Happy birthday greetings for Dasha are cool. Happy birthday Dasha! Beautiful birthday greetings to Daria in verse and in your own words

The name Daria is translated as "mistress". Very calm and balanced personality, prone to solitude and introspection. Likes to spend time with loved ones. She would rather celebrate her birthday at home than in a noisy company. It has a lively mind, so it perceives new information instantly. Calculation and composure do not prevent her from being quite sharp on the tongue.

A girl with this name is a lover of extraordinary actions and decisions. If you write congratulations to Dasha in verse, most likely, she will write poetry in response to the donor, as she will be fascinated by the idea. By nature, she is not inclined to build a career, she works collected and diligently, but almost always harbors a desire to go to another place inside. Scrupulous work does not suit her, she almost never finishes what she started. Has the makings of a leader, but does not use them. Painfully tolerates criticism in his address and increased attention to himself. Make friends only with easy-to-communicate and positive people. She has poor health, she needs to constantly monitor herself, not to overcool and it is advisable not to start smoking.

Daria can suffer from unrequited love, sometimes even get a mental breakdown against this background. She is very feminine, loves flirting and coquetry. Enjoys the attention of the opposite sex. Sometimes she can be considered a little slutty, but it only seems. In fact, such a girl is just sociable and prefers to have fun. She draws a clear line between friendship and love relationships. When entering into marriage, most likely, he will quit his job and devote himself with pleasure to housekeeping and raising children.

Format: In verse

Poems for Dasha in SMS

Happy birthday to you, Dasha,
Let the white light know
What is sweeter and more beautiful than you,
Nobody, of course.

Birthday is a holiday of childhood
Don't rush to grow up
Eat your fill of cake
Sing, dance and have fun.

Happy Birthday to You
I want to congratulate Dasha,
You are so talented, smart,
Beautiful is our pride!

I wish you unearthly happiness
And beautiful love
And may it always be in your destiny
The sky will be clear!

Daria, accept my warm regards.
And wish you easy victories!
Let everything in your life be easy
Sincere, bright, dignified, warm!

I wish you on your birthday
Quick take-off, luck in fate,
To be a successful lady
And masterfully would conduct business!

Born very brave
You are full, Daria, with strength.
Luck in life is destined.
Be the most beautiful!

Let over your head
The sun shines forever
And warms the good way
Shining in your window.

I want Dasha to become
Day by day smarter and more beautiful,
She was healthy and ruddy,
And not the capricious Nesmeyana.

Studied only "excellent",
Strived for foreign glory,
Lived without profit and falsehood
And respect elders.

Daria, we congratulate you!
May on the day of the Angel, now,
Everything we wish you
It will come true for you soon!

Be happy and brave
Joyful, kind always,
Rule your life skillfully
To never be sad!

Happy birthday Daria
We wish you
excellent health
And clear days in fate.

We want to be cheerful
beautiful as now
Energy and laughter
To charge us!

All congratulations today for you,
Be, girlfriend, always happy
May the guardian angel bless you
Let everyone surround you with attention and love.
Love you, Dasha, pure, beautiful,
Fate, amazingly happy,
Good health, excellent,
And a husband, the most exemplary.

Today is a holiday of joy, fun,
You celebrate, Daria, your birthday,
All compliments to you today, no doubt
Let the mood be great.
Girlfriend, be loved and desired always,
Let luck surround you
May the good angel always protect
Let grief and sadness not know you.

My dear friend, congratulations
On your beautiful birthday
Good health, Dasha, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams come true.
Always be kept by fate
May your happiness be sweet
May your every day turn into a holiday,
Let the bird please you with the arrival of happiness.

Our dear Daria-beauty,
You took away peace from everyone:
Haven't seen the sky yet
Young, slender, cheerful such!
From the village to the capital of the Kremlin
(excluding girlfriends two)
Did not hear the native land
Songs brighter and louder than yours!
So live, Sun-Daryushka, you
Never and nowhere be shy
So that flowers bloom around
And a sparrow chirped lightly!

Dasha, dear friend,
It's your birthday today!
I know we can't live without each other
If I'm not near - mentally with you,
Let everything that you dream about happen
Let love reign in your life
Let happiness happen to you
And stay with you forever!

Our Dasha is friendly with sports, like no one else,
But also a magician of a delicious lunch,
Also famous for its beauty
This world did not know a better friend!
Whatever you ask - you will not give refusal,
Give everyone a sweet smile,
You can make up your friends
Which was not worn in Paris either.

There is no girl more beautiful in the universe
Than the one that celebrates her birthday today!
She is charming, smart, and more beautiful than everyone in the world,
What is the name of this beauty? Dasha!
Dashulya, I wish you to be unique,
And enjoy life every day
To love, well, and, of course, to be loved,
And a lot of happiness - the best Dasha on earth!

Dasha, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
Let love come to you
What a beautiful reflection of paradise!
Let your life go
Carefree and calm
Brings only joy -
You deserve good!

Happy birthday to you, girlfriend, congratulations,
I wish you a lot of happiness in life
So that you do not know grief, and do not know troubles,
To live in joy for a hundred years.
Let you be lucky, Dasha, in everything in the world,
May the golden angel keep you
Let the wind accompany you
Let there be a fresh charge of vivacity.

Dasha, this is for you -
We've been friends for a long time!
happy birthday congratulations
Here's what I wish for:
All the guys at your feet
All enemies to hell!
Be yourself girl Dasha,
You are our soul and heart.
Be young before
And not harmful jelly!

It is not without reason that they speak of Daria with apprehension:
The character of Daria is extremely cool.
Perhaps for someone Daria is not a gift,
But others - "gingerbread" is called.
A guy can hit on Daria,
But he must be able to control himself,
Since Daria can also hit,
Not only in words, but also in poker.
But if Dasha loves everyone with her heart,
There is no more tender creature in the world:
She will warm, regret, sip!
Another such - you can hardly find!
I will decorate Dashenka with this toast:
So how can we not drink to everyone for Dasha ?!

Daria, Dashenka, Dashutka,
My forget-me-not flower!
Let's raise a toast to your holiday
And we hug each other.
Happy birthday my bunny!
Give me your thumb here.
On his ring I gently
I will dress serenely as a gift.
Get ready for gratitude
Kisses to drink sweetness
And then for a kiss
Let's blow out the candles on the cake!

We wish to congratulate Daria today,
Name day to be unforgettable.
It's nice to give us Daria joy,
Noisy and fun to celebrate her holiday.
Daria is our leader, she was the ringleader in business.
It can be seen that on behalf of Dashenka there is strength.
Daria from Persian - "power and victory",
Since childhood, Dashulya has been a fidget with us.
He forces everyone to reckon with himself,
But she has no strength to be offended,
So direct, open to the world,
Any quarrel with her is immediately forgotten!
Daria, Happy Angel Day, we congratulate you!
We wish you happiness, love and success!
Be your angel forever
Just like we always love you!

Ah, Daria! a sonorous name,
Like the song of a nightingale!
Daria's soul is thin,
But there is strength.
Energy and strength
She, indeed, does not take
But dear, be patient
We wish to become.
And if it's for business
Dasha will suddenly take
Everything will be done skillfully
And do it in two.
Live happily, Daria!
Your soul is bright!
happy hostess,
Always be good!

Happy birthday Dasha
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck
Sincerely today we say:
You are beautiful, so let over the years
Your beauty blossoms
And for all the good deeds
Let love always hide!

Dasha, this is for you -
We've been friends for a long time!
happy birthday congratulations
Here's what I wish for:
All the guys at your feet
All enemies to hell!
Be yourself girl Dasha,
You are our soul and heart.
Be young before
And not harmful jelly!

Let flowers bloom all over the planet
Only for you, because you deserve them!
And everyone knows: both adults and children,
That you are more charming than earthly charms.
We want to wish you success
So that you grab all the opportunities like a piranha.
And I didn’t even know such words as “interference”
Beautiful, dear Daria!

The whole planet of the hemisphere
Congratulations to our Daria!
Birthday, name day!
The holiday is bright and old!
Be cheerful and happy!
And just be beautiful!
Let dreams come true
Everything you want so much!
On this day and at this hour
Not enough good phrases
Dasha, let in this world
Life flows in your favorite color!

The meaning of the name Daria: possessing a gift, owning good.
origin of the name Daria: from the two-part Persian name Darayavaush - gift (possessing) and vaush (kind).
Diminutive forms of the name that close people can use: Daria, Dara, Daryushka, Darunya, Dasha, Dashuta, Danya.
Women with this name are very sociable and optimistic, emotional and impulsive.
She does not cope badly with household and work affairs, but her impulsiveness can cause some problems for others.

The name Daria means
Power and wealth.
And our birthday girl
Rich and strong.
Your wealth is in beauty,
Tenderness and passion.
And the strength is that
Loyal, successful and smart.
Good luck to you, Daria,
Joy and tenderness.
And mutual love
To want to sing!
Carry through life proudly
Power and wealth.
They will help you
A lot to do.

Daria on the birthday of fame
And don't miss the gifts!
Extract from the songs of lava
How we want to love you.
We wish Daria dear
(Under the hundredfold "hurray!")
Possess magical powers
Peace, happiness and kindness!

Happy birthday Daria!

There is no more precious gift
Than your smile, Daria!
Always be as clear
Like a summer day! beautiful,
Like an interweaving of rainbows!
Be always giving joy!
And take it boldly from life
Everything you want!

On Dashin's annual holiday
We are invited again today
After all, the name day of Daria, Dasha
For us, everything is sweeter and more beautiful.

We wish her, cheerful, sweet,
Always be patient at work
After all, in life he can succeed
One who learns to endure.

We want to be graceful, flexible,
Always flash your smile
Shine with your energy
Don't back down from anything.

We wish you not to grow old in soul
And stay young!

Tell me honestly: our joy,
Our happiness and love
This is only our Dasha,
We will repeat again and again.
We wish her good luck
Be happy for a lifetime.
After all, it cannot be otherwise -
You are a good person!

Daria is just a queen!
Happy Birthday to You!
Let it be on the right, let it be on the left
There will be true friends.
Let fate itself help
You will find happiness!
Well, happiness is impossible
As you know, without love!

Happy birthday to Daria

Our dear Daria-beauty,
You have taken peace from everyone.
Heaven has not yet seen Yuna,
slender, cheerful.

From the village to the capital of the Kremlin,
Excluding two girlfriends.
Did not hear the native land
Songs brighter and louder than yours!

So live, Sun-Daryushka, you
Never and nowhere be shy
So that flowers bloom around
And a light sparrow chirped!!!

May you be lucky in everything, always
You are so beautiful, Daria!
May happiness bring you here
Earth's hemispheres!
May joy, tenderness, beauty
Accompany you forever
We wish you for all years
Endless success!

Poems happy birthday Daria

The firmament is shrouded in tenderness,
A rosy haze embraces the sunset.
And nature whispers: Again a year,
Only you are still young.
And your eyes shine again
And the wine froths in the glass.
Dasha, happy birthday to you,
May everything be just as good!

Dasha, happy holiday to you
Congratulations to all friends!
We wish you on your birthday
So that you are healthy
I found a guy with a dowry,
For you to live happily
And don't forget your friends!

Happy birthday to Daria

Oh, Daria, always win
beauty, intelligence and inspiration,
faces with a happy expression
and bright as a star.

And let in your way, Daria,
blueness will not become gloomy.

Ah, Daria! a sonorous name,
Like the song of a nightingale!
Daria's soul is thin,
But there is strength.
Energy and strength
She, indeed, does not take
But dear, be patient
We wish to become.
And if it's for business
Dasha will suddenly take
Everything will be done skillfully
And do it in two.
Live happily, Daria!
Your soul is bright!
happy hostess,
Always be good!

Happy birthday to Daria from a friend

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I wish you much happiness and love
And in life let happy moments
You, Daria, are expected ahead!

Dasha, you are the main thing in my life,
Beloved daughter!
Be the happiest and have many friends
I wish you a birthday!

You rejoice in the sun, be happy
Good luck and success!
Forget about various doubts -
Problems are solved with laughter!

Happy birthday to the woman Daria

Dear Dasha, happy birthday!
I wish you had a blue sky above you,
So that your eyes always laugh
So that happiness, love are next to you
And any dreams come true!

Our Dasha is a feast for the eyes!
Everything blooms amazingly!
Our Dasha is the best!
Success awaits her in life!
Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy!
So that everything always works out
And you smiled more!

Happy birthday to Daria from relatives

You are the pride of our clan.
From dear kind Dasha
Our hearts are warm.
Always benevolent
Smart and charming.
No, and Petersburg is more beautiful,
Than the house of cheerful Dasha.
And the table here is hospitable,
And breathe so freely.
We love this house and we drink for it!

Funny birthday greetings to Daria

We wish our Dasha together
Smiles, sunshine in the morning,
To be more beautiful every day
Healthy, happy, good!

May there be peace in your soul
We wish you long, long days
Live a cloudless fate
And we are always by your side.

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Video congratulations:

Dashenka is a charming perky and cheerful girl. She loves the holidays and is ready for adventure every minute. Congratulating Dasha on her birthday, you need to remember this feature of her and prepare appropriate gifts and wishes.

Beautiful congratulations for a woman named Daria

Beautiful unusual congratulations are loved by all the fair sex. And Dasha is no exception. True, it will be somewhat more difficult to surprise such a young lady than the rest. We'll have to find truly unique beautiful poems by Daria. Compiling them yourself is worth it only if the congratulator is confident in his writing talent and easily gives out a dozen successful rhymes per minute.

If a person cannot boast of such abilities, then he has two options at once. The first is to find a poem already finished and written by someone else. Some congratulators are original and take the famous classical poem as a basis. And then they remake it into an unusual text with beautiful wishes. This option is also good, but it will take a lot of time to prepare.

The second is to write a congratulation for Daria on your own, but in prose. Even a person who is far from creativity will be able to cope with such a task. For this purpose, you just need to write down on a piece of paper everything that you want to say to the beautiful birthday girl. For example, not only congratulate her on her birthday, but also thank her for her tenderness, care, positive emotions, support in any difficult life situations. And, in addition, wish all the very best: health that never fails and allows you to forget about doctors / pharmacies, friends capable of betrayal and deceit, pure bright love, daily joy and real female happiness. Wishes can be selected very different to your taste and taking into account the interests and needs of Dashenka.

Our dear Dashenka, today is your holiday, and we want to sincerely wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. May fate favor in every business, luck does not hide behind the horizon, and friends be faithful and help in solving even the most difficult tasks. May every obstacle on your path to happiness be overcome, and the journey along the line of life itself become an exciting cruise in which there will be no place for boredom and routine.

I want to wish you sunny days

More luck and true friends.

May the whole road of life be easy,

Let the trouble bypass.

So that happiness flies like a bird into your house

And to live there remained with love together.

May health and joy be with you

All thunderstorms, illnesses and old age will go away.

Be, Dasha, you are more beautiful, luckier than everyone,

Greet daily success with a smile.

Be smarter, braver and more affectionate.

Do not regret what you cannot return.

On this holiday, dear Dasha

Accept cheerful congratulations,

Let your life be a full bowl

And in anything you do not know refusal,

Let the wind whisper in your ear

About your beauty, Dashulya,

May good luck shine like a bright sun

Lighting the way for your dreams!

How cool to congratulate Dasha on the holiday

When congratulating Dasha on her birthday, cool wishes will always be appropriate. You can be sure that the girl will have fun laughing at all the jokes read to her and enjoy any funny surprises.

Dasha can just be handed a bunch of those popular black anti-congratulation balloons with inscriptions like: “Well, you are an old woman!”. The girl may also like funny homemade postcards with similar texts. A congratulator can find examples and schemes for their manufacture on sites dedicated to preparing for various holidays.

We have known Daria for a long time -

She is destined to be the leader.

In a team, at work

We have Dasha in high esteem!

At home, Dasha is a superdame.

This is the truth, no lies.

"She's the best in the world!" -

All the children in the world will tell you.

Praise, respect

We love ours!

Be, Dashulka, you are healthy,

radiant and cheerful,

The cutest and most beautiful

And, of course, happy!

Daria, Dashenka, Darina!

The name is sweet as a raspberry!

You were born with a gift.

Bright, sonorous must live!

I want to be gentle

And love your parents!

Have fun, sing, circle,

That's right, loyal friends!

Did you read the congratulations?

Learned by heart?

And besides, be happy

The best and always beautiful!

energetic, active,

Our Daria is positive,

Conservative in outlook

It takes a little love...

Dressed with taste

Trying to be first.

In life, Dasha is a winner,

Dreamer, strong charisma!

Beautiful and smart

A supporter of starting everything from scratch ...

economical in the economy,

Looking for meaning only in the present.

All her decisions

Into the future aspiration.

resolute, courageous,

All skillful hands.

Dasha's character is very strong,

And here, for sure, everyone is powerless ...

You will not get bored with Dasha,

She doesn't give up at all...

Short wishes in your own words

Surely the birthday girl Dashenka loves sweets. If this is true, then your gift and congratulations can be associated with different "goodies". For example, write your chosen wish text on a homemade or custom made cake. It is interesting that modern professional confectioners are ready to decorate their creations even with a realistic portrait of the hero of the occasion. Arrange on the dessert and get an edible photo of Dasha. True, it will probably be a pity to eat such a delicacy.

You can bake delicious miniature cupcakes with the birthday girl's favorite filling. And on them - arrange wishes for the girl in your own words. They are easy to write with cream, chocolate, condensed milk, divided into lines. It is best to choose short texts for such an idea.

Dear Daria, I congratulate you and sincerely want to wish you great hopes and bright expectations, sincere joy and mutual love, achievement of goals and fulfillment of desires, impeccable beauty and undoubted happiness.

Congratulations, incomparable Daria! Be happy, cheerful, loved, successful, desired, respected, kind, self-confident. May all desires come true for one, two, three, may there be a lot of light and love in life.

Dear Daria, I congratulate you and sincerely wish you rich and joyful days, good and cozy nights, sweet and tender dreams, life without offense, despair and tears. Be truly happy, sincerely loved and good-looking.

Small poems for Daria

Small poems for a birthday girl named Daria are also convenient for their location on gifts. One of the most popular gift options for a girl is a bouquet of flowers. It is in it that you can hide a miniature postcard with wishes. This is especially true if the bouquet is sent to the girl by courier and she does not personally see the congratulator.

Since Dasha is a lover of original presents, the composition can be made not only from flowers, but also from sweets, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits / nuts. Miniature soft toys, cosmetics, textiles and a variety of other goods will also be used in the bouquet. The main thing is that they please the girl as a gift.

Happy holiday to you Dashenka,

Accept congratulations,

You are a great girl

Don't forget about this!

Be beautiful and loved

And take everything from life

And of course be happy

And live a hundred more years!

We want to congratulate Daria,

Wishes to leave.

You are sociable, beautiful

And a little playful.

You greet everyone with a smile

You lift your mood.

Be the same, don't change

Don't give up on humor.

You are more beautiful than wonderful flowers,

And Themis you are more honest,

Because, dear Dasha,

You have many friends!

Only give you success

Happiness will be fabulous

Come daily!

Touching congratulations

Any congratulation for Dasha, written from the heart, will be touching. It does not matter - short or long, cool or beautiful and tender, it will turn out to be compiled independently or used ready-made. The main thing is the sincerity and sincerity of each spoken word.

You give warmth and love to everyone around.

And I know that you will always shelter from blizzards.

You have so much tenderness, affection, warmth.

God grant that life be very bright.

And your name is all filled with light.

You, Daria, must always remember this.

Let love keep you warm

Let your home be homely and cozy.

Dasha, dear, I would like to wish

Everything just seemed to be there.

And friends, and joy, even

And there is great love.

So let it all grow

To no longer friends,

And so that your friendship is stronger

It also got tighter.

And love is more merciless

Absorbed so that with fire.

So that, like in a whirlpool, only with happiness,

And so that only with him alone.

Dear Daria, I congratulate you with all my heart on your wonderful holiday. I want to say that your name means “possessing good”, and accordingly I want to wish you to always live in happiness and prosperity, love and joy. May you always, and not only on this day, have a wonderful mood and an incredible feeling of the high flight of the soul.

Few people love holidays, cheerful companies, noisy fun as well as Dasha. This firework girl always looks forward to her birthday and starts preparing for it in advance. It is also worth doing for each of her guests. After all, it is not easy to surprise Dashenka. To do this, you will have to stock up on a very unusual original surprise for the birthday girl.