Wedding wishes for the young from the groom's parents. Congratulations from relatives on the wedding. Congratulating the young and giving them wedding gifts in verse

For everything that we have in life, we should be grateful to our parents. Thanks to moms and dads, life values ​​are formed in every child from childhood; the concept of good and evil; the ability to correctly perceive the complexities of this world. Parents are willing to share experiences; support in word and deed; help you make a life-changing decision. Father and mother are proud of any achievements of children. At any difficult moment, the child has the opportunity to return to his home, get stronger and move on in life.

As they grow older, children tend to share the events of their days with mom and dad. Marriage is a responsible step for a daughter or son, when one cannot do without the support, approval, blessing of the father and mother.

Everything that parents wish for their children on the wedding day is vital for the latter and is taken to heart. Parting words to the new family are expressed with the help of wedding congratulations, toasts. How to choose the right words? This is easier to do if the parents remember themselves on the day of the wedding. What words seemed necessary to them, priceless? We suggest using our recommendations that will help parents prepare an unforgettable congratulatory speech for their child on their wedding day.

Congratulations from parents to children on their wedding day

The newlyweds are anxiously awaiting not only the official painting, the wedding waltz, but also a congratulatory speech from their parents. Often the wishes of the father and mother are perceived by the future spouses in the form of a fateful speech, on which the happiness and well-being of the new family depends. Therefore, the statement should be kind, sincere, from the bottom of the heart.

In order for the wish to turn out skillful, one should reflect on it in advance. Let its colorfulness and brightness be remembered not only by the bride and groom, but also by the invited guests. Touching words will soften the hearts of close relatives, friends, colleagues. None of those present can remain indifferent when the parents say touching, sincere words.

Congratulatory speech is expressed in various forms: poetry, prose. It is recommended to first fix your own thoughts on paper. Then read them aloud several times, consult with others. Only in this way can one understand how harmoniously, concisely congratulations sound.

If one of the parents has poetic abilities, it would be nice to compose a congratulatory statement in verse. The subject of creativity is expressed in a humorous, touching, serious style. What else should be considered?

  1. The son's parents, in their own appeal to the future head of the family, should also express parting words to the wife, since the husband and wife are one.
  2. Guests are accustomed to banal, boring congratulations. In order to avoid this, you should dilute the wish with humorous lines. This will simultaneously cheer up the audience, cheer everyone up.
  3. Let the operators present at the event record the wedding congratulations of the newlyweds from their parents. In a few years, already held spouses will be able to watch videos, enjoy pleasant memories.
  4. Properly chosen, sincere congratulations to the parents of the bride can make friends with the parents of children, take the first step towards a trusting, respectful relationship. The good parting words of the mother are perceived as acceptance of the groom, his family; as a blessing, approval of marriage.
  5. It is known that preparing for a wedding event requires a lot of time, effort, cost, patience. Congratulations from parents, filled with warmth, will confirm that everything conceived is not in vain. The main thing is that the statement should be sensitive, kind-hearted.

What to say at the wedding to the groom's parents?

As a rule, the future wife enters the husband's house. Therefore, when compiling parting words, matchmakers should focus on the fact that the doors of their house are always open to the daughter-in-law. It would be nice to express the joy of reuniting with the bride's parents, to express wishes to gather for the wedding anniversary of the young for many, many years.

When moms and dads are positive about the upcoming wedding, they approve of the second half of their children, warm and sincere words are chosen by themselves. It is necessary to reassure children that parents on both sides are ready to support them in any life situations. From such words, the newlyweds will perk up, and the guests will agree with the words of their parents with an explosion of applause.

Congratulations and toasts of the groom's parents at the wedding

Toasts of relatives, parents, friends are the basis of the scenario of the festive feast. Traditionally, toasts are made in the process of raising glasses. Without parting words and congratulatory speeches, any feast cannot be called complete. What needs to be done to make the toast sound as impressive as possible?

  • The text of congratulations is prepared in advance. Only in this way will the speaker be able to convey his emotions to others;
  • It is not bad to memorize a toast by heart or read it from a beautiful postcard. Reading the words on the record creates a bad impression;
  • If it is impossible or there is no time to compile parting words on your own, it is recommended to use special wedding portals on the network. Here everyone can choose for themselves the basis of the text or the whole toast;

Parents' wedding parting words should have the following structure:

  1. Greeting guests, relatives; an expression of gratitude for their visit to the solemn ceremony of marriage.
  2. A short story about the birth, childhood, youth, success of your child.
  3. Expressing any kind of support to your own child and his soulmate. Praise to a life partner, an expression of sincere joy over the creation of such a wonderful family, a beautiful couple;
  4. Raising glasses, invite everyone present to do the same, say "Bitterly."

Since the time of Ancient Russia, an old custom has been preserved - to meet the young with bread and salt in the house of the future spouse or at the entrance to the restaurant. It is at this stage of the process that it is customary for newlyweds to express their first congratulations. Parents from the groom's side must express parting words. According to tradition, the newlyweds take turns breaking off a piece of loaf, dipping it in salt and eating it. It is believed that after the ancient ceremony, the couple is guaranteed a happy family life full of mutual love and respect.

It is not uncommon for parents to disapprove of their child's choice of companion. A wedding is an occasion to forget about claims, disagreements, and with a pure heart to accept a new family member. The main thing is that the young spouses be happy, satisfied with each other.

There is another good tradition: in the process of the ceremony with the loaf, donate icons to the young as a gift. They symbolize the amulet of family happiness, give well-being. It is customary to give away family heirlooms.

Congratulations to the mother of the groom on the wedding in verse

    Have fun, eat
    And listen to your mother.
    With beautiful wishes,
    And useful stories.
    As the fairy tale says,
    May you live happily ever after
    Useful for all years.
    May the cherished wish come true
    And the party will be fun!

    Congratulations my dear children
    With your wedding! With the birth of a family!
    You have now become relatives for each other!
    Let your hearts sing like nightingales!
    Let them sing about your real feeling,
    What is beautifully called Love!
    Let your life be decorated with fun!
    Well, now I'm both a mother and a mother-in-law.

    You are the future dad, you are the husband, you are the man.
    It's like he was a boy yesterday.
    Became brave, responsible, smart and strong!
    He grew up, matured, fell in love with all his heart.
    Today beauty is next to you
    Almighty, your family union is fastened,
    Love each other with all your heart, soul,
    So that in severe frost the house was warm.

    Congratulations, husband, wife!
    Let the family be strong.
    May love be strong!
    Sincerely, mother-in-law.

    Children! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
    Live in peace, happiness and kindness.
    I wish you good health
    Especially, bride, you!
    To keep her husband from troubles,
    To give birth to strong grandchildren.
    And to make you so beautiful
    Like this day, always has been!

Original congratulations from the mother of the groom

  • choose a romantic musical composition as a background;
  • record a short film about the life and growing up of a child. Let the film be broadcast during the toast or congratulations;
  • preparing a small performance. It is good when the parents of both the groom and the bride are involved in the performance;
  • preparation of parting words in the form of a song. A fashion trend that will surprise everyone is rapping.

The idea of ​​the plot of a musical number is available to pick up on wedding portals, which contain a lot of musical congratulations from mothers to the bride and groom.

Thus, in the speech of parents to children at the wedding, such features predominate as:

  1. frankness,
  2. touching,
  3. parting word,
  4. sincerity,
  5. humor,
  6. a combination of all the previous characteristics.

Ways of expressing wishes to the newlyweds can be different. The main thing is that they are spoken from the heart. The speech of the parents should differ from the toasts of the rest of those present with special warmth, love, and penetration.

Congratulations on the wedding from the groom's parents are not just desirable, but mandatory. Once upon a time there was a whole ceremony when mom and dad blessed and gave parting words to the young. Now they are more often limited to speech at the festive table. The toastmaster, as a rule, gives the floor to the groom's parents first.

How to make a speech?

  • Greeting guests. Start with a greeting, thank the guests for the fact that they all came to share this joyful day. Then contact the newlyweds directly. You can only address the son, but the bride must also be mentioned in the speech, because from now on they are a single whole.
  • Interesting stories. If you have funny stories from your son's life, you can tell them. However, the groom should not be ashamed or embarrassed for his actions. For example, a story about how a child went for a walk, but was frightened by a dog and sat on a tree before his parents arrived - this is funny, but there is no need to cover serious misconduct, and even more so the past relationship of the groom with the girls.
  • Praise for the bride. Even if you have some disagreements, you need to congratulate the chosen one of your son and find a kind word for her. If the relationship is good, express your joy at the arrival of a new family member.
  • A toast to the young. Dad can pronounce it, and, in a paternal way, give last parting words to the young family.

Important! A good speech is short and to the point. Enumeration of virtues and funny cases is, of course, good. However, if the congratulations last a good half hour, then the guests will simply get bored. The ideal option is 3-7 minutes.

Many parents rely on poetry. This is a good move if the verse or song is remade directly for the young. Their names, characteristic features, interesting stories will be heard. It is better to put standard congratulations aside, they are unlikely to please your son and his chosen one, and not everyone can read poetry sincerely and with feeling.

Wishes to the young from the groom's parents with metaphors

If you want to stand out and make an interesting speech, use beautiful quotes and comparisons. Even if you go astray, speak in your own words - they are unlikely to notice the substitution.

Example 1. Dear children! I want to tell you one secret how to make a marriage long and strong. If you have disagreements, take a sheet of paper and write down your partner's shortcomings on the left side, and his virtues on the right. Now tear off the left side of the leaf - and throw it away. And save the right part and reread it from time to time, because it is for these qualities that you fell in love with your soul mate. The bride and groom are young loving people with big hearts. And I sincerely wish them to preserve and increase their virtues and turn a blind eye to minor shortcomings. Believe me, an un-ironed shirt or scattered socks are not worth it. Good luck, children! May your life be cloudless, love always lives in your house, and you and your loved ones will always have good health! Bitter young!

Example 2. Dear son! Once I read you a fairy tale about how a soldier divided a goose and managed not to offend anyone. He gave his head to the master, because it is the man who is the head of the family, and the neck to the lady, because a woman can always turn the situation in her favor. This is how responsibilities are distributed in the family. You, son, protect your wife from sorrows and hardships, so that her eyes shine, and her heart does not know pain and disappointment. You, daughter, lend your fragile shoulder to your spouse in difficult times, and for you he will move mountains! Live in peace and harmony, let your sincere love be the guide in family life. If you need help or advice, dad and I will always be there. May you live happily ever after!

Example 3. Dear our children! It is not for nothing that the family is called a state in miniature, and we wish peace and harmony to always reign in it. The wise ruler was asked how he maintains order in his country, and he replied: “When I am angry, my people are calm, when my people are worried, I am calm, we balance and calm each other.” I wish your family peace and prosperity. Listen to each other, support and inspire. Take care of your love, because it is priceless! And if you are happy, it will be good for us too! We are proud and immensely love you, children! May you live happily ever after!

Example 4. Dear children! It is said that Adam and Eve were the first gardeners in Eden. Paradise was their garden, and in order for it to flourish, it must be looked after. So your married life should become your paradise. Love each other, protect, cherish - then the garden will be green and flourish. And let jealousy and resentment in - and the Garden of Eden will wither. May your union only grow stronger over the years. You, like trees, will intertwine with roots, and become one! May happiness, harmony and prosperity settle in your home, in all matters there will be good luck and prosperity. And over time, cheerful children's voices will ring out. We will be happy to remember our youth and retrain as nannies! Happiness to you and good! Live in peace and harmony. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the groom's parents in your own words

Example 2. Our dear son and daughter! Time flies so fast, and the baby, whom we remember as a baby, has now become a real man - strong, strong, ready to take responsibility for the family on his shoulders. And we are very proud of you, son! Looking at you, we ourselves become younger, and your joy fills our hearts with warmth and light. We are glad that you found each other, because a person can live alone, but he will never be more important and significant than in a family. To be a beloved son, dad, husband - isn't this the best destiny for a man? And now you, son, have the opportunity to be realized in every role. Take care of your spouse, appreciate her love and support, protect her from adversity! May your family become stronger every year, and bitterness is felt only in noble drinks and on a worthy occasion! Bitter young!

Example 3. My beloved children! I never liked the word "marriage", because it is ambiguous. You enter into a union of loving hearts and begin your journey together. It will not always be easy, but as long as you have each other, even bitter will seem sweet. May your family life be long and happy, and every day be like a honeymoon. Good to you, warmth and well-being! Keep your hearth, plant trees, raise children that you will later be as proud of as we are of you! Together you will conquer peaks that are not amenable to a lone traveler! May you live happily ever after!

Example 4. Dear newlyweds! Now you have a common not only surname, but also a life path. Be helpers and support each other, you already have the most valuable thing - mutual love, save it! You, son, become the head of the family, which the children and beloved wife will be proud of. Cherish and pamper your wife, because she is like a rose: with good care, it blooms and becomes prettier before our eyes. You, daughter, become the guardian of the family hearth. Let your house be a full bowl, and the most comfortable place in the world will be the hugs of a loved one. We wish you a long and happy life! We love and are proud of you! Good luck!

See also:

Incredible pride with a touch of sadness is one of the many difficult emotions that parents experience on their son's wedding day. This holiday marks the beginning of a new life for the newlyweds, they leave the parental nest to create their own family.

And the task of parents is not only to release the chicks, but also to make every effort to support the young married couple. Therefore, not only tears of happiness are pouring from parents at the wedding, but also the brightest congratulations.

The words with which the father and mother greet the groom at a new stage in life can be very diverse. Some congratulations from parents aim not only to congratulate the lovers on this wonderful event, but may also contain teachings and advice. Congratulations on the wedding can be written in a postcard, attached to a gift, pronounced at a banquet, and also pronounced as a toast.

Such honorary participants in the celebration, like parents, should not worry too much about congratulating their son on their wedding day - any of their words will be received with great attention and honor. Here you can express your wishes in your own words or prepare a congratulatory speech in advance and read it from a cheat sheet. If you choose the second option, this gives you some advantages, since you can prepare a beautiful congratulation in prose or in verse, and this article will help you choose the right words.

Below you will find such congratulations from mom and dad for their son on the wedding:

  • From the groom's parents.
  • Personal from mom:
    • Parting words.
    • Words of support.
  • Personal from dad.
  • Touching.
  • Merry.

In honor of the lovers and their little family

A wedding is a celebration of the birth of a new family thanks to two other families, the bride and groom. With the greatest trepidation, young people are waiting for congratulations from their parents and will look for words of approval and support in them. Of course, on this day you need to leave all your possible doubts and regrets and sincerely wish the children happiness.

From dad and mom to son, you can address a joint wish. The young bride and groom deserve the warmest and brightest words, so their parents unanimously wish them love, prosperity, mutual understanding and, of course, children. Take a look at how these lines look in verse and prose:

A mother who has a respectable worldly experience behind her can include advice to the newlyweds in her congratulations. After all, marriage is only the legalization of relationships, but not a guarantee of their well-being. After the wedding, the spouses have a lot of work to do so as not to lose their love in the routine of days. Therefore, parting words may sound as congratulations to the son from the mother. Look for such congratulations on your wedding day below:

The boundless love and care of a mother for her son often involuntarily become the cause of jealousy for her daughter-in-law, and a good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is rather an exception to the general rule. An event such as a wedding causes a storm of conflicting emotions in the mother of the groom.

On the one hand, mommy is so proud of her son that she believes that there is no woman worthy of him. On the other hand, she cannot but support his choice, because supporting your child is the main task of a parent.

Tip the scales in favor of support, show the newly-married spouses how happy you are that they found each other. On your son's wedding day, tell how proud you are of him, be sure to emphasize the dignity of the bride - this will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with her. Congratulations to your beloved son on the wedding from his mother may look like this:

From the head of the family with experience, from the father, along with wishes of happiness, encouraging words of parting words are also needed, how to worthily stand at the helm of the family. Dad teaches to be faithful to his wife, to be her support and support. Congratulations to the son also express the readiness of the father-in-law to help the new family with advice or deed. Such beautiful lines can be written in a postcard, or you can say it like a wedding toast:

Congratulations on the wedding are not complete without touching words, and on this day, parents dedicate the most sincere lines to their son. On such a holiday, even the father-in-law is not ashamed to shed a man's tear, to say nothing of the mother-in-law. Touching congratulations convey the difficult feelings of the parents, their sincere joy for their son and the brightest wishes to the young. You can congratulate the groom at the wedding by dedicating a poem to him:

If you are not a fan of poetry, then below for you are collected spiritual lines for a wedding in prose. They are especially good because they can be adjusted to your liking. Supplement them with your own words, remove the superfluous or make one wish out of several wishes, choosing the most suitable words from them. Such a congratulation will sound beautiful and original.

So that the young people themselves do not feel sad from touching speeches and parental tears, they can be cheered up with cool congratulations on the wedding. Such lines look more advantageous in rhyme, they are unusual and original, and they can also be used as a congratulatory toast. If you choose a short verse, then you can first memorize it, and a long verse can simply be read from a sheet. You can congratulate your son in a fun and original way on your wedding day like this:

It’s great if you have found the perfect option for yourself on how to congratulate the groom, but if not, then you can always come up with your own. To express their feelings, it can be difficult for the most dear people to find the right words. Nevertheless, no one, except for mom and dad, will be able to congratulate the newlyweds more sincerely and sincerely, and the young do not need anyone's blessing as much as parting words from their parents. Author: Julia Bibik, sources:,,,,

Congratulations on the wedding from the parents should come straight from the heart, so it probably doesn’t matter at all what exactly you say. But if you can convey to the newlyweds all your feelings through wedding, you are a real professional in communicating with people.
Congratulations on the wedding from parents should not be too long and difficult to understand, otherwise no one will understand and appreciate your brilliant speech. To avoid this, choose expressions that are concise and vivid in your thoughts.
When parents congratulate the young, these are one of the most important words at a wedding celebration. According to the old custom, a whole ritual is assigned from the parents for congratulations on the wedding, and they are an obligatory part of the wedding banquet. Tamada usually highlights congratulations from parents in a separate ceremony. They can sound to music, be in prose or poetry, stand out with light effects. It is better to discuss the details with the wedding host in advance.
Congratulations from parents can be in the form of parting words or in the form of wishes, but in any case, these are the most important words for the newlyweds. Traditionally, several moments are allotted for congratulating parents during the wedding: this is the blessing of the bride's parents before the trip to the registry office, congratulations after the painting ceremony in the registry office itself, meeting and congratulations by the groom's parents upon the arrival of the newlyweds to the restaurant.
Usually in the wedding script there is no clear sequence of whose parents will be the first to say congratulations to their children. The host usually separately gives the floor to the newly-made father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law. After the parents, the opportunity to congratulate the bride and groom is given to close relatives - grandparents, sisters and brothers.
It is not so important with what words the parents will congratulate the newlyweds, the main thing is that the congratulations on the wedding from the parents will come from the heart. Congratulations on the wedding in verse from parents

Dear my children,
I want to congratulate you.
You are the happiest person in the world;
You are one family!
May your union be very young
Life is tricky and complicated
But while there is hunger in love.
You are not afraid of separation.
You solve all problems
If you do everything together
And we all rejoice
For a family and a strong home.
Don't give in to quarrels
It is necessary to live in a family without quarrels,
Have better grandchildren.
We are without grandchildren, you reproach!
Children are our joy
The meaning of life is only in them.
We ask for such a small thing -
Well, at least... five!
We will help you grow them
If only there is enough strength.
You are adults, but still
Feel free to ask us.
To live like in a fairy tale
Let's drink all the wine together
But we drink wine with caution -
It's something bitter.

You are now husband and wife.
We wish you happiness, life without loss,
Affectionate smiles from fate itself,
Fewer mistakes and bad rumors!

Connecting hearts to each other
And legally entering into a marriage,
Live in a family circle
Do not allow trouble in your house.
Let the sun shine more often in life
Let bad weather bypass you
And your rings do not grow dim,
Love will not change to sadness.

You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meeting.

And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
May your life never
Days like these won't come back
Love is always meant to be
And only one time to get married!

We heartily congratulate you,
Live long and carefree.
Fate brought you together
Now forever, forever.
And let all the years between you
There would be no trace of discord.

And no matter how hard you live,
The two hearts were inseparable.
So be happy always!
And we are left only -
Exclaim in unison: Bitter! Bitterly!

You have a nice day today!
You connected two destinies
And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
That is the first step in life
In the family - to further years of happiness!
The fire of love lit the hearth,
So that there is light in the house, and not darkness,
To take part together.

In building a nest of love
So that children grow up in joy
And wherever you are on the road
I longed to come home.
Let your house be a full bowl!
Keep love until gray hairs,
So that your union is indestructible
And became stronger over the years, more beautiful.

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a lot of happiness
Let it pass you in life
Any bad weather.
Let the honey river
Your life is flowing
And, like a young month,
Your son will be born
Daughter to you, like a poppy color,
To comfort my mother.
Well, how many will there be?
You decide.

This day is beautiful
We congratulate you
Joy and happiness
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.
So that all sorrows
passed by,
So that you agree

Lived for a long time.
Let you smile
Morning dawn.
We congratulate you!
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.

Your adviser and your companion
May wisdom and loyalty always be.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful
May you never run out.
Children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.
Let the year go by in minutes,
Life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
The house is not bypassed by you.

And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love

Let everything come true that dreamed
Everything that pleases the eye.
For happiness to settle
In your house easily.
So that you don't drop
This is happiness on the fly.
Forever to keep
The first meeting warmth!

Let it be so, as on this main day,
The sun always shines brightly for you,
And the shadow will not reduce happiness,
And the wind will not knock you out of the way!
Let joy burst on the threshold
And the heart, the heart will not deceive
And a delicate myrtle wreath
Will not fade in memories!

Congratulations on legal marriage
And we wish you much happiness!
We are talking seriously now.
May a million beautiful roses
Lies all over the high way,
What will be destined to pass.
And let the fire of great love
It burns without fading.
Life is easier with love.
Everyone knows about this.
Reach agreement on everything.
Live for many years.
Always respect each other.
Love to you and advice!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,
We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:
For two, luck is twice as joyful,
And sadness will be divided in two.
So you become dearer to each other.
The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,
Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.
(name of the bride) we wish you patience,
(groom's name) only love her alone
For the young! For husband and wife!

May none of you break that oath.
What wedding bands remember are two rings.
May your souls be inseparable.
And happy hearts beat in harmony!

We wish you to love deeply
So that the nightingale sings joyfully,
To be happy in life
Happier happy families.

Dear children!
We are ready to wish you everything
What would you like for yourself:
Health, joy, happy days
And a lot of nimble children!
May the sun always shine on you
Let the blessed rain pour over your head,
We wish you with all your heart, with all your soul:
Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

Dear our children!
You are now one family
You are responsible for each other
You are the crew of the ship.
Your ship is already built
The wind beats in the sails
And none of you are free
Make decisions yourself.
To always be on your ship
There was provisions
So that in damp, evil everyday life.
The light of love in you has not gone out.
No complaints on the table
Just let the wine down
They told me in secret:
It's too bitter!

Our dear children,
Bread and salt we give you,
So that you are in this world
Everything was divided in half.
There will be joy or sorrow -
Avoid personal dramas
Give in to each other in an argument
You need to learn.
Live by faith and law
Don't look for an easy life
Greet relatives, friends,
Respect your father and mother.
There will be children, there will be grandchildren,
Everything will go its own way.
Husband, take your wife in your arms!
Young people, please come home!

parental receive congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
We give you a blessing -
To be together once and for all!
Let each new day of a happy life together
Will give you love and warmth.
And the sonorous laughter of the Princess and the Cowboy
They will come and bless your house!

Our dear children,
Your finest hour has come
You are the happiest person in the world
The whole world is open to you.
You are the basis of the universe,
You are the connecting thread
You are the bearers of desire,
There is a family - and the world to be.
Let evil passions not destroy
Voluntary your union,
There will be Peace and Happiness in the house,
The knot of marriage is strong.
May God give you so much happiness
So that you do not know grief ...
Something suddenly made me sad!
I ask you to support!

Hearty congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
Parental blessing to you -
On a long journey, for many years!
May every day of your life together
Brings you joy and love and light.
May life always be a full cup for you,
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles!
To each other you are now responsible
For every step, for every breath and look;
For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -
Let your days fly in harmony!
Hold on, children, firmly for each other:
When not apart, when always together,
Then the wind, and frost, and blizzard
Both evil and hail will be nothing to you!

Golden you are our children!
Accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude
Only live in peace always.
Combining with worldly union,
You took an oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other
As you promised today.

Dear our children!
Be the best in the world.
Married - do not swear.
Fall in love more every day.
Happiness, children, we wish you
And congratulations again.
Let there be your union
An example of family ties.

Congratulations in prose for a wedding from parents

Dear our children! We are glad that today you have decided to take a very serious step - to seal your relationship with the sacred bonds of marriage! This is a happy occasion for all of us!
We wish you forever great love for each other, your family and friends, mutual understanding, kindness and warmth! May all your undertakings lead only to victory, happiness and prosperity never leave your home! Let only good and reliable friends surround you! Health and great family joys! Bitterly!

Dear our children! You have made a serious decision and joined your hearts in marriage! May this decision be the right one and your family will endure all the trials of fate! So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out! Advice to you and love!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! Love and respect each other! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband! Love, unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family.

Dear our children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles! If trouble comes your way, fight together, shoulder to shoulder! Happiness, love and good luck to you!

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, advising you to a new life, we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!

Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy! Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!

Dear bride and groom! On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life. Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife! Before starting family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!

Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, well-being and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.

Our dear children, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

To be honest, I have lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period, but I see that during this period you have proudly managed to maintain a very high level of happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

My dear children, you have tasted a piece of loaf. I want to keep in your hearts the warmth that this loaf has kept for you. Let your house always be full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of treats. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Our dear ____________________________________ (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over.

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, let us on a happy day, at a happy hour, say a parental parting word. Live in such a way that there is joy in your house, that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Our dear little birds, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

Congratulations from parents on a wedding to young people sound especially touching. Sometimes these words are hard to come by. Your children have grown up and are already leaving the parental nest, entering into marriage. Once upon a time there was a whole ceremony when mom and dad blessed and gave parting words to the young. Now they are more often limited to speech at the festive table. We have collected for you beautiful and touching congratulations to the young on this page.

Today is a wonderful day
Our son entered into a legal marriage,
We wish the young family
Patience, wisdom and strength.

Let your feelings not cool down
And they only get hotter
We wish you love, good luck,
Prosperity, money and children!

We honestly raised a handsome son,
Now he is leaving our home.
We love you the way we used to love you.
We are proud, our dear son, of you!

We wish you and the bride prosperity,
Live in happiness, love for many fabulous years.
Let everything be in order in the family.
And come to us if you need advice!

We have been looking forward to this day!
Son, dear, congratulations to you
With the fact that he became a legal husband,
He called his beloved down the aisle!

Let your family be the happiest
Life together is diverse, beautiful,
Good to you, success, desired children,
Implementation of cherished ideas!

Son, you are an enviable groom,
What a beautiful bride!
We are so happy for you two
Congratulations sincerely!

Let the shine of your happy eyes
Reminds me of light from the stars
Let happiness not leave you
And life will fulfill hundreds of dreams!

Accept congratulations,
Children are precious.
Beloved son became a husband -
Aspirations are different.

We wish you, son,
real man,
Throw all your strength to
So that there is happiness in the house.

Take good care of your wife
Love and be kind to her.
Will not let you in the family.
Resentment, sadness, squabbles.

My son dear
He suddenly got a wife.
Can't see everything
Envy gnaws at me.

I approve of your choice
And with all my heart I wish
So that with such a beauty
Lived before the wedding golden.

I won't let you down
If necessary, I will help
But don't be fooled either
Protect the honor of the family.

Congratulations from the parents of the bride on the wedding

Dear daughter, beautiful bride,
Be insanely happy on this day.
May this sparkle of your joyful eyes
It will be a reward and happiness for us.

On this day a new life begins
In happiness, your family is born,
Let love and advice live in it
For many years.

May there be peace and joy in your house,
There will be no place for bitter insults,
May the first months of happiness and sweetness
Loyalty will last for many years.

We're letting go today
Our fish in another house.
And, of course, we dream
Become one big family.

So that you more often, daughter,
They came to visit us
And for granddaughter or granddaughter
Drink soon one hundred grams.

Be a happy wife
May the Lord keep you!
We love you
Even though my heart hurts.

Be a faithful friend to your husband,
Let your son-in-law take care of you.
Master the family science
And pass the exam on five!

You have become a legitimate family today,
Take care of your feelings and your beautiful union,
Be respectful and faithful to each other
Reach the desired height together!

Son-in-law, dear, love your wife dearly,
Appreciate, give her your strong shoulder,
In the family, be a leader and a stone wall,
May your daughter be happy with you!

Like a dove, our daughter
Take care of her son-in-law.
In a year, let there be a granddaughter,
But not bad and granddaughters.

Accept from parents
Our gift, congratulations.
Come visit more often
This is our consolation.

Live without strife
Respectfully from all around.
All the secrets in the house, disputes
Not for boyfriend and girlfriend.

May wishes come true
And shared dreams.
Peace, happiness, understanding
And spiritual warmth.

Here are abandoned toys in your bright room,
Childhood quickly flew by in a mess of fun days.
You are leaving today, our daughter, your father's house,
So the oath was sounded in silence under the altar.

We sincerely wish happiness to your young family,
Let there be more of you soon, give life to the kids.
Tenderness to you, understanding and patience always,
Respect, forgiveness, never give up.

Tears of joy are hard to hide today, girl.
The day has come to cover your head with a white veil.
You got out of care, you have your own family,
May the bright path be happy, fertile.

We wish your couple to love tenderly, faithfully,
The feeling that brought you together is difficult to keep in life.
Let love help you, let it inspire you,
And in cabbage you will reap a rich harvest.

We wish our beloved daughter
Always be happy in family life
So that, despite all the worries,
Husband kissed when he came home from work.

We want to wish you dear,
Good health and joy without end,
Let your house be filled with children's laughter,
Let love warm you with its fire!

Beautiful congratulations to the newlyweds from parents

Marrying today, our children,
Please accept our congratulations.
Let it be in this whole wide world
No one will be happier than you.

Let you be bypassed by bad weather,
Let children's laughter be heard in the house.
And let them come to visit you more often
Hope, joy, faith and success.

Always take care of each other
You are bound by a single destiny.
In love, in abundance, go side by side
Easy until the golden wedding!

Our dear children,
You are more precious than anyone in the world!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
Friendly you always live
And appreciate every time
What brought fate suddenly you.

All problems you solve
Do not sin against each other
Talk, hug
Try to protect your hearth.

We wish you many years.
Well, if you need advice,
Come don't be shy
Just smile at each other.

Dear beloved children,
You are starting a new path.
Now you are responsible for each other
Take care of your feelings.

If you can hear another
Understand and endure and forgive
That, there is no doubt
Your family will flourish.

So let luck help you
Let luck help you.
Let the love of the year only increase
And let her keep your union.

Now you are both our children,
Weaved one family you network.
Let them get you
All that goes to the best:
Good and happiness, peace, prosperity
And a lot of kids for the rest.
So that every year you grow stronger,
To understand each other
You loved each other dearly
And it was interesting to live together.
To make a fortune
And they didn't lose focus.
And everything you both want
Then you boldly embody.

Your wedding is our pride:
We raised you, we tried.
And we wish you prosperity
So that you love, laugh.

Additions to the family
We still wish you
To grandma and grandpa
Soon everyone called us!

Be happy folks
And take care of each other.
Every moment, moment is near
You love and appreciate!

Both of you are now family to us!
We want to wish you on your wedding day
So that they are always beautiful
Remained, and worries do not know!

And don't forget your parents
We are there for you if you need help.
You always help each other
After all, this is how a family should act!

My children, congratulations on your wedding day!
Today we have become a big family.
Today you have created a family hearth,
And now they have the right to be called a family!

My family, I love you very, very much,
And I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart
You live in peace, you value your family,
And may your life be like in paradise!

May there be prosperity in the family, understanding,
Let there be consent in your family,
I wish you children and happiness in the future,
Kohl you will be, then happiness and me!

Congratulations from parents on the wedding in prose

Dear children, we congratulate you on this important event! Now you are family. I wish you to be a support and support to each other. Forget the word I, now constantly say "WE". Give in, help and listen to each other. Let a healthy and happy atmosphere soar in your home. I would like, soon, to hold your heirs in my arms, and now we are so “Bitter!”

Dear children, today is an important day in your life, a great event and a wonderful holiday. We congratulate you on your marriage and wish that there are no contradictions, disputes and offensive quarrels in your family, that you always find a compromise, make the right joint decision, carefully keep the hearth of your love and happiness, fill the house with comfort and raise wonderful children.

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. Together they build their happiness. Let them help each other in everything, create a strong family and wait for such a happy day when their children will marry and start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young, to the new family, and may faith, hope, love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you - only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

Our dear and beloved children! I would like to wish you long love, beautiful smart children, prosperity and respect for each other! Do not be afraid of troubles, they are not afraid of you if you are united. Support each other in any endeavors. We wish you to become a model for other young families. Stand up for each other!

Dear son! We are sincerely glad that you have found your soul mate. We promise you that we will love and respect your wife and believe that you are responsible for marriage and will never offend your beloved. We wish you to build a large and comfortable house in which little mischievous legs will run. We hope that we will find a place in it. Bitterly!

Dear our children! On this happy day, we wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, fun and smiles. In family life - rivers of goodness with jelly banks, may you have an ocean of love for each other and a lake of faith and hope. Swan fidelity to you, dove devotion. Long and prosperous life.