us, maybe not so often, but dreams. Colorful, realistic, joyful and disturbing. True, many will not even remember them after waking up. And people with extrasensory abilities see prophetic dreams.

All this happens regardless of the will of man. If you began to pay attention to the fact that your intuition is developed more than others, take a closer look at the above signs.

Psychic abilities are considered a gift that a person received from higher powers. But, in fact, this is not true. In each of us, by nature, this ability was laid. True, for this you will need to try hard and work on yourself for more than one day.

Perhaps someone has a greater propensity for clairvoyance, someone for healing or telepathy. But for that to develop these abilities, without exception, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Get all negative thoughts out of your head. There should be only a positive attitude and faith in yourself.
  • For cleaning not only the soul, but also the energy, there is nothing better than meditation. Start with the most elementary.

The main requirement is peace and quiet. And even better - in nature, in the fresh air. In the beginning, try to relax completely and try not to think about anything.

  • Training will need to be done regularly. Don't expect that one day you will wake up as a psychic. This is what you need to strive for and work hard on yourself. Regularly. Start small. Set aside ten minutes every day, constantly increasing the time.
  • Many advise keeping a diary, and less talk about their activities.
  • And most importantly, your thoughts should be for the benefit of other people. No selfish goals and negativity.

Test for psychic abilities, determining the presence of abilities

Now this topic has become quite relevant, so the Internet is full of various tests to determine psychic abilities.

But, It is enough to honestly answer a few questions:

  • How developed is your intuition? How can you rely on it?
  • Are you a lucky person?
  • Have your dreams ever come true?
  • Have you ever felt the energy of a person who is nearby?
  • Or maybe it was possible to predict a minor event?
  • Can you relieve the pain or improve the patient's condition a little?
  • Have you ever had a feeling of anxiety that something happened somewhere with your relatives or friends?
  • Have you ever felt like this has happened to you before, or are you not alone in the room?
  • Do you have healers or witches in your family?
  • Can you guess?

The more positive answers you get, the more potential you have.

How to test psychic abilities?

Someone believes in people with paranormal abilities, others deny their existence. And, even if it seems to you that you have the ability, it is worth checking with special assignments:

  • Take an honest look at your past. Have you experienced any unexplained events? Perhaps a dream came true or were you able to foresee the near future?
  • Take a deck of cards. Schoolchildren are still fond of this activity, but it can really help to reveal a person’s potential. You just need to do it alone. Be clear about which card you will draw. And then analyze what ratio of cards, which one you guessed and which one you got from the deck.

  • You can try to guess the characteristics of a person from the photo. Better yet, several. With this task, the help of a friend will not hurt. Let your friend prepare a photo of your friends for you.
  • Weigh your abilities. Just be honest with yourself. Do you believe in your success?
  • If you know how to guess, for example, on cards, then connect your friends. And see what percentage of the veracity of your predictions.

Psychic abilities by date of birth

By the date of birth of a person, one can say not only about his character, but also about extrasensory abilities. There is nothing difficult in this.

It only takes date of birth and tarot cards(the number of the date of birth corresponds to the Major Arcana of the Tarot). You can take a similar test online, or you can figure it out yourself. There is nothing complicated in it, the main thing is to be able to add.

  • I lasso is the number of birth (day). If the number of birth is less than 22, then this is the same lasso. If more, then you will need to subtract the number 22 from the birthday. And we also get the lasso we need. It is he who reflects the main character traits and interests.
  • Arcana II is determined by the date, month and year of birth. Also by folding, only all the numbers. The resulting number also depends on 22. If more - subtract, if less - leave. This is the most important number. It is she who can show the life path of a person, his mission, workload and ability.
  • III lasso is subtracted a little more difficult. More precisely, a little more operations need to be carried out. All digits of the date of birth must be reduced to one number (from 1 to 9). The birthday corresponds to the first number (if necessary, add two digits), the month to the second number, and the year of birth to the third (all four must be added so that you get a single digit).

For example, let's take the date of birth 11/25/1989:

  • I lasso - 25-22 \u003d 3 - Empress
  • II lasso - 2 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 36-22 = 14 - Moderation
  • Arcana III - (2+5=7)+(1+1=2)+(1+9+8+9=27)=36=3+6=9 - Hermit

By the way, it also happens that the first two cards do not matter much, but the third lasso becomes the leading one. As shown in our example.

Explanations of the numbers are as follows:

  • Mag. This is a very powerful card (especially for men) and indicates the presence of psychic abilities. But not always she can talk about traditional magic. She shows such a character trait as perseverance. Such a person knows how to achieve his goals. Moreover, with the help of their powers, not magic. If we take specific types of magic, then this card is responsible for mental magic (the magic of thought).
  • High Priestess. Also a strong card (especially for women). It is directly related to nature, clairvoyance and intuition.
  • Empress. This is directly home magic with all its inclusions. With household items or products. Sometimes, such a card indicates that you need to protect your home with magic.
  • Emperor. This card is not directly related to magic. But he talks about combat magic, using metal, weapons. Sometimes indicates that you need to resort to more stringent methods.
  • Hierophant. This is ritual, ceremonial magic. If we talk about the Christian faith, it indicates the use of icons, holy water.
  • Lovers. This is love magic (also called the magic of partnerships). Means that a person will attract the opposite sex.
  • Chariot. They call it gypsy magic or there are other names such as the magic of dance, incantations and mantras. Often used for bad purposes, but can also be used for good.
  • Strength. This is animal magic, voodoo magic.

  • Hermit. A very strong spiritual card and such a person can have highly developed psychic abilities. It is better to use the magic of stones, meditation.
  • Wheel of Fortune. This card indicates the magic of coins, the magic of talismans, magic with the help of tarot cards. It is also associated with karma and past lives.
  • Justice. The card has nothing to do with magic. Most likely, the problems arose according to the law of balance, and they can be solved with the help of the mind.
  • Hanged. A strong card associated with tree magic, Runes, hypnosis and Celtic magic.
  • Death. Indicates strong magical abilities. The card is associated with the magic of healing, with the spirits of the dead. It can also be used for good purposes.
  • Moderation. The card has nothing to do with magic. Indicates that the person has disturbed the balance, and this has led to problems. In this case, a psychologist will help, not a magician.
  • Devil. A strong card indicating a natural attitude towards magic. Work with spirits, demons, black magic. It also means that a person can, without realizing it, influence others.
  • Tower. Indicates that a person needs to work with elemental magic, with all four. This also applies to Feng Shui.
  • Star. It has a direct connection with space and planetary energy.
  • Moon. The card is magically strong. Associated, of course, with the moon, its phases and energy.

  • Sun. Of course, this is the magic of the sun, fire and candles.
  • Court. A bit like Death, which is associated with the spirits of the dead. But this card is connected specifically with our ancestors and their rituals. It is not aimed at obtaining energy, but most likely - at obtaining information.
  • World. This card indicates the use of the magic of other countries, methods using new technologies, cyber magic.
  • Jester. Connected directly with game magic. It seems like a joke and a game, but it works. Associated with the magic of dolls, but, unfortunately, with the use of voodoo dolls.

Psychic Powers: A Book

The best assistant of a person in such a matter will be a book. Which one to choose among a large number is another question. It should be noted that there is one book that deserves our attention.

Jane Roberts, Psychic Powers. It can be called the best book in the field. With its help, you can discover the sixth sense in yourself and learn how to use this power. Also in this book is described in detail about the control of dreams, the ability to predict the future, telepathy and séances.

Intuition and psychic abilities

Unlike psychic abilities, every person has intuition, and it manifests itself in everyone. It's just that for some it is more developed, while for others it is weakly expressed. Intuition is the ability of your mind to perceive the instructions of the inner ("higher") Self

  • To develop intuition, you first need to calm the mind. For this, meditation will help. After all, thanks to her, you can throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head and find the necessary balance.
  • Some argue that intuition is the voice of past life experience. That is why it is difficult to find a logical explanation for it. And, most importantly, it is logic that is the worst enemy of intuition.

  • The stereotyped method of thinking should be abandoned. Creativity and individuality should be brought into any action.
  • Do not sit still, obsessed with life's problems. Move, try to get as much knowledge as possible. Be like a child who discovers the world.
  • Develop your intuition, listen to it and trust. After all, every time you do not take into account her signs, you make it clear to your intuition that you refuse her and her help.

Exercises for the development of psychic abilities

It is not so difficult to identify psychic abilities in oneself. But then you need to develop them, you need to constantly work on yourself.

To get started, there are enough simple tasks that you will need to complete every day:

  • Meditation. It has already been mentioned above that initially we need to clear our mind. You have to learn to turn off your thoughts.
  • At first glance, this is a very simple exercise - you need to predict a small event. For example, what bus number will arrive, what phone number will be displayed or who will ring the doorbell.

  • Need to learn see the aura of a person and your own. The biofield can be seen with the inner eye. It is necessary to place a living or inanimate object on a plain background and examine it very carefully. If you tune in and focus correctly, then everything will definitely work out.
  • Stimulation of prophetic dreams. It is also a simple, at first glance, task. Before going to bed, you need to think about what tomorrow will be like. The answer must come in a dream.
  • You need to learn how to work with your hands - to determine the aura with your palms. To do this, bring your palms together, and then slowly spread. And reduce again. Until you feel the boundaries of your own aura.

Psychic abilities of the signs of the zodiac

Not only character, but also the presence of extrasensory abilities is closely related to the date of birth and the horoscope of a person.

So, let's see which of the signs is more prone to having magical abilities:

  • Aries. Has a powerful energy field. And since this is the first fire sign, it is perfect for him. pyromancy. After all, he perfectly knows how to read the images that the flame draws.
  • Taurus. For this sign, touch plays a very important role. That's why palmistry exactly what this representative needs.
  • Twins. They are best suited bibliomancy. Many people know how it works. But Gemini has a natural gift for this. You need to open a random page and paragraph.
  • Crayfish. This is a very domestic sign, so they feel all their strength in the house. He can determine important information about the landlord in a few seconds. Therefore, it is most suitable for Cancer Feng Shui.

  • A lion. Communication with spirits is one of the most daring areas of psychic abilities. It suits Leo the most. In this way, he can open his inner self.
  • Virgo. They are representatives of the land, practitioners and nature lovers. Therefore, they need something tangible and, preferably, natural. For example, divination on coffee or tea leaves.
  • Scales. Tarot cards- that's what this representative of the zodiac needs. They will be able to notice the smallest and smallest details.
  • Scorpion. Scorpio has such qualities as fearlessness, high susceptibility and strong passion. Therefore, they will turn out beautiful mediums.
  • Sagittarius. This representative has great optimism, intuition is highly developed and there are no internal barriers. It is they - the best clairvoyants.
  • Capricorn. He strongly likes order in everything and a logical explanation. Therefore, Capricorn is best do numerology.
  • Aquarius. It is from them that good astrologers. They can tell with great accuracy both about the past and the future.
  • Fish. They already speak for themselves. This sign belongs to the element of water, so it is ideal for them. voro. What does divination by water mean.

Silva method. Psychic abilities.

This method is considered unique. It helps a person to reveal his intuitive and psychic abilities. According to him, the most important thing is the right mindset. It was J. Silva who suggested exercises for revealing the "sixth sense". And, most importantly, anyone can do it.

The main focus of the book is on the development of intuition. After all, it is inherent in each of us by nature in order to protect us from dangers.

"Glass of water". Suitable for solving questions or getting a hint:

  • Before going to bed, take a glass of water. With your eyes closed, drink half a glass and say, "That's all I have to do to get the answer to the question I'm thinking about."
  • The most important thing is to be specific about the question. It should be without the "not" particle.
  • Go to bed. In the morning, repeat the evening action with the same words.

Technique "3 fingers". This method is aimed specifically at protecting against stress:

  • Relax and put your fingers together as if making the sign of the cross.
  • Say mentally the phrase three times: "Whenever I put these three fingers together, my mind functions at a deeper level of consciousness, and I remain calm, cool and in complete control of myself."

The Silva method describes all aspects of a person's life. These are just small examples. In this book you can find answers to any questions. Find out how to find your soul mate, what you need to do to fulfill your desires, how to improve your memory, how to succeed in trading or improve your financial situation.

In conclusion, I would like to say that after reading this article, it will not be difficult for you to test yourself to identify extrasensory abilities. In addition, now you know how to develop them for yourself, you have all the “tools” for this action. All in your hands! The stronger your desire to know the unknown, the deeper you can "dig", the greater horizons you can reach.

Video: Extrasensory abilities of a person

Not everyone has come across, but everyone has heard that there are people who have paranormal abilities. What is considered as such? One could make a long list, but generally speaking, these are abilities that cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science.

Whether it is the ability to guess the past or the future, the ability to see through obstacles, to read with closed eyes, all such human abilities can be called hidden, because not everyone knows about them, even if he himself has them.

People with such a gift are called psychics.

However, many do not believe in the veracity of such things, and often try to catch a catch or deceit in the actions of such people. Many can be exposed, but there are those who are really endowed with some higher gift, thanks to which they are able to lift the veil of the universe.

The basis of paranormal abilities

The world in which we live is considered to be three-dimensional, speaking in the language of simple geometry, we exist in relation to length, width and height. Recently, people have begun to talk about a four-dimensional model, in which time is represented as the fourth dimension. Taking into account official scientific research, it becomes clear in general terms what is at stake.

However, it is believed that having similar, albeit hidden abilities, a person has the opportunity to look into some kind of “astral” dimension.

This dimension is considered the world of our emotions, experiences, feelings. And if we can measure and feel the length, width, height and time, then with the materiality of the astral world it is much more difficult.

Presentation: "The possibilities of human

If we take for granted the existence of such a dimension, then it seems quite logical that the existence of people capable of developing other abilities. And yet, despite the fact that we cannot see what psychics see, we can feel for ourselves what happens if we influence the so-called “subtle world”.

Very often it happens that a person does not know about his psychic abilities, and does not know about the need to develop them and learn how to manage them.

The presence of such hidden abilities in a person can carry a certain danger to others. Indeed, in this case, he does not know how to get rid of unnecessary energy, but at the same time he is able to accumulate it.

And it's good if his abilities are tied to positive flows.

But in the event that a person is negatively charged, at some point the accumulated energy reaches a critical mass and splashes out on others, it may look like a flash of anger or aggression.

Presentation: "Nightmare Bonferroni"

In the people, the result of such emissions is considered "damage". Perhaps the person did not want to offend you at all, you just fell under the “hot hand” and, most likely, he even repeatedly apologizes to you for his act, but he will not be able to change anything. And it is for you to feel the consequences of the negative accumulation that was thrown at you.

At the same time, there are people who are clearly aware of their psychic abilities, have spent a lot of time developing them, and know how to manage them.

In this case, negative energy can be accumulated on purpose and "hung" on you imperceptibly.

Paranormal abilities in the modern world and their signs

It is precisely because of their uncertainty and lack of study that paranormal abilities attract and frighten so much. However, in our time, more and more researchers are beginning to be interested in these issues, and according to some of the works, every second inhabitant of our planet can develop extrasensory abilities to one degree or another.

Presentation: "Parascience"

According to these studies, you have mental ability if:
  • you are always lucky;
  • when you approach, electronic devices begin to act up or suddenly work better;
  • animals behave strangely in your presence;
  • you don't like open doors;
  • those who offended you are always punished without your direct participation;
  • you have the ability to empathize;
  • able to relieve physical pain through touch;
  • see prophetic dreams;
  • have a highly developed intuition;
  • capable of materializing thoughts.

Presentation: "Extrasenses. Psychics"

Of course, to say that anyone who has unusual luck or clearly sets goals for himself, achieves them, necessarily has the gift of a psychic. And yet, if you are familiar with more than two statements, you should think about the ability to sense the "subtle world". Perhaps in this case you should try to develop them and use them for good.

What is behind the word "paranormal"?

We can assume that the world of human paranormal abilities is another dimension, a kind of "high matter". Or is it all just fiction, a scientific theory based on a bunch of unconfirmed facts.

Everyone decides for himself to believe or not to believe fortune-tellers and prophets, but it is by voicing our fate that any seer dooms us to blindly follow it. Think about it.