Wedding anniversary 37 years what. Aluminum wedding (37 years of marriage). Beautiful congratulatory words in verse

After 37 years of marriage, the couple can safely celebrate a muslin wedding. Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required not only a lot of money, but also time and patience. 37 years is a long time, which means that if people still continue to stay together, then their family can rightfully be considered strong. It was this quality of the muslin fabric that made it possible to give such a name to the 37th anniversary of the joint married life.

A muslin wedding is rarely celebrated with grandeur and grandeur, because the date is not round. And some do not even know about the existence of such a date, perhaps that is why there are no traditions regarding its celebration.

But some prefer to celebrate such dates in cafes, restaurants, or picnics. In any case, each couple decides for itself who exactly they want to see on the day of the 37th anniversary of their life together: only close relatives or a noisy company. When celebrating, you can create an unusual festive atmosphere by taking muslin fabric in delicate, pastel colors for this. A bouquet of wild flowers, beautiful cutlery and an openwork tablecloth would also be appropriate.

As the main delicacy on the festive table, there should be a cake, which is best done in unobtrusive pastel colors. As alcoholic beverages, it is best to give preference to martinis, champagne and any white wines.

The best gift for the 37th wedding anniversary will be muslin curtains, which can either be bought ready-made or sewn to order. You can also buy beautiful pajamas for your wife, and a nightgown for your wife. In addition, you can give any thing or accessory made of this material, which will be very appropriate on this day. And if you show a bit of imagination, then you can try to create a gift from muslin with your own hands, which will make the gift even more valuable and more expensive.

Unfortunately, in recent years, few people adhere to traditions, therefore, spouses often receive sets, household appliances and bedding as gifts on their 37th anniversary. And those who do not want to fool around with the choice of a gift prefer to donate money so that the "newlyweds" themselves acquire what they need.

On this solemn and festive day, gifts are made not only by those invited to the celebration, but also by spouses. They can give each other anything they want. But most often, the spouse presents his soulmate with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and elegant jewelry.

The best way to give the “newlyweds” really what they need is to find out from them in advance what they need most. It is quite possible that if they do not say directly, they will hint, and then the difficult task of choosing a gift will be solved by itself.

By the way, already six months after the celebration of the 37th anniversary of living together, there will be a new reason to gather at the festive table with your whole friendly family. It is in 37 and a half years that the spouses will celebrate an aluminum wedding, which, although it cannot be called a round date, is definitely not worth missing this event.

Congratulations on a muslin wedding in verse

    I wish you well
    Shares similar to a full bowl,
    To be in your life
    Tomorrow is better than yesterday!
    Happy Muslin wedding!

    Our dear spouses!
    37 years is not yet a date,
    But it's still an anniversary.
    You were young once
    But the years go by faster and faster.
    You spent a little time together
    And on that day we shouted to the bride:
    Scold less husband and children.
    And you lowered your eyes
    And gently caressed the groom ...

    How cool, just how cute.
    You already have enough kids
    And the feeling of love is forever preserved.
    You are too tender couple
    Your cozy home is like a bright island.
    And here's the line
    Between a shared future and past.
    You must leave sadness behind the line,
    All those worries and all your doubts
    Look far, always look far
    Your love adventures.

    Many years of legal marriage
    You lived as one family
    Today we celebrate the holiday
    Big family holiday.

    Muslin wedding? So what?
    It's been years, don't be sorry
    After all, you value your love
    And still managed to save it.

    So please your family and friends,
    Live without counting the days
    After all, for this it was worth being born,
    To be happy in life and in love.

    37 - not a short time
    Do you not know this?
    Many worn roads
    You have passed together.

    Experienced a lot of happiness
    endured many troubles,
    But you always knew for sure
    That some would not be able to.

    We sincerely wish you
    Also live from year to year,
    To be together every day
    Continue a happy family!

    Today is a festive and cheerful day,
    And the red day of the calendar.
    And in honor of the muslin wedding
    We are here today for a reason.

    Keep fidelity, happiness, affection,
    Let the family be friendly
    Your life will be like a fairy tale
    And devotion will strengthen hearts.

    The years you spent together
    Let them only bring you joy
    So that you, like on the first day, the bride and groom
    Let's walk this path together!

    Today is your family's anniversary
    You lived a beautiful thirty-seven,
    Over time, you have become even more beautiful.
    And set a good example for everyone.

    We wish you health and good luck,
    And laughter in the house, great joy,
    After all, thirty-seven lived - this means
    Family became heart and soul.

    Every year a platoon.
    Every decade -
    Larger division.
    Every anniversary - I look at the reason.
    So command this parade
    As long as possible and certainly together!
    Happy Muslin wedding!

TO When 37 years have passed since the solemn marriage, the couple celebrate the muslin wedding. It is noteworthy that 37 is not a round date, but it is a significant period of time, which is an excellent family anniversary, emphasizing its strength and reliability. Usually, spouses celebrating a muslin wedding no longer quarrel over trifles, knowing all the flaws and virtues of their partner. Therefore, you need to know the main rules for celebrating such an event, as well as possible gift options.

Why is the muslin the symbol of the wedding?

It is no coincidence that Muslin was chosen as a symbol of such a beautiful wedding. This fabric originated in the Middle East, and its name comes from an ancient city called Mosul (outskirts of Iraq). It was here that this fabric was first made. A similar event took place in the 17th century, and a century later, the fabric was already enjoying unprecedented popularity throughout Europe. Muslin acquired the greatest distribution in France.

A feature of this fabric is an unusual way of weaving. It is created by plain weaving, which makes it possible to obtain the finest material made from twisted fibers.

Since the family, going through many different periods of joy and sadness, is constantly in development and strengthening, the spouses eventually merge into a single whole, like a thin and attractive, but strong and reliable muslin thread. Such an alliance may seem young, but it provides for significant experience of the spouses, as well as the ability to go through life together, supporting each other.

Some experts also believe that the wedding acquired the name muslin, because of the attractiveness retained by the spouses at this rather young age, but the spiritual maturity and powerful core that is formed in the family over many years of living together. Therefore, a family that seems still young is strong and reliable, resistant to various life situations.

It is noteworthy that during the appearance of muslin fabric, it was quite expensive. Only fairly wealthy people could afford such a luxury. Its creation was accompanied by the need for complex and rather time-consuming labor, as well as special skills. So the spouses who have lived together for 37 years acquire significant value, and also make great efforts to withstand the constant onslaught of life and everyday problems.

Muslin wedding traditions

Few people know the history of wedding anniversaries. For the first time, wedding anniversaries began to be celebrated in Germany. They immediately held a marriage and a modest feast, providing for the participation of only close relatives. Only after 14 days a large banquet was organized for acquaintances, friends, work colleagues and other people, providing for a noisy festivity with music, dancing and other wedding attributes.

Interesting traditions of celebrating wedding anniversaries also existed in Eastern countries. So, in Japan and China, there was a certain numerological teaching, providing a list of happy and unlucky wedding anniversaries. In the East, all anniversaries divisible by 4 were considered happy, and weddings dedicated to 33, 22 and 11 years of marriage were considered unlucky. The concept of "happy" meant a noisy and crowded celebration of such a celebration. Consequently, in the latter case, the spouses had to celebrate the anniversary only together.

In Russia, for a long time, only round anniversaries were celebrated. So, during the existence of the USSR, registry office employees congratulated honorary married couples who had lived together for 50 and 65 years. The rest of the spouses celebrating anniversaries were ignored, considering their union not strong enough for congratulations. The tradition of celebrating a muslin wedding only appeared a few decades ago after the collapse of the Soviet Union, so there are no remarkable or ancient traditions for celebrating such an event. Do not be upset, because today every family approaching such a solemn date can become the founder of new traditions of the muslin wedding.

Muslin wedding celebration

Since 37 years of marriage is not a round date, the celebration of such an event does not require a large scale. It is not necessary to invite a hundred guests, as well as to rent a restaurant or other premises for the evening. It is quite possible to celebrate at home by inviting close friends, children and other relatives. You can also invite familiar young married couples to learn from the experience of honorary spouses.

Since there are no traditions for celebrating a muslin wedding, you can come up with your own scenario for celebrating such a celebration. You can arrange a romantic date and walk with your spouse or beloved wife through memorable places, remembering the best moments of life. You can also organize a small home party by decorating the room with balls and muslin fabric, and the festive table with various sweets and chocolate, symbolizing love and the sweetness of living together.

You can spice up your wedding anniversary celebration by writing lots of little notes with advice for young families. Each of the invitees will be able to pull out a separate leaflet and read good advice from spouses who have managed to go through a significant life path.

When meeting guests, the couple can dress up in muslin clothes, which will be quite symbolic. The honorary wife can wear a beautiful muslin dress, emphasizing her femininity and freshness, and the honorary husband can appear before the guests in an exquisite muslin shirt. Muslin can also be used as a decoration for a room reserved for a celebration, or as individual details on a table. So, with similar flaps you can decorate bottles of wine or champagne, as well as tie bouquets presented to the heroes of the occasion with muslin ribbons.

What to give for a muslin wedding?

When choosing a gift for the 37th wedding anniversary, you can come up with many gift options. There are several standard options that are great for people with different preferences. So, a muslin wedding can be congratulated with curtains sewn from muslin fabric, a tea or coffee set, a set of cutlery made of silver or other material, a quality set of bed linen, preferably muslin, various types of household appliances, as well as souvenirs. Invariable gifts are various awards and certificates that can cheer up even quite serious and rarely smiling spouses. You can order an individual production of a stylish statuette like Oscar, with an inscription congratulating the honorary spouses, or order an original certificate intended for the most patient, caring and happy spouses.

Gift for wife

Often a gift for a wedding anniversary is chosen not only by guests, but also by the spouses themselves, who want to pleasantly surprise their other half, and also emphasize the solemnity of the event. It can be especially difficult to choose a good gift for your wife, since the date is quite serious. You can please your beloved wife with various wardrobe items made of muslin fabric. She will definitely appreciate the care, as well as the right choice of a wedding symbol. You can also give a gift certificate to a beauty salon or perfume shop. Various gold and silver jewelry will never lose their popularity. Therefore, you can safely give earrings, a ring or an attractive bracelet. If you want to give an original gift that can not only surprise, but also make your spouse laugh, you can give her a funny apron with a thematic pattern or a T-shirt with a joint photo.

Gift for spouse

The fair sex also loves to present gifts to their beloved husbands on wedding anniversaries. For a muslin wedding, you can give your husband an expensive alcoholic drink, guided by his preferences, as well as a stylish and comfortable muslin shirt. An excellent option can also be a guitar that can remind you of romance and first dates. You can also give a signet or cufflinks made of precious materials, emphasizing the status and value of the husband in the eyes of his wife.

Other wedding anniversaries: Descriptions

Family life brings joy and sorrow. However, if a husband and wife go through life together for 10, 15, 20 or more years, it means that they have learned to live in harmony, overcome difficulties, and enjoy every year they live together. For spouses, any anniversary of their marriage is a special event. Chintz, ruby, sapphire, gold wedding - these names of the anniversaries of the joint life of a husband and wife are widely known. But what is the name of the 37th year of married life? What is remarkable about it?

What is the name of the 37th wedding anniversary?

If you have lived together for 37 years, which wedding should you celebrate? This non-circular date of married life has its own name - a muslin wedding. Why such an unusual name? The husband and wife, who have lived together for 37 years, have developed over the years and also learned to maintain good relations with each other. Their love was replaced by a mature feeling of love, which became the basis for the union of two hearts. To achieve harmony in family life, they needed a lot of effort and work.

And muslin is a fabric that in the past had a high cost, because it took a lot of effort and time to make it. In ancient times, only a person with great wealth could acquire muslin material. The painstaking work of creating it is a symbolic parallel with the 37 years of the spouses' efforts aimed at building a happy family. Muslin is a beautiful, thin, but durable fabric. Such properties of it perfectly emphasize the relationship of a husband and wife at 37 years from the date of the wedding.

Spouses who have lived together for so long begin to appreciate and love each other even more. Their relationship is strong, but warm, tender. Like a weaver diligently creating muslin for a long time, the couple of 37 years tried to strengthen the union of two loving hearts. They succeeded, because no life's bad weather separated them and did not deprive them of happiness in marriage. Just as a fabric includes threads tightly connected to each other, so strong marital relationships are built by daily kind words and deeds.

Original congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Children, relatives and friends can congratulate the anniversaries on their 37th wedding anniversary in an original way. There are many options. For this purpose, a gift is suitable, as well as kind words for the “young”. The main thing is that the congratulations sound sincerely, kindly. Words coming from the heart will be noticed and accepted by the anniversaries with gratitude. In congratulations, the positive aspects of the spouses, their true love, devotion to each other can be noticed. Look below for a few options for beautiful, warm, kind words for anniversaries.

Congratulations on your anniversary. A little more, and it's time to celebrate a beautiful date, but today we are happy to celebrate your thirty-seventh wedding anniversary. May your feelings, your love and joy shine brightly for many more years to come.

I want to congratulate you, my good ones, on your muslin wedding. It has already been 37 years since we cried bitterly to you and raised our glasses for a young family. During this time, you got to know each other from different sides, but did not waste your warmth. So let the fire of your love not go out from the wind of petty quarrels and insults in the future.

Beautiful congratulatory words in verse

If you want to congratulate the spouses in an interesting and unusual way, then compose a poem for them or memorize someone else's creation about a muslin wedding. Poetry has a great impact on the mind, feelings, so through it you can better convey your sincere congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. Read below examples of beautiful words in poetic form for spouses who have crossed the 37th line of life together, and select the lines you like.

37 years is a solid edge of life,
You've been through a lot together
The boundary at your wedding is strong,
And new sprouts sprouted in my heart.

And, like a muslin, the wedding is elegant,
Tender, strong and so pleasant.
Forget all your business
Let the date be fun.

Marriage - it is always salted and peppered,
But over the years it gets stronger and stronger.
Love does not dry, love does not wither,
Blooms like a muslin fabric pattern.
Congratulations on your other half
With a beautiful, muslin wedding!

Muslin wedding today in your house -
37 years with each other in love (with love)!
We wish that passion never fades,
To keep your life beautiful
So that health is always strong,
Joy was given by grandchildren and children!

Under ringing laughter and heart beat,
Under the clink of glasses serene,
Muslin wedding we
Let's celebrate today like before.

And we wish you not to grow old,
Fervently live, do not lose heart,
Love your children more
It is worthy to raise grandchildren.

Eh! Gone like a moment
A magical wave, a breath,
Your 37 years...
Many bridges burned
And bonfires are lit
And your catch was rich -
Weddings of flowers, silks...

We heartily congratulate you
And with all our hearts we wish
To have good health
So that friends do not forget
So that sorrows float away,
Troubles with them would have departed,
Brighter days have come...

37 years ago
You have created a wonderful family.
Today everyone is happy to congratulate you -
You saved your love!
We wish you peace and warmth in your home,
To make fate happy
To always be lucky in everything,
To love was beautiful!

37 long years ago
You have created your wonderful family.
Many lifetime awards
You received for your love -
Handsome children, even more beautiful - grandchildren,
Warm and loyal circle of friends,
Good people for honest merit.
And on this day wonderful and beautiful
May the intended happiness come true!

Thirty-seven seemed like a lot
But I would like to wish you
Health, happiness to you on earth,
But don't forget to fly.

And so that you fly higher
Didn't go aground
On the wings of joy, love,
Without them, we would not live together.

Don't forget to dream
During the dawn.
You are also thirty-seven together,
Or maybe two or three.

You are thin and tender
Like a festive muslin;
All the years of serenity
Your marriage is like a picture!

In beautiful wedding dresses
You made a faithful vow:
And in tender, sweet embraces
You bask for many years.

We remind you today
That thirty-seven is not the limit!
We wish that with the will of the Lord
Your marriage has been burning for a long time!

For a long time not cotton and linen,
Now it's getting closer to silk
And thirty-seven years we have been with you,
We walk hand in hand, foot in foot...

You are my everything, my whole life,
You are my light in the window for me,
And with gray hair at the temples,
I will smile at you, you are my sunshine!

What to give for a muslin wedding?

Going to the 37th anniversary of the marriage of a married couple, it is worth choosing the appropriate gift for the “young”. The traditional gift for this occasion is a piece of muslin. It will clearly show the spouses how strong their long union is. Also, this thing will remain as a keepsake to remind them of the celebration in honor of 37 years of marriage. Muslin curtains are a popular gift for this wedding anniversary. They are often given as gifts on such an occasion. It will be symbolic if the husband gives his wife a muslin nightgown for the anniversary, and the wife gives her husband a shirt made of the same fabric.

Gift Ideas for Parents

Guests of the anniversaries can give muslin clothes. But nowadays such things are rarely sewn. If you don't find any muslin items, then present another gift. It can be any items, things that are useful to anniversaries in everyday life. For example, dishes, interior items. Valuable small gifts in muslin bags will look original. Whatever you give, the spouses will be grateful to you for showing attention to their holiday. And what to give parents on the 37th anniversary of marriage? It is believed that children should give muslin curtains to their father, mother for this anniversary.

How to celebrate 37 years of marriage?

According to tradition, a muslin wedding is not celebrated brightly, noisily, like the 40th anniversary of marriage. This holiday is family. Usually the spouses themselves decide how to celebrate the date. On this day, it is better for them to pay attention to each other. Some anniversaries decide to invite children, grandchildren and loved ones to a festive dinner. During friendly communication at the table, spouses with relatives can remember the pleasant moments of their life together, interesting cases during a wedding or courtship period.

They can also reveal to newly married children or grandchildren the secrets of a joyful and happy life together. The wisdom of the elders will help the young to avoid mistakes and disappointments in relationships with their soul mate. The transfer of life experience is best done not as a moral, but in the form of an exciting game. For example, spouses can write tips and wishes on small pieces of paper in advance on how to improve their marriage. All these pieces of paper must be folded into a vase or other container. Then invite the guests to take turns getting out of it 1 piece of paper and read aloud the wish.

Each guest will receive advice from anniversaries who know a lot about the difficulties and joys of family life. So fun and at ease during the game, young families learn valuable advice from a wise couple. And guests who have been married for a long time will be convinced that it is worth further appreciating their other half and giving her love and tenderness. Also, the anniversaries will be pleased to go somewhere for a walk with their children and grandchildren. Be sure to capture this happy day of life together in a photo.

Muslin wedding is the 37th anniversary, which is celebrated as another milestone in the joint journey of the spouses. Why did this date get such an unusual name, and what is muslin? This is a fabric that, although it seems very thin and fragile, is actually a very dense, well-woven material, which is very difficult to break. In order to get muslin fabric, the medieval weavers, and it was then that it was created, had to spend a lot of time and effort. By analogy with married life, the role of these masters can be played by a husband and wife, who each new year of their life together weave and weave the canvas of their relationship. And only thanks to perseverance and hard work they are still together.

In the modern world, practically nothing is known about how to celebrate a muslin wedding, because earlier it was simply not customary to celebrate non-anniversary dates. It is impossible to speak in this case about ancient customs, since our ancestors did not associate significant periods of their family life with anything other than the manifestation of divine will. What kind of celebration will be - luxurious, with guests and gifts, or modest, surrounded by loved ones, is up to the spouses themselves. In any case, gathering at a solemnly laid table and remembering the pleasant moments of a common past is by no means an extra stimulation of mutual feelings. Acquaintance, matchmaking, marriage - share the wisdom of a long and happy family life with the young, rising generation. For those who are just about to or have recently entered into marriage, it will be very useful to touch the sacrament of the family hearth, tested by time and events.

Commemorative gifts and muslin souvenirs

What to give for a muslin wedding? Would like to note. That in itself this date is not an anniversary, which means that almost everything can be chosen as a gift for spouses. Pay attention to both cute interior trinkets and household appliances, items of which can be donated by several guests together. The cost and exclusivity of the gift depends only on the desires and financial capabilities of the giver. If you adhere to the classical interpretation, then it is necessary to give spouses a piece of high-quality muslin fabric, but in the modern world, such a gift can be regarded rather simply as a symbol of devotion and friendship.

The practical use of muslin is curtains or bedspreads. It is quite possible that such a gift will become desirable and fit perfectly into the interior. Only in order for such a gift to come "to the court", consult with the hostess of the celebration in advance. Sometimes on sale you can find bed linen and sleepwear sewn from muslin fabric. But such intimate gifts are best presented to loved ones who will understand and appreciate your sincere concern.

The history of the emergence of muslin: the symbolism and allegorism of family life

A bit about history: muslin (muslin fabric) - there are only two types, cotton and silk. Clothing is most often made from silk linen, and bedding from cotton. Previously, such a production division was fundamental, but recently it has become harder and harder to acquire silk muslin. Natural fabrics are being squeezed out of the market by artificial ones, which are more durable and beautiful. 37 years that the spouses lived in peace and harmony is a symbol of the strength and inviolability of relations. It is for these qualities that this anniversary is comparable to a cut of muslin fabric, the allegory is blurred, but, nevertheless, understandable to everyone. Years go by, but two loving hearts still beat in unison, and their union becomes stronger with each spring experienced together. And, despite the experiences and feelings, the spouses did not tire each other, but still sincerely love and enjoy the minutes spent side by side.

Congratulations, toasts and congratulations

Congratulations on a muslin wedding (in prose, in verse) - it is customary to write them down on beautiful postcards, which will then be solemnly presented at the festive table. In congratulations, it is advisable to praise strengthened feelings, sublimity, wisdom and reverence of relationships that have been tested by 37 years of marriage. It will be great if you manage to beat the muslin itself in toasts, focusing on its beauty, lightness and strength. It is advisable to accompany the salutary speech with a small historical note telling about that. With what difficulty was the production of muslin given in the days of Kievan Rus.

The design of the banquet hall and invitation cards should also be designed in the appropriate style. In this case, wedding designers do not recommend using catchy and rich decor - everything should be kept in a concise, clear and strict style.

The 37th wedding anniversary, popularly known as the “muslin wedding”, is an event that is not always celebrated in our country. But if you set out to turn this date into a real holiday, you will have to work hard. First of all, it is necessary to decorate the solemn hall with muslin fabric. Such light and almost airy curtains will emphasize the tenderness and weightlessness of the relationship between husband and wife. The color scheme for decorating the room should consist of beige, white, golden hues. As the main accent, you can use floral arrangements of luxurious roses or lilies. Table setting is simple and minimal, without pretentiousness, gilding and unnecessary appliances. The table top itself is best covered with a natural linen tablecloth.

How to celebrate a muslin wedding with loved ones

A cake for such a holiday should also be stylized as a “muslin evening”: white marzipan, decorated with many small flowers or butterflies. As an alcohol card, offer guests several varieties of wine, martini or champagne. The celebration should be fun, because spouses celebrating 37 years of marriage should not forget that they were once young and energetic. For the successful holding of drawings and contests, it would be good to take care of a variety of accessories for team games in advance.

Spouses can also exchange gifts between themselves. According to the generally accepted practice, a husband can give his missus a beautiful and large bouquet of her favorite flowers, which will be complemented by a card with declarations of love and eternal devotion. And the wife can give her dearest half a muslin tie, neckerchief or handkerchief - decorated with a monogram and monograms.