Strong dryness on a man: a great chance for love and a happy marriage. The best prisushki recipes for a man

Before you start using magic, you need to understand how it works and what it consists of. The method of so-called drying for love, which has numerous reviews from practitioners, has become very popular today. Magic allows you to dry a man to yourself, and a woman can do it on her own. For the correct conduct of this ritual, you need to know some of its nuances.

It is important to know that strong drying cannot be used by novice practitioners, since an incompetent approach can bring a lot of trouble to all participants in the ceremony. It is allowed to conduct the ceremony both at a distance from a married or free man, and in close proximity to him. As a means of achieving the goal, a photo of the chosen one, food and particles containing his energy can be used. So, often along with a photo it is required to get the hair or blood of a lover.

Putting a prisushka on a man is much easier than taking it off.

It is recommended to independently conduct rituals on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), and the most suitable day to attract a married person will be the one that falls on the growing phase of the moon. The best time is an hour after the evening dawn.

The implementation of the ritual for love should be carried out with the strict observance of all the attached instructions. A person needs high concentration and a lot of energy. The performer needs to endow the object with the necessary emotional state, then link the object and the victim together. If this fails, instead of drying, you will receive damage: on yourself or on the victim.

A man cannot live a day without meeting you.

As the reviews of numerous practitioners show, it is quite easy to dry a man, while not everyone can remove such a spell. In order to dry a married man, very strong magic is required, since true love must first be destroyed. It is not always possible to create love between people on your own; magic turns out to be a great helper here.

As soon as a man, including a married man, manages to dry himself, he changes dramatically emotionally. Dried people are distinguished by an obsession, which is based on love. They do their best to show interest in the performer of the ritual, every minute they are looking for a meeting with him, they do not want to part for a minute. For dried-up people, it is the contact with the performer that is of great importance, since they take their emotional state for real all-consuming love.

Suspension of a man is equal to enslavement.

By means of drying, the performer firmly binds a person to himself, since separation affects the latter incredibly hard. The victim cannot spend a single day without his beloved. If it is not possible to meet, the desiccated man sinks into a deep depression, he loses interest in life, he becomes insane and eventually dries up, like an object used in a ritual.

It's easy to cast a spell - it's almost impossible to remove it

Very often, women conduct love rituals without thinking about the consequences. As soon as they appear, the performers seek to correct what they have done - they want to remove the spell. Love is a very strong driving force, but under its influence, few people managed to avoid making mistakes. In order not to think at some point how to remove dryness, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons in advance.

Prisukhy negatively affect both participants in the process. Such magic is most often black, and therefore severely punished. Participants in the ritual after a certain time can receive a rollback from dryness.

In this case, serious problems begin to appear for the performer and the victim. Both begin to suffer from mental and physical disorders - this is the development of complex diseases, possibly cancer, being in depressive, pessimistic states, leading an apathetic lifestyle and a high probability of suicide. That is why, after the appearance of the first echoes, performers wish to remove their spell.

To the question of what to do if a man was bewitched, you can give a simple and obvious answer, which will be the only true one: without wasting time, shoot a negative program. This is in the event that a love spell interferes with you personally, breaks your plans, spoils relations with a man who has become the object of magical influence.

If you are convinced that your beloved man is a spouse or mistress, you must get rid of delusion. And the sooner you do this, the greater the chance of a successful solution to the problem. In general, it is better for you and for your chosen one.

If you cannot cope with this issue on your own, seek magical help from magicians practicing in the traditions of Russian witchcraft.

How does the behavior of a bewitched man change?

It is curious how bewitched men live, and to what extent witchcraft changes fate? It depends on the chosen method of influence. A light love spell will have a short-term or one-time effect. While powerful demonic or black cemetery love spells impose a stable program on the guy, which will accompany the bewitched person for a long time.

In addition to the chosen ritual, it is of great importance how exactly the actual love spell was made on the love of a guy for a girl. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, have already drawn your attention many times to the fact that work done really effectively does not have negative consequences, and everything that a bewitched man should feel and feel is strictly stipulated within the framework of a magical rite.

If there are side effects from a self-made love spell on the love of a strange man, then either the work was done ineptly, or the side effects are inherent in the witchcraft ritual itself. Like, for example, side effects in a black love spell through cemetery demons, where a man is attracted not only to the performer (the customer of this way to bewitch a guy), but in general begins to fornicate with many. Of course, this is only, specifically with this black love spell for the love of a married man. Basically, a magical ritual binds a lover to a specific person.

And in the case of a binary love spell on a guy's love, a bunch is formed.

Professionally conjuring magicians try to avoid binary, but this effect is justified in the case when it is necessary to reunite a family or refresh feelings in a marriage between husband and wife. If we talk directly about the changes in the behavior of a bewitched man, then first of all it should be noted the emergence of a deep and sincere attachment to the performer (customer).

With a professionally made love spell on a loved one, just like with natural love, the processes of interaction of certain neurotransmitters begin in the body, which lead the lover to a state of euphoria, which fills all the feelings of happiness. And, it is quite natural that a bewitched man behaves like a devotedly and sincerely in love person.

And it's this one:

  • sudden euphoria,
  • anxiety,
  • yearning,
  • intrusive thoughts about a particular girl,
  • a strong desire to be with him

and are primary signs of a bewitched man. However, wives do not immediately recognize this internal state of their husband, but coldness on his part, irritation, avoidance of communication, including intimate, any wife immediately sees on a bewitched husband.

In general, love witchcraft leaves markers (even if the magician puts strong protection on his work, impenetrable, etc.), and you can go to the source through them. If you say to yourself: I want to bewitch a man, keep in mind that this is not easy for a beginner to do. And if you are an amateur and take on the strongest magical rituals for a man’s love, then you should know that under such conditions it is almost impossible to get a good result. In certain situations, of course, light spells on the beloved guy that they do on their own help, and the guy’s homemade love spells with an impact at a distance from his photo. In love magic, a lot depends on the initial situation.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

How to bewitch someone you like - screw a handsome man

Here is one of the examples of how you can bewitch a man on your own. Reading the plot, 4 braids are weaved from willow branches on four sides of the tree, starting from the east in a clockwise direction. Read a love plot for a beloved man for each weaving without counting, as many times as needed. Tie each willow braid tightly with a red woolen thread so that the weaving does not fall apart and weaken the plot. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to choose a tree so that the threads are not removed, and so that the braids do not unravel.

The real text of a bewitching conspiracy for a beloved man

“I, (name), I will come to the willow, I will take her braids in my right hand. I, the witch (name), will come to the willow, I will take her braids in my left hand. I will weave-braid braids, I will twist-twist, I will weave a frequent network, I will make a strong net. In this network I will catch the heart of my servant (name), his thoughts are violent, his eyes are bright, his lips are sweet. I will hold, I will bewitch, I will firmly bind to myself. So that only mine is, so that it does not follow another, so that (name) does not rejoice at me. May my words be heavy and sculpting, and the mesh be strong, like my love. Amen".

How to bewitch a loved one at home - so that a man comes

Take a pinch of earth from your house, read a love spell on this earth, and then pour this magical pinch under the insoles of a man’s shoes. Constant contact with this land is not so necessary. The main thing is that there should be contact between the lover and the spoken subject. To do on a man, like any love plot at home, of course, on a growing moon. However, if you need to act urgently, then they do a magical ritual, regardless of the lunar phase.

“Earth, land, sister to the stars, my petition to you. Whoever did not follow you did not sew on his sins! As my servant (name) goes to the rival (name), give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets away from me, the harder it is for him on the way. Let him pull him back, let him suffer for me, (name). Amen".

Here is the answer to the question, is it possible to bewitch a man at home?

The witchcraft ritual of a love spell for a man works well at home. Creates a strong bond with the home. An important point: the earth is needed not from the flower bed, but from under the feet - from the road, from the path in the yard, i.e. the land on which your beloved man walked. This conspiracy is interesting in that it can be used by both the legal wife and, in fact, the mistress herself, for whom the wife of her man is none other than a homemaker. So, it is quite possible to make it hard for him to go to his wife.

This method of binding works quite quickly and allows you to bewitch your beloved man without consequences. It does not take long to wait for the result of a magical ritual - from 7 to 14 days. However, the impact fades quickly. For about 3 months, a homemade love spell made at a distance lasts. Some may take a little longer. As I always say, every practicing warlock has his own work.

Continuous contact of a married man with a charmed land is not needed. Yes, it will not be, because everyone takes off their shoes at home. The very fact of contact is important here. But, the longer the earth lies in the shoes, the better. Of course, it will hardly be possible to strongly bewitch a beloved man with the help of this method, but to make sure that a man will be there without exerting a serious, hard impact on him is really quite. With periodic repetition and consolidation with other harmless love spells, good results can be achieved.

How to bewitch a man with menstruation - a black love spell on female blood

  • This is one of the types of magical ritual for love with the help of menstrual blood.
  • And the most common ways that allow a woman to bewitch a man herself at home.
  • On the first day of menstruation, you need to collect your blood, an odd number of drops.
  • On the growing moon, add blood to the drink that the man should drink.

Self-administration reviews show that homemade love spells for a man work best when menstruation blood is added to red wine. For a drink 3, 9 or 12 times, depending on your personal developments, read the plot for your beloved man:

“I call (name) you for help, I ask you to give me inhuman strength, unearthly charms so that I (name) can tie my bonds (name) so that he cannot break them forever, neither at night, nor during the day, nor quiet in the evening, nor in the bright morning. And how this drink will spill through all his veins, inflame the blood, so that passion for me will spread through all the veins (name). So that his love for me flares up every day stronger, hotter, so that he gets drunk from his passion, as he gets drunk from this wine. Amen".

If you intend to try to bewitch your beloved man for the blood of menstruation, but to do this without consequences, you must first weaken the victim. And clean it, so as not to impose your love spell program on, possibly, other people's influences and negativity in his field.

Side effects are possible in the form of aggression of the victim of a love spell through menstruation, exactingness, claims. But, if the witchcraft ritual is done correctly, the behavior will soon normalize. A man becomes attached to monthly blood without an independent conspiracy. However, in this case there is a risk that it is crooked. And this always entails negative consequences.

Another way to bewitch a man herself is a Saturday love spell on blood

An effective love spell for a man on blood should be done on Saturday. The phase of the moon doesn't matter. It is acceptable to use menstrual blood, but blood taken from the ring finger of the left hand is also fine. You need 3 drops. Add blood to a cold non-alcoholic drink, or to alcohol, and 12 times for this drink read the words of a conspiracy to love with the help of blood:

“Bodily blood, hot blood, boiling blood, enter the inside of my servant (name). Be related to him, get used to him, stay in him, but to me, (name) attach him. So that he could neither live without me, nor be, nor eat, nor sleep, nor walk, nor run. Neither with the morning dawn, nor at times at night, at any hour, nor later, nor now, could he live and live without me. I am his head, I am his star, sun and moon. I'm in his eyes, I'm on his lips, without me neither a step, nor a sigh, nor rest. So be it, don't forget me through my blood. Anyone who undertakes to destroy my cause, three memorial candles will be shed. The first to groan and howl, the second to the restless, the third to the nastiest of all - to the zealous hall. Strongly said. Done right. Amen".

This is a worthy answer to the question of how to quickly bewitch a man with a conspiracy. Home way to bewitch a man blood is really working. It should be such, based at least on the fact that the performer gives his blood to drink to the bewitched guy. In this case, there is a binding. The witchcraft rite works for the love of her husband through the personal power of the performer. If you do not call Forces. If you call the Dark Ones first, then you must pay off at the crossroads at the end of the love spell.

As you know, in addition to magical rituals with food, which involve direct contact between the performer and the bewitched guy, there is a great opportunity to influence from a distance. Here is an example of how to bewitch a man at home at a distance.

Bewitch a man at a distance - a conspiracy to love at home

Read effective husband's love spell in the morning, as soon as dawn breaks. Standing in front of an open window, press your palms together. While reading the words of the conspiracy to a loved one, open your palms and press them to your heart. You need to do this three times in the process of reading: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the plot.

To bewitch a man from a distance, read a powerful conspiracy:

“I (name) will get up early, climb a high mountain and shout in a loud voice: oh you, Satan with the Devil, rise from the ocean-sea, take my sadness-longing, go around the wide world. Do not light, do not stumps, not trees, but light the heart and blood of my servant (name) for me. Give longing (name) so that he mourns and yearns for me

An independent conspiracy for a beloved guy, as witch practice shows, is a worker. You can read it yourself at home, and this is a worthy option on how to bewitch a man from a distance without negative consequences. However, at the crossroads, the result was better. Beginners in magic can make an invocation of the Forces before reading the strongest conspiracy on a guy. But, you can do it without a call, since the conspiracy has a direct appeal to the Dark Forces.

By itself, for a lasting impact, this independent love spell on a beloved guy is rather weak. But overall it works well. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note that for one moon 2 or more, black love spells on a married man are rarely done. It is generally not recommended for beginners. You can supplement the magic rite with runes, graveyard rituals, as well as spells on the magician's personal strength, i.e. without resorting to demons.

But, it's good when love is mutual, otherwise, everything flies to smithereens. When a loved one leaves, anger, negativity and depression settle in the soul. According to experts, most suicides settle accounts with life precisely because of unrequited feelings.

Most girls seek solace from magicians, fortune-tellers, sorcerers. At home, you can use the strongest drying guy at a distance.

What is it and how does it work?

Before you engage in drying, you need to understand that this is one of the types of magical effects. And do not confuse this type of love magic with another, a little similar - a love spell. Unlike a love spell, prisushka acts more strongly and accurately. Also, it is worth considering that the dryer is a kind of black magic and can lead to trouble for the person who orders or makes the dryer himself.

The meaning of the dryer comes down to the fact that, to whom it was done, begins to constantly think about the girl who performed the magical act. He begins to "dry", get bored, and this person cannot get out of his head.

Drying can usually be done at home, it is done on some object or food, acting as a "transmitter" of magical properties.

Types and time of execution

It is worth immediately warning that rituals are held for drying only at night and preferably in a cemetery. You can not do the ritual in the daytime, as this may not work.

As mentioned above, a certain object is needed for the ceremony, and according to such objects, varieties of drying are distinguished. Consider the two most popular and effective ways.

For a gift

In order to make a prisushka for a gift, you need to buy something that a loved one will constantly carry with him. Among the things available for a gift, you can choose a business card holder, a pen, a key chain, a wallet - everything that you can carry with you all the time. Before giving such a gift, it is necessary that it is saturated with your energy, for this, the thing must be carried with you for three days.

Before the fourth night, it is necessary cover the table with a white tablecloth and put two red candles in the center, and a person is placed between them which needs to be dried. Now, we read the spell:

"My beauty outshines your light (say 9 times)"

After that, the candles are blown out.

For food

Drying for food is best done on the growing moon. In order for the drying to bring results, at night, you need to keep your left hand on the subject of the spell, and cross yourself with your right reading a prayer

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I say, the servant of God (your name), far away words,

Far away sins, far away prayers.

Like water from the earth through the stones goes, breaks through,

So are my words through this food

Spilling and breaking through

Lie down on them with a ring, a cross, violent force

From now on, until the age, forever and ever. Amen.

On the sea, on the ocean,

On the island of Buyan, there is a table-throne,

An old man is sitting at the table, angry and naked.

His white bones are visible, his pain is visible,

The old man wants to eat and drink.

There is no sweeter bread and salt for him,

There is nothing in his stomach but pain.

He cries, bends,

Grabs food with hands

Drink and eat asks, begs,

For that he even offers his soul.

So would I be a servant of God (the name of the dried)

He loved, he suffered, he did not know how to sleep.

How people can't live without food

How can they not live without water,

So would you, servant of God (name of the dried),

Could not live and be without me.

I am your food, I am your water.

Come slave, to me, to God's servant (your name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After this slander, in the morning food should be given to a loved one.

How to dry a guy instantly?

If you don’t feel like waiting for a long time, you should consider the option of instant drying, but for this you need to get some things:

  • birch stake.
  • Aspen branch.
  • Large potato (the bigger the better).

It is best not to buy potatoes, but to take them from the garden, moreover, from someone else's. The peg must be made with your own hands, and the aspen must be with leaves.

Now, directly, the rite itself. On Thursday night, open all the windows in the house, thereby letting in the dark forces needed to help. Now, imagine your beloved guy and pierce a potato, after which, you need to put it on the threshold of an open (entrance) door, beat it with the words:

Dry for me (name of a loved one), my dear,

Just dry, as the potatoes from the birch stake will dry,

May you not have a peaceful life without me,

Only with me will you find peace and happiness,

Find the way to my house, but come as soon as possible,

I was waiting for you, you are my clear falcon,

I have no rest from unrequited love,

May the evil forces help me,

Let them do my will

May they bring me female happiness,

My word is strong and let it be as I wish!

Now I have to go to bed with potatoes. If everything is done according to the rules, soon the young man will declare himself.


Please note that the rite of drying refers to those whose consequences affect the free will of a person. Before taking any action, you need to familiarize yourself with what you and the object of your desire can expect.

  • The first and perhaps the most important point: prisushki are made for life, which is why it is worth knowing that the lapel will not be so easy to make - many times more difficult than making the dryer itself. Choose your partner carefully.
  • Black magic can change the direction of life both yours and your man, which is why the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • Often, a person does not get exactly what he wants, for example, a young man will not inflame feelings for you at all, if he didn’t have them for you before, he will simply miss you and he will be irresistibly drawn to you.
  • Of course, health. From drying your health may be affected both mental and physical. Your boyfriend may start having problems with.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that being with a loved one is not difficult if there is your will, desire and self-sacrifice for this. But, do not forget about the consequences, because maybe it's best to achieve it yourself? In any case, it's up to you.

Prison is a powerful magical effect, which is more accurate than a love spell. The effect comes in a few days, and you can make the drying according to the photo or even without it. This ritual is often needed to make the person to whom its action is directed to think about you, however, there are even options for dryness only to call sexual desire - sexual drying.

Drying - a very strong effect

What is a dryer

First of all, you need to understand that dryness is the work of witches and sorcerers, it is not harmless and can lead to a series of troubles. But this does not stop a woman who is eager to take revenge on her offender or abandoned lover, she is guided by revenge, the desire to inflict pain and cause suffering.

The most popular rite is dryness for melancholy. The evoked feeling is very strong, the dried one loses his appetite, he does not sleep, apathy for life appears, such a strong effect of the rite. It can be compared to a piece of fresh bread, which gradually turns into a stale cracker.

Drying can be divided into 2 types, depending on its effect:

  • Corruption
  • love damage

With classical damage, a person often becomes a victim of a ritual due to the offense caused to the customer. The offender simply dries up in a very short time, the reason cannot be understood. As a result of love damage, the object of the ritual is dried to the person. A charmed person cannot be physically or psychologically without a performer, and withers like an apple or some other thing - a conductor between the victim and the customer.

Depending on the strength of the impact on the beloved, there are:

  • simple drying
  • strong drying

The difference between a prisushka and a love spell and a love spell

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is a discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled down. Drying will intensify feelings and be able to rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, an irresistible desire to be near each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch once and for all, it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell, there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to make it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely, the victim does not just miss and yearn for the one who ordered the love spell, longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences an incredible sexual attraction, loses his mind during a long separation.

Both the ritual of drying and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your beloved or beloved will never be the same again. Prisukha changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails the suppression of the will of the victim, worsens the general state of health, changes a person in all areas of life. Even runic magic rejects spells, love spells, conspiracies and lapels as especially dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Varieties of dryers

Powerful dryers, as previously mentioned, are impossible without some kind of conductor object. It is by this criterion that they differ from each other. For the ceremony, the place and time are very important, the ideal option is to perform a dry spell in a cemetery, at night, on a waning moon. It is better not to perform the ritual during the day. Consider the strongest prisushki at a distance.

Drying on an apple.

This is the most common method due to the availability of the fruit. It should be said that you will achieve the maximum effect from the ceremony if the customer picks the fruit on his own.

To carry out the drying ritual, you need to choose the ripest, preferably red apple, then cut it in half and put a photo of the drying object between the two halves.

Important! The photo should not be old, its size should not be too different from the size of an apple.

Next, we tie the apple as tightly as possible with a scarlet thread and pronounce the plot. The fruit must be placed on the sunny side of your house and wait for the apple to dry. Then we carefully bury the charmed object near the house of the person being dried and wait for the result. The strength of the impact will depend on the degree of dryness of the apple.

Gypsy dry onion

Gypsy dryness is one of the most effective and fastest drying options, helping to take even a married man out of the family, and with his help to eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of earth, three candles and a blank white sheet. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or on a growing moon. Write the name of your loved one on the bow, and put it on the sheet.

Problem and solution - general alignment

A love spell on candles will help to get the love of a guy or girl, if you know how to spend it

love spell for money wealth good luck happiness

Arrange candles around the bulb in the shape of a triangle. Say the following words as a prayer: “Let him come, let the dear (name of the man) come to the threshold, let him wish me, he will be exhausted without me.” Then bury the used leaf in a pot, and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying on the wind

This ceremony must be carried out during the wind, in open space, moreover, the stronger the wind, the longer the drought will last. The wind in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the rite, they ask that the victim bend as you need, just as the wind bends the trees with ease, so that there would be no life without your presence, but only sadness and longing. The rite, in which the forces of nature are involved, is a rather strong dryness.

Dryer for socks

Give your lover socks, there are never too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress my legs, I weave a cute one” during the purchase. After turning the product inside out and discreetly embroider a small cross with a thread and a needle on each toe. Then take your socks in your hands and read the plot. Now a seemingly ordinary piece of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day will make your victim think of you.

Dry for a cigarette

The ceremony is performed at dawn, in complete silence, without witnesses. On a cigarette, you need to write the name of your beloved, light it from the flame of a church candle, then smoke it to the end, knocking the ashes into your left hand. You also need to put out the cigarette butt on your left hand, while saying the phrase "as you collect all the ashes, then you will leave." Blow off the ashes and wait for the result.

Dryer on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. In the rituals of black magic, this precious metal is very often used due to its high magical conductivity. Put the coin in a transparent glass of holy water and say the text of the dryer exactly nine times. Ask the chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are still a lot of options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for a rope, for hair, for a mirror, and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are a lot of cases when dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case is described on the Internet forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help, as her son had a craving for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was helped by dry Egelet, which uses the famous alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive dryness result is described on the same forum. The guy did not know how to win the attention of a girl who liked everyone, but no one reciprocated. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a drying ritual on a string. Their relationship is developing rapidly, for two months they have been living together. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service rendered.

Why the dryer might not work

There are some reasons why drying a loved one may not be effective. Even if everything is done correctly, a strong dryness has been chosen, all the necessary magical items are found, the practitioner of dryness must have some qualities:

  • Iron will and faith in the result
  • The strength and will of the customer
  • Some ability to control your energy

On the one hand, all this is clear and simple, but for a person far from magic and spells, it still requires explanation. The fact is that the desire and will of the person performing the drying is connected with the feelings of the victim of the rite. A prerequisite - the conspiracy is read only on a truly loved one, it is love feelings that should lead a woman, and not a sense of revenge. Otherwise, the action of the drying will be turned on the customer of the ritual.

The strength of the performer is all the skill that can only be obtained as a result of many years of practice and experience passed down from generation to generation. The more powerful the strength and energy of the magician, the more abruptly he can turn fate in the direction you need.

You also need to be able to control the energy that is activated as a result of casting a spell. Even having enriched the energy flow with emotions and feelings, you need to have considerable skill in order to transfer the charge to the victim of the rite. If you contacted a charlatan or the magician is not experienced enough, then the dry will not work, and the beloved will not have love feelings.

It should also be remembered that the magician or sorcerer performing the drying must be able to protect himself from the consequences of the ritual, and from its reverse effect. Consider an example, if the master did everything correctly, the victim turned out to be tied to the customer of the service, but then, the victim turned to a specialist and decided to clean her biofield. In this case, the reverse result of the ritual will affect the customer, and its strength is many times greater than the dryer itself. And an important point - the stronger the sorcerer who passed the magic through himself, the stronger the retaliatory blow. But this can be avoided by layering immediately after drying.

Possible negative consequences

It is important to understand that the magic of drying is not a toy and jokes with it are fraught. Therefore, for this reason, it is not worth doing drying on your own. But, despite all the warnings, there is a category of people who are ready to try to conduct the ceremony on their own. For example, these are young people who have experienced a feeling of love for the first time. They are still unable to cope with their emotions and their feelings take precedence over reason, so the dryer seems to be a great way to solve all love troubles, and young people do not have money to contact a specialist.

Also, the younger generation, due to age and, not understanding the true difference between prisushka and love spell, consider the first harmless, but as you already know, this is absolutely not the case. Relatively safe can be called magical rites that do not suppress the will of a person and do not take power over his feelings and emotions.

The non-professional does not fully realize that human life is in his inept hands, and it is he who, with the help of the dry spell, can change it.

What kind of disappointments can expect you and your victim after the wrong, or as they also call the “crooked” ritual of drying:

  • Diseases of the genital organs - since dryness is often done in order to increase sexual desire
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Symptoms of mental disorders, neurosis, or vice versa, depressive states and others
  • Very rarely, instant death occurs after the rite.

The worst thing is that all these ailments will not be amenable to either traditional treatment or traditional medicine. Only in a magical way is it possible to help a person who has become the target of a crooked dry spell.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love should be mutual, and feelings should be mutual. Not a single magic, and even the strongest lust for melancholy, can glue a broken couple together if, by the will of fate, they are not destined to be together. But if you are determined to intervene in the will of God, turn the wheel of fate in the right direction and dry your loved one, use the services of a trusted specialist, do not practice magic at home so as not to invite trouble on yourself and remember that the effect of dryness is not removed.

Without love, our life would be different. Anyone who has ever been truly in love knows what a wonderful feeling it is. It seems that wings grow behind the back and a person can do anything. There is only one condition - love must be mutual. And if suddenly your loved one leaves you, the pain of loss is so great that we become depressed, burst into tears and are unable to complete even simple tasks. The statistics say, and they don't lie, that the highest mortality and most suicides are due to love. Because of love, both men and women do crazy things and seek salvation from magicians and sorcerers, perform various rituals and read the strongest and most effective prisushki.

Pryushka in affairs of love

Is it worth using a dryer in matters of love

A man who has been abandoned is trying to do everything to get his beloved back. It can be:

  • conspiracies;
  • love spells;
  • divination;
  • prisushki.

People who have the most minimal relation to magic also resort to them. Amulets to return love are widely used and very effective.

After a while, the beloved will return to you and he will not need anyone except you.

Someone is trying to restore the old relationship in the usual way, hoping for the rational mind of his chosen one.

Others resort to the help of magicians, read love spells, pronounce conspiracies and use prisushki. But before you perform the ceremony yourself or order it, you need to carefully think about whether you really want to spend your whole life next to this person? If not, then calling for help and using strong magic is not recommended, it makes no sense. But if you are confident in your feelings, there is nothing wrong with otherworldly forces helping you a little.

How and when

Love spells are performed only on Friday evenings. The best day is the boundary between the full and new moon. A good day is also St. Agnes's Day (January 21st) or Valentine's Day (February 14th). So, if you have a broken heart or love without reciprocity, use the evenings for wonderful spells and strong conspiracies.

A crush on a guy will work more effectively if the feeling you have for him is real and true.

Important in charm at a distance is the visualization of one's charms. and the fact that they will not bring trouble to anyone.

In addition, when performing strong love spells, common sense should always be present. Magic is a serious occupation and should only be used for positive purposes.

Bind and fall in love

You are a woman and your strong love is such that you can independently return your beloved and his love. It often happens that men get lost in this world and fall into cunning traps that young women set up to attract his attention and take it for themselves.

In order for the relationship to be strong, joyful and happy, you need to do love spells yourself

In order for the relationship to be strong, joyful and happy, you need to do love spells, conspiracies, prisushki on your own, then for your man you will be an ideal and he will love only you. Only then, even the dryness made at a distance will be strong, and for your man, you will be the only, inimitable, beloved. It will only be yours. Such conspiracies are very easy to do, and the effect of them lasts a very long time.

Therefore, in the hands of a woman, her happiness and only depends on her, so that there is mutual understanding and love in the family, and life is like a fairy tale.

Aphrodite's necklace

Unusually shaped beads, balls and beads, strung on a thread, put on the neck and worn as a decoration. Such a necklace serves as an amulet that will attract and forever dry your loved one to you.

Fragrant laurel

This spell will bring back the boyfriend or husband who for some reason left you or cheated on you with another woman. On Valentine's Day, burn a handful of bay leaves while saying out loud the name of the one who left you.

Apple Pie Magic

Prushka is performed on Valentine's Day, or when you notice your husband's unusual behavior:

  • there are too many things to do at work;
  • the boss constantly leaves for overtime work;
  • often without it they cannot hold production meetings (after work and on a day off);
  • does not want to have dinner at home;
  • frequent business trips on weekends;
  • constantly calls somewhere.

You should think about it, these are the first "bells" that are trying to report an impending disaster. The further, the more obvious that another woman has appeared in the life of your man. And in order to prevent leaving you and your family, urgent and effective measures must be taken, and apple pie will help in this.

  1. Take a big red apple.
  2. Prick him several times with a needle, loudly pronouncing the name of a loved one.
  3. Put an apple under your pillow.
  4. In the morning, knead the dough for the pie and add the apple there.
  5. Treat your husband (young man) with the resulting pie.

Difficult choice

At the first sign of a man's unusual behavior, you need to use your strength and charm to keep him, because it can be much more difficult to return than to leave. While he has not left yet, he still comes home and sits with you and watches TV, does homework with the children, helps to pick up the baby from the kindergarten. He is in front of a difficult choice, he is gnawed by doubts. On the scales are: a young and unencumbered with household chores and children, his mistress and wife, with whom they lived for several happy years, and also children.

It is much easier for a single man to leave, but a married man faces a difficult choice.

It is much easier for a single man to leave, but a married man faces a difficult choice. But, it is no secret to anyone that at the age of 40-50, men have a difficult period in their lives, they want to live for themselves, get rid of responsibilities in relation to the family, feel young again. And if the wife does not sympathize with him, does not support, but only laughs at his experiences, it is easier to leave the family. Experienced and smart women, noticing that their man is tired of the monotony of days, try to change their lives, change their clothing style, pay a lot of attention to their appearance, buy theater and concert tickets. They know that if such simple methods do not help, then strong drying and the help of magic that affects an object from a distance will definitely help her in this. The one who reads the conspiracy, sentence and prisushka must have good reasons - love for her husband or partner and the desire to live with him alone all his life.

Active and strong

Prisushki do not harm your health. They will only bind a loved one to you, even one who is at some distance from you. A strong dryness will help you forget attraction to another woman and remember your feelings and love for you.

Venus Sack

  1. Sew a miniature red silk bag.
  2. Place a light pink candle in it.
  3. Dried apple peel.
  4. Rose petals.
  5. Two white dove feathers.
  6. Drip a little lemon or musk oil.
  7. Carry the bag with you (around your neck, in your pocket, in your purse). He will bring home a loved one. After that, only you will exist for him.

Miracle - rope

An old conspiracy that will help bind your loved one tightly to yourself.

  1. Take a rope 1 cm thick in diameter.
  2. Tie three strong knots on the rope, wet them with water so that they do not come loose.
  3. Say twelve times:

    “No matter how the rope winds, The final knot will be. No matter how you (the name of a man in a diminutive form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), do not run away from me, My libel will destroy you. Love, soul of a servant of God (full name of a man, (Ilya, Ivan, etc.), Soul of a servant of God (your full name, Olga, Anna, Xenia, etc.) ”

  4. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony. Hide the rope well so that no one can find it. Your life and happiness depend on it.
  5. Rope can be stored for a lifetime. To get rid of the conspiracy, you can only untie the three knots.

named garlic

On the head of an onion or garlic, write the name of your lover with a red marker or pen. Plant an onion in a clay pot in which indoor flowers are grown and say the name of your beloved.

For the ritual, take garlic and a red marker

Every day, morning and evening, water the plant, while saying: "As the onion grows, love (the name of the beloved) for me grows."

citrus dryer

  1. Carefully cut the rind off a fresh lemon.
  2. Cut out a small heart with a sharp knife.
  3. Dry it for 7 days in the sun.
  4. Always carry with you: in your purse, pouch around your neck, in your wallet.
  5. The citrus amulet is a powerful dryer that acts even over long distances, attracting the love of your man.

red dawn

This is the most powerful prisushka. If you believe that your love has undergone serious changes, and the betrayal of your husband (boyfriend) has gone far, then you need to take effective measures.

  1. Go to church and get a church candle.
  2. Take a candle in your hand, go out at dawn into an open field (you can go to a balcony, street, etc.). It is important that this is an unrestricted space.
  3. Watch the sunrise. As soon as the first rays of the sun appear, say:

    “I will get up in the morning, blessed, go out into the courtyard, crossing myself, From the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers standing, looking at me. I will go closer to them, I will bow to them below. Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, In the blue sea - an island, on it stands an oak tree, Under the oak tree - a heavy slab, sweeping melancholy. Raise the stove, take away the longing, Bring it from the sea-ocean, Lay it on the zealous heart of a slave (man's name). Let the sadness-grief, sadness-orphan, So that he yearns, grieve, grieve For me, the slave (name) night and day. So that he could not spend a day without me, not a minute to while away. With you, mother-dawn of the morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana. Let any girl seem scary to him, like a bat, like a vicious snake, like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer. And I am for him, a slave (my name), a firebird, a sweet girl ”

  4. After performing the ritual, a loved one should return to you, but if he didn’t return, then a strong love spell was made on him.

Prisushka and a recipe for love

Take a photo of your loved one and an aromatherapy lamp. Put the photo in front of you on the table and, looking at it, mix:

  • 6 drops of sandalwood;
  • 3 drops of sage;
  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil;
  • 3 drops of mandarin essential oil;
  • 1 drop of ginger essential oil.

Repeat three times the phrase "Eternal love." Pour 10 drops of the resulting magic potion into the prepared lamp. Light the lamp when this person comes to you. The finished product is a powerful aphrodisiac. Light the lamp only in the presence of one person.

If you are fighting for your happiness, trying to save your family and love, a father to your children or just a loved one, not wishing harm to anyone and using magical methods, there is nothing wrong with that - every person wants to be happy and everyone deserves it.