Obedient hair at home. Unruly hair. What to do? Why does hair get frizzy

The fur coat can rightfully be considered the most ancient clothing that has come down to our days. Primitive people risked their lives to get dressed, and today it is enough to have a certain amount of money in order to purchase a natural fur outfit.

An elegant fur coat continues to be a dream for the weaker sex. In the winter cold, it will not let you freeze, it is comfortable and convenient in it. The status of a woman is emphasized by the fur from which the fur coat is made. For some models, you can save for several years. When choosing clothes made of fur, it is important to know that it will not only be the warmest and most beautiful, but will also retain its presentable appearance for many years.

Special requirements are placed on fur products, on their wearability and ability to retain heat.

Fur coats made from natural fur do not retain heat in the same way. If the coat is thick and long, and the hair is elastic, be sure that you will not freeze in a fur coat. In the structure of the hair there are air bubbles, they determine the heat-shielding properties of the fur. Its friability and mezra also affect this indicator.

When processing the skin, the core is stretched (the weight of the fur coat decreases, the hairs become more sparse). This leads to a decrease in the heat-shielding properties of the fur coat.

Animal skins according to the degree of heat conservation are divided as follows:

  • articles made of fox, sable, muton and wolf are the best for warming.
  • the average for fur coats made from chinchilla, beaver, arctic fox and mink;
  • the coldest clothing is obtained from the skin of rabbits and goats.

A product with long hair and a thick down will keep you warm even in severe cold. Quality wool should shine and have the same length of hairs. Each animal has its own coat length. Wolverine, raccoon and fox are 4 cm long, muskrat and sable - from 2.5 to 4 cm, mink fur - up to 2.5 cm. It is very easy to check the quality of the down, lightly blow on the fur surface, and you will see how dense it is and thick.

The fox's hair is long. It allows him to comfortably winter even at a temperature of -60 degrees. Because of this, fox products are among the warmest. The fur of these animals is beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Women in fur coats made of blue fox look impressive. Their cost is quite high.

If the fur coat will be worn in conditions of sleet with rain, in humid air and not very severe frosts, take a closer look at products made from the skins of waterfowl mammals - beaver, nutria, otter.

The skins of sable, arctic fox and fox have the softest fur to the touch.

Fur coats made from chinchilla or ermine do not have a high rate of thermal protection. To give a very small volume, they can be sewn without insulation. These models are elegant, they emphasize the harmony of its owners.

When choosing a fur coat for a harsh climate, it would be better to buy a product made from uncut animal hair. Fur coats made of whole pieces of skin also retain heat better. Unlike skins collected from small parts. Fur coats from reindeer and muton have the best thermal protection, as well as sable and fox.

Surprisingly, the coat of females is less warm than that of animals of the opposite sex. Although it is quite difficult to confirm or deny this.

Mouton and mink. A mink coat traditionally emphasizes the high position of its owner. Outerwear from it is elegant and spectacular, it has a high cost. More recently, muton fur coats were not very popular. Sheepskin, processed in a special way - a muton, did not have a very attractive appearance. Today, sheepskin, on the contrary, competes on a par with mink products. Mouton has higher thermal insulation properties than mink. The spectacular painting of a fur coat in bright colors looks very fashionable. The original cut makes it even more attractive. Mouton clothing is characterized by good thermal insulation, durability, resistance to moisture and easy care.

Beaver and mink. The skins of both animals have beautiful fur and high practicality. The advantage of a beaver coat is that it is more resistant to moisture, retains heat better and is unpretentious in care.

Fox. The thick wool of a fox coat retains heat best of all. She has a bright color. Fur coats made of silver fox have a rich silver-black color. They are distinguished by their beautiful “appearance” and belong to the category of the best outerwear.

Fur coat wear

The price of a fur product does not allow many women to buy them often. Therefore, when deciding on a choice, it is important that the fur coat is pleasant, practical, warm in the cold and unpretentious in care. The main property of fur is wear.

Factors affecting wear:

  • compliance with the technology of dressing and dyeing;
  • wear resistance of leather, fur;
  • bond strength between hair and skin.

The most durable otter fur was chosen as the wear standard.

A fur coat made from the skin of this animal has a maximum coefficient of 20 seasons. Therefore, the wear of all other products is compared with this figure. It is very easy to determine how many years fur outerwear will look worthy.

Fur coat manufacturers suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information:

Fur Number of seasons Fur wear in %
1 Otter 20 100
2 Wolverine 19,5 98
3 Beaver 95 95
4 Sable 14 80
5 Raccoon 13 75
6 Mink 10 70
7 arctic fox 7,5 65
8 Marten 7 60
9 Astrakhan 7 60
10 Sheepskin 6 50
11 Fox 5 45
12 Muskrat 5 45
13 Nutria 4,5 40
14 Ferret 4 35
15 Squirrel 3,5 30
16 Marmot 3 27
17 Ermine 3 25
18 Rabbit 2,5 12
19 Gopher 2 10
20 Hare 1 5

The wear rate also depends on other factors. For example, from the methods used to process fur, the experience of the manufacturer and compliance with the technological process. Winter fur is considered the highest quality. It has a high density and thick downs. In summer, animals shed, because of this, the mezdra does not hold the hair very firmly. There may be barely noticeable bald spots on the skin.

Some technological processes can reduce or, conversely, increase the wear factor. Dyeing reduces wear by up to 25%, and cutting increases wear by up to 40%. Changing the length of the pile of ermine or rabbit products reduces thermal insulation.

When buying, having carefully studied the fur product, you can get sufficient information about its quality.

Kind of animal. A hare or rabbit coat at an affordable price, even with delicate handling, will not last more than three seasons. After the first winter, it will lose its original appearance. Therefore, the furs of these animals are used to make hats, vests, and children's fur coats. Clothing for children is designed for several seasons. Therefore, it is not always rational to use wear-resistant fur for sewing. But in terms of heat preservation, these products are very good, they also have a low price.

Treatment. A well-made fur coat has thick and shiny fur. Mezdra is monophonic, light shade. The fur coat "does not rattle" if you shake it, it is plastic. Be sure to take a look at the back side. Usually it is studied first. If the manufacturer has done everything at a high level, then he is ready to demonstrate the quality of the dressing of the fur product and does not specifically sew the wrong side tightly.

Sewing. Depending on the type of fur, fur coats are sewn from whole pieces or “in dissolution”. Fur coats with an elastic core (nutria and beaver) are sewn in the first way. In this case, the fur product will fit the figure. Fur coats from mink, in which the mezdra is thinner, are sewn "in dissolution". With this cut, the fur coat will slim the figure. This silhouette is recommended for ladies with a full figure. Carefully study the joints of the pieces of the product - the smaller they are, the stronger it will be.

Product painting. In most cases, painting allows you to hide defects. Dark colors are used. Nutria fur, for example, is always dyed. This is due to the not very attractive natural appearance of the skin of the animal. Modern tinting cannot affect the quality of the fur. A huge selection of colors allows you to choose "color to face". If you want to stand out with an unusual fur coat, then you can buy a dyed one without fear. Checking the quality of painting is as follows: rub the fur with a light cloth. If it doesn't fade, then you don't have to worry.

Dressing. Crush any part of the fur coat with your hand, if it quickly takes its original shape, then the technology is followed. Also run against the pile, so you can determine the quality of the hair, it should be elastic. Slowly examine the down, it should be thick over the entire surface of the fur. After running through the fur, not a single hair should remain in the palm of your hand.

Cunning "merchants" contrive to replace expensive fur with cheap one. They offer products from sable, but in fact it is sewn from a marten, nutria is passed off as a beaver. It is easy to confuse a rabbit fur coat with a mink one. To the touch, mink fur has a more rigid structure than rabbit hair.

When choosing a fur coat, proceed from the conditions in which it will be worn.

Also, it will not be superfluous to objectively assess your financial capabilities. For single shows, a mink or arctic fox model is quite suitable. For constant operation in conditions of low temperatures and high humidity, it is worth looking at more practical clothes made of fox, muton or wolf.

If you plan to wear a fur coat for only a few seasons, then choose a rabbit, hare or gopher outfit. This option is suitable for women who often update their wardrobe. Usually, immediately after the purchase, they begin to look closely at the next copy.

If you do not financially have the opportunity to often make expensive purchases, you should pay attention to an expensive fur coat. They usually last much longer. Therefore, before choosing, weigh all the pros and cons and stop at the most rational option.

The end of winter is the time when sales begin in fur stores, and any fashionista can buy the fur coat of her dreams at a very attractive price. When choosing high-quality natural fur products, you always have to take into account a lot of subtleties. Even if you have already had to wear "mink" and "sable", you are not immune from mistakes when buying a new thing. Therefore, on the pages of the "Beautiful Half" we decided to talk about how to choose a fur coat and discuss the most pressing problems that arise in this case.

Neither cut, nor design, nor colors, nor even the price of a fur coat are indicators of its quality. The main criterion by which a smart woman chooses a good fur coat is its wear resistance. Another factor is directly related to this factor - the service life of the product. And everything seems to be clear here: the less the fur is deformed during wear, the longer the fur coat will retain its best consumer characteristics. And when choosing a fur coat, the heat resistance of the fur is not the least important. But it is usually taken into account only by residents of the northern regions. For most southern fashionistas, a fur coat is just an image and status item: sometimes they don’t care whether this garment can withstand a forty-degree frost or not.

What fur is better?

In the rating of sympathy for Russian women, mink coats have been leading for many years. They still remain a symbol of well-being, high social status and good taste. But for all its beauty and external gloss, mink does not belong to the most durable and wear-resistant furs - it has rather “average” indicators. And experts evaluate the quality of fur coats from a particular fur according to the following hundred-point scale:

  • hare - 5 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 1 season;
  • rabbit (long pile) - 10 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 2 seasons;
  • sheared rabbit - 30 points, low heat resistance, average service life - 2-3 seasons;
  • marmot - 30 points, low heat resistance, average service life - 3 seasons;
  • protein - 30 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 4 seasons;
  • desman - 35 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 4.5 seasons;
  • nutria - 40 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 5 seasons;
  • lynx - 45 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 5-6 seasons;
  • red fox - 45 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 5-6 seasons;
  • muskrat - 45 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 5-6 seasons;
  • sheepskin - 50 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 6 seasons;
  • karakul - 50 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 6 seasons;
  • marten - 60 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 7 seasons;
  • arctic fox - 60 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 7 seasons;
  • raccoon - 65 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 9 seasons;
  • mink - 70 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 10 seasons;
  • sable - 80 points, high heat resistance, average service life - 12 seasons;
  • fur seal - 85 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 15 seasons;
  • beaver - 90 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 18 seasons;
  • otter - 100 points, moderate heat resistance, average service life - 20 seasons.
  • Fur dressing

    Ideally, a fur coat made of natural fur is supposed to be soft, elastic and resistant to deformation. If you deliberately wrinkle it, then it should straighten out on its own, and there will be no traces in the form of creases on the surface of a well-dressed fur. Now remember an important point: softness and lightness are not the same thing. A “weightless”, “airy” fur coat, no matter what fur it is made of, is a deliberate marriage. The bottom line is that unscrupulous manufacturers often stretch the fur during dressing, since special technologies have long been worked out. As a result, the skin on which the pile rests becomes incredibly thin, and the villi seem to “move away” from each other. There is no longer a close fit necessary to maintain heat between them.

    The correct dressing of the fur or not can be determined in another curious way - by smell. Handicraft fur coats usually do not smell very pleasant. And the fur, processed according to all standards, will not irritate your olfactory organs. Branded things simply cannot have a repulsive smell.

    If the fur has a long pile, then when checking for quality, it would not hurt to stroke it “against the wool” - just run your hand in the right direction. Breaking and falling out villi are a signal that something is clearly wrong with the fur coat.

    How to choose a mink coat

    Perhaps no other fur is faked as often as mink. Therefore, when buying a mink coat, it is worth spending time studying it closely. First of all, look at what is under the pile. Between the main villi of the fur - the so-called awn of the mink is a short fluff - the undercoat. If it is not there, then in front of you is not a mink, but its imitation.

    All hairs on mink fur are usually the same length. Even a small difference that can be seen with the naked eye is critical.

    When stroking against the wool, the pile on the mink coat should in no case become “sticky” - it usually immediately takes its original position.

    And another alarming signal is the loss of villi. You can even grab a few hairs with your fingers and pull them gently - of course, without applying excessive force. Easily separated villi are a sign of poor-quality fur.

    Mink fur has a pleasant natural sheen. Its main natural color is brown, and shades can be both light and dark. The most common brown shade, it is typical for the European mink. Natural colors include white, gray, black.

    Fur coats made of black mink with a short pile are now in special demand and are known under the name "blackglama". Due to the very short length of the guard hair, blackglam fur coats seem not to be fur, but velvet. This variety of mink is cultivated in the USA. Its luxurious color is often referred to as the "color of oil."

    Mouton coats

    Mouton is a way of dressing sheepskin. The raw material for it is the skins of Australian sheep, but the fur processing technologies are not the same in all countries. For example, in Russia, muton fur is impregnated with formalin, which creates an airtight "shell" around each hair and increases the resistance of the pile to external influences. The Russian muton wins in terms of wear resistance over foreign counterparts, since in other countries formalin processing is recognized as harmful production and is prohibited. However, the quality of such fur coats is truly unrivaled.

    A good muton fur coat will not only protect in cold weather, but also withstand tests in the form of wet snow and other atmospheric precipitation with dignity. It will not be covered with "pellets" during wear - unfortunately, handicraft fur coats sometimes suffer from this drawback. With proper processing, the muton acquires a pleasant unobtrusive sheen - it can also be considered one of the positive signs.

    A muton fur coat does not need an additional insulating lining - this fur itself copes well with the functions of a “heater”.

    On the surface of the fur coat there should be no matted areas of fur. This shortcoming, in principle, is not particularly terrible, as it is easily corrected with a comb, but only an old muton can have such a look. It is quite possible that the material for sewing a fur coat was not selected too meticulously.

    How to choose a fur coat from a beaver

    Beaver fur takes an honorable second place in the wear resistance rating, second only to otter fur. You can wear such a fur coat without problems from 18 years old and more - it all depends on the accuracy of the hostess. The beaver, as you remember, is a semi-aquatic animal - it spends a lot of time in the water. Therefore, its skin is not afraid of moisture. On the contrary, after a walk under a wet snowfall, a beaver coat becomes fluffier.

    Natural beaver fur is very pleasant to the touch if you iron it in the direction of the pile. As soon as you move your hand in the opposite direction, you will immediately feel a slight tingling sensation. By the way, this is a specific feature of the beaver - other furs do not have it.

    Plucked beaver fur coats are now in fashion, and many women suspect that this type of dressing of boar fur has a bad effect on the quality of the fur coat. In fact, a plucked beaver is practically no different in properties from a regular beaver.

    Natural beaver is quite an expensive pleasure. There are many fakes on the market - fur coats made of cheap fur, but "stylized" like a beaver. This is either a nutria - it can be recognized by the absence of undercoat, or a rabbit - sellers usually call these fur coats "beaver", misleading the buyer.

    How to choose a fur coat from a raccoon

    Raccoon coats are one of the best outerwear options for a long and harsh winter. Visually, it is always easy to distinguish them from the background of all the others - the raccoon fur is distinguished by volume and fluffiness. At the same time, they are light enough - as much as necessary for comfortable wear.

    An unpainted raccoon is recognizable by its dark awn and silvery hair tips. But fur coats from it are less and less common on the market, and tinting is gaining more and more popularity. In any case, raccoon fur should have a thick undercoat, and it itself is soft, tender and elastic. Sometimes, under the guise of a raccoon coat, an inexperienced customer can be offered an analogue from a raccoon dog - outwardly, such products look exactly the same, but the rough texture of fur and mezdra gives out a fake “with a head”.

    However, here it is worth making one lyrical digression. The fact is that the famous Finnish raccoon also belongs to raccoon dogs - this breed was bred artificially, specifically to obtain fur with high consumer characteristics. Finnish raccoon fur coats are a sign of Finnish quality. They are not cheap, but fully justify the investment made in them.

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    A properly selected fur coat will decorate any woman and give her a special style and attract attention. Surely, many women dream of a beautiful fur product, but the choice should be taken seriously, because this is a rather expensive thing, so as not to regret anything later. If you are ready to buy such a luxurious thing, do not rush to go shopping without having the necessary experience. It is not always possible to distinguish quality from a fake. Experts give advice on how to choose the right fur product. How to choose a mink coat-professional advice will help you in this difficult choice among many models.

    We all understand that a fur coat for women is now not just warm clothes, but also a source of pride, an expensive accessory, so the choice must be approached very carefully.

    First rule

    Choose trusted and familiar salons or contact a special shop that has been working for a long time in this area, as well as specialized fur salons or boutiques. To categorically refuse shopping in the markets or mega-centers, especially during seasonal sales.

    Thus, you risk spending money on cheap fakes. On the recommendation of experts, it is better to buy clothes from European manufacturers.

    In their opinion, domestic manufacturers of fur clothes are not so responsible for the mink production process, they often use low-quality raw materials. It follows that it is better to make such a purchase abroad, but such a fur product will have a high price.

    Second rule

    To make the right choice, you need to determine the purpose of the purchase. Answer yourself the question, where are you going to go: only for celebrations, for work or for a walk with children?

    To "show off" at parties, a fur product is not needed. An evening coat is an accessory, not a warm winter garment.

    When you choose a product for everyday wear, that is, in it you will go to work or for a walk with your child, pay attention to the fact that it should be warm, but light!

    If you choose a heavy mink coat, you will not be able to walk in it for a long time, and even more so walk, because you will get tired under the weight.

    If a woman drives a car, then a very important fact must be taken into account. The fur product should be light and certainly the length of the "midi" (midi), i.e. above the knee.

    If a woman uses public transport, then you do not need to choose light colors, as in a very short time, your fur will look untidy.

    Third rule

    Mink is chosen not for one season, but for the next few years. Therefore, when choosing a model, give preference to the classic model.

    If you buy a fashion item with interesting gadgets that are trendy this season, remember that next year you can look absolutely ridiculous and funny. Fashion never stands still, and classics remain classics.

    Fourth rule

    Pay attention to the fur - it should be smooth, silky and shiny. Mink is quite expensive, so it is often faked.

    Very often, marmot fur is given out as mink fur, but it is not so dense and shiny. You should also carefully check the undercoat for density, as the thermal properties depend on the undercoat.

    In order to check the quality of the fur, you need to hold it in your hand. The fluff or hair left in the hand will tell you that the manufacturing technology is broken. It could also mean that the animals were used during the molt, such fur is definitely not to be bought!

    See that the fur does not stick together, it should be silky. Look at the entire product carefully to avoid rust stains that do not come off, even with dry cleaning. These spots may appear on the fur if the animals were in metal cages.

    Fifth Rule

    When choosing a fur coat size, remember that you will probably be wearing a sweater or other warm clothing underneath. To make the right choice, do not stand like a fashion model in front of a reflection in the mirror. Raise your hands up, walk around, bend over, sit down. Just do what you do in your daily life.

    When buying an expensive item, you must make sure that it is not only beautiful, but also comfortable for you, does not interfere with your movements and comfort. If you take into account all our rules on how to choose a mink coat, then the choice will become much easier and more competent.

    A beautiful coat is the dream of many women. A variety of fur products in stores pleases the eye. But price and quality do not always match. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase in the very first days, you need to figure out at least a little how to check the authenticity of the fur.

    In stores and markets, a good presentation is created specifically to charm customers. But choosing reliable fur is quite simple, for this you need to know the basic rules. Each fur has its own characteristics. In general, all products made of natural fur have common signs of quality - this is the state of the pile of the fur, the inside (mezdra), the quality of tailoring (the direction and thickness of the seams) and if the product has been dyed, the paint should not shed when touched with a damp cloth.

    Decency of the seller and the cost of a fur coat

    Buy fur coats should be from sellers with a good reputation, which guarantee the originality and quality of products. Before purchasing, it is better to go to the website of the salon or store and see information about it, or look for reviews in free sources.

    The price of fur products is also an important factor. If the mink is too cheap, then most likely it is of poor quality. Discounts on products, even during sales periods, do not reduce the cost by an order of magnitude.

    Manufacturer and documents for a fur coat

    To begin with, it is desirable to find out where the product was brought from. If this is Asia, then most likely the products are from China, and you can safely doubt the durability of the product.

    Do not forget to ask the store for documents for the product and study the label. Currently, there is a law on mandatory chipping, according to which any fur coat can be checked by a chip and receive information about the manufacturer, quality and origin of the fur.

    When buying a mink coat, you need to know that fur can be winter and summer. The first is more reliable and durable, however, it is more expensive.

    Fur quality

    When choosing a fur coat on the market by color and style, one must carefully evaluate the quality of the fur, because it will depend on it how many seasons it will last. It is recommended to lightly pinch the villi of the fur coat, they should not come off easily.

    By compression, you can check the condition of the mezdra (the back of the fur). It should not be rigid and even more so emit a deaf rattle. Having carefully examined the inside of the fur coat, you can determine the quality of tailoring. The subcutaneous tab must be elastic. If there was an extraneous sound when probing, then most likely the fur was overdried during processing. The pile in this case, after some time, may begin to fall out. The long pile of domestic products in this case becomes brittle.

    A slight unpleasant odor emanating from the product suggests that the product, on the contrary, was not dried out. It also means that the fur coats were stored incorrectly.

    The coat should be light. Heavy fur also indicates that it is stale.
    You can run your palm over the surface several times and pay attention to the color of the skin under the pile. If the fur is not dyed, it will be natural white. The natural colors of fur coats look quite saturated. Color quality

    Dyed fur is more expensive if it's not fake. You can check the quality of the color by running a light cloth dipped in plain water along the bottom of the villi.

    Qualitatively dyed fur does not leave marks on the hands and fabrics, the hairs do not stick together and do not wrinkle.

    The remaining traces indicate a violation of the painting technology, such a fur coat in rainy weather can begin to peel off and shed.

    tailoring quality

    It should be noted that the skin always has seams. When sewing, these places are carefully sewn up and it is necessary to pay attention to the folds. The abundance of seams indicates low quality. You can lightly blow on the surface of the fur coat, if paths appear between the pile, then the quality is in question.

    There should be no creases and matted areas on the fur product. A good fur coat has even and smooth fur, without glue residue, protruding threads and other defects.

    Choosing a mink coat

    These fur products are the most popular all over the world today. There are a huge number of mink fur coats, and they all differ in model, quality and cost of fur. Manufacturers offer a wide selection, in which it can be difficult to decide on a specific option. To find a suitable mink coat, you need to follow certain recommendations when choosing.

    Carefully inspect the fur. First you need to run your hand over the surface of the pile. In mink, it is quite soft, but elastic. Natural and high-quality mink has an even, deep shade, dense underfur and soft core. Genuine mink fur with iridescent sheen, even in dim electric light.

    If you stroke against the direction, the villi should immediately return to their previous position. If the pile is wrinkled or ruffled, the fur is of poor quality. Prickly and different in length pile also indicates that this is not a mink.

    In order to make sure that the fur does not shed, you can run your hand over it or try to lightly pinch the hairs. If they do not fall out and do not remain in the palm of your hand, then this is a good fur.

    The white color of the fur has always attracted buyers with its sophistication. It is worth paying attention to the length of the pile. In mink, it can be from 5 to 15 mm. Sometimes rabbit fur is passed off as mink, although it is cheaper and wears out faster. Rabbit hair is much softer and shorter.

    How to choose a fur coat from a muton

    When buying a fur coat from a muton, it must be borne in mind that the fur (sheepskin) undergoes special processing and haircut. A fur coat from a muton is considered the warmest. It is good to wear it in severe frost. Fur is very strong and durable.

    When choosing such a fur coat, it is necessary to check whether the mezra is overdried. To do this, you need to take it from the inside out and rub it lightly. The sound of rustling, similar to the rustling of cellophane, indicates that the skin is overdried and such a fur coat will not last long.

    When compressing a fur coat, the fur should not break and make a crunch. After such a procedure, the villi should return to their original position without leaving wrinkles.

    The length of the muton pile is at least 10 mm.

    The seams between the skins should not be felt, and if they are felt, the pieces may have been glued together, which does not correspond to the proper quality.

    How to choose a fox fur coat

    A fox fur coat can be recognized by dense fur with a thick and long pile. It should not shed or stick together. Usually fur coats are presented in different types of styles from classic to trendy. There are models combined in style with a short pile. It is advisable to exclude belts from fox products, since such fur is strongly wiped off with constant friction.

    How to choose a fur coat from a beaver

    The beaver's coat is very thick. When buying, you need to open the pile with your hands and carefully consider its structure. Skin color should be uniformly light.

    When stroking the fur in the direction of the wool, softness is felt, and if you do the opposite, it tingles the palm slightly.

    With a light pat, there should be no cod. If a crunch is heard, then the mezdra was overdried.

    The seams of the skins should not be visible.

    A beaver fur coat weighs more than other fur coats. The natural color gives off a sheen that cannot be seen on dyed fur.

    How to choose a fur coat from a raccoon

    The fur of such a fur coat is very attractive with its density and long pile. The skins should be tightly adjacent to each other, making up a harmonious pattern. If the fabric is sewn from the inside and it is impossible to assess the condition of the skin, then perhaps in this way they covered the poor condition of the mezra. It is necessary to lightly pat or shake it - if a crack is heard - the product is of poor quality and will not last long.

    The pile of the raccoon is very thick. If you hold your palm against the wool, a rustle should not be heard. The surface of the fur is soft and silky.

    Natural colors give off shine. A dull color indicates a low quality fur.

    How to buy a fur coat from karakul

    Astrakhan fur coat consists of small skins of young lambs. Fur varies by geographic origin. There is an Uzbek, Afghan and South African type of karakul.

    The Uzbek type of fur is quite thin, light and has an original pattern.

    Afghan fur is dense with a characteristic slope.

    The South African type has flat curls and gives off a special pleasant sheen.

    In all types of pile has water-repellent properties and is very tight to the core. Any model of a fur coat made of astrakhan fur weighs very little. Astrakhan skins have high porosity, which allows the body to breathe. You can wear products not only in the cold, but also in relatively warm weather.

    How to choose a style

    Choosing a fur coat is not as easy as it seems. They are always represented by a wide selection of different styles and colors. Fur coats are completely different in design: in a classic style, very long, in the form of a short fur coat, with and without a hood, and there is also a completely shortened trendy version. The main thing is to correctly navigate which model to choose.

    The choice is influenced by many factors and features. Build, height, eye color, individual features of the body structure - all this must be taken into account when choosing the style of a fur coat.

    Classic style fur coats are very suitable for women leading a very active lifestyle. For official meetings and visits to important public institutions, a white mink with a hood and possible additions of other fluffy and expensive fur is very suitable.

    Women with a pleasant fullness and wide hips are very suitable for styles with different color combinations, for example, a light tone on top, and darker tones on the hips and below, which are slimming. The main thing in different combinations is that the hem does not end at the hips, but is slightly above or below the knees. The presence of a belt in an elongated version will emphasize the waist. In monotonous styles, the collar part should attract attention with a special design, trimmed with some expensive fur. Buttons are allowed, as well as a hood with other fur that differs in color and pile. The same applies to larger ladies. The upper part of the fur coat should attract more attention.

    Mink fur, different in color and dressing, allows you to create a wide variety of styles for full ladies, making them slimmer.

    Ladies of high stature can safely choose styles from smooth delicate mink fur, emphasizing the harmony of the figure.

    For women with a figure, when the shoulders are slightly wider than the hips, styles that emphasize the lower body are suitable. Models of a transverse cut of high-waisted fur coats in this case will be most appropriate. The most common style with such a figure is Chanel.

    Owners of a slender body type also choose a more suitable style. Rectangular cut styles, elongated, possibly with a belt at the waist, may be suitable here. Sometimes there are trendy models of fur coats in the form of jackets, or mixed styles, when there are separate elements, such as sleeves, a leather belt. These types of fur coats are very suitable for slender women and will once again emphasize the harmony of the figure.

    In such styles, there are various additions that were previously only in down jackets; instead of a belt, there can be tightening ropes hidden inside, allowing you to make an individual correction. Short fur coats, jackets, fur vests are also very suitable. Monotonous shapeless products for ladies with a slender model (when the hips are shoulder-width apart) figure may not fit.

    Color and size

    It is necessary to carefully look at the color in order to choose a model that will be combined in harmony with other things. According to professionals, ideally, you should choose a fur coat in dark tones. Light colors are also good, but you need to carefully look at how the seam is made. In this case, it should be vertical or in the form of a geometric pattern. Recently, a new model with horizontal seams has appeared, the so-called “cross”. The tailoring of such a fur coat is made differently and the price for it is slightly higher. Separately, you should pay attention to the collar. Properly selected model makes elegant even large ladies.

    Knowing your own size (height, chest and hips), choosing a fur coat will be easier. It’s good if you come across a marking indicating these 3 components of suitable sizes. Sales specialists say that the allowable deviations for height are 3 units, for the rest - 2. Breast size is measured on the exhale, and on the hips, the most voluminous protruding places are taken into account for size. One point is important here: all women and girls are different and not always a certain height corresponds to the parameters of the volume of the chest and hips. Here comes to the rescue a wide variety of fur coats in shape and design, which has gradually increased over the past decade.

    If the fur coat feels very loose during the fitting, then it is most likely too big, and it is better to choose a size smaller. It is necessary to take into account your constant limit of the figure, in the case when the weight and volume change slightly. A tight fur coat in this case is also not suitable. The sizes of fur coats on the domestic market are presented according to two standards: Western and Russian, between which there is a difference. If there are difficulties in determining the dimensions, it is better to print and take the table with you.

    During the fitting, you also need to take into account your inner feelings. The fur coat should not be tight and shackle. The length of the sleeve should be at arm's length to the middle of the hand. Existing pockets should look natural: if the fur coat is too small, then they stand out strongly. A fur coat that fits the size is easy to fasten and looks aesthetically pleasing and elegant.

    Do not worry if the chosen fur coat does not fit. It is not always possible to choose the right option the first time. Haste is inappropriate here. An improperly chosen fur coat often wears out quickly. Ideally, it is better to bring a friend who is experienced in these matters with you.

    Sable fur coats - the trend of the season

    No matter how I try, I can’t understand the classic with his optimistic: “And we are glad for the pranks of mother winter.” The lower the temperature drops outside the window, the more often the hand reaches into the closet for voluminous sweaters, tight trousers and cozy woolen scarves. And every time, before you leave the house, you have to meticulously look at yourself in the mirror - after all, in the reflection, even in the cold, you want to see a snow maiden, and not a snow woman!

    And the designers correctly say that you can look really beautiful and elegant in cold weather only in a fur coat.

    An indisputable fact: fur clothing has long gone beyond its original purpose - to protect a person from the cold. Elite fur along with jewelry, it is rather a sign of high status, a luxurious “frame” for a proud and beautiful lady.

    The love of Russian women for furs is something genetic. But often, we simply do not know how to choose fur, which means that we buy not very high-quality fur products.

    How to choose the right fur coat, and what you should pay the main attention to - a Russian designer helped us figure out these issues German Shalumov.

    German, fur fairs are being held in Moscow one after another, which offer fur products in incredible quantities, as they say, "for every taste and color." What is your opinion, is it worth blindly trusting what sellers advise us?
    - Every year I am convinced of one thing, our people do not understand fur at all, and in principle they do not know how to distinguish good fur from marriage. A high-quality fur coat costs good money - 250-350 thousand rubles for a product just below the knee, while fairs offer us a mink fur coat for 70-100 thousand rubles. It is clear that these skins are either defective initially, or dyed or tinted. Dumping with the price offered by fairs is simply unrealistic for us furriers.

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    There are five world auctions where the price of skins is the same everywhere. Mink is like a diamond, like gold, a truffle… The price for it is fixed, only marriage is cheaper.

    Our women, not knowing this, go to fairs and blindly trust what the sellers say. Or another example, no one really knows what it is black lama but all the girls think it's cool! In fact, everything is not so. Black lama- this is a North American mink, but it is no better than ours or Scandinavian, on the contrary, it has disadvantages - it wears out faster, but it costs more.

    So what do we buy for 100 thousand at the fair?
    - Mink grown in China, dyed or tinted. Fur coats made of ridges, tummies, tails, paws have a low price - the price for them is very low.

    And yet, which fur coat is better to buy, and most importantly, how to choose it correctly?
    The first and basic rule is that the fur coat should be made of whole skins, no "dissolution", no paws. Fur - if it is of high quality, it will never be dyed. It's easy to check, ask the seller to rip off the lining and show the core of the skin. If it is tinted, it will differ by two or three tones from the color of the fur coat. Secondly, pay attention to the fur itself. The main thing is that there are no "bald patches" on it. When choosing a mink coat, turn it down with the collar and stroke it against the wool with your hand, the villi should not remain on your hand. The underside of the fur should be soft and pleasant to the touch, in no case like paper.

    But my most important advice: buy a quality fur coat, do not save on fur. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy a good thing, buy a down jacket or a sheepskin coat instead!

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    Dresses by Vera Wang

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    Rhinestones? Rabbit! Crocodile…

    Armed with this knowledge, over the weekend I went to fur fair. Realizing that there are a huge number of fur brands here, I did not expect to find such a stunning variety of models and options. The choice turned out to be quite large and not at all limited to traditional options.

    Mink, sable, lynx, rabbit actually have plenty to choose from. Combined with leather, trimmed with lace, embellished with rhinestones ... Among the traditional fur coats and coats, there are mostly fitted silhouettes with an A-shaped skirt under the belt. There are many models with fur trim, whether it is a classic collar, cuffs or bottom of outerwear, or very unexpected voluminous fur inserts along the entire length of the sleeves or at the waist. And to the great joy of animal advocates, all these fashionable solutions can be made not only from natural fur. Artificial options, by the way, sometimes look no less impressive.

    The easiest way to be fashionable this season is to get a mink cape. If you approach the choice wisely and buy a quality, warm, natural thing, it will warm even at very low temperatures. In addition, the owner of such a cape will noticeably stand out in a somewhat monotonous mass of coat owners. The appearance in the world in such a dress, in a "frame" of a soft mink airy cape, is a 100% guarantee of stunning success.