The guy says he loves what he really means. He can send you very long messages. "You are so sexy"

Ladies pay special attention to how their beloved affectionately calls them. Some men prefer the classic "sweet" or "darling", others try to be more original, using the names of animals or sweets. A word misused to a woman can permanently close the road to her heart. Psychologists have long figured out the fact that the attitude of men can be recognized by the nickname he chose for his lady.

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    Love nicknames

    Many men prefer to use their familiar, affectionate words. And they are more pleasant for women, because they do not cause ambiguous associations.

    How to affectionately call a guy


    This is what self-confident Don Juans call lovely women. He is an assertive heartbreaker who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He prefers to play, then pulling a woman, then pushing her away, as if there is nothing between them.

    "Beloved" is a man who is cunning, able to think over his actions and the actions of a woman several steps ahead. He can really truly fall in love with his chosen one and experience sincere feelings. But, realizing that a woman needs him, she will most likely leave.

    How to affectionately call a girl


    Boring in everything and everywhere - this is how you can describe the guy who calls his soul mate "dear". Routine life awaits a woman who has chosen such a person. It would never even occur to him to add something new to their life together. Very often he turns out to be boring not only in everyday life, but also in bed. One should not expect any innovations and diversity from such a person. Very often he imposes a taboo on everything that a woman offers.

    • How to understand that this is your person


      The partner's feelings are so great that he is not able to express them in words. A man is ready to take care of his chosen one for days on end, delighting her with all kinds of gifts.

      My love

      Men who call their chosen one in this way are very easy and casual in communication. This is a wonderful boyfriend who puts the interests of the lady above her own. But these partners have a small drawback - they are usually very difficult to command. At the very first attempts to start "training" he will feel it and leave.

      My soul

      The guy who uses this nickname is a wonderful companion for life. He very slowly becomes attached to a woman. Such a person is in no hurry to immediately bare his soul. He chooses a measured path when the rapprochement takes place slowly and comfortably. He is also in no hurry to get closer physically. Men of this type quite often remain faithful to their partners to the end.

      My girl

      When a guy calls his beloved "my girl" or "baby", it says only one thing: he really feels tenderness and quivering feelings. The young man treats her like a child, trying in every possible way to protect and protect from the evil outside world.


      Perhaps such a person loves specifics and does not want to complicate anything in the relationship. He expects the same from his woman. In a couple, he is used to being always the first, does not tolerate when a woman tries to take his place.


      Such a nickname, not entirely pleasant at first glance, suggests the opposite: a man is ready to forgive a woman for any mistake and take control of the situation.


      Those men who are only superficially interested in them call their ladies "doll". They like easy, non-binding relationships.

      My little one or my little one

      They say those guys who are ready to take care of their girlfriend, to give all of themselves for this relationship. These are loyal men who can become a reliable wall for their lady.


      Calling a woman "miracle", a man is trying to draw her attention to himself and thus show the importance of this relationship for him.


      These are the most common nickname variations in the early stages of a romantic relationship. Most often they are used by young couples, but sometimes they persist into adulthood.

      Bunny or bunny

      Very often such men are insecure and withdrawn people. No need to expect from him dizzying surprises, hot confessions, serenades under the window. He is incapable of serious deeds. Because of their insecurity, such men often find themselves in ridiculous and shameful situations.


      If a man says "swallow", then he is confident in the feelings of the second half. This relationship is serious for them.

      Little bird

      A cowardly man calls his lady "Bird". He wants to show himself as an experienced gentleman, who had more than one woman, and then suddenly turns into a faithful companion. This does not come from his high moral principles, but because of cowardice. At the slightest hint of a woman's unfaithfulness, he wishes to take revenge on her. Although with all its minuses, there is also a plus: such men are very good at love joys.


      "The Sun" is the name given to women by cheerful and unpredictable representatives of the stronger sex. "My sun" says a guy when he has tender, sincere feelings for a girl. He wants to get to know her better, and deep down he hopes that in the future she will become a good companion.

      Pussy, kitty and kitty

      Men who call their women such nicknames do not pay attention to the little things in everyday life. They are very loving boyfriends. The intimate side of life is very important for them. You should not expect loud words from him with confessions, sincere feelings. Mutual satisfaction in bed is the only goal of such a relationship.


      Such a man is very assertive and wants to get to know his chosen one faster. Although, for all his enthusiasm, he does not value relationships too much. These are superficial representatives of the stronger sex, who only need fun in life.

      Chanterelle, fox, fox

      The attention of such a man was completely absorbed by his chosen one. He longs for her company and is trying with all his might to keep. However, he expects the same from her.


      A man feels complete intimacy with his woman, although sometimes he does not mind provoking her a little. You can expect sharp jokes from him, but the guy does not want to offend his beloved, but only tries to defuse the situation.


      Some men want to be more original and use the names of confectionery in their nicknames.


      Men who can take on the role of a father call their women "candy". He will take care of the lady for a long time, cherishing her in every possible way. Such men are faithful in married life, very rarely cheat on their chosen ones.


      Guys with nothing to heart. With such a man, no woman will feel protected. For serious and confident ladies, such gentlemen are completely annoying and make them angry. They inappropriately begin to quote the book they just read, arrange duels to show their mental abilities. But all their actions are in vain.


      Every girl dreams of being a princess who will soon turn into a beautiful queen.


      Such men act hypnotically on ladies, and they know it very well. Charming gentlemen, gallant and well-mannered, who are always surrounded by the attention of women. You cannot relax with such men, because he felt the weakness of his chosen one, he will immediately go to another. Lovely in bed.


      A guy who is obsessed only with sex, and only with his own feelings. He doesn't care about his partner's feelings. When such a man is truly in love, he is ready to present the whole world to her feet (though only in words), but with the fading of feelings, the promises will come to naught.

It is very common to find articles that list the signs that a guy is showing sympathy for you. However, in this article I would like to touch on the opposite: signs that indicate that the guy does not love you and, perhaps, you should break up. If you encounter the following signs in your relationship, then you may need to consider ending the relationship. After all, if there is no sympathy and people are indifferent to each other, then there is no point in continuing a relationship that has no future.

If you increasingly find yourself thinking, "My boyfriend doesn't love me ...", take a look at these signs. They will help you figure out if he really likes you.

Signs that a guy doesn't love

1. He is not "attracted" to you... Perhaps one of the important signs. It is he who determines whether this is your young man. If you have not ignited the fire of love in his heart and the guy is indifferent, if he does not feel attraction, then you will not build a happy relationship. You can make as much effort as you like to please, you can perform the most incredible acts, but if you are not in his heart, then you should not torture yourself. As you know, you can't be cute by force. And here feelings play the main role. Listen to your heart, it will never deceive. From the very thought of him, your heart should respond with a storm of positive emotions. You must literally become one with him.

2. He is "dry" in dealing with you... If he has no interest in you, then you are unlikely to get any interest in communicating with you. However, do not confuse lack of interest with temporary difficulties: perhaps your boyfriend is simply afraid to take the first step or thinks for a long time before answering you. Let's say, after a quarrel, there is neither a call nor a message from him. So what, he didn't like you? Or maybe he's just afraid? Lack of interest is evident for a long time. You should see in general whether he has the time and opportunity to write, call, and how exactly he disposes of this opportunity or simply ignores it. Another indicator here is the fact that he is constantly trying to end your conversation, finds constant reasons to end it. And no matter how much you strive to support communication, you do not see his own initiative.

3. He communicates with you the same way as with his friends.... This is actually pretty easy to spot. If he always speaks to you in a casual manner, similar to the way he interacts with his friends, then he is probably not your destiny. When a guy is interested, there is always at least a slight change in the way he talks to you; a change that proves that communication with you is pleasant to him. It can be a special voice, the use of words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes, a special intonation - or anything else, except for monotony and indifference. The best thing you can do in this situation is to observe his behavior and his speech with other people. This will allow you to judge whether the way he acts with you differs from what you saw, and if different, how much.

4. He freely tells you about the girls he likes.... Another wake-up call may be when a guy doesn't hesitate to tell you about past relationships, about the girls he considers ideal, and so on. However, this should not be confused with when it just slipped in to keep the conversation going (all guys do it from time to time, and it really isn't a big deal) or when you asked him to talk about an ended relationship yourself. However, if you are talking to a guy and he does not have any problems talking about all the girls he loves or has loved, and all this happens with an enviable regularity, then you can take this as a clear sign that your chosen one is not the one. who do you need.

5. Body language never lies... If a guy avoids eye contact, sits far from you, does not try to establish bodily contact (take a hand, support on the steps), his conversation takes place without any gestures, or he keeps his distance from you, then you can regard all this as signs that he is not interested and does not want to have any relationship with you.

6. He does not want to look for free time for meetings.... You rarely meet, he constantly has excuses in order to reschedule the meeting. And this happens more than once or twice. This began to happen systematically. It must be remembered that the one who really wants to meet with you will do everything possible and impossible to make this meeting take place. And for him, neither the time of day, nor distance, nor employment will matter. As you know, those who want are looking for an opportunity, those who do not want are looking for a reason ...

7. He's not only flirting with you... As noted above, the behavior of a guy with other people can be used to judge the importance of you in his life. Take a closer look at how he behaves in female society: does he overstep the bounds of what is permitted, what are his speech and gestures, is he flirting, is he trying to show himself in a more favorable light. Having discovered this, it is worth considering. Of course, one can assume that he is just a friendly, social, outgoing guy. However, if he behaves with other girls in the same way as with you, then he has no particular interest in your society.

8. He hides his emotions and feelings.... If a guy has something for you, then he will certainly report his feelings sooner or later. And it's not even a matter of words. This will be seen by himself (actions, look, speech). If the guy doesn't show any emotion, the best thing you can do is to give him some space and freedom. Just to make sure you don't waste your time on it. Let the initiative in the relationship go completely into his hands. If you don't see any special changes, then you will hardly wait for the continuation of these very relations ...

A man may say, “I have a terrible blockage at work; I recently experienced a breakup in a serious relationship, which was a big blow for me; the divorce of my parents left an indelible mark on my soul and brought a bunch of new troubles; now I need to focus on my career; I cannot start a relationship until everything in my life is going to work out; as soon as my situation improves, I will leave my wife, girlfriend, lousy job; I'm awfully busy. "

It's easier for us to jump out of the window than to say, "You don't suit me." We are one hundred percent sure that in this case you will kill us or yourself, or both of us, or, even worse, start crying and screaming. Even if we don't talk about it, we are clearly showing you our attitude. Stop making excuses for us, our actions speak for themselves: you just don't like you.

1. He doesn't like you that much since he doesn't ask you out on a date.

Because if he likes you, trust me, he will definitely make an appointment for you.

1. Excuse Option: He may not want to ruin our friendship

I hate to tell you about this, but this excuse does not hold water. Unfortunately, throughout the history of mankind, this excuse has never been used by those who really meant it. If we really care about a woman, we cannot bring ourselves to stop - we want more. And please don't tell me he's just "afraid." The only thing he is afraid of - and I affirm this, having sincere sympathy for you - is to admit that you are not attracted to him at all.

2. Option to justify: Probably, he hesitates to take the first step

You can hint to a man that you have sympathy for him, but you should not help him ask you out on a date. Again, dear ladies: the fact that you smile and playfully wink at him will be enough.

3. Option to justify: Maybe he doesn't want to rush things.

If a man really likes you, but there are deeply personal reasons why he does not want to rush things, he will immediately tell you about it. He will not leave you in the dark, as he needs confidence that you will not be disappointed and will not disappear from his life.

4. Excuse like "But he gave me his phone number"

Don't let him use cheap tricks to get you to ask him out on a date. If you are interested in a man, he will take all the trouble on himself. It sounds a little old-fashioned, but when a man likes a woman, he asks her out on a date.

5. Justification like "Perhaps he forgot about me"

Be sure you made an impression on him. Now leave it as it is. If he likes you, he will remember you even after the tsunami, flood or defeat of the Russian national team in the next match. If he forgot about you, do not waste time on him. Do you know why? Because you are great.

  • Any excuse essentially means that he is of little interest to you. Men are not afraid to "destroy friendships."
  • Don't fall for his tricks and don't ask him out on a date. If he likes you, he will invite you.
  • If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will.
  • “Hey, let's meet at such and such a party / in some bar / at a friend’s house” is not an invitation to date. Even if you live in New York.
  • The man remembers well if he liked you when he met, so hang up.
  • You are good enough to be asked out on a date.

2. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't call you.

Men know how to use the telephone

6. Justification like "But he's on the road so often"

Take a note: the man who is interested in you wants to spend time with you. And he'll be content with five phone calls only if he can't make it to the plane to rush to you.

7. Justification like "But his head is busy with completely different things"

The most important question here is, "Is it okay if a man forgot to call me?" I answer: "No." Unless he needs to rush someone to the hospital or someone has stolen his Ferrari. He should never forget that he promised to call you. If I really like you, I will never forget about you. Aren't you expecting a guy who would rather forget about everything that happened in his life than forget about you?

8. Justification like "He is not saying what he really thinks"

Here's the problem: At the end of a date or phone call, many men tell you what they think you would like to hear. They think it's better than nothing. So if the guy you are dating doesn't call you despite all his promises, is it worth getting hung up on him? After all, you need a man who can at least keep his word.

9. "But he's very busy" excuse

And now I'm going to make an outrageous, harsh and categorical statement about the relationship between a man and a woman: the word "busy" is complete nonsense, it is usually used by donkeys. The word "busy" in one gulp can destroy any relationship. Extreme "busyness" may seem like a compelling excuse, but in reality, there is always a man behind this concept who was not interested in calling you. Remember, men always have time to get what they want.

10. One hundred percent of the polled representatives of the stronger sex said: they will always find a moment to call a woman who they really like.

  • If he doesn't call you, then he doesn't think about you.
  • If he makes promises and then lets you down on little things, rest assured that the same will happen when it comes to bigger things. Keep that in mind, and keep in mind that this guy won't have a hard time disappointing you.
  • You should not build a relationship with someone who is not able to keep his word.
  • If he is not willing to make the slightest effort to calm you down and smooth over the brewing conflicts in your relationship, then he simply does not respect your feelings and needs.
  • Busy is the same as donkey. And the "donkey" is the same as the guy you are dating.
  • You deserve to be fucking called.

3. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't acknowledge the fact that you are dating.

Spending time together doesn't mean dating.

11. Justification like "He just went through a painful breakup."

He may be one of your closest friends, but as a man, he is not that infatuated with you. Beware of the word friend. It is often used by men or women who are in love with these men to justify their most swinish behavior. When choosing friends, I prefer people who don't upset me.

12. "But we are really dating" excuse

Men, like women, strive to find a sense of security and safety when they see a relationship getting serious. One common way to do this is to claim your loved one. A man who is truly passionate about you will want you to belong to him completely. What's wrong with that, girls?

13. "This is better than nothing" excuse

Let me remind you: you need a man who wants you, calls you regularly and makes you feel like the sexiest and most desirable woman in the world. He longs to see you more and more often, because each time his feeling grows stronger, growing from sympathy into true love. A relationship in which you meet with a man once every two weeks or once a month, without feeling either love or sympathy on his part, can last a day, or a week, or a month. But can they last a lifetime?

14. One hundred percent of the men surveyed said that fear of serious relationships never deterred them from starting a new romance. One young man even remarked: “The fear of seriousness is one of the myths. big city". And another guy said, "This is what we say to girls that we don't really like very much."

  • Men talk about their feelings, even if you refuse to listen or do not believe their confessions. “I'm not ready for a serious relationship” means “I'm not ready for a serious relationship with you"Or" I'm not sure that you are the woman that I need. " (I am sorry.)
  • "Better than nothing" shouldn't suit you.
  • If you do not understand what is happening in your relationship, then there is nothing wrong with slowing down and asking him a couple of questions.
  • Does it smell like uncertainty? Don't expect good things.
  • There is one guy in the world who wants to tell everyone that he is your boyfriend. Stop fooling around, go find him.

4. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't want to have sex with you.

If a man likes a woman, he always wants to touch her.

Dear ladies, you have already met and will meet a great many men. I hate to tell you this, but some of these men will simply decide that you are not their type. And none of those men who don't like you will ever tell you about it. And he will say that ... he is afraid, worried, languishing with fatigue, experiencing pain from a broken leg, suffering from a cold, afraid (again). But the truth, simple, cruel and bitter, is clear as broad daylight: you do not attract him, and he does not want to hurt you.

15. Justification like "He is afraid that he will hurt again"

Is he afraid? Yes, he is afraid of offending you. This is why he did not clarify the situation with your relationship in any way. Perhaps he is even trying to make himself feel at least something for you, talking about his love and that he does not want to lose you, but he could just as well sign in your diary. He loves you as a friend. If he loved you as a woman, he would not be able to control himself and would have a whirlwind romance with you, despite all the fears and unpleasant memories.

16. Justification like "I'm driving him so crazy that he doesn't show any interest."

Of course, many people have suffered in the past, and now they are afraid of serious relationships. But you know what? If a man really likes you, nothing will stop him from reaching you, even the fear of a serious relationship. If he has really big problems about it, he can go for goofy treatment, but he will never keep you in the dark.

17. "But this is so great" excuse

It used to be that a woman refuses to have sex when she wants to gain power over a man. It seems that the representatives of the stronger sex have also learned to use it. If a guy, lying on the couch with you, happily devours cookies and watches a movie (and at the same time is not gay), then you simply do not attract him.

18. Justification like "He finds a bunch of explanations for everything"

You can take his excuses if you like, but first ask yourself a couple of questions. Are you satisfied with this relationship? The most important thing here is whether you want to feel that way, perhaps for the rest of your life? Sex is also one of the greatest pleasures a person can experience. Therefore, it is at least strange when the person with whom you are dating prevents you from getting this pleasure.

19. Remember:

  • People are constantly talking about who they really are. If a man tells you that monogamy is not for him, then there is no reason not to believe him.
  • Communication is great. But if communication is combined with sex, it's even better. Call a spade a spade, or rather, call a friend a friend. And find yourself a friend who can't resist touching you.
  • If you have low self-esteem, then you will have to spend more time raising it than looking for a new boyfriend. Therefore, prioritize according to your needs.
  • If you are attracted by the thought of a thousand and one nights spent in the arms (and only) of some man, then get yourself a puppy.
  • Hot little thing, somewhere there is a man who really wants to make love to you.

5. He doesn't like you that much if he sleeps with another woman.

There is no truly compelling excuse for cheating.

Whatever problems darken your relationship, they don't give him the right to make love to another woman. Don't ask what you are to blame. Don't take the blame on yourself. And if he tells you that it happened by accident, then remember: cheating is never accidental. This is not an accident like "I stumbled, and I was sucked in by a swamp named" Treason "". He planned and brought it to life, fully aware that it could end your relationship. Remember: if he sleeps with another woman without your permission and approval, then he behaves not just like a man who is not so much attracted to you, but like a man who is not interested in you at all.

20. Justification like "He has no excuse, and he knows about it"

Cheating is bad. And the inability to explain why you cheated on a person is even worse. If one red flag isn't enough for you, how about two? Don't date men who don't know why they did this or that thing.

21. "But I got fat" excuse

I'm totally convinced that you need to lose 90 kg in the form of your worthless boyfriend, and not the twenty kilograms that he talks about. He cheated on you and called you fat. How much humiliation can a person endure? If something in your relationship does not suit him, then he should talk about it with you, instead of looking for consolation in the vagina of a stranger. Also, think about how he'll react if you get pregnant, get old, or get a few wrinkles? Or if you dye your hair a color he doesn't like? Get rid of this loser immediately, or I myself will come to your house and throw him out of there.

22. "He needs more sex than me" excuse

There is no excuse that he is cheating on you. Dot. There are many ways to solve this rather common problem, which arises from the difference in sexual appetites. As a rule, people start by talking frankly about this topic, and everyone agrees to do everything in their power to make their partner happy. In this case, it is not at all necessary to jump into bed with someone else!

23. "But he at least knew her" excuse

I explain in other words: it doesn't matter if he loves you or not. He made it clear to you what his relationship to your romance is. He went on about his feelings and arranged everything in such a way as to be alone with another woman, kiss her, take off her clothes and do everything else that usually happens when two adults have sex. Can you continue to love him after this?

24. One hundred percent of the men surveyed reported that they had never made love to a woman by pure chance. (But many of them wanted to know how such randomness occurs and what needs to be done to take advantage of it.)

  • There is no excuse for treason. Let me repeat: there is no excuse for cheating. Now tell it yourself: there is no excuse for cheating.
  • The only thing that you are responsible for in the moral fall of another person is your own feelings.
  • Treason is treason. It does not matter with whom he cheated on you and how many times it happened.
  • It becomes easier to change each time. It is difficult only the first time when you feel remorse and guilt for not justifying the trust of another person.
  • Cheaters are never happy. (Because they are all scoundrels.)
  • The unfaithful man is first of all cheating on himself, since he cannot build a normal relationship with you.

6. He doesn't like you that much if he only wants to see you when he is drunk.

If he likes you, he will be eager to see you when his brain is not clouded by alcohol fumes. If your clown wears a red nose every time it comes to intimacy, then this suggests that there are serious problems in your relationship.

25. "But I like it when he's drunk" excuse

If, sitting in a bar, he is drunk and says something like: "Baby, you are so beautiful!" and at the same time hugs you a little tighter than necessary, then it's high time to learn something: you can't believe everything that a man says when he is drunk. And listen to the ex-bad guy: “bad guys” are called bad because they have a lot of troubles, have no self-esteem, and besides, they absolutely do not believe in sincere love relationships, but very often they dress cool and ride cool wheelbarrows. Do you really need this one?

26. Justification like "At least he drinks not the strongest drinks"

Don't be fooled. A guy who doesn't fall off his feet or pee in his pants from drinking shouldn't get away with quietly turning off his brains in a different, easier way every time you're together. It's still intoxication, it's still a desire to avoid responsibility, and it's still not too good for you.

27. Remember:

  • His words mean nothing if he uttered them while intoxicated. “I love you,” or the like, spoken under the influence of any drink stronger than grape juice has no effect in court or in real life.
  • Drinking alcohol and drugs is not the path to the innermost feelings of a person. Otherwise, people would not have smashed empty beer bottles on their heads and tried to touch the flame of the fire to find out if they felt something or not.
  • If he wants to see you, communicate with you, have sex with you only when he is tipsy, this is not love, this is sport.
  • Bad guys are called bad guys for a reason.
  • You deserve the kind of man who doesn't need to pump up to spend time with you.

7. He doesn't like you that much if he doesn't want to marry you.

Love heals commitment mania

Every one of your ex-men who told you they didn't want to get married, or don't believe in marriage, or have doubts about marriage, will someday be bound by sacred ties. Not with you. Because he is not talking about not wanting to get married at all. He talks about not wanting to marry you.

28. Justification like "It's very complicated now."

If you focus on the state of your finances when choosing the time for your wedding, this auspicious period will never come. If your boyfriend uses lack of money as an excuse not to marry you, then your relationship is in danger, not his bank account.

29. Excuse like "But he's all like himself"

If you have to sit and think about how to start a conversation about marriage with a person with whom you have had a close relationship for quite some time, then this is an alarming signal. Immediately call him in for a frank conversation and sort things out. Then, as soon as you are ready, go in search of a person whose entire thoughts will be occupied with how you feel.

30. A dilemma like "Is this really an excuse not to get married?"

Marriage is a tradition that we inherited from previous generations, which is why marriage has so many opponents. Let it be so: if a man is categorically against marriage, and you are in favor with both hands, then please make sure that behind his unwillingness to marry lies only a dislike for the very institution of marriage, and not any other feelings or their absence.

31. "I'm just not ready yet" excuse

I hate to tell you about this, but he does not want to rush for just one reason: he is still not sure that you are the one.

32. "He has seen enough other failed marriages" excuse

For a worthy man, meeting a woman with whom he wants to share his life always becomes a real event. And, probably, if he realizes that this is exactly the woman, he will not immediately inform her that the mere thought of registering their relationship disgusts him.

33. One hundred percent of the men surveyed admitted that they would no doubt offer a hand and a heart to a woman if they were completely sure that it was she who was the love of their life. One representative of the stronger sex said: "What kind of an idiot you have to be not to marry the woman you love?"

  • “Doesn't want to marry” and “Doesn't want to marry me” are two different things. Make sure that you have correctly identified which category your chosen one belongs to.
  • If you have opposing views of marriage, there are likely to be other issues that will lead to disagreements. It's time to make a problem list.
  • If nothing changes in your relationship, then what are you waiting for?
  • Somewhere on earth there is a man who wants to marry you.

8. He doesn't like you that much if he dumped you.

“I don’t want to be with you” still means exactly that

34. "He needs me" excuse

Do not be satisfied that he is bored without you. He should be bored. You are so unique. And yet he was and remains the person who left you. Remember, there is only one reason he may be bored remembering you: he thinks he doesn't want to spend the day with you.

35. Justification like "After such a decision is much easier"

If he meets you, calls you out, dumps you and continues to sleep with you, which, in fact, relieves him of any responsibility for your feelings for him. There is one thing a young man will never do if he cannot imagine his life without you: he will never leave you. The only way for you to know if you love yourself is to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

36. Excuse like "But everyone does it"

Stop holding on to his cock, get dressed and quickly head home to your best friend. And don't look for an excuse to stay with him. And do not think that all this crazy passion will inevitably lead to the fact that you will be together again. Oh yeah, having sex after a breakup isn't bad at all, because it's great to sleep with someone you know. It's also great to sleep with someone you have strong feelings for. This combination is what makes sex after a breakup so bright. But now you know that because of this, real confusion arises in your head and you start to feel terrible. Face it: you are a woman, and women do not know how to separate love and sex. And don't make these mistakes again. Got it? He doesn't like you that much. He likes a very bad idea much better, which is disguised as a very good idea, namely sex after a breakup. Like this.

37. Excuse like "But then he wants to come back"

Unfortunately, after you break up, your boyfriend starts looking for something better. And when he does not succeed, he is seized by loneliness and he returns "home". He doesn't seem to like you very much. He just really doesn't like being alone.

38. Justification like "I refuse to accept the fact that he left me"

I'm sorry he left you. Trying to get him back over and over again, you lead your ex-boyfriend to the thought, "What did I even find in this nutty bitch?" Remember one simple tip, ladies: Always be on top. Never go crazy. Well, well, in fact, this is not even one, but two whole tips. But trust me, you will never regret listening to them. At the very least, this will save you from the unpleasant memories of how you cut his clothes to pieces or threw out all the photos with him.

39. Remember:

  • You can't prevent a breakup by talking. Discussions won't help here. The severance of relations is a final decision and cannot be appealed.
  • Having sex after a breakup doesn't mean you're back together.
  • Stop communicating with him. Let him miss you.
  • You don't need to remind him how great you are.
  • He himself can take care of his cat.
  • "Gorgeous woman" will never torment his answering machine.
  • Somewhere a young man is waiting for you who will be just happy that you have not gotten back to your horribly nasty ex-boyfriend.

9. He doesn't like you that much if he just took it and disappeared

Sometimes I have to put an end to myself.

Well, everything is very clear here. He made you understand that you are so not his type that he did not even bother to leave you at least some news about himself. The only thing you have to take away from this love story is the fact that he decided to leave you. And he didn't have the courage to tell you about it, looking into your eyes. Case is closed.

40. "Maybe he died" excuse

There is nothing worse than not getting an answer from your loved one. But the problem is that the lack of an answer is the answer for you. Perhaps he did not write a farewell letter, but his silence speaks more clearly: "I don't like you." The only reason you should write to him again is if you want to get an explicit rejection, now in verbal form. Have you forgotten? You are too busy with your fans and you don't have time for such nonsense.

41. Excuse like "So, it turns out, I can't even quarrel with him for the last time?"

At first, it may seem that it will make you feel better if you call him and make a scandal. You may feel like you've let it get out of the water. But trust me, nothing you want to tell him will be a revelation to him. And you already have something to spend your time on.

42. "But I just want an answer" excuse

Do you deserve to find out what really happened? Undoubtedly. I can tell you what happened: you met a terrible person. The easiest way to correct this mistake is to draw certain conclusions for yourself, move on and continue to be more choosy in choosing a partner. Do it all quickly, without wasting a minute of your precious time.

43. One hundred percent of the male respondents who “disappeared” from the woman's field of vision said they were fully aware that they had done something terrible and no amount of phone calls or late conversations would make them change their minds.

  • He may actually be in the hospital suffering from amnesia, but chances are he's just not all that infatuated with you.
  • The lack of an answer is his answer to you.
  • Don't give him the opportunity to reject you again.
  • Let his mother give him scandals. And you are too busy for that.
  • There is no mystery here: he simply left your life, and he was not worthy of you.

10. He doesn't like you so much if he is married (this also includes all the other, most incredible reasons why he cannot be with you)

If you cannot love each other freely and openly, then this is not true love. No matter how strong and sincere your feelings for another person are, if he cannot answer them honestly and fully, that is, with mutual love, these feelings do not mean anything.

44. Excuse like "But his wife is such a bitch!"

No matter how unhappy his marriage was and no matter how terrible his wife treated him, things were definitely not so bad, otherwise he would have left her long ago. A sincere love relationship doesn't deserve to be hidden. Find yourself a man who won't hide his feelings.

45. "But he's such a good person" excuse

Please do not try to ignore this fact. He is married to another woman. I know you are not like everyone else, and in your case everything is different, but the fact remains: he is married. If in your entire life you are ready to stop at a red light only once, then this is just such a case. It's just that the stakes are too high for everyone who plays this game.

46. ​​"I just have to wait" excuse

If, at a certain stage in the development of relations, it comes to “waiting for him,” this is an alarming signal. It is not a stock in which you are going to invest money. He is a man whose heart must be open enough to be ready to meet you and fall madly in love with you. If someone really likes you, they will quickly solve all their problems and make a lot of efforts so as not to lose you.

47. Remember:

  • He is married.
  • If it does not belong to you wholly and completely, then it belongs to her.
  • There are a lot of cool and gentle single men in the world. Try to meet one of them.
  • If a man yells and vomits curses at his ex-wife or mourns a previous girlfriend, go to a movie with someone else.
  • He is married.
  • No need to join the ranks of those very women.
  • You are not easily forgotten. Let him find you when he is ready for a new relationship.

11. He doesn't like you that much if he acts like a selfish selfish person, a braggart, or just like a big jerk

If he really loves you, he will do his best to make you happy.

48. "But he really wants to get better" excuse

Loving people try to relate well to each other and even enjoy showing their loved ones tenderness and care. If your partner is very bad at it, then you end up reaping the same benefits as in the situation called "He doesn't like you that much."

49. Excuse like "But he was just brought up like that"

It doesn't have to be that he's crazy about your CD collection. He doesn't have to like all of your shoes. But any full-fledged and prudent man is simply obliged to make an effort on himself and love your friends and your family, especially if they are all such wonderful people.

50. "But he will change" excuse

Hot temper is not a temporary problem. People who yell at others simply do not know how to control themselves and need psychiatric help. People who yell at others think they have a right to do so. Hey pretty girl, do you really want to start a family like this?

51. Justification like "After all, it is only important what happens between us in private"

Why be with a person who needs to humiliate you in order to feel their own superiority? Especially in front of friends! Why should you pay attention to the fact that he treats you better when you are alone? After all, he is just waiting for how to bring you into people in order to humiliate you. Throw it! Go to college and write a diploma on the topic: "How to find a man who is not ashamed to show your friends."

52. "But he's just trying to help" excuse

It is not only such behavior when a man beats a woman is called offensive. It is also possible and should be considered offensive behavior when a man shouts at a woman, publicly humiliates her or reminds her that she is too fat, thereby making her feel unattractive. It is very difficult to believe that you deserve true love when someone is struggling to convince you that you are not worthy of anything at all in this life. But, as I see, all the admonitions to part with him still do not work for you. So to begin with, just realize that you are too good for this kind of relationship. You are too good for this kind of relationship.

53. Justification like "He just hasn't found himself yet."

54. Excuse like "Maybe this is one of his little oddities!"

You will surely meet men who do not like hugging, kissing, or having sex. You will spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to deal with it and if you are the cause of this behavior. Or you may simply come to the conclusion that these people do not like doing what you think is an integral part of a fulfilling life, and go in search of someone who shares your views.

The joke sounds, for example, like this: "Hey, Bjork called, she wants to take back her dress." And the insult - like this: "God, well, you are corroded!" But the most important thing is to understand what you need. All of you definitely deserve better treatment!

55. One hundred percent of the men surveyed said they never tried to humiliate or upset a woman they really liked. And this is the most important thing.

  • Do not complicate an already difficult life by sharing it with a person who gives you a lot of trouble.
  • You are worthy of such a man who will behave with you as befits in any situation. (Remember to treat him well, too.)
  • There is no reason to yell at another person unless they are in mortal danger.
  • Assholes belong in the circus, not in your apartment.
  • You already have one ass, why do you need another?
  • By getting rid of useless people, you will have a lot of free time that you can spend on things that give you pleasure.
  • Believe in yourself. How could it be otherwise?

13. So what should you do?

56. Here you ask: "What if there is no next novel at all?" And we will answer: “Send these terrible thoughts on a long voyage on a ship that will certainly sink, because it is destined to crash on the reefs of the Isle of Sorrow. And we don't want you to be on this ship. "

Your new requirements:

  • I will not date someone who doesn’t ask me out on his own.
  • I will not meet with a person who makes me wait for hours for his call.
  • I will not date a person who is not sure if he wants to date me.
  • I will not date someone who makes me feel sexually unattractive.
  • I will not date someone who abuses alcohol or drugs, so it makes me uncomfortable.
  • I will not date a person who is afraid to make plans for the future with me.
  • Under no circumstances will I waste time with a person who has already rejected me once.
  • I will not date a married man.
  • I will not date a man if he is not really a kind, sincere and gentle person.

Now it's your turn. Only you know what other requirements you want to present to your future chosen one. Write them all down. And don't forget about them.



This should mean this: I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you.


This should mean the following: today was my inauguration as President of the United States.
In some cases, it means: I just don't like you that much.

Bad guy

This should mean the following: A guy to stay away from.
In some cases, this means: A guy to stay away from.

I'm not ready

This should mean the following: I can't find my pants.
In some cases, it means: I just don't like you that much.

Call me

This should mean the following: I accidentally dropped my cell phone off the cliff into the ocean.
In some cases, it means: I just don't like you that much.

I don't like your family

This should mean the following: I do not want to meet with your mother.
In some cases, it means: I just don't like you that much.

I'm afraid of intimacy

This should mean the following: I am really very afraid of intimacy.
In some cases, it means: I just don't like you that much.

And you will be happy!

The post is based on the book by Greg Berendt, Liz Tuchillo “He just doesn't like you. The whole truth about men. " We recommend that you read the entire book in its entirety.

Often, when meeting a man, women are faced with the following problem: it is very difficult to determine by his behavior whether he feels sympathy for his interlocutor, or whether he shows signs of attention only out of politeness.

There are times when a man behaves rather ambiguously, and even strange - then it becomes even more difficult to determine his attitude. But there is good news: it is still possible to do this if you know a few secrets of the psychology of communication.

Here is what the worldwide network "says" about this ....

Signs that a man is interested in you

It doesn't matter where you met a man: in a bar, a store or at a friend's house, the fact remains, you wonder if he really shows interest in you. Fortunately, determining the interest of men is not very difficult. They do not tend to be cunning or cunning, and they express their attitude towards a woman directly.
It turns out that when a man likes a woman, he subconsciously begins to send signals to her. Now the main thing is to recognize such signals, which are manifested in facial expressions and sign language.

According to an old hackneyed legend, it is a man who takes the first step on the path to a relationship: throws flowers, invites you to dinner. And women pretend to be touchy, hiding their interest. What nonsense! In fact, it is women who always take the first step and set the pace, flow, and direction of romantic relationships. It turns out, as a rule, women are very good at deciphering body language. You just need to pay attention to the gestures and movements of the man, to his views.

The fact is that not every man feels confident in the presence of a girl, especially if he likes her. Some, due to their natural temperament, behave modestly, others cannot show their true feelings because of hidden complexes or fear of failure. If a woman can determine the nature of the doubts of the object of her sympathy and tactfully help him to open up, then a generous reward awaits her: gratitude and an increased degree of trust on the part of the chosen one.

All people are different. It will be typical for someone to actively try to attract the attention of the object of desire, to flirt, to wink. Someone will hesitate to show their interest. But there are universal signs that are common to all men.

As a rule, it is the gesticulation of a person that carries the greatest amount of information about a person's mood, his emotional state. Controlling your movements and gestures is not an easy task that requires special training. But even if the interlocutor makes very few movements, then his posture, posture, head turn can speak volumes.

Consider the most obvious gestures of a man that indicate that he has clear sympathy for his interlocutor.

Signal "Passed by"
He walked by several times. If a man "revolves" around a certain woman, periodically passing by her for no apparent reason - this is one of the most obvious signs that she is interested in him.
A man may not look at the object of sympathy when he is nearby - thereby he demonstrates himself, tries to arouse interest in his own person and not give away his feelings at the same time.

It is important to be especially careful here, because a man can walk past you several times and not of his own free will, but, for example, performing an assignment. In order to most accurately determine his intentions, it is better to play it safe and carefully observe him: does he show any signs of attention to you.

Signal "I would have hugged" ...
If a man, communicating with you, simultaneously spread his arms (leaning on the railing of the stairs or the back of a chair) - this is a hidden symbol of hugs.

Signal "I want to be closer"

The classic public distance is about 3.5 m and more; business from 1.5 m to 3.5 m; friendly - from 0.75 m to 1.5 m; and the closer one is intimate.
If the interlocutor is trying to get closer to you, then he wants to be closer not only in the literal sense of the word.

It's simple - the closer your man wants to be to you, the more he is attracted to you, and in the literal sense. When a person is absorbed in you, he will try to catch your fleeting glance, to catch every word and smile.
If your feelings for him are mutual, smile back.

Signal "Copy gestures"
Male interest in a girl can manifest itself as follows. The young man will try to captivate the conversation, to interest. If a man unknowingly repeats the gestures of a woman with whom this moment talks (also throws his legs over his legs, tilts his head in the same direction, moves in the same rhythm) - this suggests that he is tuned in to the wave of his interlocutor, and she is deeply sympathetic to him.
During a conversation, he will quite often bend over to his companion, lower the tone of his voice, and therefore the phrases will sound a little "intimate."

If during a conversation a man does not hide his palms, but, on the contrary, demonstrates them and lifts them up - most likely, he speaks sincerely and seeks to challenge you sincerity.
He can also put one leg forward - this may indicate that he is taking a step towards her.

Signal "You are nice to me"
A smile is already a great sign, and a sincere smile during a conversation between a man and a woman cannot but testify to mutual sympathy. An open, benevolent smile is often easy to distinguish from a "strained", insincere, reminiscent of the grin of an animal. Take a closer look at how tense or relaxed the muscles of his face are when he smiles.
Feel free to show your feelings and smile back. In addition, by starting a conversation with a smile, you will immediately win over the interlocutor.

- If, when shaking hands, his palm turns up, he is ready to obey you.

- If his two palms clasp one palm, expresses sincerity and friendliness.

- If a man touches your arm or elbow - this is a manifestation of sympathy.

Signal "I want to like it"
First of all, when the object of interest appears in his field of vision, the man tries to become visually taller, more fit and stately.
If a man straightens his shoulders, pushing his chest forward, stretches, plays with muscles, raises his chin - this indicates his desire to impress a woman.
A man begins to smarten up at the sight of a woman he likes, much like animals do during mating.

He tidies himself up "from head to toe" - he suddenly remembers that he needs to comb his hair, straighten up, draw in his stomach and so on.
This also includes the manipulation of his hair. He tries to smooth them, shakes his head or fiddles with his hair, trying to build a hairstyle, the name of which is translated from French as "crow's nest."

"Games with the wardrobe" begin: a man pulls on his jacket, straightens his tie, straightens the collar of his shirt, or simply smoothes his clothes with his hands or shakes off dust particles from it - these gestures indicate that a man seeks to please a woman, so he begins to "clean his feathers" in order to appear in front of her in the most presentable way.
Noticing with horror that his boots are covered with a thick layer of dust, he will try to discreetly wipe them on the back of his trousers.

Adjusting a tie is a typical man's gesture. But the way he does it speaks to his thoughts and feelings at the moment. The tie refers to phallic symbols, having an oblong shape, like the main male weapon, and its position clearly indicates the source of this similarity.

So, a man touches a tie in two cases - when he is confused and wants to give himself confidence, and preening before a decisive attack on a woman. If in the first case, the gesture will be accompanied by an active movement of the neck and head, then in the second, the hands move more, straightening the tie knot, and the chest protrudes forward. In either case, this gesture is generally intended to give a man more confidence and decisiveness in realizing his intentions.

Signal "Hands are a magnet"
Everything that we like is always attractive and interesting. I want to touch it, study it. It is possible to understand that the partner is in a state of arousal because he is constantly trying to touch his interlocutor.
It's perfectly okay if you notice that the other person wants to touch you from time to time. This means that he needs more of your attention. And through tactile contact, he is placed even closer to you.
If a man is pleasant to you, casually touch him back as a sign of reciprocity.

The degree of tactile ingratiation depends on the situation, the specifics of the relationship of the couple, the behavior of the lady herself and the level of upbringing of the man. An inexperienced young man will seek touch timidly and clumsily. The body will constantly give it away, showing confusion, embarrassment, and sometimes even fear.

An experienced lover will start a subtle erotic game on the verge of what is permissible, forcing his companion to respond and seek contact with his hands herself. In such a dangerous sexual game, a woman from the first seconds is at the mercy of her seducer, making it clear that she agrees to everything.

If the subject of sexual desires is kept strictly and detached, and the upbringing is quite strict, one might say - puritanical, the man will not dare to "storm" too persistently, fearing a vivid negative reaction, but he will still make attempts.

Signal "Metamorphoses with voice"
A man who is carried away is betrayed by a voice. If his “sweetheart” is involved in the conversation among others, the speech of the young man changes depending on who he is addressing.
With other men, he will speak harshly and rudely (possible rivals!). But when communicating with a cordial friend, the timbre will change, the speech will acquire melodious notes, the voice will sound more velvety.
The reason for the metamorphosis, again, is rooted in the animal world: males from the wild, in the fight for a female, could pull out feathers to each other. The world of men is not without cruelty. And not without a healthy spirit of competition.

By the way, changes in the voice sometimes betray the beautiful half of humanity. By focusing on charming you, the girl will speak at the same volume as her counterpart. If you speak quietly and measuredly, the interlocutor will not want to disturb the harmony. For the sake of preserving all the same harmony, it will support you even when you inspire you to shake the air with bass trills, banging your fist to the beat.

Signal "You are interesting to me"
Of course, it is necessary not only to observe the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor, but also to listen to what he is talking about, otherwise you can find yourself in a very uncomfortable position for you. You should carefully monitor the content of his speech, the meaning of his jokes, changes in mood during a conversation.

If in a conversation a man takes the initiative into his own hands, directing the conversation, asking a lot of questions, this suggests that the interlocutor is very interesting to him. On the other hand, if the conversation is exclusively business or on professional topics, this may mean that the man has not yet seen an attractive woman in his communication partner.

A man's desire to talk only about himself and his hobbies may be a sign that he is not very interested in a woman. Sincere, open laughter in a woman's company indicates that a man does not hesitate to express his emotions in her presence, and this already speaks of trust.

Pay attention signal
The masculine nature is constant activity. If he likes a woman, then he will try to meet her, communicate, get into her field of vision, interest in something, stand out from the crowd.
In no case will he neglect the attention of the object of interest, on the contrary, he will be as sympathetic and courteous as possible. The man will try to learn as much as possible about the woman, and will also talk more about himself.

A man seeks to spend as much time as possible with his friend. This is the time of intimate conversations, cultural trips to various creative and entertaining locations, but does not require special “sacrifices” on the part of your partner.

"Accidental encounters" are by no means accidental. These are clear signs that the object is lacking your company and attention.

Signal "Important to me"
If a man is in love, he listens to the woman's opinion. Have you noticed how the shirt sits on a man and you don't like it? He will never wear this shirt again.
He inwardly remembers every little thing about a woman, tries to find out more about her, without asking about anything. Begins to be interested in what she is interested in.

Another sign of interest on the part of the stronger sex is his ability to memorize any little things about the object of interest. Dates, events, names - everything said between times can be carefully preserved by the male mind.

Signal "changing next to you"
Some men straighten their tie in your presence, others turn into clowns, starting to behave noisily and cheerfully, although in ordinary life they behave differently. Any hyper-active movement or exaggerated gesture means that he is thus showing an interest in you.
A keen man does not know that worse than a shy guy at a party where everyone goes crazy, there can only be a shy guy who pretends to be a tough macho and climbs out of his skin, posing as an alpha male and trying to imitate Casanova or his more cheeky friends to please your darling.

His appearance often changes .. Various little things (a new suit, a bright shirt, a tie to match the shirt, neatly styled hair, a watch and a fashionable perfume) may indicate that the man wanted to look for you the best way... He wants (consciously or subconsciously) for you to pay attention to him.

Eyebrow Dancing Signal
When looking at a woman, his facial expression can also change. Shy guys often avoid the gaze of even a girl they like, but a confident young man, when he sees his future lover, will look at her with wide eyes and slightly raised eyebrows.
Raising eyebrows, as a rule, indicate that the person is showing interest in the interlocutor. But this is in the event that the conversation is casual, because a serious topic of conversation can cause a concentrated or even tense expression on the face of the interlocutor.

A slightly surprised or mocking expression may indicate that he finds you attractive but considers you "a complete fool." In this case, a calm, hard look is preferable - this man finds you boring.

If a man during a conversation does not know what to do with his hands - twists the ring on his finger, fiddles with the edge of his clothes, a cufflink or a button on his jacket, we can safely conclude that he is worried. And the reason for his excitement, most likely, was the charming companion.

Signal "I will always help"
Compliments, gifts, gallant attitude and the desire to constantly help, but without fanaticism. Even if she is not in a difficult and unpleasant situation, the man will still try to make her life easier and better. He will be characterized by the desire to always be there.
First, it means patronage, protection, willingness to help. Secondly, the man is subconsciously convinced that you are in his hands and will not disappear anywhere. And thirdly, this is a completely understandable hint to the rest of the men: the place is no longer vacant.

Moreover, his help can be manifested in small things: throw your jacket over your shoulders so that you do not freeze, give you your umbrella, and walk in the rain yourself.
If a girl notices a clear "inflection" with attention and care, most likely, the guy is extremely interested in a partner

Excessive pressure may indicate the "hunter's instinct" and, having achieved the goal, the man will simply grow cold towards the chosen one.
Another scenario: the person showing caring and overprotectiveness is inherently overly caring and persistent

Signal "I will break everyone"
Jealousy is an equally important indicator of his interest. Every man is a predator and hunter by nature, it is in his blood. And the presence of another male in the occupied territory, even if it is a friend of his girlfriend, will give rise to unpleasant emotions in him.

He can be annoyed by someone else's male attention directed to a woman, looks, words and gifts.
He will not be able to tolerate in the immediate vicinity of his potential rivals. He can act assertively and even aggressively with men who pay attention to you.

A little jealousy of a man for a woman is an indicator that the man likes the woman and that the relationship is developing in the right direction.

How can normal jealousy be manifested? He reacts when you mention another man in his presence.

The first is that the man is somehow trying to turn the conversation from your delighted discussion with another man (naturally, who is superior to him in some way) to his own successes or to other topics.
Or maybe he will start defiantly turning the conversation to another topic, talking about an attractive mutual friend or his favorite actress.

The second is an attempt to find some flaws in such a man whom his woman admires.

Third, he tries to remove “male friends” from a woman’s life in some way. That is, do not invite guests, change the schedule or route, be rude, etc.

If his woman ceases to admire another man, or the man who cares for his woman disappears, the men “friends” leave, then the jealousy goes away. (In contrast to the pathological, which never goes anywhere, regardless of time and circumstances).

It is worth noting that most of the signs that speak of male attention to a particular woman are inseparable from sexual attraction. This is the nature of the stronger sex - as a rule, their spiritual interest goes hand in hand with the bodily one. There is no need to fight this, on the contrary, it is worth rejoicing. After all, this means that a man in love will not even look towards another woman.

Signs that a man "wants" you

Any woman dreams of penetrating the thoughts and consciousness of a man, discovering all his secrets, secret desires and fantasies, and understanding his nature. Indeed, knowing what a young man desires at a given moment, a woman will be able to manipulate him, achieving her own goals.

A man who wants sex automatically turns into a "piece of clay" from which a woman can mold whatever she needs. The problem is only one: how to understand when the chosen one is really sexually interested and what kind of woman he wants at the moment.

How to evaluate a man's behavior correctly if you have known each other for a long time?

In psychology, there are a lot of techniques to distinguish between lies and truth, to predict the desires and intentions of the interlocutor, to determine whether a man wants a woman and what are his future plans. Men by nature are not endowed with such a powerful emotional potential, rich facial expressions and unrestrained nature, as the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

If the physiological needs can still be somehow predicted, then in-depth studies of the subconscious are impossible. Most psychologists advise you to just have a heart-to-heart talk, finding out what a man wants: sex without commitment, a serious relationship, or he sees a woman as a friend.

Direct signs of sexual interest

To understand that a man sexually desires a woman, you should take a closer look at some behavioral moments. It is easiest to “count thoughts” in emotionally open people.

Their flirting and ambiguous jokes accompany the entire stage of flirting and verbal sexual foreplay. If the interlocutor pours "greasy" jokes, trying to focus on his excitement, and seduce the ladies' ears with especially piquant compliments, then this is the beginning of a thorny path to bed. This model of behavior is inherent in sexually liberated, emotional, mentally open individuals.

Poses signaling "I want you!"

When a man wants to satisfy his physiological needs, emotionally he can restrain himself, but the body always gives out the essence of the desires of its owner.
The master of body language interpretation, Alan Pease, in his bestselling book Body Language. How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures ”gives the following example of the expression of sympathy by men. The surest signs of arousal are:

  • Hands are in pockets, but thumbs are pointedly exposed... When a guy takes this position, it is the surest sign that he wants his partner. Most often, these are self-confident dominants who set the tone in communication, bed, everyday life, but such persons also prefer to interrupt their game, regardless of the opinions and feelings of others

  • An even more frank gesture is when the thumb is placed behind the belt or waistband of the trousers- do not go to the fortune-teller, you "hooked" him.
  • Another very eloquent gesture, focusing the attention of a woman in the area of ​​male thighs, is hands caught with thumbs in pockets, belt, straps of trousers, etc.... In this case, the palms often lie along the inner thighs, creating a kind of viewfinder aimed at the "center of the composition."

  • But if in your presence he thrust his hands into his pockets completely, and his shoulders squeezed or slouched over, this indicates his emotional "tightness".
  • The desire to continue the conversation with a more intimate connotation is said unfolded body, palms closer to the hips, and the interlocutor himself is trying to protect his lady from the views and influence of strangers. Being "captured", the girl feels pressure and interest on an intuitive level
  • Boot socks always a man involuntarily turns in the company towards the person who is most emotionally and physically attractive at the moment. If a lady noticed that the "sight" is aimed at her, then there is every chance to successfully persuade a man to fulfill his fantasies and desires
  • Signs that are true for both men and women - involuntary and frequent preening, constant touch of hair, tie, accessories. If a man wants his interlocutor, he involuntarily wants to look as attractive as possible, which is quite natural and understandable

  • When a young man starts to "loop" on the same status attribute(expensive cufflinks, designer tie, branded watches or fashionable glasses), most likely, he is trying to demonstrate his worth to a potential partner.
    A woman should understand that she is a respectable and successful person, and when such a man shows signs of attention, they should be appreciated.
  • If a man sits opposite a woman with his legs wide enough- he feels free, relaxed. This pose is taken on a subconscious level so that the woman sees him as a male (showing the female genital area is a biological instinct in many primates)
    Many women misinterpret this pose as a sign of self-confidence and bragging, but this is not the case. This happens at the level of instincts, and you cannot argue against nature.

How to tell if your partner wants sex: hidden signs

Lips are a sensual area that attracts sexually, seduces in flirting, receives and rewards oral sex. When a man involuntarily licks his lips, he sends a signal "I want you" to the lady with whom he is in contact at the moment.

  • Hidden features include constantly touching your lips with your finger... When a guy talks to the girl he wants, he will subconsciously look at her lips, touching his mouth. This gesture is embedded deeply subconsciously, and it is almost impossible to control it.
  • One of the sensual and ingratiating scenarios of flirting on the part of a man is deliberately creating a situation where he tries to touch the interlocutor's mouth... It should look natural and as if in passing: brush away the crumb, wipe off a drop of the drink, try to “feel you more fully”. It will not be difficult for a partner to understand that this is a frank invitation to sexual relations.

  • It is also likely that a man, when talking to a sexually attractive partner for him, will drive on the cheek up and down with the back of the fingers, touching the ears or rubbing the chin.

"I only want you": hypersexual signs

Men who desperately want to take possession of a woman sexually demonstrate this in every possible way in everyday life and in simple companionship. When a guy shields the girl from the company of other interlocutors, as if hanging over her, he involuntarily shows his emotional dependence and desire to possess the girl.

He wants to become the center of her world. This scares many ladies, but such a gesture does not carry any aggression. It is rather persistence and manifestation of sexual tension.

Eye contact

It is believed that women mainly look at the shoulders and arms of a potential partner, and if possible, at the legs and buttocks. Men first assess the whole figure as a whole, the style of clothing and, finally, their gaze falls on the chest, then on the waist and hips.
Eyes never lie. This is indeed the case. The main thing is to correctly "read" what is written in those eyes.

In principle, the stronger sex is very talented, and with his eyes he can do anything:

  • Caress
  • Mentally undress
  • Flirt
  • Trying to pity (a popular technique, and often with a claim to success)
  • Confuse and deliberately "drive into the paint"

Be that as it may, a sexually impressed man will make it clear that he is looking at you. Experts also call this look floating: its eyes examine you from head to toe, focusing on the most interesting details of the body. Often the eyes of a man who has sympathy for a woman linger for a long time in the area of ​​her décolleté - you should not think that at this moment a man is thinking “only about one thing,” often he looks there unconsciously. However, you should remember that this is primarily a message: I see you as a potential sexual partner.

A prolonged eye-to-eye gaze also indicates that a man has a genuine interest in a woman and is open to communication with her. In this case, the pupils of his eyes will be dilated.
Experts say that the reason for the dilated pupils is an excited state of the brain. It is believed that if you do not feel anxiety or fear, then your pupils can dilate when you look at someone you like. That is, from pleasure. Therefore, when talking "face to eye" do not take your eyes off the eyes of your interlocutor. If his pupils suddenly began to close even the iris, feel free to write it down at the expense of your charm.
If the gaze is intent, but "cold", a little indifferent, and the pupils remain narrow, this indicates that the man evaluates the woman, but has not yet determined for himself whether she is interesting to him or not.

You shouldn't rely on eye contact 100%, but it doesn't hurt to attach importance to it. If you like a man, then there is no reason to avoid his gaze. Moreover, a careful glance during a conversation indicates interest.

If your counterpart cannot take his eyes off you, then know that he is head over heels in love with you.

But do not forget about the temperament and personal characteristics of a man, perhaps he really likes you, but by nature he is embarrassed to show his feelings and shyly looks away.

There is only one problem: if a woman is in love or is involved too much in a love affair, then it may be wrong to decipher the visual signals. Simply put: sometimes we see what we want to see, and not what it really is.

Several signs that a man is in love with you

It is no secret that men and women are arranged completely differently, think and act in their own way, as they say, "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus."
The stronger sex attaches importance to the visual aspects, but for the beautiful half of humanity, it is important what and how men say. Sometimes we miss the banal and simple phrase “I love you”.

I don’t know why it’s so difficult to pronounce these words, but, as a rule, men let us feel their love in other ways. It's not that they can't talk about their feelings - it's just that I think they don't think about them as often as women ...

It is not uncommon for men to express their feelings in very strange ways. Well, for example...

He sends stupid sms
The more banal the text of the message, the more he is in love with you. For example, if the content of the message is something like this: "I drink" Margarita "or" I just saw a cat, she looks so much like you, "there is no doubt that he is" head over heels "in love.

He calls constantly
Generally, there are 3 reasons why men use the phone:
a) for work;
b) for emergencies;
c) to hear someone's voice. And if you are not his colleague and not an employee of the rescue service, then he is only interested in you and he wants to hear only your voice.

He shares his feelings with you.
He is not afraid to be himself in front of you: he is not ashamed to tell that he was moved by yesterday's film, that he quarreled with a friend. If a man tells you about his experiences, you mean much more to him than all other women in the world.

He asks for your advice
"What do you think to write on your brother's greeting card?" - men ask this kind of questions if they are in love and they are really interested in your opinion.

He introduces you to all your friends and buddies
If a man is truly in love and plans to build a serious relationship with you, he will definitely introduce you to his friends, acquaintances and introduce you to all the acquaintances he meets by chance.

So he makes it clear that you are busy, that you are his woman.

He introduces you to his family
Men can date a girl for several months, but if they do not take her seriously, then they are in no hurry to introduce her to their parents and other relatives.
If he decided to make an acquaintance and even insists that you definitely come to Christmas dinner, then his intentions are serious, and he sees you as his companion, and maybe his wife.

You often hear from his buddies that he has changed.
Nobody knows your man better than his friends. If they start jokingly telling him that he has changed, stopped, or, conversely, started doing something, then this indicates that you are influencing him.

All his actions, all the changes in him are for your sake.

If a woman is important for a man, then a man is ready to change something in himself and his life, even if it is not very easy for him. If a woman is not very important for a man, then the man is not ready to change anything, but requires changes from the woman, or he is indifferent to everything.

He only looks at you
A man is always betrayed by his eyes. A man in love can look at his chosen one for hours.

The visual perception of the surrounding world is much more important for a man than for a woman. Therefore, as soon as you find yourself nearby, a man in love cannot but look at you.

A man moves a relationship
Each person, regardless of gender, wants to have their own living space, any encroachment on which they will perceive as an impermissible invasion of privacy.
Women are still a little easier to relate to the fact that someone may show interest in the place where they live, but men will not even tolerate the thought of such a thing.
But the psychology and behavior of a man in love is changing a lot; it no longer seems strange to him that someone other than him can be on his personal territory.

How does a man in love behave? He begins to invite the girl to visit him. If you have not stayed overnight with him (or he with you), then he makes sure that you stay overnight, then maybe for the weekend, and then maybe moved.
His things appear in your apartment and do not disappear anywhere, or vice versa, he leaves your things in his apartment. This already means that you are a part of his life.

It's much worse if a man only needs you to please him in bed. You will be just a toy, which, as soon as it gets tired, will be completely banished from his life.

So what are your partner's most elementary actions and deeds that show their love for you?

  • He takes care of you and fulfills all your desires.
  • He always remembers what you said to him.
  • He has begun to compliment you more often, which was not the case before. (And not vice versa, a lot of compliments when meeting, and then less).
  • You figure in his plans for the future, he discusses with you a joint future.
  • He holds your hand in a crowd of people and when crossing the street.

  • He unconsciously hugs you when you are in a male company.
  • He is always interested in what is happening in your life.
  • He is always ready to help, even if he is very busy. If, in order to take your beloved cat to the vet, a man sacrifices his plans, then he is in love with you. It is unlikely that he would have made sacrifices simply because of his disinterested nature.
  • He is always glad to see you and smiles when he meets you.
  • At times, after quarrels, he goes to reconciliation first, even if he is not guilty of anything.

  • You are always aware of what is happening in his life.
  • He treats you with respect, never indulges in dismissive actions towards you.
  • He is willing to sacrifice his own tastes and interests in order to make you happy.
  • Your opinion is important to him, he always discusses with you how best to act in a given situation.

  • He tries to please your parents, relatives and friends.
  • He tolerates communication with your relatives and girlfriends, whom he does not like, and behaves at the same time quite decently.
  • He cannot be angry with you for long.
  • He loves spending time with you.
  • He often calls himself, for example, when the date is over, and he called and found out how you got there, or calls despite being busy and tired.

  • He never forgets the dates that matter to you.
  • He is never annoyed if you distract him from important tasks and finds time for you, even when he is clearly busy or overwhelmed. (This does not mean, of course, that it is necessary to deliberately provoke such situations. They will certainly occur without any of your efforts. Just watch).
  • At parties, he never pays more attention to anyone than to you.

  • He begins to communicate less often with his friends, less often to engage in his hobbies and hobbies.
  • He changes his appearance to the one that you like better, pump up, masters some skill that you clearly like.
  • He began to cook for you, although he was not noticed before. Do not forget to compliment his dish, even if it turns out to be imperfect from the point of view of an experienced cook.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of possible changes in a man's behavior. And it is not necessary that all changes be present. However, if a man periodically adapts and changes for you, wasting his time, making efforts and spending some money (not necessarily), then this is a good indicator that your relationship is developing in the right direction.

A little caveat. Some changes are almost impossible for a certain person. These can be bad habits (smoking), some peculiarities of the psyche (for example, the type of character is melancholic). A man cannot change them, even if he wants to, and not just for your sake.

So, communicating with the man you like, you made some valuable comments for yourself. Let's say you noted how easy he was in the conversation, from which we can conclude that this person feels easy and free next to you.
But, alas, they did not notice that during the conversation he held his crossed arms on his chest, and his gaze most often wandered around the room. Or you caught on yourself his long, dreamy look, considering this an unequivocal recognition, and at that moment he was just thinking.

In order not to become a victim of your rich imagination and not indulge yourself with vain illusions about the object of sympathy, you need to be patient and carefully analyze all the facts. Remember: each feature of behavior should be interpreted in conjunction with others, no less important. Observe him in different situations, come up with several reasons for communication and topics for conversation if he himself does not suit you. And when you have a firm belief that you like him, but for some reason he cannot say this directly, feel free to take the initiative into your own hands, casting aside all doubts.
Based on materials from,,,, semya,,,

PS. Not all men behave this way. This list is general information. This is what reflects the so-called. average norm: a pattern of behavior typical for most men. At the same time, the behavior of a particular individual can deviate significantly from the standard model.

It happens that it is so difficult for women to accept the truth that their partner does not like them, that they refuse to understand it even for obvious reasons.

At the same time, they are constantly looking for signs of love and, if they do not find it, they come up with it. The sooner you take off your rose-colored glasses and you realize that love is gone or it never was, the faster you will be happy in love, even if not with this man, but with another. But for this you need to look not for signs of love, but soberly look at the signs of dislike.

So, your man doesn't love you if:

He speaks about it directly or indirectly. A man may say to you: “You just don’t fall in love with me,” and this means that he himself is not in love and does not plan to burn with feelings for you. He can also talk about the fact that he has already fallen in love with his own and will not be able to love. He can say: "I have the most tender feelings for you." This is not all about love, and do not even hope that it will ever appear. If you love him and it is important for you that love is mutual, leave him.

He's cheating on you. Most men are monogamous in relationships with their beloved. He doesn't have to cheat if he loves. He does not even look at others, because there is no other beloved one among others. There are men who are addicted to sex, it is important for them to get sex from different women. However, they can love one. But such men, firstly, are few, and secondly, they often speak directly about their love for many women and even immediately offer an open relationship in which both partners could have a relationship on the side. Then it's up to you to decide whether you need the love of such a man. If your loved one convinces you that all men are polygamous, do not try to convince him. Go away, he doesn't love you.

Your relationship has been going on for about six months, but you still haven't moved from the sex onl format to the non-commitment format. Often women think that they are in a relationship, while for him it is just sex. Even if you are dating not only for sex, but regularly go to the movies and restaurants with him, on his part it can only be a relationship without obligation. Has he declared his love to you yet? Didn't want to live with you? Doesn't introduce his children from a previous marriage and doesn't try to get to know yours? If you are not satisfied with a sex-onl relationship, leave it.

Treats you casually. Your man may tell you how much he loves you, but he will not take care of your safety when you have anal sex. Or he might say something offensive about your favorite job. Or he talks to you about other women, especially if they are not comparing you to them in your favor. Or, after you said that some of his actions are very unpleasant for you, he continues to do this, saying: "Forgive me, I'm such a brute, you can't change me. But I love you!" He does not like, do not indulge yourself with illusions.

Doesn't call you. If a man does not call you when he is on a business trip, does not find the time to call you during the day to wish you "good morning" or "good night", or inquire about your health when you said that you are unwell, do not excuse him forgetfulness by being busy. A loving man, even when busy, does not forget to call.

Doesn't keep promises. If he promised to do something for you and didn’t do it, then it doesn’t matter to him. You should not justify this deception and believe that he is busy, forgot or does not have the opportunity. If he regularly forgets or does not have the opportunity, then he just does not really love you. Break up with a man for whom you are not valuable enough to turn your words into actions.

Doesn't seek to make your life easier. A man who loves, you don't even need to ask for help, he will offer it himself, if you just hint about a problem. To love is a verb. A person who loves may not talk about love, but his actions speak about his true feelings. A loving man will definitely help you in everyday matters, and with money, and in work, and in raising your children.

He does not propose to you, although he knows that you want to marry him. If a man, at all your hints, says that the stamp in the passport is not the main thing, although you have been living together for several years, leave him. Even if he loved you at the beginning of the relationship, now his love has faded, and a habit keeps him with you.

Doesn't have sex with you. If your man is not eager to see you without underwear on a regular basis, it does not matter at all whether work eats up all his energy, or it is seasonal for him, or he has become more interested in computer games. If he loved you, he would somehow figure out this problem. Otherwise, he simply does not love you the way he used to. There are men who love and want their women for years. This, of course, is a great merit of women who are able to maintain the fire of love in a relationship. But if the fire of love begins to fade, the first thing, as a rule, dies out the man's need to have sex with his partner.

He's not your man. If you are in a love triangle, a man is married and does not leave his wife, do not believe in his love. He doesn't love you enough to sacrifice his comfort. Go away.

From men who do not love, you need to leave as soon as you realize that you are unloved. In this case, there is a possibility that he will miss you and his love will flare up with its former strength or will increase if it was not enough. As you continue to be in a relationship in which you are not loved, do not hope that deep feelings will emerge from attachment and habit. Only satiety can come from habit.