Carols for Christmas: funny and funny Christmas carols. Kolyada, Kolyada! Open the gate... Funny carols and Christmas carols for children

Carols are Christmas ritual songs. You can learn everything about Russian folk carols if you carefully read our informative article!

Carols and Christmas

A carol is a Christmas ritual song, an Old Slavic analogue of Western Christmas carols. Our ancestors sang carols on the main winter holiday instead of the now familiar American "Jingle Bells" or the Soviet "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Initially, all carols were pagan. Where did Christian carols come from - the folklorist and collector of folk songs, head of the folklore ensemble Elena KRASNOPEVTSEVA told us.

Sometimes carolers dressed up in unusual costumes: fur coats turned inside out, scary masks. You can still see such processions in the Carpathians

Russian folk carols - everyone carols!

Carols are ritual songs, part of the so-called calendar cycle - the most ancient and stable part of Russian folklore. (For each of the holidays of the Russian calendar, the people relied on their own "seasonal" songs, the use of which was limited to a short period of the holiday.) All carols can be conditionally divided into "Christoslav" (Christmas) and "sowing" (pagan). The first are dedicated to the Nativity of Christ, these are the carols to which we are accustomed. The latter, as a rule, are more archaic, associated with the pagan cult of fertility. Their main content is the wishes of the harvest and prosperity in the new year. Pagan carols reflected dependence on natural forces and, in fact, were an appeal to them, the gods responsible for the harvest, because the life of a medieval peasant directly depended on the harvest. The very word "Kolyada" is a name; so, according to many researchers, in the Slavic pagan pantheon they called one of the goddesses of fertility, whose feast was celebrated on the day of the winter solstice. The name of the deity to whom carolers addressed in different regions could differ: Tausen, Avsen, Vinograden. Based on the traditional refrains of Russian carols, which usually repeat one of these names, each carol can be classified geographically: Kolyada - Kursk region, Vinogradie - Arkhangelsk region and Russian North, Tausen - Ryazan. It was forbidden to perform carols outside the "New Year's" rite.

The well-known custom of caroling at Christmas appeared after the Baptism of Russia in the course of rethinking pagan customs in the context of Christian culture. Judging by the musical and harmonic structure of Christopher Russian carols, most of them are of Ukrainian origin. Until now, in the south of Russia, Christian carols are more common than pagan ones, and the tradition of caroling at Christmas is better preserved there. The melodies of pagan carols, as a rule, were very simple, so that they were easy to remember: musically, they did not differ too much from other folk couplets, chants and jokes. Christopher carols are somewhat more complicated musically.

In Russia and Ukraine, in ancient times, everyone caroled around Christmas: both adults and children, but they caroled in different groups: women and men separately, teenagers and children separately. It was believed that the more carolers came into the house during the day, the better. They began to carol from Christmas night, immediately after the service, and continued until the very Epiphany. The hosts were supposed to thank the carolers with treats that were never shared, they ate all the gifts that the carolers accumulated during the day, they ate together.

Gentiles are not allowed into the house

It was not immediately divided into Christopher and sowing carols. For example, pagan meaning and style are seen in some folk traditions of celebrating January 14 - the day of St. Basil the Great, when the New Year was celebrated according to the old calendar. Despite the memory of an Orthodox saint, caroling on that day followed a completely pagan rite: early in the morning, children ran into the house, threw grain at the icons, cackled like geese, portrayed domestic animals - all this, according to pagan ideas, contributed to fertility. Sometimes carolers dressed up in unusual costumes: fur coats turned inside out, scary masks. You can still see such processions in the Carpathians. The meaning of such disguise is also archaic: a caroler disguised as evil spirits personified a dead man, an ancestor who helped “fertility”. As a rule, they dressed this way precisely for the New Year, on January 14, and in this case they performed exclusively sowing, that is, pagan carols. This custom was widespread not only in the Carpathians, but throughout Russia, only in our country it was condemned by the Church. "New Year's" carolers were not allowed into the house, but were presented with treats outside the threshold or through the window. In addition, those who went to Christmas time in a "mask" were supposed to plunge into Baptism in the "Jordan" - a hole specially cut in the river and consecrated: to wash away sin. On the other hand, "Christoslav" carolers were invited to the huts.

In contrast to dressing up in disguise, the "Christian" carolers walked in a procession with the star of Bethlehem, which personified the worship of the Magi to the Infant Christ and was accompanied by the singing of Christmas carols and the Christmas troparion. Although there are Christopher carols that do not contain Christmas stories, but only wishes for well-being and wealth. Mixed variants are also often found, where “Christ walks along the arable land and sows wheat”, and the Mother of God helps him. Most likely, these are ancient pagan carols, later remade in a Christian way. A chorus remained from the pagan past, the text of which could also already be mixed: “The carol came on the eve of Christmas.”

Already in the past

The tradition of carols is also associated with such a phenomenon as a nativity scene - a theatrical performance that conveys the Christmas gospel story in the form of a puppet theater. In the original, the nativity scene is a mobile puppet theater, a three-tiered box with a screen. Traveling through the villages, he showed a performance during which carols are repeatedly performed, indicating the appearance of one or another hero, and only when an angel appears, the Christmas troparion is performed.

Unfortunately, the tradition of singing carols in Russia has perished. If we go to Western Ukraine, to the Carpathians, we will see that almost everyone carols there today at Christmas. In Russian villages, the custom of caroling is a thing of the past; in cities, this tradition is being revived only in a theatrical form. I have been collecting folklore for about 30 years and I have never seen anyone caroling in our villages, I can only find old people who caroled in childhood and remember how to do it. Of course, Christ's carols are not just folklore, they express a living faith in Christ, and it must be very strong in order to manifest itself in all spheres of life.

Christmas and the entire holiday week for the Slavs is of great importance. The traditions of Christmas affect religious, family, fair and mystical beliefs and rules. Today, most of the rituals and folk beliefs associated with Christmas time are a thing of the past. Here you will find carols for children and learn how to carol correctly.

History of carols

Initially, the holiday with carols was timed to coincide with the winter solstice and was called Kolyada. Children can be introduced to ancient traditions using an ancient custom with carnival elements. Fairs, performances, dressing up in costumes with masks and singing cheerful carol songs were held at Christmas time. Some of the customs have survived to this day.

The brightest traditions and folk beliefs in Russia regarding Christmas time are well represented in the work of Nikolai Gogol "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". In the evening and on the night before Christmas, it is customary to set the table for a fast dinner of 12 courses, tell fortunes and go to neighbors' houses with funny carols. Our ancestors believed that on this day you can meet evil spirits.

It is not customary to sing carols at Christmas. The time for songs is the evening of January 6 (Holy Evening). Christmas carols can be long or short, with humor and good wishes. You can choose lyrics for children and adults. Going to visit the Christmas time is accepted by the whole family. The hostesses cook the best dishes at home as a treat and honor family traditions.

Carols in Christianity

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated in different regions in their own way. Traditionally, carol songs were sung in large groups, bypassing all the houses. The owners of the house listened to carols and generously treated the guests.

The traditions of Christmas among the Slavs absorbed some of the customs from pagan times. As a treat at home, they bake cookies in the form of animals and pies. In the old days, the bag of carolers was replenished with bread, pies, homemade sausage, ham and other delicacies. Nowadays, carol songs are of most interest to children who are happy to sing short songs for a sweet treat. It is appropriate to put sweets, pies, waffles, tangerines, and oranges in a bag. Some people give money for singing Christmas carols, this approach is inappropriate and does not correspond to the spirit of the holiday. It is better to buy several packages of different sweets and fruits in advance.

New year has come
The old one stole
Showed himself!
Get up people
Get out of the gate -
meet the sun,
Frost drive away! Koleda - moleda,
white beard,
Nose - bowl,
Head - a basket,
Hands - sabers,
Legs - rake,
Come on New Year's Eve
Magnify honest people!

carol, carol,
Come from afar
Once a year
Let's love the hour.
With frost crackling,
With prickly cold,
With white snows
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleds
Ride yourself -
From village to village
The carol is fun.

Oh carol
I went to the farther.
- Forger,
Forge me an axe.
- What's the ax for?
- Cut down the pine.
-And why pine?
-Paving the bridge.
-What about the bridge?
- Frost to walk, -
New Year's row!

Tausen, tausen,
We go to all!
Who will not give jelly -
I'll spray at the gate.
Who will not give a donut -
I am a sheep's armpit.
Townhouse, townhouse!
Cook, grandmother, jelly -
On the hillock
In a turtle.

We sow, we blow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling
The blizzard will break out!
Give it to you, master
In the new year:
On the field - offspring,
On the threshing floor - ground,
You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will scold.

Carol, carol!
And sometimes carols
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has come
Brought Christmas.

Carol goes on holy evenings,
A carol comes to Pavly-village.
Gather up villagers
Let's go with carols!
Open the chest
Get a piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy
Now let's entertain the people.
Who will be the devil, and who will be the devil!
And who does not want anyone
Let him laugh for a penny!

carol, carol,
Christmas Eve!
Good aunt,
The pie is sweet
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let's not stand!
The stove is heated
I want a pie!

And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth!

Give you Lord
In the field of nature
Hammered on the threshing floor
On the table spore
Thicker sour cream
Cows are milked!

Let the night sparkle with magic
A flock of snowflakes is rushing up.
We congratulate you on Christmas,
We wish you smiles, joy.
The flow of divine love
Let it flow with wonderful light,
And the Lord bless you
Health, happiness and success!

Christmas ... Waiting for a miracle,
Comprehensive, bright love.
It's not hard to believe in a fairy tale on this night,
Raise your eyes to heaven!
Let the Christmas star be bright
It will warm your soul,
And a luxurious wonderful gift
God's peace and good will come to the house!

Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and relatives at the festive table.
How I want joy to last forever
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but not disappear with it
From our souls, a beautiful kind light.
And let everyone in their hearts believe -
God is love and He is with us forever!

How to carol correctly

If a decision is made to go caroling at Christmas time, several important points should be taken into account. You can only carol on January 6, on the day of the holiday it is unacceptable to do this. Traditionally, caroling is done in the evening, but in some regions it is done already from noon. In ancient times, only representatives of the stronger sex went caroling. Boys and girls can now sing carols together. Most often, children with great enthusiasm take part in a fun celebration at Christmas time. It is better to learn the text of popular and new songs suitable for the occasion in advance.

Previously, in a group of carolers, there was always a “ringer”, a man with a bell, the ringing of which warned of the arrival of the group. Now this is not necessary. You can inform people about the arrival of carolers by doorbell. The first to enter the house is the one who carries the star. It's easy to make at home for kids. You will need a sheet of thick paper, foil, glue and a stick of sufficient length. The Christmas star is of great importance. It represents the star that gave the Magi a sign that Christ was born.

With the help of this symbol and merry carols, people share their joy, welcoming the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

Before you start singing, you should ask permission from the owners of the house. It is not accepted to refuse, and after obtaining permission, you can start caroling. Christmas carols in Russian are performed by a choir in several voices. It is customary to sing long songs, glorify the holiday and wish the owners of the house happiness and all kinds of blessings. For young children, short carols, a text that can be easily and quickly remembered, will come in handy.

The treats received from the owners for children and adults are put in one large bag or bag. The person who wears the bag - "mekhonosha" must take good care of it and ensure the safety of the contents. The received sweets and other delicacies are divided equally between all members of the group after the end of the trip. Children prefer to eat sweets as soon as they get home.

How to know your destiny

Rites and divination around Christmas originate from pagan traditions. It is believed that it is on January 6 that a fragile connection with the other world appears and a person can find out his fate. Fortune telling at Christmas will reveal secrets only to those who sincerely want an answer. In order for the mystical process to run smoothly, one should not joke about what is happening or utter insults.

If the audience does not believe in fortune-telling, but only wants to have fun, the spirit world will not answer questions and may even harm.

The most common Christmas fortune-telling that can be done at home:

  • Fortune telling on a shoe. The simplest and most famous divination. It is held by an unmarried girl in the house where she lives. You need to stand with your back to the fence and throw a shoe over it. A boot, shoe or shoe will do. After that, you should go beyond the fence and see where the toe of the shoe points. It is from this side that the future husband will come.
  • Divination on the rings. Four rings are placed in a suitable bowl: copper, silver, gold and with any natural pebble. The rings are covered with grain or cereals, mixed. The girl takes a handful of the contents from the bowl, from which ring she got, they judge the future marriage. Copper speaks of a poor husband, silver speaks of a good simple guy, gold promises a marriage with a merchant, a ring with a stone portends a marriage with a boyar.
  • Divination on the leaves. You will need a bowl of cereal and 4 identical paper sheets. On one sheet, write the name of your loved one, leave the rest blank. All leaves are mixed with cereals. Next, you should take the leaves from the cereal. If the name of a loved one was on the first selected piece of paper, then the girl can count on a marriage proposal in the near future. The name on the second leaf means difficulties in relationships, on the third - deception on the part of a man. If the name was only on the last sheet of paper, this man is indifferent to the fortune-telling girl.

Family traditions and folk customs dedicated to the Christmas holiday help in communication and create a festive atmosphere. For children, this is a great chance to learn a lot about the history of their ancestors and take part in a fun walk with songs and congratulations.

Festive carols are Russian folk ritual songs that were customary to perform at Christmas and during the Christmas period during the traditional round of houses (caroling). In the old days, children and adults sang them, moving from one farmstead to another. In beautiful and touching short texts, carolers praised the miraculous birth of the baby Christ and wished the owners well-being, family happiness, worldly joys and an excellent harvest in the coming year. For well-performed carols, the performers were always warmly thanked and encouraged with various gifts and treats. Sweets, lollipops, buns, kulebyaki, gingerbread, fruits and even small coins were thrown into a ritual red bag decorated with golden stars. Children's short carols enjoyed the greatest success. Adults listened to them with special trepidation and pleasure, and then generously and richly rewarded the little artists with all sorts of goodies.

Russian folk carols - short, funny songs for Christmas

In order to keep the traditions and collect a full bag of delicious presents for Christmas, you will have to carefully prepare for the holiday and memorize short, funny and funny texts of Russian folk carols. The brighter and more original it is possible to perform these provocative songs, the more sweets, gingerbread, fruits and coins will be presented to carolers by grateful listeners. But before you start the performance, do not forget to ask the owners of the house for permission to speak to them with short laudatory verses and cheerful, reckless carols. Of course, no one will refuse this, but, according to the ancient ritual, the question must be asked.

If senior schoolchildren, students or young people aged 22-30 go caroling, it makes sense to select suitable carols in advance and rehearse them several times so that all participants remember the words of the text and the sequence of verses. Only a clear, well-coordinated and beautiful number will give the hosts a desire to generously present the carolers with gifts and sweets, and a company of adults who forget the text of the carols and are embarrassed by their actions will look ridiculous and prompt the idea to quickly slam the door so as not to spoil their joyful and pleasant mood .

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we roam
We will tell you poems
You give us pies

Well, coins would be better,
We will buy sweets ourselves,
And a handful of nuts
And take a thimble of wine!

Koleda - moleda,
white beard,
Nose - bowl,
Head - a basket,
Hands - sabers,
Legs - rake,
Come on New Year's Eve
Magnify honest people!

You, the owner, do not torment
Donate quickly!
How is the current frost?
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon:
Either from the oven pies,
Or money piglet,
Or cabbage soup!
Give you God
Full yard of bellies!
And in the stable of horses
In the barn of calves,
To the hut guys
And in the litter of kittens!

Children's Russian folk carols for Christmas and Christmas time

With boys and girls of preschool and primary school age, you can learn children's Russian folk carols. Thus, in an unobtrusive playful way, the children will get acquainted with the ancient traditions and join the elements of the ancient Slavic culture. And sweets, sweets, cookies and gingerbread, put in a Christmas bag by admiring hosts, will be a pleasant incentive to memorize as many texts of children's carols as possible.

For the smallest performers, short children's carols of one or two verses are suitable. 3-5 year old children simply will not remember a larger amount of text, and it makes no sense to force them. It is better to help them master a few short children's carols well, which the guys will easily learn and sing beautifully in front of neighbors on the porch, relatives and friends. After all, none of the parents simply dare to let their offspring go far from home in the dark.

For children 6-8 years old, it makes sense to choose longer children's carols of 2-4 verses for performance. Boys and girls of this age will remember such a quantity of text without any difficulty and at the right time will please their parents, close friends and relatives with a bright performance. Carols can be included in the program of matinees, which are held on the eve of Christmas in kindergartens, institutes, colleges and schools. Colorful numbers will pleasantly enliven the performance and create an additional festive atmosphere in children's educational institutions.

Good evening good people!
May the holiday be merry.
We congratulate you on Christmas.
We wish you happiness, joy!
Good evening, good evening!
Good people to health!

Christmas carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail!
Whoever does not give a pie, To him a chicken leg,
Pestle, yes a shovel,
Humpback cow.

carol, carol,
We open all houses
All windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
To be good for you
Say thank you to heaven
God bless us all
After all, he is ready for it!

Text and notes of Russian folk carols for kindergarten and school

You can learn Russian carols for children not only at home, but also at school and in kindergarten. To make the texts memorized quickly and easily, it is better to rehearse them to the music. The musical score of such works is more than simple and any adult, even a little familiar with musical literacy, can master it. It will be much easier for kids to perceive the words and rhythm of children's carols, supported by a simple, perky melody.

If carols are supposed to be performed during a children's matinee, you can play an accompanying melody on the piano, which is available in the assembly halls of almost all schools and kindergartens. When there is no such musical instrument at the disposal of a children's institution, an accordion, balalaika, guitar and even a violin will do.

Older children will surely enjoy singing carols at school, accompanying the text with playing percussion instruments. This will give the room a modern style and bright originality. In this way, it will be possible to combine elements of folklore and fashionable features of musical trends accepted among the youth in one performance. The most creative schoolchildren will like to read children's carols in the style of popular reference texts or accompany the numbers with spectacular dance compositions and costume performances.

Those who plan to go caroling around their homes and apartments, of course, will not want to carry some kind of musical instrument with them, and, among other things, it will be very inconvenient. Therefore, there are only two possible options left: sing a short carol text without music, or take a small audio player with a small portable speaker and play a suitable melody on it. By the way, portable mini-acoustics can even be connected to a mobile phone, to which musical works have already been downloaded from the Internet, suitable as an accompaniment to short, cheerful carols.

Where to listen to folklore Russian folk carols for Christmas

There are several answers to the question of where to listen to Russian folk short Christmas carols. The first is to wait until the cheerful mummers ring the bell at the door of the apartment and ask permission to sing carols, glorify the hosts and wish them all the best. However, when you live on the top floor of an apartment building, the chances that your turn will reach you are greatly reduced. If the elevator still does not work at the entrance, the hope of hearing carols in live performance is practically reduced to zero, if only because both children and young people simply do not want to climb the high floors on foot.

Moms and dads of kindergarteners and schoolchildren can visit thematic events and matinees held in children's institutions at Christmas, and listen to short children's carols performed by their own offspring and their class or group friends.

In addition, an even simpler way is available to absolutely everyone - download short carols from the Internet and play them on Christmas Day at home on a computer, smartphone or tablet. Of course, this cannot be compared with a live human performance, but it will still lift the mood and certainly create a festive atmosphere.

Carols - lyrics in Russian

Russian folk carols are short, cheerful and perky ritual songs. They are performed at Christmas and during Holy Week by companies of dressed up adults or small groups of children. Short texts of carols contain lines glorifying the birth of the baby Christ and warm, good wishes to the hospitable hosts of the house, who allowed carolers to sing their short ritual verses. For a bright, colorful and sincere performance, listeners generously reward the performers of short carols with sweets, sweets, pastries, small souvenirs and small coins. Gifts are never given into the hands of carolers, but are placed in a large bag specially prepared for this. When it is filled to capacity, the mummers divide the "booty" among themselves and go home to continue celebrating the wonderful holiday in the family circle.

Previously, in Russia, they were looking forward to the arrival of winter - the year was ending, the middle of winter was coming. At this time, the sun stopped its movement in order to soon begin to turn to the summer - to lengthen the days and shorten the nights. Particular attention was paid to the weather in winter - cold and frost promised a rich harvest, and the thaw spoke of the opposite. It was believed among the people that the middle of winter should be met with joy, cheerful songs. These short songs were called carols, and they were dedicated to Kolyada, the Slavic pagan god of fertility. The carol ceremony was supposed to ensure prosperity and income in the economy. Carols, preserved from ancient times, have come down to us with very few changes. They talked about the power of Kolyada. Later, Russian folk began to sing short carols at Christmas, on Holy Evening. In these Christmas songs, they already glorified not only Kolyada, but also shared with others the joyful news of the birth of little Jesus. Every year, on January 6, according to the New Style, on the night before Christmas, carols were sung with wishes of happiness and income to the owners of the yard. The arrival of children was considered a particularly good sign for well-being. The owners of the houses were happy to listen to their performances. Children's wishes for well-being were generously "paid" - the children were given sweets and even coins. During the Soviet Union, this glorious old rite was almost completely forgotten in the cities, but in the villages the custom of caroling has always been preserved. Today, any of us can find the text and sheet music of Christmas short songs and poems on the Internet. Publishing houses also produce special children's books with carol texts; many of them are issued as gift editions.

Russian folk carols for Christmas - Texts and notes of short children's songs for January 6

As in ancient times, they are now beginning to prepare in advance for the arrival of Kolyada. Adults help the children sew children's costumes for the holiday, make masks of rams, bears, goats, foxes, wolves and other animals with them. Since mostly kids and teenagers go caroling, in December they begin to learn the lyrics of short songs for January 6th. However, in modern urban children's short Christmas carols, the harvest of the owners is no longer glorified. Most often, children sing about the birth of Christ, winter, fun. Children expect gratitude for their songs and receive it in the form of sweets, pies and money. In the north of Russia, carols, even for children, are sung with a chorus, but in other parts of the country, carolers most often limit themselves to performing a few short perky songs.

"Christmas Carols"
Music by A. Shidlovskaya. Folk words.
1. How cold it is outside
Freezes the nose
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to serve soon!
2. Or a warm pie,
Or butter, cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble.

"The carol has come"
Russian folk song.
The carol came on the eve of Christmas.
We walked, we were looking for a holy carol.
We found a carol near Romanov's yard.
Romanov yard, iron fence.
Three towers stand in the middle of the courtyard.
In the first tower - the red sun,
The red sun is the hostess.
In the second tower - the moon is bright,
In the third tower - asterisks are frequent.
The moon is shining - then the owner is here.
Frequent stars - small kids.

Russian folk song.
1. Carol was born
On the eve of Christmas.
Oh carol,
My carol!
2. Open the window,
Start Christmas!
3. Open doors,
Get out of bed.

What is sung about in Russian folk carols at Christmas - Texts and notes of children's short carols

All children's carols that have come to us since ancient times can be divided into short "sowing" and Christmas songs. Sowing children's carols came from paganism. Their texts speak of natural forces, the fertility of the earth; I wish the owners of houses a generous harvest. Not in all regions of Russia, people glorifying the holiday turn to Kolyada. The names of the gods of fertility in various regions of the country sound like Grape, Avsen, Tausen. Christmas carols for children appeared after the baptism of Russia. They announce the birth of Christ - the Son of God, congratulate all people on the appearance of Jesus and are more complex in their lyrics and melodies. If it is enough to memorize a few repeated notes to perform children's sowing short songs, the melodies of Christian carols need to be learned.

Russian folk song.
Rolled young.
We were looking for carols
In Ivanovo yard.
Like it's cold outside
Freezes the nose
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon:
Or a warm pie
Or butter-cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble.

Russian folk song.
Oh, carol, carol,
Golden head!
Kolyada came -
Good luck to you all!

Calendar song "Carols have gone"
Russian folk song.

1. The carol went from end to end,

2. A carol went to Marya in the yard,
Oh, carols, carols, my carols!
3. And Maryushka, our dear,
Oh, carols, carols, my carols!
4. A carol has come, open the gate,
Oh, carols, carols, my carols!

Russian folk sowing and Christian carols - How to listen to children's performances and thank the guys

Mister, gentlemen
Lord, gentlemen
master's wife,
Open the doors
And gift us!
Pie, kalach
Or something else!

carol, carol
carol, carol,
The other day of Christmas!
Who will serve the pie
Therefore, the yard of the abdomen.
Who will not give a pie,
To that gray mare
Yes, the grave is torn off!

Celebrate, have fun
Good people with me
And clothe yourself with delight
In the robe of holy joy.
Now God has appeared in the world -
God of gods and King of kings.
Not in a crown, not in purple
This Heavenly Priest.
He was not born in the wards
And not in clean houses.
There was no gold to be seen
Where He lay in swaddling clothes.
Incompatible He fit
In a cramped manger, like a poor man.
Why was He born?
Why is it so poor?
To save us
From the devil's nets
Exalt and glorify
Us with your love
We will always praise God
For such a day of celebration!
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!
We wish you a lot of summer
Many, many, many years.

Merry Christmas Carols for Children - Lyrics of Short Songs Celebrating the Birth of Jesus

Today, some believe: Kolyada is one of the names of Jesus Christ. Like it or not, it's hard to know. One thing is clear - with the advent of the first week of January, festivities, fun, hymns begin, glorifying the Son of God. The appearance on the threshold of the house of children performing short children's carols is expected in many homes. Since the New Year, someone has been saving treats for the mummers; while others specially bake a lot of pie for children - no one should be offended! As a rule, children come to houses in groups; each of them must have at least three people. The first of them carries a homemade Christmas star, the second one rings a bell, announcing his arrival, and the third one holds a bag for collecting gifts from grateful listeners. A lot of kids who learn Christmas song lyrics do it for the sole purpose of getting candy and coins. However, having started caroling, they are so carried away that they begin to like the process. They are already looking forward to the next Kolyada - many texts of short children's carols are remembered by heart for many years; others have to be relearned.

The fact that the cold is not a problem,
Kolyada knocks on the door.
Christmas is coming to our house
Brings a lot of joy.
For many years the burning stars
Announces birth.
And the universe for a reason
Praise our Christ.
Behold, the Lord is a star in the sky
Lights up in a fast run.
He hurries to congratulate you
With triumph in this good hour.
On this day he became a father
He gave the world a Son with a crown.
So that the spirit of earthly people
He became richer and kinder.
You better open the door
Let the spirit come home from heaven.
To burn the fire of love
Merry Christmas, the world is yours!

I sing for
Who will give me a ruble of everything,
And it's easy for me to dance
Ten in hand.
If there is a son in the house,
Give the hostess / owner me some cheese,
Since you have a daughter in the house,
I'll ask for a barrel of honey.
If there are more delicious
I will shelter in my pocket.
Well, hostess / owner, do not be shy!
Feed me soon!

caroling, caroling
That's how I smell.
Don't forget to pour me
And then have a bite!
Congratulations on the carol
And I wish the owners
To have prosperity in the house
And everything went smoothly for the family!

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we roam
We will tell you poems
You give us pies
Well, coins would be better,
We will buy sweets ourselves,
And a handful of nuts
And take a thimble of wine!

open stranger
And give me a gold coin.
And I'm carols
I sing without looking back
I can not sleep at night
And sing songs.
Think how sweet
Sleep without carols!

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings light joy
Illuminating souls.
open the gate
Carol going,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.
To fill your house
And good and good
It's good to live in it
Without worries and hardships.
Christmas carols
From the centuries today
For your star to shine
Mercy of the Lord.

It is amazing how, after millennia, our people managed to preserve so many wonderful customs and traditions, one of which is Russian folk carols, their texts and melodies. Today, short children's Christmas songs are listened to with pleasure - carolers are generously thanked. Whole families gather to listen to their cheerful performances. Gratitude to carolers is a prerequisite for an old Russian tradition. If, after reading all about it, you or your children also want to carol on January 6, write down and memorize the texts and notes of short children's holiday songs - you will find them on this page.