Glossy highlights are reality! Learning how to paint nails correctly with ordinary varnish. How to paint your nails in different colors: trendy design ideas

An article on how to beautifully paint your nails yourself. Varnish application techniques and design options.

To paint your nails smoothly, beautifully and quickly requires experience, this is the same skill as the ability to ride a bicycle or ice skate. This article is intended specifically for those who still do not know how to do a beautiful manicure on their own, it contains detailed instructions on how to paint your nails correctly, and typical mistakes are described.

The material will certainly be useful to those who already know how to do a neat manicure at home, as it contains a description of unusual techniques for applying varnish with a sponge and tape, as well as several original ideas for nail design.

How to accurately and evenly paint your nails without staining the cuticles and skin?

  1. Before starting to apply a decorative coating, it is imperative to remove or push back the cuticle, otherwise the varnish will get on the skin, lie unevenly and make a neat manicure impossible. You can get rid of the cuticle by cutting it off with tweezers from the manicure set, using a special cosmetic product, or pushing the skin away with an orange stick, nail file or toothpick.
  2. The varnish is applied in just three to four light strokes. Relax your hand and draw straight lines without pressing on the brush. For some, it is more convenient to paint the nail first at the edges, then in the center, for some, on the contrary, it is more convenient to start from the middle. But doing a lot of strokes, trying to draw a straight line, and pressing hard on the brush, is definitely not worth it.
  3. Leave a spot on the sides of the nail that is not painted over. Firstly, this way you will have much less chance of staining your skin, and secondly, because of this, the nails will visually appear longer.

How to beautifully paint your nails with regular varnish?

  1. If, despite your best efforts, the varnish lays down unevenly, then it is most likely too thick. You can try diluting it with acetone or buying a new one. To prevent the varnish from drying out so quickly, always tighten the lid well and make sure that nothing remains on the rim.
  2. If the polish does not adhere well, it is likely that you have applied too much. If you apply several layers of varnish, they should be as thin as possible, and the varnish should be uniform and sufficiently liquid. When only cheap varnish is available, it is better to apply it in one coat.

How to paint your nails with a sponge?

Using a sponge, you can make a relief pattern on the nails. In addition, it will turn out to combine several varnish colors at once, and the border between them will be blurred.

To make such a manicure, you need a small sponge (about a centimeter wide) and a varnish of two or three shades.

  1. Apply the first layer of varnish with a brush, in the photo above, yellow varnish was used for this
  2. Using a brush, apply two drops of yellow polish to the sponge, and next to it, make a spot with pink polish. Please note that the sponge absorbs strongly, so there should be a lot of varnish.
  3. Now place the sponge against your nail. Repeat this several times until you get a beautiful embossed pattern.

VIDEO: How to apply a sponge to your nails?

How to paint your nails with tape?

With tape, you can make stripes or patterns on your nails.

  1. Apply a layer of varnish with a brush, which will be the base. Wait for it to dry
  2. Cut thin strips out of the tape and stick them onto your nails
  3. Apply a different color of varnish over the tape
  4. Peel off the strips until the varnish is dry
  5. Secure the drawing with clear varnish and seal the free edge of the nail

VIDEO: How to make a drawing on the nails using scotch tape?

How to paint your nails on your right hand yourself?

  • Place your hands on a smooth surface. With your left hand, dip the brush into the varnish and calmly, without taking your hands off the table, start making strokes. Slide your elbow across the table and paint your nails at the same time. If the left hand rests on the table, then its movements will be more confident and smooth
  • Do not put too much polish on the brush and do not try to paint over the entire nail plate. Let it be better on the sides and near the cuticle to remain a millimeter of an unpainted place, but the manicure will look neat
  • If you miss, do not try to fix the defect right away, because there is a high probability of damaging the coating on adjacent nails. Paint your hand to the end and wait until it dries, then completely wipe off the varnish on the nail, which turned out to be sloppy. Wait until the nail polish remover evaporates, and only then paint the nail again
  • It is better to paint the nails on the right hand in a calm environment, it is very difficult to do it nervously

INTERESTING: Those who first paint their right hand, and in life do not like to put things on the back burner. And those who start painting their nails from their left hands need to tune in before doing complex and routine work.

How to quickly and beautifully paint short nails, photo?

To paint short nails is a little more difficult than long ones, because you need to accurately calculate the amount of varnish that is typed on the brush. To make short nails look attractive, you can distract attention from their length with an interesting design. A few ideas for short nails are shown in the photo below.

Painting your nails with glitter polish is as easy as painting your nails. But they already look more original. The manicure also looks beautiful, in which sparkles are applied only to a part of the nail.

Those who can paint on nails can create even more interesting designs.

Drawings made with scotch tape look great on short nails too. The technology for creating such a manicure has been described.

How to paint your nails to make them appear longer?

  • Method 1: Paint your nails with dark varnish, retreating 1-2 mm on the sides, and visually they will appear longer
  • Method 2: Use vertical or diagonal lines
  • Method 3: Do a French manicure and paint the free edge of the nail lower than it actually is. In the photo, if you look closely, you can see that the long free edge was simply painted

How to paint beautiful toenails?

Before you start painting your toenails, you definitely need to do a pedicure: remove the cuticles and give your nails a beautiful shape. Some people think that the color of the nail polish on the hands and feet should be the same.

Others think they can get creative and decorate their toenails as they please.

You can glue rhinestones, stones and other decorations with special nail glue or superglue.

How to beautifully paint your nails with gel polish or shellac?

To paint your nails with shellac at home you will need:

  • UV Drying Lamp
  • Shellac base
  • Decorative color coating
  • The top coat you need to protect your manicure

This is a minimal set to which you can add nourishing cuticle oil and other nice little things. But a special tool for degreasing nails can be successfully replaced with alcohol or a liquid for removing regular varnish.

It takes a lot of time to beautifully paint your nails with shellac. After all, each layer must be dried well under a lamp before applying the next one. You can learn more about the technology of covering nails with shellac by watching the video.

VIDEO: How to beautifully paint your nails with shellac?

How to beautifully paint your nails with black varnish?

Black varnish can also be different: coal, wet asphalt color or with a metallic sheen. Girls will find their own boring shade in stores.

The combination of glossy and matte black varnish looks interesting.

How to beautifully paint your nails with pink varnish?

Pink nails are suitable for romantic, cute girls. It's a good idea to match a handbag or pink shoes to match them.

How to beautifully paint your nails with white varnish?

White nails always look festive and neat. In the summer, such a manicure will go well with light, light clothes, and in winter it will remind you of the snow outside the window.

When creating a manicure, white is often combined with other contrasting colors, for example, with black.

How to beautifully paint your nails with red varnish?

Red nails, in the style of "Carmen", will suit burning brunettes and simply temperamental natures.

How beautiful to paint nails in two colors, photo

Two-tone nails look especially beautiful if different zones are separated with special nail tape.

After you have glued the strips, they must be fixed with a colorless varnish or top coat for gel varnish if you have done shellac manicure.

In stores, you can choose scotch tape of different colors.

How to beautifully paint your nails at home with a pattern?

If you don't know how to paint on nails, you can buy stickers. For example, these are:

Patterned nails

Another design option for young girls.

Drawing on the nails "Ladybugs"

VIDEO: How to paint your nails neatly, two techniques?

It would seem, what could be easier than applying makeup on your nails? But you also need to know how to use nail polish. In order for the color to be uniform, and the excess varnish on the cuticle does not spoil the overall impression of your manicure, you need to know some subtleties.

Preparing hands for manicure

It is imperative to prepare your hands for painting your nails so that the result will please you and last longer.

Photo: Step by step instructions

If you have already tidied up your nails using manicure tools, lubricate the skin of the fingers around the nails with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly, as in the second photo. Even if the varnish comes out of the nail, it will not harden, and it will be easy to remove it with a cotton swab or napkin.

Before you paint your nails, they must be degreased with a solvent or alcohol so that the varnish lays down evenly and lasts as long as possible.

What should be the varnish

First of all, of course, fresh. Most nail polish cannot be used up to the last drop because the solvent quickly evaporates from the open bottle. Because of this, the varnish becomes thick, does not adhere well to the nails and dries for a very long time. You can only try to revive the varnish by diluting it with a solvent in an emergency. In any case, he will not become the same.

Before painting their nails, many girls shake the bottle of varnish, as a result of which small bubbles form in it, along with which the varnish falls on the nails. If you have not used the varnish for a long time, you do not need to shake the bottle - you just need to warm it with your palms.

How to apply nail polish at home

Before painting your nails, it is advisable to apply a base for a manicure on them. The protective coating contains vitamins and other useful microelements, and besides this, it does not allow direct contact between the nail plate and varnish.

As a base, you can use the most common transparent varnish. Of course, in composition, it is no different from any other varnish, and it will not protect nails from harmful microelements, but it will protect the nail plate from possible pigmentation. This happens most often as a result of nail polishing.

Photo: How to use varnish

Open the nail polish and wait for the excess nail polish to drain off the brush. Place a dot in the middle of the nail, as in the first photo, and stretch it from the inner to the outer edge. Draw lines on both sides in the same sequence.

It is advisable to apply colored varnishes in 2-3 layers. Each layer should be thin without any gaps.

Nails will dry much faster and polish will last longer if you use a top coat. If you don't have one, you have to show a little patience. The varnish should dry naturally. Blowing on your nails, holding them over a gas stove, or even worse - dipping them into water, is not worth it in any case. The varnish will really dry out faster from this, but at the same time it may lose its shine, lose color uniformity or become covered with small bubbles.

Video: How to paint your nails yourself

Video Source: Nail Design by IREN1704

Hands are the girl's calling card. Well-groomed, beautiful nails, delicate skin of the brushes are the key to success and good mood. If you want to diversify your usual manicure, but there is no time for painstaking painting of nails or you choose for a long time between the pair of shades you like and cannot decide what color to paint your nails with today - You will be interested in learning how to paint your nails in two colors. A two-tone manicure is in trend today, it refreshes the nails and brings zest to the image.

You can paint your nails in two colors in different ways. and by combining color shades, you can get a unique, interesting manicure. We choose color combinations depending on the mood and do not forget about the whole image - clothes and makeup.It is necessary that the color gamut must be combined and the color of the manicure "be friends" with the color gamut of clothes.The varnish is combined not only in color, but also in texture - glossy and matte, with or without sparkles.

To beautifully paint your nails using two different colors, you need to know the features:

  • Color combination;
  • Combination of texture;
  • Usually, the marigolds on the middle and ring fingers are distinguished by a different color. Or they do a manicure with a smooth transition on one nail (ombre manicure);
  • It is better to choose varnishes from one company or buy special series for a two-color manicure with ready-made color pairs;
  • For a manicure with a smooth transition, a finishing shiny coating is applied - a colorless varnish;

How to choose the right nail polish colors to paint your nails with two colors?

It is not enough just to take two of the polish colors you like and paint on your nails. It is important to choose a color combination according to certain rules, otherwise the manicure will look tasteless.

Of course, someone has a natural flair and intuitively sees beautiful color combinations, but someone needs to be guided by the rules (at least for a start :) Now we will talk about the most win-win and basic color combinations:

Monochrome combination is a combination of different shades of the same color

This is the most harmonious and easy-to-select combination. The hue differs only in lightness and saturation of the color and excludes the dilution of the color with other tones. For instance:
- dark blue and light blue;
- purple and purple;
- warm brown and muted orange;
- dark herbal green and delicate light green;
Such a manicure looks very light and soft, which we see in the photo.

Combination of related colors

Here they combine the colors located next to each other in the color wheel. This combination looks calm and harmonious and is already more interesting. For example, you can paint your nails with the following pairs of related colors:
- red varnish and orange;
- green and yellow;
- blue and purple;
- light green and blue;
- dark blue and eggplant;
Related colors of different lightness will also combine well. For instance:
- dark blue and lilac;
- dark blueberry and pink;

Contrasting color combination

The most catchy, vibrant combination of opposite colors. These are varnishes of such colors as:
- yellow and purple;
- red and green tones;
- orange and blue;
- purple and yellow-green;
- turquoise and coral;
And softer combinations of contrasting light colors:
- delicate light green and light pink;
- pastel lilac and light lemon;

In any of these ways, you can bring out the overall coloration and contrast by combining lighter colors with saturated ones. Or combine only bed tones according to one of these three schemes.

Achromatic colors are also used.- it is black, all shades of gray, white; for manicure, this includes flesh and beige colors. Such tones can be combined with each other or you can refresh them with any other colors and shades.

If you want to make a color stretch, it is not necessary to search and buy 5 varnishes for each nail. It is enough to have 2 colors of varnish (gray and white, for example) and change the shade by mixing these two colors - for each marigold, dilute the gray varnish with white in a larger amount than the previous one.

The two colors of varnish can be applied in different types and patterns. A manicure can be like a French manicure with an even or smooth transition.

Beautiful combinations of black glossy varnish and varnishes of other colors with glitters... You can paint your nails in two colors, like a moon manicure, when the "suns" at the base stand out in a different color. Geometric manicure is also interesting - two colors break the nail vertically, diagonally or horizontally.

Read also:

Delicate images in pastel colors are beautiful. They are always combined harmoniously and softly.

(loadmodule mod_custom, YAN in the MODULE article)

How to paint your nails in two colors with a smooth sponge

Everything is very simple, the main thing here is to do everything carefully and not to rush anywhere.

Step 1 First, choose two suitable varnishes and determine what color will be the main ones, cover your nails with it (photo 1).

Step 2 On any hard surface (plastic, thick glossy cardboard, etc.), apply two colors of varnish next to each other. Using, for example, a toothpick, gently mix the two in the place of their contact - you get a color stretch (photo 2). You can skip this step and apply the varnish directly to the sponge.

Step 3 Take a small, narrow sponge (slightly wider than the nail) and put the polish on the sponge (photo 3).

Step 4 With a gentle movement, transfer the varnish from the sponge to the nail, making a print (photo 4).

Step 5 The nail polish will also be imprinted on the finger itself, so you need to soak a cotton swab in the nail polish remover and clean your finger of unnecessary nail polish. To make it easier to remove - first apply a greasy cream to your fingers. With the same stick, touch up the coating line near the cuticle, making it even and smooth, then the manicure will look neat.

Step 6 Finish off with a protective coating or just a colorless nail polish.

You can also use the applicator for these purposes, then the skin practically does not get dirty:

Video: Perfect Ombre

Paint nails in two colors with a brush transition

Without a sponge, you can also do a two-tone manicure, but this requires more skill. Cover the nail with the base color and let dry. Then carefully apply a different color in layers, the brightest layer will be at the tip and gradually fade away in the middle of the nail.

Hands are constantly visible and in detail convey a woman's attitude to her appearance. Even pretty clothes and hairstyles can't save the day if you have a sloppy manicure.

Painting nails for women is as natural as wearing heels, because this is a kind of manifestation of femininity. But only knowledge of the secrets and nuances of an ideal manicure will allow a woman to be proud of her well-groomed hands.

Of course, professional manicurists will do the best with this. But if you don't have the money or time, then just learn how to paint your nails correctly at home.

Be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time, because in order to properly paint your nails with varnish, you also need skill and some experience. Until then, take our advice:

To properly paint your nails with varnish, you do not need any special knowledge. It is enough to follow the advice of professionals and you will certainly succeed!

It is advisable to select the color of the varnish not only for the outfit, but also, starting from the skin tone. Any tones are suitable for white skin, including bright ones: red, berry, pink. Medium skin tones suggest wine, olive, and blues. Deep red tones are suitable for dark skin, but it is recommended to avoid turquoise and green shades.

So, it is necessary to paint your nails correctly at home like this:

  1. Better start learning how to paint your nails with light-colored varnishes: this way, errors will be less noticeable. Over time, you can even apply black varnish neatly and beautifully.
  2. It is advisable to start applying the varnish from the little finger of your left hand (if you are right-handed).
  3. First apply 1 coat of nail polish to your nails and let it dry well. And only then apply the second.
  4. It is better to put your hand slightly downward: this will prevent the varnish from flowing onto the cuticle.
  5. It is more correct to apply varnish from the sides of the nail, and not from the middle, but this is not important.
  6. When the varnish is completely dry, it should be covered with a transparent protective layer.

Tip: erase blemishes only after the nail polish is completely dry, otherwise there is a high probability of damage to the manicure.

Keep your fingers on the table so that they do not shake and have a stop. Make sure the light falls on the left. Dip the brush completely into the bottle, renewing the polish for each nail.

If the varnish has thickened, it is undesirable to dilute it, as this will entail a change in the structure or even color.

How to paint your nails with shellac at home

If you have problem nails that constantly exfoliate and no polish adheres to them at all, we recommend trying shellac on them, which is a durable coating that does not wear off or peel off for several weeks.

To properly paint your nails with shellac at home, you should purchase the following tools: UV nail curing lamp, shellac and remover, nail file, cuticle stick and emollient cream, shellac base coat.

Work algorithm:

  1. First you need to do a standard manicure by removing the cuticles and polishing your nails.
  2. Then the nail plates are degreased by grasping the skin around the nails.
  3. After that, you should carefully apply the shellac base and dry the layer under a UV lamp for 1 minute.
  4. Then colored shellac is applied, drying each layer under a lamp for 2 minutes.
  5. On the dried shellac, paint the top coating, also drying it with a lamp, and remove the top film with a nail polish remover.
  6. Moisturize the cuticle with a cream.

You will surely like shellac, because it not only makes your nails beautiful, but also prevents the nail plate from deteriorating.

How to paint your nails with gel polish

Gel on nails is very popular among women due to the durability and resistance of the coating. The algorithm of work is very similar to the application of shellac: the manicure is done first, the nails are polished and degreased.

Don't buy an expensive degreaser: it is not profitable because it can be easily replaced with nail polish remover.

For work, stock up on gel polish, base (for better adhesion of the gel to the nail plate) and TOP (for shine nails) - coatings. A prerequisite is the presence of a UV lamp.

Attention: The UV lamp must be 36W, otherwise the gel may not dry out.

How to paint your nails with gel polish at home:

  • apply a thin layer of base coat;
  • dry the first layer with a lamp;
  • then cover your nails with gel;

Experts advise starting the gel coating with the thumbs: this will serve as a guarantee of uniform drying. Important: do not apply the gel to all nails at the same time!

  • if necessary, after the gel has dried, the shape of the nails and their thickness are adjusted using a special file;
  • then a thin layer of a protective coating is applied to the nails and also dried using ultraviolet light.

You can read more about how to properly apply gel polish in ours.

How to paint your nails with gel polish cat's eye

If you like a non-standard approach to manicure, try the so-called "cat's eye".

To implement the venture, you need to purchase a magnet and magnetic gel polish Cat's eye, which allows you to make a unique pattern on your nails.

The magnet has a pattern that, when interacting with a special varnish, collects metal dust from the gel into a specific pattern. The result is a unique 3D effect.

First, a manicure is done, then a magnetic varnish is applied to the nails and a magnet is brought to them. This must be done as close as possible and held without moving for about 10 seconds!

It is imperative to dry your nails with a UV lamp. An amazing manicure can be complemented with rhinestones, golden sand or stones.

Tip: in order to avoid the loss of useful properties after the completion of the manicure, remove the magnet away from the magnetic gel polish.

Creative manicure

You can paint your nails at home in such an unusual way that no one doubts that you have recently left the beauty salon.


Yes, a regular sewing needle will make your nail fancy come true! To do this, paint the nail plates in 2 layers and, without waiting for them to dry, apply drops of contrasting colors. Now, by connecting them together with a sharp needle, create patterns and creative elements.


For such a manicure, stock up on transparent and white varnishes, 10 pieces of newspaper and ethyl alcohol.

Prepare your nails as usual: do a manicure and cover with a base. Then paint over the plates evenly with white varnish.

After it dries well, take a piece of newspaper and dip it in rubbing alcohol for about 10 seconds. Apply quickly to your nail and wait for the image to print.

A new piece of newspaper is taken for each individual nail. You can apply scraps at different angles and in a chaotic manner. The final "chord" will be the coating of nails with a colorless fixer varnish.


You can paint your nails with tape, using it as a stop for French manicure. Any geometric shapes are cut out of scotch tape and used as a stencil.

Tip: to make the tape lose its excessive stickiness, stick it several times in the skin before applying it to your nails.

How to learn how to paint your nails correctly video

It is quite possible to paint your nails with varnish and do it neatly. You don't have to go to a beauty salon for this! It is necessary to use the interesting and useful tips in this article.

Every woman wants to look good. For this, among a dozen other procedures, she regularly does manicure. But it often happens that there is simply no extra money or time to go to a professional master in a salon. In such cases, home manicure comes to the rescue.

The downside of home manicure is that it does not always turn out to be neat due to inexperience, inconvenience, left (and maybe right) hand work, lack of good tools, varnishes and conditions.

But do not get upset ahead of time, because it is quite possible to make a neat and beautiful manicure at home. This requires time and certain knowledge. For example, a painting scheme.

The scheme for painting nails with varnish allows you to correctly apply the product to the nail plate and, using the smooth movements of the tube brush, spread the varnish throughout the nail.

How to properly paint a nail with varnish?

How to properly paint your nails with varnish so that they look neat:

  • Pay attention to the condition of your nail, you must thoroughly clean it before painting and wash off all the remnants of the previous varnish with acetone. Be careful: before painting your nails, do not apply cream on your hands, because the surface of the plate must be completely degreased for an even layer
  • If you want to protect your nails from unpleasant yellowing and smooth their surface, you need to apply a layer of clear varnish. This varnish can be purchased at any store or nail department.
  • The first drop of varnish should be applied to the nails a little higher than the cuticle itself, and only then with a brush, pull this drop down a little so as not to touch the cuticle in any way
  • After that, stretch the entire drop of polish up to the very edge of the nail. A straight and even line of painted varnish should be enough.
  • The next step is to put the brush exactly where the first drop was and stretch the fresh varnish with a brush first along one side part, then along the other as carefully as possible. Do not put too much pressure on the brush, so that when pressed, it does not creep and touch the skin on the side of the nail.
  • Wait until the first layer of varnish has completely dried and only then apply the second layer, which will give the nail a rich and deep color.

how to properly and accurately paint your nails with varnish?

How to paint your nails with tape?

It turns out that scotch tape is a good helper in beautifully covering your nails with varnish. Skillful gluing it will help not only to make drawings on the nails, but also to accurately paint them.

To do this, you need to prepare templates in advance and cut them out, so that later with wet nails you will not bother with this issue (especially since it will be quite difficult so as not to catch freshly painted varnish on one hand).

For such purposes, use only narrow tape, no wider than two centimeters. The wide tape makes it difficult to neatly glue it to the sides of your finger.

You literally need three pieces of tape for each finger. They are glued in turn: first, from the sides vertically and carefully pressed to the sides, and then a horizontal strip, which, when gluing, you can try to bend in the shape of the nail.

There are several types of tape you can use to paint your nails neatly. Stationery transparent is perfect, since it has a width of one centimeter. Masking tape is no less convenient, as well as electrical tape, which can take any shape and bend in any way.

how to neatly paint your nails with scotch tape?

On a dry layer of varnish, you can also glue some cutouts of adhesive tape strips, which, when painted and removed, will leave an interesting geometric pattern on the nails.

blanks for decorating nails with tape

drawing on nails with tape

geometric manicure with tape

How to paint your nails with a sponge?

It is possible to make a beautiful manicure with the help of such a simple device as a sponge. There are several main secrets to this nail polish, but the most basic one is choosing the right sponge. A dry kitchen sponge is best suited for this purpose. It has a suitable structure with small bubbles, which are imprinted on the nail.

You can also purchase a special sponge in a store or manicure department.

sponge manicure

How to make a manicure with rolling colors using a regular sponge:

  • Gently paint your nails with varnish as you usually do. The applied layer of varnish will serve as a base. It is best to take light colors as a basis: white, beige, pink. So, you can play on contrasts and give your nails volume.
  • After that, wait until the varnish has completely dried, otherwise you will not be able to apply a high-quality and beautiful pattern with a sponge.
  • After the base varnish has dried, you should take up the preparatory work: on the work surface (a piece of oilcloth or a plastic surface), apply several varnish colors one by one. The droplets should be wide enough. Using a toothpick, try to blend the colors of the desired varnish until smooth, for a beautiful gradient.
  • Dip the prepared sponge into the resulting puddle of varnish. The sponge must grasp a certain amount of liquid
  • Such a sponge should first be tested on some surface in order to remove excess varnish from it and only then apply to the nail with soft pressing movements.
  • In this technique, you cannot do without staining all the skin around the nail, because the sponge should not be too small (this is the secret of applying varnish). Excess varnish from the skin can be gently removed with a cotton swab or a toothpick wrapped in cotton wool. You can also dip the brush into nail polish remover and gently walk along the edges.
  • After you have removed all the imperfections of your painting, you should proceed to other decorative elements (if you wish, you can glue rhinestones, stickers or draw something)
  • The final stage of work is covering the painted nail with a fixative varnish. It is necessary in order to protect the varnish, to make the manicure stronger and more shiny, to create a gloss

The procedure for creating a blot on the work surface from the desired colors and dipping a sponge into it is repeated each time for each finger.

nail painted with a sponge. Double color

how does nail painting with a sponge

nail design and painting with a sponge

gradient manicure created with a sponge

tricolor gradient manicure on long nails created with a sponge

How to quickly and beautifully paint short nails, photo?

Some women have short nails. This is due to personal preferences, beliefs, woman's activities, or simply an inability to grow her own.

Do not be upset, as short and beautifully painted nails are a trend in our time. Long nails are increasingly being replaced by cute "shorty", decorated with various decorative elements, varnished and skillfully painted with varnish.

There are several ways to decorate short nails in an original and beautiful way:

For example, you can draw on them bitmap. To do this, you will need either a special manicure tool for painting with a metal ball at the end, or an ordinary toothpick. Unlike a special tool, toothpicks will have to be changed several times during work, as they quickly deteriorate.

It is very easy to apply a bitmap to your nails, it is enough to have a wide variety of varnish colors for the pattern.

You dip the tip of your tool into fresh liquid polish (apply a drop to your work surface) and transfer the dot to the freshly painted base polish.

To make your drawing as neat and interesting as possible, you should focus on special templates or examples of a ready-made manicure.

bit pattern on short nails with varnish

nail decor dot pattern

"speckled" manicure on short nails

You can also surprise others with the help of another interesting technique - nail painting in different colors... Such a manicure is especially popular in the summer, as it evokes pleasant associations of summer, sweets, joy and childhood.

Choose only actual colors, do not give preference to "metallic" or "glitter" colors. The varnish must be monochromatic - enamel. Repeat colors, depending on the finger, on both hands.

multi-colored nails in bed tones, decorated with rhinestones

multicolored short nails

You can also decorate short nails with:

  • gluing rhinestones
  • creating an easy geometric pattern
  • creating a miniature short jacket
  • creating a gradient with a sponge
  • creating or sticking a print on the nail (drawing on the entire nail plate)
  • drawings of an animalistic style (leopard spots, which are drawn with a special manicure brush)

rhinestones on short nails

short manicure in animal style

slides (stickers) on short nails

How to paint your nails to make them appear longer?

Among all the secrets, of course, there are those that allow even the shortest nails to be made a little longer visually.

To do this, you need to resort to special secrets of nail painting, focused on stretching the area of ​​the nail plate using drawings, lines and other techniques.

The easiest way to visually stretch your nails French manicure. To do this, paint the entire nail with a neutral beige or pink and paint only the outermost part of the nail three to four millimeters white.

Such a manicure is covered with a fixative varnish for durability and gloss. It is noteworthy that over time, the nail will grow and become more and more beautiful with the help of such a manicure.

jacket with decorative patterns on the ring fingers for short nails

Another tricky, but unusually effective trick is oblique jacket. Such a jacket has not a horizontal, but a beveled strip on the nail from one edge to the other.

Visually and on the one hand, the white part of the nail becomes longer and therefore it seems that the nail itself is much larger than it actually is. An oblique jacket can also be decorated with rhinestones, sand or sparkles.

beveled jacket option

avant-garde oblique jacket

Visually lengthen the nail will also help drawing oblong lines or patterns on the nail... The pattern or strip must necessarily stretch from bottom to top or obliquely so that the nail becomes visually larger and longer.

Such a pattern can be safely decorated with sparkles or rhinestones to give it elegance and festivity, as well as remove simplicity.

longitudinal line on the nail - a pattern for visual lengthening of the nail

manicure, visually lengthening nails

geometric patterns on nails and a gradient also visually lengthen the nail

How to paint beautiful toenails?

The most popular type of pedicure is french. perhaps this is the only way to "refine" toenails and make them well-groomed, neat and clean.

It is difficult to make a jacket on your feet on your own, but real. Nails are not always large and perfectly straight. In order for the jacket to turn out, you will need either special stickers or scotch tape.

Paint your nails with a neutral color, wait for it to dry, stick the decal, cover the nail area with white and peel off the decal. Apply the fixer and let it dry again.

The most difficult thing is to try to do everything in order to keep your fingers as wide as possible all the time, in order to avoid damage and clues to fresh varnish.

jacket on legs

Several other options for a beautiful pedicure on your feet:

multicolored gradient

Pedicure also allows you to use gradients and paint your nails with multi-colored varnishes. It is best to pursue this style in manicure as well.

toe nail decoration

Pedicure also provides for painting and decorating small nails with one solid color, as well as painting the big nail on the thumb.

pedicure decoration with rhinestones

You can decorate a pedicure simply and tastefully with the help of the most ordinary rhinestones. The thumb "requires" the maximum number of crystals, and the small ones one at a time.

simple pedicure in dark colors

A pedicure in dark colors always looks profitable and feminine, but for this it is not at all necessary to choose black. The best and most popular (as well as incredibly fashionable for several years now) are cherry and plum tones.

bright red pedicure

The most popular, most feminine and sexy in all years and at all times is a red pedicure.

It makes women's legs especially interesting, delicate and sophisticated. Such a pedicure should be as accurate as possible, without stains on the skin and with an even layer of varnish. Any shade of red will do. It is best to pair a red pedicure with a red manicure.

How to paint your nails on your right hand yourself?

It often happens that having painted nails on one hand (left), we proceed to the right and observe a not happy picture of the result of our labors. The reason for this is not the careful development of the hand, because the worker is basically right. But in pursuit of a neat manicure, it is important to know how to achieve beautiful nail polish on the right hand.

how to paint neatly the nails on the right hand?

In order for a manicure to be almost perfect, it is important to remember a few secrets:

  • Start painting your right hand first. Of course, it is more convenient to first paint on your left hand and admire it, but it is best if you spend all your strength and patience on a "difficult" hand
  • Apply a thin layer of varnish, do not dip the brush into the bottle over and over again to collect the fattest drop. The less varnish, the neater the first layer will turn out, and the second will already be easier to make.
  • Use a special corrector. It is not difficult to buy it in cosmetic stores. Visually, it resembles a felt-tip pen, but its rod is impregnated with nail polish remover. It cleans the skin of the finger from unnecessary "blunders" as conveniently as possible and makes the manicure neat
  • Get special "protections". They resemble stickers. they should be attached to the finger around the nail so that the brush with varnish stains only the nail and leaves an excess amount of varnish on the sticker

How to beautifully paint your nails with gel polish or shellac?

Probably every woman noticed how quickly an ordinary varnish can lose its attractiveness, cracks, slips and bursts. For this, manufacturers have invented a special shellac varnish.

What is shellac? This is nothing more than an exact combination of the most common nail polish with gel polish. It is for this reason that working with such varnish is incredibly easy even at home.

Shellac has its clear advantages:

  • it shines (gloss) much more than ordinary varnish
  • its coating is many times more durable than that of ordinary varnish
  • the reliability of the material allows you to wear a manicure for a long time
  • it can be easily applied and removed by yourself
  • it does not require removing the top layer of the nail plate
  • it has a positive effect on thin and weak nails, making them stronger
  • is completely non-toxic

shellac gel polish

The difference between this varnish is that it requires a special ultraviolet lamp for its drying.

  • first layer - base (using base varnish)
  • the second layer is the main one (colored varnish)
  • the third layer - fixing (fixing varnish)

Applying gel polish to the nail plate:

  • Perform the usual manicure with cleaning the nail, giving it a special shape, removing the cuticle
  • Degrease your nail completely with nail polish remover
  • Grind the nail with a special filed file so that the varnish "grabs" the plate
  • Apply base varnish (it is transparent) and dry it under an ultraviolet lamp for about two minutes
  • Apply colored varnish - this is the base. This layer also needs about two minutes to dry under a lamp.
  • Then the third layer is applied - fixing. It must be applied very carefully, because if its remnants touch the skin, it can easily break its integrity.
  • After that, the nails are polished with a special napkin, oil can be rubbed into the cuticle. Everything. Manicure ready

shellac manicure

How beautiful to paint nails in two colors, photo

Two-tone manicure is extremely popular. Depending on the season, its color schemes may be different, but nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance. It is not too difficult to paint your nails with two colors. There are two main ways:

Combination - you combine two colors on one finger. It will take time to create such a manicure. Apply the first coat of varnish in an even layer, wait until it is completely dry. Now, depending on your design, apply a second polish color. You can use special stickers or plain tape to give your nails special shapes and patterns.

Semicircular stickers, as for French manicure, can be glued not only to the upper part of the plate, but also to the lower one, creating a hole. Scotch tape can be used to make many stripes and geometric shapes that, when removed, reveal a beautiful design.

two-tone manicure

Alternation - for this it is proposed to paint all nails in one color and only certain fingers in a completely different way. You can pursue a French manicure style by creating a stripe in the vertical part of the nail with a second color, or you can not do it at all. Everyone will pay attention to your manicure anyway.

two-tone manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with white varnish?

White lacquer evokes pleasant associations of purity and femininity, summer, white sand, sea. This color goes very well with long thin fingers and looks great on nails of any length. White nail polish should be applied very carefully so as not to touch the entire area around the nail:

  • Paint your right hand with white varnish first, and then your left, so that you can spend all your efforts on that hand, which is always more difficult to paint.
  • Apply the varnish in a thin layer and in no case keep your hands on the weight. Hands should always have some kind of solid support.
  • Apply white varnish in two layers: the first will paint all the edges and sides, and the second will give the color saturation
  • Decorate the finished manicure, if desired, either with rhinestones, or sand, or sparkles, or with a decorative element

Try to combine white varnish in your look with something else: beads, a belt, earrings or a watch to look as impressive as possible.

white nail polish

How to beautifully paint your nails with black varnish?

Black lacquer is a favorite among many women. This is because it suits nails of almost any shape and fingers of any length and thickness. Black lacquer gives mystery and special brutality to its owner. Black polish can be difficult to apply just because it can stain the skin around the nail.

  • Try to apply black polish first on the right hand and only then on the left.
  • Do not put too much polish on the brush - it will spread and leave ugly gaps on the nail.
  • Apply the first coat very thin and the second thicker to give the color depth
  • Use a special corrector or a toothpick wrapped in a cotton swab dipped in acetone to remove errors in an untidy manicure

matt black varnish

How to beautifully paint your nails with pink varnish?

Pink varnish, due to its soft neutral color, makes it easy to apply on the plate without any special errors. Try to apply varnish with concentration, without sudden movements and haste.

Do not overload the brush with too much polish and do not leave the sides unpainted so that the manicure does not look bad. Pink varnish can be decorated with decorative elements, sparkles or rhinestones.

pink manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with red varnish?

The red varnish on a woman's nails says a lot about her. It testifies to the special sensuality of a woman, hints at the ardor of feelings, passion and love. Red is the color of sexuality and fire. It is for this reason that a red manicure should be as perfect and neat as possible.

Try to apply the varnish in complete calmness and only in “small portions”, without overloading the nail with a large amount of varnish. Firstly, a thin layer will dry faster, and secondly, it will look neater. Cover the red lacquer with a base fixer so that it is glossy and able to cast glare, drawing even more attention to itself.

red varnish

How to beautifully paint your nails with regular varnish?

Regular polish gives you the opportunity to remedy the situation at any time by using acetone or any other nail polish remover. Choose only fresh and liquid varnishes for painting your nails. Such varnishes will dry faster and spread better over the nail plate.

Make it a rule to apply a base coat of colorless varnish to your feet and only then colored. This will straighten the nail and keep it from disease, eliminating yellowness.

How to beautifully paint your nails at home with a pattern?

Inventive women of fashion have found more than one way to create a simple but effective pattern on the nails. There are many ways and secrets for this, as well as improvised means. You can find out in detail how you can paint your nails at home and make a drawing on them from the video.

Video: "Simple drawings on the nails with a needle"