Natural remedies to add shine to hair. ❦How to tighten hair? Favorite procedures for giving shine and even more shine - silk, smooth hair - this is real! ❦

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Maintaining the strength and beauty of hair will require the same painstaking work as creating a dream figure: regular "training" and properly selected nutrition. Otherwise, your hair will be dry, brittle and lifeless. Find out if your hair needs additional care and which products are right for you.

Elasticity: change the temperature setting

Cut off a thin strand of damp hair from your head, grab on both sides with your fingers and pull in different directions.

  • If your hair is springy before they break, it means that they have good elasticity.
  • « If the hairs break immediately even with little effort on your part, they are dehydrated and depleted, ”says Ron WILLIAMS, stylist, training manager at Phyto Specific.

AdviceShape: “The likely culprits of their condition are hair dryers and hair straighteners. They can weaken the cuticle to the point where your hair loses its elasticity, ”says Charlene DEGIN-CAELLO, Director of Keranique's Product Department. But this does not mean that in the context of a total deadline, we will offer you to abandon convenient gadgets in favor of natural styling. It is important to choose the right protective equipment.

Did the test show that your hair is dry, brittle and weak? You need to reconsider your approach to styling. Try to give your hair a break from hair dryers and irons once a week. Long hair can be gathered in a ponytail on this day, short hair - smooth it and let it dry in a fixed position. Apply a UV protective spray to your hair that day. On other days, do not neglect the use of thermal sprays. They will help to minimize the negative effects of overheating and protect hair from drying out, which is inevitable when exposed to high temperatures. They contain oils, provitamins, moisturizing ingredients. Watch the temperature while drying your hair: do not let the hair dryer exceed 180 degrees (this is the average heating level on your device).

To help hair restore its protective layer, it is necessary to saturate the strands with keratin, the main protein that forms their structure. Look for this element in your skincare products. Change your conditioner to a mask twice a week. Choose it based on your hair type. Apply it all over your hair and leave it on for 10 minutes. And in this procedure, the warmth will only benefit! Put on a bath cap and wrap your head with a fluffy towel: the heat softens and opens the cuticle, which allows the moisturizing components to better penetrate the hair structure, ”comments Ron WILLIAMS, stylist, training manager at Phyto Specific.

1. Intensive Argan Oil Mask, GOSH Professional; 2. Deeply revitalizing mask, Nioxin; 3. Hot smoothing mask, Lush; 4. Moisturizing hair cream, Christophe robin; 5. Moisturizing mask, Unwash; 6. Mask for damaged hair, Philip kingsley; 7. Energy concentrate, LeonorGreyl; 8. Revitalizing, refreshing sorbet, L "Occitane

Moisture level: use oil

If your hair looks like straw - does not fit well, looks dull and lifeless, it is most likely that it lacks moisture. Our test will help you determine exactly if your hair needs moisture. Take a lock of hair and place it in a glass of water.

  • If the hair stays on the surface of the water for a while - they are perfectly hydrated.
  • If the strand immediately goes to the bottom- your hair structure is too porous. This is usually the result of frequent harsh treatments such as dyeing and perming.

AdviceShape: “Frequent dyeing and inadequate care has resulted in microscopic cracks in the hair cuticle, allowing moisture to pass through the inner layer unhindered like a sieve,” says Williams. "This leads to dehydration of the hair." You should not give up a radical blonde if it suits you like that - we learn to properly care for your hair and moisturize it.

Dry hair is more prone to damage. Water is not retained in the porous structure of the hair, which leads to a loss of shine and breakage. To restore hair, use products with natural oils in the composition, look for shea and cocoa butter, almonds among the ingredients. “Don't wash your hair more often than necessary,” advises Jay-Manuel CARDENAS, stylist at Sally Hershberger in New York. - Most shampoos contain harsh surfactants [ingredients that form a lather on contact with water) that wash natural oils out of the hair. Frequent use of such cosmetic products weakens the hair cuticle. " Another trick from the stylists: after you have removed the conditioner from your hair, rinse it with cold water! “The procedure is not the most comfortable, but it works wonders for the hair: the cuticle is sealed, and the hair looks shiny and healthy,” says Harry JOSH, international creative consultant of the companyJohnFrida.

1. Oil for natural shine of hair, Stenders; 2. Revitalizing elixir 8 in 1, Eveline; 3. Revitalizing styling oil, Joico; 4. Oil for unruly hair, L "Oreal Professional; 5 Two-phase spray, Syoss; 6. Nourishing hair oil, Oribe; 7. Elixir with Moroccan argan oil, Pantene; 8. Nourishing hair oil, Sebastian Professional; 9. Smoothing oil for intense shine of hair, Wella Professionals; 10. Intensive elixir to protect the color of colored hair, Wella SP

Volume: use a scrub

If you suspect that your hair is thinning, do this simple test: Tie your hair back into a ponytail.

  • If you can wrap it with your usual rubber band three or more times, whereas before it was difficult to do two turns, which means that the hair really became thinner.

AdviceShape: The ponytail density test will help you determine if you are losing more than the average acceptable range of 80-100 hairs per day. Thinning hair can be the result of stress or changes in diet.

Have you noticed that your hair is thinning? Perhaps the reason is a new low protein diet, or the stress you experienced recently. “And if the body can recover from emotional fluctuations quickly enough, it will take months for the hair to regain its former strength,” says Williams. At this point, it is important to monitor nutrition, or rather, the content in the diet of a sufficient amount of iron, zinc, protein. Ron Williams also advises these days biotin supplements to increase hair thickness and vitamins C and E to maintain scalp health and strengthen the hair follicle.

Use a scalp scrub once a week to cleanse the dead skin cells, allowing your hair to gain strength and grow faster. “Look for products with polymer abrasive beads that gently cleanse the skin without damaging it. They will cleanse the skin not only of old cells, but also of excess sebum, which clogs the follicles, interfering with normal hair growth, ”says Charlene DEGIN-CAELLO, Director of Keranique's Product Department. Massage your scalp regularly for 2-3 minutes after washing.

1. Scrub for the scalp, Alterna; 2. Peeling for the scalp, Matrix Biolage; 3. Care for the scalp, Paul Mitchell; 4. Scalp peeling,DSD de Luxe

Hair Loss Causes

More than 40% of women face this problem from time to time. “Fortunately, if you are not genetically predisposed to baldness, you can avoid this problem. It is important to know what triggers hair loss.

  1. Climate change.“You know that in the fall and spring, hair begins to fall out more intensely,” says Francesca FUSCO, MD, dermatologist at Clear Scalp & Hair... “Whenever you move from one climate zone to another, your hair goes through an adaptation period that can affect the hair growth cycle.” Fortunately, if you have enough iron, protein and healthy fats in your diet, you will quickly get through the "transition" time without shedding the hair from your head of hair.
  2. Refusal of air conditioners. It is important for hair in the same way as a moisturizer for the face: if you do not use conditioner, the hair loses moisture, becomes scaly and brittle. “Likewise, without proper hydration, the hair follicle becomes inflamed, which can lead to a malfunctioning hair growth cycle,” explains Fusco. "If you are worried that the product will weigh down your hair, apply it literally for 30 seconds, massage your hair and rinse the conditioner out of your hair."
  3. Frequent use of hair ties. Regardless of the material from which your accessory is made, the hair is stressed because it is under pressure for a long time. Collect your hair in a ponytail no more than 3-4 times a week, as excessive pressure leads to damage and loss.

1. Nutrition and shine, Pantene; 2. Moisturizing shampoo, COCOCHOCO; 3. Ease of oxygen, Dove; 4. Moisturizing shampoo, Moroccanoil; 5. Soothing shampoo, Vichy; 6. Basic care 2 in 1, Head & shoulders; 7. Conditioning shampoo with collagen and lanolin, Horsepower

In contact with

As it turned out, the most "masculine" alcoholic drink, that is, cognac, is also an excellent tool for improving the condition of hair. It is used to deal with problems such as hair loss, too slow growth, splitting and dryness. Hair masks with cognac can be made at home, supplementing this drink with certain products for greater effectiveness. We propose to consider the main properties of cognac, recommendations for its use and contraindications, as well as learn the cherished recipes for healing masks.

About the benefits of cognac

Despite the fact that cognac is not a vegetable product, but rather a chemical one, it is still able to have a positive effect on hair. The secret of success lies in the composition of this drink, which contains many tannins, compounds useful for hair and acids. These components are able not only to restore the hair structure, but also to nourish the scalp. Any brandy hair mask normalizes the sebaceous glands, which will significantly reduce the oiliness of the scalp. However, it is worth remembering that alcohol is very drying, therefore, with exhausted and damaged hair, brandy should be used very carefully. As for the smell of alcohol, which can remain on the hair after applying the coveted mask, you can easily get rid of it. To do this, you just need to rinse your head with warm water, into which you first dip a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Indications for use

Preparing masks is simple, quick and, most importantly, quite inexpensive. Who needs this home therapy? For what hair types is a cognac mask an irreplaceable beauty product? So, you can use this drink in one of the following cases:

  • Hair grows very slowly.
  • The ends of the curls are constantly split.
  • Hair constantly falls out, and in large quantities.
  • The scalp and hair itself is very oily.
  • Lack of shine, volume, healthy appearance.
  • Dandruff.
  • Hair is sorely lacking in vitamins.


Before you start making homemade cognac hair masks, read the list of taboos. If you have one of the problems presented below, it is better to refuse this drink as a care product, resorting to more gentle treatment methods. You cannot use cognac if:

  • Your hair is too dry and too brittle. Most often, girls with similar problems actively use restorative masks. So, cognac cannot be combined with such products.
  • There are cracks, wounds, cuts or other types of irritation on the head.
  • It happens that a person experiences personal intolerance to cognac or alcohol in general. And this applies not only to the use, but also to the application in the form of a hair mask.
  • It is not recommended to use masks with cognac for hair in cases where the scalp is sensitive. Indeed, this product contains a lot of acids that can cause an allergic reaction.

Basic rules for the use of cognac

It doesn't matter if you are preparing the famous hair mask with cognac and honey or combining this alcoholic drink with kefir, oils or other products, all components of the recipe must be warm. You can heat it in a water bath or in a microwave oven, but do not bring it to a boil. The second rule is to apply cognac masks to washed, slightly damp hair. It is recommended to wash them off with warm water with the addition of a decoction of herbs and essential oils.

Of course, if the mask contained heavy oils - olive, linseed, burdock or other, then you cannot do without the help of shampoo. Cognac masks are applied first to the hair roots, as well as to the scalp. Then the product needs to be stretched along the entire length, right down to the ends. To heighten the effect, it is recommended to wrap the hair with cellophane and put on a warm hat on top.

A little tip: a few drops of cognac can simply be added to the shampoo and balm that you use regularly. This will significantly improve their quality.

The easiest recipe

To prepare this remedy for hair restoration, you only need two tablespoons of brandy. The drink needs to be slightly warmed up and rubbed into the scalp while warm. Gradually stretch the cognac along the entire length and reach the ends. After the hair is wrapped in a bag and a knitted hat is put on top. After half an hour, the mask must be washed off with water and rinsed with a decoction of your favorite herbs or essential oils. Reviews of the cognac hair mask according to this recipe indicate that after the procedure, the hair is filled with shine and health. Immediately after the first application, changes are visible - the hair becomes stronger, vitality appears in it. But do not forget that such a mask must be applied to washed curls, slightly dried in a natural way.

Honey delight

This is the simplest and most popular brandy and honey hair mask. It can be said to be universal, as it is suitable both for owners of oily scalp and for those whose curls are too dry. It would seem that alcohol cannot be combined with dry curls in any way, because it will only aggravate the picture. But in this case, everything is softened by the second ingredient - honey. It blocks the drying properties of cognac, allowing all the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the scalp and hairs. You can prepare the mask according to the following recipe. Three tablespoons of brandy are mixed with one tablespoon of honey, which is pre-melted in a water bath. The mask is rubbed into the scalp and then spread over the entire length. You need to keep it for 40 minutes, and it is recommended to wash it off with a decoction of burdock leaves.

Complete cleansing

Everyone knows that salt is an important ingredient in most scrubs. With its help, you can cleanse the skin of acne, heal wounds, etc. But not everyone realizes that it has a similar effect on the scalp. This product can be used on its own as a scrub. The salt is simply thoroughly rubbed over the head, as a result the skin is cleansed and all dead hair falls out, giving way to new, healthier ones. But in an ensemble with products such as cognac and honey, the mask also becomes nutritious. So, mix cognac, sea salt and honey in equal proportions, infuse the mixture for two weeks. The finished product can be used both as a shampoo (but not daily) and as a mask (once a week). The whole point of this remedy lies in the fact that it should not only be applied to the head, but with its help it is necessary to do massage or peeling.

General therapy

In folk cosmetology, there are so-called universal hair masks. Cognac, honey, egg are the main components of such recipes, which can be supplemented with other products as needed. Such recipes are universal, because they are suitable, again, for everyone, as they restore hair at the cellular level. The preparation method for such a mask is incredibly simple. You will need one egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of brandy. The ingredients are mixed and heated, then applied to the hair roots and stretched along the entire length. Wash off such a mask with plenty of water, without adding shampoos or rinses.

Henna is an ancient beauty secret

In ancient times, henna was considered one of the brightest natural dyes. With its help, it was possible to dye both the skin and the hair. Moreover, this product significantly improved the condition of the hair, so modern scientists have developed a new henna formula - colorless. This product can be used alone, or it can be mixed with other ingredients that can also restore hair. Now we will consider one of these hair mask recipes. Egg, butter, cognac and henna are its main ingredients. For cooking, you need one yolk, a teaspoon of brandy, any oil (burdock, linseed, olive, jojoba oil, etc.) and henna powder. We apply, as always, to clean hair and hold for half an hour. It will not work to wash off such a mask without shampoo, and in order to enhance its effect, it is also recommended to rinse your head with a decoction of burdock.

Oil therapy

There are a number of oils that are actively used in home cosmetology directly for the treatment and restoration of hair. Among them are burdock, castor, linseed, jojoba oil, avocado oil, corn oil, shea butter and cocoa. The effect they have on the hair is about the same, only the aromas of these products and the composition differ. It is only important to carry out "oil" therapy regularly, and not once, in order to achieve the desired effect. Now we will find out how a hair mask is prepared from cognac, oil and honey, and what effect it has. These three ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and heated. Then they are rubbed into the scalp and pulled to the ends of the hair. It is advisable to wrap your hair in a mask in a bag and wrap it in a towel for an hour. It will be possible to wash off such a mask only with the use of shampoo.

A little advice. If the hair is oily, then the amount of cognac can be increased by one and a half times, and the oil can be poured a little less. If the hair is too dry, then the amount of alcohol decreases, and more oil is poured.

Vitamin boom

To restore shine and vitality to hair that has been badly damaged, brandy alone will, alas, not be enough. But you can say that the famous hair mask - brandy and oil, in fact, is the solution to this problem. However, sometimes these two ingredients are not enough to completely restore the hair, so you have to turn to herbal products for help. A plant such as aloe has excellent properties. It literally evens out the hair, and its effect can be compared to a lamination procedure. The second product is carrots. Greatly strengthens weak curls, makes them thicker and stronger. Well, let's start preparing the mask. You will need cognac, castor oil, aloe juice and freshly squeezed carrot juice - all ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The mask is applied first to the hair roots, then to the ends, rinsed off one hour after application.

As from the salon

Probably everyone remembers that a product such as natural beer strengthens hair, gives it shine and accelerates growth. The hair mask with cognac and egg, which we talked about earlier, can boast of similar properties. What if these two recipes are combined into one? You will need 10 grams of brewer's yeast, 4 tablespoons of milk, one egg yolk, a tablespoon of brandy, and a teaspoon of any oil. The heated mixture must be distributed over all hair and kept for no more than half an hour. If the hair is wrapped in a bag and in a towel, the regenerating effect is enhanced. After the first such procedure, the hair will become noticeably stronger, shine and strength will appear. If you do the mask once a week for a month, the effect will be comparable to keratin straightening.

Hair loss masks with cognac

Combating hair loss and slow hair growth is the main task of cognac. We have already found out that even on its own, without additions, this drink copes with its work. By mixing this product with other activators of hair growth, we get literally an instant effect. The most famous activator in this case is mustard. We have brought out two recipes for a similar mask - for dry and oily hair.

  • Recipe for dry curls. You need to mix a tablespoon of mustard powder, two tablespoons of brandy, a tablespoon of aloe juice, two teaspoons of cream and two yolks. The mixture must be warmed up and rubbed into the hair roots. To prevent the mask from damaging the ends, which are already very dry, first grease them generously with oil.
  • Recipe for oily hair. A tablespoon of mustard powder is mixed with 100 ml of a skate, after which the mixture is slightly diluted with water. The mask should be rubbed generously into the scalp, but not spread over the entire length.

Coffee spa for hair

Finally, we will pamper your hair with more sophisticated procedures that will give it not only health, but also an amazing aroma. Natural ground coffee serves not only as a nutrient for the hair, but also as a natural dye and also as a scrub. With it, you can cleanse the scalp (like salt), you can darken the curls and just give them shine. It is easy to prepare a coffee and cognac mask. You will need two tablespoons of coffee, five tablespoons of brandy and a little oil - almond, jojoba, avocado or other. The mixture is heated and applied to the entire hair, from roots to ends. The mask is more effective if the hair is wrapped in for an hour. You need to wash it off with shampoo.

The beauty of hair depends on many factors, one of which is its elasticity. It is this aspect that is key for the formation of a natural shine, bright color and stability of the hairs against external negative influences. They perceive cosmetic paint better and look neater in their hairstyle, therefore, the elasticity factor is very important to maintain.

What determines the elasticity of hair

Hair elasticity means its ability to stretch under mechanical stress, but fully recover in length without serious damage and twisting. If the level of elasticity is high, this indicates that the structure of the hair is intact, just like the connecting substances that ensure the retention of keratin scales.

Maximum wet stretch under normal conditions can reach 50% of the available length, while with significant damage, this figure is half that. Dry, healthy hair regularly experiences the effect of stretching, but is practically not damaged, which cannot be said about hair with an initially damaged structure.

The main factor influencing the preservation of the elasticity of the hair is the preservation of the integrity of the cortex layer, which takes on the main load during stretching. In turn, in order to protect this layer, it is important that the keratin scales that protect the hair shaft remain intact and tightly pressed against each other.

An equally important point is the maintenance of moisture in the hair. When dry, it breaks or twists almost immediately under tension, while sufficient moisture provides it with a high degree of stability. From a chemical point of view, hydrogen and disulfide bonds are important for maintaining elasticity, which can be strengthened or weakened during the process of shampooing, styling and sunbathing.

You can check how elastic your hair is. To do this, perform a simple test immediately after showering. On the parietal, temporal and occipital parts of the head, alternately select small strands. Holding it tightly between your fingers on both sides, gradually begin to stretch. As soon as you feel the maximum tension, release the strand and analyze its condition. Healthy hair with high elasticity will hardly change. Low elasticity - will break, twist or remain stretched. In all three cases, special emphasis should be placed on moisturizing care.

Why hair elasticity is lost

The most important reason for the loss of elasticity is inadequate hydration and loss of moisture. The following factors are the forerunners of this:

  • regular use of hot styling;
  • frequent use of styling products with strong and super strong hold;
  • the use of hair cosmetics containing alcohol;
  • the use of shampoo and rinse that is not suitable for the type of hair and scalp;
  • long stay in the scorching sun, especially after swimming in salt sea water;
  • being outdoors during rain and strong winds without a headdress and other protective equipment;
  • frequent staining;
  • the use of a perm;
  • fascination with African braids and dreadlocks.

In addition, physiological and biological changes contribute to a decrease in elasticity:

  • malnutrition of the root bulb;
  • fungal infection of the scalp;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency, as well as a lack of specific vitamins and minerals in the human diet, in particular, vitamins A, C, B12, calcium, potassium and sodium;
  • the course of inflammatory and pathological processes in the body associated with the development of various diseases.

How to restore and maintain hair elasticity

1. If the cosmetic product you have chosen causes even the slightest discomfort, immediately get rid of it and choose another one. Any degree of allergic reaction results in poor nutrition and hydration of the hair and thinning it.

2. In case of severe bad weather, do not forget about simple ways to protect the health and beauty of your hair: an umbrella, a hat, light essential oils in the form of a spray before going outside.

3. Try to avoid daily shampooing!

4. Every week, apply a preventive moisturizing mask to the entire hair length.

5. If you are genetically predisposed to hair problems, then it is recommended to carry out a lamination procedure, which retains deep moisture and elasticity in an artificial way.

7. In your daily rinse, use essential oils of juniper, lime, ylang-ylang, rose and calendula for rinsing.

If you have already faced the fact that your hair has lost its elasticity, has become very brittle, dull and unruly, then you have two ways to solve the problem. The first, the simplest, but requiring some investment is a visit to a beauty salon. Professional oil wrap, moisturizing mask, scalp peeling, lamination and restoration of the hair structure using wax treatments - all these are wonderful and relaxing elements to increase your attractiveness.

With a general deterioration in the quality of the hair, combined with an increase in the amount of dandruff, it is worth making an appointment with a trichologist before visiting the salon.

The second way to solve the problem is home recovery. To do this, you need recipes to deeply moisturize the hair structure.

1. For those who often paint. Mix in one container 200 ml of fresh kefir, 50 ml of olive or almond oil and 20 ml of liquid honey. Warm up the composition a little and apply for half an hour to the entire length of the hair, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. The mask helps to maintain moisture, maintains the natural structure of the hair and brightens its color.

2. Moisturizing and regenerating. Combine three tablespoons of heavy cream with two tablespoons of ginseng tincture and one egg. Whip the composition until lather and apply to hair. After that, wrap a towel around your head and put on a shower cap or clip with a regular bag to create a warming effect on the ingredients. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask with any available product and rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice or citric acid crystals (you can use a little apple cider vinegar).

3. Optimal hydration for oily hair. Steam 100 g of rye bread pulp in hot water. Add two tablespoons of burdock, olive or flaxseed oil and one egg to the gruel. Apply to roots and root zone for 20 minutes. Massage a little and wash off as usual. Rinse your hair with a solution of plain water with a tincture of calendula or ginseng.

4. Rebirth of dry hair. Mix two yolks, quarter cup each liquid glycerin and vinegar (not vinegar essence!). Spread the finished composition over your hair and cover it with cellophane, or put on a shower cap. Heat a towel on the radiator and wrap your head with it. Keep the towel warm with a hot hair dryer for two hours. Wash your hair as usual.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine website

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To keep our hair healthy and looking well-groomed, it needs moisture. The splendor and shine of the hair largely depends on the moisture level of each hair. If you notice that your hair has lost its elasticity, become brittle and dull, then it's time to start restoring dry hair.

Deeply hydrated hair is the splendor and volume of the hairstyle. Hair is able to hold an amount of water equal to half of its own weight. At the same time, deeply moisturized hair becomes approximately 20% thicker.

There are many reasons for dehydration of hair: poor ecology, bad habits, diets and hot styling tools. Anyway, moisture is essential for dehydrated hair! And the restoration of dry hair consists of a set of procedures.

We start moisturizing dry hair with proper shampooing. Water cleanses the hair, is absorbed by the hair and becomes a natural moisturizer. Both the use of good shampoos and conditioners and the correct washing technique are imperative.

Adopt a few rules for washing your hair:

  • Apply the shampoo to your hair twice, as the detergent first cleans away impurities, and during the second wash it is deeply absorbed into the hair.
  • To better wash your hair and skin, add 0.5 tsp to the shampoo. baking soda - this will remove dirt and grease faster, and your hair will appear thicker after drying.
  • Pay attention to scalp massage while washing. While shampooing your hair, massage your scalp with your fingertips. The massage improves blood circulation and thus improves the flow of nutrients to the hair roots.
  • Rinse shampoos and conditioners off your hair thoroughly. It is often a poor rinse that causes dull hair.
  • Never rub your washed hair with a towel, this will damage the hair structure. Simply blot gently and spread over your shoulders to dry naturally. Try to use hair dryers and other electrical styling appliances as little as possible.

Herbal infusions

Natural remedies - herbs - will help restore and then maintain a normal level of moisture in the hair. We traditionally use local herbs for hair care - calamus, burdock root, chamomile, nettle, birch leaves. Choose an herb to your taste and at the rate of 4 tablespoons per liter of boiling water, prepare an infusion, which is filtered and diluted with water. Rinse hair with medicinal infusions after washing. To speed up the restoration of dry hair, you need to do this regularly, after each shampooing, at least 2-3 months.

Hair masks

Also very useful for moisturizing hair and mask with fruits - apples, avocados, currants. A wonderful homemade moisturizing balm recipe: In a blender, combine an egg and a cut avocado. Apply the mixture to your hair as a mask for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. You will see the result immediately.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy also has its own secrets that can restore shine and splendor to dehydrated hair. Essential oils of geranium, chamomile, rosemary, added to shampoo or conditioner, gently care for weak hair and restore its strength. To enrich your regular shampoo with essential oil, just drop 2-3 drops of oil into a spoonful of shampoo or conditioner and use the product in the usual way.

Applying a complex restoration of dry hair at home, you will heal and strengthen your hair and you will see the effect in 2-3 months.