Fashion for obese women of the year. Swimwear and beach fashion. Fashionable dresses for obese women and girls

The luxurious image of a magnificent woman constantly worried modern stylists and artists. The temporarily imposed image of an emaciated girl is now slowly giving way to the harmony and beauty of the smooth lines of the female figure. Increasingly, stylists and designers are beginning to pay attention to curvaceous ladies. The current fashion for full ladies for the summer of 2017 includes many brave unconventional responses. These are catchy colors, tight-fitting styles, flowing fabrics and more.

The fashion for the season summer and spring 2017 for full ladies attracts by the fact that there are many new products, photos of which can be seen on this page. This will allow you to think over your own image in advance and organize a basic wardrobe without haste and hassle. All current trends and bright trends of the spring-summer season fit perfectly into everyday and work style, give a touch of light romance and perfectly emphasize all the advantages of the figure.

It is enough just to follow some rules, which are described in this article. Until then, look at the new items in the photo, better than any words showing the attractiveness and aesthetics of magnificent forms:

Basic wardrobe Compiling for obese women?

Where do you need to start the preliminary preparation of a basic wardrobe for a full girl or lady for the summer and the upcoming spring? Of course, from the study of the future image. To do this, go to closely examine all the advantages and disadvantages. In addition to go to think - how and where you would like to look. What specific things will be useful for this. Well, the next move is a detailed revision of the things that exist in the wardrobe. Any of them should be evaluated for suitability for use in a future warm season. Everything superfluous should be put aside.

In particular, in 2017, stylists working on fashion for overweight ladies recommend specifically refusing the following things:

whose size is larger than yours; the prevailing colors are black and gloomy; there are decorations in the form of shiny sequins and rhinestones; with flounces, ruffles, decorative inserts, wide belts; shapeless cut styles, and overly tight-fitting.

Leave only those things that have a strict good cut, are solid and do not look like a hoodie on the figure.

Upon completion of the perfect work, it is possible to start studying the recommendations of stylists and delving into current trends. We'll just burn about them later. And until then, another portion of stylish everyday bows, which are offered by the fashion for the full ones for spring-summer:

fashion motifs 2017: styles and colors, prints and accessories

The current 2017 full fashion trends include many exclusive design responses. All of them are aimed at visually stretching the silhouette and giving it compositional restraint. Due to this, a visual reduction in quantities is achieved and a flying harmony is imparted. We will analyze the most popular colors and styles, used prints and additional accessories. Through the latter, catchy reprimands are put, diverting attention from problematic parts of the body.

Let's start with the styles of individual elements of the basic wardrobe. A skirt should be in a mandatory order in the arsenal of every fashionista, regardless of the type of her body weight and professional activity. The most popular types of cut are godet, pencil, straight classic with tucks. With their help, by the way, it is possible to “fit” the model according to the figure so that it will visually reduce the quantities.

Flare coming into fashion is offered in a huge variety. The skirt flared from the hip allows you to hide the heaviness of the hip line. But it is necessary to select the most tight-fitting top for it. This may be a shirt made of dense fabric that perfectly maintains its shape, or a turtleneck made of narrow silk jersey. But with a pencil skirt, fashion for overweight ladies in the summer of 2017 recommends combining flying tunics, flowing tops with a cut line 10-15 cm below the waist line.

Choose only expensive natural fabrics. It is on thin girls that an untidy synthetic harvester will look like an element of slight negligence. For a curvy woman, the best option would be matte satin and natural Chinese silk. For cool weather, it is recommended to choose blazers and jackets from narrow and dense knitwear, cashmere jackets and tight suiting fabrics. They are wonderfully combined this season with all kinds of skirts.

Returning to the topic of pants, in addition, it is necessary to emphasize the presence of flare in all its types and forms. It is possible to expand from the hip and knee. At this very moment, everything depends on the type of female figure. With fairly slender hips, it is possible to choose a better option for flared pants from the hip line. A snow-white cotton shirt or a cashmere sweater with a high neck will be wonderfully combined with it. But for ladies with lush hips, the expansion of pants from the waist or hip line is suitable. With this style, the top should be moderately tight-fitting. A light blazer or jacket with a peplum will create light forms and an impression of fragility.

In the fashion for the full spring and summer of 2017 there are a lot of different capes, sleeveless coats, ponchos and boleros. All of them are designed to provide inner emotional comfort. Based on this, it is beneficial to use sheer chiffon capes, lace summer coats and plain ponchos for cool weather. You should not wrap yourself in these things like a cocoon. Believe that even with a translucent texture, they will do their job perfectly - they will create great emotional comfort.

Looking at the colors and prints, we immediately see that all gloomy and uninteresting colors fade into the background. The favorite of the season is white and a palette of pastel colors. Don't be afraid to wear shirts and snow-white skirts. With the right cut, they visually reduce the quantities. A white shirt should be cut in such a way that the fastener bar with bright contrasting buttons is clearly visible. In addition, vertical tucks, darts and more are welcome. A white skirt should be a good pencil, probably with a vent or slits.

Peach and lilac shades are popular. They will be able to be in an unusual way both in cardigans and blouses, as well as in trousers and skirts. When choosing jeans, go for a good cut with a high waistline. It is possible to combine with a silk top, a plaid knitted sweater and a shirt.

Pictures and prints take on a couple of whimsical shapes. These are blurry vertical stripes, large flowers, birds, exotic African ethno-style motifs. They are used in sundresses, pareos, summer suits.

Basic fashion wardrobe full for spring-summer 2017

Basic wardrobe is a fairly new trend that allows you to reduce time and always have ready-made looks on hand for different occasions. In accordance with the fashion for the full for spring-summer 2017, it includes a pair of capsules that blend perfectly with each other.

Let's start traditionally with a business image. For its layout, you need blouses, turtlenecks, skirts and pants. This season, it will be customary to complement a similar look with accessories such as silk scarves, ties and textile necklaces. Blouses are traditionally pastel shades. Skirts and pants can be black, and for the summer - white or beige. Vests will be a great addition, among them are elongated jackets made of easily draped materials.

The dress deserves special attention. But, there should be at least 3 of them: a sundress, strict business and evening. This is the limit. A sundress must have a floor length, which visually stretches the image. Complement it with light sandals or sandals. The color scheme is pastel or sea azure. A business dress made of natural silk or thick cotton may be made in military style.

Such styles with a huge number of overhead details successfully tighten the body and reduce its quantity. Another acceptable option is draperies with a vertical direction. Here, knitwear is probably chosen as the main material. The evening version of the dress this season is a flowing chiffon or matte satin with a knee length and perhaps tight-fitting cuts. The combination with good stiletto pumps allows you to look consistently attractive to the opposite sex.

Sports style consists mainly of a T-shirt and leggings. The exception is a good sports suit for cooler weather. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that sweatpants with current cuffs on the bottom are not suitable for a woman with magnificent forms. In this case, go to give preference to a good straight cut with sufficient length. But the T-shirt, contrary to what was written above, should be 2 sizes larger than required. The same rule applies to T-shirts-alcoholics.

Choose leggings and breeches from stretch fabrics, which not only perfectly stretch, but also maintain their shape. They are wonderfully combined with elongated T-shirts and T-shirts in white and pastel shades. A large graphic print on the front will help to hide the excess amount in the abdomen.

As for outerwear for the spring of 2017, fashion for overweight ladies recommends choosing a leather jacket or a windbreaker made of thick raincoat fabric. In addition, raincoats with wide belts sewn in military style will be in trend. A coat with an A-line silhouette with a length just below the knee in short reading with boots with a small heel will give harmony. Pay attention to a variety of trench coats, which, due to the severity of the cut, will help to avoid a feeling of vagueness of forms.

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Today, girls wearing plus size clothes can look great regardless of their weight. Modern fashion for obese women in 2019, as evidenced by the photos, gives the opportunity for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to express themselves in all their glory and demonstrate curvaceous forms around them.

The fashion for painful thinness has passed, today the trend is naturalness, it is no coincidence that at the shows of eminent designers you can find many magnificent models for full girls. In 2019, stylists recommend charming women "in the body" to emphasize their dignity. For example, it is absolutely useless to hide a luxurious chest behind a blind collar, it is much more reasonable to emphasize a magnificent bust with the help of an original neckline. But massive hips, on the contrary, it is desirable to disguise with the help of a voluminous tunic and a thin belt.

Preference should be given to a simple, concise cut and avoid voluminous embroideries, appliqués and other massive details.

Some girls intentionally purchase clothes one size larger or smaller. This is mistake. Shapeless hoodies will draw attention to extra pounds even more, and tight tight dresses will ruthlessly emphasize the imperfections of the figure.

Fashionable prints, colors

Being overweight is not a death sentence, so don't hide your body under layered shapeless clothes or baggy style. A couple of hundred years ago, magnificent forms were the key to the beauty and health of women and were sung in works of art. The fashion for thin people has made the choice of clothes for full ones tedious.

But we will try to present all the trend currents of the new season.
What color variations will be fashionable in the new 2019? Designers unanimously say that the main favorite is red and all fiery shades. Lush beauties can not be afraid and choose a less flashy tone from the list of suggestions:

The classic black and white pair are also relevant, but are gradually giving way to more interesting combinations. For example, beige with a fiery color just looks incomparable. It can be both a print and a combination of shades. Black and red are popular with bold and self-confident women, but the combination of this pair in the image is great.

Pastel colors are fashion favorites for the overweight. Now there are many good color compositions that will be a godsend for beauties:

In the new year 2019, the ban on metallic color in the image of full beauties is lifted, so many collections surprise with interesting models.

Remember: don't opt ​​for a completely glittery outfit, but choose a combination of several tones. Gold and silver are allowed to be combined this season.

Lush beauties need to be careful about the choice of prints on clothes. After all, any harmless picture will visually increase the weight and focus on forbidden places. In the new year, more than ever, ethno is relevant, especially "oriental" motifs. By the way, painting in the Russian style is now conquering the stage of Western Europe.

Who said that striped clothes are contraindicated for full ones? A properly selected print will not only hide all the flaws from prying eyes, but also focuses on the merits. We recommend that you look at the combined options for the usual pattern.

Abstraction on fabrics has not lost popularity for several decades. Therefore, juicy beauties can, without a twinge of conscience, lay eyes on interesting color schemes. Remember: the print should not cover the entire body. Let it be single inserts.

In review: Tunics and blouses for obese women and girls 2019: photos, news, learn about current models for obese women.

Choose your fashionable bow by reading the article: Fashionable bows for obese girls: photos, news

Pants, jeans for overweight

A few years ago, pants were a means of disguising extra pounds. The plump women had to choose ugly baggy models that disfigured the body and added extra age. Modern clothes are an opportunity to emphasize all the advantages.

Jeans are popular among both thin women and full ladies. In the new 2019, fashionable denim pants should be divided into several groups:

  • classic;
  • flare from the hip;
  • pipes;
  • shortened.

What pleases is the high rise at the waist, which allows you to avoid showing excess deposits on the tummy and sides. There are models whose enlarged belt is decorated with original lacing. In the new season, designers have not forgotten about the puffies and allowed ripped jeans. Now fashionistas can easily create the grunge style that has been popular for several years.

Classic straight trousers do not lose their relevance and will come in handy both for an office look and for a friendly party. Interesting models made of leather perfectly sit on overweight girls, hiding flaws with their texture.

Cropped pants are a favorite trend of all women. In the new season, donuts can easily pick up original models for all seasons. In winter, tight trousers look good under high boots and a tunic, and in summer, light specimens look good under lace-up sandals and an airy blouse.

Fashion for obese women 2019: dresses

Shirts, tunics

Fashion designers are more picky about the upper part of the wardrobe, so they make some restrictions for full ladies. This is especially true for the length of clothing. Lush beauties are strongly recommended to wear elongated shirts. Of course, the styles for this are offered in a variety of ways.

Pay more attention to the neck, which in the new year will not be decorated with a collar. Something has changed in the worldview of designers and they decided to deprive fat women of the usual element of clothing. Now it is advised to choose shirts with a straight or V-neck.
A tunic is a great solution for masking bulging kilograms from prying eyes. Comfortable clothing suitable for all occasions:

  • for the evening - with sequins and embroidery;
  • for the office - in a strict style;
  • for relaxation - in a bright color scheme.

Elongated models are offered both with sleeves and without them, allowing you to combine with golf or blouses. They match perfectly:

Cardigans, vests

To create a unique bow, you need to be able to combine different elements of the wardrobe in one image. Full beauties should be more sensitive to the choice of things, so designers are increasingly focusing on elongated models of cardigans and vests.

The main trend of the fashionable 2017 is the freedom of choice of style. Individualism is welcome and extends to the choice of clothing and the rules of what to wear with what and where. The current fashion trends for spring-summer next year also touched on the fashion for overweight women in 2017, offering plus size girls a variety of styles and styles click the following article .

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General clothing trends for plus size spring-summer 2017

Actual colors and prints for obese women

Fashionable skirts spring-summer 2017 for obese women

A skirt is a popular element of women's wardrobe, emphasizing femininity and sexuality. Among the fashionable drawings and colors, plus size girls will suit:

  • Colorblock. Properly selected colors of plus size skirts will hide plump hips or a bulging tummy.
  • Drawing in ethnic style. In order not to overload the silhouette, it should be placed at the bottom of the skirt.
  • Cell. A straight or flared skirt made of fabric in a large or small cage cut along an oblique will visually make the figure slimmer.
  • Strip. The best solution is a zigzag, wide horizontal or vertical stripes.
  • A versatile and practical midi-length A-line skirt allows curvy girls to create attractive feminine images without focusing on fullness.
  • The new fashionable and feminine style of clothing for the plus size suggests the presence in the wardrobe of plus size girls several options for puffy skirts of various lengths with a rigid belt that can be worn in combination with a discreet top.

For a special occasion, designers recommend wearing a long straight silhouette skirt with a slit or a tulip silhouette skirt with a high waist and below the knee length. They will give a slender figure to a curvaceous figure, if worn with heels and a top that does not cover the hips.

For the office, a pencil skirt with a length just below the knees remains relevant, which allows you to emphasize the feminine curves of the body. Harmoniously combined with blouses and jackets of a strictly business style, the elegant silhouette of a year-round skirt can visually adjust the full figure.

Fashionable blouses for full

When choosing blouses in large sizes, fashion stylists recommend paying attention to models made mainly from matte fabrics, leaving fabrics with a sheen for special occasions.
For girls with a pear-shaped figure, you can choose a blouse with ruffles or a voluminous bow, an original neckline, and puffed sleeves.

On girls with an “apple” figure, blouses with an oval neckline, with an emphasis on the waist or flared from the chest line, will look great. Fitted blouses fit perfectly on girls with an hourglass figure. Modern fashion for plus-size spring 2017 offers oversize cardigans and tops, as well as asymmetric elongated blouses and tunics to combine with leggings, skinny trousers and high-heeled shoes. Among the fashion trends proposed by designers, plus size girls should pay attention to off-the-shoulder blouses that go well with romantic-style trousers and skirts, long beads and chains.

Fashionable vests for full

Having firmly entered the wardrobe of plus size girls, long vests are highly valued due to their versatility and the ability to make the female silhouette more refined and slender. A large vest is found in both spring and summer bows for full girls. They are made of materials of different textures in bright or calm colors, can be decorated with ethnic prints. With their help, you can collect the image and transfer attention to other components of the outfit. In addition to elongated models, cropped vests in combination with tops and classic ones in a masculine style complete with an office blouse are still in trend.

Fashionable trousers and overalls for full

One of the most important elements of stylish clothing for obese women in 2017 are trousers. Fashion designers in the spring and summer offer to wear trousers:

  • straight. Straight trousers in dark shades, combined with loose-fitting tops and a V-neck, brighten up wide hips;
  • narrower. Strict cropped trousers emphasize a graceful ankle;
  • flared. Plus size girls, depending on the features of the figure, choose trousers with a flare from the knee or hip.

To create a casual or evening look in the spring and summer, full girls can use jumpsuits made from flowing fabrics. And for relaxation, you can choose a denim jumpsuit with trousers or shorts. A well-chosen jumpsuit successfully hides fullness, giving a full figure elegance and sexuality.

Fashionable jeans for full

It is hard to imagine a wardrobe of modern fashionable clothes for overweight women 2017 without a true favorite of the catwalks - trendy jeans. Full girls in the new season are offered flared jeans, straight or skinny jeans with a high waist in dark blue. In addition to jeans, you can wear a T-shirt or top with a translucent insert, abstract or floral print.

Ripped jeans and jeans with a “boiled” texture remain trendy. Comfortable boyfriend jeans are combined in spring with ankle boots and stiletto pumps, and in summer with high-heeled sandals and ballet flats. Culotte jeans are still considered fashionable, allowing full girls to successfully cover problem areas. At the peak of the popularity of plus size fashion, mom jeans remain, which are recommended to be worn with cropped tops and t-shirts.

Fashionable dresses spring-summer 2017 for obese women

Fashionable dresses for obese women 2017 are represented by a variety of models that competently emphasize the advantages and at the same time hide the flaws of the body:

  • A-line silhouette dresses visually slim the figure.
  • Empire-style dresses and high-waisted dresses allow you to hide a protruding tummy and visually stretch the silhouette.
  • For plump women with an hourglass figure, designers offer sheath dresses that allow you to emphasize the waist and emphasize the spicy curves of the forms.
  • For owners of a large bust, designers offer fashionable dresses with a V-neck that emphasizes the beautiful shape of the chest.

On the fashion catwalks fashion experts presented tulip dresses, maxi dresses, asymmetrical one-shoulder dresses and shirt dresses.

In the new season, fashionable plus size dresses are knee-length and below. And among the drawings, geometry remains at the peak of popularity - in the form of vertical stripes, abstraction, watercolor floristry.

In accordance with the latest trends, the peplum remains in the plus size wardrobe - a fashionable element of dresses, skirts and jackets that can emphasize the waist and hide plump hips.

Wide-cut dresses for plus size women were presented by designers at fashion shows in different versions: from leather and suede to batiste and crepe de chine. The photo below shows the variety of spring-summer fashion with a collection of dresses for obese women.

Fashionable linen for full

Lingerie designers do not leave plus size girls with their attention, offering them beautiful sets. At the peak of popularity are bras made of fabric with a smooth surface, giving the chest a perfect shape. It is proposed to supplement them with fashionable high-waisted panties or panties-shorts. The first veil the tummy, the second - the hips. Bodysuits made of elastic fabrics correct large sizes, making the figure more toned. Because of this, they are especially popular with curvaceous ladies. They can be worn under clothes as underwear, or can be worn openly if complemented with a jacket.

Fashionable suits for full

Women's suits are becoming very popular in the new season. Office suits for the full are represented by trouser and skirt options. Both skirts and trousers have a high waist. The trousers are tapered and reach the ankles, the skirts are also tapered and have a palm length below the knees. They are combined with semi-adjacent or loose jackets, as well as with peplum jackets, complemented by pointy heeled shoes. Costume fashion for the full summer of 2017 is trouser suits made of light, fabrics of bright and rich colors, as well as jumpsuits made of translucent fabrics in dark shades.

Many modern brands produce fashionable clothes for plus size girls, among them are: Anna Scholz, AngelCircle, Jill Alexander, Marina Rinaldi, Elena Miro. In addition, designers of fashion houses do not pass by the needs of puffy ladies, presenting the corresponding collections on fashion catwalks. Among them: Dior, Fendi, Chanel, Zac Posen, Lyn Devon. A special fashion show for plus size girls was held as part of New York Fashion Week in early September 2016. You can take a closer look at fashionable clothes for full spring-summer 2017 in the photo below.

Fashion for obese women spring-summer 2017:

Fashion for the full 2017 of the year is a clever combination of current ready-to-wear trends with features that are recommended for plus-size women. Having become acquainted with plus size fashion trends 2017, it is easy to make sure that with a full figure it is not necessary to dress up in shapeless hoodies, but it is quite possible to look stylish and in accordance with all the latest fashion trends.

Striped clothes

Plus size goes great with nautical style, which is traditionally embodied in vest tops, as well as in striped dresses and swimsuits. For obese women, of course, a longitudinal strip is preferable, which stretches the silhouette and makes it slimmer, but if you follow the proportions and scale of the strip, you can make sure that the transverse strip is not alien to plus size.

Flared and wide sleeves

Sleeves are undeservedly underestimated as a detail that can influence the perception of the figure, including to make it slimmer. For example, in 2017, flared sleeves came into fashion, which are perfect for full girls, diverting attention from the fullness of the arms.

thick denim

Denim clothing has always sat well on a full figure and was recommended for plus size women. 2017 is notable for the fact that denim fashion has taken a step forward, offering to include details in your wardrobe that we have not seen before or have rarely seen. Dense dark blue denim in jackets, raincoats, dresses and, of course, jeans, sits perfectly on a full figure, without emphasizing flaws, if the size and style are chosen correctly.

Hi-lo clothing

The hi-low cut, which implies a difference in length between the front and back of the garment (dress, top, sweater), has a great advantage that many do not suspect. If you have a full figure, especially an apple-shaped figure with a wide waist and a protruding belly, then blouses, tops and sweaters that visually cut the figure into two parts at the waist are absolutely contraindicated for you. Croy high low, especially if the front is rounded, distracts attention from the problem area.

Coats, jackets and wrap jackets

The smell has been enjoying well-deserved popularity among puffy and, mainly, buxom women of fashion for many years. Wrap dresses and skirts, especially those with trompe-l'oeil print, visually bring the figure closer to the ideal "hourglass", outlining the waist and making the silhouette slimmer due to the deep V-neckline.

Deep V-neckline

In ready-to-wear fashion for many years now, a very deep neckline has been held in high esteem, which in some cases reaches the very waist. Of course, for plus size clothing, such details are useless, but blouses and dresses with a V-neck of moderate depth only benefit. Unlike models with a round or high neck, which sometimes make the upper body overweight.

Trompley - print trick

It's no secret that even tight-fitting clothes can look decent on a full figure if they are made of fabric with a tromple effect. The tromple print creates an optical illusion, and the outlines of the figure become blurry. The tromple print is recommended for the part of the body that is most problematic.

Small floral print

With a floral print, a similar story as with a blende print. Flowers, although they do not create an optical illusion, a small pattern has the same effect when choosing the right cut and discreet color scheme. In addition, flowers are always femininity, lightness, romance, so they are perfect for women who are alien to graphics with sharp lines.


Capes in 2016-2017 came to the fashion forefront in ready-to-wear fashion. And if earlier we observed the rooting of coats and raincoats with capes, now evening and cocktail dresses are also gaining capes. And for women with a full figure, this is only at hand - in the truest sense of the word. After all, capes partially or almost completely cover the upper part of the arms and shoulders, which many are embarrassed to open.

Fashionable bomber jackets

Stylish bomber jackets, being at the peak of popularity in the ready-to-wear trends, have also penetrated into the fashion of the plus size category. Bombers have long stepped over the dictates of vintage or sporty style, becoming a fashionable replacement for both casual jackets and leather jackets, adapting delicately and persistently to different styles and images.

Trapezoidal fit

A-line cut is great for cocktail dresses for full, for summer tunics and tops. If you have an apple body shape, then a trapezoidal cut of clothes is what you need to hide figure flaws. A dress and a hard-cut top-trapezoid, made of thick fabric, look especially stylish.


Shuttlecocks are an undoubted hit of 2016-2017, but it seems to many that flounces are contraindicated for women with a full figure. There is a rational grain in this opinion, because with a plus-size figure it is not recommended to over-decorate yourself with infantile ruffles, but elegant frills that can shift accents and hide problem areas can just be in dresses and blouses.

Shirt fit

Simple women's shirts or shirt-cut dresses are very popular today for everyday wear. And for a woman with curves, this style can do a good job, because the shirt is a trend, which, moreover, hides roundness, especially with a tight cut. The figure in the shirt does not blur and does not look loose, and this is a big plus.

Open shoulders

Blouses and dresses with bare shoulders and a completely open neckline are perfect as a summer outfit for full girls. After all, with full hands it is not recommended to wear a short sleeve or sleeveless clothing in general, however, such models suggest a summer design with a covered upper arm area, but not a tightly closed cut.

Lace details

Lace gives any clothing romance, femininity, sexuality, and also makes it more airy, "breathable". The latter is often lacking in models made of dense plain fabrics, and lace can “lighten” the design a little, making the figure less overweight.

Pleating and draping

Stylists often advise to drape problem areas of the body with fabric, not allowing the fabric to fit them. For this reason, pleated skirts and small draperies are always welcome in the wardrobe of overweight women.

Leopard print

Leopard print for coats, jackets, raincoats, dresses is not bad manners, but a fashion trend for obese women in 2017. This is a trend for bold and self-confident women who are not afraid to draw attention to themselves - and with this print it is inevitable.


Dresses, skirts and peplum jackets look great on plus size women. Firstly, a wide peplum covers the protruding lower abdomen, and secondly, it visually makes the waist thinner. Peplum dresses and skirts are suitable for both evening and cocktail dresses, as well as for business sets.

Regardless of the type of figure, every woman wants to look stylish. Modern trends take into account the wishes of not only women with classic model parameters, but also “chubby ones”, and many fashion houses have made collections for plus size models their specialization, emphasizing the beauty of luxurious forms. You can focus on democratic brands such as Simply Be, Rinaldi or Anna Scholz. However, it is worth exploring shows from leading haute couture houses, because 2017 was the year of stylish solutions that will perfectly fit into the wardrobe of not the thinnest ladies.

Fashion for overweight girls and women of 2017 is a combination of grace, current trends and time-tested classic solutions. In the new season, designers say the final “no” to the habit of “packing” magnificent forms in indistinct hoodie things in dark shades. They offer to allow themselves to experiment with bright colors, using black only as an additional color scheme.

Do not be afraid of bright colors - they will only make you more attractive!

At the peak of relevance - sunny orange, soft pink, sky blue, rich yellow, emerald and lavender. And the most successful trend in fashion for the full ones is multilayer combinations. So, the fashion house A.F. Vandevorst invited textured ladies to become bolder by trying on a bow in a daring grunge style. Shows from Chanel, on the contrary, demonstrated layering combined with femininity and elegance.

Of course, mindless following of trendy trends is not the best solution even for owners of a slender figure. However, some peak trends can be safely adopted in 2017. The main design tips are as follows.

  • Don't be afraid to wear leather. Of course, a leather mono-look will look out of place on a curvaceous figure, but patchwork style combinations are not only relevant for full ladies, but also look very good on a plus size figure. Must-have 2017 - cropped biker-style leather jacket combined with a romantic bell skirt in delicate colors or decorated with large flowers;
  • Tame the two-part print. The combination of a large pattern with a small motley canvas creates an amazing visual effect that can hide some of the features of the figure;
  • Master the art of color blocking. The combination of several fashionable colors will add zest to any ensemble. If you are afraid of overly flashy and bright colors, start small - pearl gray and gold or lavender, combined with a muted coffee shade, will help create a stylish look;
  • Take on the arms of cardigans. Designers of collections for plus size ladies actively use this piece of clothing, because it is simply created for balanced looks;
  • Be higher! Do not think that the only way to stretch the figure are heels, from which by the end of the day your legs hurt. Designers condescended to the prayers of puffy ladies and created a huge number of shoes on the platform, as well as wedges comfortable for everyday wear;
  • Wear jewelry. The trends of 2017 did not deprive us of large jewelry, which looks so harmonious on textured ladies. An actual necklace made of natural stones or massive earrings can become a “trick” of any monochrome look, turning an everyday outfit into an absolutely solemn one.

And now let's look at fashion trends and their "wearability" for curvy girls!

Feel free to throw away the flare - trousers should emphasize your ankles!

Pants and jeans

  • The main task of the trouser bottom in 2017 is to emphasize the graceful female ankle. Designers achieve this goal with a simple solution - the most current trousers have a tapered fit and a 7/8 length. If you choose this style, complement the trousers with a voluminous top in deep, clean shades.
  • For the summer, you should look after yourself a model made of light, flowing fabric in bright colors, but with a simple cut. These trousers are just a godsend for those who want to divert attention from their legs and become visually taller.
  • Last year's culottes are still at the peak of popularity. This exceptionally successful model allows plump ladies to cover less than ideal legs. Check out the solutions offered by Zac Posen, Chanel or Mara Hoffman to add this edgy piece to your wardrobe.
  • The good news is that loose-fitting mom jeans that fit so well on a fuller figure remain at the peak of popularity!
  • Do not leave the fashion catwalks-2017 and overalls. These trendy clothes seem to be made for ladies of a non-standard size. Among the most relevant colors are calm, but not flat shades of gray, beige, peach and indigo.

Lightweight jumpsuit with floral print - perfect for summer


In the segment of evening dresses, classic solutions prevail - Greek style and draped maxi, emphasizing seductive curves. Oscar de la Renta insists on the relevance of a fitted style with a bell skirt and a large 3D print that looks good on a curvaceous figure. Sheath dresses knee-length or slightly lower with contrasting inserts at the waist are also among the most relevant styles of 2017.

Do not be afraid to try on this length, even if you are used to hiding your figure with a voluminous maxi. High boots, pumps or elegant trapeze heels with trendy heels will visually lengthen your legs and stretch your silhouette. Another good solution is the V-neckline, which will make the neck longer and emphasize the advantages of the décolleté zone. Do not ignore such fashionable knitted dresses with a baggy silhouette - due to the texture, they divert attention from the features of a plump figure.

Flowing fabrics and airy textures from Simply Be

The best news is the return of the A-line trend - it hints at the waistline, but does not draw too much attention to it. A-silhouette is promoted by fashion designers from Atelier Kikala and Sergey Sysoev. Also, summer shows were replenished with dresses with frills - they should be taken into service, as they are exceptionally successful at masking fullness.

Fashion house Valentino offers to wear ethnic dresses with an unusual pattern of African tribes. Well, you can hide plump hands from prying eyes with the help of flashlight sleeves - like Celine or J.W. Anderson. In addition, the fashion for everything pretentious and hypertrophied led to the appearance of details in the form of voluminous rectangular sleeves, which the designers from Laroom so successfully demonstrated at their show.


Designers unanimously agreed that the most fashionable item of the autumn-winter wardrobe will be a stylish coat. This is understandable - no other type of outerwear is able to shade the image so successfully and put the final chord. You should not think that such a fashionable cocoon coat is contraindicated for full ladies. On the contrary, a well-chosen silhouette can hide a few kilograms that confuse you. Focus on the details - turn-down collar, contrasting pockets or piping hem.

Oversized coat hides curvaceous and visually slims

Oversize goes well with short sleeves, and unusual colors will draw attention to the coat, not to your figure. For example, Anton Belinskiy combined these trends in an incredibly bright coat, which refers us to the paintings of abstract masters, while Alena Akhmadullina relied on current sport chic, adding playfulness with fringe. Designers did not stint on various styles and textures, however, semi-fitted coats, a stylish A-line and single-breasted coats that visually stretch the image are considered the most successful for obese women.

Some fashion houses offer plump women to try on knee-length and even mid-thigh options. The only condition is to combine such a coat with tights to match the shoes and a pencil skirt. Or create a monochrome look with tight skinny pants. Among the trendy textures are drape, soft cashmere and trendy suede. It is best to choose a monochromatic coat of juicy color - rich blue, deep wine, warm gray, emerald green, as well as soft light colors like Jason Wu and Zac Posen are in trend.

Stylish plus size cape - an elegant replacement for a boring coat

Fashion for overweight girls does not prohibit wearing trendy coats. The catwalks are full of knee-length furs, as evidenced by the collections from Emanuel Ungaro and Topshop Unique. Avoid overly lush furs and long "lordly" styles. It is better to adopt the trend for fur coats - they are noticeably slimmer and stretch the figure. Patchwork products look especially good - look at yourself a fur coat with dark inserts on the sides, and seem to others like an elegant reed.

If a couple of years ago, fashion for the full avoided down jackets in every possible way as an item that could emphasize not the most pleasant features of the figure, then in 2017, designers released collections that look more successful than ever on curvy ladies. Modern down jackets are an elegant piece of clothing. It is worth looking at models with a semi-fitted or fitted cut with a flared bottom, like Ermanno Scervino.

Cardigans, blouses and jackets

Fashion for oversize is just a panacea for owners of magnificent forms, because under it it is almost impossible to see the figure of the hostess. The main thing is not to try to dress in this trend from head to toe, otherwise you will achieve the exact opposite effect. So, an oversized cardigan should be complemented with skinny trousers and laconic accessories without pretentious details.

Soft cardigans visually hide the volume of the figure

Designers offer to shift the accents, diverting attention from full shoulders with puffy sleeves. So, fashion houses Fendi, Flow the Label and Issey Miyake deliberately increased the proportions to make the silhouette as a whole more fragile and elegant. Even the office style has been inspired by the feminine fashion of 2017, so feel free to try on flowing silk, weightless organza and light cotton fabrics with large or small floral prints.


The classic knee-length pencil skirt does not lose its relevance. It is this model that should become the basis of your wardrobe, because it goes well with voluminous cardigans, draped blouses and fitted jackets. One of the key styles was the trapezoid, which sits well on plump hips without turning the figure into something shapeless. Successful images can be seen at shows from Chanel and Lyn Devon.

A pencil skirt is a slimming classic that is suitable for any figure.

To the delight of magnificent ladies, pleating has also remained in the trend. Unusual colors and mid-calf length are considered the peak trend in this clothing segment. You can see the details at the shows from Karen Walker or in the collections of the fashion brand Izeta.