Coccyx hurts during pregnancy: a variant of the norm or a sign of a serious illness

During pregnancy one of the complaints of women in the position. Many people ask the question - why does this pain appear, what is it connected with and what measures should be taken to alleviate it? To open this topic, you need to seriously delve into the problem. Not always such a malaise is a symptom of any pathological process.

It should be noted that the slightest ailment is a reason for an immediate appeal to a gynecologist. Only a specialist is able to find out why during pregnancy.

Painful symptoms in such cases can manifest themselves in different ways. There are sharp or pulling, passing to the perineum, anus and lower back pain.

It is worth noting the main reasons:

  • An increase in body weight, as a result of which the load on the musculoskeletal system of the expectant mother increases.
  • The growth of the fetus occurs with a simultaneous increase in the uterus and displacement of the internal organs.
  • A pinched nerve causes painful symptoms.
  • The threat of miscarriage sometimes has painful symptoms in the coccyx.
  • Long stay in one position, for example, watching TV.
  • Lack of calcium or magnesium.
  • Neurological problems of the spine.
  • Problems in the work of the genitourinary system.
  • Abnormal stools, manifested by constipation or diarrhea.
  • , back or pelvis that occurred long before pregnancy. In ordinary life, the consequences of such an injury are not felt. But with the onset of pregnancy, especially in its early stages, everything is different and any damage makes itself felt.
  • Stressful situations entail a general malaise of the pregnant woman and pain of a different nature.

The nature of the pain and associated symptoms

During pregnancy have a different character. It depends on the timing. Each woman describes them in her own way. They are characterized as blunt, pulling, sharp, stabbing, constant or paroxysmal. Their appearance is associated with types of movement. In some cases, pain is noted when walking, in others it happens during bending or after prolonged sitting.

Not all women complain of such a malaise. In some of them, the course of pregnancy passes with ease and the absence of discomfort. Others notice a pulling pain that radiates to the rectum, perineum. There are cases when the painful symptoms in the coccyx are so strong that it becomes difficult for a woman to move around. The pain goes from one to the other leg.

Coccyx hurts early in pregnancy due to the preparation of the body for the birth of a baby. Hormonal changes lead to looseness and increased elasticity of the ligaments of the pelvis.

Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester occur due to a shift in the center of gravity and the resting head of the baby.

How to relieve pain?

Before embarking on various methods to relieve pain in the coccyx during pregnancy, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. In such cases, resort to such effective methods:

  • An excellent assistant for getting rid of pain in the coccyx are gymnastic exercises, yoga for pregnant women, the use of a fitball.
  • Reduce pain and relieve tension with warm compresses and soothing oil baths.
  • If the gynecologist has no objections, the woman can visit a chiropractor. With the help of a special massage and acupuncture sessions allowed during pregnancy, it is possible to get rid of pain and other unpleasant ailments.
  • With an increase in the abdomen, gynecologists recommend using a special bandage that supports the abdomen.
  • If there are problems with the stool, it is necessary to establish digestion, and solve the issue of constipation. To do this, you need to completely revise the diet and include foods with relaxing properties in it. If necessary, you can use laxatives, but only after consulting a doctor.
  • You should take care of your shoes. It should be comfortable and without heels. A small wedge is enough.
  • Avoid staying in one position for a long time. If the professional activity of a pregnant woman or circumstances force her to move little every half an hour, it is necessary to take a break and warm up with light exercises.
  • During sleep, preference should be given to an orthopedic mattress. Do not sleep on soft featherbeds or too hard surfaces.

If pain in the coccyx is observed due to the disease, urgent measures are needed to treat it. From medical preparations, soreness can be stopped with the help of,. But this can be done only after consulting a doctor.


Women have resorted to folk methods since ancient times. Means that have antispasmodic and analgesic effects are considered effective. Although many folk recipes are considered completely harmless, it is better to consult a therapist or gynecologist before using them.

Pain in the coccyx area for physiological reasons is eliminated with the help of such folk recipes:

  1. For 3 weeks, fresh burdock leaves or a decoction of geranium are applied to the coccyx. After the expiration of this time, it is necessary to take a ten-day break, then, if the pain is still bothering, continue the course of treatment.
  2. Shilajit mixed with honey has analgesic properties. They must be mixed in equal proportions and rubbed into the painful coccyx.
  3. , made from vinegar and honey, in a ratio of 1: 2, also helps to get rid of pain in the coccyx area. For effectiveness, at least 10 procedures are required.
  4. Hot baths should not be taken during pregnancy. But warm sedentary water treatments with the addition of geranium relieve pain well.
  5. Heated salt or boiled egg is applied to the coccyx. This method reduces pain.

Prevention of tailbone pain during pregnancy

Keeping your body in shape helps pregnant women avoid many of the ailments associated with pregnancy. And this applies to both the early stages and the last months of bearing a child.

You can reduce the pain in the coccyx or completely get rid of it. To do this, you need to listen to these tips:

  • It is important to spend enough time in the fresh air. Such walks have a positive effect on the general condition of the woman and the unborn child.
  • If you need to use public transport, it is not advisable to stand in transport. You should either choose a route where there are fewer people or directly ask passengers to give way, for example, in winter, when the stomach is not visible behind outerwear.
  • We need to take care of the bed. It should be comfortable. Sleeping on an orthopedic mattress has a positive effect on the condition of the lower back, spine and tailbone.
  • Proper nutrition of a woman will allow her to forget about digestive problems.

The physiological changes that occur in the body during pregnancy are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and painful sensations. Pain occurs in different areas and for a variety of reasons. Often, women in position complain of soreness in the coccyx. Usually the coccyx stops hurting after childbirth. But if the pain persists, it is urgent to see a specialist.

It is possible to determine exactly why the coccyx hurts in pregnant women only after diagnosis and examination by specialists, since the factors for the development of the pain syndrome can be different.

Pain can develop throughout pregnancy. The causes of discomfort can be:

  • damage to the vertebrae of this department in the past;
  • anatomical change in the structure of the skeleton during pregnancy - the pelvic bones diverge, the rudimentary process deviates back;
  • from the 4th month of pregnancy, an increase in the uterus causes stretching of the bones of the pelvis, sacrum and tailbone;
  • pinched nerve;
  • in the first trimester, pain in this area indicates a possible miscarriage - pain appears in the back and lower abdomen;
  • lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • inflammation in the joint that articulates the sacrum and coccyx;
  • pathology of the neuromuscular apparatus behind the anal region and pelvic floor;
  • neurological pathologies of the spine;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures, sigmoiditis, etc.;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • pathological processes in the genitourinary system;
  • psychoemotional stress.


It is rare that a woman goes through her entire pregnancy without discomfort. Toxicosis, blood pressure, swelling and leg cramps, toxicosis, pain - all these symptoms accompany a woman in position. Often during pregnancy, the tailbone hurts. Sometimes the pain syndrome is so strong that any movement is accompanied by an increase in pain. The reason may be the physiological restructuring of the body before childbirth. But when this unpleasant sensation appears, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to find out the true cause of the pain. Therapeutic measures may be required. The pain usually goes away after childbirth.

In some cases, the coccyx hurts for 3-4 months after childbirth. When wondering why this symptom occurs, it is necessary to understand that the main factor lies in the process of attempts, when the pubic bones diverge, which negatively affects the coccygeal spine. Soreness during childbirth can occur due to the narrow size of the pelvis and large fetus, excessive tilt back, injury to the ligaments, etc. Pain in the coccyx with minor injuries goes away on its own. If the pain lasts more than 2 weeks, the pain syndrome increases, it spreads to the buttocks, it is similar to the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, you should immediately seek medical help. A strong displacement requires adequate treatment.


Damage to the coccyx can be hidden and appear during pregnancy. Any trauma suffered can be expressed in intense pain during the period of bearing a child.

The coccyx hurts in women during pregnancy after sitting in one position for a long time, when trying to get up from a chair. Women may wonder why this is happening. Pathologies of the rectum, the presence of neoplasms in the pelvic organs are the causes of pain in this area.

Inflammatory processes in the lower spine (pinching of the nerve root, inflammation of the joint in the lower part of the spinal column, etc.) are the causes of pain in the coccyx.

The nature of the pain

The coccyx during pregnancy hurts many women, but the genesis of this symptom may vary. Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to pay attention to how and when pain occurs in order to describe as accurately as possible the nature and factors that provoke uncomfortable symptoms.

Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be:

  • continuous or intermittent;
  • intense or manifest as a pulling pain;
  • local or widespread;
  • projected into the lumbar region, perineum, hip joints, anus.

More details about.

With pain in the coccyx in the early stages of pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. It is necessary to contact your doctor as soon as possible, as this may signal the development of dangerous phenomena.

Pain Relief Methods

Pain can appear at any time during pregnancy. It is necessary to take measures to stop the pain syndrome after consultation with a gynecologist and a neuropathologist. Pain of physiological origin in a pregnant woman can go away if she rests more, sits less.

In the first trimester, when the coccyx hurts, it is necessary to exclude the threat of miscarriage. In this case, the load on the lumbar spine is relieved, it is not recommended to take medications, since they can harm the health of the unborn baby. Warm dry compresses on the area will ease the condition of the expectant mother. For acute pain, Traumeel ointment with 5 essential oils for joints can be used.

In the second trimester, with pain (if prescribed by a doctor), you can undergo acupuncture sessions, apply painkillers ointments or suppositories. Yoga classes, exercise therapy, balneotherapy will also alleviate the condition of a woman.

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman should use:

  • a special bandage for pregnant women, which relieves the load from the lower back;
  • special pillows while sleeping.

If the pain in the coccyx arose as a result of pathologies, therapeutic measures are prescribed by the attending physician after identifying the cause.

When a pregnant woman has a coccyx pain as a result of a physiological restructuring of the body, doctors advise to refrain from taking medications. The pain symptom can be reduced by using traditional medicine recipes, after consulting with a gynecologist. Interesting to read -.


Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy of a non-pathological origin can be stopped:

  • compresses from fresh burdock - the procedure is done daily for 20 days, after a 10-day break, the course is repeated;
  • decoction of geranium - 2 tbsp. per liter of hot water, insist, a bandage of several layers of bandage or gauze is moistened in a warm infusion and applied to the painful area;
  • with a mixture of honey and mummy in a ratio of 1: 1 - apply with light, rubbing movements to the painful area.
  • warm sitz baths with geranium decoction for 20 minutes;
  • compresses of blue clay and apple cider vinegar - dilute both ingredients until a slurry is obtained, apply the mixture to gauze or bandage, attach to the coccyx, wrap with a warm shawl, leave overnight.

Pain in the coccyx after childbirth will reduce:

  • use of an orthopedic mattress and a special seat cushion;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • fitball exercises;
  • proper diet, etc.


If there are no contraindications during pregnancy, and the coccyx hurts, a fitball complex, gymnastics, yoga for pregnant women, exercise therapy will alleviate the woman's condition.

Exercises for pregnant women with pain in the coccyx:

  • In the supine position, squeeze the gymnastic ball with your feet. Pull the coccyx forward and down.
  • Do the same exercise with legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor.
  • Sitting on a fitball, resting your hands on the floor, perform various movements: forward, backward, to the sides, in a circle.
  • In the same position, legs are widely spaced, tilts to the left and right. Try to touch the heel with your hand.
  • In the supine position, legs bent at the knee joint, shoulder width apart. Raise the pelvis up.

Repeat each exercise no more than 15 times.

If the coccyx hurts after childbirth, a set of exercises, traditional medicine methods, massages that are recommended during pregnancy will alleviate discomfort.

To avoid pain in the coccyx, you must:

  • monitor the proper functioning of the digestive tract (avoid constipation and diarrhea);
  • after 6 months, use a bandage;
  • do yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Pregnant women often complain of various pains that plague them at different periods of time and in different places. But tailbone pain is one of the most common complaints. Of course, this does not mean that tailbone pain is a completely normal phenomenon.

The definition of "anococcygeal pain syndrome" is a broad concept that combines a number of manifestations (proctalgia, anal neuralgia, anorectal pain, coccygodynia), the main symptom of which is pain in the perineum, anus or coccyx.

Since this can be very dangerous, if you are in pain, you should immediately contact your gynecologist and tell everything in detail. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to the appropriate specialist, who will first have to find out the cause of the pain.

Causes of tailbone pain during pregnancy:

  1. First of all, in this way, traumas of this zone in the past can let you know about yourself, even in a very distant one, and even if this has never bothered you before. If you rule out this cause, then you should look further.
  2. During pregnancy, the bones undergo significant changes, the woman's pelvis expands, and the coccyx itself deviates back so as not to impede the exit of the child.
  3. In the second trimester, the growing uterus leads to tension in the pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx and their ligaments.
  4. Infringement of the nerve at the exit from the coccyx.
  5. Pain in the coccyx may be associated with the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.
  6. Magnesium and/or calcium deficiency.
  7. Inflammatory diseases in the lower abdomen (for example, adnexitis - inflammation of the uterine appendages, fallopian tubes and ovaries).
  8. Salt deposition or inflammation in the joint between the sacrum and the coccyx.
  9. Violations of the neuromuscular apparatus of the retroanal space and the entire pelvic floor.
  10. Diseases of the spine with neurological symptoms.
  11. Diseases of the rectum, even when cured (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, proctitis, sigmoiditis, etc.).
  12. Operations on the anus, which led to cicatricial deformities of the anus.
  13. Descent of the perineum.
  14. Difficult labor, in which a large fetus extends the joint with an anguish outward.
  15. The habit of sitting in the toilet for a long time.
  16. Constipation, diarrhea.
  17. Diseases of the urinary organs;
  18. Psycho-emotional stress.
  19. What to do with tailbone pain during pregnancy?

    As we have already said, consultation with a doctor in this case is required. But if nothing serious has been found in you, pain in the coccyx in this case is a variant of the norm, and all medical recommendations boil down to what you need to endure, you can try some of the suggested ways to relieve pain:

    1. learn to relieve the load from the lower back and lower body with special exercises that are included in the complex of gymnastics for pregnant women. A special gymnastic ball helps a lot. Classes must be regular;
    2. dry heat also soothes the pain. For this, a bag of heated salt or a boiled egg is suitable, which must be applied to the coccyx area. Although many are afraid of any thermal procedures, so it is better to consult a doctor;
    3. acupuncture helps some, but you should be very careful with this;
    4. if necessary, you can make a compress on the area of ​​​​the sacrum: Traumel ointment + 5 drops of a mixture of essential oils "articular".

    Remember that you can not carry any weights now (this applies even to a heavy handbag). If you have problems with the coccyx, it is not recommended to sit on a soft one, despite the fact that it is very difficult to sit on a hard one. Be sure to wear a special bandage for pregnant women - this is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of many complications, and it greatly relieves pain. And try not to sit for a long time - get up more often, walk, move.

Every third woman is puzzled by the question: “Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy?” Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can occur for physiological reasons or be provoked by mechanical external factors. The sacral zone of the lower spine, popularly referred to as the coccyx, is the focus of nerve endings that diverge in the form of reflex arcs from the spinal cord to the limbs and abdominal organs. Therefore, the factor of pain manifestations may not be associated with damage to this area. Why do pregnant women experience severe pain in the coccyx area?

Coccygodynia, in other words, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy, occurs for the following reasons:
  1. Lack of calcium in the body. Bone tissue becomes brittle when walking, there is a dull piercing pain, slight crunching. When sitting, it turns into a aching spruce palpable.
  2. Lack of magnesium. Bone tissue becomes porous, as a rule, cartilage is damaged. The pain is stable with interchangeable sharpness, causing nervousness.
  3. If your lower back hurts during pregnancy, it's not coccygodynia that's to blame. The main causes are diseases of the kidneys or the genitourinary system, the threat of miscarriage, pelvic expansion. Inflammation of the soft tissues or gluteal muscles and nerve endings. If such pain occurs, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, since a disease of the genitourinary system or kidneys can lead to irreversible changes in the development and formation of the fetus.
  4. An excess of relaxin, a hormone released in women during pregnancy to relax the pelvic muscles, causes the lower spine to push back. The larger the uterus in volume, the stronger the pain, mainly due to sprains.
  5. Gouty arthritis, sciatica and other diseases leading to the deposition of salts in the sacral region. With these pathologies, pregnancy simply accelerates the extension of the lower part of the spine back, and salts, in particular carbamides and urates, increase pain.
  6. Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be caused by a disease of the large intestine, penetrating, dull, radiating to the anus - the presence of hemorrhoids; shooting, interspersed with spasms of the intestine - colitis; continuous aching, combined with a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen - swelling.
  7. With constipation, which is often suffered during pregnancy, a part of the rectum, swollen from excess feces, can put pressure on the sacral ganglion.
  8. With an enlarged liver, gallstones, or more than 2/3 filled appendicitis, the pain radiates to the right side.
  9. When a pregnant woman has pain in the lower abdomen and spreads to the coccyx, then this is a threat of miscarriage, cystitis, a disease of the rectum.
  10. If the coccyx hurts during pregnancy, it is possible that the cause is old injuries or untreated diseases of the large intestine or a consequence of a previous pregnancy.
  11. If it hurts a lot in the area of ​​​​the coccyx and the pain is constantly increasing, this is a microcrack in the vertebra.
  12. If the coccyx hurts during pregnancy, then this may be a reflection of a sedentary lifestyle. For many, the bathroom is a place of rest from the daily routine, where you can plan the next day in a relaxed atmosphere. During pregnancy in the second trimester, the uterus begins to grow rapidly. In addition to increasing the load on the sacrum, the rim of the toilet can squeeze the blood vessels that go to the fetus, and this is the cause of premature termination of pregnancy.
  13. The cause may be cancer in the mother in the sacral zone or in the fetus.

What to do if the coccyx began to hurt during pregnancy?

In no case do not self-medicate - this can only aggravate the pathology and harm the fetus. In most cases, no treatment is needed. The pain will go away on its own after delivery. In such cases, the gynecologist prescribes both traditional and traditional medicine to alleviate suffering.

In addition to medications or folk remedies, the doctor may prescribe a special set of exercises or send them to one of the sections for pregnant women, if one of them is located near the place of residence of the expectant mother.

Treatment by periods:
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, treatment with medications is contraindicated, since the fetus forms all the vital systems - nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal. During this period, a set of exercises or safe salt compresses are prescribed.
  • In the second trimester, you can relieve pain with mild anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac sodium. It is better to use the product in the form of a gel and do light relaxing exercises. Acupuncture and massage also help relieve pain. Often, suppositories with anesthesin (benzocaine) or papaverine are prescribed, which must be taken 2 times a day.
  • In the later stages, the pain tends to get worse as the pelvic bones expand, pulling the tailbone further back. During this period, you need to move more (walk, sit down and get up more often). Slow movements improve blood circulation. The pain in the sacrum is dulled, and the fetus develops faster, as more useful substances enter it. But don't overload yourself. Periods of activity should alternate with periods of rest.

Expectant mothers can wear a special bandage that takes on part of the load when walking and at the moment of taking a vertical position.

Preparing for a massage:

  • Massage can not be done lying on the stomach.
  • First you need to massage the ischial area. The muscles should be perfectly warmed up, bend well under the fingers. You should feel the flow of blood. It must be smooth.
  • Massage in circular smooth movements. With successful pressing, the pain should radiate to the feet and to the lumbar region.
  • Do circular movements after rubbing with alcohol.
  • Next, check the condition of the coccyx. If the coccyx is pushed back and there is a dense hardening - this is the deposition of salts. With three fingers (thumb, index, middle), on both sides of the coccyx, lift the skin, smoothly roll to the end of the seat. If there is a crackle under the skin, this is a consequence of drug treatment.
The order of the procedure:
  • Massage the problem area with your index fingers using circular motions. The crunch should disappear.
  • After, from the beginning of the coccyx, on both sides, we pass with our index fingers to its fusion with the next vertebra. A session for a pregnant woman should not last more than 15 minutes.
  • After the session, with light circular strokes of the palms, calm the muscles and nerve endings. The skin should be smooth. Problem areas will be covered later.

Pain in the coccyx is called coccygodynia.

As a rule, in pregnant women, it occurs in a sitting position, causing discomfort at an already difficult time for a woman.

This pain syndrome can have a different character and course.

Let us consider in more detail why the coccyx hurts during pregnancy and what to do about it.

Tailbone hurts during pregnancy - causes

Most often, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy occurs for the following reasons:

1. Previously suffered injury to the coccyx, which the woman herself may not remember at all. In this case, the coccyx could shift from its normal position to one of the sides, which led to a violation of the gravity of the body and disturbed the nerve endings.

It is important to know that coccyx injuries are very dangerous and require immediate treatment, otherwise even after a few years they can provoke not only pain, but also problems with the spine.

2. Unpleasant sensations in the coccyx can occur when sitting for a long time on a soft surface. At the same time, when a woman sits, she may have stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which will lead to swelling. Gradually, soft tissues will begin to squeeze the nerves, causing sciatica and pain in the coccyx.

3. An insufficiently active lifestyle can provoke the occurrence of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lower part of the spine. In addition, during pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts and the load on the woman's back increases, which only aggravates her situation.

4. The coccyx can hurt not only for physiological, but also for hormonal reasons. The fact is that during the bearing of the fetus, the woman's body produces a special hormone - relaxin. Its task is to soften the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis and its joints. Thus, under the influence of this substance, the coccyx gradually deviates back, making the birth canal unobstructed. This in turn can cause terrible pain in a pregnant woman.

5. Due to the fact that in the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus grows more actively than in the first, this leads to tension in the bones of the pelvis, coccyx and their ligaments. If, before pregnancy, a woman suffered bruises of these bone tissues, then due to the load, they can again make themselves felt.

6. During the bearing of the fetus, the female body undergoes very strong changes, especially with regard to the general configuration of the pelvis. In this case, the coccyx nerve is often infringed, which provokes acute attacks of pain both in a sitting and lying position.

In addition to the main causes, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be provoked by such additional factors:

1. Previous operations on the anus, due to which it was deformed and healed.

2. Severe pathologies of the rectum that were not cured in time (hemorrhoids, anal fissure of the intestine, proctitis, prolapse of the perineum, etc.).

3. Diseases of the spine, in which the nerve endings are infringed.

4. Lack of calcium during pregnancy.

5. Indigestion and constipation problem.

6. Bad habit to sit in the toilet for a long time.

7. A severe course of a previous pregnancy, in which a strong fetus tore the pelvis.

8. Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis).

9. Lack of magnesium in a woman's body.

10. Diseases of the lower cavity of the peritoneum and pelvis, which are accompanied by inflammation (diseases of the uterus or fallopian tubes).

11. Deposition of salts in the bone joints, which provokes inflammation in the coccyx.

12. Diseases of the bladder.

13. Violation of the functioning of the neuromuscular system.

14. Psycho-emotional instability can also affect the development of tailbone pain. In addition, it is important to know that the frequent stresses of a woman when carrying a fetus directly affect the further development and health of the child, so expectant mothers are advised to undergo relaxation therapy and control their emotions.

Tailbone hurts during pregnancy - possible consequences

Pain in the coccyx is a fairly common complaint of women during the period of bearing a child, which needs to be addressed. At the same time, the pains themselves can be of a different nature: there are sharp, aching, dull or stabbing pain sensations that can radiate to the lower abdomen, perineum, buttocks or back.

The most dangerous pains in the coccyx are acute cramping pain in the coccyx, which radiate to the lower abdomen. They can signal the risk of premature birth (miscarriage). In this position, a woman is advised to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to find out about her condition. It is not worth taking risks and waiting until this symptom itself passes, especially if this is the first pregnancy and the woman does not quite understand which signs of pregnancy are acceptable and which are pathological.

Tailbone hurts during pregnancy - what to do

Most often, pain in the coccyx is diagnosed precisely as a consequence of physiological changes in the body. In this case, the woman does not need additional therapy. On the advice of a doctor, she may wear a support bandage that will take some pressure off her back.

Another effective way for pain is a light massage of the cross zone and a visit to the pool. These procedures are absolutely harmless for a pregnant woman. Moreover, they are even useful, as they will stimulate blood flow, relieve swelling and “unload” the muscular apparatus of the body.

If a pathology is suspected, after examination, the gynecologist can refer the woman to a specialist of a narrower focus. It can be a neurologist, an osteopath, and even a gastroenterologist.

After discovering the cause of pain in the coccyx, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Due to the fact that during pregnancy most of the drugs should not be taken categorically, a woman should drink only those medicines that the doctor prescribed for her. It is impossible to self-treat with medications, because this can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the fetus.

Permitted drugs that can be used during pregnancy (and then only on the 1st and 2nd trimeter) include:

1. Paracetamol can be taken up to three times a day. It has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They can be treated no longer than five days in a row.

2. Ibuprofen tablets can be drunk up to three times a day, 1 pc. Duration of treatment: up to 1 week.

3. Ibuprofen gel can be applied to the affected coccyx up to four times a day. Course of therapy: 2 weeks.

4. Diclofenac gel is applied four times a day on the coccyx and lower back. Course of treatment: up to two weeks.

5. Diclofenac suppositories can be used 2 suppositories per day. Duration of treatment: 7 days.

In addition, blockades of lidocaine give a good analgesic effect, but during pregnancy they can only be used with very severe pain. It is important to know that alcohol is not included in such a blockade.

Additional treatment for pain in the coccyx during pregnancy includes:

1. Performing light aerobics or gymnastics for pregnant women.

2. Carrying out manual therapy.

3. Reducing the tension of the back muscles with the help of special orthopedic circles-pillows. They need to be placed under the back or buttocks when sitting.

4. In the case when a pregnant woman works at a computer, she is recommended to do ten-minute workouts.

In addition, in order to prevent the appearance of pain in the coccyx or reduce their intensity without medication, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

1. Avoid constipation and carry out their prevention (it is advisable to drink kefir for this).

2. Watch your diet. It is very important that the diet during pregnancy is perfectly balanced, and the woman receives all the necessary trace elements and substances, especially calcium, iron and magnesium.

3. Sleep in a comfortable position.

4. Sit not on soft, but on harder surfaces or an orthopedic circle.

5. Do not self-medicate and consult a doctor when the first pains appear in the coccyx.

6. Acupuncture and other procedures can be done only as prescribed by a doctor.

7. Do exercises for pregnant women with a special big ball.

When carrying a baby, a woman should be in good health and cheerful spirit, because in this position her body will undergo very serious stresses that need to be endured.

The coccyx hurts during pregnancy: folk remedies prognosis for childbirth

The most effective folk remedies for tailbone pain are:

1. Applying dry heat to the coccyx area. It can be a bag of heated salt or a regular boiled egg. At the same time, it is important to know that steaming or sitting in hot water during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as this can worsen the condition of the fetus.

2. Apply a compress with essential oils of lavender and mint. These herbs will relieve acute pain and inflammation.

3. Ointment from honey. For its preparation it is necessary:

Mix two tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of radish juice;

Add 2 tbsp. l. vodka;

Apply a thin layer on the coccyx;

Apply a sterile bandage on top;

Leave for twenty minutes;

Repeat daily for a week.

4. Lavender Remedy:

Pour lavender flowers with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:4;

Infuse the mixture in a dark place for two weeks;

Rub the finished product into the coccyx daily for a week. It will relieve pain and inflammation.

Before using traditional medicine recipes, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy occurs in more than 50% of women. With timely diagnosis and treatment, they all carry and give birth to healthy babies.