The best wedding toasts in your own words. Cool wedding toasts: short and funny. Funny toast in the form of a wedding joke

Dear newlyweds, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day! I wish my wife never to be a “saw”, but also not to be a “log”. And I wish my husband to behave in such a way that his wife always waits at home with pies, and not with a rolling pin in her hand. In general, live together and never quarrel!

Since childhood, we were told that the family is very serious and responsible. Now each of you, newlyweds, is responsible not only for yourself, but also for your soulmate. After all, as they say, you have become one. Take care of each other, appreciate and respect. May your love never fade away, but on the contrary, like cognac, it gets even better every year!

Our dear newlyweds! Today, on this beautiful day in your life, I want to raise this glass, so that despite the fact that life gives hundreds and thousands of reasons to be sad, you always help each other find as many ways to make you smile !

Dear ____ and _____ (names)! Today you have become husband and wife, so I wish you all the best, and most importantly, I want to remind you: to love means not only looking at each other, but also looking in the same direction! Look in one direction and be happy!

I would like to raise a glass and for the first time drink not for the young, but to drink for the holiday of love, which we are now witnessing! On this day, I want to wish the young people not to stop there, but every day to love each other more and make each other happier!

Today you have crossed a new frontier in your life. Now you will have new worries, responsibilities, chores. But let it not upset you, because you can easily cope with all this. Time will flow, years will go by, so you would like to wish to always remain young. Let the fire of passion and a touch of romance never leave your relationship!

Do you hear music? Not? Listen. This music is quiet, like the rustle of grass, light, like a breeze, gentle, like a mother's kiss. This music flows from two hearts that have merged together today. I wish you that this music will sound louder and more confident, so that the voices of your children will join it. Let it become an anthem - an anthem of family, love, happiness. Bitterly!

Congratulations on your wedding day. May all the angels of the world converge today at one point on the planet. Let happiness rain down on you like a starfall! Bitterly!

Congratulations on such an important step in your life! Today a new family has appeared, may the Lord keep it for many years. And you love each other and respect your parents. Give parents grandchildren as soon as possible! Never forget that comfort and warmth in the house depends on both. Try not to extinguish the fire of love, and feed it!

Dear young people! Today, on the day of your magnificent holiday, I want to raise this glass for you, for the fact that you are so different and thanks to this you can love each other and for the fact that you have something in common and similar to understand each other without words! For love and understanding!

If you have been invited to a wedding, be sure - you will have to say a toast. You can take a ready-made poetic wedding greeting, read it with an expression, raising your glass. But a wish uttered in this form is unlikely to move the newlyweds, because. does not show a momentary impulse. It is better to say wedding toasts in your own words. They will sound no worse than prepared ones, but they will demonstrate your sincere and reverent attitude. If such an arbitrary toast is also witty, then you will be provided with the attention and support of the audience.

Variants of wedding toasts in your own words

Toast in your own words "Full bowl"

Let's fill our glasses to the brim! Our dear (names of the groom, bride), according to a good tradition, I want to wish the new family to have a house - a full bowl. It's fine! But, I want to clarify that this cup should be filled, not with anything, but only with the best! May it be full of love, children's laughter, ideas, great aspirations, well-being, good luck, health, generosity, humor and optimism, strength to prevent difficulties (other wishes can be listed here)! Let's drink to the family hearth, the new home!

Toast in your own words "Affirmation"

We say "wish", showing our attitude and nothing else. But isn't it better to say that all this will definitely happen?! After all, faith is a powerful thing, it is able to change matter, inspire hope, and do justice!

So, I know that you will have a strong family filled with love, which will only grow and get stronger! You will have wonderful, talented children who will bring goodness and development to this world! You will have prosperity, good luck, you will develop, and your unity will help in this! I believe, I know it will be! Join in by clinking your glasses! Bitter newlyweds!

Toast in your own words "The image of the beloved"

Dear newlyweds (names of spouses), look at each other, look into the eyes of a person who loves you sincerely, more than anything else, look into his sweet, caring, loving face. Remember the moment of happiness that you are now experiencing. Never forget this benevolent person, his “image”: neither during difficulties, disagreements, nor after many years of living together!

Keep it in your memory, because the person who will be with you will always remain this loving heart, even if it seems otherwise. Do not let the twists of fate change this “image”, your feeling for your soulmate, disrupt mutual understanding. This power of true love will keep the family, make it joyful, cheerful, truly happy! Carry your feelings through many years! For the love of the newlyweds! Bitterly!

Toast in your own words "In the animal world"

What kind of family do men and women dream of? Surprisingly, you can easily find analogies in the animal kingdom. Here, for example, men, they would like their family life to resemble a lion's pride. He is the king of animals, there are many wives, they hunt on their own, raise their children on their own. The only restriction is that you cannot go to the neighboring lionesses. Women would like their family life to be like that of birds: she hatches offspring all day long, and her husband carries material for the nest, worms for food.

And I wish the family to be the same as that of dolphins - where the groom reverently, gently cares for the bride, drives away other males, gives the chosen one gifts that she carefully keeps. Where both are circling all their lives in a love dance, preferring each other to all other dolphins! .. Yes, and giving birth in water is easier! .. Happy holiday to you newlyweds, with the creation of a new beautiful family!

A toast in your own words about bright heads

There is a proverb: “One head is good, but two is better!” From now on, you have two heads and one heart. These heads are bright, so everything in this new life will be good and successful! Be guided by this proverb when solving all your family affairs, from the smallest, insignificant, to serious, important. After all, the main thing in family life is unity: in joy and sorrow, in work, rest, in everyday life and entertainment. Advice to you and love, newlyweds!

Toast in your own words "Honey life"

I would like to raise a glass to the newlyweds and wish them only one thing: may the honeymoon not end in their life, may it flow into the honey quarter, then into the honeymoon half-year, into the honey year and honey life. May love always be as bright, and unity as tangible, life - a continuous holiday, full of new joint experiences, adventures, comfort and prosperity! Make good use of this time! Newlyweds, I believe in your "honey" future!

Video: short and funny toasts in your own words

Reticence during wedding performances is a big plus. A wedding toast in your own words should be short, kind, light, funny. The wedding holiday is a fun holiday, the more joyful it is for those present, the better it will pass. This formula is appropriate for all invited guests: friends, girlfriends, witnesses, witnesses, parents, brothers, sisters of the newlyweds. It's easy to come up with a short, fun toast, but you can take it from the selection presented in this video:

The ideal toast is the one that "flows" straight from the heart. But if public speaking is not your forte, then it is better to prepare: choose the right words and retell them at the celebration. On our site, in addition to options for congratulations in your own words, you can find beautiful wedding toasts that will help you easily prepare for a congratulatory speech.

Dear friends, they say that spouses who have lived together for many years acquire common interests and tastes. This is how it is in our family: I and my newly-made wife are united in one thing - we love me. So let's drink to the fact that it was always and in everything.

I propose a toast to such a beautiful thing as a kiss! After all, we, men, came up with it, because we could not find another way to close the mouth of our beloved woman. Yes, and for the better! Bitterly!

There lived a princess who could not get married for a very long time. And it was not about her appearance or the requirements for applicants for her heart. She had one condition that was mandatory - every year for exactly three days she had to leave her house alone without explanation. Naturally, this fact frightened off many potential suitors. Years passed, and the princess was never married. One day, there was the only one who fell in love with the princess so much that he accepted her condition. They lived and did not grieve, but the curiosity of the spouse took over. And he decided to follow his wife. In the early morning, the princess got up and went into the dense forest, in the thicket she fell to the ground and turned into a snake. Then she wrapped herself around a tree and began to hiss furiously. So let's drink to the fact that our wives hiss only once a year and then not at home!

I want to propose a toast to black. Let the bride's husband carry a black suitcase in his hands and go to work in a black suit. I want a driver in a black uniform and a black Bentley to drive her, let her rest on the Black Sea and, finally, eat black caviar with a tablespoon.

Two old acquaintances met a few years later:
- Well, how are you, married?
- Yes, I got married.
- Seriously? And how long?
- But it depends on my wife: sometimes it seems that they just got married yesterday, and at times - as if we have been married for 100 long years.
Dear newlyweds, let's raise our glasses so that you live your whole life as if you just signed yesterday!

Conversation between old friends:
- Why are you so sad?
- My wife and mother-in-law washed down completely, I can’t save them from them.
So don't let yourself be offended. Come home today, pour yourself a glass of courage, bang your fist on the table, and finally tell your women who's boss!
The man returned home, drank a shot and hit the table with his fist: “Well, tell me, who is the boss in our house ?!”
The wife and mother-in-law slowly stood up, hands on hips and in one voice: “What-oh-oh-oh-??!”
Husband in a whisper: “What is it, but I can’t even ask anymore?”.
Dear fiancé, we want you now with all the guests, and most importantly, with your wife and mother-in-law, to answer our main question: “Who is the boss in your house ?!”. Let's drink to that.

The husband says to his wife after the wedding:
- Darling, I did not want to upset you, but I have one drawback - I can be jealous for no particular reason.
- Don't be upset, dear. You don't have to be jealous of me for no reason.
Let's drink to love without jealousy. So that our newlyweds do not get jealous for no reason and, most importantly, do not give reasons for jealousy.

Polygamy is prohibited in our country. Many married men claim that this article of the law was created specifically to protect the stronger sex from annoying women.
I want to raise my glass to the fact that the groom would never want to get a harem. And not because he would be afraid not to cope with a large number of women, but because his wife alone is worth many times more than a whole harem.

Our groom went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. In a clearing I came across a rare yellow flower. Without hesitation, he tore it off and put it in his pocket. But the flower turned out to be magical - it pointed the way to the unearthly treasure. And the road led him to his future wife, unearthly beauty. So let's drink to this priceless treasure, to our bride and to the fact that she always remains the most important wealth of her husband.

They say that the first three years of marriage are the most difficult. The first year - the husband speaks, and the wife listens to him. The next year, the wife speaks and the husband listens. In the third year, they both talk and the neighbors listen. Let's raise our glasses to the fact that the newlyweds live all their lives listening to each other, only then will love show them the right path to family happiness.

A first grader returns home from school and runs to his parents screaming:
- Why didn't you tell me that I got stuck for ten years!!!
We want to warn our newlyweds that what began today will last, we hope, for their entire long and happy life.

One married couple lived in marriage for 70 years - before the blessed wedding.
All this time they lived in perfect harmony. When they were asked what is the secret of family happiness, they answered:
-Our secret is simple: all 70 years of marriage, we slept in a single bed. So let's raise our glasses to a single bed that unites.

People say: the husband in the family is the head, and the wife is the heart. Let's raise our glasses to the fact that the newlyweds throughout their long and happy family life do not know any headaches or heartaches!

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on the fact that you have successfully moored in the bay called "Family" and we would like to inform you with pleasure that now it is strictly forbidden for you to cast fishing rods and nets into foreign waters. Bitterly!

I want to wish you that in life you will always be not near, but together.
Sincere happiness, and unearthly love - to the handsome groom and dear bride!

Once the sage Solomon was asked: What do you think is the most just punishment for polygamy?
- I think that it can only be mother-in-law and mother-in-law again. For mother in law!!!

People say: it's not a miracle that they disperse, but it's a miracle that they live. And we want to drink so that our newlyweds live marvelously to many!

One just ruler was asked how he manages to maintain peace and harmony in his state?
- It is very simple: when I am angry, my people calm me down, when they are furious, I calm them down. So for each of us, the family is our small state. I would like to drink for the wisdom of the ancient ruler to help us maintain harmony in our small state.

The ancient sage had a marriageable daughter. Two suitors came to ask for her hand: rich and poor. The father refused the young man with prosperity, and gave his only daughter to the poor. When surprised people asked the sage what was the reason for his such an act, he replied: “The rich man was very stupid, years will pass, and he will certainly become poorer. The poor man is smart, and after a few years he will be able to achieve true prosperity. I want to drink to the fact that when choosing a groom, girls value their intelligence, and not financial well-being.

Let's raise our glasses to one special feeling, which individually shortens the life of each person, but at the same time, prolongs it for all mankind in the aggregate. Let's drink to love, and let it rule the world!

I want to wish the newlyweds that their life together be as joyful as this wedding. And let them be true to the basic principle throughout their long family life: love and be loved. Walk your life path together, hand in hand. May your happiness always be with you!

Everyone knows that the most serious test for love is time. Therefore, only a true feeling can be carried through for many years. We wish you to overcome all the hardships and troubles of life. May the joy and victories of one always bring true pleasure to another. Always listen and, most importantly, hear each other. Appreciate and cherish your love.

Love is the only fiat coin that now forms your family budget! We want to wish you family prosperity, abundance, boundless joy and family happiness! We want your marriage to be truly happy. Live in friendship and harmony.

We always want happiness to be long, love strong, and feelings sincere. I want to wish you that your family union be the happiest, the feelings the strongest, and the friends who surround you be the most faithful. Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, please accept our sincere congratulations. On this joyful day, a very important and solemn event took place - a new family was born. We want you to know that we are happy when you are happy, we grieve when you are sad. We are always by your side, no matter what happens. There is a very important principle in life - give joy to others, and it will return to you a hundredfold. Love and be loved!
Harmony to you always and in everything.

On this festive and very important day in your life, I want to wish you that for many years that you spend together, your eyes, like today, would shine with happiness. So that your feelings only grow stronger, so that adversity and troubles in life bypass the house where true love lives. For your happy marriage, for its well-being and longevity!

People say that wealth consists of three very important components: firstly, it is health, secondly, a good wife and thirdly, children! On this day, we want to wish the groom to be rich, have good health, like the apple of an eye, take care of his beloved wife and, of course, that your house be filled with the laughter of children.

Dear newlyweds! Today is one of the most important days for you. Now you are a single whole, you are a family! I want to wish you that all your life, all important and responsible decisions you make together, that you listen to each other and value what you have.
And if one of you stumbles, then that the second one is always there to help you stay on your feet. Love and be happy!

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wedding toast

None of the scientists can still
answer the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live all their lives
with this mystery in their hearts, they will never be able to unravel it!

wedding toast

I want to drink for you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of obstacles and obstacles. Someone has a wide road where you can move freely and easily. Someone likes to move quickly and swiftly, while someone appreciates caution and calmness. Today you have combined two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you meet, you must move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect. Smooth road to you!!!

Wedding toast in your own words

Bride and groom!
I ask you to rise.
Bow down to the guests.
From now on, your fate is sealed
You have been given the titles of "husband" and "wife"!
We wish you great and heartfelt love,
May your union be the most durable and eternal.
Let everything become more beautiful day by day
And let your house be a full bowl!

Wedding toast in prose

Dear young! I have a clear and short toast. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them and God bless you in your family life.

Cool wedding toast

As they said in ancient Babylon: take hold of your chest - say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “Let two loving hearts never part, grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” With legal marriage you!

Wedding toast to the newlyweds

I propose to drink for the young, let the countdown of the most wonderful part of their life begin for them today. Let the hands of the clock freeze forever, fixing the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only on happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young and their families!

Beautiful wedding toast

Wedding toast in verse

The life of a modern person is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

Wedding toast in your own words

On this joyful day, I would like to wish you family happiness.
As you know, happiness cannot exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Imagine for a second what would happen if it were overcast? Would it ruin your holiday? No. Do you know why? Because you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink to the young and their family happiness. Bitterly!

Short wedding toast

I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

Cool wedding toast

Dear newlyweds!
With all my heart I wish you celebrate in your life
at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
porcelain - in fifteen,
crystal - in twenty,
silver - in twenty-five,
gold - in fifty,
diamond - in seventy-five years.
I also wish that all today's guests
certainly attended all these weddings.
Let's drink to the fulfillment of this desire and the happiness of the young!

Cool short wedding toast

Marcus Aurelius believed that "people exist for each other."
So let's drink to
so that it was so in this newly-made family.
Young people, live for each other!

funny wedding toast

In the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you are not ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

Wedding toast in prose

Newlyweds, tell me, please, how do children appear? Do not know? I will remind you of three ways how and where to find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go shopping. But I want to drink for the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven! For the young and their future children!

Wedding toast in verse

Friends! Today at an early hour
Suddenly the muse visited me!
She came to ask about you
And gave a toast for happiness!
What tender words
She dictated to me, brothers!
And ... dizzy!
I have to confess now...
Look for eternal words
Scoop tenderness with a full spoon!
And let it burn like firewood
Love passion inevitability!
And the Muse's toast was simple:
“You have to love each other STRONGLY!”
And I, a single boy,
Raising a glass, I will shout to you: “Bitter!”

Funny wedding toast

A slender poplar grew in the forest,
and a slender birch grew nearby.
And they fell in love with each other, and were drawn to each other,
until finally they connected their branches and entwined together.
Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
Let's wish them to twigs
their loves never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

Best wedding toast

A variety of feelings lived on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided before it was too late to move to another. Only one Love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam up to her in his boat and transported her to the island. For a long time she tried to find out his name, and when she was told that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only one Time can understand how important Love is in life.
Let's drink so that in your life this bright feeling never fades and illuminates your long and happy path.

Short wedding toast in your own words

They say marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish heaven to keep your union, and let all life's difficulties and worldly problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Wedding toast from friends

We want to wish that the path of life that you walk hand in hand runs through a beautiful flowering garden with sweet-voiced birds of paradise. So that the bright sun of love and kindness warms and illuminates your path. May fate favor you in all your endeavors, obstacles and sorrows cannot break you, but only make you stronger and more resilient! Be happy!

Wedding toast from parents

Our dear children,
You are more precious than everyone in the world
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
And always live together
And appreciate every time
What brought fate suddenly you.

A wedding is a special occasion! Such an event occurs in humans infrequently. People who love each other get married. And the guests, rejoicing for the young, dance, sing, congratulate, say toasts, hold funny contests! A wedding is a happiness that should forever remain in the hearts of the newlyweds. And in order for this celebration to be successful, guests need to know some wedding toasts.

♦ So beautiful and so unusual

The wedding circles with its triumph!

And we give beautiful toasts,

To have fun all around!

♦ May you not have sad days!

May the house be filled with happiness!

There was a lot of warmth and laughter!

For this we only drink while standing!

♦ I raise my glass

For a great couple!

I wish you always together

Walk on the pedestal!

♦ I want to raise a glass

Red wine.

I wish happiness to the young

Happiness forever!

♦ Let this day be a wonderful fairy tale

Your hearts will be charmed!

May kindness, love, affection

Enrich your whole life!

♦ Ah, this wedding! Wedding! Wedding!

Fun, noise and bustle!

Let's raise our guests, glasses up

Let's drink to the bottom for the young!

♦ Wedding is fun!

Wedding is flowers!

A wedding is a sea of ​​smiles!

A wedding is the beginning of a family!

So let's drink to the future strong and friendly family!

♦ Do you remember the first time

saw each other,

How would you like to be together forever?

And I wish you, newlyweds,

May this feeling last forever!

♦ I want to say an unusual toast to our newlyweds.

So be healthy!

Live richly

As far as your salary will allow you!

But money, as before, is always not enough,

Shake all the ancestors, they will add to you.

Don't be afraid of pipettes, don't be afraid of diapers

Have boys, have girls!

Your parents have doubled

Go to them more often, visit more!

I wish you the most, however,

So that there is no marriage from your marriage!

♦ May the sky be bright above you!

And the sun warms you with rays!

Let life be kindly bright

And reliable friends surround you!

♦ A married man was once asked:

What is the hardest thing about living together? And he answered:

- Marriage ties that have to be carried by two, and sometimes three.

So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds always cope with this burden together!

♦ You have a special day today

And you can't do without toast!

We raise our glasses,

We wish you peace and goodness!

♦ One day a young man fell in love with a beautiful girl and asked her to become his wife. But she rejected his offer. The young man could not stand such a misfortune and died.

Let's drink to the fact that the beautiful bride always reciprocated our groom!

♦ To the hiss of champagne,

To the sound of a crystal glass

To the sound of fireworks of celebration

Congratulations on legal marriage!

We wish you only happiness and laughter!

Good luck and success!

Beautiful so that love is

And never faded!

♦ Simple, even very simple, my toast. Friends, let's drink for tender feelings and for love!

♦ Be healthy, live richly!

As much as the salary will allow.

And we will visit you later.

We wish you much success in everything!

♦ I want to raise a glass to the young and say a toast.

Wish you,

So that love is mutual!

Happiness is endless!

Children are healthy!

And the family is strong!

♦ One of Aesop's fables tells of a pine tree who often boasted of her height and beauty. Next to her grew the Blackberry, which was upset by the boasting of the pine tree, as it considered itself ugly. Once Pine saw a man who was going to cut it down for firewood, and then she also wanted to become small and inconspicuous, like Blackberry. Let's drink to the bride and wish her to be slim and beautiful, like Pine, and modest, like Blackberry.

♦ People say: "Every bride of her groom's day will be born." Let's raise a toast and rejoice for our bride and groom who have found each other.

♦ “Choose a cow by its horns, and a girl by its gender (i.e., by its parents),” our ancestors used to say. And although our bride and groom were connected by love, and not by a rational choice, we would still sit with you at this wedding and congratulate the newlyweds if the choice was made “by gender”. After all, such wonderful parents, like our bride, can no longer be found. So let's drink to their health and well-being!

♦ Ancient Roman wisdom says: "If the gods do not guard the house, the guards keep awake in vain." I want to raise a toast to the fact that the house of our young people will never need guards.

♦ The ancient Greek philosopher Xenophon said: “I had to regret what was said, never about what was not said.” Family life is a great art, and above all it is oratory. And I want the young to become masters in mastering it and never regret a single word they uttered.

♦ The ancient Romans said: "A tree does not bear fruit in autumn that did not bloom in spring." Now all of us are witnessing the flowering of this young couple. So let's drink to the fact that the fruits that it will give are tied up as soon as possible.

♦ It is sung in one song: “Love is a ring, and the ring has no beginning and no end.” Looking at this couple, no one will doubt that they were united by love. So let's drink to the infinity of this marriage!

♦ Our grandparents used to say: “There is marriage, but there is no unmarriage”. I would like this statement to become a law for our young people, and the vessel, which we are now creating, would never shatter into small pieces. So let's drink to that!

♦ Folk wisdom says: "People get married for cabbage soup, they get married for meat." So let's drink to the fact that in this future family the husband will never be hungry, and the wife will always have enough money to buy meat.

♦ People say: “Love is hard; not to love harder than that. Since we are present at this wedding, it means that our young people share this idea. So let's drink to the wisdom of our newlyweds!

♦ One Eastern wisdom says: "He who interferes in someone else's fate will never pass his own." Our young people decided to intervene in each other's destinies in order to have one fate for two. So let's drink to the fact that there will never be a fork in their fate!

♦ When you encounter an extraordinary person, one look is enough to notice him, one word to appreciate him, one touch to love him, but it takes a lifetime to enjoy his company. At first glance, you can see that our young people are extraordinary people. So let's drink to them enjoying each other's company for as long as possible!

♦ Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: “To love is not to look at each other, to love is to look together in the same direction.” I want to raise a toast to the fact that, looking in the same direction, our young people do not forget to look back at each other from time to time.

♦ A Jewish parable tells of a rabbi talking to the Lord about the fate of married couples after death. The Lord said, "I'll show you." He led the rabbi into the room, which was full of emaciated people, they were holding very long spoons, and their faces expressed despair. The sight of the people was all the more strange as they sat around a large table, in the center of which stood a huge smoking pot. From it came the seductive smell of meat. There was enough meat in the pot to feed all the people gathered in the room. The length of the spoons made it possible to reach food, but did not allow putting it in the mouth. People were languishing from hunger, their suffering was unbearable, especially since food was very close by. The Lord said; “This is Hell, and married couples who constantly fought with each other during their lives get here. Those who live in harmony go to Paradise.” And the Lord led the rabbi into another room, which was no different from the previous one, only the faces of the people in it were happy. They looked full and had a lot of fun. “But what's the matter? the rabbi asked. “Why are some unhappy, while others are having fun?” “The fact is,” the Lord answered, “that the couples in the second room learned to feed each other during their lifetime.” So let's drink to the fact that our young people take care of each other, and then they will find happiness not only on Earth, but also in eternal life.

♦ One oriental parable tells of a poor peasant who found himself face to face with a ferocious and very hungry tiger. The peasant, with all his strength, began to run away from the predator, but suddenly found himself on the edge of a cliff. The only thing left for him to do was to cling to the vine that hung over the river. Looking down, the peasant was completely desperate, there was already waiting for him a huge crocodile, which looked no less hungry than a tiger. To top it off, two very aggressive monkeys began to swing the vine, and it was about ready to break off. The peasant was in a hopeless situation. But then he remembered that, before meeting the tiger, he had found a strawberry bush in the forest and hid it in his rags. Now, having taken it out, he fully enjoyed the divine taste of this berry.

On the way our young couple will meet bloodthirsty tigers, and hungry crocodiles, and aggressive monkeys - such is life. But I want to raise a toast to the fact that they always, even in the most dangerous situation, know how to please themselves!