Presentation on the topic: "Dear colleagues! Congratulations on your Anniversary! We wish you light in your soul, success in your work, ease in contact with students and their parents, joyful prospects." Download for free and without registration. Congratulations to colleagues

Dear colleagues! Happy Anniversary! We wish you light in your soul, success in your work, ease in contact with students and their parents, joyful prospects, and the realization of all creative ideas! You have chosen a wonderful profession: Worthy, humane, useful. And they made it their calling, Overcoming all the difficulties with diligence. For work, diligence and inspiration Thank you, congratulations! May all your dreams and wishes come true, may you be applauded and admired! Directorate of the National Educational Program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia".

We heartily congratulate the eighth gymnasium on its Anniversary! We wish her only the best on her birthday! We wish you to always stand firmly on Earth And surprise the whole world with your achievements! We wish her talented, obedient and beautiful students, the most intelligent, kind, fair teachers for her. Her faithful friends, rich sponsors, Pleasant news, winged angels. And so that the guiding star would always shine over the school! Colleagues of the Center for Children's and Youth Technical Creativity of the Volzhsky Microdistrict

Happy Anniversary, my favorite school! You give children a craving for knowledge and kindness. And there is no door in this world that will not open before them. Good luck, energy and constant movement forward! Happy Anniversary, my favorite school! Huge greetings from cold Finland! Artyomenkov Evgeny, graduate of 1999

May your bells always sound, Students rush to classes, May children's laughter be happy, And success accompanies business. We wish you health, success and happiness. Let bad weather bypass. Let the years pass, centuries pass, We wish you creative longevity! The administration and the entire staff of the MOU DOD of the Center for Children's and Youth Technical Creativity in Rybinsk From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate the staff of the Municipal Educational Institution of the Gymnasium 8 named after. L.M. Marasinova Happy 75th Anniversary!

Days pass quickly, years pass, but a living source of kindness, spiritual beauty is stored in the memory of a person, from where we draw vitality, energy, optimism, which helps us to realize life in all its brightness and diversity. This is our dear and beloved school 8! No matter how many years pass, the school, where the unique moments of our childhood and youth were lived, becomes especially dear and close to us. This year our school 8 turns 75 years old. We sincerely wish the teachers new creative achievements, professional victories, the students success in their studies, interesting school days, parents and graduates active participation in the life of the gymnasium. All - good health, well-being, optimism! With respect and love, specialists of the IOC, former teachers and graduates of school 8: Oshanina E.V., Semyonova O.Yu., Karastelina S.V.

We express our sincere gratitude to all school employees for their great love for children, for the ability to make them happy and smart. Your enthusiasm, devotion to your favorite work, creative approach always cause admiration. Thank you for the hard work, care and attention you gave us! May your enthusiasm never fade! I wish you success, all new victories and achievements in all fields of knowledge, both teachers and students! Graduates of 2011.

Happy Anniversary to our school! She brought up real people in us and sharpened our character. Many thanks to the teaching staff, to each and every one. You have invested a part of yourself in us, and we will carry it until the end of our lives with our heads held high. THANK YOU FAMILY GYMNASIUM!!! Gusev Ilya, graduate of 2009

Dear colleagues! The Organizing Committee of the International Olympiad in Basic Sciences thanks you for your cooperation and congratulates you on the 75th anniversary of the gymnasium! We sincerely wish everyone who worked and works, studied and studies at the gymnasium to move only forward and only with a confident step, not to stop there, to be in search and strive for something new! We wish you creative inspiration and satisfaction from work, well-being and stability, new pedagogical achievements and the implementation of all your projects. We look forward to further cooperation.

Congratulations to the entire creative team of the gymnasium on a glorious Anniversary! I am very glad that I can consider myself partly involved in this event, since since 1996 I have been teaching ecology lessons at the gymnasium. I want to note that in the gymnasium, thanks to the efforts of the teaching staff, an excellent living environment with optimal environmental conditions for the growth of talents has been created. I am sure that despite any external negative influences, the friendly community of the gymnasium will function in the same way for at least the next 75 years! I want to wish my colleagues good health, peace of mind, understanding of loved ones, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the results of their noble work, patience and optimism. I wish high school students to absorb knowledge, grow up as smart and kind people, learn not only sciences, but also understanding another person, mutual respect, be patriots of their country and live not only for themselves, but also for other people. Verbitsky Vladimir Borisovich Laboratory of Experimental Ecology, IBVV RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences

GYMNASIUM 8 - 75 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The gymnasium is 75 years old today, and we heartily congratulate you all. We wish you success, happiness, joyful victories. Good luck and laughter now. We wish you a cheerful and active life. We also wish you many good deeds and strong strength, so that every day of ordinary everyday life brings you only laughter and joy. So that you can do it together everywhere, Children were cheerfully met together, And they were the first always, everywhere: Both on holidays and in the bustle of work! Sincerely, the team of TsDYUTE

Examples (samples) of universal congratulations on a professional holiday (14 options in total). The proposed texts are not in verse (in prose). Words are suitable for congratulating colleagues, congratulatory speech at a corporate event, personal congratulations from myself personally, and for posting in the office. They can also sign postcards to colleagues, professionals in their field or issue a text of congratulations from the management of the organization.

If you need to add even more wishes to the texts, use those (just select the ones you need and add them to your text).

Option number 1

Dear colleagues and friends! Today is our professional holiday. Please accept congratulations and sincere wishes for prosperity, realization of your career and professional plans, ideas, dreams. We sincerely wish you success and prosperity.

Option number 2

Dear colleagues and friends! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to wish all of us:

  • Successful professional development and growth;
  • Easy and unhindered movement forward - to new successes;
  • New experience and new amazing discoveries;
  • And most importantly, that our work be useful, recognized and appreciated.

Option number 3

Dear Colleagues! Today, on the day of our professional holiday, we wish you all:

  • New interesting projects;
  • New professional achievements;
  • Light professional goals;
  • Acceleration of professional growth;
  • Expansion of professional skills and abilities;
  • Many interesting trainings;
  • Professional popularity, recognition and approval;

Be happy in the profession and let it be favorable to you too.

Option number 4

Dear colleagues and friends! On this wonderful holiday dedicated to our profession, we congratulate you and wish that all your professional ambitions come true. So that work brings you satisfaction and joy. So that fatigue was only pleasant. And so that only good news haunts you. So that the results of labor are in demand and useful to many people. And so that on the way to the goal we come across only decent people (clients, customers, management, performers, patients, etc. - insert the right one here, regarding your professional activity).

Option number 5

Dear colleagues! The past (since the last holiday) professional year has brought us a lot of interesting things... It was not easy, eventful, demanding of us and useful in terms of the amount of experience gained. It was a difficult, but very interesting time. Today, on our professional holiday, I wish you that in the new prof. year, we were able to effectively dispose of the accumulated experience ... So that we have the opportunity to strengthen our position and prosperity. For interesting projects to find us. And so that the acquired new skills will help us to effectively solve the tasks. In general, colleagues, happiness and prosperity to us.

Option number 6

Dear attendees! I want to congratulate us on our professional holiday and I hasten to inform you that you are the best! You managed to create an excellent, strong and well-coordinated (harmonious) team. This is essential for efficient operation.

  • You know how to solve the professional challenges that the chosen activity, profession and leadership puts before us again and again.
  • You know how not to bend before difficulties and not to lose your head from success.
  • You know how to lose and move on. And also - you know how to win and not stop, enjoying what you have achieved.
  • You know how to improve in the profession and learn quickly.
  • You are able to implement new things quickly and productively, and you are also able to calmly abandon outdated and unjustified methods of work.

But most importantly: you are the best, because you are wonderful, kind, smart, strong people who are ready to help a colleague, rejoice at common successes and empathize in a difficult moment. I am proud of you and the fact that I work among you. I wish you to remain the same cool pros and wonderful people.

Option number 7

Dear employees! The management of Murzilka Inc LLC congratulates you on your professional holiday and wishes you all the best both in your professional and private life. We love and appreciate each of you. You are excellent specialists, thanks to you the organization grows, develops and prospers. We hope to continue to be useful to each other and together go to new successes (victories).

Option number 8

Colleagues! Today, on the day of the professional holiday, I want to tell you that I am proud of each of you. Also, I am proud to work with you every day. And I do not regret a single day spent with you.

Every day you do difficult, important and very necessary work that many people need. And you are doing an excellent job. The choice of such a profession characterizes you as the most wonderful people. And that is why it is impossible not to be proud of you.

Thank you for being who you are and for being who you are. And I wish that the next professional year (which is until the next holiday) will be easy, calm and fruitful for us. Thank you and good luck.

Option number 9

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday. Each of you is a unique creative person, and as a team, you all show excellent creative results. We thank you for your work and contribution to the development of the organization. We wish you further creative success and new victories. May bright, productive ideas never leave you and may all your plans come true. And let the implementation be easy and highly appreciated.

Option number 10

Dear friends! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and hasten to tell you that the work you did in the previous (professional) year was of excellent quality. She was highly acclaimed and in demand. You have shown yourself to be wonderful specialists and no less wonderful people. You are professional, persistent (in achieving a goal), persistent, decent, energetic and organized. You showed yourself from the very best side, from which only a person in our profession can show.

We highly appreciate, notice and remember each of you and all of you together. You are a great team. We wish you well-being, prosperity, health, joy and professional growth.

Option number 11

Friends! Today is your professional holiday, on which I congratulate you. All of you are real pros. And I know that sometimes it seems to you that you have reached the "ceiling" in your development and there is nowhere else to go. I already wished you a lot for previous similar holidays… But today I want to say that I admire your professionalism every day, admire you and sincerely wish you to find ways to grow further, despite the fact that you are highly qualified specialists. I also wish you the strength to cope with such impasses in your professional growth, not to despair, and to move forward again along the path of professional prosperity.

Option number 12

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! I congratulate you on your professional holiday. I know how you value your profession, respect and appreciate it. Therefore, I wish:

  • Long, happy, successful, fruitful professional life to you;
  • May your work always be appreciated and in demand;
  • So that you will be surprised at new discoveries in your activities for a long time and never cease to rejoice at the results obtained;
  • So that new successes inspire you, and failures only stimulate new exploits, and not demotivate;
  • And of course, so that patience does not leave you and your loved ones, and that they (relatives) take your work to heart just like you do. And of course, it is very important that they not only accept it, but understand and share it.

Option number 13

Dear friend! I congratulate you on your professional holiday and I want to tell you that I have always loved you as a close person, and now I am also proud to be friends with such a great professional.

On such a day, I consider it my duty to wish you to successfully grow and develop in the chosen direction. So that your professional path is smooth, easy, not too slow and joyful for you. So that you get from your work everything that you want to receive and that your efforts are always duly rewarded. So that all your hopes and dreams come true and that the results of your activities never disappoint you. So that only the right decisions come to mind and, most importantly, timely ones.

In general, dear, I wish you your personal, professional happiness and prosperity. Well, I will always rejoice in your victories and will always support you in moments of doubt. Congratulations!

Option number 14

Dear friend! On your professional holiday, I can’t stand aside and congratulate you on it. I am grateful to you for your friendship, but today I want to tell you that I am proud of the profession you have chosen (what professional path you have chosen). She (profession) is not easy and interesting, and I wish you:

  • So that you are not embarrassed by difficulties. Know that you always have someone to turn to for support;
  • So that you do not stop halfway and go your way to the end ... And in the end I see you - a cool pro, not only my pride, but also a recognized (titled, famous and popular) leader of the profession;
  • That you be happy on this path, regardless of the difficulties and regardless of anything at all;
  • So that your family and friends have the strength, wisdom and patience to share with you your passion for the profession;
  • So that professional skills and abilities only multiply with you easily and quickly;
  • And finally: so that your profession never interferes (but only helps) you to remain the same cool friend that you are now ... and at the same time, let it not prevent you from happily arranging other areas of your life (family, hobbies, learning new things, traveling, entertainment ).
  • If you decide that the selected text will be printed and hung in the office, try to place a congratulatory picture on the sheet in addition to the text (preferably in color, but not necessary)
  • If you decide to give a congratulatory speech out loud, try not to speak for a long time. The above texts are quite short and easy to remember. However, you should not combine several texts into one and say everything at once.
  • If you think that one text is not enough for a congratulatory speech, then you can say several, but separate them in time (for example, say one and the second - after a while at a convenient moment).
  • Try not to read the text from a pre-prepared sheet. Try to learn it. It is acceptable to read from a sheet only if you have difficulty remembering the selected text.

Happy International Women's Day
Please accept our congratulations.
May happiness bring to your home:
Love, luck, joy and luck.

May your dreams come true
And all aspirations and hopes will come true.
Let from your feminine beauty
The world will be bright, colorful and tender!

I wish you well, good luck,
More light and warmth
All that means a lot
So that life is happy!

Let wishes come true
Let the salary go up!
I want to smile more often
After all, spring brings joy to everyone!

On Women's Day I wish you warmth,
Only sincere words and confessions,
To make life happy
Lots of good wishes!

May good luck accompany you
So that you achieve your goals,
So that you, like flowers,
Opened up this spring!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on March 8 and wish you great success in your business, a cozy atmosphere at home, peace and prosperity in the family, happiness and joy in your heart. All the best to you, dear ladies, confident positions in life and prospects in work.

Dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on March 8. I sincerely wish you well-being and prosperity, constant success and prosperity in your activities, respect for colleagues and mutual understanding with employees, excellent work with full dedication and full self-realization in life.

Dear colleagues, on the day of March 8, we bring you our sincere congratulations on the wishes of love, spring in the soul, good health, happiness, fulfillment of desires. May your loved ones always be with you.

Dear colleagues, we want to wish you to be always in the spotlight on this day of spring, let your femininity and beauty bloom and never fade, be loved, inspire and delight every day!

Happy International Women's Day
Accept, today, congratulations.
Let joy shine in him
And only happy moments.

Let the updates come
In business, in the family, and by all means
Success will come, and with it - luck.
And change is for the better!

Congratulations, dear colleagues! Let spring give you a sea of ​​positive charge and energy, solar warmth. I wish that your work is similar to a flower field, and service tasks are like flowers that secrete sweet nectar. Blessings to your family and friends!

Happy International Women's Day March 8
Congratulations, dear colleagues.
I want to live and think outside the box,
I wish you creativity in your work.

I want wages to go up
Career went rapidly, so that up,
I want everything in life to be successful
And success is always ahead of you.

Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our enterprise with its colossal potential will be able to adequately prove itself in the very near future!
Happy holiday, dear colleagues! The very best wishes to you, your family and friends! I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our beloved enterprise!

Dear and beloved colleagues! Today we congratulate you on a wonderful holiday! And we wish you professional success and many victories in various fields. And most importantly, that all this is appreciated!

Let the joy today be sincere, like our wishes. We wish you an increase in wages and extracurricular bonuses, we wish you a reduction in work and an increase in profits. In general, let it be better, and nothing will happen to you for it!

Accept congratulations today, may you be lucky in everything and may everything always be only profitable, may your employees respect you, and your friends love you! And let you go to work like a holiday, and work with such a mood all day! Congratulations!

We wish you many victories at work and in business, and in the family, so that there is peace and warmth. Then the balance will become happiness and you will want to go to work and go home from work! Congratulations!

We wish you a lot of things, so that all this is desirable and necessary, so that lunch is longer, and the authorities call less often. So that successes are noticed, and failures are missed! And so that the mood rises at one word "work"!

We wish you an explosion of emotions today, may the most wonderful come true, and there will always be victories,

Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the Social Worker. I wish you good health, happiness, strength and endurance, optimism and well-being, confidence in the future, success in new endeavors!
Thank you for the experience of working together and look forward to further cooperation!

Dear colleagues! On behalf of the team... and on my own behalf, let me congratulate you and your team on their professional holiday - Chemist's Day! I wish you further development and prosperity..., success in your creative work, implementation of the company's grandiose plans and projects. Good health, happiness and good luck to all employees and their families!

Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our company with its colossal potential will be able to adequately prove itself in the very near future.

Happy holiday, dear colleagues!
Best wishes to you, your family and friends!
I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our beloved enterprise!

Dear colleagues, with the best congratulations on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. May luck always accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life.