What documents are needed for baby food. Documents for benefits and dairy cuisine

There were many rumors around dairy kitchens - they discussed their possible closure in 2019, wondered if the old norms would be canceled, and what the list of products for nursing mothers, pregnant women and mothers of babies would be.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow in 2019: what changes

There were persistent rumors about the abolition of dairy kitchens, but the fact that they will not be in Moscow and the Moscow region is too exaggerated information. Dairy kitchens are not closed, the vacancies of workers are not liquidated, since January 1 of this year, the Department of Health has left the kitchen operating mode as it was. That is, this year the cancellation will definitely not take place, but what will happen next - time will tell.

Moreover, the range of kitchens in 2019 will be expanded. Kitchen addresses, schedule, opening hours remain the same.

Dairy cuisine, addresses, Moscow: where are the kitchens

Each district of Moscow has its own dairy kitchen, which is usually located at the children's clinic. The local pediatrician can tell you the address of the kitchen, he can also give you more detailed information, advise you on contacting the dairy kitchen.

To find the desired dairy kitchen in the capital, enter in the search the name of the administrative district, and the clinic to which you belong. Most milk distribution points operate on a daily schedule, but there are kitchens that do not function on weekends.

What they give in a dairy kitchen in Moscow (video)

Working hours of a dairy kitchen in Moscow: does everyone have one mode

No, there is no single regime for all dairy cuisines in the capital.

Most common opening hours:

  • 06.30 to 12.00;
  • 06.30 to 10.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.30.

In any case, if you come from 7 am to 10 am, almost any dairy kitchen is open at this time.

But before you go, or consult a pediatrician, make sure that you are in the category who is supposed to be served in a dairy kitchen.

Today, food in dairy kitchens is received by:

  • Pregnant women (from 12 weeks, registered);
  • Nursing mothers (six months after childbirth);
  • Children from 0 to 3 years old;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under the age of 7 (but only from large families);
  • Children under the age of 15 with chronic diseases.

To obtain the necessary free products, parents turn to a pediatrician who gives a special opinion.

What is given in the dairy kitchen in Moscow: norms for issuing

For pregnant women, juice and milk are available, for nursing mothers - also milk and juice, but in different quantities.

Babies up to two months old receive only milk formula, children 3-4 months old can also receive fruit. juice and fruit. the same puree, children 5 months + receive porridge and vegetable puree. From the age of 7 months, children are also entitled to cottage cheese and canned meat and meat-and-vegetable products.

Children from 9 months old are also entitled to kefir in addition to the proposed list of products. From the age of 1, children receive specialized baby milk. Disabled children and children under 15 with chronic diseases can get milk from the dairy kitchen.

More details about the issuance rates are in the table.

Dairy cuisine standards: Moscow 2019 - table

CategoryWhat do they giveVolume norm (month)Gram per packHow they issue
0-3 monthsAdapted liquid mol. mixture4800 200 Once a week
Adapted dry mol. mixture700 500 Once a week
4 months Likewise + fruits. juice, fruit. puree 1 liter per month
5 monthsSimilarly to the line 3-4 months, plus 400 g of dry porridge (once a month), vegetable. mashed potatoes 1920 (once a month).
6 monthsDry mol. mixture - 350 g;

Liquid mol. mixture - 2400 g;

Vegetable puree - 1920;

Fruit. puree - 1000g;

Fruit. juice - 1200 g;

Dry porridge - 400 g.

once a month (everything except liquid adapt. mixture)
7-8 months+ to all the previous children's cottage cheese - 600 g, meat-plant. puree - 300 g, meat. puree - 560 g (once a month except cottage cheese and liquid mixture)
9-12 months+ children's kefir - 2000 gCottage cheese, kefir, liquid mixture - once a week, other - once a month
1-2 yearsDet. milk - 2400 (200 g each);

Det. kefir - 2400 (200 g each);

Det. cottage cheese - 600 g (50 g each);

Fruit. puree - 800 g (100 g each);

Fruit. juice - 2000 (200 g each).

1 month
2-3 years+ increases by 400 g juice, but decreases by 400 g milk
Up to 7 yearsmilk

Once a month

Up to 15 years
Disabled children
pregnantMilk6000 1000 1 month
Juice2640 330 1 month
breastfeeding mothersMilk8000 1000 1 month
Juice3300 330 1 month

Norms for issuing dairy cuisine in the Moscow region: are there any differences

Citizens living in the Moscow region who are registered at the place of registration in health care institutions have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen.

Meals required:

  • Children aged 0-2 years, 11 months, 29 days;
  • Pregnant women (for a period not earlier than 12 weeks, registered);
  • Nursing mothers (6 months after the birth of a child);
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under 7 years old (only from large families);
  • Children under 15 with chronic diseases.

The grocery list will be the same. To receive food, you need to write an application (according to the model), addressed to the head of the medical institution, bring the necessary documents. Usually this is a passport page with a photo, a passport page indicating registration, and a child's birth certificate (only a photocopy).

In conclusion, the doctor will indicate a set of products, and this recipe is provided in the dairy kitchen.

Dairy kitchen sets, Moscow: what they give

The main innovation of 2018 is that now the children's dairy. the kitchen provides products in sets, that is, you get ready-made sets in a corrugated box.

Sets are formed so that the child receives a variety of good nutrition for his age. For example, now vegetable puree has its own requirements, the content of each vegetable in the food set is being regulated. And before they could give jars of one taste.

Example of one corrugated set:

  • Two types of dry porridge (multi-cereal and rice);
  • fruit juice;
  • Vegetable puree;
  • fruit puree;
  • Meat-grows. puree;
  • Meat puree;
  • Curd;
  • Milk;
  • Kefirchik.

What is given in the dairy kitchen (video)

It can be said that since 2019, food in the dairy kitchen for privileged categories has become more diverse. Now the set includes several types of cereals, juices and purees. The list of products depends on the age of the child.

In general, in 2019, the work of dairy kitchens improved, and the norms for issuing more kefir, juice and fruit puree increased for most categories of children. So feel free to find out in your clinic whether you are entitled to such assistance, draw up documents and get free food.

State support measures for families with newborns and preschoolers today take various forms.

For some, cash payments are provided, for others - special cards to which payments come.

One of the forms that is popular and has been operating for more than a dozen years is.

Products suitable for age are issued at specialized points. Their number and content in the set are specified in special lists compiled by specialists, including pediatricians. The lists are approved by local authorities, and directions (prescriptions) are issued by district pediatric doctors during the appointment.

Dairy cuisines in Moscow and the Moscow region: features and differences

Dairy cuisine is available in different cities, since this support measure is popular and in demand among the population. It is known that in modern economic realities, not everyone who has children to raise can use the services of this organization. This is connected, first of all, with the legislation in force in the country, as well as with those local decrees that are developed in each locality.

A little less than 2 years ago there were some changes in the system of functioning of milk distribution points (kitchens). They affected not only Moscow and the Moscow Region, but all organizations in general. The main changes affected the standards for the issuance of products, as well as the composition. Persons who have remained the same. It is known that in the country as a whole, the amount allocated by the state for this segment of assistance to families with children has slightly decreased. As for the list of products, the changes that have taken place in it are positive - in addition to dairy products, you can now get juices and various purees.

Prior to this, such sets were issued only in Moscow. However, dairy products, which are the main for many, are given out a little less, and you have to buy them yourself.

In terms of a set of products, the differences between Moscow and regional points are now minimal.

As for the opening hours, as before, most of the dairy kitchen outlets prefer to dispense meals in the morning:

  • From 6.30 to 10.00;
  • From 6.30 -7.00 to 12.00.

There are also kitchens that carry out their work from 11 am to 8 pm or from 9 am to 9 pm. Please check with your local food outlet for the exact time. Dairy kitchens, which are open directly at children's clinics, are open from 6.30 until the time set by the institution, which should be clarified on the spot.

List and description of products offered in the set

The list of products that are offered to receive is impressive and varied. It includes the nutrition that is recommended by specialists, including pediatricians, according to the age of the child or the characteristics of his development. The specified amount guarantees that the baby will develop fully and harmoniously.

This year, in sets obtained in dairy kitchens, are included(depending on the age of the child):

Children's products are supposed to be issued in accordance with approved standards, categories and recommendations, parents or legal representatives of the child can get a prescription.

Issuance rates

Standards for the issuance of food at dairy kitchen points are developed by local authorities.

In order to find out if the family is included in the circle of persons who are entitled to such assistance, you should visit the MFC at the place of residence or registration.

It is important to remember that the lists of persons differ in each region, but the following categories are unchanged:

  • Children under one year of age (infants);
  • Toddlers from 12 to 36 months (all without exception);
  • Children (each of the kids) from (support is provided until the age of 7 or until the moment of enrollment in school);
  • Children with disabilities (up to 15 years old, the conclusion of a special commission is required).

In addition, pregnant women who are attached to the antenatal clinic can receive food in the dairy kitchens of Moscow and the region. After the birth of a child, they are also given a set of products until the baby reaches the age of six months. The basis for issuance is a conclusion issued by a doctor.

The kits that can be obtained vary and depend on the age of the child. The following norms and sets apply in Moscow:

Child's ageProductNorm for 30 daysQuantity in one packageFor how long is it issued
Newborn (up to 2 months)Milk formula (liquid)4800 200 Week 1
Dry mix for feeding700 500 30 days
3-4 monthsSame set +
Fruit juice1 l200 1 month (30 days)
fruit puree1000g200 1 month
5 monthsPrevious set +
Dry porridge400g400g30 days
Vegetable puree (various flavors)1920200g1 month
half a yearPowdered milk formula350g350g1 month
Milk formula (in liquid form) + dry porridge2400
Week 1
fruit puree1 kg200 30 days
Fruit juice (clarified and with pulp)1.2 l200 1 month

After six months relies:

  • 7-8 months - the same set as in six months, curds (600g), meat and vegetable puree (300g), meat puree (560g) - all products, except dairy products, can be obtained immediately for 30 days;
  • 9-15 months - kefir is added to the previous set (2 liters in packs of 200 ml);
  • from 12 to 24 months - kefir (2 liters), cow's milk 3.2% (2.4 l, issued for 30 days), cottage cheese (total amount 600g, issued in packs of 50 g once a week), fruit juice (2 l ), fruit puree (800g) - for 30 days;
  • 2-3 years - a similar set, but the milk becomes less by 400 ml, the juice increases to 2.4 liters;
  • up to 7 years, as well as disabled people, only milk is issued. The total amount is 1.8 liters for 30 days;
  • pregnant women receive as support and social assistance measures - milk (6 l), fruit juice (2.64 l) for 30 days;
  • lactating mothers receive milk (8 liters) and fruit juice (3.3 liters) for 30 days in the dairy kitchen.

Rules for granting

Dairy products and baby food in packages prescribed by age or pregnancy in the dairy kitchen in Moscow and the region can be receive exclusively by prescription. You won't have to pay for them.

To receive a set of products, you will need to provide a passport, write an application to the appropriate department of social protection working in the district or city (for MO), for example, to the children's clinic or MFC.

Also may be required:

  1. Certificate (original or notarized copy) of the birth of the baby;
  2. Polis honey. insurance (CMI);
  3. Certificate of registration (registration) of the child at the address of residence in Moscow or the Region;
  4. Confirmation of the status of the poor (certificate of employment);
  5. Certificate confirming the large number of children in the family;
  6. Certificate of health of the baby (if special nutrition is required);
  7. The conclusion of the commission about.

Mothers who feed babies naturally (breastfeeding) can write an application to the head of the children's clinic to which the child is attached. Pregnant women are entitled to help from the dairy kitchen. In order to receive it, you will also need to write an application, but this must be done at the antenatal clinic, in which the woman is observed.

In the event that the family does not have a residence permit in Moscow or the Region, then in order to receive food assistance that is required by law, it is necessary to do temporary registration at the place of residence and with this document apply to the points of issue of food sets.

Thus, the way of social support for babies and families waiting for their arrival works. Today in Moscow and the region there are points for the issuance of dairy products and baby food contained in the recommended lists. The standards are strictly calculated, so each baby will be provided with the necessary set of products. The state guarantees that every child between the ages of 0 and 3 years old will be attached to the dairy kitchen, after this age restrictions come into force, but those who most urgently need support will continue to receive food in the prescribed amount. The quality and safety of products is controlled by special services, so there is no doubt that all the deadlines for the implementation meet the established standards.

The compositions of dairy kitchen sets in Moscow are discussed in the following video:

I met children's dairy kitchen when I got pregnant. Immediately, after registration, they began to write out a monthly prescription for juices (Frutonyanya for pregnant women (yes, that’s what it’s called) and milk 6 liters (“MolokoVo” 2.5%). As it turned out, they introduced milk for pregnant women completely Recently, therefore, dear girls, ask for a recipe for milk in your LCDs!

After the birth of the baby, the milk relies not only on the baby, but also on the mother too (when breastfeeding).

As it was before (before 2016): you come to the dairy kitchen and they give you, for example, vegetable puree 24 jars of the same type and fruit puree 24 b. also only one type. No assortment (how lucky with the kitchen and staff).

Starting from 2016 (since January) everything has changed for the better. In dairy kitchens, they began to form ready-made sets, and give vegetable and fruit purees in an assortment - several types, in accordance with the age of the baby (they will not give pumpkin puree if your baby is 4 months old).

A nice update from spring: now you don’t have to take the recipe to the dairy kitchen yourself, it is enough to write out for the next month before the 15th of the current month and that's it. The clinic itself will transfer the recipe to the dairy kitchen.

Now I will briefly dwell on the assortment of dairy cuisine in Moscow.

  • Children's milk dry mixture Malyutka-1 (or Nestogen-1) and Malyutka-2 (or Nestogen-2) - 350 gr. packaged
  • Sour-milk adapted mixture Agusha-1 (3.5% fat content), Agusha-2 (3.4% fat content), package 200 gr.
  • Kefir Agusha (3.2%), in packs of 200 gr.
  • Cottage cheese Agusha (4.5%), pack 50 gr.
  • Milk Agusha (2.5%), in packs 200 gr.
  • Juices Frutonyanya or Sady Pridonya (5 flavors) in packs of 200 gr.
  • Vegetable puree Frutonyanya and/or Sady Pridonya. Tastes: zucchini, tsv. cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots. Jars 80 gr.
  • Fruit puree in the assortment of Frutonyan and / or Sady Pridonya. Tastes: apple, pear, berry (2 types of three types of fruit, apple and apricot - "berry salad"). Jars 100 gr.
  • Meat puree Frutonyanya. Flavors: beef/veal, chicken/chicken, pork. Jars 80 gr
  • Meat and vegetable puree Frutonyanya. Flavors: with addition of beef/chicken. Jars 100 gr.
  • Dairy-free buckwheat porridge (dry) Frutonyanya
  • Dairy porridge (dry) in the assortment of Frutonyanya

This is the range, depending on age. Hope I didn't forget anything

A table of norms for issuing food (as well as tastes) is presented, in accordance with the age of the baby.

To receive food for the child , you must write an application at the clinic addressed to the head and attach (originals / copies) of the following documents: certificates of permanent registration of the baby, birth certificate with compulsory medical insurance policy, copies of parents' passports.

In 2015, we attached copies of documents, perhaps something has changed since 2016. In general, the clinic will definitely consult and help fill out an application.

In the future, I will supplement my review with photos of food boxes

Some scold dairy kitchens, they say, they don’t give enough, you can’t feed children with Malyutka and Frutonyanya, etc. Someone generally believes that low-income segments of the population receive food in the dairy kitchen and others receive it out of status. Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit! To be honest, I think that such statements are very biased. A little, not a little, but it's a real help. I am very satisfied with Frutonyanya, as well as with the products of Sadov Pridonya. Therefore, I highly recommend it. And if there is an opportunity to prescribe food from the dairy kitchen, do not miss it.

If you are breastfeeding your child and you don’t need a dry, sour-milk mixture, then you don’t even know how other mothers need it and they ready to exchange your mixture for something useful for you(for vegetable or fruit puree, for example, or maybe just buy it). There are a lot of ads on the site of free ads [link] about the exchange or sale of food from dairy cuisine. This is how we exchange Baby for vegetable (or fruit) puree: the exchange rate is usually 1:8, but there are some mothers who change at a predatory rate of 1:6 or even 1:5.

Thank you for your attention



What did they give us at 7 months.

In such boxes now they give out food in the dairy kitchen.

In one of the boxes there was a leaflet with a list of jars of purees and cereals, which were given out according to our age.

What puree give:

These are the flavors:

The Moscow Department of Health has signed a three-year contract for the supply of free meals in 2017-2019 for privileged categories of the population (children, pregnant women, nursing mothers) who are residents of the city of Moscow through milk distribution points (dairy kitchens).

What will be served in the dairy kitchen in Moscow in 2019

From January 1, 2019, part of the baby food in the dairy kitchen will be given out in ready-made sets packed in a four-valve corrugated box. The packaging supports the gross weight of the products included in the kits.

In total, 6 contracts were concluded until December 31, 2019 for a total amount of 11 billion six hundred twenty-seven million. The food supplier for the dairy kitchen is Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC.

The number of packages given out per month depends on the age of the child:

  • from 0 to 3 months - set No. 1 - 1 box;
  • 4 months - set No. 2 - 1 box;
  • 5 months - set No. 3 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 6 months - set No. 4 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 7 months - set No. 5 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • 8-12 months - set No. 6 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • from 1 to 2 years - set No. 7 parts 1, 2 - 2 boxes;
  • from 2 to 3 years - set No. 7 of part 1, 2 - 2 boxes;

In addition to the sets, sour-milk mixture, cottage cheese and kefir will be given out.

  • Pregnant women - set No. 9 parts 1,2,3 - 3 boxes;
  • Nursing mothers - set No. 10 parts 1-2, 1-2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • Large families, disabled people and chronic children - set No. 11 parts 1,2, 3 - 3 boxes;

The composition of the sets can be viewed in the table.

Vegetable puree Bebivita

According to contracts for dairy kitchens in Moscow, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, the following range of free meals will be supplied:

Dry mixes

In 2019, the quantity and assortment and the manufacturer remained unchanged.

For feeding children from birth to 6 months, dry milk formula for feeding young children "BELLAKT OPTIMUM 1+", . Package weight - 350 gr.

For feeding children from 6 to 12 months, dry milk formula for feeding young children "BELLAKT OPTIMUM 2+", production of the Republic of Belarus. Package weight - 350 gr.

Instant dry cereals (instant)

"Bellakt" but also brand "Agusha".

Dry milk instant oatmeal porridge (or wheat with pumpkin, or buckwheat), enriched with vitamins, minerals, with fructose for children over 5 months old, "Agusha"

In 2017, porridge was given out "Bellakt", The Republic of Belarus.

Instant dry milk porridge from 5 cereals (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, corn) enriched with vitamins, minerals, prebiotic substances, with fructose for children over 6 months old, "Agusha", production of the Russian Federation. Package weight - 200 gr.

In 2017, porridge was given out "Bellakt", The Republic of Belarus.

Dairy-free dry instant buckwheat (or rice) porridge enriched with vitamins and minerals for feeding children over 4 months old. "Agusha", production of the Russian Federation. Package weight - 200 gr.

In 2017, porridge was given out "Bellakt", The Republic of Belarus.

Dry dairy-free instant buckwheat porridge with apple, enriched with vitamins and minerals "Bellakt", The Republic of Belarus. Package weight - 200 gr. In 2017, porridge from the same manufacturer was issued.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese for children Agusha» with a mass fraction of fat of 4.2% for baby food over 6 months enriched with calcium, vitamin D, with prebiotics. Packing weight - 50 gr. The remaining shelf life at the time of delivery is 9 days.

fermented milk mixture

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Adapted fermented milk mixture "Agusha-1" based on partially hydrolyzed proteins, enriched with probiotics, L-carnitine and nucleotides for feeding children from birth to 6 months, with a fat mass fraction of 3.5%, in a package of 200 ml.

Follow-up fermented milk formula adapted "Agusha-2" for baby food from 6 months, with a mass fraction of fat of 3.4%, enriched with probiotics, in a package of 200 ml.

Not included in ready-made sets, issued in addition to the set.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Kefir for baby food over 8 months Agusha» with a mass fraction of fat of 3.2%, in a package of 200 ml. The remaining shelf life at the time of delivery must not be less than 8 days.

Not included in ready-made sets, issued in addition to the set.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Sterilized drinking milk for baby food from 8 months Agusha» with a mass fraction of fat of 3.2%, enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and iodine in a package of 200 ml.

UHT drinking milk enriched with vitamins and iodine for nutrition of children over 3 years old Agusha» with a mass fraction of fat 2.5%, in a package of 1000 ml.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

For pregnant women, apple juice with pulp enriched with vitamins and minerals " Agusha» 500 ml.

For nursing mothers, apple and apple-pear juice with pulp " Agusha» 500 ml.

For young children, juices in the assortment are clarified and with pulp (5 flavors), 200 ml each, trademark " Agusha».

vegetable puree

In 2019, porridge will be supplied not only "Bebivita" but also brand "Agusha".

Vegetable puree for feeding young children in 3 flavors: squash, cauliflower, broccoli, trademark "Agusha". Product weight 80 gr.

In 2017, brand vegetable puree was issued "Bebivita", in jars of 100 gr..

Vegetable puree for feeding young children 2 flavors: pumpkin, carrot trademark "Bebivita". Product weight 100 gr.

Fruit puree Agusha

Fruit puree

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Fruit puree for feeding young children 6 different flavors: apple, pear, apple, cherry and blueberry, apple-apricot, apple, pear and peach, apple, black and red currant of the trade mark " Agusha". Product weight - 115 gr.

Meat puree

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Meat puree for nutrition of young children of the trade mark " Agusha» three flavors: chicken, turkey, beef. Product weight - 80 gr.

Puree meat-vegetable

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Meat-vegetable puree for nutrition of young children of the trade mark " Bebivita» three flavors: chicken, turkey, beef, fortified with iron. Product weight - 100 gr.

According to the contracts concluded, the total weight of the free food received is slightly more than indicated in Order No. 292, but less than received in 2017 due to a decrease in the volume of the vegetable puree package.

The number of issued products in pcs. remained unchanged.

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Providing free baby food is one of the measures of social support for families with children. To obtain it, you must provide a certain list of securities established by regional legislation.

Who is eligible for free baby food?

The benefit is available to families who:

  • there is a child under 1 year old who is on artificial or mixed feeding;
  • children under 3 years old (in special cases);
  • children under 7 years of age are brought up with a document confirming that they have many children;
  • there is a child under 15 years old with a serious chronic disease (chronic glomerulonephritis, malignant neoplasms, hemablastosis);
  • raising a disabled child.

A nursing mother, until the baby is 6 months old, has the right to receive milk and fortified juice. If there are several reasons, then the products are issued in accordance with age standards. This rule applies to residents (persons with permanent or temporary registration) of Moscow. Dairy cuisine is issued at the place of stay.

In St. Petersburg, the provision of free baby food is currently not available. However, the social code of the city provides for the design of the "Children's" card.

It has 2 types of benefits:

  • For the birth of a baby:
    • for the first payment is 28,257 rubles;
    • for the second - 37,678 rubles;
    • for the third and subsequent - 47,096 rubles.
  • Up to a year and a half.

After the completion of one and a half years, a “Preschool” card is issued (1.5-7 years).

Important: the funds on the card can only be used to purchase children's goods by bank transfer.

Payments on the "Preschool" card are due:

  • The poor. This category includes families where the income per family member is less than 1.5 times the subsistence level in the region.
  • Families:
    • large families;
    • in which a child is brought up who needs special products;
    • which include a child with a disability;
    • with children diagnosed with HIV;
    • where both parents or one of them is disabled.

The card can only be obtained by persons permanently registered in St. Petersburg. The funds provided can be spent not only on food, but also on the purchase of furniture, children's hygiene products, and toys.

Important: in other regions, the distribution of free meals occurs in accordance with local legislation.

In many localities, products are provided to children under 3 years of age if the family:

  • Is low-income. This means that the amount per family member (or household member) is less than the subsistence minimum in a certain region.
  • She has many children (3 or more children).

You may also be eligible for benefits:

  • children born to mothers with HIV infection;
  • children living in a contaminated area (as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

The basis for receiving free meals is a medical opinion. For children and nursing mothers, the document is drawn up by a pediatrician.

How do I get free baby food?

To receive free baby food for a newborn or a child under 3 years old, you must provide a certain list of documents.

Where to apply?

Mom (or other legal representative) should contact the local pediatrician who is watching the baby. After measuring and weighing the child, the doctor makes calculations, on the basis of which he writes out a prescription, which gives the right to receive products.

Important: Meals are issued only with a prescription, which has a limited expiration date. For further receipt of dairy cuisine, an extension of the opinion of a pediatrician is required. No food will be provided without this paper.

The conclusion is issued:

  • for 1 month - for children under 1 year old;
  • for 3 months - from 1 year to 3 years;
  • for 6 months - beneficiaries.

Only the child's parents can pick up food. To receive food by other persons, a notarized power of attorney is required, although in some cases employees of the issuing point go forward and give the goods to the person who named the necessary information.

Required documents

To receive nutrition for a newborn, you must provide:

  • birth record;
  • an identity document of the applied parent;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • a certificate confirming the place of registration of the child (form 8 or 9);
  • statement.

The statement states:

  • name of the institution and full name of the head physician;
  • document's name;
  • Full name and passport details of the applicant;
  • information about the child;
  • a request to be included in the list of persons who are provided with a dairy kitchen;
  • date and signature.

When applying, you may additionally need (in some regions):

  • income certificate to confirm the status of a low-income family;
  • document on the disability of the child;
  • paper on the composition of the family, etc.

If there are no distribution points in the region, then the parent has the right to receive monetary compensation equal to the amount allocated for food (in relation to territories contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident).

The application must be accompanied by a birth certificate and a certificate of family composition and place of residence. The administration of the polyclinic generates lists of persons who are entitled to free meals and submits them for approval to the health authorities of the subject. Further, the documentation is sent to the treasury, which makes payments.

The allowance is accrued from the month following the one in which the application was submitted. You can receive compensation for the previous time no more than 3 months in advance. The money is received by the applicant by postal transfer or credited to the current account.

To apply for a child card for products, the following documents will be required:

  • papers proving the identity of the parents of the child;
  • certificate of marriage or its termination;
  • metric about the appearance of a child;
  • help F9;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • insurance certificate;
  • certificate of registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 20 weeks);
  • metrics about the birth of other children;
  • certificate of income for 3 months for issuing a "Preschool" card.

You will also likely need:

  • document on the composition of the family;
  • conclusion about the presence of a disability in a child;
  • certificate of HIV infection in a child;
  • paper about the presence of celiac disease.

For the military, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or a military educational institution about the time of service (receipt of education).

Single-parent families will need:

  • certificate of form No. 25 from the registry office;
  • parent's death certificate or court decision declaring him missing;
  • a court decision to restrict or deprive the rights to a child.

Assortment of free meals for children

The amount of food given out depends on the child's age and needs. The issuance rates are set at the regional level.

The grocery basket includes:

  • cottage cheese in packs of 50 g;
  • dry mixes (milk substitute and adaptive);
  • liquid mixtures (sour-milk and milk);
  • children's kefir;
  • dry cereals;
  • fruit purees and juices;
  • meat and vegetable puree.

Rules for issuing free baby food

Delivery rates vary by region. They are established by local governments. For example, in Moscow for 2017, the following norms for free meals for children under 3 years old (for 30 days) apply:

  • children under 2 months: milk mixture (4800 g) and dry (700 g);
  • at 3-4 months: juice (1 l) and fruit puree (1 kg) are additionally issued;
  • at 5 months: dry adapted mixture (350 g), liquid (2400 g), dry porridge (400 g), vegetable puree (1920 g) is added;
  • at 6 months: juice (1.2 l), porridge (400 g), vegetable puree (1920 g), fruit puree (1000 g), mixtures in the same amount;
  • at 7-8 months the same set and additionally: juice (1.4 l), curds (600 g), vegetable puree (560 g), kefir (2000 g);
  • at 9-15 months: kefir (2 l), vegetable puree (120 g), meat (560 g), vegetable meat (1300), fruit (1000 g), juice (1.4 l), porridge (400 g) , milk (2.4 l);
  • at 12-24 months: kefir (2 l), milk (2 l), cottage cheese (600 g), fruit juice (2 l), fruit puree (800 g);
  • at 2-3 years old: juice (2.4 l), milk (2 l), fruit puree (800 g), cottage cheese (600 g).

In St. Petersburg, the dairy kitchen has been replaced by a cash payment transferred to the "Children's" card. According to it, parents can purchase the products necessary for the baby in children's stores or hypermarkets at the box office that sell goods on a children's card.

Important: in small regions, the number of issued products is many times less or completely absent.

Thus, the issuance of free baby food is within the scope of regional legislation. Issue rates can vary significantly between regions.