Cool toast for the new year to employees. A selection of the best toasts for the New Year: don't be banal

On the eve of the celebration of the Year of the Earth Pig, traditional workplace events will take place, so you should prepare toasts for the corporate party for the New Year 2019 in advance in order to adequately congratulate colleagues. In most cases, a comic form is acceptable, but depending on the type of activity, humor may differ. For example, not every team will be enthusiastic about jokes about “swine behavior” and similar common expressions and hints. For this reason, it is important to choose the right toast so as not to end up in an uncomfortable position.

When writing or selecting such small congratulatory texts for a corporate party, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  1. the toast should not be offensive to one, group (department) or all employees;
  2. do not mention topical problems in New Year's greetings;
  3. it is better to check playful texts by telling several colleagues and make sure that they are 100% hit;
  4. if in doubt, it is better to choose traditional congratulations and wishes (a lot also depends on the presentation);
  5. it is better to have two or three spare options in case the chosen toast fails or, conversely, success and the wishes of the team to give you the floor one more time.

Learning how to pronounce toasts correctly

New Year's Eve is a solemn and fun event. It can be spoiled if you make vulgar or trivial toasts in a state of extreme intoxication. You also need to know the rules of etiquette:

I don't drink alcohol! Non-drinkers should not refuse to make a toast. Etiquette allows you to give a speech with a raised glass of water. If you are with friends or family, you can use soda or juice.

New Year's toasts in the year 2019 of the Earth Pig

I wish you all a New Year
Be bold like a pig:
Take women immediately into circulation,
Without further ado and straight to the point!

Squeal and grunt wildly wildly,
Meet this New Year with fun,
Celebrate the holiday famously, famously,
And not to suffer from a hangover ...

I will always say a good toast
You pour a glass fuller.
For drinking everything to the bottom,
We didn't turn into pigs!

It's good to walk carelessly
Drink champagne boldly!
Getting drunk is not funny
To drink in moderation!

Raise a glass to progress
Mind, soul unity,
And so that in the world forever
Eradicate all filth!

Let happiness be a full trough!
Good luck swine to all without measure!
Let the ladies be open to everyone!
Cavaliers will be active!

Let the pig squeal of delight
You publish from love!
Behave like a beast
Everywhere, always so that they can!

Increases large and without bargaining
Let the employer add
Morality will not last long
And let the working day decrease!

For the unity of the sexes! -
I tell a toast to everyone openly,
Love, let the door be open
For all pigs and boars!

I wish you all a New Year
Drink the most noble drinks,
And let the whole year pass
In valiant, pleasant parties!

When Santa Claus made a Snowman, he had some snow left and he asked what else he needed. The snowman could not answer the question, the wise creator gave him a snowball and invited him to blind himself what he sees fit. I raise this glass to the fact that each of us has the opportunity to independently build our lives.

Everything in life has its own color and the more colors, the brighter and happier the picture of life is. The monochrome version with white and black stripes is, of course, a classic, but in this case it has gone out of fashion forever. Let's drink to the rainbow colors of our lives and bright events!

From cheerful, carefree and dreaming children, serious and boring adults have grown. I wish that each of us will always remember this child and sometimes trust him with the reins of our lives. Let it be infrequent, but these moments will be the most memorable.

Once a sage was asked if he really believed in the power of a horseshoe hanging over his door. To which he replied that a horseshoe brings happiness, regardless of whether he believes in it or not. Let's drink to good luck! May she accompany us through life, even when we have lost faith in her.

The proposed New Year's toasts for 2019 are mostly suitable for corporate parties, family holidays and friendly gatherings.

Beautiful phrases for a corporate party in prose

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year, I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any riches. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

In the New Year with new forces, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to grab at least something from last year, so I suggest taking with you: experience, company traditions, a friendly and responsible team, as well as a charge of positive and cheerfulness with which we are now seeing off the old year.

They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it with. Believe me, dear colleagues, that there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another wise man said, who works the way he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and our colleagues' equally wonderful ability to work great!

The Year of the Dog says goodbye to the world under a volley of fireworks, which means that the time has come for the arrival of the next symbol - the Yellow Pig. May happiness, success and prosperity come to all my colleagues during this period. I really want to believe that 2019 will be the beginning of career achievements and unexpected financial achievements for all of us. Let the boss appreciate us, and let the salary increase. Happy holidays!

There was a man who did not work anywhere. And everyone around him worked, earned money, bought cars and apartments. And he also wanted a car and an apartment. And then this man came to us and got a job. I worked a little and bought a car, then an apartment. And he began to live the way all our workers live.

Funny New Year's Toasts 2019 Year of the Pig

First toast: “Goodbye! We will not see you sober today!”

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they do not get sick, do not age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on the Christmas tree. and do not visit the forest! For the New Year!

They ask one electrician if his profession is interesting? “Of course, my profession is interesting, but dangerous. Connect, for example, the wrong wires, and you will be fucked!” So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life does not enter into intimate relations with us!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation in time!

I congratulate you on this chic, swift, beautiful, powerful holiday and wish that after the New Year's table we will not be denied our main means of transportation - legs! So let's drink to the perpetual motion machine!

The girl gently asks the guy:

- Do you love me?

“Of course,” he replies just as gently.

- Will you marry me? the girl continues.

"What's with your habit of suddenly changing the subject of a conversation?!" – the guy was indignant. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year our loved ones are deprived of this vice!

The New Year is coming soon. A young woman was driving in a heavy snowfall. Then she remembered how her father advised her: "If you get into the snow and see a snowplow, go for it." Just as she thought so, a snowplow appeared. The young lady joined him and rode slowly. An hour later, the driver got out of the snowplow cab, approached her car and asked the lady:

- Why are you following me?

“My father advised me during a snowstorm to hide behind a snowplow and follow him,” she replied.

- Ah, that's the point! Well, we have already cleaned this parking lot, we went to another, - the driver agreed.

Let's drink to the fact that in the new year we have a reliable shelter from storms, and not only snow ones!

Mom enters her son's room and sees: the light is out, a geography textbook is hanging on the wall, a burning lamp is on the table, and the son is praying on his knees:

- Lord, make sure that the Volga flows into the Black Sea, as I wrote in the geography test!

So let's drink to God bless us all in the new year!

In math class:

- Sidorov, name a two-digit number.

- Thirty one.

Why not thirteen? Sit down. Two. Petrov, name a two-digit number.

- Forty five.

Why not fifty-four? Sit down. Two. Rabinovich, name a two-digit number.

- Twenty two.

- Why not. You again with your Jewish jokes! Sit down. Three.

Let's drink to have fun in the new year!

New toasts for the New Year 2019 of the Earth Pig

In the New Year, you can wish anything at the table. For example, different New Year's toasts: On New Year's Eve, we all look forward to the weather pampering us with snow and a pleasant, not too strong frost. After all, not everyone will be able to sit all New Year's Eve at the festive table. High spirits, cheerful company… What could be better for a walk on this most magical night of the year?

Therefore, we will raise our glasses so that in the new year we will be pleased with all the surprises of nature: the hot sun, and the cool day, and the summer downpour, and thunderstorms, and snowdrifts of fluffy snow.

A little white bear cub asks his mother:

– Mom, did we have brown bears in our family?

– No, son, we are thoroughbred polar bears.

-Maybe they were Himalayan?

– No, there were no Himalayan ones either.

"Damn, why am I so cold?"

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we are more frost-resistant and not afraid of natural disasters or human shortcomings that can harm us.

It is possible that guests will like it if the next toast is a logical continuation of the previous one. In this way, you will be able to more fully open your thought and wish your friends exactly what they want, and you yourself.

People say: "One bee does not bring much honey."

May our friendship remain as strong, indestructible and sometimes mutually beneficial in the new year, but the latter, of course, is a little joke.

On New Year's Eve, toasts are made for the health and happiness of not only the adult half of humanity. Let's not forget about the kids and their well-being next year, so it will not be superfluous to “wedge in” a children's anecdote toast. Funny New Year's toasts only cheer you up.

Mom told her little son that there is a good Santa Claus in the world - a real one, with a red nose and beard. He brings gifts to good children. This miracle happens only once a year - on New Year's Eve. The kid decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and ask him for what he needs most:

-Dear Santa Claus! You are big and you can do anything. Could you send me a new hat, mittens and a fur coat for the New Year? Mom says that you are very kind and give gifts to good children.

The boy diligently sealed his letter in an envelope, and curious postmen guessed that a letter from a small child could only be addressed to Santa Claus. They hardly made out the children's handwriting, but nevertheless decided to buy the boy what he dreams of, only there was not enough money for mittens.

Just before the New Year, the baby received a package containing a brand new fur coat and hat. The boy writes a response letter in which he thanks Grandfather Frost so much:

-Santa Claus! Thank you for the gifts, I was very happy when I saw a fur coat and a hat. Here are just mittens, probably, the postmen pulled out at the post office.

So let's drink to happy guesses and assumptions that will illuminate our lives next year!

To cheer up in a company that has gathered to drink for the New Year, funny toasts for the New Year will help:

One day, by some miracle, a young penguin wandered into the desert. He walks and wonders, looking around. He looks and looks - and does not believe his eyes. He meets a camel. Penguin stops him and asks in amazement:

-Listen, Camel, do you have ice here - in the desert - or something strong?

- No, are you out of your mind?

Why did you put in so much sand?

For the correct explanation of all questions and problems! Pour!

Once two surgeons are talking:

– Well, how did you perform the operation, is everyone alive and well?

The other surgeon looks in bewilderment and replies:

- So they asked me to replace the pathologist ...

So let's drink to ensure that in the new year we hit the target exactly and make as few misses as possible.

May we have no shortage of spiritual food or ordinary lunch in the New Year!

Short funny toasts

First toast: Goodbye! We won't see you sober today!

So let's drink to the fact that the coming year was better than the previous one, but much worse than the next!

As you meet the New Year, so you will spend it !!! So why are we sitting and not drinking?

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

We always celebrate the New Year with champagne! So let's drink to the fact that the life of each of us is like a glass of this sparkling drink - exciting, rich and overflowing!

It's time to drink to the one who is met everywhere - in hostels, and in cramped Khrushchevs, and in expensive villas, for the one to whom all people are happy, regardless of their position - for the New Year 2019, friends!

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that in the New Year we will have so many good and interesting deeds, unusual events and pleasant meetings, as many lights on the New Year's garland!

The coming year is the year of the Pig, and I want to drink so that none of us will get a pig, and the house will only have comfort and wealth.

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us ... but only champagne, right on target and at close range!

Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on the Christmas tree ... and not visit the forest! For the New Year!

Let's drink to the fact that every next New Year our festive table is more and more bursting with dishes, the smartphone is more and more torn from congratulatory calls from friends and an increasing number of children and grandchildren would give us gifts.

Let's drink so that in the New Year any mood is always with someone to share.

May our life be pure in the New Year, like a drop of spring water, and happiness playful, like champagne in this crystal glass!

May all the troubles in the new year be as short as the change of one year to another!

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all - with ourselves!

On New Year's Eve, each of us faces a lot of problems that need to be solved as soon as possible. This applies to New Year's gifts, the selection of holiday attire, cleaning the apartment, preparing the appropriate menu, and much more. An important point in preparing for the upcoming New Year holidays are toasts for the New Year 2018. With their help, you can originally congratulate friends, relatives and relatives.

The company with which you will celebrate future New Year celebrations can be the most unpredictable, so the toasts should be very different. It is advisable to choose them in advance so that they are most appropriate for the time, situation and people sitting with you at the festive table. Also, do not forget that the Year of the Dog is coming. This fact can add creativity to your statements and wishes to people around you.

Corporate party toasts

The words that you will utter very soon to your work colleagues may be different. They can be grandiloquent and solemn, especially if the authorities are present at the celebrations. Sometimes all the wishes can be contained in a couple of simple phrases, if like-minded colleagues gathered at the New Year's table. In such cases, a short toast from the heart can convey more than even a speech in verse. It all depends on your relationships in the team and how open people work with you. In any case, the New Year's toast should contain words about career growth and about the successes and achievements of the organization where you work. We bring to your attention several options for toasts when celebrating the New Year together with colleagues:

  • Dear friends, beloved colleagues, today I would like to boast. Few people manage to work so long and successfully in a team without quarrels and gossip. I am sure that our team will continue to move towards the set goals in 2018, not looking back at the intrigues of competitors. Happy holiday, friends!
  • Dear colleagues, this year was not easy, but together we were able to overcome all crises. So let Santa Claus in 2018 bring us a bag of money and lucrative contracts. May things always go uphill, and may your loved ones support you, regardless of the chosen undertakings.
  • The Year of the Rooster says goodbye to the world under a volley of fireworks, which means that the time has come for the arrival of the next symbol - the Yellow Dog. May happiness, success and prosperity come to all my colleagues during this period. I really want to believe that 2018 will be the beginning of career achievements and unexpected financial achievements for all of us. Let the boss appreciate us, and let the salary increase. Happy holidays!
  • Dear and friendly team, I congratulate you on the upcoming 2018 Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Despite all the problems encountered in our way in the outgoing year, we coped and were able to overcome the difficulties. Let's hope that all financial difficulties will remain in the past, the authorities will step in and increase the salary. I also want to wish everyone mutual understanding with family and friends, strong 40C health and strong and sincere love. Happy New Year!
  • When we were kids, our parents called us dreamers and maximalists. We have grown up a long time ago, becoming harsh and boring adults. But today I propose to plunge into that glorious time for a moment. And as the most inveterate maximalist and dreamer in our company, I propose to raise a toast so that in the New Year all bottles are endless, glasses are bottomless, men are generous, women are supportive, bosses are friendly, cars are trouble-free, feelings are sincere, and happiness is hopeless.

New Year's toast for colleagues does not have to be serious. You can add some humor to your words. Then your wishes will be perceived even closer and will not leave anyone indifferent:

Of course, you and I are not Barge haulers on the Volga, but in 2017 we did a good job, which means we have the right to take a break. Let the upcoming holidays be so intense that the charge of these emotions will be enough for another six months of productive work. Happy holiday, dear colleagues, and be happy.

Wishes in verse

Expressions in poetic form are suitable both for corporate parties and for relatives, friends and the closest person:

Here comes the old year!
Let him take with him
The burden of paying off debts
Empty wallets
Greedy, slanderous customers,
Unloved competitors
That love that is unanswered
The snow that falls in summer
Woodpeckers of those who hammer us,
Let him take it with him!

If you get drunk on New Year's Eve,
Vodka and wine to type
And wash everything down with champagne
You can change the snowman.
Stand in a snowdrift with a red nose
Drunken voice terrible
Sing a song about the New Year
Gathering a round dance.
You can’t collect a round dance
You only disturb people
Have a nice time
And in the morning, remembering everything, you will laugh!
So let's drink hard
But let's celebrate civilly
New Year's and Christmas
So, to remember the celebration!

To the sound of chimes, the noise of crackers
I want to raise a glass again
For you, dear souls,
For faith in friendship and love!

Raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
In all matters, great success,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Family life warmth!

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
So that this year
Tears were out of order
To be appreciated by friends
And the family loved
Most of the awards were given
So that diseases do not attack.
This is the point. And we will be alive
We'll get the rest
By acquaintance or by pull,
Thanks for the salary.
Don't be sad, keep your nose up
Well, let's drink to make it happen.

Cool sayings at the New Year's table

In the circle of close friends, it is fashionable to allow yourself cool toasts. You know the people you are friends with well, so you can relax a bit and wish them all the best for the New Year in a casual way:

  • May our life be pure in the New Year, like a drop of spring water, and happiness playful, like champagne in this crystal glass!
  • At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them,
    the hearts of our women were warmed by love for us men in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!
  • One wise man said: “The most amazing thing about a person is that he often grieves over the lost state, and that his life is passing, he is not upset.” Let's drink so that every day of the new year passes brightly and with benefit!
  • Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!
  • Life has limits, it is short, and dreams are limitless. You yourself are walking along the road, and the dream is already at home. You yourself go to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms. You yourself live in this hour, that dream flies away for many years to come. She flies beyond the line where life ends in darkness. She flies through the ages. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year all our dreams come true!

Short New Year's toasts for the closest

For friends For a loved one
Let's drink to 365 days ahead of us, to 365 opportunities, to 365 new pages of life, to 365 miracles that will happen to us! For the New Year, which will give us everything! Hooray! Life is a long and thorny path, and I am glad that we are walking along it hand in hand. Thank you for your love and may 2018 be even happier for our family. As long as we are together, we are strong, and for the sake of fulfilling your desires, I will move mountains!
They say that our life is so short that we should not waste it on resentment. Let's have a drink next New Year, we had little reason to be offended. And may all worries and grievances remain in the old year and never remind of themselves! On this night, on the eve of the New Year, I would like to thank you for your uncomplaining support. May your dreams come true with every chiming clock, may Santa Claus bring you hundreds of reasons to smile, and may your pockets be filled with a well-deserved reward for your work. Be happy dear.
I want each of us to acquire not the best, but our own in the new year. Because the best can not always become one's own, but one's own is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year! Thanks to you, in my life there is always a place for light, unshakable optimism. So let 2018 make your life even brighter, fill it with positive emotions and incredible impressions. Shine with happiness and be my main guide on the path to success.
Everything should be different in the new year. And I want the new year to come and fulfill everything that we lacked so much in the previous ones. I drink for happiness, for prosperity,

For health and wellness

To be all right

We had enough strength for everything!

New Years is soon. I would like to wish that all the problems and hardships remained in the past year, and new emotions, beginnings, and victories were present in everyone's life in the New Year! You are my favorite person

And I wish you a Happy New Year

May we be together forever!

I congratulate you today!

Under the chiming clock, let the dream

Yours is easy to come true

And you always smile

May all good things happen!

When the company’s business is going uphill, and there are bright prospects ahead, it’s not a sin to celebrate this success with a corporate holiday, and also to raise a toast so that our success always exceeds expectations, the company’s fame and its capital grow, and we, a friendly team of employees, are just happy!

Dear Colleagues! Since I had the opportunity to raise a toast at a corporate party, I want to drink this glass to ensure that we are always one step ahead of the competition, that our assets grow and that the best times and accomplishments for us are just around the corner!

Together we are a single, strong team that has a lot to do, and I want to turn my toast to our future - when each of us reaches the desired heights, and our company enters the international level! May our common and private dreams soon become a reality!

Raising a glass, I invite you, dear colleagues, to drink for the success and prosperity of our enterprise! A big deal, as you know, is most easily solved together, so let us always and in everything be a strong, friendly team, in which each person, like a cog, is a part of the perpetual motion machine of success!

Staying afloat in our difficult times is already a great achievement! I say a toast to the fact that we are not afraid of the crisis, to the fact that we always have fresh ideas and valuable employees to implement our plans! May success always accompany us in everything!

Success, as you know, comes only to those who are hardworking, not afraid of difficulties, able to solve all issues almost effortlessly, know what they want and how to get it, while remaining honorable and fair! I propose to drink to ensure that our company is always successful, and our secrets are elusive for competitors!

A celebration, or rather a corporate meeting in the company of colleagues, suggests appropriate topics for conversation, and therefore I propose to drink, first of all, for the prosperity and brilliant success of our common cause! May we always be the first among the best, our profits are growing, and our good reputation and fame will be known to the whole world!

In our organization, everyone is busy with their own business, not for a moment to be lazy and always ready to help a colleague. In honor of our cohesion and the warm atmosphere of our team, I raise my glass and want to wish our organization to always be the best among its kind!

Dear Colleagues! I want to say a toast... It will, of course, be for the prosperity of our organization! For many of us, this is not just a job, but also a business in which you can invest your soul, and when success comes, be proud to understand that this is your merit! Let's drink to keep it that way!

A corporate feast is not just a holiday, but also an opportunity to get close to colleagues in a more informal setting, praise each other for success, and of course, raise a lot of glasses for the success of a common cause! I want to say a toast to the fact that at any time we have success, an excellent reputation and a large, friendly team of true professionals!

Perhaps not a single party in production teams is complete without toasts, especially if such a holiday as the New Year is celebrated. New Year's toasts for a corporate party can be serious and playful, funny and funny.

This page of our site presents the best toasts for a corporate party on the occasion of the upcoming 2019 New Year, which will add a bright flavor to your holiday.

New Year's toasts for a corporate holiday

I want to raise a glass of wine
And I want to say a toast to my colleagues.
I can't find better colleagues in the world,
At least go around all the offices of the world!
Thank you for your warmth and understanding
For you to the bottom! Thanks for attention!

I want that at a corporate party
Everyone had more fun!
To this I will proclaim a toast,
Pour into glasses, please.
Forget business today
Feel more free!
Get ready to celebrate the holiday
So that there was no time to be bored!

My favorite colleagues!
We are all running in the same race.
And in this New Year's hour
I want to congratulate all of you.
May our team be strong
Let salaries grow steadily!
And let the peaks of labor
We will be conquered without effort!
Let the boss not be strict
Don't judge us for mistakes
And more often he gives an award, -
And so let the whole year pass!

What should be toasts at a New Year's corporate party? Soulful, funny, short and ... harmless. Do not forget that although the holiday takes place in an informal setting, even on such a day you should not go beyond the bounds of decency.

After all, what you say at the festive table can both serve you well and be used against you. Therefore, toasts for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party should not contain ambiguous jokes, offensive attacks against someone, obscene language, etc.

Dear colleagues, friends!
I raise this toast
To drink for all of you
And say that working with you class!
You won't find better colleagues in the world,
Low bow to all of you to the ground!
So let's keep working together
And we will forget all the old grievances.
And we will only go forward
After all, I can’t find better than you, colleagues!

Happy New Year, colleagues,
My congratulations,
You success in your work,
Of course I do!
To new heights
you all achieved
And the salaries are huge.
To receive!
And to bring
work pleasure,
And the houses were joy
Health and tranquility!

Toasts at the corporate celebration of 2019 New Year

We're gathered here together
Not just like that, out of boredom, -
Celebrate at the banquet
Joint merit!
And corporate spirit
Unite stronger.
Under the toast my positive
I ask everyone to pour!

For the upcoming New Year
Colleagues it's time to wish
Less hard work
More pleasant salaries!
Let customers get smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities cherish all of us,
And life will become sweeter than halva!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Health, happiness, joy in everything,
Good luck, I wish you a lot of money.
Let adversity be nothing.

Let the coming year bring us
Much success in life and good.
Let all troubles go away as soon as possible
Friendship will never end!

To make the holiday fun and not be bored at the table, we offer New Year's toasts for a corporate party. Do not forget to wish your management and colleagues success in their work, well-being and health. Toasts at a New Year's festive corporate party will cheer up your colleagues and contribute to the spiritual unity of those present.

Champagne a long time ago in glasses
And the team of wonderful toasts is waiting ...
Here's a New Year's fairy tale
And the longed-for New Year has come to us!

Let the chimes tonight
All dreams and plans will come true!
Let a fair wind blow on your way,
Shine all year long!

And let there be no problems at work!
I propose a toast to success.
Let there be a place for festive care,
You stay forever the best!

Let us New Year
All the best will bring -
strengthening relationships,
The accuracy of the decisions made!
May we be insanely lucky
Luck only comes to us!
Let everyone get a vacation
And he won't get bored!
Well, honest people,
Let's drink to the New Year!

Raise a glass of champagne for good luck
Together we will solve all the tasks.
May this merry New Year
Bring wealth and joy to all of you!

Toasts for the New Year corporate party 2019 in prose

New Year's toasts for a corporate party are a great opportunity to wish your colleagues everything that you did not have time for the previous year. Funny and touching toasts at a corporate party on the occasion of the celebration of the New Year 2019 can be heard not only in poetry, but also in prose.

They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it with. Believe me, dear colleagues, that there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another wise man said, who works the way he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's co-op and an equally wonderful ability to work great!

Dear friends! The Christmas tree is lit with multi-colored lights, glasses are ringing, in which champagne is splashing. Is it possible at this wonderful time not to congratulate all those present on the New Year, not to wish happiness and goodness? May everything be great in your life! I hope that we will work with such a friendly and cheerful team for a long time to come.

Dear Colleagues! May the next year bring prosperity and success to all of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones will warm us at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

They say that work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. I propose to raise glasses and drink so that in the New Year not only we would not run away from work, but also work would not run away from us. So that in this regard we have a complete mutual understanding! Congratulations, colleagues!

So the moment comes to congratulate colleagues on New Year, and each member of the team will have to say something at the corporate party.

And it doesn’t matter if you are a lawyer or a kindergarten teacher, when passing New Year greetings to colleagues, we put the warmest and most sincere wishes into them.

How to congratulate employees in the office or elsewhere depends on the atmosphere in the team.

Therefore, our holiday site offers you a variety of New Year's greetings in prose, which you can say as it is, or supplement it with your own words to get the original text.

And in verse you can read congratulatory lines.

I wish you, dear colleagues, to catch luck by the tail in the midst of the New Year and hold it tight until the next holiday! To get caught in the net of a happy fortune and not get out of it all the long and joyful life path! Happy New, certainly magical and sparkling, you year!

We had many busy working days in the past year, but all our work was not in vain - I believe that in the New Year everything will be our way, we will break through any difficulties, reach a new level and be strong and healthy at the same time. And of course, there will be a lot of love and money in the New Year!

Dear and respected colleagues! Last year we conquered new peaks! Today I want to wish you a Happy New Year! We look to the future with bright hopes, but in order for them to come true, it is necessary to make every possible effort. Stay positive bright people in any work situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. Support a teammate with advice or help in your spare time! And may your home always be warm and cozy, so that you come to work with joy and a gleam in your eyes!

Let, colleagues, the New Year bring ups without downs, stable implementation of plans and loyalty of the leadership. I wish that love and mutual understanding await in the circle of close people, and at work - career growth and a rapid increase in salaries! Good luck and peace of mind!

I hasten to congratulate all those with whom I share my working days on the New Year. May our profession always be in demand and adequately paid, the results of the work be obvious, and the contribution to the development of the Motherland be very significant. Happy New Year, gentlemen colleagues, with new happiness!

Accept New Year's greetings, The person with whom I share all hours of work and lunch breaks. Thank you for a good working atmosphere, reliable support, a calm working condition and confidence in achieving our goal. May your every working day be better than the previous one in the New Year, and each salary be higher every month.

I wish you, colleagues, to experience a storm of positive emotions and a hurricane of happy moments on this fabulous New Year's Eve. Let a cheerful round dance of smiles, pleasant surprises, miracles swirl you. May the coming year bring you friendly support, the favor of your superiors, the successful solution of all kinds of problems and cover you with a snowfall of banknotes.

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year, I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any riches. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

I congratulate you, my colleague, on the magical holiday of the New Year. I wish you to find inspiration, creative ideas, healthy ambitions, financial prosperity, career growth and everything that makes our work a pleasure under the Christmas tree.

Happy New Year to those with whom I share joys and sorrows throughout the working week - our close-knit work team! Let there be many times more joys, I also wish that in the New Year the salary becomes much higher, and less labor is spent on it.

Happy New Year, colleagues, with our new success! Let the difficulties melt away like these wonderful fluttering snowflakes, work will become a joy, like a New Year's gift, and incredible success will sparkle like New Year's lights!

Dear colleagues, in the New Year I would like to wish you professional and creative success, mutual understanding and respect in the team, worthy rewards for your work. May peace and tranquility reign in your families, and troubles bypass. Be healthy, loved and happy!

Colleagues, Happy New Year! Let the magical atmosphere of a wonderful winter holiday reign in your homes and joyful toasts rise at the table, and only good memories remain from the old year. Relax and gain strength and creativity - great things are waiting for us!

Dear employees, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish each of you new brilliant ideas, prosperity and success, professional growth. May love and mutual understanding, happiness and health not leave your families. Let the warmth and love of loved ones warm you in the most difficult moments.

In the new year, I wish that mutual understanding in the team is strong, all your ideas are brilliant and brought to life, your wallet is tight, and your bank account is at least seven-digit. Let there be comfort in the house, and a light breeze of calmness constantly blows in the soul.

I would like to wish you in the New Year, not only production success, which will certainly be, but also that everyone personally has their own personal happiness, the best health, an indefatigable desire to live and work, to improve and strive only for the best and beautiful.

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year to you! We have worked hard in the past year and we can be proud of ourselves. I wish that we all have a great rest, gain positive on a unique New Year's Eve. May the coming year inspire us to new achievements and bring pleasant surprises.

I congratulate you on a wonderful winter holiday, which gives us not only a fairy tale, but also a wonderful New Year's weekend. Let there be more days off in the new year, less work, and higher wages. Let your household, employees please you, and a good mood does not leave you either at home or at work.

Colleagues, I wish our work to be not just completely loved, but to resemble a memorable movie with a happy ending, where each of us plays not in the usual extras, but a key role, for which not just a fee, but also a real long-awaited Oscar! So let this wish come true in the coming year!

The long-awaited holiday of the New Year is in a hurry to us, and on the eve of its arrival, let me, my dear colleague, say a few pleasant words! Let joy come in your daily life day after day and a smile multiply! And let sorrows go away with the passing year!

Working in my native team is a great honor for me, and congratulating you, colleagues, on the New Year is a great joy. May our family, united by everyday work and friendship, prosper in the coming year, may problems go away, and tasks can be easily solved. Let everyone be proud of the team, our common achievements and bright personal victories.

Dear colleague! I sincerely congratulate you on the bright holiday of the New Year. I wish you good luck in business, joy in your family and happiness in your soul. May only sincere smiles surround you all year long, and may your friends only increase. Let all the shortcomings at work and in your personal life remain in the outgoing year, and let the coming year bring only positive.

You and I are a reliable team of professionals who work with the song, invest in deadlines and do not let down their enterprise. I wish that from the new year our work will be in demand, the glory of the team will thunder everywhere, and the working conditions and pay for it will be at the highest level! Peace and love to our families!

Happy New Year to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us receive in it everything that he desires, what he secretly dreamed about and saw in his best dreams! Let all the tasks set in the New Year be completed on time, with maximum profit and with a great mood!

Under the cheerful clink of glasses and the festive sparkle of New Year's lights, I wish you, dear colleagues, that the corporate spirit will unite us in one impulse and lead to bright victories and achievements. I wish each of you to shine with professional skills at work, and at home - family happiness, prosperity and love. Happy holiday to you, Happy New Year!