Birthday greetings to the sister from the sister. Hearty birthday greetings to sister

Dear, sweet little sister,
Happy birthday, my dear,
So recently you were a child
And now, like a swan has blossomed.
And my dear to you, I wish you good from my heart,
So that you do not know grief in life
To make your dream come true.
And also, mutual love for you,
Do not lose your beauty
In general, be good happy
And I ask you not to fade away!


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Don't count your years!

Cool holiday - Birthday!
Don't count your years!
You are admirable
And always a lot of love!

You watch yourself, sister,
You just can't take your eyes off!
Stay pretty
Keep falling in love with yourself!

Be successful and rich
Good-natured and cool!
And live always embraced
Guiding star!


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May plans and dreams come true!

My dear sister!
I want to congratulate you!
Happy Birthday, scolding
For counting the years!

You were always young
A beautiful, sweet star!
I was not bored with you,
You were cool in life!

Stay that way all the years
May plans and dreams come true!
You only have more freedom
Less pots, less fuss!


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Sunny day

Today is a sunny day
Just in time for a birthday.
I am writing to my sister a couple of lines
Or rather congratulations.
My sister, grow, bloom,
And please everyone around.
May the paths be easy
And no parting.


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My dear sister,
I have always been for a friend!
You are responsive and kind
In trouble, give your hand!

And in joy there is no envy,
And the laughter, the jubilation of both!
I wish to live a hundred years
And always glue handsome men!

I wish to stay all my life
Beautiful for their admiration
Keep your laughter, love, optimism!
My sister, happy birthday!


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You, my sister, joy!
How long have you lived with ?!
We ate together bitterness, sweetness,
The guys ran in a crowd ...

Happy Birthday!
I wish you good deeds
To burn with admiration
Always your favorite person!

Be successful at work
Strong, persistent and straight!
Be healthy, kind, gentle,
Energetic and cool!


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Everything is fine, sister!

I congratulate my sister
Happy Birthday!
I'll wipe the floors for my sister
With pleasure ...
I'll bake her a cake, buy it
Candles ... a little.
How i love you
My joy!
Always be so cool
And beautiful!
However, such a simple
And playful!
Let the sadness not touch you
In personal life!
Let it be at work
Everything is fine!

Birthday greetings to sister from sister

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Congratulate sister, I want you
Forgetting about grievances and quarrels.
Today, giving a gift from the heart,
I'm talking about happiness.

Lead that it, in this life always,
Dear, cheerful, active.
Let your character change sometimes
Sometimes you can be nasty.


A sister is a dear little man, therefore, the choice of a gift for her must be approached responsibly. Most likely you know her tastes, hobbies and dreams. Birthday is the best reason to complete at least one of them.

The sister is celebrating her fourteenth birthday. This is the age when a young teenage girl already wants to attract attention to herself. At this age, girls very often imitate each other, and also want to have their own personal space and things. What to give the birthday girl? The first thing to remember when choosing a gift is that a 14-year-old sister is a young woman, though she is.

Conventionally, gift ideas for a sister can be divided into three groups: traditional gifts, unusual gifts and gifts-impressions.

Traditional gifts

  • Smartphone, camera, tablet or player. It is very important for a girl to have her own personal technique, especially if the girlfriends have a more modern gadget. Such a gift will be duly appreciated;
  • Jewelry or bijouterie. It can be anything: silver, gold or jewelry. What exactly should you choose? Earrings, chain, rings, pendants. It is so important for a young lady to look fashionable and beautiful so that the boys pay attention, and the girlfriends certainly want the same for themselves. Alternatively, you can give a pendant in the form of the first letter of your sister's name or her zodiac sign. One caveat: don't buy massive jewelry. In them, a teenage girl will look ridiculous, and besides, wearing them is not very comfortable;
  • Jewelry box or suitcase. This thing will become a kind of secret for a young lady. After all, here it will be possible to arrange all the available decorations and values;
  • Stylish school bag or backpack. It is at this age that a teenage girl already wants to be fashionable, and a bag is a necessary accessory for every woman. Only the bag should be of high quality and not the same as that of the girlfriends, so that the sister stands out favorably with it;
  • Wallet or clutch. Surely a girl at this age already has pocket money, so such a gift is also appropriate;
  • Cosmetics. To emphasize their individuality and attract the attention of the opposite sex, girls at this age, in most cases, are already starting to paint. High-quality cosmetics in natural tones will never be superfluous;
  • Perfume. Light, delicate and fresh scent is perfect for a young lady. Or maybe she already has her beloved;
  • For girls who are fond of some kind of needlework, you can give the corresponding sets. It can be embroidery, beading, decoupage, painting, felting and much more;
  • Books. An interesting encyclopedia or educational book will certainly appeal to an intellectual teenager;
  • Additional accessories. Here you need to know the style of clothes of the sister, what clothes she prefers to wear. And already on the basis of this, you can pick up scarves, headscarves, scarves and gloves;
  • Brand sunglasses. If your sister wears glasses, you can give her a case or a case for them;
  • Certificate for the purchase of clothing or shoes. Even knowing your sister's preferences, it is very difficult to choose a thing that she will like. Therefore, it is easier to buy a certificate, and you can already go shopping together;
  • At this age, a teenage girl strives to arrange her personal space in her own way.

    Original sofa cushions, a fluffy rug, a wall panel, bed linen - all this is a must for a teenage girl.

    But here it is important to know her style and color preferences;

  • Manicure set or nail polish set. It is so important for a girl to learn how to take care of her hands and feet on her own;
  • Huge soft toy. A girl of any age will be delighted with such a gift. And the bigger it is, the better;
  • Hairdryer with various attachments or hair straightener. In her desire to look good, a young girl begins to take care of her hair, do various hairstyles and styling.

Unusual gifts:

  • A portrait of a birthday girl, drawn by an artist from photography, or photo on canvas. You can choose whatever size you want on the canvas. The birthday girl will not miss an occasion to boast of such a gift in front of her friends;
  • A set for organizing a mini-picnic. A little sister with her girlfriends can have a picnic, because for this she will already have everything she needs;
  • Original accessories for your smartphone. Girls love so much to decorate their gadgets with different things. It can be a pendant or a case with an original design;
  • Interesting passport cover. Very soon the birthday girl will need such a gift;
  • Stationery with an interesting design;
  • Beautiful photo frames. You can print some family photos and fill your photo frames with them. Such a touching gift will turn out;
  • T-shirt with a favorite photo of the birthday girl and an interesting inscription-wish for her;
  • A ticket to the theater or to a concert of your favorite band;
  • Subscription to your favorite magazine. Most likely, my sister has a magazine that she buys all the time. So why not please her by signing her favorite edition for six months or a year;
  • USB-modem with paid unlimited internet. It is very important for a teenage girl to stay online at all times. Teens are so fond of sharing all the events of their lives on the network;
  • Original personal items: socks, slippers, etc. The sea of ​​delight will be from animal slippers or socks with muzzles;
  • Puzzles with a huge amount of details. You can order puzzles with a photo of the birthday girl.

Impression gifts

Such a gift will cause a storm in the birthday girl. positive emotions and will remain in her memory for a long time. This could be:

  • Certificate for a make-up master class. It is very important for a young girl to receive recommendations on how to apply makeup. So she will be able to know which shades are more suitable for her, which features need to be emphasized, and which flaws to hide;
  • Dolphinarium ticket A teenage girl will receive only the most positive emotions from such a gift. In addition to watching the show, you need to make sure that the birthday girl can swim with the dolphins. This is an unforgettable gift;
  • Video congratulation. We take a video camera and collect video congratulations to the birthday girl from the next of kin. With the help of simple computer programs, we add music, as a result of which we will get a wonderful gift and memory for many years;
  • Hike to the water park. This is a place where you can have a great time and a teenage girl will be indescribable delight. You can go to the water park with the whole family and celebrate your birthday there;
  • Movie ticket for the premiere of the film;
  • Quest for finding a gift. Moreover, the gift in this case can be any of the above. The bottom line is that the birthday girl, along with her guests, in order to receive a gift, will have to find it, following the prompts. It will be a lot of fun;
  • Horseback riding. Communicating with animals in the fresh air - how could a gift be better? Maybe your gift will be the first step to equestrian sports;
  • Subscription to the fitness club. For example, water aerobics classes will appeal to many girls;
  • Dance training certificate. Not every girl can boast of the ability to move beautifully. And if your sister from childhood dreamed of learning to dance, now is the time to help her wish come true;
  • Professional photo session. First of all, take the birthday girl to the beauty salon, where she will get stunning makeup and hair. After that, we put on nice clothes and head to the photo session. But the girl should not guess what kind of surprise awaits her. In this case, the birthday girl will receive not only a lot of positive emotions, but also a memory for a lifetime;
  • If the birthday girl has a wonderful voice and she just loves to sing, you can donate a recording of the song in the studio. There will simply be no limit to delight.

The gift will be much more valuable if presented in a non-standard setting. You can go with the whole family to the water park or to the attractions. You can order home figures from balls. And be sure to have a cake. You can cook it yourself, or you can order ready-made. The more original its shape, the better. After all, this is also a kind of gift.

When planning a gift for your beloved sister, you do not need to be afraid that you will look funny, because you are making a surprise for your loved one. Your little sister will definitely appreciate your efforts, and the surprise will remain in your memory for a long time. And do not forget about flowers, because it is pleasant for all women, without exception.

Buying a present for your sister is no easy task. After all, I want to please my beloved sister and make the best present. Our material will tell you what to give your sister for 14, 15, 16, 17 years. In it you will find interesting options for unusual and practical things. For the most demanding birthday girls, we recommend choosing non-material gifts. And for those who do not have a permanent source of income, we will help make a budget choice a present for their sister for her birthday.

What unusual gift can you give your sister for 14-17 years old?

For your sister's birthday, you can give something original. It is always pleasant to get not “the assortment of the nearest supermarket”, but a truly unique item. Turn your attention to personalized presentations. A fashionable gadget will also always appeal to a teenage girl. To choose a successful birthday present for 14, 15, 16, 17 years old, carefully study the following list:

  • Dance mat- a cool gift for any girl. With him, you can have fun with friends or go through level after level alone, stepping on the arrows correctly. Anti-slip coating will not allow you to fall even at the fastest pace.
  • Kigurumi- this is a warm solid pajamas with a hood and ears, horns or a ponytail (depending on the character). Some suits even come with slippers and mittens. An outfit like this is not only meant to be worn at home. You can wear the kigurumi to an anime-style party, or even take it with you to the ski resort. Many athletes love these pajamas for their comfortable fit and soft, warm-keeping material - velsoft.
  • Glowing cat ear headphones- a successful gift purchase for my sister for 14, 15 years. Unusual accessory will add style and coquetry to the image. It will also make your little sister more noticeable on the road at night. And of course, in bright cat ears, the girl will become the star of any company.
  • Rollersurf Is a two-wheeled skate with snowboard elements. The new fashionable form of transport will add freedom of movement to the sister. With its help, you can not only quickly move in the crowd, but also perform all kinds of stunts on the ramp and more.
  • Pillow with cartoon- a funny gift for a girl for 16-17 years old. For such a cute personalized accessory, upload your best sister photo to our dedicated site. Professional artists will draw a funny cartoon and send you a layout for approval. Similar gifts that can be given to a sister for 16-17 years: a photo blanket, a cup with her picture, a figurine from a photo, etc.

Sister will be pleased if you shower her with congratulations in the morning. For example, you can ask your friends to write as many congratulatory texts as your sister is. Be sure to congratulate the girl on all social networks - this is important for teenagers. You can also draw a festive wall newspaper about the birthday girl or send her a real paper card by mail.

Surprise impression for a girl 14-17 years old

In our time, the abundance of commodities for the modern teenager is difficult to surprise with something. If your sister is spoiled by all kinds of material benefits, give her some vivid impression.

  • Photo session certificate- a great opportunity for a fashionista sister to try on some new looks. With the help of a professional stylist, make-up artist and photographer, you get cool photos that will come in handy not only for social networks, but also for an actor's or model's portfolio. The girl herself will be able to choose where to be photographed: in nature or in the studio.
  • Single studio recording- the dream of every singing girl. Perhaps your beloved sister's pop career will begin with your gift. Such a certificate assumes the services of an experienced sound engineer: song selection, recording and processing of vocals, etc. And the result will be a disc with your own song. Other ideas for useful birthday gifts for 14-17 years old: a culinary master class or a certificate for tailoring a unique dress.
  • Going to the quest room- a great opportunity for a sociable sister to have fun and interesting birthday celebrations with friends. The company may try to get out of an abandoned psychiatric hospital, fight monsters or play detectives - it all depends on the choice of the birthday girl.
  • Figure skating lesson- a good gift for a female athlete. Under the guidance of an instructor, your sister will learn to hold on to the ice more confidently and perform simple curly elements without fear.
  • Jewelry making workshop- an interesting present for a sister who loves to create beautiful things with her own hands. The teacher will teach the girl to make original jewelry out of fabric, beads, leather, fear and even feathers.
  • Chocolate lesson- a godsend for a sweet tooth. The little sister can not only make several types of delicious chocolate, but also learn its history, and even learn how to create chocolate patterns.

What to give your sister for her birthday in the amount of up to 500 rubles?

For those whose finances are severely limited, our following list of inexpensive, but beautiful and high-quality gifts will be useful:

  • Night Light Projector- an interesting accessory for creating a cozy atmosphere in the room and smooth falling asleep. Depending on your sister's hobbies, you can buy a night sky projector that shows real constellations or a sea wave projector to create a resort atmosphere.
  • Mirror-finish wristwatch- a stylish present for a 14-17 year old girl. With their help, you can not only see the time, but also correct your makeup.
  • Colored hair crayons- the best budget gift for a fashionista. With their help, you can easily acquire colored strands for a party that can be washed off with regular shampoo. The set includes 4 neon colors: blue, green, pink and red.
  • Electric nail file- a handy gadget for manicure and pedicure. With its help, procedures are performed 2 times faster and more accurately. The kit includes several attachments for shaping and polishing nails.
  • Selfie ring- an accessory popular among young people. If your sister loves to be photographed, give her this handy thing for 14, 15, 16, 17 years old. With its help, you can achieve better pictures in low light and even in complete darkness.
  • Handmade leather earrings- an original piece of jewelry that will surely become a highlight of a modern fashionable image.

Practical gifts and presentations of interest for a girl of 14-15 years old

At the age of 14-15, girls are usually fond of clothes, cosmetics, all kinds of gadgets and creative hobbies. Therefore, it makes sense to choose among useful things from this circle of interests.

  • Luminous backpack- a good gift for a sister. Few people already have such an unusual thing, so your present will become the pride of a young fashionista. Please note that the accessory is absolutely transparent, so such a thing is hardly suitable for a shy sister.
  • Hood-snood "Fox"- another way to express yourself in fashion. If your sister loves anime, foxes, or simply has a cunning disposition, there is no better gift for her. In addition, a hand-knitted accessory will always cheer you up with its funny ears.
  • Retro TV tablet stand- an original accessory for easy viewing of your favorite TV shows and clips.
  • Drawing set- one of the best gifts that can be presented to a sister for 14-15 years. Many girls at this age love to draw, almost all have a personal paper diary or sketchbook. Therefore, a suitcase with useful stationery will never be superfluous. The set includes 150 items: pencils, crayons, paints, felt-tip pens, etc.
  • 3D bedding set "Princess"- an unusual gift that will turn your sister's room into a boudoir. The set made of natural cotton not only looks beautiful, but is also pleasant to the skin.

At the age of 14-15, many girls are interested in fashion. A good gift for a sister will always be an annual subscription to her favorite magazine. You can also purchase some stylish accessory: an original clutch, a bright scarf or unusual sunglasses.

Practical gifts and gifts of interest for a girl of 16-17 years old

At the age of 16-17, the girl already has absolutely adult tastes and preferences. Therefore, you should not give dolls and soft toys to the birthday girl. Even though exams are just around the corner, forget about textbooks and all sorts of stationery. It is better to choose what can be useful and like your sister, for example:

  • Waterproof column- a good gift for a sister-music lover. With it, you can listen to music in the shower, on the beach or in the pool. A protective case will keep the speaker out of sand and splashing water.
  • Heated lunchbox- a useful birthday present for 16-17 years old. If your sister immediately goes to the tutor or to the sports section after school, such a present will give her the opportunity to have a snack on the go with warm homemade food. The lunchbox has two compartments and comes with a handy plastic spoon.
  • Disco ball with built-in column- a cool accessory for the party goer. With it, you can listen to music from a flash drive or SD card. Multi-colored lights will flash to the beat of the music, and hearts, stars and fish will be projected on the surface of the room.
  • Bracelet watch with a photo of a sister- a unique accessory that looks very beautiful on the hand. Other gift ideas for a sister with a photo of her: a cosmetic bag, a smartphone case, or a T-shirt.
  • Emoji Slippers- a cozy home accessory. Choose slippers in the form of your sister's favorite emoticon and she will definitely be pleased with such an unusual present.

List of the best gifts for a sister for 14, 15, 16, 17 years

Didn't find a suitable presentation in the previous sections? Be sure to check out our list of universal gifts that will appeal to almost all girls of this age.

Brother or Sister 14 Only after a month and a half my sister and I had the plaster removed, and we were able to go home, besides, we were at home for another month. Therefore, when the day of our arrival at school came, winter was already drawing to a close. The month of March has come. Much has changed in our life with my sister during this time, but I think that everything that happened to us was not an accident, but a pattern. While we were in the hospital, I often recalled that ill-fated day when I so absurdly broke my arm, or rather they helped me to break it. What would have happened if I hadn't broken it? I would continue to play the role of my sister. But how long would my sister and I continue to dress up? And what could all this lead to? I just can't imagine it. Now I don't even want to think about it. I understand that then we were children, but despite this, I think that if it were not for my sister, who showed enviable persistence in achieving her goal, it is still unknown how my life would have turned out. Now, as I write these lines, I am happy and satisfied with what happened to me, but then, being in the hospital, when they put a plaster cast on us and announced that they would now be divorced from wards, I was in such a terrible state that I was ready was to sink into the ground. But my sister, as always, was at her best, she came up to me and whispered in my ear - when you get settled, go out into the corridor. - Which corridor? - I asked her, not understanding anything. - Our chambers go out into the corridor. Your room is eleventh and mine is twelfth. So when everything settles down, go out into the corridor.- Why? - Come out there you will find out. - How did she know about the wards? - I thought, while we were led through the numerous passages of the hospital to our wards. In the eleventh ward, where I was sent, there were four bunks, one of which, as they explained to me, was free. There was no one in the ward. - Where are the others? - I asked the nurse who led me to the ward. “On procedures,” she replied shortly. “Which bed is available,” I asked the nurse.- This one by the window. After making the bed, she left, while I sat down on the bed and thought, “Now the girls will come and that's it, for me it will be a ruin. I sat on the bed, numb with fear. It’s one thing when I went to school instead of my sister, it’s quite another to be here in the hospital. - Why are you sitting? - I suddenly heard. Turning to the voice, I saw my sister peeping out the door. Seeing that I was alone in the ward, she opened the door and went inside. - What's happened? Why don't you go out into the corridor? “I can’t, uuu,” I started sniffling at the top of my throat. - What can't you?- I'm afraid. - Oh my God, what are you afraid of? With these words, my sister did not listen to me anymore, grabbed my hand and dragged me into the corridor, opened a door there, and darted into it with me. We found ourselves on the landing. My sister, without stopping, went up the stairs, I dragged after her as if tied. Having risen one flight, she stopped, turned to me, said, - take off your clothes. - What? - I asked her, not understanding anything, - why? - What do you mean why? Do you want to stay in the ward with the girls? Only now it dawned on me what my sister wanted from me. I, overjoyed that a way out had been found, began to undress quickly. Despite the fact that we had one arm in a cast, we managed to change clothes and appear in our wards on time, I am with the boys, and my sister, as it should be with the girls. Well, everything fell into place, I thought, lying on my bed, pretending to be asleep, since I did not want to talk to anyone at the moment to live. In the evening, my mother came to our hospital, heand brought our change of clothes, fruit and all the small things needed in the hospital. - Well my good tell me what happened here?- Mom asked when we racedrelied on a sofa in the hall - otherwise local vra they didn’t really explain anything to me. - Oh, mom, I'll explain everything to you now, - my sister took the initiative, - you know, m yenya Yulka pushed at school, I fell, landed badly, and got a broken arm. - I see, but how did you manage to break your arm? - asked Mother, looking at me. Under her gaze I could not pronounce and words, the more I am not knew what can I say.- Mom, can you imagine, Misha for my sake he broke his arm. - How is it for you?- She translated look from me to my sister and back to me. - Well, I didn't want to be left alone in this hospital, and he, - Masha nodded in my direction, - to support me broke his ruku and now we're here together, isn't it great?- I don't understand how it is you can take and break your arm. - It's very simple, mom, isn't he a good fellow with us? - looking at mom, my sister said, Mom, don't you worry so , everything will be fine. And ma ama continued repeat without paying attention to her words, - how can this be so just take and break your armdon't understand anything, - while she looked intently sit in my face. Her glance made me somehow uncomfortable. Suddenly, my mother got up from the sofa and said, - well, you are here while you get well, health is the main thing, and then when will you be home , we will talk to you. - Mom, what have we done? - Masha, I told you at home. - Well, well I will keep quiet. When my mother left, Masha said, “Fu carried it over, otherwise it seemed to me that she had guessed everything. - I think she knows.- What does she know? - Everything, Masha, you understand, she knows everything, - answered I grabbing my earlobes. - What do you mean everything? - Well, don't you understand, look, - I pulled the carnations out of my ears and showed them to my sister, - look, they should be in your ears, in theory, and not in me, now you understand? “Oh, damn it, I completely forgot about them.- And I, then But, unfortunately, I forgot about them, - I muttered wearily. - Well, parents have to tell the whole truth and what the sooner the better, ”Masha said with a sigh. Therefore, in We returned home and told our parents about everything. It was a shock for them, especially dad was very indignant. He could not understand how it was normal the guy wants to become a girl, he did not fit into his head.On the contrary, my mother soon recovered from the shock and went over to our side.What it cost her, only she knows, but thanks to our mother, my and my sister's wishes were realized. It was not easy to bring to life, but in the end we did it.Now my name is Masha, and I am quite happy with my fate, and my ex-sister became Misha, by the way, she, or rather, he has another cherished dream come true, he plays hockey. Whether he is a good athlete or not, I don’t know, because I don’t understand anything in this hockey, but I know one thing for sure, he is happy, and this, in my opinion, is the most important thing.

Title of the issue: Happy birthday to my sister 14 years old. I wish you a lot of joy on this day, as well as on other days! So that nothing ever upsets!

Congratulations on the most charming holiday! May every day bring you closer to your dream, and let your relatives and friends always support and help! Inexhaustible energy, light mood and unique vivid impressions!

So that happiness is endless, mutual love and harmony in the house, so that it never leaves you.

Happy birthday! Let you be surrounded by people who suit you, who fit into the headset of your inner world!

I wish you all sincere friendship, love, family relations!

I want your life to be pure, bright, and to be chosen among all of you by luck, success and happiness! I am sure that you are full of the most interesting ideas and know how to implement them in the most worthy way.

Let there always be a person next to whom you want to equal.

I want to wish you on your birthday always remain, first of all, a real woman! Beautiful and graceful, a little mysterious! And of course, be happy!

May wishes and dreams come true, and nothing will make you bored just like that!

On this joyful day, I wish that the plans were carried out without difficulties and problems.

I wish love to become a strong support in your life. Happy Birthday!

Friend, with all my heart I wish you never to give up in the face of difficulties!

May those who are dear and loved always be with you. Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! We wish you good health, optimism, good mood, creative success, and great achievements.

I wish you that God will vigilantly guard you! Happy birthday!

Let the smile always be gorgeous and wide! I just wish you sincere happiness, and that happiness is in your eyes!

May your body and soul not grow old, but grow younger from year to year, to the delight of all those close to you who love you!

We wish you only happiness and health, let it be too much!

May your hands always be strong and skillful, your mind sharp and quick, and your heart loving and hot!

Let the feelings in love not be tested in vain by fate, always live happily and peacefully.

I wish you well-being, bright emotions and many happy moments. Our beauty, be healthy and happy! Happy birthday to you in this beautiful world!

Live brightly, harmoniously and richly! Happy birthday!

It's not a pity to squeeze and hug such a person like you until you lose all your strength! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! With all my heart I want to wish you bright moments, pleasant meetings, good mood and true friends. Happy birthday!

I wish you success, career growth, vigor, fortitude. Happy Birthday!

So that your life path is not overshadowed by obstacles and trials, and everything worked out the first time.

May everything you want come true and your loved ones will delight you. Happy birthday, love!

Let life be in full swing in you, be strong so that you don't care about anything. Live, not knowing thunderstorms and troubles, happy for a thousand years!

On this beautiful day of your birthday, let me wish you all the best.

May life be good and joyful in everything! I wish you sincere love, which let it be reciprocal!

I wish you to successfully conquer the hills and quickly pass the slopes, overcome any irregularities in the road with ease and optimism.

Happy Birthday! I wish you good luck, harmony, happiness and holidays.

Happy birthday to the awesome and incredibly beautiful girl. I wish the men admire you, the women envy you, your relatives love you, your friends respect you, so that your mind does not grow cloudy, money multiplies in your wallet, and butterflies of happiness flutter in your soul.

We wish you all the best and may all troubles be left behind and aside. Happy birthday!

What is… years? This is the most racial color for a woman! The mind is clear and the distance is bright, but there is a lot of warmth in the soul. Although sometimes anxiety flashes in the eyes that so many days have been lived, but you, dear, do not be sad. Trust that most of the journey is still ahead of you. Ahead is the light of luck and so many clear years!

As a winner in life, we wish mothers not to lose their former grip. So that ideas can always be easily realized, and boldly lead up the career ladder.

Happy Birthday! May everyone wish you a lot of wonderful things today: spring joy, family warmth, support of loved ones, admiration of men, envy of rivals, flying gait and, most importantly, fire in the eyes!

I want to wish that with every moment you live, only the best comes into your life, which you are undeniably worthy. Happy birthday!

I wish you wealth, joy in your soul, good luck, strength, inspiration, fire in your eyes, health, bright victories, great satisfaction.

I wish you that the smile never leaves your lips. I wish you to be a happy person. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to my sister 14 years old: Believe in your abilities and capabilities, and you will succeed!

May luck love you, may love inspire you ...