Figurines of the Magi from paper for a nativity scene. We create a Christmas nativity scene with our own hands: master classes with photos. Street nativity scenes, photo

Master class on making a Christmas nativity scene

Author: Ilya Goncharov, 5th grade student of the Tubinskaya secondary school
Head: Veshkina Valentina Sergeevna, teacher of the ORKSE MOU "Tubinskaya secondary school"

Description: the master class is intended for students in grades 1-4, primary school teachers, creative parents, teachers of additional education, teachers of the ORKSE.
Purpose: Nativity scene can be used to act out the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in the classroom or at home, in the study of the history of the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
We used the layout at the extra-curricular event "Christmas Nativity Scene", where children with disabilities played a beautiful story of the Nativity of Christ for younger schoolchildren in a puppet show. The ability to see, examine, play the image helps students studying in the auxiliary correctional program to better perceive and remember what they saw at the event.

Target: creating a nativity scene layout
develop imaginative thinking by making a layout
develop regulatory skills: plan activities, gradually implement what has been planned, bring what has been started to the end
educate interest in history, search activities
Materials: cardboard box, fabric scraps, furniture stapler or large office stapler, rods, secateurs, scissors, needle, thread, PVA glue, adhesive tape.
Safety precautions when working with scissors (secateurs):
1. Scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
2. Store scissors in a specific place (box or stand).
3. When using scissors, be as careful and disciplined as possible.
4. When passing the scissors, hold them with closed blades pointing away from you.
5. Scissors during operation must be placed on the right, with closed blades.
6. When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom.

In the Christian world, there is an old tradition - to put a nativity scene in the house or decorate on the street for Christmas. The nativity scene is a model of the Bethlehem cave with dolls inside. Someone buys it in a store, someone prefers to make it himself.
The Cave of the Nativity, or the Holy Nativity scene, is located under the pulpit of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

The birthplace of the Savior is marked on the floor with a silver star and an inscription in Latin

"Jesus Christ of the Virgin Mary was born here." In a semicircular niche, sixteen lamps are glowing behind a star. And a little further away is the Aisle of the nursery - the place where the Virgin Mary laid Christ after birth. The manger-feeder for animals, which the Virgin used as a cradle, was taken out in the seventh century to Rome as a great shrine. And the niche where the manger stood was overlaid with marble.
Nativity scene - reproduction of the scene of the Nativity of Christ by means of various arts (sculpture, theater).

Scientists suggest that the first panoramas depicting the Cave of the Nativity appeared in the 13th century in Italy, and later became very popular throughout Europe.
In Russia, theatrical nativity scenes are known - short puppet shows with a Christmas story. To act out the performance, a special two- or three-story portable box-house was made, where the Christmas story was played out.

It is known that at the end of the 18th century a dynasty of vertepschikov, the Kolosov family, was formed in St. Petersburg, which for almost a century kept the tradition of performing performances.
Nativity scenes flourished in the 19th century, when they became popular not only in central Russia, but also in Siberia. After the revolution of 1917, the Christmas nativity scene, along with the New Year Tree, were strictly banned as "religious agitation." Only at the end of the 20th century did the restoration of the traditions of the nativity scene begin. Folklorist Viktor Novatsky carefully examined the crib boxes and restored the text of the performance. His version of the action is considered a model.

1. At the cardboard box, cut off the lid and turn it on its side.

2. With pieces of fabric we wrap the walls of the box and the base - the floor of the cave.

3. From the outside, we also cover the walls of the box with a fabric using a stapler or a needle and thread (the choice of tool depends on the thickness of the cardboard).

4. From a free cover, he makes a "hayloft" by fastening the cardboard with tape.

5. We lay dry grass on the roof of the den (you can decorate with spruce needles and tinsel).

6. Carefully cut the rods with secateurs.

7. We lay the rods on the roof of the nativity scene, smearing them with glue.

8. With thin twigs we decorate the "entrance" of the cave; using a needle and thread, we fix the "poles" to the fabric.

9. You can make a manger out of twigs by folding the branches into a “well” and fastening them together with a thread.

10. We prepare a sheaf of hay from a bunch of grass, tying it in a knot and cutting off excess straws.
The Christmas crib is ready.

Figurines of Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and animals can be made from paper, plasticine, salt dough.
Thank you for your attention.

Nativity scene - a reproduction of the scene of the Nativity of Christ. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, the topical Christmas composition, made with your own hands from cardboard or thick paper, will be an actual craft.

The templates available in the master class will help you make a nativity scene, which you can later decorate your home interior with. The nativity scene can be made for a kindergarten or school, because with it you can acquaint children with the theme of the Nativity of Christ, the Bible and tell the story of the holiday.

How to make a Christmas nativity scene with your own hands

Making a Christmas composition is very easy, as templates make it easy. It is enough to download, print, cut paper templates from paper and transfer them to cardboard. Then it's a matter of technology ... But since we present the work in the form of an MK, let's still deal with the manufacture of crafts in stages, with a description and a photo.

Necessary materials:

  • cardboard - soft and dense;
  • paper - 3 sheets A4;
  • openwork braid - 1 meter;
  • universal glue or glue gun;
  • twine or thread for knitting - 6 cm;
  • transparent plastic, which is used for the face of packaging of children's toys or souvenirs in boxes.
  • scissors (wallpaper knife);
  • sample: , .

We print templates from paper, transfer them by outlining on cardboard, and cut out the necessary elements.

Moreover, all the elements must be made of thick cardboard, which does not bend and holds its shape well, but the roof must be flexible, so thin and flexible cardboard is needed to make this part of the craft. In this MK, colored cardboard of golden color with a hardness of 180 units was used.

These are the cardboard blanks you should get.

We begin assembling the basis of the crib composition.

We take a blank for the bottom of the future den, apply it across the width to a piece of transparent plastic packaging and make plastic folds along it. This will be the back wall of our den. Its width should be equal to the width of the base, that is, 15 cm.

Now you need to take the "walls" and glue them to the bottom, as shown in the photo.

We glue the back wall of transparent plastic.

Front view.

And attach the roof.

The base is almost ready. It remains to make a beautiful and discreet decor, for which you will need nothing more than openwork linen or braid.

Using a glue gun, attach it around the perimeter of the front of the nativity scene. You can also paste over the top of the back wall in front and the perimeter of the back of the craft (but this is optional).

It remains to glue the faces of the saints and the symbol of Christmas - the star of David.

Pre-cut cardboard blanks need to be slightly modified, namely, to make them stable. To do this, take pieces of cardboard and fix them on all three figures as shown in the photo.

The cradle of Jesus is ready, now the rest of the figures are in line.

Glue them to the crib.

We cut out a star from cardboard, on top of which we decided to stick a paper one, glue a thread and a square of cardboard to the star, which will help to better attach the craft to the ceiling.

And now the most interesting thing is experimenting with candles.

In the first photo, we put a candle in front of the nativity scene and got the following effect.

Now we put it inside the product. So it's better. This option is, in principle, optimal, since customs involve wearing a nativity scene along the street during Christmas carols. With proper handling, the candle will not go out ...

If the Christmas composition will be in one place in the room, then the option with a candle behind it is the most optimal.

IMPORTANT! Open flames are always unsafe, especially when located near flammable materials. Just from which our craft is made. Therefore, you should not leave crafts with a burning candle unattended in order to avoid disastrous consequences.

But in general, enjoy the holiday and crafts. After all, the evening is about to come when Jesus Christ was born long ago!

May this bright holiday give all adults and children real joy, which comes only from childhood! And let it be with us not only on holidays!

Merry Christmas!

I really love Christmas and everything connected with it: carols, family gatherings, small Christmas cribs with tiny figures, delicious kutya, funny people dressed up, Christmas stories ... I also love more modern things related to Christmas: cartoons and good films based on Christmas stories, Christmas wreaths and decor, a finger theater about the birth of a little God.

For several years now I have been dreaming of buying a beautiful table nativity scene, but I still don’t find it the way I imagine. So that there are a lot of figurines that can be played with, so that the figurines are made in a childishly naive and at the same time restrained (without smirks and bulging eyes - I came across those too :)

But recently I thought about a drawing of a nativity scene - a Christmas picture that each kid can color in his own way. Parents will help him cut and glue everything correctly. And now a beautiful table nativity scene with your own hands is ready!

Having searched, I, of course, found interesting samples, but still decided to draw my own. Unfortunately, due to my growing tummy and my daughter, who manages my time without permission, my idea was postponed. Just today, my husband and I finally finished our Christmas nativity scene. We hope that at Christmas time he will still have time to please the kids.

Blank-coloring of the scene of the Nativity of Christ

The barn and 14 figurines can be printed, colored, glued onto thick paper, cut and glued in the right places. You get characters that stand on their own.

With such a nativity scene, you can arrange a table performance about the Nativity of Jesus Christ. It seems to me that making a nativity scene together with a child is a great opportunity to tell him about sacred events, about the birth of an unusual Baby, about who the Magi are and why the star shone so brightly. In addition, by coloring the figures, it will be easier for the child to remember who is where, and what role he played in this story.

A few words about gluing:

The figures must be folded along the dotted lines so that the rectangle is at the base - the figure will stand on it. Fix on top with a little glue. Cut out three parts with the image of a barn along continuous lines, stick them on thick paper, bend the edges along the dotted lines, and glue them together. Get a big house. To make it stand steadily, you need to bend it along the dotted lines along the beams.

Several centuries ago, a wonderful Christmas tradition appeared in Russia - a puppet show that tells about the birth of the baby Jesus. In those days, people enjoyed watching actors act out scenes from the Bible, and rejoiced at the great miracle all together. If you want to arrange an unforgettable holiday for the kids, then hurry up to make a small home theater, or nativity scene, with your own hands. With it, you can not only decorate your apartment and fill it with magic, but also introduce children to the history of Christmas.

What is a vertep?

Ancient nativity scenes were a large wooden box, made in the form of a two-story house. In the upper part of this building were figures of Mary, Joseph and the baby. On the lower tier, an action took place that told about the evil King Herod and his minions. The heroes of such stories often became contemporaries of the actors: a soldier, a priest, a gypsy, a peasant, and many other characters. In our time, a wonderful tradition of playing such performances is only being revived. You can make a nativity scene with your own hands with the whole family, and then gather at it in the evenings, talk, read books and admire beautiful pictures. These gatherings will remain in the memory of your child for many years and will warm him even in the most difficult times.

There are many ways to create a home. But for all performances, you will need a large box, which will serve as a stage. It is absolutely not necessary to make it from wood or other heavy materials - shoe or from under household appliances are perfect. Paste the future scene inside and out with foil and decorate with foil stars. You can create decorations from natural or waste material, colored paper and Christmas decorations. Figurines of heroes for such a theater are made in various ways. For example, they can be made from paper, clay, or ready-made toys. Some craftsmen create shadow theater, which is very popular with both children and adults. In our article we will tell you how to make a nativity scene with your own hands out of paper. The process of creating such a theater will be no less exciting than watching the performance itself. And if the rest of the family members join the work, then everyone will remember the fun pastime for a long time.

To make the main characters of the home theater, you will need the following materials:

    Thin cardboard and paper for drawing.

    Scissors and glue.

    Paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens and plasticine.

From cardboard, make small cones that will serve as the basis for the figures of the mother of Jesus, Righteous Joseph and the Magi. Draw faces on paper, cut them out and carefully glue them on the front side. Now you can start coloring. Depict the costumes, make an applique, add plasticine details. The hands of the heroes can also be drawn separately and glued to the body. Remember that a do-it-yourself nativity scene is not an exam in fine art, which means that you do not need to strive for ideal shapes and colors. Make this process a pleasure and enjoy the work that unites and brings your whole family together.

Animal figurines

Remember who surrounded the divine infant in the first hours of his life. Figures of sheep and donkeys can be drawn on paper and placed on a stable stand so that they can be easily moved. If you know how to sculpt from clay or dough, then make animals from these materials.

baby figurine

Doing it with your own hands, do not forget about the main hero of the occasion - the newborn Jesus. To depict a manger, you will need a small box of perfume or matches. Paste the cradle with colored film, cut straw from brown paper and stick it on top in random order. Draw a baby figure on paper, color it in and glue it to the box. Install a manger in the most honorable place, and hang over them, which two thousand years ago announced a great miracle to all the peoples of our planet.

Other ways to make a paper crib

A Christmas composition made according to templates will greatly facilitate your work. It is enough just to save the pictures to your computer, print and transfer them to thick cardboard. Be sure to give the silhouettes of the holy family stability by using coasters made of the same material. To decorate the frame, take a cardboard box, remove one wall and bottom. The roof of the future nativity scene can be made curved, and transparent plastic can be used for the back wall. Glue openwork tape or braid around the perimeter of the front part to close the uneven edges of the box. After that, you can glue the figures to the bottom of the box, and place a star on the roof. Since our work looks somewhat schematic, it will look best in Place a candle or a small flashlight behind the composition and turn off the light. Now the picture looks mysterious and evokes thoughts of the most beautiful days in the life of mankind.

How to put on a show

After you have made a Christmas nativity scene with your own hands, be sure to come up with several scenarios for the puppet show. If you want to comply with all the canons of old Russian ideas, then you will have to make a few additional characters. You might want to see an angel in a makeshift cave announcing the birth of Jesus. Or maybe you will draw the evil King Herod, who will order to kill all the babies in the country. In ancient times, children were shown scenes in which a cruel ruler meets death. She appears to the king in the form of a terrible skeleton and throws him into the underworld. The performance may be accompanied by singing, poetry reading, and after its completion there may be a game of questions and answers. Your little ones will enjoy repeating what they have learned this evening and look forward to the next performances.

Tatiana Turusova

MK « nativity scene»

On the eve of one of the greatest Christian holidays, there has always been a tradition to set nativity scene- scene playback Christmas. By using nativity scene you can acquaint children in kindergarten with the topic Christmas, the Bible and tell the story of the origin of the holiday. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, it is the plot that is relevant christmas composition made by hand from cardboard or thick paper.

Necessary materials:

medium sized box

cardboard (you can cover from children's albums);

patches of fabric;

balls of white thread;

openwork braid;

Double-sided tape;


safety pins.

For creating crib the main compositions are the figures of the main characters. They can be made from any material. But since this is our first experience of creating Christmas compositions, then we took a simpler option - cardboard and fabric. Manufacturing dolls show an example making a magician.

First, we draw an even circle from cardboard (remember that its radius will determine the height of the cone).

We divide the circle into 4 parts with two perpendicular lines intersecting in the center of the figure. Then cut out one quarter, bring the adjacent areas together and glue them with an overlap or fasten them with a stapler. For the hands, draw a circle of smaller diameter and divide it in half. From the halves of the circle we make cones for the hands. The torso and arms of the sorcerer are obtained.

Now we drape the blanks with a cloth (preferably bright colors, velvet is better, fixing them with double-sided tape and a stapler.

We fix the hands on the body with the help of safety pins. (or double sided tape).

Then we proceed to head making. We take a white ball (you can take small balls or, if there are not enough threads, you can make a ball from a newspaper and wrap it with white threads) and fix a piece of bright fabric on it with an openwork braid and a safety pin.

The next step is attaching the head to the body. They took aluminum wire and fixed it in a ball.

Then we insert the head into the blank of the body and straighten and fix the wire inside the cone. The figure of the sorcerer is ready.

By the same principle we make the rest of the characters: Joseph, Mary, shepherds.

The manger was a simple box, which was pasted over with self-adhesive wood-like paper. Hay was placed inside the box, on which a baby figurine was placed.

AT nativity scene animal figurines can also be placed with shepherd figures. We made a sheep from a large plastic egg and cotton swabs.

The characters are ready, we take on making a nativity scene. To do this, they took a box of medium depth, which was draped with a cloth. Ready nativity scene decorated with an electric garland, instead of a candle, for security reasons. Here is our Christmas crib is ready!