Lachrymation in cats. Diseases of British cats

In a couple, it happens that the cat was at home all the time, did not go out, but his eyes began to run or fester. Among breeders of British cats, the problem is not new, it is widespread and requires the immediate attention of the owner. People often ask the question "why they are watery, what makes them watery and for what reason the eyes of the British are watering." There are plenty of reasons to tell you, and now we will talk about them in order.

First of all, let's note the fact that in British cats, in many cases, eyes can water due to the physiological structure of the head. This feature is the reason for the changes (shortening) of the nasolacrimal canals. It is because of this feature that, as a rule, the eyes of the British at a young age are watery, and if the eyes water with a little discharge from the mucous membrane, then there is nothing to worry about. Everything should go with the further development of the kitten.

The next reason for your pet's tears may be Worms. As it turned out, some types of worms can provoke lacrimation in kittens. As a rule, when contacting a veterinary clinic, you will be advised to get tested and give a medicine against worms.

Allergy can also become an important reason for inflammation of the mucous membrane. Your new perfume, household chemicals, dry food and pollen can cause an allergic reaction in a kitten or an adult cat.

A much more serious cause can be an infection or mechanical damage to the eye. Your pet could somehow injure the eye during the game or some small speck could fall. These types of injuries can be very dangerous and in such cases it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist is able to assess the degree of damage and prescribe the correct treatment. As for viral diseases, there are a lot of them, the etiology of which is expressed precisely in lacrimation, and now it makes no sense to list all of them.

We have found out Why do British cats have watery eyes? and now let's find out what to do when the kitten has runny eyes.

Given the main reasons, you can try to take measures to eliminate them.

  1. Brew chamomile petals on a steam bath, cool and wash the kitten 2-3 times a day. You can also wipe your eyes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. If the British cat has conjunctivitis, then antimicrobial agents should help. You can put an eye ointment under your eyelids at night.
  3. If a kitten has mechanical damage, breeders and owners often use Iris drops and Levomecitin drops, as well as Diamond Eyes drops and Albucid (human pharmacy).
  4. In cases where purulent discharge appears in front of your eyes, it is worth trying a decoction: calendula, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. An industrial substitute for this broth is the “FitoElita” eye lotion specially designed for the care of cats with eye diseases.

It is not worth experimenting on the health of your pet, and if you are not sure about the cause of the disease, it is better to consult a specialist. The sooner the correct treatment begins, the sooner your Briton will recover.

Tearing from the eyes of a cat, cat or kitten is always a problem, because this indicates the presence of extremely unpleasant diseases or is the result of an injury, which is described in more detail in this article. It is clear that you should not self-medicate the animal, but it is better to show it to the veterinarian.

This material offers general information on how to cure tearing in a pet, but this is only for informational purposes, because each situation may have its own subtleties that only a veterinarian helps to cope with, which should not be forgotten.

What to do if a cat has watery eyes or watery one eye

First aid for lacrimation in a cat's eyes is to rinse them with warm freshly brewed tea, chamomile infusion or furacilin solution. If the eyes do not stop watering, then the animal needs to be shown to the veterinarian. Abundant tears from one eye, and after a certain period of time and from both - a symptom of chlamydia, herpes, mycoplasmosis and toxoplasmosis.

The cat has watery eyes and sneezes what to do

Watery eyes and sneezing are signs of a viral disease or allergy. Only a veterinarian can name the exact cause that caused these symptoms.

Why and what to do if a fold kitten has watery eyes

A kitten with a weak immune system may have watery eyes. You can help your baby get rid of this misfortune by burying his eyes twice a day with drops of "Diamond Eyes". If the procedure does not give the expected effect, then lacrimation may be associated with a disease of herpes, mycoplasmosis or chlamydosis, and here you cannot do without veterinary help.

The kitten has watery eyes with brown, red, snot what to do folk remedies

Treatment of these symptoms with folk remedies can only aggravate the situation and cause additional complications. Only a veterinarian can prescribe a full-fledged treatment. First aid for an animal with watery eyes and a runny nose may consist in washing the eyes with a solution of calendula, chamomile, eyebright, or strong tea leaves.

Lachrymation in kittens, British cats from one eye, both eyes, treatment and causes

The most common causes of watery eyes are conjunctivitis and helminthic invasion. In the first case, in the veterinary clinic, you will most likely be prescribed drops or ointments for the eyes, which include antibiotics (chloramphenicol, tetracycline), in the second - anthelmintic drugs.

Lachrymation in cats with toxoplasmosis how to treat and symptoms

The first symptoms of toxoplasmosis in cats are slight lacrimation, rhinitis, one-time diarrhea and vomiting. Quite often, the owners of the animal believe that their pet has caught a cold somewhere, since after a couple of days the signs of malaise disappear and the disease takes on a latent form, eventually flowing into a chronic one. Treatment of toxoplasmosis can take 2-3 weeks, and in severe cases, a whole year. Toxoplasmosis from cats can be transmitted to humans, so after contact with a sick animal, hands should be thoroughly washed.

The cat has watery eyes than rub, drip, help, rinse and drip

There is no limit to the curiosity of a healthy kitten. He learns with interest the world and examines all the most secret corners of the house or the adjacent territory, therefore, specks and dust that get into the eyes and cause them to tear is not a rare phenomenon. For inflammation prevention and eye care, you should have eye drops in your arsenal. It is necessary to bury the eyes with them, especially in animals prone to lacrimation, 1-2 times a day. From folk remedies, cats' eyes are usually washed with strong tea leaves or infusion of calendula, eyebright or chamomile. After the procedure, the kitten's eyes are wiped dry with a cotton pad so that the animal does not have a desire to “wash”.

How to treat a kitten with watery eyes

Absentee advice on how to treat a kitten with watery eyes will not be given by any self-respecting veterinarian, since there are a lot of reasons for lacrimation and it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question without examination and clinical examination.

The cat has watery eyes when he eats, after eating, his nose is wet and sneezes with something to rinse

Lachrymation of the eyes in cats may be associated with the anatomical features of their muzzle. So for cats of the British breed, lacrimation is the norm. To be sure of the health of the animal, it is better to show it to the veterinarian. Sometimes the cause of tears can be infections, allergies, worms, or ill-timed vaccinations.

The cat has watery eyes after a fight, castration, vaccinations

If the cat's eyes begin to watery after a fight with other animals, then, most likely, an infection has been introduced into them, and it is advisable to show a veterinarian to prescribe treatment for a pet. Watery eyes after castration may be due to the fact that, while under anesthesia, the cat's eyes were open, due to which the cornea was too dry. You can restore and moisturize the eyes of the animal by instilling Korneregel every 3-4 hours. The cause of tears after vaccination is most likely a temporary reaction of the body. It is enough to rinse the cat's eyes with chamomile solution or strong tea. If other symptoms appear, the animal should be shown to a doctor.

Why do kitten eyes water when eating British, Fold, Scottish and runny nose

Watery eyes in a British, Fold, Scottish kitten is associated with the structural features of their muzzle. To prevent lacrimation, animals of such breeds should be washed daily and, if necessary, periodically wiped their tears during the day. However, it will not hurt to check the animal in the veterinary clinic for rhinotracheitis, chlamydosis and mycoplasma. If a runny nose is added to tears while eating, then most likely the problems are caused by intolerance to any product - food allergy. It is advisable to identify the allergen and change the diet of the animal.

The kitten has watery eyes with red discharge, but a wet nose, from birth

Watery eyes with red discharge are most likely an anatomical feature of the kitten. For the prevention of lacrimation, drops of Korneregel or Diamond Eyes are usually prescribed.

In this issue, many have ambiguities that can be dealt with in the material of this article, made in the format of questions and answers. If os ...

When a pet appears in the house, the newly-made owner has many questions regarding his health. Many cats have problems with watery eyes, especially at a young age. In certain cases, this is considered the norm, and sometimes it signals problems in the functioning of the body.

This problem is often combined with other alarming symptoms. The animal may have snot, sneezing, coughing, and other ailments. To determine the cause of the problems and understand whether treatment is necessary in this case, all changes in the animal's behavior should be noted and a specialist should be consulted.

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    Rules for cleansing the eyes of a cat

    If the kitten has watery eyes, it is necessary to establish the cause of the discomfort, but initially to clear the organs of vision. Performing this procedure at home is quite simple. The first time it is better to act with an assistant who will hold the animal tightly. It is better to wrap the cat in a towel or blanket, it is easier to immobilize it and not get injured.

    Most often, the following solutions are used for cleansing:

    • Moderately strong tea, preferably green tea, as black tea causes dry cornea. It should be sheet and brewed no more than 10-12 hours ago;
    • chamomile infusion, 1-2 teaspoons per 200 ml of water are required, leave for 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to cool the solution and drain thoroughly;
    • infusion of calendula, herbs of hyssop or St. John's wort, infused in the same dosage;
    • furacilin solution, sold ready-made or 2 tablets are diluted in a glass of boiled water until completely dissolved;
    • boric acid solution, 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water is needed, mix thoroughly;
    • saline;
    • clean boiled water;
    • drops and special products, Diamond eyes.

    Rinse your eyes with a cotton swab or gauze, ordinary cotton is not recommended for use, as the villi can cause irritation. All manipulations are carried out from the outer eyelid to the inner one. First, you need to abundantly moisten the cat's eyes and the area around them, carefully remove all accumulated dirt and crusts. After that, the tampon is changed and again abundantly moistened with the solution. It is important that the swab or gauze is well saturated. This will help reduce discomfort for the cat and avoid injury.

    Movements should be carried out easily, without applying strong pressure. Do not touch the eyeball and use a dry swab to cleanse. After these manipulations, it is necessary to open the cat's eye, drip the solution inside and bring the eyelids together. This will process the entire inner surface. After the end of the procedures, it is better to regret the pet or treat it to your favorite food.

    The procedures will allow you to clear the eyes of the animal only for a while. If lacrimation is caused by physiological signs, then it is worth carrying out manipulations daily until the symptoms disappear. If the cat has any other causes of profuse watery eyes, it is necessary to find out and eliminate them. This requires a separate treatment plan depending on the problem. A veterinarian can diagnose and prescribe medications after examination and test results.

    Causes of watery eyes and methods of treatment

    This problem often occurs in cats of various breeds. At a young age, this is sometimes the norm, especially if the kitten is weaned too early. A small pet still does not know how to take good care of itself, which leads to increased lacrimation and accumulation of dirt. In this case, he needs the daily help of the owner.

    Some pedigree cats suffer from a narrowing of the tear duct, this is normal before the age of 2 years. Lacrimation disappears after the kitten's skull is finally formed. Most often, the problem occurs in a British or Persian pet, in a Scottish Fold cat. It is very important to monitor the general condition of the animal and its eyes, regularly treating them. If a Briton or an animal of another breed has other symptoms, it is necessary to contact a specialist immediately. Scots and other cats at high risk of developing abnormalities undergo surgery if the problem is not resolved before the animal is 2 years old.

    Normally, a kitten's eyes should look wet, and discharge from them occurs after sleep. The rest of the time, lacrimation should not be. The appearance of abundant discharge from the eye signals a problem that the animal cannot cope with on its own.

    Allergic reaction

    It is not uncommon for cats to suffer from allergies, which can cause severe watery eyes. Other symptoms also occur, the animal suffers from nasal discharge, sneezing, and less often from coughing. The causative agent of the problem is pollen, chemicals, aerosols, drugs and much more. The veterinarian will be able to establish for sure, he will help you choose an antihistamine.

    Treatment in this case includes caring for the pet's eyes, the use of drugs and the maximum protection of the animal from the causative agent of the disease. Cats for allergies are often recommended suprastin, the dosage is a quarter of a tablet, used 1 time per day. Tavegil, Claritin, Pipolzin, Diphenhydramine are also used. All drugs are used only after appointment by a specialist and individual calculation of the dosage.

    Dirt and mechanical damage to the eye area

    Cats often have this problem, specks, dust and other foreign particles get into the eyes. The pet can injure the eye with grass, branches, during a fight or game. All this is accompanied by severe lacrimation, sometimes the discharge turns brown, which indicates an infection. It is best to contact a specialist, but it is not always possible to do this in the near future. You can provide first aid to an animal at home by observing some rules.

    1. 1. If the cat's eye is tightly closed, you cannot open it yourself for processing, this can cause even more harm. Processing is performed very carefully and only in the area around the organ of vision.
    2. 2. With normal lacrimation, you need to examine the cat's eye for a foreign body. It can be removed by rinsing abundantly using a pipette or syringe without a needle; it must be kept at a safe distance from the eyeball (at least 1-1.5 cm). After cleansing, use 1% tetracycline ointment before visiting the veterinarian. The ointment must be carefully placed under the upper eyelid of the pet, from blinking it will be evenly distributed.
    3. 3. It is not always possible to notice the wound on your own, therefore, in the absence of external signs of damage, you just need to treat the eye with a solution. If there are no other alarming symptoms, but lacrimation continues, tetracycline ointment 1% is used.
    4. 4. After injury, swelling or enlargement of the eye often occurs, the animal cannot fully close the eyelids, which leads to dryness of the cornea. In this case, you need to regularly drip clean boiled water, the temperature should not exceed 36.6 degrees. Sometimes treatment is required almost every 5-7 minutes, you need to go to the clinic immediately.
    5. 5. When the color of the discharge changes to dark, you need to clean the cat's eyes and consult a specialist. This is due not only to damage, but also to many other diseases that require complex treatment.

    Proper hygiene of your pet's eyes avoids many problems. Inflammation is often caused by dirt or dirt. Timely cleansing of the animal's organs of vision can relieve complications and long-term treatment.

    Infectious and other diseases

    Serious illnesses often have many manifestations: in addition to discharge from the eyes, the cat often runs from the nose, he sneezes. The pet can refuse to eat, becomes lethargic and inactive. Only a specialist will be able to help the animal, who will identify the exact cause and prescribe a treatment plan. Lachrymation in a kitten has a consequence:

    Most often, cats are exposed to conjunctivitis, the disease develops gradually, but with complications it affects other organs besides the visual. Treatment begins with rinsing the eyes with a cleansing solution and referring to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the most effective drug; you can save the animal from the disease at home. Prescribed drugs containing an antibiotic:

    • sofradex;
    • tevomycetin;
    • tetracycline.

    For complementary therapy, drops containing silver are used, such as Cliny Cleansing Eye Lotion. The therapy should cover both eyes, even if one of them is healthy. Self-medication with such a diagnosis can aggravate the condition of the animal. The disease has different pathogens, depending on which drugs are selected.

    • Prazitel;
    • Drontal;
    • Celandine;
    • Pratel;
    • Dirofen;
    • Caniquantel.

    Other medications may be prescribed by the specialist. When getting rid of the main cause of lacrimation and other ailments, the symptoms themselves disappear. During the period of treatment, the pet's eyes require careful attention, regular rinsing and disinfection.

    Epiphora's disease and other causes of profuse lacrimation

    The pet's malaise arises due to problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason may be animal food, accumulation of fur in the stomach and other abnormalities. It is possible to establish the exact cause only after examination. Most often, it is recommended to change the feed for a better quality one and for prebiotics:

    • Enterol;
    • Acipol;
    • Pancreatin;
    • Linex.

    The bright light from fluorescent lamps causes severe discharge from the eyes, especially in kittens. The problem is solved by changing the lighting. This is the most harmless cause of pet illness.

    Epiphora's disease is characterized by severe lacrimation, the volume of discharge is much higher than the norm, traces remain even on the cheek region of the animal's muzzle. It occurs due to disturbances in the work of the lacrimal system (narrowing of the canals, lacrimal plugs, etc.) and the anatomical features of the animal or pathologies in development (absence of lacrimal openings, etc.). The cause can be infections, mechanical stress, chemical burns, glaucoma, irritation, inflammation and even improper growth of eyelashes. The disease is characterized by:

    • damp hair around the eyes;
    • accumulations of brown discharge in the corners of the eyes;
    • itching, the kitten is scratching the muzzle;
    • traces of tears that have a brown or red tint.

    Treatment of this disease begins after establishing the cause of its occurrence. This can only be done by a veterinarian. In some cases, it is not possible to correct the situation at all, especially if the ailment appears due to a serious pathology.

    Lacrimation prevention and kitten eye hygiene

    Many health problems of pets can be prevented by following simple rules of care and maintenance. A cat's eyes can signal many ailments, therefore, they require care and attention from the pet owner.

    It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the kitten's organs of vision and regularly rinse them with special solutions. You can make them yourself at home or buy ready-made ones at a pharmacy or pet store. In case of inflammation or other alarming symptoms, you need to show the animal to a specialist. Treatment of the disease at an early stage of development is much easier, and correctly selected drugs can shorten its duration.

    The animal must be protected from bright lighting, household chemicals and various aerosols. It is necessary to carry out cleaning and other manipulations with such substances in the absence of the cat, isolating it in another room. Even using eau de toilette causes irritation or an allergic reaction, especially if the pet is very small. The attentive attitude and care of the owner will allow the cat to avoid many health problems.

If you suddenly find that your little British kitten has watery eyes, then you should not be very upset. This is a fairly common problem. It is necessary to understand this problem. So, we note the most basic reasons why the eyes of a British kitten are watering:

  • Worms in a kitten's body.

Anthelmintic drugs are the first treatment veterinarians use when they notice British tears. You may also be advised to get tested, and you should never refuse, because outwardly not all problems are visible even to qualified specialists.

  • Closed lacrimal ducts.

This feature is due to the breed of British cats. A flattened face of a kitten can provoke a narrowing of the tear ducts (if you understand in medical terms, this is due to the special structure of the cranio-jaw bones). Lack of temperature and normal appetite of the kitten will allow you to be calm.

  • Allergy.

Allergic reactions are often associated with inappropriate feed composition.

  • Reaction to fluorescent light.

It is a proven fact that cats can watery eyes in rooms with fluorescent lights.

  • A banal reaction to house dust.

The protruding shell on the eyes of British cats can cause allergic reactions to dust, so do not be lazy to do wet cleaning to keep your kitten healthy. And it will also benefit your household, because people are increasingly allergic to house dust.

  • Improper feeding.

If you choose the wrong food for your kitten, then in addition to indigestion and stomach problems, you can bring his intestines to an inflammatory process. Be careful and careful, because this is fraught with consequences.

Having excluded all of the above causes of tearing, try to give the kitten anthelmintic drugs and then use this little instruction.

We check all the funds on ourselves before we give them to the kitten. Yes, that's right, if you don't have any abnormal reactions, then this remedy will work for the kitten. Also, be sure to figure out the problem to the end, is it really tearing or is it rotting of the eye?

If you have decided for sure that this is a simple discharge of tears from the eyes, which is characteristic of little Britons, then try to carry out comprehensive first aid to your little "fluffy".

Simple remedies

  1. If the tears are not very profuse, then try rinsing with just water or tea.
  2. Brew your kitten with herbal teas of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort or calendula. Moreover, you need to take into account the following features:
  • sage is used to eliminate dryness that can occur in the morning among the British;
  • chamomile fights well with conjunctivitis, primary suppuration (i.e., not running);
  • calendula will be useful if the kitten has an allergic reaction to something;
  • the microbial and viral environment is best killed by decoctions of St. John's wort, the remedy is quite effective and accessible to everyone.

Treatment with herbal decoctions should be carried out as follows: wash your hands thoroughly, take a clean cotton swab and start wiping your eyes from the outer corner to the inner corner, then take a new swab and repeat the procedure until the problem is completely eliminated.

Treatment with medicinal veterinary drugs

  1. Use a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin (1:10), albucide or sodium sulfacil. Side effect: The hair around the eye can darken from medication.
  2. If you apply tetracycline ointment at night, the improvement will be clearly visible. Place swabs with ointment behind your eyelids. This way, you will get rid of the infection.
  3. On the shelves of veterinary pharmacies, you can also find products such as "Iris" and drops based on chloramphenicol.
  4. Also drops "Diamond Eyes" can help your kitten. The base of this drug helps to help with your problem in no time.
  5. Hygienic lotions such as "Phytoelita" can replace herbal decoctions, their principle of action is similar, you just do not need to spend time preparing them.

If your Scottish cat or kitten has runny (watery) eyes, this is not a reason to panic. First you need to find out the reason. And only then take action. Let's first understand the reasons for this phenomenon in cats in general and in Scottish cats in particular.

The structure of the eyes of the Scottish cat

Due to the anatomical features, cats of the British and Scottish breeds often suffer from tearing. This is due to the special shape of the skull and the irregular nasolacrimal canal: the tear ducts are often narrowed.

Normally, discharge from the eyes is present in any cat, but even with closed eyes, if the nasolacrimal canal is clean and wide enough, this discharge is excreted through it. In Scottish and British cats, this often does not happen (more precisely, it does, but not enough) - and the discharge begins to flow outward. This is okay if the discharge is normal and appears only after sleep.

Discharge from a cat's eyes - where is the norm?

A small amount of discharge after sleep is considered a physiological norm for Scots and British. But if the eyes are constantly wet, the discharge is strange, the eyes are swollen, the conjunctiva is inflamed, the cat cannot fully open his eyes and rubs them, you need to contact your veterinarian.

The color of the discharge also plays a role. Clear watery discharge most likely indicates allergies, mechanical irritation, or problems with the nasolacrimal canal. Green and yellow purulent discharge is a sign of infection. Red discharge may indicate the presence of worms. But most often, red-brown crusts are not a sign of worms, but simply a tear oxidized by oxygen.


Of course, prophylaxis can be given only if it has not been carried out in the next 3-4 months, because the drugs are very toxic and should not be used frequently.

Low immunity

Often the reason for discharge from the eyes in kittens is low immunity. At the age of 2-3 weeks, many cats have constantly wet eyes. But the problem may remain for a longer period. While the kitten does not have vaccinations, viruses are capable of wielding in the body with might and main, as a result of which the eyes leak. Until the kitten is swallowed and vaccinated, it will be necessary to remove dirt and bury its eyes daily.

Eye injury

Sometimes the owners of the cat try to dig deep in an attempt to find out the cause of the problem, and it lies on the surface. The cat simply injured the eye or something got there. Take a closer look, preferably in good daylight. Do you see any problems on the cornea?If you see that some foreign object (pile, wool, earth) is in the eye, under no circumstances start picking it out with your finger or cotton swab: you can seriously injure the eye. Moreover, Scottish cats have bulging eyes - it is very easy to injure. Better to rinse your eyes so that the lint comes out on its own.

How to wash the eyes of a Scottish kitten or any other breed? To do this, prepare lukewarm purified or boiled water or a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, St. John's wort, tea. Pour the liquid into a small container and throw in a few cotton pads (by no means an ordinary cotton swab, otherwise you risk rewarding your eye with a new nap). Scroll the discs before wetting so that there is no lint on them. Then lay or sit the cat so that his eyes are turned up. It is advisable to do this together: one holds, the other washes. The task of the one who holds is to make sure that the cat does not twitch and that his eyes are turned up. The task of the dripper is to very gently open the eyelids (not strongly), take a slightly squeezed cotton pad and squeeze the liquid into the eye. If you have a clean eyedropper in your home, it's best to use that. After instillation, the cat reflexively closes its eyes, let it do it. The main thing is that the liquid first gets into the eye. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times until the desired effect is achieved.

If in the eyes of the cat there is some solid foreign object that you just can't wash it off, then this is a reason to urgently seek help from a veterinarian.


Allergies are another common cause of leaking eyes in a Scottish cat. In this case, it is advisable to calculate the allergen, taking turns excluding different foods from the diet and removing from everyday life various substances with which the cat comes into contact. This, by the way, can be dust from the litter for the tray. Often an allergic reaction occurs in response to clay litter.


Bacteria, viruses (such as herpes), or chlamydia can cause cat eye discharge. All these are infections that require urgent treatment.

The virus causes such an unpleasant disease as rhinotracheitis. Symptoms include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, fever, and fever. In this case, the discharge from the eyes is purulent, and the conjunctiva is inflamed, the palpebral fissure becomes narrow, and the eyelids stick together due to pus. In general, the picture is very vivid, so any cat owner is obliged to call a veterinarian in such a situation. Moreover, this must be done as quickly as possible, because in animals with low immunity, the situation can result in blindness, pneumonia or even death.

The second trouble - chlamydia - can also affect a person. But the good news is, cats don't have the kind of chlamydia that causes people to have sex problems. This is a completely different type of chlamydia that leads to respiratory problems. The human body is able to fight this virus itself, however, chlamydia can become a big problem for a cat. In the case of chlamydia, the discharge from the eyes will also be purulent and conjunctivitis should develop. Chlamydia can and should be treated, but a veterinarian should prescribe a course of medication for your cat.

There are other infections that cause watery eyes.

Often the cause of purulent discharge from the eyes is bacteria that develop against the background of microtrauma or a foreign object, sometimes even a hair, gets into the eye. Such discharge is treated with antibacterial ointments.

Conclusion: if a Scottish kitten or an adult cat has watery or festering eyes, you washed them with a decoction of herbs, but after a day or two it did not go away, running to the veterinary clinic.


It rarely happens that a cat's eyes are watery due to the fluorescent lighting in the room. To rule out this cause, temporarily place the cat in a room with different lighting.

How to care for Scottish cat eyes?

The eyes of Scottish cats require regular grooming - from 1 time per week to 2-3 times a day, depending on their condition. If the cat is all right and there is no discharge or it is within the normal range, then nothing needs to be done. If your eyes are watery after sleep or crusts accumulate in the corners, you can wipe them as they appear. But if the discharge causes concern (for example, they are green or there are a lot of them), then you need to be tested by a veterinarian and act as directed. When treating a number of diseases, eye care occurs 2-3 times a day.

How to wipe the eyes of a Scottish kitten or an adult cat? For preventive purposes, wipe or wash with cooled, lukewarm, decoction of chamomile, green tea, St. John's wort, calendula or special drops. When choosing drops, make sure that they do not contain antibiotics.

Tetracycline or ofloxacin ointment, as well as chloramphenicol drops are used for infectious diseases. However, you should not use them if your cat has watery eyes for some unknown reason and it is not a fact that this is an infection. The fact is that tetracycline and chloramphenicol are antibiotics and their use without indications is undesirable.

Similar wishes can be expressed about the "Diamond Eyes" drops and the like, which are actively recommended by many cat breeders. These drops contain a bactericidal drug - chlorhexidine bigluconate, which suppresses bacterial flora (gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria), darmatophytes and lipophilic viruses. Now imagine that your cat does not have a bacterial infection, but, for example, an allergy, in which it is undesirable to use chlorhexidine digluconate. It is necessary to use such drops only for infection, and then not for any.

The main advice is to include critical thinking when choosing drugs and when identifying the causes of ailment, consult a trusted veterinarian. If you don't have someone you trust, double-check the diagnosis with two doctors.

The author of the article is Ekaterina Yugosh- editor of the site "Murkotiki", journalist with felinological education (felinologist - a specialist who studies cats). Felinological education received according to the WCF system (World Cat Federation, World Cat Federation). He is raising a Scottish Straight cat and a Highland Fold cat, as well as a Miniature Schnauzer dog. In-depth interests include zoodietology and zoopsychology.