How to grow eyelashes? Thick and long eyelashes at home. How to care for eyelashes. Home Lash Care - A Few Tips

Beautiful, thick and long eyelashes are every woman's dream. But in order to make it a reality, you need to know how to care for your eyelashes correctly.

Many girls are faced with increased fragility of eyelashes. If the cilia are very rare and fall out, you need to take immediate action. It will be possible to resolve these issues with daily and proper care.

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Eyelash loss: what to do?

The "life" of a human eyelash lasts about 90 days, after which it falls out, while the complete renewal of eyelashes occurs in 7 weeks. Therefore, do not worry too much if you notice a falling eyelash. However, if they literally start to get enough sleep and become less and less, you need to seriously think about therapeutic care for them. First you need to try to determine the reason that provoked the loss of eyelashes:
  • Various diseases.
  • A sharp decrease in the body's natural defense function (immunity).
  • Inflammation or allergy of the eyes.
  • Incorrect or excessive care of eyelashes.
  • The use of poor quality cosmetics.
If the cilia began to fall out not due to a complete lack of care, then there is a need to seek medical advice. In some cases, this may be the first sign of certain problems in the body that require immediate treatment.

First you need to take care of proper nutrition of the eyelashes. The cilia themselves are composed of keratin, a high molecular weight protein. This substance is also found in the composition of pepper and. This is why it will be beneficial to add all of these foods to your daily diet. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to significantly strengthen the cilia, as well as prevent the onset of the process of their loss.

It is necessary to choose carcasses with special attention, while giving preference to exclusively high-quality cosmetic products from well-known brands. It is necessary to completely abandon the purchase of mascara from street vendors, since the use of such cosmetics can cause serious harm to health.

If, after applying mascara to the eyelashes, an unpleasant feeling of itching or burning appears, it is necessary to wash it off as soon as possible and permanently abandon low-quality cosmetics. It is advisable to choose mascara that includes keratin and a lot of vitamins. That is why, before buying, you need to not only read the composition of the product, but also consult with the seller.

Before going to bed, it is imperative to remove makeup and let the eyelashes rest. Remove eye makeup towards the cheekbones from the bridge of the nose. The remover is applied to the lower and upper eyelashes, left on for half a minute, then removed with a clean cotton pad. It is strictly forbidden to rub the eyelashes with force, otherwise, after the procedure, several cilia will fall out, and the formation of premature wrinkles will be provoked.

Correct and balanced nutrition is of the greatest importance for the acceleration of growth and density of eyelashes. Doctors recommend completely abandoning or trying to minimize the use of starchy foods and various sweets. Entering the human body, carbohydrates interfere with the absorption of substances and vitamins that help strengthen the eyelashes. It is necessary to consume the maximum amount of fresh fruits and vitamins, freshly prepared natural juices, since they include not only valuable vitamins, but also microelements necessary for cilia.

Going to the beach, you need to take sunglasses with you, as the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation also affect the eyelashes.

Home care for eyelashes

In order for the cilia to be not only strong, but also healthy, they need proper care that can be easily done on their own at home, the main thing is to adhere to a few simple tips. Do not forget that care should be both regular and daily, because only if this condition is met, it will be possible to achieve the goal.


It is from proper cleansing that both the appearance of the eyelashes and their general condition depend. Many girls make one serious mistake - while washing and removing makeup, they use alcohol or alkaline soaps, with which you can remove makeup the first time.

The fact is that alkali and alcohol products dry out the cilia greatly, which makes them very brittle. Eyelash care is based on the same rules as for hair care.

For cleansing, it is necessary to select only gentle, mild products - for example, milk or tonic, which does not include alcohol. For this purpose, an oil composition is also suitable. Natural oils are ideal - for example, plain olive oil, as it can quickly remove makeup as well as expensive products.

There are a lot of different recipes that will help you take care of your eyelashes at home. They are not only very effective, but also low in cost, as most of the components can be purchased at any pharmacy. To restore eyelashes, it is recommended to use the following methods:
  • Castor oil and fish oil are mixed. The finished mixture is applied to the eyelashes for one month, after which a short break is taken. After just a few procedures, the desired result will be noticeable.
  • Burdock and castor oil are taken in equal proportions, then the same amount of oil solution of vitamin E is added. A little fresh aloe juice is added to the mixture. Then the product is gently poured into an empty and washed tube from under the mascara and for a month, before going to bed, using a brush, the mixture is applied to the eyelashes and evenly distributed along the entire length. As soon as the desired result is obtained, this mixture is recommended to be periodically used as a prophylactic agent.
  • The regular use of a balm made from petroleum jelly (10 g), castor oil (7 g) and tannin (0.25 g) is also beneficial. Everything you need can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. All components are well mixed, and the resulting mass is applied to the cilia with a brush every day for a month. After several procedures, the cilia become stronger, thicker, silky.
  • You can also use a nutritious massage mixture made from castor oil (1 teaspoon) and chopped fresh parsley. The resulting mass is applied to the eyelashes and eyelids, then a light massage is done. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash yourself with warm water. This mask gives an amazing result - not only the cilia, but also the skin of the eyelids takes on a well-groomed and blooming look, since parsley contains a large amount of keratin. However, this technique can be used only if there is no allergy to the herbal ingredients used.
To restore and treat injured, weakened eyelashes, you can use not only homemade masks and balms, but also modern cosmetics. However, before starting to use them, it is useful to consult with a beautician, since some products can provoke the formation of a rather strong allergic reaction.

Video with tips about eyelash care.

Every woman dreams of beautiful, long and thick eyelashes. After all, the look immediately becomes more expressive, more luxurious and attractive. However, it is not always possible to keep the eyelashes in good condition. They can burn out and break.

Due to the regular use of cosmetics and daily removal of it with cosmetics, the cilia lose their elasticity, stop growing normally, become rare and weak.

ATTENTION! In order to grow thick and long eyelashes at home, our readers use the latest method, having carefully studied it, we decided to offer this method to you ...

To prevent weakness and fragility of eyelashes, you need to properly care for them. It is recommended to nourish your body with useful microelements and vitamins, both from the inside and outside, to make firming masks for eyelashes, to use special decorative cosmetics.

There are many eyelash care products on the market, but in this article we will look at home eyelash care products. According to many women, home eyelash care is the most effective way to strengthen eyelashes, make them thick and voluminous.

Eyelash care at home

Folk remedies for the care of eyelashes can be preventive, to give thickness and length, as well as restorative, which will accelerate the growth of eyelashes and nourish them.

Before starting treatment of eyelashes, you should establish the cause of their fragility.

Perhaps it's because of poor-quality cosmetics or a lack of vitamins. Then you should purchase a complex of vitamins, establish nutrition and replace cosmetics with a better one. Only then will the eyelash care at home be effective. Judging by the reviews, it is best to take care of the skin of the eyes, eyelids and eyelashes in the complex.

According to the reviews of many women who have strengthened their eyelashes at home for a long time, the following were the best remedies:

  1. Cosmetic oils;
  2. Herbal compresses;
  3. Eyelid massage;
  4. Vitamin capsules.

First of all, eyelash care will be effective if it is regular. It is impossible to find beautiful thick eyelashes at home, if you do, for example, masks - once a month. It is best to keep a special notebook where you should write down which care products were used and when. To find the remedy that is right for you, it is recommended that you try several remedies. Some people do not even suspect that they are allergic to this or that oil and so on. The mask is applied to the eye area, so it is better to try to find a remedy that is suitable for each woman individually.

Memo - eyelash care for every day

Eyelash oils at home

Folk remedies for the treatment of eyelashes are not complete without the use of various cosmetic oils. The reviews from the use of castor oil are especially overwhelming. Castor oil is the basis of masks for the treatment, prevention and restoration of eyelashes.

It is important to know: do not immediately rush to try all the oils in a row. It is better to apply one product regularly to the eyelashes for 2-3 weeks, then experiment with the next.

Eyelash Care - Best Oils:

Oil application rules:

  • Use a clean soft brush or a washed mascara brush to apply the oils to your eyelashes every day;
  • Application is carried out from root to very tips;
  • Before applying the oil, warm it up a little under warm water;
  • This will improve the effect of oil absorption into the roots of the eyelashes;
  • During the procedure, make sure that the oil does not get into the eyes;
  • Make-up must be removed before the procedure;
  • Apply oil for the first time for 10-15 minutes. If there is no allergic reaction, the procedure can be extended up to 1 hour;
  • The oil is removed with a dry cloth or disc. No need to wash with water;
  • The first results are visible after 10-20 days.

Also, together with oils, vitamins in capsules can be applied to the eyelashes - A, B5, E, F.

Eyelash care - herbal compresses

According to many women, it is effective to use compresses and herbal lotions for cilia. Compresses effectively affect the roots of the eyelashes and stimulate their growth. Also, lotions have a good effect on the skin, remove redness from the eyes, and have a lifting effect.

Best herbs for compresses:

  1. Chamomile;
  2. Calendula;
  3. Cornflower;
  4. Sage.

Compress technique:

  • If there are no allergic reactions to herbs, then you can buy them at the pharmacy or collect them in the forest, gardens in the summer and dry them yourself;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs are added to 100 grams of boiling water and infused for about 1-2 hours;
  • After that, strain the broth and soak cotton wool with it;
  • Discs are superimposed on clean eyes without makeup;
  • You should take a horizontal position and relax;
  • It is recommended to leave the compress for 20 minutes;
  • lotions should be done twice a day;
  • After 10-20 days, the result will already be noticeable.

Lotions can be alternated with the application of oils to the eyelashes.

Eyelid massage

After applying a mask and a compress to the eyes, an eyelid massage will be the ideal end to the care of your eyelashes. Gently use your fingertips to tap the eyelids and skin around the eyes. The massage can be carried out for 3-5 minutes so that the roots of the eyelashes receive the prescribed amount of oxygen and there is a stimulation for their growth.

Our grandmothers also used folk remedies for cilia care. It is thanks to their feedback that we still use gadgets in everyday life. This knowledge is a real treasure from the past.

Regular use of folk remedies for the care of the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes will not keep you waiting for an effective result. Your look will always be charming and seductive.

Eyelashes - coarse hair, bordering the eye section above and below. They are arranged in several rows along the edge of the eyelids. If the eyelashes are long and thick, the enchanting look from under them will not leave anyone indifferent. In order for them to be such, not only under the influence of the mascara imposed on them, they need to be looked after, nourished and restored from the stresses to which we subject them on a daily basis.

Fluffy, beautiful, long eyelashes are every woman's dream, and they are quite achievable. Home care for them can be restorative (when you need to stop their intense loss or accelerate growth) and prophylactic (to make them thick and rich in color).

The condition of the cilia largely depends on the cosmetics with which we cover them. Firstly, this is mascara, the choice of which should be taken into account especially carefully, because it is she who covers the eyelashes most of the day.

Secondly, these are shadows and a cosmetic pencil that touch the edge of the eyelid from which our cilia grow - accordingly, with their chemical composition, they also affect them in the most direct way.

Competently selected, high-quality, always fresh decorative cosmetics for the eyes is a guarantee of healthy and beautiful eyelashes and an enchanting look from under them:

  1. Choose mascara without preservatives.
  2. The more natural substances it contains, the better. It's great if it is fortified with vitamins.
  3. Use shadows and a cosmetic pencil as little as possible: they have a detrimental effect on the roots of the cilia, on which their nutrition in general depends. Destroyed, damaged roots - and no means can make your eyelashes beautiful, long and thick.
  4. Remember to remove your eye makeup before bed.
  5. Use one bottle of mascara for no longer than three months.
  6. Try as often as possible to make a kind of "fasting" days for your eyelashes, that is, do not apply any cosmetics on them at all. Maybe it will be on a weekend or vacation, but the more often you do it, the faster the condition of your eyelashes will improve.

And finally, one more nuance regarding eye cosmetics. A smart woman understands that cheap products are rarely effective, so to spare money on mascara means to start treating them soon.

Whereas preventive measures in the form of all kinds of masks and lotions will improve the condition of the cilia even without cardinal methods.

Folk remedies for the care of eyelashes

Eyelashes need additional nutrition.

Oil masks

Purchase several bottles of cosmetic oils to treat your lashes. Sea buckthorn, castor, pink, burdock and almond are ideal for this.

Wash the brush from under the old mascara thoroughly with soap, dry it and use it to apply one of these oils on the eyelashes for 10-15 minutes before going to bed, as if applying mascara to them. Oils can be combined with each other. Such oil masks are removed with a dry cotton swab.

Vitamin masks

Add vitamins A and E in oil (5 ml each) to one of the above oils (in a 25 ml bottle).

Use such vitamin masks in exactly the same way as oil masks.

Eyelash growth mask

Mix castor oil and rum in equal proportions, apply on eyelashes for half an hour.

Avoid contact with eyes: rum can burn the mucous membrane.

Mask for eyelash loss

Mix burdock and castor oils in equal proportions, add 3 drops of fresh aloe juice to them.

To make your eyelashes darker

Use the following mask daily: Mix equal amounts of castor oil with fresh carrot juice and apply to the eyelashes.

Herbal compresses

Medicinal raw materials (chamomile flowers, cornflower, sage) in the amount of two tablespoons are poured with boiling water (no more than 1 cup), infused under a lid for 1–1.5 hours, thoroughly filtered.

In a warm infusion, cotton pads are moistened and applied to closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Such herbal compresses will not only revive the cilia, but also eliminate puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Tea lotions

Black tea can make the color of the eyelashes richer and darker. So if they burned out and lost their color, restore it with the help of tea lotions. To do this, it is enough to apply cooled used black tea bags to closed eyes.

Use these products for the care of eyelashes 2-3 times a week (oil masks can be done daily in the evenings), and after 3-4 weeks you will notice that the eyelashes have become thicker, darker, more attractive, have stopped falling out.

In order for all these funds to be as effective as possible, follow a few more recommendations in your home eyelash care:

  1. Before applying on eyelids or applying nourishing masks and lotions, try your chosen product on your wrist first. If it does not cause skin allergies, feel free to use it as directed.
  2. Folk remedies (compresses, lotions, masks, etc.) are applied to unpainted eyes without makeup, otherwise the procedure may cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  3. Make sure that the products used do not come into contact with the eyes.
  4. Do not leave cosmetic oils on your eyelashes: in the morning you may wake up with swelling of your eyelids.
  5. When choosing an oil for eyelash care, it will be useful to know that:
    • almond and burdock stimulate the growth of eyelashes;
    • pink relieves tension and fatigue from the eyelids and eyes, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cilia;
    • castor prevents their loss, nourishes, moisturizes;
    • sea ​​buckthorn softens, nourishes, makes them fluffy.

Eyelashes are the secret weapon of women: with their help, they can give a look a mystery and unearthly charm that will drive anyone crazy. But they need to be regularly and fully looked after so that they are beautiful, healthy, long and thick.

How should you care for your eyelashes to keep them strong and fluffy? This question is asked by many girls and women whom nature has not endowed with long and voluminous eyelashes from birth. In the strip in which we live, there are often eyelashes of medium length and volume, and in order to lengthen them and make them fluffy, you need to use certain means and do caring manipulations.

Where should you start?

Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, special procedures should be done for the eyelashes:

  • In the morning, it is useful to wash your face with weak warm tea or boiled water, then moisturize your eyelids with cream.
  • In the evening, before a night's rest, be sure to cleanse your eyes of makeup. To remove it, you need to use only special means, but in no case soap.
  • At night, nourish lashes with fortified balms or eyelash oils and creams for the skin of the eyelids - they should be non-greasy.

Most often, burdock, rose and castor oils are included in the composition of universal products designed for both eyelashes and eyelid skin.

The eyelash balm is gently rubbed into the edge of the eyelids with the little finger. Many modern balms and oils come in the form of applying a cream around the eyes - a transparent healing mascara with a brush. They are applied to the eyelashes in the same way as mascara.

What does it mean to look after properly?

Application of special oils

You can use castor, olive, burdock, or almond oil. A small amount of it should be applied to a cosmetic brush for eyelashes and combed. Nourishing oils for eyelashes are very useful, they accelerate their growth and heal the hairs. Almond oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes.

Rose oil slows down the aging process and relieves irritation of the eyelid skin. Castor and burdock oils promote the growth of eyelashes, improving the structure and preventing them from falling out.

In this case, a woman can use oils not only of one type, but also mix several types. You can make various masks from them. A mixture of vegetable oil and oil solutions of vitamins A and E will be very useful for eyelashes. You can buy these vitamins in capsule form at any pharmacy. When storing this mixture, be sure to take care that it does not deteriorate. For this reason, it is best to choose a transparent bottle for storage. You can also use an empty mascara bottle. It must first be washed and dried. Dip the brush in oil and let it drain well. Only then should it be applied to the eyelashes and combed from root to tip.

Herbal masks

As you know, eyelashes are the same hair. They consist of 3% moisture and 97% of a protein substance - keratin. For this reason, almost any mask based on herbal extracts and vitamins is perfect for their treatment. In addition, there are also ways to strengthen not only the eyelashes, but also the skin of the eyelids. Massage oil will also work well. To make it, you need to add aloe juice and finely chopped parsley to the vegetable oil. Then this mixture must be thoroughly mixed. Massage it onto your eyelids and lashes. Avoid contact of oil on the mucous membrane of the eye. This will lead to a feeling of oily veil on the eyes, which is difficult to get rid of.

Special products for eyelashes

Means for proper eyelash care are available, they are sold ready-made. Most often, they are aimed at growing and strengthening eyelashes. If at home, mixing oils, it is not always possible to achieve the desired proportion, then the finished products already have everything you need: essential oils, minerals, vitamins. In addition, the packaging of such products is very convenient to use. These are gels, balms, mascara bases and other products.

For example, the antioxidant balm offered by Dzintars is designed to strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. It is colorless, easy to apply and does not stick lashes, and can be used as a mascara base. The balm contains keratin, aloe extract, natural oils and vitamin E, therefore it is preferable to apply it at night so that the cells are nourished, the roots of the eyelashes are strengthened and their growth improved.

Mirra Lux eyelash balm contains essential oils, optimally selected and mixed: ylang-ylang, jojoba, jasmine, castor, grape. This balm helps not only eyelashes, which after its use become longer, acquire a rich color and stop falling out, but also relieves swelling, peeling, and reduces the risk of developing allergies.

The products of the French company Talika deserve very good reviews from women looking for effective eyelash beauty products. So, about her gel for the growth of eyelashes Lipocils gel say that this is the best way to make eyelashes thick and long in less than a month, and also with the help of natural products.

How to use oils?

Eyelash oil is best applied with a mascara brush that has been well washed. Naturally, it is necessary to protect the mucous membrane of the eye from getting oil, while trying to apply oil to the roots of the eyelashes. Some people use a cotton pad, it's a matter of taste.

Caution: Do not apply eyelash oil before bed, otherwise the oil may seep under your eyelids and into your eyes at night. The best time for a treatment is right after getting rid of your makeup. They took off their makeup, applied oil, and removed the excess before going to bed, if necessary. Most likely, in the evening the oil will have time to be absorbed and there will be no problems with it.

If you've never tried oil, start with small amounts, applying to the tips of your lashes without touching the eyelid area. The oil will spread itself over the eyelashes and get onto the skin. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of oil.

Another feature in these procedures: you will have to choose eyelash oil individually, because each organism reacts differently to certain substances contained in oils. Therefore, when using the product, you should monitor the result and watch how the eyelashes react to the use of a particular oil.

How to properly care for eyelashes at home, so that they always remain thick, long, do not fade, do not break or fall out? Useful tips will help you make them very beautiful and expressive. Use recipes for folk remedies for eyelash care.

Eyelashes are a decoration of women's eyes, which makes the look expressive, mysterious and attractive. Unfortunately, it often happens that they quickly fade, lose their color, break down and stop growing.

To avoid all this and keep them beautiful for a long time, you need to provide high-quality and complete eyelash care at home: you just need to adhere to just a few rules. This concerns the correct use of decorative cosmetics, which often cause significant harm. This also includes the ability to use folk remedies that prolong the beauty and youth of the cilia.

In order for home care for eyelashes to be of high quality and effective, it must, first of all, be regular. If you try to do something only from time to time, when there is some important meeting on your nose, and then safely throw your eyelashes until the next time, there will be no results.

The effectiveness of express methods for their resuscitation is too short-lived to be appreciated. It is much more effective in small steps, but constantly moving towards your cherished dream - to have long, bright, thick eyelashes. So where to start at home care for them?

All women want beautiful, long and thick eyelashes: according to the above recommendations, it will help you achieve this in the shortest possible time and for the longest period of time.

Be sure to adhere to these simple, but very effective rules, and the dream will become a reality. Moreover, these activities do not require any large-scale financial costs. The only thing that many people lack is time and patience. For purposeful natures, this is not an obstacle. Folk remedies play an important role in home care for eyelashes.

Folk remedies for the care of eyelashes: recipes

It includes home care for eyelashes folk remedies, the recipes of which will be useful for all women to know. They are prepared from improvised means: cosmetic oils, food products, herbal decoctions. So it will not be necessary to go broke on them either. However, they will still need to devote enough attention and time.

Don't rush to try all the recipes at once. Try to select one thing, apply a certain one for a week or two, evaluate the result. And only after that, make a conclusion whether this recipe suits you or it is worth continuing the selection and trying something else.

Eyelash care oils

In order for the eyelashes to grow well, be long, dark, and voluminous, you must definitely use various cosmetic oils in your home care. For this purpose, burdock, sea buckthorn and olive are excellent. What exactly do you need to do with them?

  • Determine what kind of oil you will treat your beloved eyelashes. Castor oil makes them thicker, burdock accelerates growth, sea buckthorn prevents fragility and loss, olive oil retains its color and makes them softer and fluffier.
  • If the choice is on olive oil, you need to take it unrefined.
  • Be sure to check if you are allergic to your chosen oil. To do this, apply oil to the skin on your wrist for a few minutes and then wash off. After that, you should not experience any unpleasant sensations: no itching, no redness, no discomfort or burning sensation. If you do not conduct such a test, the next morning after the procedure, you risk waking up with swollen and reddened eyelids.
  • You will need a clean, dry mascara brush. It needs to be dipped in the selected oil and applied gently, not very abundantly, on the eyelashes in the same way as you do with mascara.
  • When applied, the oil should be at room temperature.
  • It is very important during this procedure to try to avoid oil getting into the eyes., otherwise it can cause severe irritation and redness of the mucous membrane. To prevent this from happening, lubricate the eyelashes with a product, starting only from their middle.
  • If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them before the procedure, and then do not use them at least 2-3 hours after removing the oil from the eyelashes.
  • You don't need to keep cosmetic oils on your eyelashes for too long. Start with 10 minutes. If the first procedures pass without side effects, and the results are satisfactory, gradually the holding time of the oil on the eyelashes can be extended to 25-30 minutes.
  • So that the oil does not remain on the eyelashes, it is recommended to remove it with a dry cotton pad.
  • You can make masks from oils every day for 4-5 weeks. It is better to do this at night. After a month, it is advisable to take a break so that the cilia have a rest from such an intensive restoration and care and do not have time to get used to the active substances of the products used.

Especially excellent results are obtained by caring for eyelashes with castor oil, which accelerates their growth, makes them more voluminous and thicker.

If you do everything correctly and use cosmetic oils for this purpose correctly, after 2-3 weeks of their intensive use, the first results will be noticeable.

Herbal compresses

For home care of eyelashes, decoctions from various medicinal herbs are also used. They are prepared, and then they are used to make eye lotions, which have a beneficial effect on the roots of the cilia, thereby contributing to their active and enhanced growth. How to make such compresses correctly?

  • Decide which herb you will be compressing. Usually for these purposes they take chamomile, cornflower, calendula.
  • Herbal compresses for the eyes are good because they have a complex effect on the skin of the eyelids (they have a tightening effect) and on the mucous membrane of the eyes (they remove redness), and most importantly, on the condition of the eyelashes, strengthening them and making them thicker and longer.
  • Make sure you are not allergic to these herbs.
  • Herbs can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can stock up on them yourself.
  • One tablespoon of medicinal dry raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours and carefully filtered.
  • In this infusion at room temperature, two cotton pads are moistened, wrung out and applied to the eyelids.
  • During the procedure, you need to relax and lie down calmly.
  • The exposure time of the compress on the eyes is 10-15 minutes.
  • After that, it is enough to blot the eyelids with a dry cotton pad.
  • You do not need to wash after this.
  • Such compresses can be done both in the morning and in the evening every day.
  • The course of this kind of treatment for cilia is about 2-3 weeks, after which you need to take a break for a month.

Herbal compresses for eyelashes rarely cause side effects and allergies.

Therefore, if someone cannot, for some reason, use cosmetic oils as part of home care for eyelashes, this option is a way out of the situation.

Be sure to use these recipes to keep your eyelashes long, thick and voluminous.

Massage for eyelash care

Every day before going to bed, after a compress of medicinal herbs or a mask of cosmetic oils, do a light massage of the eyelids. This is necessary not only for the care of the skin around the eyes, but also for the strengthening and growth of the cilia.

Use your fingertips to pat your upper and lower eyelids. Rub them gently, apply light pressure. Usually, 5 minutes of such a massage is enough for the cilia follicles to receive the necessary amount of oxygen necessary for their active and full-fledged growth.

If the condition of the eyelashes is catastrophic (they break badly, fade, etc.), you will need intensive care for the eyelashes, which may include the use of several folk remedies at once. You can simultaneously do massage, masks, and various lotions.

The main thing is not to overdo it with all this, distribute the amount of funds used evenly and competently. And before that, check them all for the presence of allergens, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate and reacts very quickly to any aggressive components. However, not only folk remedies for the care of eyelashes can be used to preserve their beauty and youth. Choosing the right make-up also means a lot.

Decorative cosmetics for eyelashes

Perhaps there is no woman who would not use decorative cosmetics to care for eyelashes. Using the most common mascara, they can be made twice as long and thicker. But few of the beauties think about the cost of this.

Are you confident in the safety of the store products that you use? And do they not bring harm with them? The correct choice of eye cosmetics is a guarantee of youth and beauty of your eyelashes for a long time. Use our advice - and you won't have any problems in this matter.

  • Buy expensive, quality eye makeup.
  • Choose only waterproof mascara that won't fall off your lashes all day long.
  • You can find a special one "for sensitive eyes": it has a sparing effect on the mucous membrane and on the cilia themselves.
  • Do not use an expired product.
  • Before purchasing a product, check out what is included in the mascara. Choose the one in which you will be present keratin(natural building material of eyelashes), lanolin(moisturizes and makes eyelashes less brittle), melanin(protects eyelashes from the aggressive effects of various external factors), castor oil (nourishes from the very roots), vitamins F(fatty acid), A(retinol), E(tocopherol), AT 5(pantothenic acid) - they actively nourish the eyelashes, make them silky, and stimulate their growth. Preservatives in the composition of the carcass you do not need to be afraid: they protect from microbes.

Eyelashes are an amazing adornment of women's eyes, which you need to know how to care for. If you think about them in time, you will regularly pay very little attention and time to them, in the future you will not have to face many unpleasant moments.