Scenario of the New Year's holiday show factory of stars. Extra-curricular event on the theme "New Year at the Star Factory". Saying goodbye should be with us

for 7-8 cells.


Koschey: Baba Yaga!

Koschey: Yaga, are we already on the air, or what?

Baba Yaga:


Baba Yaga:

"Analysis of educational activities"

Analysis of the educational event

"Star Factory or Mandarin - show"

    The date of the: 27.12.2012

    Topic of the extracurricular activity: New Year's competitive show program "Star Factories or Mandarin - Show" (the topic and form of this event was chosen in accordance with the age characteristics and interests of students in grades 7-8, students of grade 7B organized and held the event under the guidance of a class teacher and organizing teacher)

    Goals of the task of the event:

    Develop students' creative and communication skills;

    Contribute to the development of a sense of camaraderie, responsibility to the team;

    Contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in physics through the use of special effects.

    Analysis of the preparation of the event:

The scenario of the event was compiled by a creative group of students of grade 7B under the guidance of a teacher-organizer. The children independently selected competitions, in accordance with their interests and the wishes of other students. Under the guidance of the class teacher (physics teacher), numbers were prepared using LEDs.

    Analysis of the course of the event:

The extra-curricular event "Mandarin - show" had a moral and aesthetic orientation. During the event, not only students of the 7B class were involved, from each class were presented concert performances, which were mostly of a humorous nature. All spectators were actively involved in the event: concert numbers alternated with competitions in which all those present, both children and teachers, took part. The culmination of the holiday was a number with LEDs, which aroused positive emotions and cognitive interest among those present: the guys were interested in the technical side of the performance. At the end, each class was asked to make a wish and release a glowing balloon filled with helium.

In general, the event was held at a good emotional level, both on the part of the participants and the organizers. Everyone was satisfied with the achieved result.

    Overall rating:

As a result of the extracurricular activities, all the goals and objectives were achieved. The educational value of the event, of course, was high - it is the development of creative, communication skills, the ability to work in a team to achieve a common goal. From the point of view of satisfaction, we can say that the guys participated in all competitions with interest, actively, emotionally. Pupils of class 7B got a good experience in the organization of collective creative affairs, in the development of communication skills, tolerance.

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"Star Factory New Year 7-8 (script)"

Scenario of the New Year's show of the program "Star Factory or MANDARIN SHOW!"

for 7-8 cells.


1. Baba Yaga aka Yana Churikova

2. Koschei the Immortal aka Ivan Urgant

3. Snow Maiden, she is the singer Nyusha

4. Santa Claus is also a correspondent

5. Pop stars (Ivan Dorn, DJ smash and Anna Pletneva, Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus)

(Baba Yaga and Koschei enter the stage "outfit" they are far from "fabulous", but very modern)

Baba Yaga: Chairman of the jury and she is the host (pointing to herself).

Koschey: Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Did you forget Koschey how you rehearsed? You yourself are Baba Yaga! I am Yana Churikova!

And you are Vanya Urgant!!! - producer and co-host of the project.

Koschey: Yaga, are we already on the air, or what?

Baba Yaga: YANA! My name is Yana, not Yaga!

Koschey: So who will be our first semi-finished product, Yanochka?

Baba Yaga: Let's see. (Reads) Nyu-sha. Nyusha is something.

Koschey: Meet Nyusha singing for you!

Nyusha's song

Koschey: Oh, it smelled of ice cream, creme brulee and popsicle, I haven’t sniffed such an aroma for a long time.

Baba Yaga: Well, of course, this is the Snow Maiden, under some kind of Nyusha mows here.

Why are you our frostbitten, oh, that is, frozen, do you sing songs here?

Snow Maiden: Why not? In the announcement it was written that everyone who wants to come to show their talents.

Baba Yaga: You'd better show us Santa Claus, otherwise you understand the New Year's show here, Santa Claus is needed on the jury, but this old one, as always, disappeared somewhere?

(Baba Yaga and Koschei sing together )

Oh frost, frost, where do you roam?

Without you, frost, a holiday without a dream

Koschey: There will be no Frost, there will be no one to evaluate talents, and what kind of competition without this?

Nyusha: And you will allow me to study at your factory of stars if I find Santa Claus.

Yaga: Allow, allow. If you find it! In the meantime, we have the following participants with a New Year's performance!

Koschey: ________________ 1 number(from classes)

Yaga: Soooo, well, anyone can perform on stage, but which of you knows all the stars of our show business? We'll check it out with Vanechka right now! We call the letter and you tell us all the stars that you know with this letter! Can you? ( competition "Star alphabet")

(the last letter is called D and sounds like a version of Demi Lovato)

Koschey: Come on, come on, who said it to Demi Lovato? Come over here and announce properly that visiting singer Demi Lovato is performing on our Mandarin Show, and not alone, but with Miley Cyrus!!!

Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus room

Yana: Ndaaa ... Somewhere there is neither a snow maiden nor Santa Claus ... But the show cannot be stopped, the live broadcast is now expensive, maybe a koshchei, oh that is, our Vanechka Urgant may not have enough money. So take your time multimedia you are ours!

Koschey holds a contest "Collect a song" Each class is given a set of lines from songs (4 sets). Classes need to collect a song from these lines and guess who sings it. After they have collected and guessed, one of the songs turns out to be Ivan Dorn, everyone together in unison calls Dorn to the stage.

Room Ivan Dorn

Yaga: Ndaaa ... Well, today's youth have idols, it would be better if we called Santa Claus.

Koschey: I liked it! Cool!

The snowman appears.

Snegurochka (almost sobs): He's nowhere to be found... I don't know where else to look for him. I'm crying now!!!

Yaga: Don't cry, you can't, you'll melt!!!

Koschey: You'd better hold some New Year's contest, Santa Claus will appear !!!

Snow Maiden: Well, yes, this is an idea! Friends, Santa Claus loves to dance very much. Let's light it up so that he won't be able to come here after this!

(Snow Maiden Nyusha holds a competition “Snake Dances” in which class teachers are the head of the snake, snakes dance to music of different genres and tempos, the most dancing class is determined.)

Snow Maiden: This class is the most dancing one. Comrade correspondent, be so kind as to take a picture of our favorites please! (Snow Maiden calls a reporter from the crowd who walks around and photographs what is happening throughout the holiday) Wait, wait, someone you remind me very much of a comrade correspondent. What is your name?

D.M.: Why do you need it?

Yana: Talk talk, we are also interested, maybe you are a spy!

Koschey: Again something smelled of ice cream ...

DM: My name is .... my name is .. DJ Smash my name is! Here!

(The "Real" DJ Smash appears)

Smash: So what's going on here? When will we be announced?

Yaga: And who are you young man?

Smash: Well, actually, you need to know your idols by sight. But you, auntie, seem to be a little outdated. DJ Smash is my name!

Koschey. Another DJ smash! What a twist! Our show is getting boring!

Yaga: So wait, wait, first of all, I'm not outdated, but the top presenter Yana Churikova, but you still need to prove which of you is not an impostor here!

Smash yes easily! Phonogram!

Number of DJ Smash and Anna Pletneva.

Smash: That's it! And if he is a DJ smash, then where is his Anna Pletneva?

D.M .: Here is my Anna Pletneva (takes the first girl from the crowd)

And we dance much better than you!!! Music! Repeat after us!

Competition "Repeat the dance"

Snow Maiden: Wait, wait, I realized who he reminds me of! This is my Santa Claus! Grandpa! Why did you shave off your beard, Durik? What a ploy? What does all this mean?

DM: And that means that I'm tired of going to all kinds of matinees, congratulating everyone and entertaining, maybe I want to hang out with the youth and be entertained!

Yaga: So, you would say so old! Today we wanted to invite you to the jury for our Mandarin Show just for this!

Koschey: Just know, sit and have fun! Moreover, the next contestants have already been waiting. Announce Yanochka!

(Yana-Yaga announces 2 number from classes ______________________________________)

Snow Maiden: Well, how do you like grandpa?

D.M .: Great, just don’t call me grandpa, today I threw off 300 years from my shoulders.

Yaga: Of course, we can not name it, with only one condition, all the same, at least one New Year's competition from you!

D.M.: And then you have 2 more numbers for me! Deal?

Koschey: Agreed! See you off!

DM: Well, today I imagined my friends as if I were not Santa Claus at all, but a young kid and arranged a wonderful holiday for himself, but let's imagine now that we are all not people, but penguins! Let's all play penguins together. We are at the North Pole and we are cold...

And now let's imagine that we are not at the North Pole, but in Africa in the Sahara Desert and we are hot ... and now we are all penguins in love and dancing a dance for our soul mate ... and now we are crazy penguins ... and now we will just dance like penguins! ( competition "We are penguins"»)

DM: Well, now you promised me 2 numbers!

Yaga: Since we promised, then we announce!

(3 number from classes and Lady Gaga)

(lights go out after Lady Gaga's performance)

Baba Yaga: What is this? Did all the stars on our Show go out at once?!

D.M.: Don't panic! This is another one of my surprises! Today, instead of the Christmas tree, we will light new talents! Guys, fire it up!

Room with LEDs

( You can use this text:

It caught fire, sparkled, the brightest star.

As if reborn, even though still young.

And the soul is not rusty, the heart beats in the chest,

So, do your thing, everything is still ahead.

This is not fun, this is not a game

You have the right, and you have to go.

Light it up so it burns clear

Light it up so it doesn't go out

Light up, the stars in the blue sky,

Light it up, made in Russia

Light it up. Made in Russia.)

(After this number, balls with LEDs are taken out and distributed to each class.)

D.M: And now we will make our most cherished wishes!

Yaga-Yana: Under the chiming clock, we will count to 12 and on the 12th beat we will release these magic balls-lanterns.

Koschei Matvienko: Which will help us fulfill our desires.

Snow Maiden: And they will shine for us for a long time at our festive New Year's disco!

DM: Ready? And Raz……

(Everyone counts up to 12 under the chimes, release the balls and the disco begins. End)

Scenario of the New Year "New Year's Star Factory"

Santa Claus - Dmitry Valerievich

Snow Maiden - Polina Anatolyevna

(light or white + snowflake carona) Snowflake 1 – Olga grade 9

Baba Yaga Anastasia Vladislavovna

Gypsy - Lilia Viktorovna

Malvina - Anya 9th grade

(black + wings + nose + crest) Magpie - Natasha 9th grade (+ words of the presenter to read)

(dress + wings) Fairy - Marina 9kl

The Snow Queen - A.V.

Classes gather in the assembly hall by 12:30, New Year's songs are played

Background (0:09) Lead behind the scenes: I thought, once Santa Claus in his Winter Kingdom to open the "Factory of New Year's Stars". And he announced throughout the forest a casting call for his show venture. Santa Claus had far-reaching plans. He wanted to travel around the whole wide world with his “New Year's Star Factory” for the New Year, in order to congratulate all the inhabitants of our country on the holiday. He called out -

" ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Anyone who wants to participate in the "New Year's Star Factory" urgently come to the casting in Santa Claus !!! "

This is where it started! Yes, see for yourself!!

Music screensaver OKSI "New Year" (0:30)

Santa Claus comes out with a snowflake. D.M. sits at the jury table, a snowflake stands near the entrance to the assembly hall ....

Snowflake: Santa Claus, are you ready, are we starting the casting?

Father Frost: How many people came?

Snowflake: Yes, not a little.

Father Frost: Well, let's go first.

Snowflake: (surprised) Interesting wish list...

(magpie output 0:10)

Magpie: (included) Kar..kar..kar... I am a White-sided Magpie, I flew to you from afar. Why wasn't Santa Claus waiting for me?

Father Frost: Surprised, so surprised...

Magpie: We were in a hurry, we flew to be the first. See for yourself and show your talents.

Father Frost : (laughing) Ah… so you didn’t come alone… Well, let’s squeal, crackle and squeak…

NUMBER (5A- dramatization)

Father Frost: I'll take you, I'll take you. You will be selling concert tickets.(laughing)

Magpie: I’ll fly, I want to tell everyone this news ....(leaves)

Snowflake: The next to the casting arrived ....

(gypsy exit 0:20)

Gypsy: (goes to the a / s) No need to introduce us ... Who better to tell fortunes, to predict fate!?(who is sitting in the front rows comes up, looks at his hands) . (look at D.m.) Hey, old man, gild the pen, I'll tell you the whole truth.

Father Frost: Well, guess what!

Gypsy: Oh, old man, how long have you lived in the world! You are a good person - you give gifts to all the kids of the globe every year. And your granddaughter is smart and beautiful!

Father Frost: Yes, gypsy girl, you told me the whole truth. Yes, I feel that you did not come to me for this, not for this ...

Gypsy: (shaking head) Ai-ai-ai… Iris is right, right… I heard here that you are conducting a casting?!

Santa Claus: So that's why you complained ... I heard correctly, I'll see you off. What do you want to participate in?(smiling)

Gypsy: (gently and affectionately) I really want grandfather, and my camp wants ... You just look at us with one eye, with one eye ....(getting on stage)

Father Frost: (Waving hand agrees) Well, look, don't let me down.

NUMBER (6th grade song + dramatization)

Gypsy: Well, how did we perform, Santa Claus ?!

Father Frost: Well, well done girls, they amused me from the bottom of their hearts. But the Snow Maiden has been gone for a long time. Where she disappeared, I don’t understand in any way ... I’ll go look for her ...(leaves)

(exit 0:23)

Grandmother Yozhka: T fu-you, well-you, grandmas are bent, again the technique failed(looks at the broom, takes something out). Wow! Microchip burned out! What to do? I'll go my old broomlook for (walks a few steps, looks at the audience) . And what are you gathered here? Look, dress up everyone here, so oh-oh-oh(depicts). Why are they so sour?(sits on stage). You better tell me what this old man thought, what kind of "New Year's Star Factory" is he? What is the whole wide world to him? Is he really whoosh?(shows)

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden come

Father Frost: (they communicate with the Snow Maiden and see ..) Oh ... And what are you unclean forgot here? Why did you complain?

Grandmother-Ezhka: (bow) I’m dear, I heard from Soroka that you are gaining stars for yourself for a concert around the world, so I flew to the casting, but not alone with your group. My girls are young, beautiful ...(bragging). Look at them?!

Father Frost: Get out! What was the old one thinking again?! (terribly)

Grandmother-Ezhka: I'm nothing! Honestly! I just want to be in the STARS!

Snow Maiden: Well, if so .... then let's see ...

Grandmother-Ezhka: Oh, how good ... And so they perform for you: producer Babka-Yozhka, designer Babka-Yozhka, the group "Metelki"(bows and runs away)

NUMBER (dance - grade 8)

Father Frost: (Laughing) Oh well done, oh pleased. If everything goes on like this, I will immediately assemble a factory for myself. I'm taking the group! There is a number, there is a name, and infrom you old, what can I say:

You are an old woman, out of your mind.

There is a mirror in the hallway

You should at least look into it:

The legs are crooked, the teeth are not enough!

Yes, and your backing dancer

Only used to fly on a broomstick!

So sorry!!!

And I'll take your guys

You better come next year!

(Baba-Yozhka leaves offended and shakes his fists, grumbles)

Snow Maiden: (looks at the exit and is surprised ) That's how miracles are! What is it?! Grandpa, look who's here.

Father Frost: Come don't be shy.

(exit 0:15)

Malvina: Everything is scattered, dirty, something is lying around(touches his hand like a tidy) As if a hundred elephants ran through here! A familiar, familiar picture ... It’s like I saw Babka-Yozhka on a broomstick, did she fly away from you so angry ?!(look at D.M. and S.)

Snow Maiden: You are right, she is the best. What is your path to us?

Malvina: I was thinking, thinking about the cry of Santa Claus ...(nods head). And that's what I thought: you need Grandfather Frost stars, and you want them to be shown on TV, do I understand everything correctly ?!(walks like a teacher from side to side)

Father Frost: Everything is correct.

Malvina: How will they be shown? You don’t have a cameraman who will film all this?!

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus: No.

Malvina: So I suggest you take me as an assistant. And I suggest you look at the evidence of your work skills.

ROOM - (Grade 11 - video)

Father Frost: Oh, well done!

Snow Maiden: Of course we will take you.

Malvina: Then I’ll go now, pack my suitcase for the trip, and I’ll give Pinocchio a task during my absence.(leaves)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you decided to play games again?! (looks at him in surprise)

Father Frost: Yes, you are a granddaughter!! No. We came to look for stars, not to play games.

Snow Maiden: Why is it so cold then?(looks at the guys in the hall) Are you guys cold?

The children answer.

Snowflake: Look, look outside the window

The snow is falling like a wall.

And they rush through the streets

Snow Queen's sleigh...

(output 0:20)

The Snow Queen: (included) Yes, yes, you're right, it's me, made of ice. How are you?What's the news? Haven't seen you for a long time! Can I sit down?(they take out a chair for her and put it in front of D.m.'s table)

Snow Maiden: (menacingly) Why did you come here? Freeze guys?

Father Frost: Get well, get well!

The Snow Queen: Don't be angry Frost. I passed through the forest, showered everything with silver and heard your cry. So I gathered my group to show you talents, and not just one ..

Snow Maiden: (looks at D.M. and says) Good. Let them begin.

NUMBER (grade 7 - song) + (5V voice + dance)

Snow Maiden: Guys are great. We will definitely take you, we need such talents.

Father Frost: But as for you .... we can only offer to keep order behind the scenes.

The Snow Queen: (raises nose high) I will not tolerate such rudeness!! Farewell…

Snow Maiden: (sneezes) Apchi, Apchi….

Father Frost: Granddaughter, are you sick?

Snow Maiden: No, grandfather, it’s me who doesn’t sneeze from a cold, but from magic pollen ...

(exit 0:20)

Fairy: (this whole air is included) Ah…casting. How many good friends you have collected. Hello Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus: Hello good fairy.

Snow Maiden: Why did you complain to us?

Fairy: Grandfather Frost, and we want to go to the factory. To show magic, to say kind words, to give joy and happiness to people, and to drive away envy and anger ...

Snow Maiden: Good fairies hurry here….

NUMBER (grade 9 - verse) + (5B - scene)

Father Frost: Yes! Here are the artists! With such it will not be a shame to travel around the wide world. And in confirmation of my words, I would like to especially note some of the guys for good deeds this year.


Father Frost: I will take them all, without exception, to the New Year's Star Factory.

Snow Maiden: Soon everyone will be seen on TV screens. Our songs will seep into radio and television.

Father Frost: Well?! My team is ready! There are still talents on the Russian land. Come on, the manufacturers will sing the final song!

SONG (all participants and heroes take the stage)

Joyful New Year's music sounds, guests pass into the hall. Host: Good afternoon! We are glad to welcome you to our activity center!

We are glad that you are with us this New Year! Welcome to "Factory for the stars"!

Today we have a pre-New Year's "Star Boom" and you are the main characters of this event. It is you who have a chance to become an artist and urgently become famous. We begin! At the entrance you were given a Lucky Star. Your task is to unite into constellations in just a few minutes, according to the color scheme of the stars, we have 5 of them. For example: gold to gold, red to red, yellow to yellow, etc.

Got 5 teams. Excellent! We start Star Boom in our factory! I invite the first team and here is the first task for you.

"Music has tied us"

A song will sound for you in the headphones, you listen carefully to the words, then go on stage, the music sounds without words, but you show the words with gestures, you need to do this synchronously. (Performance of the first team)

Presenter: The first team coped with the task! Only 4 teams and 4 performances left! We are closely following the performance of our artists and after that we will decide who deserves our first factory star. (team performances)

Presenter: The task was not easy, but very interesting! By the applause of the audience, we decide whose performance was brighter, and hand over the first star. I'm sure we need a dance break now, after which we will continue our show.

dance break

Host: We continue! We are preparing to become famous, we are taking the first steps towards success. For all teams, the second, at first glance, easy task.

"On the cover of a magazine"

The task of each team is to make an amazing New Year's photo. You can use our accessories. Everyone has one minute to prepare. Time has gone! (Teams show themselves)

Presenter: The photos turned out great! Do not forget to send them to me, with your permission we will post them on the Recreation website. And summing up, which of the five teams proved to be brighter, more presentable and deserved a star for the team.

dance break

Presenter: The mood is still Christmas! Vivid emotions are evident. We continue to surprise each other. This task will be simple for you, but you will prove yourself in all its glory! I believe in you.

"Incendiary Dance"

Fragments of stylized folk music have been prepared for each team. You need to spin in a round dance performing modern dance elements.
Presenter: We begin! The first command is your way out! (Teams demonstrate their creativity)

Summing up! We hand over a star, intuition shows that one star will not be enough!

dance break

Presenter: We continue our "Star Boom". Another pleasant task, a stage person should be able to express his thoughts clearly, vividly and understandably.

"Christmas Hit"

We have prepared words for each team, you need to assemble them into a single whole, so that you get a quatrain or even a verse of the future New Year's hit.

1 team: Snow-running, ice-snowflakes,
Flapper toys, fir-trees-needles.

2 team: Nose-frost, ice-ice,
Flashing jackdaws, prohibition candy.
Etc. Festive ice, ice all around!
A light frost chills my nose.
I'm walking down the street, flashing lights are circling,
today they look like jackdaws,
and despite all the prohibitions, I eat candy from a gift!

3 team: Light trail, tangerine serpentine,
whims-cruises, eyes-miracles.

4 team: Background-marathon, lanterns-bullfinches,
snowball friend, hello next.

5 team: peace-ether, joy-sweetness,
outfits-ceremonies, mood-inspiration.

Presenter: It's time to show off your mind and erudition! I wish good luck to everyone! Whoever gets the star will show the performance! (Performance of teams)

Thanks for the great performances! Summing up, handing another star to the winners.

dance break

Presenter: Now for each team is a decisive moment, you need to confer and decide which of you will be the face of the team, the disco dancer.

"Disco dancer"
One participant from each team goes on stage, the task "dancer" shows dance moves, and the whole team repeats with accuracy. The more accurate and interesting, the more chances to win. (team performance)

Presenter: Thank you so much for the pleasure. You are great fellows! Let's sum it up again! And give another star.

dance break

Presenter:"Star Factory" sparkles with talents! With each competition, more and more you show your amazing abilities! now it will be the easiest for you.

"Understand me"

Presenter: I have a whole fan of tasks for you, teams take turns pulling out tasks and completing them without preparation. Bengal lights, a garland of multi-colored lights, children at a New Year's party, a New Year's performance, mass skating, watching an interesting movie, Santa Claus's exit, the Snow Maiden's exit, fireworks, an ice cream seller, a circus performance, horseback riding, clowns, dressing up a Christmas tree, being late on a holiday, we ride the bus while standing. (team performance)

Presenter: Dear friends! Words cannot express my delight! I am proud of you! We count our honestly earned stars. Who has more? Who will be the winner of the "Star Boom" today?


Presenter: Dear friends, now is the most festive moment, we have been waiting for it since childhood! Especially on New Year's Eve! Each of us believes in fairy tales and miracles and has fun like a child when they come! Meet the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus! (Exit of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden: Glad to see you friends from happiness dizzy. Happy holiday friends!
Happy New Year!
Health, happiness, beauty.
May all dreams come true and the world be filled with magic!

Snowflakes are circling round dance,
Dreams come true on New Year's Eve!
We believe in prediction and fairy tales,
We hear intuition tips more sharply,

Good omens are found everywhere
The whole world is filled with magic
The universe sparkles with wonder!
Happy New Year!!!

Santa Claus addresses the girls:
Cute snowflakes, like in pictures,
Delicate fluffy sweet fragrant,
Surrounded, inspired, Grandfather turned his head!

Addressing guests:
Hello my friends! I've been waiting for the new year!
We have known you for a long time
We feel like a lady!

Happy New Year!
I walked through the forest for a long time
Walked around the cities.
Kemerovo region all sparkles,
Exactly, New Year meets!

Lights everywhere, purity,
Snow sparkles, beauty!
Happy New Year to all! Hooray!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's play with our guys, we haven't seen each other for a whole year!

Father Frost: With pleasure! Let's play my favorite! "Dance"
I take guys to my team, and you take the girls as soon as possible!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa we are ready!
Father Frost: Good! Begin! We repeat the movements after us!
Well done!

Snow Maiden: Now my favorite game! Musical! Music sounds, you recognize it and sing a song together!
- "Three white horses"
- "At the edge of the forest"
- "If there was no winter"
- "Winter - Cold"
- "White snow"

Father Frost: You sing well! And now my favorite "A Christmas tree was born in the forest!"
Snow Maiden: Grandfather! How about fun riddles?
Father Frost: We have time! Let's make a guess! Let's play a new game!
- Puzzles.
- New music game.
- Costumed defile.

Winter hit from Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: I wish you bright holiday lights
Gifts, fulfillment of desires.
In the magical light of New Year's lanterns,
Let the words of confession sound for you!

Father Frost: Happy New Year 2019! With new happiness!
Kindness, warmth, love,
May wishes come true
And dreams come true!
Peace! Well-being! Everyone! To our family and friends!
Happy New Year!

Dance marathon "Hits of Winter"

To download material or !



LEADING: Well, kids?!

Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all.

Soon, soon the New Year

Have fun honest people!

We invite everyone to the hall,

Let's start the show!

Two hours of non-stop jokes and gags await you today!

Believe or don't believe

And lived in this world

In a dense, dark forest,

Creaky, restless,

The whole beard has long been overgrown,

Wizard good Santa Claus.

The essence of the matter is this. Once, Santa Claus decided to open his own “Star Factory” in his Berendey kingdom. And he announced throughout the forest about a competition-recruitment in his enterprise. Santa Claus had far-reaching plans. He wanted to travel around the world with his "Factory" for the New Year and congratulate all the inhabitants of the planet. And she came in large numbers, and all the forest evil spirits and not evil spirits went to the competition.

Koschey the Deathless comes out to the soundtrack

To the tune of the melody "In the field a birch stood" sings:

At the edge of the tree stood, stood

For a long time the green stood

Everything grew, yes it grew,

To the sun all stretched, stood.

Someone had to cut it down

Someone to break it

Dress someone up with a garland,

Someone to light fires.

Father Frost: ( refers to Koshchei the Deathless): Hello my poor Koshcheyushka! What happened to your voice?

Koschey: Yes, I recently caught a cold - my voice disappeared. And my healers advised me to go to the blacksmith, so that he would shoe my voice. And here is the result! Now no one is afraid of me, no one listens. Oh, I would have this blacksmith! Yes, I'm afraid of him. He said that he would make a horseshoe for the Little Humpbacked Horse out of the needle in which my life is located. Take me to your "Factory". Maybe I'll be nice to you.

Santa Claus: Okay. Consider yourself approved. Will you sell tickets to my concert?

Santa Claus: We will celebrate the New Year's holiday

By the light of the Christmas tree lights

The Snow Maiden will come today -

We will have more fun with her.

For this, guys, everyone needs

Say loudly and amicably:

"One two Three!

Come to us, Snow Maiden!

Everyone repeats together.

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: Is it a light fluff,

silver snowflake,

Appeared in front of you

Reborn from the snow. (bows to the audience).

Santa Claus Hello my granddaughter. How did you sleep? What happened? What are you


Snow Maiden: I miss you here…..It's not boring. At least hurry to the guys on the Christmas tree


Santa Claus: Well, what are you, granddaughter .... We have so much work to do and you miss us! Sit down, you will help me in the development of my show business. call

next nominee.

Snow Maiden: And now all our guests will sing a song for us.

The students sing the song.

To the soundtrack of the Song “Chocolate Bunny”, a chocolate Bunny comes out, Santa Claus is surprised.

Santa Claus: Who else is this?

Bunny: Well... And you, Santa Claus, there too ... Yes, I am a hare, a hare. Just overdid it with the tan. Recently I went with the boss to the Canary Islands, well, I set fire to a little

skin. And now in the forest everyone is teasing me “Chocolate Bunny!” - repeats 2 times. Not

I want to live there. Take me to you. I'll be nice to you.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. A little exotic wouldn't hurt.

Leading: And at this time the Snow Maiden thought. How tired she was of living with a cold, icy heart! How tired of hiding from the rays of the sun, living in the forest among animals and birds! How she wants to lie in the sun, take a walk along the streets .... And suddenly the Snow Maiden dreamed that she had become .... Cat!

The soundtrack of the song “When I become a Cat” sounds. The Snow Maiden sits in thought. The Cat enters the stage with an umbrella in her hands, walks in front of the Snow Maiden, takes out a mirror from her bag, admires, and washes herself.

Moderator: What's all the fuss about? Who are the men in black? What happened? Oh!

The producer comes out, shakes hands with Santa Claus, he falls from his chair in surprise.

Producer: Hello dear children, dear teachers. I decided to take this opportunity and wish you a Happy New Year! I want to wish you happiness, health and creative success. You are a worthy replacement for our show business, which will wither like a cactus without you. Know that such sharks of show business as Igor Krutoy, Igor Matvienko, Igor Nikolaev, in general, all Igors and many other artists are hoping for you.

Snow Maiden: May I disturb you? Sorry to say...

Santa Claus: I want to ask

Our stars unwind

Producer: Here you have songs, jokes, dances-

A couple of hundred phonograms!

Here is the money - millions:

Pugachev and Kobzon,

Vitas, "Tea for two" Shura

And another tinsel!

I can spin them

Make a new star!

Popularity and concerts,

All day applause!

Dare! May your creativity strengthen the power of our country. You have fun, but I have to go. There are more things waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: let's go, I'll show you the way, how to get out of our Berendey kingdom.

The producer and the Snow Maiden leave.

Santa Claus: Phew ... What an exciting moment. My heart nearly jumped out through my heels. I can not. Need to rest. I'll sleep a little. Okay? (sits down, falls asleep.)

Presenter: Santa Claus falls asleep, his consciousness is separated from the body, and he plunges into the realm of Morpheus. Even an unintelligent kid knows something that no adult knows: if you turn off the light in the room and close the door tightly behind you, motionless toys will come to life and go on an exciting journey.

The song is played and all students sing.

Host: And Santa Claus had a terrible dream, well, just a very terrible one. He dreamed. That he is divorcing his wife, Mother Winter.

The soundtrack of Glucose's song "The Bride" sounds, Dancing, pestering Santa Claus.

Lera leaves, Santa Claus wakes up.

Santa Claus: And what just does not dream! Even in a dream, it’s not normal to rest: household problems pop up all around. Well, who's next?

A phonogram sounds, V. Maksimov comes out, sings.

Santa Claus: Who are you?

Vitya: I'm a rapper, I want to get into show business, save money, rush abroad. Take me to you, Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. You will be my security guard.

Baba Yaga runs out to the phonogram “Well, what is that terrible one?”, staging a song.

Santa Claus: Wow! Scared! I can't get used to you, old man!

Baba Yaga: I heard that you opened the "Star Factory" here. Take me to you!

Santa Claus: Yes, you will scare everyone away, I know your tricks!

Baba Yaga: No, I'll fix it! I will find a stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser, psychologist, dentist… I will change beyond recognition! You'll see!

Santa Claus: Yes ... Even then it will be difficult not to recognize you! Well, your broom will come in handy for me - you will be a cleaning lady at the Factory. Someone has to keep order here, not everyone should sing songs. Look and see people. And we'll see there.

Baba Yaga: Oh thank you, my dear! Let me kiss you!

Santa Claus: (looks around) Get lost, unclean! If only my wife didn't see it! And that will be a thrashing to me, not in a dream, but in reality. Next!

A mouse comes out with a cat and a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus: Cat, you are already enrolled in the "Star Factory", why did you come again?

Cat: And I'm not alone, today I made friends with this animal. (Points to the mouse)

Santa Claus: Only this was not enough for me.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, don't be upset, because 20 .... year, this is the year of the rat, and if the symbol of the coming year is in our team, then nothing bad threatens us.

Everyone takes the stage.

Santa Claus: What?! My team is ready! Talents have not yet died out in the Berendey kingdom. In the near future, a hurricane of top music and hop dances awaits you.

Snow Maiden: There is no New Year's holiday without a Christmas tree. I know the magic words. Let's all say guys together: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, don't be afraid,

Reveal yourself in all your glory!

We are all waiting for you

We will sleep and sing for you!



LEADING: Well, kids?!

Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all.

Soon, soon the New Year

Have fun honest people!

We invite everyone to the hall,

Let's start the show!

Two hours of non-stop jokes and gags await you today!

Believe or don't believe

And lived in this world

In a dense, dark forest,

Creaky, restless,

The whole beard has long been overgrown,

Wizard good Santa Claus.

The essence of the matter is this. Once, Santa Claus decided to open his own “Star Factory” in his Berendey kingdom. And he announced throughout the forest about a competition-recruitment in his enterprise. Santa Claus had far-reaching plans. He wanted to travel around the world with his "Factory" for the New Year and congratulate all the inhabitants of the planet. And she came in large numbers, and all the forest evil spirits and not evil spirits went to the competition.

Koschey the Deathless comes out to the soundtrack

To the tune of the melody "In the field a birch stood" sings:

At the edge of the tree stood, stood

For a long time the green stood

Everything grew, yes it grew,

To the sun all stretched, stood.

Someone had to cut it down

Someone to break it

Dress someone up with a garland,

Someone to light fires.

Father Frost: ( refers to Koshchei the Deathless): Hello my poor Koshcheyushka! What happened to your voice?

Koschey: Yes, I recently caught a cold - my voice disappeared. And my healers advised me to go to the blacksmith, so that he would shoe my voice. And here is the result! Now no one is afraid of me, no one listens. Oh, I would have this blacksmith! Yes, I'm afraid of him. He said that he would make a horseshoe for the Little Humpbacked Horse out of the needle in which my life is located. Take me to your "Factory". Maybe I'll be nice to you.

Santa Claus: Okay. Consider yourself approved. Will you sell tickets to my concert?

Santa Claus: We will celebrate the New Year's holiday

By the light of the Christmas tree lights

The Snow Maiden will come today -

We will have more fun with her.

For this, guys, everyone needs

Say loudly and amicably:

"One two Three!

Come to us, Snow Maiden!

Everyone repeats together.

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: Is it a light fluff,

silver snowflake,

Appeared in front of you

Reborn from the snow. (bows to the audience).

Santa Claus Hello my granddaughter. How did you sleep? What happened? What are you


Snow Maiden: I miss you here…..It's not boring. At least hurry to the guys on the Christmas tree


Santa Claus: Well, what are you, granddaughter .... We have so much work to do and you miss us! Sit down, you will help me in the development of my show business. call

next nominee.

Snow Maiden: And now all our guests will sing a song for us.

The students sing the song.

To the soundtrack of the Song “Chocolate Bunny”, a chocolate Bunny comes out, Santa Claus is surprised.

Santa Claus: Who else is this?

Bunny: Well... And you, Santa Claus, there too ... Yes, I am a hare, a hare. Just overdid it with the tan. Recently I went with the boss to the Canary Islands, well, I set fire to a little

skin. And now in the forest everyone is teasing me “Chocolate Bunny!” - repeats 2 times. Not

I want to live there. Take me to you. I'll be nice to you.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. A little exotic wouldn't hurt.

Leading: And at this time the Snow Maiden thought. How tired she was of living with a cold, icy heart! How tired of hiding from the rays of the sun, living in the forest among animals and birds! How she wants to lie in the sun, take a walk along the streets .... And suddenly the Snow Maiden dreamed that she had become .... Cat!

The soundtrack of the song “When I become a Cat” sounds. The Snow Maiden sits in thought. The Cat enters the stage with an umbrella in her hands, walks in front of the Snow Maiden, takes out a mirror from her bag, admires, and washes herself.

Moderator: What's all the fuss about? Who are the men in black? What happened? Oh!

The producer comes out, shakes hands with Santa Claus, he falls from his chair in surprise.

Producer: Hello dear children, dear teachers. I decided to take this opportunity and wish you a Happy New Year! I want to wish you happiness, health and creative success. You are a worthy replacement for our show business, which will wither like a cactus without you. Know that such sharks of show business as Igor Krutoy, Igor Matvienko, Igor Nikolaev, in general, all Igors and many other artists are hoping for you.

Snow Maiden: May I disturb you? Sorry to say...

Santa Claus: I want to ask

Our stars unwind

Producer: Here you have songs, jokes, dances-

A couple of hundred phonograms!

Here is the money - millions:

Pugachev and Kobzon,

Vitas, "Tea for two" Shura

And another tinsel!

I can spin them

Make a new star!

Popularity and concerts,

All day applause!

Dare! May your creativity strengthen the power of our country. You have fun, but I have to go. There are more things waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: let's go, I'll show you the way, how to get out of our Berendey kingdom.

The producer and the Snow Maiden leave.

Santa Claus: Phew ... What an exciting moment. My heart nearly jumped out through my heels. I can not. Need to rest. I'll sleep a little. Okay? (sits down, falls asleep.)

Presenter: Santa Claus falls asleep, his consciousness is separated from the body, and he plunges into the realm of Morpheus. Even an unintelligent kid knows something that no adult knows: if you turn off the light in the room and close the door tightly behind you, motionless toys will come to life and go on an exciting journey.

The song is played and all students sing.

Host: And Santa Claus had a terrible dream, well, just a very terrible one. He dreamed. That he is divorcing his wife, Mother Winter.

The soundtrack of Glucose's song "The Bride" sounds, Dancing, pestering Santa Claus.

Lera leaves, Santa Claus wakes up.

Santa Claus: And what just does not dream! Even in a dream, it’s not normal to rest: household problems pop up all around. Well, who's next?

A phonogram sounds, V. Maksimov comes out, sings.

Santa Claus: Who are you?

Vitya: I'm a rapper, I want to get into show business, save money, rush abroad. Take me to you, Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. You will be my security guard.

Baba Yaga runs out to the phonogram “Well, what is that terrible one?”, staging a song.

Santa Claus: Wow! Scared! I can't get used to you, old man!

Baba Yaga: I heard that you opened the "Star Factory" here. Take me to you!

Santa Claus: Yes, you will scare everyone away, I know your tricks!

Baba Yaga: No, I'll fix it! I will find a stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser, psychologist, dentist… I will change beyond recognition! You'll see!

Santa Claus: Yes ... Even then it will be difficult not to recognize you! Well, your broom will come in handy for me - you will be a cleaning lady at the Factory. Someone has to keep order here, not everyone should sing songs. Look and see people. And we'll see there.

Baba Yaga: Oh thank you, my dear! Let me kiss you!

Santa Claus: (looks around) Get lost, unclean! If only my wife didn't see it! And that will be a thrashing to me, not in a dream, but in reality. Next!

A mouse comes out with a cat and a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus: Cat, you are already enrolled in the "Star Factory", why did you come again?

Cat: And I'm not alone, today I made friends with this animal. (Points to the mouse)

Santa Claus: Only this was not enough for me.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, don't be upset, because 20 .... year, this is the year of the rat, and if the symbol of the coming year is in our team, then nothing bad threatens us.

Everyone takes the stage.

Santa Claus: What?! My team is ready! Talents have not yet died out in the Berendey kingdom. In the near future, a hurricane of top music and hop dances awaits you.

Snow Maiden: There is no New Year's holiday without a Christmas tree. I know the magic words. Let's all say guys together: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, don't be afraid,

Reveal yourself in all your glory!

We are all waiting for you

We will sleep and sing for you!

Everyone repeats