What to eat for healthy skin. What foods are good for facial skin. Vitamin B complex

Every self-respecting woman strives to be beautiful. And beauty begins with the right products and cosmetics that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face and body.

Nowadays, a wide selection of various vitamin complexes and ready-made body care products is provided. But there is nothing better than products that you choose and use on their own, combined with each other or used separately. You should know both friends and enemies in person and be able to properly dispose of them.

To achieve perfect skin, saturated with vitamins and microelements, one exposure to masks and body wraps is not enough. You should start with the most important thing - the diet. Very often problems arise due to malnutrition. The intestine becomes clogged, as a result of pimples and poor condition of the skin.

Fish and seafood

These primarily include fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna), oysters, shellfish.

Seafood is high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which saturate the skin with moisture and the necessary amount of antioxidants. They prevent the aging process, are able to save the skin from dryness and flaking, from inflammatory processes. Omega-3 helps to improve blood circulation, and fresh and healthy blood is simply necessary for regular renewal and saturation of cells with oxygen.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists advise eating fish 1-2 times a week. If it is not possible to cook food so often, then you can find salvation. When eating seafood, the result will amaze you.


Vitamin C, which is found mainly in citrus products, is an indispensable assistant in the formation of collagen and protein, so necessary for the skin. With age, metabolic processes begin to slow down, which leads to skin aging. Not without reason, vitamin C is constantly used in anti-aging masks and creams.

But this vitamin can be found not only in oranges, grapefruits and lemons. You should replenish the diet with fresh tomatoes, cherries, sweet peppers, cabbage.

Green and red vegetables

If there are not enough vegetables of such colors in your diet, then this urgently needs to be corrected.

Carrots, bell peppers, spinach and other greens, tomatoes, potatoes have a large amount vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant. It does not allow skin cells to break down, which happens in the aging process.

A sufficient amount of these products ensures that the skin will receive the vitamin necessary for cell renewal. This component helps fight dryness, makes the skin young and healthy.

Vitamin A capsules are sold in the pharmacy, but experts recommend resorting to products containing it rather than such products, because if used improperly, an excess of the vitamin can occur.

Olive oil

This oil is considered a component of longevity and youth. It has been valued since ancient times. Nutritionists have found that it is indispensable for the body. It is a treasure trove vitamin E, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. And thanks to the saturated fatty acids present in this product, the body absorbs other vitamins and minerals better, saturates the skin with moisture.

It is necessary to use oil every day, but in small portions. It can be used as a salad dressing or simply dipped in bread.


Nuts, like the previous product, are valuable in high content vitamin E. With the regular use of nuts in food, and to be more precise, almonds, the skin becomes younger, toned, fresher.

Vitamin E helps the epidermis retain the necessary moisture, thereby avoiding dryness and side effects, such as irritation, peeling. The daily norm involves the use of only a few nuts. But their benefits are immeasurable.


This fruit is often overlooked. But this comes from ignorance of the beneficial properties that it brings to our body.

Beetroot improves metabolism, removes toxins, cleanses digestion. Even this alone already gives its result in improving the condition of the skin.

Beetroot helps the formation of new cells and has a rejuvenating effect.. In addition, this product is easy to prepare. You can simply boil it and use it as a side dish. It has a pleasant taste and properties.


Sufficient water intake per day is the key to fresh and smooth skin, as well as the ability to prevent. If the body's water balance is maintained daily, then you can not face a problem for a long time. When the body has enough moisture, the skin looks toned and healthy.

Green tea is very beneficial. This drink has always been considered a source of antioxidants, which rejuvenated the entire body.

Products for outdoor use

To preserve the freshness and beauty of the skin, a wide range of products is open to women. These are oils, and fruits, and dairy products. All of them have certain properties, but if you use them harmoniously, you can achieve an incredible effect.

Coconut oil

This product is highly valued in cosmetology for its high content of acids, vitamins and trace elements. Hyaluronic acid, which is used for facelift, is present in its original form.

Coconut oil penetrates into the layers of the epidermis very quickly, saturating the skin with moisture. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, copes with peeling, severe dryness.. It is able to subdue even difficult dry areas like elbows and knees.

Due to deep penetration, the oil delivers moisture to the lower layers of the epidermis. As a result, the skin is smoothed, takes on a rejuvenated appearance, as after salon cosmetic procedures.

Tar soap

This soap is obtained from birch bark, after its processing. Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of this part of the tree and used it. Currently, soap based on this component is very easy to find, and it is inexpensive, but its benefits are great.

Tar soap is indispensable if there are rashes, acne, and other skin diseases on the skin. It is softer than household, but still dries pimples on the face and back well. Those with oily skin can use it every day to reduce sebum production. It copes with the fungus on the legs, disinfects the skin. In addition, this soap is suitable for intimate hygiene, which says a lot.


The juice of this plant is recognized as an effective cosmetic product. For many, this flower lives in a pot, but not everyone knows about its beneficial properties for the skin of the face and body.

Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it toned and smooth. Heals small wounds and cuts, disinfects the surface, often used to soften the skin. Aloe helps to reduce stretch marks, heals the skin, gives a well-groomed appearance.

The juice of the plant is good in the fight against age-related changes, because it is a source of antioxidants.

Hydrogen peroxide

This tool is environmentally friendly and completely natural, because it consists of water and oxygen, which enter into a certain reaction.

Most often, this liquid is used to disinfect wounds, because it effectively kills germs. But it is also used for cosmetic purposes: it fights acne, brightens the skin, freckles, clears oily skin.

But with such a tool you need to be careful and not overdo it with the amount.

Products and substances harmful to the skin

Perhaps we should start with foods that have a negative impact. These include:

  • Simple carbohydrates - sweets, soda, juices, bread;
  • Salt in large quantities;
  • A large amount of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, consumed very often, lead to dehydration and sagging of the skin;
  • Lots of fried fatty foods;
  • Fast food;
  • Large quantities of coffee and black tea.

These products contribute to the appearance of loose, aging skin. The body begins to draw out nutrients and moisture, trying to make up for their lack.

If you decide to buy a ready-made cosmetic product, then you should take your choice responsibly. Read the ingredients and avoid the following ingredients:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Various parabens;
  • Mineral oil;
  • Glycerol;
  • propylene glycol.

These components negatively affect the skin, a lot of information can be found about each of them. But the main thing you need to know is that they will not give the skin anything good, but rather, on the contrary, they will take it away.

To remain beautiful, several conditions are always necessary - good nutrition, decent personal care, aspiration and a smile.

The aphorism “we are what we eat” has an almost literal meaning. Everything that is under-eaten or over-eaten is right in front of our eyes: as acne, as smell, and as color ... Early wrinkles, pigmentation, rashes, very dry or oily skin, puffiness and stale complexion - all these are consequences wrong lifestyle and poor nutrition system. By following a healthy, well-balanced beauty diet, you will not only notice an improvement in well-being, but also see how your skin changes. And quite quickly.

In this article, collected on the basis of materials from the medical and cosmetic segment of the Runet, I will try to summarize what nutrients our skin needs most of all, and what foods you should fill your diet with in order to prolong the youth and beauty of the skin.

Diet for beautiful skin: the first rule is water!

Since 70% of human skin is water, you need to drink enough. Recommended - 6-8 glasses of liquid every day. Before going to bed, you should not drink a lot of liquid, as this can cause swelling of the skin of the face.

Note. Not always a liquid in such an amount is permissible, there are diseases in which it is contraindicated. Also, puffiness is not always the result of a large amount of fluid you drink, sometimes it is the result of diseases (heart, kidney).

Water is not included in soups. Tea and coffee cannot replace water either. Even more carbonated drinks. The caffeine they contain is a diuretic and, in excessive amounts, contributes to dehydration.

Beauty Diet: Rule Two - Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are called substances that, as was believed until quite recently, provide super-effective protection of the body against infections, are indispensable helpers in the prevention of cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and are indispensable for beauty and long youth. These substances, claimed by numerous manufacturers of nutritional supplements and cosmetic products, destroy free radicals. The latter are responsible for many of the ills of our health, including damage to collagen, a substance on which the elasticity of the skin depends. Antioxidants are vitamins A, E, C and some minerals such as selenium and zinc.

But antioxidants were not a sensation for long: rather quickly, the same scientists who put them on a pedestal overthrew them as useless and even harmful (for example, for cancer patients, for whom they are contraindicated). It turned out that, being synthesized, antioxidants do not penetrate the skin, so they cannot affect the process of our rejuvenation. But this applies to "man-made" antioxidants.

Another thing is natural, natural - although they are not a panacea, they are nonetheless useful or absolutely necessary, and it is necessary to include them in the diet. However, this is not so much a medical issue as it is related to common sense.

Judge for yourself: beans, prunes, tomatoes, blueberries, broccoli, walnuts, citrus fruits, cherries, black grapes, carrots, sweet peppers can boast of a significant amount of antioxidants.

And this is not a complete list. But after all, the given series of products is useful for many components! They should be included in any diet, not just a beauty diet!

The third rule of the diet: plenty of vitamins and minerals


What is needed. Iron will come in handy if you want to have a beautiful healthy glow instead of "pale sickness." Iron is an indispensable participant in the process of hemoglobin formation. Anemia is the result of its deficiency. Outward signs of iron deficiency are pale skin and dark circles under the eyes.

Where is contained. The largest amount of iron contains animal products: meat, eggs, milk. Rich in iron and green leafy vegetables like spinach.

Vitamin A

What is it needed for. This vitamin is necessary for the formation of new cells, thanks to which our skin becomes softer and more elastic. In addition, the condition of the hair and eyes is also largely dependent on vitamin A. Its deficiency can cause dry skin, flaking, and cause early wrinkles.

Where is contained. The human body produces vitamin A from beta carotene. In ready-made form, it can be found in milk, butter, fatty fish, liver, carrots, spinach, broccoli.

Vitamin C

What is it needed for. Favorable for the formation of collagen. When smoking, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, stress, the human body loses a significant amount of vitamin C, and this threatens to lose elasticity and firmness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and swelling.

Where is contained. The most significant amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, kiwi, strawberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn and other berries.

Vitamin E

What is it needed for. Vitamin E is another powerful vitamin important for the skin. Vitamin E is essential for skin hydration. Vitamin deficiency provokes the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, acne, pallor and dry skin.

Where is contained. Vegetable oils are the richest in vitamin E, as well as nuts, seeds, wheat germ and avocados, which are an indispensable part of the beauty diet.

Vitamin B complex

What is it needed for. Thanks to this group of vitamins, our skin becomes soft and hydrated. The complex promotes the release of energy from food and its direction to improve skin metabolism.

Where is contained. Sources of vitamins of this complex are red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, soy, whole grains, bananas.


What is it needed for. The functioning of the human immune system depends on this mineral. It also plays an important role in the formation of collagen and promotes the healing of various tissues in our body in general and on the skin in particular. With a lack of zinc, wrinkles, stretch marks, white spots on the nails, dandruff appear, the skin heals slowly.

Where is contained. Zinc is found in sufficient quantities in seafood, red meat, cheeses, mushrooms.

From the information above, it becomes clear which foods should be included in a well-balanced diet focused on healing the skin and prolonging its youth and beauty. Nevertheless, it is more expedient to adhere to a diet aimed not only at improving the condition of the skin, but at improving the whole body. If necessary, the diet of such a diet can be supplemented with products that support the youth and health of the skin itself.

Diet for the beauty of dry, oily, sensitive skin

What nutritionists advise:

If the skin is oily. Refuse fatty, fried, spicy and sweet foods, cook in a double boiler (ideal), just boil them. Everything that concerns easily digestible carbohydrates and products resulting from fermentation is not suitable. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks should be limited.

You are shown fresh leafy salads, greens, cabbage of any kind - these vegetables harmonize the activity of the sebaceous glands. From fruits, apples, plums and pears are especially good. However, the diet as a whole should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits (with the exception of bananas), wholemeal bread and bran, sour-milk products. If your skin is very oily, try cutting out meat and replacing it with soy. At least for a while.

Especially useful : whole grains, sprouted wheat.

If the skin is dry. Eat more vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, sesame, soybean, corn, linseed: they contain essential fatty acids like linoleic, linolenic and others that are important for your skin. But in any case, do not fry on them! Prepare fresh salads with them. And eat as much fish as possible, which also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. But it is better to refuse fatty meat and poultry.

Foods containing sulfur are useful for you - garlic, onions, eggs. Sulfur smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. As well as alpha hydroxy acids that promote the formation of new cells - they are in apples, citrus fruits, beets, tomatoes, grapes and black currants.

Especially useful : orange and yellow vegetables (beta-carotene). Long live the carrot!

If the skin is sensitive. Pay special attention to vitamin C. Include rose hips, citrus fruits, and bell peppers in your diet. Do not get carried away with smoked meats, garlic, onions and other irritating seasonings. It is better to drink low-fat milk and dairy products, include fish and seafood and dishes with bran in the diet. With rosacea(pronounced capillary reticulum), nutritionists recommend giving up spicy snacks and caffeinated drinks.

10 products for a diet of beauty and skin health

red berries

Raspberries, red currants, strawberries, cherries, cranberries - at the mere idea of ​​these bright berries, we are filled with energy and activity. This is because they help improve blood circulation, which is very important for the beauty of our skin.

lemon and kiwi

Lemons have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys, thereby helping to rid the human body of toxic substances. Less toxins means more health, including clearer and healthier skin. The effect of kiwi on the body is similar to the effect of lemons. One serving of kiwi contains more vitamin C than the same amount of oranges. Special studies have shown that vitamin C not only has a beneficial effect on the complexion, but also perfectly resists wrinkles, so it takes pride of place in the beauty diet diet.

green vegetables

Broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, sweet green peppers regulate the water-salt metabolism in the skin, and therefore should be included in the diet, preferably daily. They, like red berries, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, which is beneficial not only for the beauty of the skin, but also for the intellect and memory.


We know ginger as a spice for salads and other dishes. However, it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Acne, psoriasis and other similar diseases, accompanied by inflammatory processes in the body, can cause swelling and redness of the skin. In such cases, it is recommended to consume fresh ginger salads, pickled ginger, ginger powder as a spice in dishes, ginger tea, which will help the body in its fight against inflammation and thereby cleanse your skin of unwanted external signs of the inflammatory process.


Eat buckwheat! Buckwheat is the basis for the preparation of delicious dishes, such as Japanese buckwheat noodles. Buckwheat is a source of a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids, for which the mega-healthy olive oil is so famous. It is thanks to these acids that the skin remains healthy and young. Buckwheat also contains rutin, a flavonoid that helps collagen resist wrinkles.


It's hard to say what fish is healthier for: for your heart or your skin. Please note: the Japanese, who are distinguished by enviable longevity and youthfulness, eat fish every day. important for the youthfulness of your skin.

See also more about omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids


Papaya, like some other exotic fruits, helps to improve the condition of the skin, making it look fresh and rested. Papaya contains a lot of carotene, vitamin C and flavonoids, which provide a beautiful complexion, do not give a chance to wrinkles and other undesirable age-related manifestations.

Dried fruits

Do you like dried fruit compotes and snacks from a handful of dried berries - dried apricots, figs, etc.? They are not only tasty, they have learned to deceive the body that requires sugar and sweets. In addition, dried fruits contain a large amount of B vitamins and are excellent energy for the skin. They make her shine!

wheat germ

Wheat germs are rich in B and E vitamins, they just miraculously affect the condition of the skin.

The consumption of germs contributes to the renewal of the cells of the whole organism, including the skin, which, in turn, leads to the preservation of youth and health of the skin.

Vegetable oils

If you want to stay young and beautiful for a long time, get into the habit of high-quality vegetable fats. For the beauty of the skin, they are more useful than animals due to the content of essential polyunsaturated acids in them. This does not mean that animal fats should definitely be abandoned. However, the proportions of consumption should be changed.

Include these ten essential foods in your diet for beautiful skin, add daily kefir to them for perfect bowel function, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result! But remember: beautiful skin is the effect of a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle in general and always. And not just a few miracle products in part and from time to time.

For years, scientists have been telling us that chocolate and fatty foods don't cause breakouts on the face and generally don't affect clear skin in any way. Research proves otherwise. “The expression: ‘You are what you eat’ is true. Clear skin is constantly restored with the help of substances that form the basis of our diet, ”says famous American nutritionist Cynthia Saas. According to her, if the cause of skin problems is not in hormones, the results of the diet will be visible in six weeks.

Secrets of clear skin: 4 rules for every day

The simple carbohydrates found in white bread, pasta, biscuits, and candies are the enemy of clear skin. Studies have shown that switching to whole grains helps get rid of acne. Already in ten weeks, the number of blackheads and whiteheads is reduced by 28%, and acne by 71%.

  1. Eat less carbs


In the composition of various sweets, which should also be excluded, there are also a lot of simple carbohydrates. You also need to give up alcohol and caffeine.

It is better to switch to brown rice, quinoa and whole grains. Literally in two or three weeks, you will be happy to notice how the complexion will change, the skin will become clean, fresh and rested.

Not only your hormones are to blame for skin problems, but also ... cows.

There are many hormones in milk that not only help calves grow, but also contribute to the growth of acne on the face. Milk drinkers are 44% more likely to develop acne than non-milk drinkers.

Try to eliminate dairy products from your diet for a month as much as possible, and you will see how skin rashes will quickly decrease. By the way, it can be not only in hormones, but also in lactose intolerance. To find out, take the test.

A trip to the vegetable section of a supermarket can be more beneficial than a visit to a beauty salon. A study by the American Institute of Dietetics found that people who eat six servings of fresh vegetables and fruits every day for six months look more attractive than those who eat fewer of these foods.

So how many fruits and vegetables should you eat per day? The recommendation is: at least five. Stars include greens and cabbage in their diet - these foods are rich in vitamins and help maintain a figure and protect the skin.

Do not forget about vitamin C: add cherries, red capsicum and kiwi to your diet. Eat your vegetables raw whenever possible. 5 breakfasts for clear skin.

Meat contains omega-6 fatty acids that cause inflammation on the face. To reduce breakouts, replace meat with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They tighten the skin cells and give it a healthy glow. You can find them in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, marcel, herring, and sardines.

The anti-inflammatory agents found in vegetable fats are also vital for clear and healthy skin. So stock up on avocados, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds, and you'll soon be able to show off your perfectly even skin tone.

  1. Don't drink milk
  2. Choose vegetables and fruits
  3. Give up meat

Three products for clear skin every day

It contains a lot of antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin, help to cleanse and moisturize it.

Ideal for a light snack. They contain vitamin E, which protects and nourishes the skin. Eat a handful a day.

Try to add them to your diet from time to time - they are very high in vitamin C. All this will help to make the skin healthy.

  1. Green tea
  2. Sunflower seeds
  3. Sauerkraut or Kimchi

“We are what we eat,” say cosmetologists and nutritionists from different countries. Indeed, in order to maintain youth and beauty, you need to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins. Trace elements can also nourish the body through the skin, but most of them enter the body with food. And then, involuntarily, you ask yourself questions about what you need to eat and in what quantities, what you should pay attention to when compiling your menu. Today we will talk about the most useful "anti-aging" products for ours.

Fruits and vegetables

Nutrition is the main thing that women who want to see their face young and healthy should pay attention to. However, do not forget about the rest. Adequate sleep is an essential component for maintaining youth.

As for fruits, special attention should be paid to citrus fruits. , which is part of the fruit, is the strongest antioxidant. It is actively involved in the formation of collagen and protein, slows down their destruction, thereby preventing sagging of the skin, improving its turgor and inhibiting the appearance of wrinkles. In addition to the listed positive qualities, the trace element quite successfully removes free radicals from the body, thereby slowing down the aging process.

This vitamin can be safely called the vitamin of youth. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in oranges, grapefruits, currants, cranberries. Moreover, in frozen berries, the amount of vitamin increases many times over than in fresh ones. But it is not recommended to subject them to thermal heat treatment, since in this case the vitamin is destroyed.

Among vegetables, give special preference to orange, green and red species. This fruit color indicates a high concentration of beta-carotene. For example, red pepper, carrots, spinach. Entering the body under the influence of certain processes, it is converted into vitamin A, which is also a group of antioxidants. Therefore, its main positive quality is the slowing down of the aging process. However, with a lack of this trace element, acne is formed in a person, for the treatment of which medications containing this vitamin are prescribed. By eating these ingredients, you will rid your old cells and return her second youth.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the main component of seafood, are also very useful for humans. Moreover, more fatty varieties of fish bring even greater benefits to the body. Some varieties of fish, oysters and other inhabitants of the deep sea can do real miracles with the skin. Dryness, peeling, inflammation disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out. With a lack of omega-3 in the menu, there is not only the risk of premature aging, but also the manifestation of serious skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema. Polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly improve the blood circulation process and minimize the risk of vascular blockage. And high-quality blood circulation, as you know, is very important for skin health, since it is the blood that carries all the beneficial substances and oxygen throughout the body.

In the treatment of acne, you can achieve a stable positive result in a fairly short time. After all, the cause of the disease is a lack of zinc in the body, and its considerable amount is present in fish. With regular use of seafood, the skin acquires a healthy even tone, becomes smooth, silky and velvety.

Dairy products

It is impossible to have beautiful skin if you refuse fermented milk products. The probiotics contained in the product restore the functioning of the intestines, cleanse it. But only having a healthy gastrointestinal tract can we talk about healthy skin. Otherwise, various rashes on the skin can spoil the appearance of any person. About two hundred grams per day of kefir, fermented baked milk or another fermented milk product is enough to achieve this goal. Varenets, yogurt or any other similar product can be chosen as a snack. Not containing sugar, they quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and saturate your body with beneficial microflora. In addition, the protein contained in the drinks actively fights wrinkles and restores damaged cells. There are many diets aimed at improving the skin. Most of them are really as balanced as possible and help to rejuvenate the skin and the body as a whole.

Green tea

There is a lot to be said about this drink. After all, many trace elements that make up its composition help to keep the skin young for many years. acts as an antioxidant. It removes free radicals from the body, improves skin firmness and elasticity, improves color and heals it. Tea contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, iron, zinc, iodine. The main thing is to choose a really high-quality product, only in this case it can guarantee all the beneficial properties of this drink. And you can apply it not only inside, but also to do it.

Home lifting using tea leaves can effectively fight wrinkles. And wiping a frozen drink with an ice cube will save you excess fat.

Green tea accelerates cell regeneration, i.e. the dead die faster, and new ones form in their place.

The benefits of meat

To date, the benefits of protein for youthful skin have been proven. After all, a person is almost entirely composed of proteins, which also maintain skin tone. It is proteins that are direct participants in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and turgor of the skin. And the iron contained in the product gives the skin a healthy and beautiful shade. You need to eat at least 150 g of meat per day. Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that animal protein is necessary for a person to live normally, but you should not consume it much, since it is meat that can become a source of high cholesterol levels in the blood, and this is already dangerous to health.

But many women, for some reason, do not like this product too much. Then it can be replaced with eggs and dairy products, they also contain a lot of animal protein.

Eating protein products of animal origin will make the skin even more elastic, elastic, healthy, without excessive peeling.

The benefits of nuts

It is also called a vitamin for women. Its strong antioxidant properties help scavenge free radicals, protect skin from UV rays and other environmental damage, and retain moisture. All these qualities help to keep the skin more youthful. The maximum amount of this trace element is found in nuts.

If desired, you can enhance the antioxidant properties of nuts. To do this, eat them with cottage cheese. Selenium, found in the fermented milk product, stimulates the positive effect of vitamin E.

In addition, the benefits of nuts are also due to the fact that they contain a large amount of Omega-3, the benefits of which we have already written about.

Benefits of cereals

Whole grains are also beneficial for maintaining youthful skin. The rutin contained in them helps to quickly eliminate inflammatory processes and other damage to the skin. For example, buckwheat contains a lot of rutin, which heals the skin, and wheat germ contains a lot of vitamin B7, which eliminates excessive dryness and flaking. Therefore, when considering your menu, give preference to whole grains. Porridge in the morning will not only provide your body with useful trace elements, but also give your body good spirits for the whole day.

Don't worry about the figure. If you eat porridge for breakfast, you will not do any harm to it. After all, the carbohydrates in crepe belong to a complex category that only benefit the body. But it is better to exclude sugar, salt and flour products from the diet altogether, in addition to extra pounds, they can cause a lot of trouble for the skin in the form of various rashes, excessive fat content, acne, etc.

The skin of the face is exposed to negative factors every day. Sun, heat, wind, frost, environmental pollution, decorative cosmetics - this list can be continued for a long time. How to protect the skin of the face and keep it young? With the help of cosmetics, you can temporarily hide some imperfections, but making the skin truly beautiful and clear is not an easy task.

You can talk a lot and for a long time about facial skin care products, and the truth is, if they are used correctly, they will give a positive effect. But only on condition that the skin will receive from the inside. And it is up to us to provide it with everything necessary and useful. Every cell in our skin needs nutrients and vitamins. You can get them by eating right and varied.

If the skin of the face has become dull, sallow and dry, pay attention to your diet. By adjusting it in the right direction, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin on your face without cosmetics and care products.

What is proper nutrition for facial skin, what foods should be on your table, what vitamins our skin needs, we will learn from this article.

Proper nutrition for the face: what you need to know?

Nutrition for beautiful facial skin should be varied, contain food of both plant and animal origin. Do not be surprised if, after another newfangled mono-diet, the skin of the face became dry and lifeless, lost its color, and dryness appeared. Lack of nutrients and vitamins very quickly affects the face.

If necessary, reduce the calorie content of food, and plenty of fresh air. Food should be varied, free of harmful additives and chemicals.

Even with a decrease in the total calorie content of food, it is necessary to strictly monitor the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Imbalance can affect the skin of the face and lead to aesthetic problems.

Drink enough fluids. Preference should be given to mineral water without gas, green tea, herbal infusions, fruit drinks (without sugar or with a minimum amount) from natural berries.

Not a single, even the best moisturizer is able to give the skin the necessary moisture. Cosmetics help the skin retain fluid within itself. And you can feed the cells with water only from the inside, not forgetting about the correct drinking regimen. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day. It is also important to observe, because the condition of the head directly affects the skin of the face.

You need to eat at least 3 times a day, the menu must contain fresh vegetables and fruits in the required quantity.

How not to harm the skin of the face: exclude harmful products

Not everything that we are used to eating is good for our skin, and for the body as a whole. By minimizing or avoiding certain foods, we will help our skin look young and beautiful.

Excess salt in the body leads to fluid retention, which is reflected in our face, leading to swelling and deterioration of skin color. Once a week it is useful to arrange a fasting day without salt. And in the daily diet, you need to monitor the amount of salt in the preparation of dishes, do not eat pickled and salty foods.

A large amount of sugar and simple carbohydrates in the diet leads to the formation of acne, pimples and allergic rashes on the skin of the face. High-calorie confectionery products, such as cakes, pastries, butter cookies, ice cream, should be replaced with fruits and candied fruits. Instead of sugar, add honey to tea: it has a lot of useful substances and vitamins that we need.

Fried and fatty foods negatively affect the condition of the skin. Acne and blackheads appear on the face, the skin loses color and elasticity. Refusal of semi-finished products, fast food, fried and fatty foods will have a positive effect on the face and help maintain the health of the body.

What vitamins does the skin need?

Without exception, all vitamins and trace elements are needed by our body for normal life. But there are some of them that affect the condition of our skin, making it healthy and supple.

  • Vitamin A: found in fish, meat, butter, egg yolk, liver.
  • B vitamins: they are rich in foods such as liver, dairy products, fish, legumes.
  • Vitamin C: found in cucumbers, blackcurrants, lemons, pumpkins, eggplants, carrots.
  • Vitamin D: found in the liver of various fish, in butter.
  • Vitamin E: found in dairy products, cereals, legumes, fish.
  • Vitamin PP: they are rich in foods such as meat, animal liver, milk, legumes.

Nutrition to improve facial skin should be varied and healthy. The diet should include vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, cereals and legumes. At least 50% of your meals should consist of plant foods (vegetables and fruits).

Nutrition for clear skin: masks from natural products

Foods can also benefit our skin when consumed externally. A nourishing face mask is a great way to make your skin healthy and glowing.

Here are some simple masks made from natural products:

Orange mask

Grind the orange peel, add one yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice. We mix everything, apply the mask on the face, leave for 15 minutes. We wash off not with water, but with a decoction of parsley.

cucumber mask