How to remove a chickenpox scar on your forehead. Use of local therapy for the threat of scars. Causes of scarring

Chickenpox scars are frustrating for both children and adults. At first glance, chickenpox may not seem like such a terrible disease, but recovery often goes away with the appearance. In a child, this ailment is quite easy, but in adults it often leads to complications, the most common of which are scars that remain on the face.

Where do skin defects come from?

During illness, a rash in the form of bubbles with fluid is localized on the face and body. After a couple of days, the bubbles explode and a dried crust forms in their place, which after a while disappears. The most depressing moment of the disease is that the rash provokes a rather severe itching, to which it is sometimes very difficult to adapt.

If the patient still could not resist and scratched the blisters, this can result in a bacterial infection for him, which evolves into inflammation, suppuration and will result in mutilation of the deep layers of the skin, as a result of which pits appear on the face. The pits will not be able to heal themselves and will not go away with time, but on the contrary they will coarsen. It becomes quite difficult to cure them.

Simple therapy helps to remove newly appeared scars, but already formed ruts are removed only with surgical intervention. Due to the disease of chickenpox, the patient has traces, which are most effective to fight immediately after recovery.

There are various remedies for external use: ointments, creams, gels, balms, and so on, which will help remove superficial and deep scars from chickenpox. In the pharmacy, you can buy a huge variety of domestic and foreign medicines. The main substance in them is pantothenic acids.

Effective assistants

How to get rid of chickenpox scars? This will help special preparations in the form of ointments and creams. Ointments are most often made on a greasy basis, as a result of which they form a film on the skin, and can leave stains on clothes. Creams are water-based emulsions that are easily absorbed into the skin and evaporate faster than ointments. In addition to healing ointments, various oils based on aloe or cocoa can be used as additional agents. These cosmetics are cheap and sold in every supermarket. The products significantly even out pigmentation and improve the appearance of the facial skin.


According to reviews, this ointment gives a quick result. The medicine is produced in tubes of 30 g. The price ranges from 102 to 153 rubles. The drug can be bought at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The ointment should be applied several times a day. Apply a small layer to the damaged area of ​​the body, before that, pre-treat the skin with an antiseptic. When scars from chickenpox appear, therapy will last at least 4 weeks.

Important! Dexpanthenol is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to any element from the composition.


The drug is quite cheap and costs only 21 to 30 rubles. The ointment is available in 10 g aluminum tubes. You can buy it at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. You need to apply 5 times a day every few hours, it is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment to the damaged area, it is advisable to use a cotton swab. Apply for scars from chickenpox 1-2 weeks.

Advice! Do not use the drug if you are highly sensitive to acyclovir and valacyclovir.

Zinc ointment

The price of the medicine is cheap, only from 26 to 48 rubles, you can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. The ointment is dispensed in dark glass jars of 25 g. Before use, wash and dry the affected area. After that, apply in a thin layer, it is recommended to do this 4-6 times a day. It is worth applying for remaining scars from chickenpox. Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the components of zinc ointment.


It is a rather expensive medicine, but it works well for scars after chickenpox. The price ranges from 635 to 990 rubles. The ointment is available in tubes of 20 and 50 g. The drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

It should be applied at least 2-3 times a day by rubbing into the scarring area of ​​the skin. The medicine is suitable for the appearance of scars after chickenpox. Contraindicated for people with high sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.


Ointment for topical use is dispensed in aluminum tubes from 6 to 12 g or in a 12 g polystyrene jar. The price in Russian pharmacies is based on 108 to 139 rubles. The product can be purchased freely at the pharmacy. A small amount of ointment is recommended to be applied in the thinnest layer to the site of the lesion; this should be done 4 times a day. Use to treat chickenpox scars. Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Cream for external use, dispensing is in aluminum tubes of 5 and 15 g. The average price for the drug is from 165 to 196 rubles. Dispensed in the pharmacy by prescription, applied to the affected skin no more than once a day. The cream is used to treat scars caused by chickenpox. It is not recommended to use this medicine for people with hypersensitivity to the active substances contained in the medicine.


The drug is used for external use, available in tubes from 25 to 50 g. The price in a pharmacy can reach from 1200 to 1600 rubles.

Available without a prescription. The cream is applied several times a day in a small layer over the entire surface of the affected area. It is mainly used against scars or scars. There are practically no contraindications.


The cream is used externally and is available in tubes of 50 and 25 g. The price ranges from 130 to 487 rubles, depending on the chart.

It is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription. It is worth applying the cream in a small amount to the affected area at least 3 times a day. Use to treat chickenpox scars. Contraindicated in patients with high sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

More than 80% of people dislike chickenpox scars, it's good that they are easy to fix.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is an infectious disease caused by a virus from the herpes family. All representatives of this group "settle" in the nerve cells of a person, and when his immunity drops sufficiently, they move to the uppermost layer of the skin. Since only the epidermis is affected, scars after chickenpox occur either with a severe infection, or with suppuration of the intravesical fluid, or when a person, combing the elements of the rash, mechanically damages several skin layers.

Fortunately, chickenpox scars respond well to treatment. When they first appeared, local remedies (creams, lotions) deal with them. With their longer existence, cosmetic procedures are successfully used. If you correctly use special local remedies at the initial stage of chickenpox, until scars have formed, you can completely, with a probability of 98%, prevent their formation.

How scars appear after chickenpox

To understand how scars appear, let's take a quick look at the structure of the skin. It will also help you see the points of application of a particular scar remedy.

So, the skin is a two-layer organ. Above is the epidermis, under a microscope resembling a brick wall. The lowest row is sprout, that is, all the rest come from it. Having “served” for some time at the bottom, the lower layer is gradually shifting upward, it is replaced by newly formed “bricks”. The signals for cell growth are received from a thin film - the membrane on which they all lie, which separates them from the next layer - the dermis. With severe damage to this membrane, when its edges diverge so that fibers from the underlying layer penetrate here, a scar appears. With chickenpox, this is possible when the following occurs with the basement membrane:

  • a person removes the membrane with his fingers, combing the bubbles;
  • it melts with pus when the bubbly fluid suppurates;
  • when the edges of the membrane diverge a great distance, lying over a bone or a mass (for example,).

A scar is formed from the lower skin layer. There, between the gel-like substance, there are fibers, thanks to which the skin has its own tone and straightens when collected in a fold. Also in the dermis are cells that synthesize these fibers. When the membrane between two skin layers is damaged and diverges, the gap is "sutured" with one of the types of these fibers, but there is no gel-like substance, the basis of which is hyaluronic acid. There are only a small number of vessels - lymphatic and blood vessels, which later overgrow.

Also, a feature of scars after chickenpox, the treatment of which we will consider a little below, is that here the process of formation of connective tissue is slower than the process of its resorption. Therefore, scars look like indentations ().

Cosmetic treatment

Consider how to smear scars after chickenpox:


It is the leader among topical remedies for scars. It has an effect if you start using it immediately after the end of chickenpox, while the scars are still fresh. But in order to completely remove the scars from chickenpox, this cream must be applied for at least six months.

The action of "Kontraktubex" is based on:

  • suppression of the activity of dermal cells produced by excess fibers, which is provided by onion extract and sodium heparin;
  • the bactericidal effect provided by onions;
  • reducing the production of pro-inflammatory substances in the skin tissues;
  • softening structures that contain a large amount of fibers;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the skin. Improving blood circulation helps to resorb scars.

Allantoin, which is part of the drug, not only improves healing, but also enhances the permeability of the skin to other components of the drug.


This is another effective ointment for scars after chickenpox. The drug, unlike Contractubex, can be used to remove even old scars. It contains silicone, which creates a film over the scar, while the other components of the product increase the local temperature. This is how the greenhouse effect is formed, under the influence of which the fibers acquire the correct position.

Zeraderm ultra


Silicone-based product available in the form of a gel and spray. Covering the scar with a film, the agent forms a greenhouse effect, which helps to soften, restore elasticity to the scar, and prevent the growth of connective tissue inside. The effects of Dermatix and Kelo-cote are identical.


Scar cream works on the basis of urea - a substance identical to that produced in our liver. Applied to the skin, it dissolves the connective tissue of the scar, softens and moisturizes nearby areas, increasing their elasticity.

Treatment by a beautician

If after chickenpox scars remain on the face and other visible areas, and local remedies do not help, what to do next? Cosmetologists now offer a wide arsenal of procedures that are very effective in this case: from a variety of wraps and chemical peels to laser resurfacing. Let's consider them in order.


On cleansed adult skin, which has post-chickenpox scars, a remedy is applied (for example, "Zeytun for scars and stretch marks" or cocoa butter). Next, this area is wrapped with a film, and you will need to lie under a thermal blanket so that the active components of the drug penetrate into the scar tissue, soften it and promote renewal to the area of ​​normal skin.


A professional will help to remove scars from chickenpox on the face. In this case, a mixture of organic (for example) acids is applied to the scar area, which will destroy this area of ​​connective tissue. As a result, inflammation develops, during which (this does not always happen after 1 session) dermal cells produce "new skin" instead of scar tissue. Although it is accompanied by redness and flaking, such an effect for removing chickenpox scars is quite justified.

And Bepanten cream will help speed up skin recovery after the procedure. Its basis is dexpanthenol - the substance with which we have been accustomed to treat sunburn since childhood. It is a provitamin B5, which, being rapidly absorbed by skin cells and being incorporated into their metabolism, stimulates local regeneration.


This procedure is akin to peeling, only the inflammation in the area of ​​the scar is triggered not by acids, but by microcrystals, with which a special apparatus processes the skin. Artificial mechanical damage to the epidermis is performed at a controlled depth, triggering the production of new collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.

The result is: an improvement in the color and elasticity of the skin, a narrowing of pores, a "radiance" effect.

Laser resurfacing

How to get rid of chronic chickenpox scars if gentle methods have been ineffective? Contact laser medicine centers. Beauticians, professionally conducting (resurfacing), are able to remove cicatricial "pits" of any severity and age in several sessions.

The essence of the method is as follows. A laser is a special, high-energy light. It differs from what we see in that it can create heat on the surface where it is directed. Its second feature is the absence of scattering of light beams.

It is more commonly used to remove chickenpox scars. The method is based on the impact on the scar of fractions of microscopic diameter, which create micro-zones of damage. As a result, regenerative processes are activated, and the scar tissue is replaced by normal tissue. Injury to the skin during fractional thermolysis is significantly less than during laser resurfacing, and the recovery period is shorter.

To achieve the result, you need at least 2 sessions, in between which you will have to treat the affected area first with Bepanten, for better healing, and when going outside, carefully cover it with ultraviolet filters. This is a necessary measure to prevent the formation of hyperpigmentation in the area of ​​the post-windmouth scar.


To remove atrophic scars after chickenpox, procedures are used to conduct substances that dissolve connective tissue into the deep skin layers. This helps:

  • ultraphonophoresis;

Hyaluronic acid injections

- the base, which, being between the fibers of the dermis, fills the skin with water. Its injection into the scar area stops the formation of connective tissue. In addition, the skin is rejuvenated, smoothed, and more elastic.

Prevention of scars after chickenpox

As you know, it is better to prevent the occurrence of a defect than to cure it. Scars with chickenpox, as mentioned above, occur when scratching the bubble, when, together with the raised layer of the epidermis, its basement membrane is also injured. That is, you need to remove the itching. To do this, use such local remedies as: Fenistil-gel containing an antihistamine or zinc ointment ("Tsindol", "Kalamin"), which has a drying effect. It is necessary to use such ointments from the moment the first red spot appears until the symptoms of chickenpox disappear.

Also, scars form when the contents of the bladder fester. To prevent this condition, you need to perform 2 actions:

  1. Destroy the virus in the vesicle fluid, which, by suppressing the local immunity, promotes the addition of bacteria here. For this, an antiherpetic drug is used in the form of an ointment or gel - "Acyclovir" ("Atsik", "Gerpevir"). You can buy combination drugs that contain both antiviral and antihistamine (Fenistil-Pencivir ointment).
  2. Lubricate the loose elements with antiseptic solutions (Fukortsin, brilliant green), and if suppuration has already occurred - with antibacterial ointments: "Levomekol", "Oflokain".

Bubbles, rashes, ulcers - all this is a consequence of chickenpox (chickenpox), the disease of which becomes infected every second child, and less often adults. Chickenpox scars are considered atrophic, i.e. they are located below the level of the skin. Over time, some scars become almost invisible, and some can be uncomfortable. The sooner you start treating chickenpox marks, the greater the chance to restore your skin to its former smoothness and beauty. Let's take a look at the most effective and proven treatments for chickenpox scars.

What is chickenpox

Chickenpox is an acute infection of the herpetic family, accompanied by characteristic blistering rashes on the skin. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, at a distance of up to 20 m. Chickenpox is poorly resistant in the external environment, therefore, when a patient is found in a team, disinfection is not necessary. Most often, children are ill, in a special risk group are kids who visit places with a mass crowd of people, especially schoolchildren and kindergarteners.

A patient with chickenpox becomes "dangerous" to the environment two days before the onset of the rash and continues to be contagious for a week after the onset of the rash. The incubation period lasts up to 3 weeks. Chickenpox enters the human body through the mucous membrane (nose, eyes, mouth), spreads through the human body through the blood, and multiplies in the thorny layers of the skin and mucous membranes.

Attention! The varicella-zoster virus remains in the human body for life, with a decrease in immunity, it manifests itself as shingles.

How do scars appear

The main characteristic feature of chickenpox is small bubbles with a diameter of 2-5 mm. They can appear on any part of the skin, and "pop up" immediately after the temperature drops. Inside, the bubbles are filled with a transparent liquid, bursting they form small dimples that pass, with proper care, within 2 weeks.

More than 70% of patients with chickenpox suffered from it in childhood or adolescence. During this period of life, children still think little about the consequences of their actions. As you know, a chicken rash, on the 4th-5th day, begins to itch, delivering unpleasant sensations to the patient. No one listens to the advice of doctors and parents that it is not worth touching the rash, the child begins to constantly touch the "bubbles", scratches, tries to remove them, thereby launching the infection or bacteria under his skin.

In an older age, the disease is much harder to carry, often accompanied by high fever, weakness, in this condition, there is simply no time for "itchy pimples". And although patience, endurance and understanding grows with age, but the regenerating properties of the skin are not at all the same. And if in childhood, the probability that scars remain is somewhere around 30%, then after 20 years, this figure increases to 50%.

Advice! Regardless of age, the chance of healing chickenpox scars is higher if you start taking action right after the illness. The longer you postpone treatment, the less chance of getting rid of scars completely is minimized. "Fresh" rash scars respond best to non-surgical treatments.

Where do the scars come from?

  • In people with reduced immunity, during chickenpox, the rash is large, and most importantly deep blisters that heal for a long time and eventually leave scars;
  • With complications of chickenpox, a bacterial infection begins to develop, pus accumulates under the skin, which is difficult to treat, and in 90% of cases, leaves behind "unpleasant pits";
  • Irritation of chickenpox rash, scratching, causes infection, which as a result leads to scarring of the wounds;
  • It is a big mistake to "tear off / pick out" the sores before the crust falls off the bubbles by itself. This disrupts the natural healing of wounds, leaving scars;

How to prevent scarring

The simplest, most effective and cheapest way is brilliant green.

A brilliant green solution has the following properties:

  • kills germs at the site of the rash of bubbles.
  • is a prophylactic agent for the development of bacteria and infections in places where rashes are spread.
  • with the help of brilliant green, the old rash is "marked", so it is possible to track whether the disease has gone into decline or not.
  • brilliant green has drying properties, this allows you to keep the protective crust of the sore, just as long as the resulting fossa "does not overgrow" with new epithelium.

Advice! Wind eruptions are very itchy. If an adult can endure, then small children cannot control their desires in this way and begin to scratch their skin. In order to somehow protect the child, nails during illness need to be cut short, or wear scratches (mittens / gloves).

In addition, until the sores completely disappear, you need to remember the following rules:

  • you can not use cosmetic antibacterial agents, without medical indications;
  • do not use creams, masks, foundation with a high content of fatty substances;
  • you cannot use wound-healing substances without a doctor's prescription;
  • massage, rub, stroke the skin next to the rash.

How to get rid of chickenpox scars

There are several ways to treat chickenpox scars:


Basically, these include special ointments that allow you to cope with both "fresh scars" and old ones.

Most Popular:

The most popular remedy for scars. But you need to start using it right after you recover from chickenpox. For the best effect, you need to use it for 4-6 months, depending on the depth of the scars. The active components of contractubex improve blood circulation, promoting accelerated healing, have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect;

Dermatix... Used to eliminate both old and new traces of chickenpox. It contains silicone, which penetrates into the dermis, filling all the depressions and creating the greenhouse effect necessary for the correct location of the skin fibers;

The active substances of the gel create a film that softens the scar and promotes "proper" healing, fills the skin with oxygen, improves the elasticity of the dermis and its ability to regenerate;

Kelo-cat... Just like dermatics, it contains silicone, therefore it has the same properties. Available in spray and gel form;

Kelofibraza... The cream contains urea, this substance increases the elasticity of the skin, moisturizes it, dissolves the scar tissue;

Dexapanthenol... Thanks to the B vitamin and auxiliary substances (sea buckthorn oil, lanolin, petroleum jelly, citric acid), which are part of this cream / gel, damaged skin heals quickly.

Advice! It is best to start using this remedy as soon as your chickenpox recovers. It should be applied two to three times a day to damaged areas.

Cosmetology products

If the cosmetics did not help, then you can turn to professional cosmetologists for help. The most popular and most effective cosmetic methods:

Wraps... For this method, refined, natural oils are mainly used. The most effective in this case are considered to be a mixture of olive and lavender oil, as well as cocoa butter. The tool is applied to cleansed skin, and then the healed area is wrapped with a film and covered with a thermal blanket. If the damaged area is the face, then you can simply cover it with a cosmetic mask. Under the influence of heat, medicinal oils penetrate deep into the pores faster, accelerating the healing of the dermis;

Peeling... The best way to remove chickenpox scars is acid peeling. The point of the technique is to apply a special mixture of acids to the skin, most often fruit acids, which destroy the upper layer of the skin, thereby killing the healed dermis, and helping the production of a new one. After a peeling session, the skin turns red and flakes, but after healing it will become even and healthy again. For the best result, you need to conduct several sessions.

Advice! Will help accelerate the healing of the dermis after acid peeling, dexapanthenol-based products.

Injection technique... There are multicomponent injections based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and herbal supplements, as well as single-component injections based on collagen or the same "hyaluronic acid".

Mechanical damage to the upper epidermis... For this I use a special point laser that removes the affected skin and promotes accelerated regeneration of a new and healthy one. Microdermabrasion is one of the types of peeling, the essence of which is to apply special microcrystals to the skin, removing the top layer of damaged skin and starting the process of cell regeneration.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is easily tolerated by small patients aged 3-8 years. In the future, the older the sick person, the more severe the infection overtakes the patient. And not only the symptoms of the virus (severe itching, fever and weakness) are scary here, but also the scars from chickenpox, which can greatly ruin your appearance, and therefore your life. Especially women. Whether scars remain after chickenpox and how to remove scars after chickenpox, we understand the material below.

Reasons for the formation of scars

In young children who have had chickenpox, traces after chickenpox in the form of scars, scars and pits are less common. This is due to the fact that the child's body tolerates the virus faster and easier, vesicles (rashes with liquid contents) have a smaller size and depth, and the ability of the skin to regenerate in a young body is several times higher. In turn, the following reasons lead to the formation of scars and scars after the transferred virus in an adult:

  • Reduced ability of the skin to regenerate;
  • Deeper vesicles, often with purulent contents;
  • Careless scratching of the rash due to severe itching in adults.

Important: traces of chickenpox on the face can be removed with a greater probability if the treatment is started as early as possible. Moreover, it is possible to treat such formations on the skin even at the stage of the presence of crusts on the body and face at home.

Home remedies

If the reader is interested in how to get rid of chickenpox scars, or how to smear them, then here you need to know that the main action against smallpox traces is to spur the skin to self-healing. This is facilitated by such funds:

  • Gel "Contractubex". It contains panthenol components, which contribute to the rapid restoration of the upper layers of the skin. In addition, the preparation contains B vitamins, which enhance immunity and the ability of skin cells to regenerate. You can rub Kontraktubex gel on each pockmark still covered with a crust. And you can use the drug already on the face after chickenpox.
  • Cream, gel or ointment for scars "Panthenol". It has almost the same effect as "Contractubex". Promotes the healing of wounds and the restoration of deep layers of the skin. The drug "Rescuer" has the same effect.
  • Dermatix gel. This tool is developed on the basis of silicone, which allows you to act on unaged scars using pressure and contraction. As a result of applying the gel, fresh smallpox scars are smoothed and fade away.

Important: you can use such funds either at the stage of drying the crusts of the rashes, or at the stage of formed shallow scars.

  • Cacao butter. Natural oil purchased from the pharmacy perfectly improves skin turgor and increases blood circulation in it. As a result, with the systematic rubbing of oil into scars and scars, they are gradually smoothed and smoothed out. It can be used by those who do not know how to remove chickenpox scars.
  • Vitamin C. In this case, so as not to leave scars, you can use both vitamins internally and externally as a cream, which includes this vitamin. The component enhances skin elasticity and helps to restore it.

Important: the treatment of chickenpox scars in adults in this way is prohibited for those who have problems with the digestive tract. In particular, gastritis, ulcers, acidity, etc.

Mechanical treatments for scars

Damaged skin after chickenpox in the presence of rough and deep scars can be restored by the hands of professional cosmetologists. In this case, in order to understand exactly how to get rid of the traces of chickenpox, you need to consult a professional. In particular, specialized clinics use the following techniques:

  • Collagen injections. This substance is injected into the scarring of the skin to remove the scars. The injected collagen is smoothly smoothed, which leads to a smoother skin and an increase in its elasticity.
  • Silicone patch (plate). This method of affecting scars on the face consists in applying a patch to the affected area. The affected skin is squeezed quite hard, as a result of which the scar tissue becomes softer and evens out over time.
  • Phototherapy. The skin is exposed to certain photo rays. And although the result will not be long in coming, the method is still dangerous for its side effects. In rare cases, eczema may even develop on the skin.
  • Electrophoresis. Exposure to current on the deep layers of the skin, which increases blood flow in it, and hence the ability to regenerate.
  • Phonophoresis. In this case, along with the effect of the current on the skin, special drugs are injected into it, which penetrate deeper into the skin due to the action of electric discharges. The skin is smoothed and more elastic.

Apparatus scar treatment

If the reader is interested in the question of the formation of traces from chickenpox on the face and how to remove them, then you can use complex hardware techniques for this. So, the traces that smallpox left on the skin can be neutralized in one of the following ways:

  • Laser skin resurfacing. Perfectly removes scars from chickenpox. Moreover, this method helps to remove both old pockmarks and completely fresh ones. The good news is that the specialist chooses the resurfacing method depending on the skin type, the depth and amount of scars. Moreover, the technique is absolutely painless. To completely get rid of the effects of chickenpox, you need to go through several sessions of the procedure. And between them it is necessary to intensively moisturize and nourish the skin. In this case, masks based on aloe or few wheat germs help well.
  • Microdermabrasion. This is another method of facial skin resurfacing, in which we get rid of scars very quickly. Grinding is carried out with special small crystals.
  • Peeling TCA. Here, the technique is aimed at restoring the skin after recently suffered smallpox. That is, this method can get rid of fresh scars. Affect the skin with trichloroacetic acid. At the same time, it reaches the middle and deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Chemical peeling. The use of moderately aggressive acids allows you to remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin along with superficial wrinkles, scars and other cosmetic defects. At the same time, the skin turgor improves, and its elasticity increases. The face becomes even and fresh in color.
  • Lipofilling. In this case, adipose tissue taken from the client is injected under the patient's skin into the scarring sites. In this case, the scars are smoothed out very quickly. But here it is worth noting that the effect does not differ in duration. That is, after a while, the scars will appear again.
  • Peeling Jessner. Helps to deal with smallpox marks in just 2-3 times. It is based on lactic, salicylic acids and resorcinol. This peeling removes not only traces of chickenpox, but also fine wrinkles, acne residues, etc.

Preventing scar formation

In order not to look for methods of dealing with scars after suffering smallpox, it is necessary to know how to avoid their formation. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not scratch the rash. And to relieve itching, take antihistamines.
  • Ventilate the room more often to reduce inflammation in the vesicles.
  • Wear breathable cotton clothing that will also reduce itching.
  • Never drink antibiotics.
  • In the case of chickenpox in children, babies have their nails cut short. Babies wear "scratches" on their handles - protective gloves.

It is always easier and better to prevent the grave consequences of an illness than to deal with them later. Taking care of immunity, a healthy lifestyle, and adherence to the daily routine help to preserve the natural defense against diseases. Stay healthy and beautiful!

Chickenpox is usually not considered a serious disease, because almost all people carry it in childhood.

Sometimes: it is much more difficult to tolerate, and recovery is often accompanied by the formation of scars on the skin.

We will find out why there are scars after chickenpox, and consider how to deal with them.

Chickenpox - why scars occur

The causes of scars can be very different. We will consider the main ones, and also briefly remind the reader about the features of the disease and from the point of view of minimizing scars on the face and body.

Briefly about the disease

It is a disease of infectious origin. - airborne. From the time of interaction with a sick person and until the first signs of infection appear, 10-20 days pass. At this time, a person can infect many people without suspecting that he himself has chickenpox.

The main period of the disease begins 2-3 days before the onset of the skin rash and stops after the fresh rashes stop appearing, and the old ones will tighten with a crust.

This is what a chickenpox rash looks like.

The main chickenpox are:

  • the appearance of a rash in the form of small red spots, accompanied by severe itching;
  • fever (up to 39 - 39.5) and trembling;
  • pain in the head, abdomen;
  • feeling of general malaise.

appears on the face, covers the chest and back, can be localized on the eyelids, and genitals. Some patients may have only 3-4 red marks, while others will cover the whole body. Light spots form on the spots, which quickly disappear and become covered with a crust. It disappears within 14 days. All stages of the rash can be present on the body at the same time.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you must consult a doctor. Most often, the disease does not require hospitalization, but it may be required if there is an inadequate reaction from the nervous system (severe pain in the head, legs) or it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

The main recommendations are reduced to adherence to bed rest, taking paracetamol (at temperatures above 38 degrees), adherence, excluding juices, citrus fruits, salty foods. Doctors usually prescribe antiviral drugs for adults, as well as for rashes that form on them. The presence of wounds and severe itching also requires special therapy.

It is required to observe bed rest and follow simple recommendations


If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this viral disease can lead to serious health consequences. The main complications after chickenpox are:

  1. Laryngitis and tracheitis, which develop due to damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with a viral rash. They manifest themselves in the form of dry cough, shortness of breath, pain in the trachea.
  2. Chickenpox pneumonia (viral). In this case, it appears, which does not pass for a long time. In a severe course of the disease, a high temperature may persist, and when coughing, sputum with traces of blood can be released.
  3. which is caused by a lot of chickenpox blisters. They lead to painful swallowing and chewing.
  4. Inflammatory process of the foreskin in men and the development of vulvitis on the mucous membrane of the labia in women. These conditions are caused by a large amount of rash on the genitals.
  5. Rarely appear and meningitis of the chickenpox type, purulent arthritis, myocarditis, nephritis.

The disease can lead to serious complications

However, in most cases, chickenpox goes away without consequences for the body, but after this disease, scars on the skin may remain.

Causes of scars

The varicella-zoster virus affects only the top layer of the dermis. A person, feeling an intolerable itching, begins. If at this time the infection reaches the deep layers of the epidermis, then inflammation will begin, due to which the inner layer of the skin will change its structure. In this case, scars and pits will be visible on the surface: such scars are likely to remain for life.

Other causes of scars can include:

  • low human immunity, which reduces the rate of recovery;
  • the formation of large spots with chickenpox;
  • scratching of papules, deliberate tearing of crusts;
  • damage to spots with long nails;
  • rubbing the skin at the stage of its healing with tight clothing;
  • poor skin hygiene, which can lead to infection and inflammation in the wounds;
  • violation of the rules of treatment or its complete absence.

Children are much less likely to develop scars than those who have had the disease in adulthood.

Chickenpox scars in adults

Scars on the skin, caused by severe scratching of itchy patches, usually occur in young children, who are difficult to keep from touching the rash. Adults, aware of the possibility of scars, try not to touch the itchy spots.

However, even in this case, a person is not immune from the formation of scars and depressions on the skin. The reason for the appearance of this defect is the skin of an adult person. With age, it gradually loses its regenerative ability, becomes less elastic, due to which the damage cannot heal normally and scars appear.

Sometimes after chickenpox keloid scars appear. They are caused by the skin producing too much collagen.

How to deal with scars

Scars remain in place of the chickenpox bubbles, they are located below the level of the rest of the skin, they may differ from it in tone (most often they will be lighter). Over time, these pits may become almost invisible. The need to eliminate them arises if they are located on the face or open parts of the body. Of course, it is easier not to bring the skin to the formation of pockmarks than to deal with them later.

There are different ways to get rid of this defect, each of which has its own characteristics.

Anti-scar creams and ointments

This method will not give a noticeable transformation even after a year of active use of the ointment. These funds are suitable for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars, that is, their action is aimed at eliminating overgrown connective tissue.

Chickenpox scars are atrophic scars, they do not have such overgrowth, so the creams will be powerless

Various peels

These procedures help to smooth out the boundaries of the pits, to make the depressions less visible. Laser or chemical peels are best, and microdermabrasion can also be used.

To achieve a good result, you will need several peeling sessions, during which you need to follow several rules: for example, protect the skin from ultraviolet rays so that instead of pockmarks you do not get hyperpigmentation.


There are two injection techniques suitable for removing chickenpox scars. The first of them - mesotherapy - consists in the introduction of special preparations into the surface of the skin, which have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin and improve metabolic processes in them. This method is suitable for the early stages of scar formation, so you can completely get rid of it. In the later stages, beneficial shots will not have this effect.

The second technique is injections of fillers based on collagen and hyaluronic acid.

These substances will return the skin to its previous smoothness due to the fact that they raise the bottom of the fossa to the level of the rest of the skin.

The disadvantage of this method is the frequent repetitions of the procedures, since the fillers dissolve in about a year.

Undercut, or subcision

The principle of operation of this technique: the doctor inserts a needle under the skin, which cuts the fibers of the connective tissue connecting the bottom of the fossa with the deep layers of the skin. Due to this, the surface of the scar rises slightly above the level of the skin, and in the part where the fibers were cut, the production of new collagen begins: it will support the scar and prevent it from falling back.

Surgical excision

It is the most radical treatment that is suitable for removing large scars. The surgeon cuts out the scar, connects the edges of the wound, suturing them with a cosmetic suture.

Of course, a trace will remain after the procedure, but it will look like a thin, neat strip. For the treatment of chickenpox scars, this technique is suitable only if 2-3 too wide scars are removed. With excision, it is impossible to achieve a cosmetic effect for small pits.

Plastic surgery will help remove single large scars

Chickenpox is a "childhood" disease that can remind of itself with unpleasant marks on the skin for a long time. It is important to remember that it is better not to injure the healing wounds than to wage a long struggle with the remaining scars later.