Halloween makeup for girls: scary beauty. Stylish and scary Halloween makeup for girls Beautiful makeup for a girl

Halloween (Halloween) is a famous youth holiday that came to us from the USA. Every year it is more actively celebrated in Russia. Guys and girls are in a hurry to create unusual, bright and mystical images, and one cannot do without the appropriate make-up (make-up). We have prepared for you some popular and impressive Halloween images for guys, how to make them at home step by step, what you need for this, read on.


The image of a vampire can be safely attributed to the most popular characters for a Halloween party. It can be done without the help of professionals. To do this, prepare:

  • face painting or theatrical makeup;
  • tone cream;
  • black cosmetic pencil, eyeliner;
  • artificial blood;
  • special overlays for teeth;
  • white or red lenses.

The characteristic features of a classic vampire are a pale, even slightly cyanotic face, sunken eyes. Wounds, cuts on the face are not characteristic of the vampire image, and are performed at will. Famous vampire heroes - Dracula, Edward from the movie "Twilight".

Make vampire makeup

  1. Prepare the skin for makeup: cleanse the face, neck and ears with cosmetic milk, wipe with an alcohol-based tonic and moisturize with cream. Remove excess moisture with paper towels.
  2. To lighten the skin, use a light foundation or theatrical makeup. To make the image more convincing, to get a deathly pallor, you can add a little blue. Do not forget to lighten the surface of the lips as well.
  3. Brown, gray work out the area around the eyes, cheekbones.
  4. Underline the eyebrows with a black pencil.
  5. Put on special overlays-fangs on your teeth. You can add some artificial blood flowing from the mouth. This technique will give expressiveness and beauty to the image.
  6. Wear red or white lenses.

Quality makeup is only half the battle. Equally important are facial expressions, facial expressions, eyes and hairstyles. Practice in front of a mirror, look at others coldly and with interest, like a wolf at a young lamb. Be sure to add gray hair.

Important! Before doing makeup, shave your facial hair as thoroughly as possible. The bristles will not allow you to apply makeup evenly and create a convincing look.


For charismatic and eccentric personalities, the image of the Joker for Halloween is suitable. He is personified by Heath Ledger in Batman. The quirkiness of character, the unpredictability of behavior, a creepy and at the same time attractive facial expression are additional criteria for this image for Halloween.

To make the Joker makeup with your own hands, you will need:

  • face painting, theatrical make-up in white, red and black;
  • artificial blood.

Halloween Makeup Procedure:

  1. Properly prepare your face: cleanse with cosmetic, wipe with tonic and apply moisturizer. Soak up any excess moisture with paper towels.
  2. The pale face is typical of the Joker's appearance. Foundation, white theatrical make-up will help to achieve the desired effect.
  3. Use black paint around the eyes, adding a blur effect, smudges.
  4. Color the lips bright red. Apply red paint to the earlobes, imitating a torn mouth. Droplets of blood, blurry outlines will add expression and naturalness to the image.

Advice. Don't forget to wear a wig or dye your hair green to complete the look. For this, special crayons or other temporary hair dyes are suitable.

Evil clown, Pennywise

A creepy and evil clown is another suitable male look for Halloween. There are many examples of Hollywood killer clowns, Pennywise from the movie It is considered the leader and standard of a creepy character.

For the sinister clown makeup you will need:

  • face painting, theatrical makeup;
  • tonal base;
  • makeup wax;
  • black cosmetic pencil;
  • fake blood.

Halloween male makeup is done like this:

  1. The skin is prepared (cleansed, toned and moisturized).
  2. The face, neck and ears are made white with the help of face painting (tonal foundation).
  3. Draw the contours of the eyes and lips with a black pencil. For expressiveness of the image, the outlines of the area around the eyes are made curly (for example, in the shape of a diamond), painted over with black.
  4. The shape of the lips is also modified: they are made very massive, wide so that you can draw teeth, and the corners of the mouth are extended somewhere to the middle of the cheeks.
  5. Make-up wax is used to create the effect of torn corners of the mouth and eyes. If it was not possible to purchase the product, you can take paper napkins and eyelash cream. Glue small pieces of paper to the corners of the painted lips (eyes) with glue, for volume, perform several layers. When the paper is dry, tear or cut the ends with scissors, cover with foundation and paint of your chosen color. Blood smudges can be made from fake blood.
  6. Draw a tooth grin inside the new lips. The base is made black, and the teeth are drawn with matte white shadows.
  7. Paint the tip of the nose red or put on a small clown nose with an elastic band.

A bright costume, a clown wig with multi-colored hair is a must-have addition to the make-up.

Note! The make-up of the evil clown perfectly hides the age, the image is suitable for young guys and adult men.


The image of a werewolf looks no less impressive, but it can be difficult to create. For guys with thick facial hair, this is the best option, you don't even have to shave.

To create an image you will need:

  • thin brush for applying makeup;
  • makeup black, gray, brown;
  • false fangs;
  • green or yellow lenses;
  • black cosmetic pencil (eyeliner).

How to do werewolf makeup:

  1. Pre-cleanse your face with a cosmetic product, wipe with tonic and apply cream.
  2. Using brown and gray paint and a thin brush, draw hair on the forehead, cheekbones. Add some color to the eyebrows to visually increase their volume.
  3. Fill the upper eyelids with dark shadows. Highlight the line along the lower eyelid with a black cosmetic pencil (eyeliner).
  4. Paint the tip of the nose with dark paint, like in animals.
  5. Put on lenses and fangs.

To complete the werewolf look, wear a wig with long hair to match the hair shown, as well as a matching carnival costume.

Devil, demonic image

The image of the devil is preferable to use dark-haired men who are bold and self-confident. Shaving before makeup is not necessary. Light unshaven will give the image of brutality.

To complete the makeup of the devil you will need:

  • red theatrical makeup;
  • black and gray shadows;
  • cosmetic pencil;
  • white contact lenses;
  • makeup brush set.

The make-up of the demon is performed as follows:

  1. Prepare your face, ears, neck for applying makeup.
  2. Put on contact lenses.
  3. Tone visible areas of the skin in red.
  4. Apply dark shadows on the upper mobile eyelid, blend the contour.
  5. Draw the line of the lower eyelid with a black cosmetic pencil (eyeliner), and paint over the eyelid itself with black shadows and blend the edges.
  6. Draw several symmetrical vertical lines on the forehead (one from the inner corner of the eyes, the other from the center of the eyebrow). Blend them on one side.
  7. Darken the sides of the nose to visually lengthen it. Shade the area of ​​the nostrils in black.
  8. Highlight the dark cheekbones.
  9. Paint the surface of the lips in dark gray, the contour can be highlighted in black.
  10. Finally, in the area of ​​the cheekbones, apply a few hieroglyphs on the forehead with a black pencil.

For a demonic image, it is not necessary to invent a special carnival outfit, you can wear a strict black suit.

You can view a detailed master class on performing demonic makeup in the following video:

Characters from Alice in Wonderland

Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland- a universal image for Halloween, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a transformation is used by guys and girls. The main feature of the character is a huge smile.

To perform makeup you will need:

  • tonal base, white face painting;
  • black eyeliner or eyeliner.

The makeup of the Cheshire Cat is very simple:

  1. Face, neck, ears, lips toned with light makeup.
  2. Draw the contours of the cat's mouth with a black pencil. It should be large to depict a grin, almost to the ears.
  3. Using white paint, draw the teeth.
  4. With a dark color, you can highlight the tip of the nose, mustache, make the eyebrows thicker.
  5. Curls above the eyebrows, made in black, emphasize the demonic nature of the character.

In addition to makeup, you can use a shaggy wig with dark hair and a suitable carnival costume.

The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland also suitable for an upcoming party. The image is good (in comparison with the previous ones) and easy to perform.

You will need:

  • face painting white and red;
  • a set of makeup brushes;
  • crimson and emerald eye shadow;
  • false eyelashes;
  • white mascara;
  • wig with red curls;
  • cylinder hat.

The procedure for applying makeup is simple:

  1. Prepare your face for makeup.
  2. Apply false eyelashes.
  3. Apply a light base on the face, ears, neck.
  4. Apply raspberry shadows on the lower eyelid, and emerald green on the upper eyelid.
  5. Eyelashes make up with white mascara.
  6. Eyebrows toned in red, make them wide.
  7. Lips also decorate with red face painting.
  8. Put on a wig and a top hat.

Finding a Mad Hatter costume for Halloween isn't a concern either. Any trouser suit will do, a few sizes smaller and a colored shirt with a frill.


The easiest and fastest male Halloween makeup is mummy makeup. Its implementation is within the power of even those who are completely devoid of artistic abilities.

You need:

  1. Prepare your face for makeup.
  2. Tone the part of the face visible from under the bandages in a light tone using a tonal foundation or face painting.
  3. Darken the area around the eyes with black shadows.

This completes the make-up, proceed to recreate the costume itself.

The image of Frankenstein

Frankenstein's makeup will have to work hard. Characteristic features of the character are unhealed stitches on the face, neck, deadly pale skin.

To make Frankenstein you will need:

  • make-up white, red;
  • black cosmetic pencil or eyeliner;
  • gray or black eye shadow;
  • makeup wax.

There are several options for making Frankenstein's makeup, we offer a simplified one:

  1. Prepare your skin for makeup.
  2. Apply light makeup (you can add a few drops of blue paint for the effect of cyanotic skin) on the face, neck, ears.
  3. Work the area around the eyes with dark shadows.
  4. Thicken your brows with a black pencil.
  5. Start doing Frankenstein scars. Ideally, use make-up wax, then the scars will look like natural lacerations. In the absence of wax, use paper napkins (as for the image of an evil clown) or simply draw a wound with red paint, and imitate threads with a black pencil.
  6. Scars can be placed anywhere (on the forehead, on the cheeks, on the neck).
  7. Color the lips red.

Mexican makeup, sugar skull

Mexican makeup is perhaps the most colorful version of holiday makeup. This design harmoniously looks on men and women. Make-up involves the symmetrical execution of colors, awesome patterns on a white base, darkened visually sunken eyes. Beginners in applying makeup can paint only half of the face.

There are many variations of patterns, the main thing is the advantage of the black scale over other tones.

Makeup procedure:

  1. Prepare your skin for makeup.
  2. Whiten your face with face paint, foundation and powder, including the surface of the lips.
  3. Highlight each eye with an oval and shade with dark shadows.
  4. To intimidate the image with black paint, separate the lips, while lengthening the corners of the lips by a few centimeters in the direction of the ears. Separate each lip with vertical thin lines.
  5. On the forehead, make a kind of cobweb with a black pencil (eyeliner).
  6. On the chin, make a small pattern in black.

As for the decoration, it's easier here. A black suit, a tie, a strict hat decorated with a flower - and the image is ready.

Pumpkin image

Pumpkin is a mandatory attribute, a symbol of Halloween. Bright orange coloring can be taken as the basis for a festive make-up. The technique of its implementation is simple, does not require special artistic skills:

  1. Prepare your face and neck for makeup.
  2. Put on white contact lenses.
  3. Apply bright orange makeup.
  4. Start with the eyes. Paint over the area around the eyes in black, make the outline clear. Add some vertical black lines on the forehead, blend one of their edges.
  5. Make the tip of the nose black too. Make the border of orange and black torn.
  6. Highlight with black a wide band from ear to ear, including the lips. Make its edges torn in both directions.

Halloween is a youth creative holiday. Experiment with colors, don't be afraid to show your creativity in costume and make-up. We hope our tips will help you with this!

Useful videos

Grim clown Pennywise for Halloween.

Living skull for Halloween.

Although Halloween came to us from across the ocean, this holiday managed to attract the attention of young people. On the eve of All Saints' Day in English-speaking countries, it is customary to dress up and do incredible makeup. Thanks to original ideas, this holiday has become popular in our country. Every year the popularity of Halloween is growing, along with this, the boundaries of fantasy regarding costumes are expanding.

Halloween Makeup Ideas

Vampires and witches are not only an invention of directors and authors of books, but also quite real characters. It is the images of this evil spirits that are most popular on October 31st. There is a belief that on this day all the dead return to our land, and all evil spirits come to light. Over time, the costumes of supernatural creatures have changed significantly, but the main idea has remained unchanged. The scarier, the better. The main thing is that your clothes are in harmony with the makeup for Halloween. With your own hands, you can do both the first and the second. Makeup plays a special role on this holiday.

The main makeup colors for Halloween are black, burgundy, orange, red, gray, green. However, this does not mean that you can only use this palette. If your idea requires other shades, feel free to use them.

complexion can be made absolutely any. To do this, you need two tools - powder and colored shadows. We crush the shadows with a brush for mascara and mix with powder, after which we apply the base on the face with a thick brush or a cotton pad

Below you will find a few more tutorials with step-by-step instructions for applying Halloween makeup yourself.

Doing your own makeup is very easy. Most often, girls use improvised means, that is, their cosmetics. You can also use watercolor paints, which can be purchased at any art salon. Of course, there are specialized Halloween makeup kits, but you don't have to buy them to create amazing DIY makeup.

The main themes of the image, as mentioned earlier, are vampires, the dead, witches. However, recently it has become fashionable to use images of cartoon characters, as well as antiheroes of popular films.

half face

in shades of green


half face skeleton

gossamer on the eyes


using rhinestones

drops of blood

batman woman

with lenses

using powder and watercolor paint

shadows, watercolor and fake piercing

cobweb on the face

in one eye


tribal coloring

evil mouth

with rhinestones

with sequins


with powder and paint

Halloween makeup step by step

Do-it-yourself Halloween makeup can be done using simple tools - powder, eye shadow, blush, watercolor paint, cosmetic pencils. Consider a few simple but memorable images.


nun - step 1 - applying the foundation of powder and white shadows

nun - step 2 - applying pink shadow on the eyelids and watercolor paint under the eyes

nun - step 3 - don't forget to wear black contact lenses

mysterious fairy - step 1 - draw eyebrows with liquid eyeliner

mysterious fairy - step 2 - draw the outline of the image

mysterious fairy - step 3 - using watercolor paint, apply spots on the surface of the skin, then glue the sparkles

scarring with watercolor paint and eye shadow

To date, Halloween has become a holiday for which costumes are specially sewn, hairstyles and makeup are selected. Everyone wants to look unusual and terribly beautiful. Children especially love to try on the images of ghouls and other evil spirits. It is important to remember that the makeup you want to do for Halloween for your children is different from the makeup for adults: all components must be hypoallergenic and not harm the delicate skin of the baby.

Makeup types

First of all, it is important to determine for yourself what material you will use. There are several types of Halloween makeup paint:

  1. Face painting.
  2. Theatrical makeup.
  3. Facial crayons.

Face painting is good because it is easy to apply. Like watercolor paints, it is diluted with water, does not crumble over time, does not flow, does not stain clothes. The main advantages of such makeup are its environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity, which is important when making up for children. It is not cheap, but one package is enough to celebrate Halloween several times.

Theatrical make-up is much heavier than the previous type of paint; over time, it can crack and stain the child's clothes. In the light shimmers with a greasy sheen.

One of the budget options for children's makeup is face crayons. These are non-toxic paints that are easy to apply with your fingers or with a regular sponge. The disadvantage is that they wear out quickly.


You will need pencils and eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, concealer, blush, powder. Depending on the base of the paint that is used to apply makeup, you will need tools to remove it.


Brushes of various thicknesses and textures, cotton sponges, napkins and discs.

Overlay Basics

The first step is to check the reaction of the skin to the paint. To do this, a small layer of paint is applied to the child's wrist. If within an hour there were no allergic reactions in the form of a rash, dryness or irritation, then you can safely get to work. Before applying makeup directly, it is recommended to lubricate the child's skin with baby cream.

Makeup types

As with any holiday, children's makeup that adorns a child's face on Halloween has its own characteristics and popular techniques. The most common images:

  • vampire;
  • cat;
  • crap;
  • mummy;
  • witch;
  • clown;
  • doll;
  • spider man.


The children's image of the main vampire on Halloween involves the use of three main color components: white, red and black. To begin with, a white component is applied to the face with a sponge. It can be made from a mixture of corn starch, flour and 3 drops of glycerin.

To give the face more frightening pallor, a few drops of blue or purple food coloring are added to the composition.

Then, using liquid eyeliner or eyeliner, draw eyebrows, clearly marking two small arches. Dark gray or black eye shadow covers the upper and lower eyelids. Make-up is applied to the cheekbones and chin with paint of the same color.

Another option

Lips are highlighted with bright red, and fangs are painted in the corners with saturated scarlet, using a thin brush, depicting blood. If the streams turned out to be uneven, they should be shaded, imitating Dracula's recent meal.


One of the popular images among little lovers of a mystical holiday is the image of a cat. The main features of the make-up are the mustache, black nose and cat eyes. To make a cat children's make-up, you must first apply a base on the face.

To do this, use standard means to even out the complexion of the skin of the face, for example, foundation or mousse.

To draw a cat's nose, paint over the children's tip of the nose with black, giving it a triangular shape. In the same tone, a thickened line is drawn down, ending at the line of contact with the upper lip. Several lines are drawn from the nasolabial fold, imitating a mustache.

To give the cat's eyes an almond-shaped cut, a clear line is drawn above the level of the eyelashes, bringing the tail up. Lip highlighting is optional. If you think the image is not finished, apply a bright red, dark red or pink shade.


Pretty simple Halloween makeup look. With a dark pencil or eyeliner, an arched line is drawn above the eyebrows. Shadows of a golden hue are shaded under the eyebrows. Black shadows are applied to the eyelids. Red horns are drawn on the forehead on both sides. The child's image of the devil is ready.


An interesting option for kids on Halloween is mummy makeup. The main thing here is to correctly make the appearance of wrinkled skin.. To do this, prepare a blank in the evening - a paper towel is dipped in coffee and left to dry without wringing. With a wooden spatula, a mixture of cornstarch and flour is applied to a small area of ​​​​the skin, a piece of a pre-prepared towel, slightly wrinkled by hands, is applied on top. By the same principle, all remaining uncovered areas of the face are pasted over. Then the whole face and neck are wrapped in gauze, covering it with colorless powder on top.


In most cases, the witch has an unhealthy complexion with a brownish-green tint. Therefore, for such a makeup, a green base is applied. The cheekbones, nose and chin stand out. Brown spots are shaded from above with light touches of a sponge. Black or brown wrinkles run down from the inner corners of the eyes. An eyeliner is applied to the eyelids. Eyebrows are darkened, giving them a heavy and voluminous look. The lips are highlighted with dark red lipstick and the Halloween witch look is ready.


Children's makeup in the form of a Halloween clown varies by type:

  1. Classical.
  2. Clown with non-standard eyes and mouth, beige complexion.
  3. Dark-faced clown with a sad expression.

Regardless of the image of the clown that you choose for the child on Halloween, the application technique will be identical for everyone. First of all, the first layer of white or flesh-colored makeup is applied. Then, using a brush, dark colors are drawn in the desired areas, arched eyebrows, enlarged lips and rosy cheeks stand out. Very often, for children's Halloween makeup, they draw a kind clown, which is characterized by a big smile. With the help of a black pencil and white paint, you can depict large teeth.


Another common Halloween makeup for a girl is a doll. A foundation is applied to the face, which is in harmony with the skin tone of the child. The lips are covered with a small layer of powder to give them a slight pallor. The cheekbones are highlighted with pink blush. The eyes are drawn with a black pencil (lines on the upper eyelid) and liquid eyeliner (large eyelashes are drawn on top and bottom of the eye). The inner corners of the eyes are highlighted with a shimmering white tint. Lip makeup comes down to applying with a brush in the center of a small circle of a dark red or pink hue.


A common image for a boy on Halloween is Spider-Man. Do not forget to first apply protective baby cream on the child's skin, contours around the eyes are drawn with thick black paint.

Then we cover the entire face with red paint, bypassing only the outlined area around the eyes. You can apply the paint with a sponge, cotton pad or hands. Further, the “eye sockets” are shaded with gray or white paint. The final touch is applied with black lines depicting a web.

Now it's up to the small thing - to choose the Halloween make-up you like with the child and proceed to its implementation. Good luck and happy holidays!

Halloween makeup for girls is in high demand from their loving mommies. Bright make-up, although not as terrifying as that of adult women, is increasingly flaunting on the faces of very young people. What children's Halloween makeup for girls will be fashionable this fall and how to choose the right look for your little princess? About everything in order.

Best Halloween Look

In order for your child to shine at any event dedicated to the feast of all saints, you first need to decide on the right way.

  • Character. The outcome of the event depends on the choice of the desired character. Ask the child which character she likes, accept her opinion, try to listen to the girl.

  • Costume. On how correctly and accurately the costume will be made, its “recognizability” depends.

To create an outfit, it is better to stock up: old unnecessary clothes, gloves, golfs, a hat or scarf, bandages, ropes, wire, false nails, cardboard, wigs, etc.

  • Hairstyle. Pay attention to your hair. It can be done as follows: combed and fixed with varnish, strands are dyed, decorated with shiny varnish, skull hairpins and a hoop with horns.

Halloween Girl Makeup Options

Makeup for girls for Halloween will help complete the look. Without this final touch, the whole costume will lose its zest and become mundane. Pay attention to the quality of the cosmetics used for make-up. The delicate skin of your princess should not feel discomfort. Your attention to Halloween makeup for girls (short description):

  • Makeup "Zombie Girl". The secret is in the gray paint on the face. Bruises and bruises are applied in red, yellow and purple colors. Lips must be black, at your request, you can finish the scars.

  • Makeup "Witch". Witch makeup photos are found everywhere in many variations of execution. A feisty and nasty witch requires green makeup. The entire skin of the face and neck of the child is painted over completely. Warts and wrinkles are drawn with an eyeliner. The decor web is drawn with the same pencil. Finish off with a bright color lipstick or lip gloss.

  • . The most common and popular make-up cat photos. The image of a cute cat is especially good for girls from 9 to 10 years old. The face is powdered, cheekbones are drawn with blush. With the help of shadows and a pencil, cat eyes, eyebrows and a nose are drawn. For the nose, you can use makeup. With its help, a mustache and a muzzle are drawn. Red lipstick is perfect for depicting a cat's tongue.

  • Make-up "Clowness". We already know what clowns are from dozens of horror films. Therefore, a similar clown makeup is perfect for Halloween. Recreate the clown look on your face with makeup in different bright colors and draw a sinister smile.

What your daughter's Halloween face makeup will be is up to you. We offer step-by-step instructions for applying the most common types of Halloween make-up for girls.

Halloween Draculaura ("Monster High") Makeup

The bright and colorful appearance of the cartoon vampire is insanely popular among modern kids. We offer you to help your child get used to such a favorite role. To reproduce the make-up of a kind monster, you will need:

  • children's makeup of different colors;
  • sponge or sponge;
  • water-based makeup for children's body art;
  • glitter for children in a pencil;
  • dark brown lipstick.

Step by step application instructions:

  1. Wash your baby's face and moisturize with baby cream.
  2. Apply baby body paint makeup in soft pink to the brush. If pink is not available, mix white and red paint to the desired shade. With light strokes, spread the paint over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the upper eyelids and lips.
  3. With a sponge, go over the entire surface of the face to smooth out the layer of paint and remove bumps. After that, gently walk along the surface of the upper eyelid, avoiding contact with the eyes.
  4. With a bright pink shade of paint, draw shadows, not reaching the eyebrow by 1 cm. Starting from the beginning of eyelash growth, also paint the lower eyelid in pink.
  5. Apply glitter to the area between the eyebrow and pink makeup. Use special pencils for drawings on the face for this.
  6. Draw eyebrows with brown paints. You can also use regular brown eyeliner.
  7. Move your eyes. Black arrows should be thin at the inner corner and expand much more towards the outer. Bring the lower eyelid too.
  8. With black make-up or a pencil, draw eyelashes from the natural growth line and carefully highlight them.
  9. Apply dark brown or lilac lipstick to your lips. Apply white face painting on a thin brush and draw fangs on the surface of the lower lip.
  10. With a thin brush with pink make-up, draw a heart on the left cheekbone.

To complete the look, put on the Draculaura wig. Voila, Halloween makeup for girls is ready.

Halloween Frankie ("Monster High") Doll Makeup

Another make-up option for an All Saints Day party for a growing fashionista. In general, do-it-yourself Halloween makeup for girls of 12 years old is not so easy. This option will save you the trouble of finding a decent image. You will need:

  • baby cream;
  • gray-green face painting;
  • black eyeliner;
  • pink and purple shadows;
  • false eyelashes;
  • ink;
  • lip gloss;
  • black eyeliner;
  • black and white wig.

Step by step children's Halloween makeup for girls is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. Wash your face, apply baby cream on it and let it absorb.
  2. On the surface of the face with a wide brush, spread the gray-green face painting with even strokes. Paint over the entire surface, including the eyelids, neck and ears.
  3. Draw thin eyebrows with black eyeliner.
  4. With pink shadows with a creamy texture (you can take the same face painting), make up the upper eyelid, slightly bringing the outer corner higher to the eyebrow.
  5. With a thin brush, apply the same pink shade to the lower eyelid, connecting the outer corners.
  6. Spread purple shadows over pink ones on the surface of the entire moving eyelid. Repeat the purple line on the bottom.
  7. Draw neat arrows with black eyeliner, bringing the outer tip right through.
  8. Time for false eyelashes. Gently apply special glue to the artificial lashes and attach them to the natural lash line. Tint the lower lashes with mascara.
  9. Frankie's girly make-up features super-bright lips. Use red lipstick or lip gloss, diligently filling in bumps.
  10. With a pencil, apply scars to the surface of the face and neck, repeat everything with black eyeliner.

The completion of Frankie's appearance will be a black and white wig in the style of a kind monster from Monster High.

Makeup for girls on Halloween "Vampire"

Suitable for girls 10-11 years old and older. Impressive and easy to make, makeup is sure to please everyone who wants to shine on Halloween. Its feature is that it is quite possible for a child to apply it on their own. To apply this type of make-up face painting is not required. You will need:

  • light foundation;
  • light powder;
  • black, light, red and yellow shadows;
  • red lip pencil;
  • bronzer;
  • burgundy and red lipstick;
  • makeup brush set.

Do-it-yourself makeup for Halloween for a girl is done like this:

  1. Cover the skin of the face as light as possible with a wide brush.
  2. Apply a very light powder over the cream. Blend well.
  3. Draw on the eyebrows with black shadows. They should become wider and more expressive.
  4. Use your finger to spread light shadow around the eyes, smearing them thoroughly.
  5. Apply light yellow eye shadow on the upper eyelids.
  6. Around the eyes - a red shade of shadows.
  7. Apply bright red shadow to the lower eyelid.
  8. Draw the lower eyelid with a red pencil.
  9. Spread a bronze tone on the cheekbones, highlighting the thinness of the face.
  10. Cover your lips with burgundy lipstick.
  11. With red lipstick or gloss, apply bloody smudges around the lips.

If you decide to reincarnate the child completely, then you can purchase red lenses and a vampire jaw. But even without these accessories, the visage of a vampire will be quite realistic.

Halloween makeup for girls is a great way to show your creativity and have fun with your child. Young princesses will certainly appreciate your efforts. Be prepared for the holidays.

Video: Halloween Makeup for Girls “Vampire”

masha vorslav

Halloween is this Friday. We finally waited for him and can talk about interesting non-everyday things. Today we have selected truly scary and complex makeup for the party (we will applaud if you repeat them), and we will show beautiful and simple ones tomorrow.

Freddy Krueger

Not the most relevant figure in 2014, but definitely recognizable and causing a certain kind of sentiment. The makeup from this tutorial does not exactly repeat Kruger's appearance, but we think it's for the best - some things can be too dumb even for Halloween (however, we don't recommend people with trypophobia to look at such a sketchy version). By the way, for a characteristic relief, the makeup artist uses liquid latex - false eyelashes are also glued to it or.

torn skin

There are enough instructions on YouTube on how to "tear", "stitch" or "rip" the body; this one is one of the universal ones, and the techniques from it can be transferred to any part of the face and body. Here cotton wool, “cobweb” are used (“painted, it looks exactly like bare muscles,” the girl says), all kinds of sponges and cream dyes - on how methodically the author of the lesson prints and seals his real and fake skin , you can watch forever.

Harvey Dent

Unlike the previous nameless one, this image belongs to a well-known character - Harvey Dent, one of the allies (then rivals, then again allies and again rivals) of Batman. The main character here is again liquid latex: together with cotton wool, it allows you to create uneven burnt skin. The makeup artist got confused and imitated her teeth, and you can also see a quick and non-traumatic way to reliably mask her eyebrows.

white nun

A charismatic man with a moving face turned out to be the most accurate and reliable image of a nun (which is a huge merit of black scleral lenses, but still). The lesson is fast, fun to watch and easy to repeat; of some useful features - a clown "primer", which is able to cover up even an unremarkable beard (let alone eyebrows), Bourjois blackening kayal and an easy way to let resinous and naturally large streams of tears out of your eyes.


The fastest (the length of the video is two minutes) and the least frightening metamorphosis from the selection is a fresh scar with a characteristic dent (something like that, only a hundred times worse, we imagined in the finale of The Village Doctor). You can fake it, as it turned out, with a minimum of means: a skin-tightening liquid - it is called “scarring liquid”, - a pink pencil and lipstick. The first costs five dollars on Amazon and seems to us a very profitable investment.

antique doll

If you, too, are horrified at the thought of old dolls, gather your courage before watching this video - it looks like a made-up girl is twitching in it. Abstracting aside, the first image is not at all scary, and the second one is too fancy. Most of all, we like the intermediate version, where the “doll” already has realistic cracks and breaks, but no bruising. Separately, we note that we want to stick false eyelashes on the lower eyelid with the same enviable dexterity.

severed fingers

Not the most obvious and therefore terrible transformation - if everyone is used to all kinds of face modifications for the holiday, then the mutilated hand against the background of normal everything will look even more contrasting. In fact, this is a one-time joke - you don’t look like a whole evening with bent fingers, but it will be easy to play a couple of friends: you only need wax, ordinary cosmetics (tone, lipstick and nail polish instead of artificial blood) and plastic devices.

Iron Man

A literal interpretation of the name of one Marvel hero - and now the makeup artist paints her boyfriend not under Tony Stark, but imprinted with an iron. The means used are the same as in the previous bloody images - cosmetic mastic and a set of simple cream pigments make it possible to depict, it seems, any kind of special effects (without artificial blood, of course, nowhere too).

scariest clown

Twisty, a new character in American Horror Story, is really terrifying - he even has a real club of clowns. And although we would prefer to avoid his image almost always, we cannot help but be surprised by the skill of the makeup artist, who very deftly reproduced Twisty's impressive appearance (and especially we thank that the music for the video was not chilling).

Not the scariest clown

Most of the image, as in the case of the white nun, is made here by white lenses, but even without them it is quite high quality. We will never get tired of watching how the eyes are “drowned” with the help of dark red and blackened paints - in “normal” makeup, they do the opposite. And in general, the girl so boldly treats her face and already applied makeup and fervently comments that they were staring at the creation of this image of her with an open mouth (the rest, to be honest, are rather mediocre).