Preschool education projects about the city. Project “My city. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Organization: Kindergarten No. 17 "Golden Key"

Location: Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk

Goal setting:

In the vast world, everyone has their own small homeland, and we carry a particle of it in our hearts through life. To instill patriotic feelings in a child means to instill affection and love for a small Motherland. And if we want our children to love their country, we need to do a lot so that they love the place where they were born and live.

To arouse interest in the native city, it is necessary to select material that would be accessible to the perception of the child, leaving vivid impressions. These can be images of nature, social events, traditions, work of loved ones. The knowledge gained about the native city will contribute to the education of such feelings in preschoolers as affection, love for the native land. I wanted our children's childhood impressions to become the source of love for their native city and for the people living in it.

Pyatigorsk is a city with an interesting fate, a large number of attractions, famous and talented people

For all of us, Pyatigorsk residents, our city has been and remains a small homeland, the only corner on earth where we were lucky to be born and live. Throughout its long history, our city has experienced the difficulties of the first construction, and the severity of the civil war, and the tragedy of the occupation, and the joy of peaceful creative work.

This project has become effective in the formation of a systematic approach to educating children of senior preschool age of love for their native city. The project is based on personality-oriented interaction, integration of means, methods and various activities of children.

To include children in the project, a motivation was proposed - to create a mini city museum in our group.

Passport of the pedagogical project "My native city"

Objective of the project: Formation of ideas about the hometown

Creation of conditions for the development of interest in the native city.

Project participants: educators, children and parents of the senior group "Brook".

Age of pupils: 5 - 6 years.

Direction: Cognition

By duration: short term, 1 week.

Project objectives:

The development of cognitive abilities through the formation of ideas about our city.

Expanding the horizons of preschoolers through acquaintance with the sights of the city.

Formation of an active life position. Raising a sense of pride in their city and their region.

Activate the vocabulary of preschoolers.

Activation of work with parents

Project resources:

Illustrations and photographs of the streets of his native city

Presentation "My native city",

Excursion "Our city" (mini-museum of the kindergarten)

Stages of work on the project

Working with teachers

Interaction with children

Family interaction.

1 - Stage - Selecting a topic. Problem designation.

A) The study of cognitive literature on local history.

B) Conversation "The birthday of our city" (clarification of children's ideas about their native city).

C) Questioning of parents "What do you know about your native Pyatigorsk?"

D) Organization of a subject - developing environment on the topic.

Stage 2 - preparatory.

1. Collection and systematization of materials.

2. Selection of games, equipment

3. Advice for parents:

"Resort Pyatigorsk"

"Industrial Pyatigorsk".

"Creative Pyatigorsk"

"Multinational Pyatigorsk"

Stage 3 - practical

Preparation of material for didactic games, development of long-term planning on the topic.

Viewing the presentation "My native city".

"Flag, coat of arms of the city."

"What is our city famous for?"

"The most beautiful places in our city" (architectural monuments).

About the names of the streets of his native city.

"Professions of city dwellers".

What do I like about Pyatigorsk?

Organized educational activities.

Topic: "Legends of Mount Mashuk and Beshtau."

(To form an idea of ​​the natural beauty of the mountains, to develop cognitive interest.)

Theme: "Come to our city."

(Continue to teach children to compose descriptive stories from memory, improve monologue speech skills.)

Drawing "My favorite city of Pyatigorsk."

Continue to form an idea of ​​the architecture of the native city. To teach to convey in the drawing the image of the city at any time of the year, mountains, houses, multi-colored lights burn in the windows. Develop a sense of composition and color.

Application. Fountains in our city.

To expand children's understanding of the architecture of our city. To teach to transfer to the symmetrical structure of our fountain in work, supplementing it with the necessary details. Develop creative imagination.

Teamwork collage. "My city in the future."

Purpose: To continue to develop the ability to work with different artistic materials, the ability to work together, develop the imagination.

Excursion along Kozlov street.

Purpose: Problematic situation “You mixed up the number of a bus or fixed-route taxi and ended up in an unfamiliar place. How are you going to find your way?

Didactic games:

"Collect the coat of arms of Pyatigorsk."


"Collect views of our city from the cut pictures."

"Guess where I am."

Outdoor games

"We're going, we're going!"

"Cat and Sparrow".

Plot - role-playing game "Journey through the city."

Preparation of materials for the creation of the album "My Pyatigorsk".

(Photos of favorite places in the city, photos of children on the streets of the city, etc.)

Exhibition of joint works of parents and children: "The city of our family"

Stage 4 - final.

Summarizing. Entertainment "I love you, Pyatigorsk"

List of used literature:

R. T. Litvinova "We are Pyatigorsk"

N.V. Aleyshina "Patriotic education of preschoolers

S.A. Kruglov "Page of the history of the region"

V. Gnilovsky "Entertaining local history"

N.V. Markelov "Pyatigorsk in historical essays"

Child in kindergarten 2005/05 p. 38 "Moral Patriotic Education" E. G. Mikhailov

Attachment 1

Excursion for children of senior preschool

age in the mini-museum of the kindergarten.

Topic: excursion "Our city"

Location: kindergarten mini-museum

Who conducts: children tour guides

Target: enrich children's knowledge about our city; develop monologue speech; to cultivate respect for the people living in our city.

Tour progress

Educator: " Guys , we are with you in the mini-museums of the kindergarten. Here we have collected a lot of material about our city.

Today we will take a tour of the city, which will be conducted by children guides.

First tour guide.

We live with you in the city of Pyatigorsk. The name of our city comes from the name of Mount Beshtau: "besh" - five, "tau" - mountain. The city of Pyatigorsk was founded in 1780. The city consists of five microdistricts - Center, White Daisy, Beshtau, Novopyatigorsk-Skachki, Energetik settlement.

Like any city, our city of Pyatigorsk has its own coat of arms and emblem (display). The coat of arms of the city is two sources of mineral water - blue-cold, red-hot.

Second tour guide.

The emblem of the city (demonstration) is a sculpture of an eagle on the top of Mount Hot. It was installed in 1903, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Pyatigorsk resort. The sculpture was made by the architect Shodkiy. The eagle is depicted at the moment of a deadly fight with a snake. One of the legends tells: “after the snake imperceptibly crept up to the eagle and bit him, he slowly faded away, he was threatened with death. But, overcoming the pain, the eagle crawled to the spring running out of the mountain, drank water, moistened the wound with water, and the healing water did its job: death receded, and the proud bird began to live.

Third tour guide.

Our city of Pyatigorsk is located on the left bank of the Podkumok River on the slopes of Mount Mashuk and Mount Goryachaya. The city is rich in vegetation: these are natural forests and cultural plantings: parks, squares, boulevards. In the forests grow: ash, oak, birch, hawthorn, dogwood, barberry, maple, mountain ash. Various species of birds live: magpies, tits, jays, spotted woodpeckers, thrushes, crows.

There are many plants useful for humans in our forests: more than 130 types of medicinal herbs.

Nature has generously endowed our city.

Fourth tour guide

A wonderful climate, an abundance of greenery, the beauty of the surrounding nature, wonderful sanatoriums have made our city Pyatigorsk world famous, people from all over Russia improve their health here. Our city is not only a famous resort, it is also a cultural center. The city has cinemas, a local history museum, a library, a musical comedy theater, music schools, an art school, a city cultural center, and exhibition halls.

Our city is rich in historical monuments. It is one of 115 Russian cities declared historical.

I love my city with all my passion,

My glorious city of Pyatigorsk.

I love his Caucasian people,

Distant mountains shining gloss.

I love the Lermontov mountains,

Fancy stones cascade,

gorges - narrow corridors

And the roar of the collapsed masses.

I love dawn patterns

And early rays of the sun

The moon's mocking glances

And the glee of the stars in the night.

Fifth tour guide.

Pyatigorsk is a large industrial city. There are many factories and plants in our city that produce various equipment, food products and other goods (a bakery, a dairy plant, a poultry farm, the Kholod enterprise that produces ice cream).

All districts of the city are interconnected by tram lines, the total length of which is 48 km.

Sixth guide.

Many talented people live in the city of Pyatigorsk: these are poets, writers, artists, composers. Their songs, poems, paintings are dedicated to our city, our native nature. Many songs and poems were written for children. We know such Pyatigorsk poets as: Galina Shevchenko, Gennady Ter-Tatevosyan, Anatoly Trilisov, Evgeny Zimin. And what wonderful pictures were painted by the Pyatigorsk artist Koryun Gevorkovich Kazanchan. And how many songs we sing by the composer Tatyana Barbakuts.

Appendix 2

entertainment scenario in

senior group.

My city Pyatigorsk

Ved.- Guys, we dedicate today's holiday to our Motherland, our region and our beloved city of Pyatigorsk. Motherland-Russia is the region where we live, this is our home and it must be loved and protected.

Reb.- I love you my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes,

Reb.- I love, I deeply understand

Steppe pensive sadness

I love everything that I call

In one broad word Russia!

Reb.- Russia is ours! There is no country more wonderful

We celebrate love for you

Ringing song.

Song about Russia with exercises...

Reb.- Stavropol Territory is divided,

Pyatigorsk is our dear

This is part of free Russia,

Our own mother!

You have been founded for two hundred and thirty (6) years,

Our city is cute, Pyatigorsk!

And with a hot heart, with a loud word

We praise your dawn and growth!

How many cities in the world

Do not count them in their native country.

But we, both adults and children,

In love with their wonderful city.

Respect and glory

Deserved for centuries

Shine Podkumka, the height of Beshtau,

The blue of the handsome Mashuk!

Ved.- Guys! After all, it is admirable

We have alleys of the Flower Garden,

Podkupka fast current,

The beauty of Mashuk peak!

And with pleasure understandable

All our kindergarten agrees.

Through our streets elegant

Walk all day long!

Today, guys, we will make an exciting journey through our wonderful resort city.

Pyatigorsk is the pearl of the North Caucasus. Our city is growing and prettier every day.

People from all over our country come to Pyatigorsk to get medical treatment, drink our healing springs, and relax.

But before going on a trip around our city, we will conduct a quiz with you “Do you know your city?”

Those wishing to take part in the quiz, please contact me.

(We distribute postcards with views of Pyatigorsk and the kindergarten building to the children).

After looking at the postcard, the child names the place in the city that is depicted there.

Vedas. Guys, in order to safely drive around the city, let's remember the rules of the road.

A group of children comes out to the center of the hall and sing ditties. (On the rules of the movement).

The first: If you are in a hurry on your way

Pass through the street

Go where all the people

Where is the inscription...


Second: If you hurry home

Don't run on the pavement

Don't Cling to the Tram

And others...

All: Do not allow!

Third: If you are in a hurry on your way

Pass through the street

Remember Tanya, Tolya, Sasha,

All: Left!

Fourth: How do you get to the middle

And from here, half

Remember Petya, Yura, Klava,

What to watch..

All: Right!

Vedas. Well done boys. Well, now on the road. I will be your tour guide.

(The song “We are going along the street” sounds, Timecheeva 1 verse)

Vedas. From our kindergarten, along Kozlov street, we drive up to the central library. M. Gorky, past school number 6. On the left we see the City Administration House. Then we drive up to the Eternal Flame. People always come here to bow to the heroes of the revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

Let's go to the forest edge

With her ancient beauty

We know that Pushkin was here,

And Lermontov and Leo Tolstoy.

D The children go to the clearing and sit down.

VED.- Here we come to a beautiful meadow. Here we will rest, play, dance ... Guys, I hear some steps in the forest, someone is coming towards us ... Look, this is a mountain woman, the guardian of the forest.

Goryanka:- Hello children! I am glad that you have come to my forest and I will rest with you, and you will entertain me, but first tell me, what mountain are we at?

All:- At Mount Mashuk.

Goryanka:- Correctly. Do you know how to behave in the forest?

Goryanka:- Children, who's stopping us?

(B.Ya. are peeking out from behind the trees. and wolf)

And here you are! Come on, come out to us and listen to the children, they will tell you how to behave in the forest!

Children's answers.

B.Ya. and wolf:- Yes, we were joking. We wanted to stop you, but we did not succeed.

Goryanka:- But tell us what mushrooms can be picked in the forest?

B.Ya. and wolf:- Fly agaric…

Goryanka:- Yeah, not right. Listen to the children's answers.

B.Ya. and wolf:-Well done boys! Can we play with you?

Games B.Ya. and Wolf.

Goryanka:- You made friends with the children, so stay with us and listen to an interesting story about our mountains. But first, tell me, what mountains of the Caucasus do you know?

Children's answers.

Goryanka:- So I want to tell you an interesting legend (fairy tale) about our mountains. (The legend of Mount Mashuk).

it the legend of Beshtau. In time immemorial, when there were no mountains yet, there was a steppe here, where a proud tribe of Dzhigits-Narts lived. And there lived in this tribe a young man, whose name was Beshtau - a young, handsome, brave horseman. And in this tribe there lived a girl - the beautiful Mashuk - kind, hardworking, modest. Once Beshtau met the beautiful Mashuka and immediately fell in love with her. And Mashuk also fell in love with the horseman Beshtau. They decided to get married. And the leader of the Nart tribe was the handsome gray-haired Elbrus. It was an old, but very strong and brave warrior, with the heart of a young man. He also fell in love with Mashuka and wanted to marry her. And in order to get rid of the young rival Beshtau, he sent him to war, secretly hoping that he would die. But Beshtau defeated all his enemies and returned home with a victory. He learned about the evil plan of the old Elbrus and challenged him to a duel. And a battle broke out. Beshtau swung at Elbrus and cut his head in two. Elbrus gathered his last strength and inflicted five stab wounds on Beshtau. Beshtau collapsed and turned to stone with a five-headed mountain, and the beautiful Mashuk, out of grief, stabbed herself in the side with a dagger and turned into a mountain. Nature could not bear the tragedy and all the animals and objects around were petrified. So the mountains appeared - the Snake, the Bull, the Camel, the Dagger, the ring. And until now, petrified, they pour out in the form of sources of clean, hot water, healing many people.

Goryanka:- We hear stories about them.

We know their poems by heart.

Let's listen. (Children read 2-3 poems)

"Round, left and right,

Like the remains of the pyramids,

Rising to the sky majestically,

The mountain looks from behind the mountain;

And far away is their king five-headed,

Foggy, bluish blue,

It frightens with a wonderful height. ”

Goryanka:- In our city, in our region, people of different nationalities live, and with me, little mountaineers and mountaineers, as well as girls in Russian costumes, came to you.

Native Russian "Kalinka"

Here the melody flowed,

And a remote "kabardinka"

With Kalinka hugged each other.

Dance "Kabardinka"

Round dance "Kalinka"

Goryanka:- Guys, maybe one of you knows some legend about our city?

Reb.- I know and want to tell the legend of the Eagle and the Serpent.

(The story is accompanied by a mimic scene of the Eagle and the Snake)

Ved.- Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, we will say goodbye to the guardian of the forest.

On the way back we drive along Sobornaya Street, see a beautiful little church, and stop in the square of M. Yu. Lermontov, there is a beautiful monument to him. Lermontov, a Russian poet, often visited our city and devoted many poems to our city and the Caucasus.

The poem "Caucasus" by M. Yu. Lermontov is read by a child or a teacher.

Children read poems by A. S. Pushkin

We sing a verse of the song "We're going down the street"

Ved.- We continue the path along Kirov Avenue and drive up to the park. S. M. Kirov. We walk through the park to the "Kamerton" theater, where there is a concert, we also take part.

Dance of traffic lights and traffic controllers

Ved.- And now it's time to go home to kindergarten.Let's go!

"We're going, we're going!"

And here is our garden. Our journey is over

Theatrical sketch .

Who was sitting on the bench, who was looking out into the street!!!

Tolya sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg,

It was evening, there was nothing,

The jackdaw sat on the fence, the cat climbed into the attic,

Then Kolya told the guys just like that.

And I have a nail in my pocket! And you?

We have a guest today! And you?

And from our window the new church is visible,

And from our window to the reserve path,

The great uncle Misha himself, Lermontov came to us,

He wrote poems and stories in this house!

We went to the gallery, drinking, in the Flower Garden,

We went up to the gazebo, and sat on the eagle!

Where did Kolya get lost?

I didn't get lost at all! I watched the guard, there, at the Eternal Flame!

Sentinels in the form of a new one with machine guns are standing!

The memory of the brave heroes is silently kept by the fire!

I want to become a guide, I will lead everyone to failure!

And what are you talking about?

How Pechorin was here!

Surprised us! What is it! Everyone was at the Failure!

If you flew into space, then you would surprise everyone!

What are you up to, guys! Look around quickly!

This city is the best!

The best city on earth!

Vedas:- Love your city, study the history of your city, plant greenery in your city so that it is always young and green.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten No. 17


for preschool children

This city is yours and mine!


educator MBDOU d / s No. 17

Khudyakova Olga Anatolievna

Apatity 2016




By type of activity: creative, informational.

By the number of participants: group.

By form: integrative (speech, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development).

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS: educators, children of the preparatory group for school, parents of pupils.

PROBLEM: insufficient knowledge of children about their hometown.

Problem questions:

    "What do we know about our hometown?"

    "What do we want to know?"


Formation of a sense of patriotism of preschoolers and acquaintance with social values, ideals, traditions, through acquaintance with the history of their native city, its inhabitants, and sights.

GOAL: fostering love for the native city, familiarization with the monuments and memorable places of the city.


Expected results:

As a result of the joint work of children and adults on the project “This city is yours and mine”, children will expand their ideas about their small Motherland - about their native city, children will have an interest in a deeper study of the history of the city. Children will become more creative in expressing their creativity.


Stage 1

Goal-setting (Identification of the problem, definition of goals, tasks).

Stage 2

Project development. Search for a solution to the problems of the project. Discussion with the parents of the project, finding out the possibilities, means necessary for the implementation of the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.

Stage 3

Project implementation (practical activities to solve the problem, planning joint activities). Questioning of parents, design of the exhibition "This city is yours and mine"; creation of a photo exhibition "Memorable places of the city of Apatity".

Design of the parent corner: placement of consultations, recommendations on the topic of the project; selection of exhibits, toys, didactic games and manuals, methodological and fiction, drawing up thematic planning, conducting cognitive classes in order to enrich the knowledge of children, encouraging the desire to take an active part in this project.

Stage 4


1. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the group with the active participation of parents.

2. Replenishment of methodological material:

    selected literature;

    a long-term daily plan for the period of the project week was drawn up;

    an exhibition of drawings "Apatity through the eyes of a child", "Apatity - the city of the future";

    decorated book corner.

    A script for the final event of KVN "My City" was developed.

3. Increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group


I. Preparatory stage:

1. Determining the topic, goals and objectives, the content of the project, predicting the result.

2. The study of methodological literature; organization of a subject-developing environment.

3. Discussion with the parents of the project, finding out the opportunities necessary for the implementation of the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.

IIThe main stage of the project implementation:

Within the framework of the project, close cooperation with parents, the production of manuals for games, various games with children, educational exercises, and the production of creative works by children were planned.


Direct educational activities: “My hometown”, “journey through the streets of the city” (acquaintance of children with the history of the city and its present; looking at illustrations, an album, a set of postcards with views of the city).

Clarify children's knowledge about the name of their hometown. To acquaint with the origin of the city of Apatity. To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it. Develop an interest in the history and modernity of the city.

Design of the photo exhibition "Memorable places of the city of Apatity"

Tell children about the sights of the city, enrich knowledge about their hometown. Find out where the children most like to walk. Develop memory and speech.

Design of the exhibition of drawings "Apatity through the eyes of a child" and "Apatity - the city of the future".

To develop the creativity of children and parents, to promote the development of a sense of pride in their city.

Illustration game "Past-Present"

To systematize children's ideas about the past time and the future of their native city on the example of the past, present and future.

Compilation of a story based on photographs from the group album "Sights of the City".

Continue to acquaint children with the sights of the city. To teach children to apply previously acquired knowledge on the topic, to develop the speech and memory of children.

Working with parents:

    consultation for parents "My city is a drop of Russia".

    Creating leaflets with parents "Take care of your city"

    Exhibition of joint works "Apatity - the city of the future".

    Creative stories of city dwellers

Development of the script and holding the final event of KVN "My City"

Summarize children's knowledge about their hometown; to activate the ability to work in a team, curiosity, independence; develop attention, memory, speech activity.

All work with children was carried out in coordination with parents and their direct participation, since only joint activities contribute to the successful upbringing of children.

The results of the project activities were expressed as follows:

    Thanks to weekend excursions, visits to the museum-library, the children received information about the history of the city, its monuments and memorable places.

    Children got acquainted with the architecture of the city, its streets, transport.

    From cognitive conversations, the children learned the history of the city, got acquainted with its symbols, saw the famous places of the city, its development, felt personal responsibility for the city and its future.

    As a result of the joint work of children and adults on the project “This city is yours and mine”, the children expanded their ideas about their small Motherland - about their native city, the children developed an interest in the history of the city, and the children showed their creative abilities.

Used Books:

    Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. From birth to school. Exemplary basic general education program of preschool education.

    Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten.

    Doronova T.N. Interaction of a preschool institution with parents // Preschool education. 2004. No. 1. - S. 60-68.

    O. V. Malakhova "Integrated classes in project activities" Olenegorsk, 2012

    N. G. Zelenova "We live in Russia" civil and patriotic education of preschoolers Moscow, 2007

    L. A. Kondrykinskaya "Where does the Motherland begin?" creative center Moscow, 2004

    G. N. Danilina "To preschoolers - about the history and culture of Russia" Arkti Moscow, 2003

Purpose: formation of moral foundations, patriotic worldview and civic position of students. Determining the relevance of design and research activities in the creation of creative works.

  • Formation of interest in the history of the Fatherland, one's region, city, expansion of ideas about the history of the small Motherland;
  • Development of research skills, creative abilities of students;
  • Education of respect for the historical and cultural heritage of the Fatherland, education of a citizen;
  • Creation of conditions for self-expression, self-realization of each member of the class team;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers and students for joint activities in the upbringing and development of the child;
  • Team building for joint creative activity.

Age participants: 10-11 years old, 4th grade

Project type: creative

Type of project: long-term

I. Selection and justification of the project:

Formulation of the problem. After talking about the native city, excursions around the city, they chose the theme of their project to the museum, close to understanding "My native city". To indicate the relevance and significance of the proposed project at the classroom hour, the children were offered and made a unanimous decision to start the project "My hometown. We started with the selection and discussion of micro topics. Each student chose an interesting topic for himself. They were divided into interest groups. The work was carried out for for a long time (October-January).The guys collect information, analyze, select the most important, interesting, significant.

II. Organization of activities.

1. Conversation about the history of the city. The class is divided into groups, each of which is led by a teacher. The librarian and parents help the students.



Creation of a team of like-minded people, coordination of interaction. Assistance in organizing project activities

4th grade students.

Active participants in project activities.


Task: help with advice, information, expression of interest

Librarian. Task: assistance in the selection of a list of references, advice to supplement or remove some sources

Putting forward initial ideas, planning project activities: as a result of the discussion, the following creative groups emerged:

Topic Creative Group Note (what is done)
How the city of Vladivostok was formed. Voloshin Vika

Parshkova Katya


Photos of the old city.

Symbols of Vladivostok. Borodin Kolya

Zlobin Vadim

Poletaev Kirill

Presentation 1 (Annex 1) Message.
Main street of the city. Shvetsova Dominika

Romashenko Ruslana

Presentation 3 (Annex 3).
Districts of the city. Gulina Vika

Sushchenko Ksenia

Bedoev Kostya

Presentation 5.

Photographs of the modern city.

Museums. Belyaeva Kristina

Potapova Polina


Presentation 6.

Memorable places. Rakhimova Nastya

Klimonova Alina

Shevchenko Ira

Sukhodub Nikita

City streets named after admirals. Barannik Ulyana

Ivanova Nastya

Ishchenko Polina

Message, photos.
City streets named after astronauts. Bedoev Kostya

Koreshkov Dima

Oleinik Daria

Presentations 2.4 (Appendix 2.4).


City streets named after famous people. Parfenov Vlad

Katsnelson Maxim

Denisov Pavel

Dimitrov Dima

City streets named after trees. Fomin Maxim

Komarov Misha

Kornyushkin Maxim

Presentation 7.

III. Implementation of activities. Study.

1. On research phase when studying the history of the city, students, with the help of a teacher and parents, collected information about the history of the city of Vladivostok, selected photographs of the old and modern cities, and organized a photo exhibition. When preparing information on the topic of the project, the parents advised to supplement it or remove some sources that did not quite correspond to the chosen topic. Adults helped the child in the selection of material (use of home, school and city libraries, orientation in bookstores, search for sources of additional information, Internet resources on the topic of the project).

2. Watching documentaries about the city of Vladivostok, about the Primorsky Territory teaches children to systematize and analyze all the information received in the course of the work preceding this stage.

3. The groups considered the history of the city from different angles. The children presented messages, newspapers, photographs, presentations. The results of the work done were summed up. Thinking about what is yet to be done. Students were invited to participate in a school conference and present their project to students in grades 3-4 of our school.

IV. Protection of design work.

The results are presented to students for discussion. The expert group, which included parents, a librarian, a deputy for educational work, a deputy director for informatization of the educational process, developed reviews and expert assessments for each of the works and recommended that projects be presented at a scientific and practical conference for elementary school students "School is a step into the future . I will create in the 21st century" as part of the decade "Science and Technology in Primary School". The conference took place on the last day of the third quarter.


"My city is a drop of Russia"


Preschool age is a period of personality formation, favorable for the formation of high moral feelings, which include a sense of patriotism, a period of deep interest in everything new, unknown. What we lay in the soul of a child now will manifest itself later, will become his life and ours. The basic stage in the formation of love for the Motherland in children should be considered the accumulation by them of the social experience of life in their city, the assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships adopted in it, and familiarization with the world of its culture. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one's small homeland - the place where a person was born.


Of great importance for the cognitive, social, personal and moral development of preschool children is acquaintance with their native city, its sights, the street where the child lives, with famous people who built our city. Adults sometimes do not pay due attention to solving this issue, so children do not have sufficient information about their hometown. And, without having enough knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards the small Motherland.

Objective of the project: Acquaintance of kindergarten students with the history, sights and infrastructure of the city of Achinsk.

Tasks for teachers:

To reveal the knowledge of preschoolers about the history of their native city, its sights and infrastructure facilities through pedagogical diagnostics for further planning of the educational process;

Develop and implement in the activities of the preschool educational institution (group) a work plan (subproject) to get acquainted with the native city, including conversations, didactic games, GCD, open events, leisure activities, thematic excursions, diagnostic material;

Summarize the experience of work on this topic: collect material and draw up a methodological manual “Introducing preschoolers to the city of Achinsk”;

Contribute to the involvement of parents (legal representatives) of pupils in resolving this issue by including the "Family Weekend Route" in the pedagogical process.

Tasks for children:

- to consolidate the knowledge of children about their native city, to acquaint them with its historical and cultural heritage;

Continue to acquaint with the main modern sights of the city, to form the beginnings of ecological culture on the basis of familiarization with the flora and fauna of its environs;

To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

Project participants: all pupils of MBDOU "D / s No. 47", teachers, parents (legal representatives) of pupils.

External links: branch number 3 of the city children's library, Museum of Local Lore. Kargopolova, MOU secondary school No. 11, No. 8, Achinsk Drama Theater, puppet theater "Fairy Tale".

Implementation timeline: September 26 to December 15, 2016.

Place of sale: MBDOU "D / s No. 47".

Project support resources:

    Personnel: head, deputy head of the VOR, deputy head of the AHR, senior educator, educators, physical education instructor, music director.

    Informational: methodological developments, presentations, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the project, Internet resource.

    Material and technical: visual and didactic aids, music center, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, digital camera.

Forms and methods of work:

    project activity;

    urban five minutes;

    virtual tours and walks;


    contests, quizzes, leisure activities;


    thematic exhibition, photo exhibition.

Expected Result:


    have an idea of ​​the past and present of their native city;

    name the sights of Achinsk;

    together with adults participate in exhibitions, competitions, quizzes.


    summarized the material on the topic “My city is a drop of Russia”;

    a methodological guide "Introducing preschoolers to the city of Achinsk" was developed.

Parents (legal representatives):

    took part in the “Family Weekend Route”, provided a photo report.

Stages of project implementation:

    Preparatory - conducting pedagogical diagnostics in age groups (if necessary), selecting visual and game material, studying methodological literature, developing a plan (subproject) to familiarize pupils with their native city.

    Practical - implementation of the action plan (subprojects) through the integration of different types of children's activities.

    The final one is an assessment of the effectiveness of the project implementation, participation in the All-Russian competition "Geography of a Big Country".

"Key themes of the project"

    "From prison to the present day";

    "My native Achinsk";

    "Symbols of the city";

    "Memorable places of the native city";

    "Achinsk sports";

    "The city is a worker";

    "People who glorified Achinsk";

    "Urban transport".

Plan for the implementation of joint garden events


"For a Clean City"


Territory of the kindergarten

Deputy head according to AHR

Exhibition of children's drawings "A corner dear to the heart"

October November


"D / s No. 47"

Preschool children, teachers, parents (legal representatives)

Group tutors

History Wheel Quiz

October November


"D / s No. 47"

Children of senior preschool age

6 -7 years old

Group tutors


“We will save light, heat, water flows for posterity”



"D / s No. 47"

Kindergarten students and staff

Deputy head for AHR, methodological council, group educators

Regional competition

"My Fairy Land"

November December

edge level

Children of senior preschool age 5-7 years old, parents (legal representatives), employees

All-Russian competition "Geography of a large country"


Regional level

Kindergarten students and staff

Deputy head on VOR, methodological advice

Photo report

"A city where you want to live!"



"D / s No. 47"

Pupils and parents (legal representatives)

Deputy head on VOR, methodological council, group educators

Visit to the local history museum

During a year

Local Lore Museum. Kargopolova

Head, Deputy head by VOR

Drama theater visit

During a year

Theatre of Drama

Children of senior preschool age 5-7 years old, parents (legal representatives), teachers


deputy head by VOR

Private preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 000

Stage 3. Project implementation.

Organization of project activities.

Game activity.

1. Role-playing game "Let's go to kindergarten", "Family", "Excursion

in the city".

Purpose: to develop patriotic feelings in children, to teach them to imitate adults: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa; to cultivate love for one's home, city; continue to teach everyone to play together, friendly relations with peers.

2. Word games “The road home”, “Tell me a word”, “On the contrary”, “My address ...”, “Say with the word “city””.

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the streets of the city, teach them to pronounce correctly, continue to develop the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, develop speech, memory, and imaginative thinking.

Artistic and speech activity.

Purpose: to form the concept of "small homeland" in children, expand vocabulary, cultivate love for the native land, cultivate respect for the environment, teach to observe and listen, develop speech and memory.

1. Reading poetry and short stories about the Motherland.

2. Reading proverbs and sayings about the motherland, riddles.

3. Conversations: “Who lives where?”, “How can I help my hometown?”, “My hometown of Liski”, “My family”.

productive activity.

1. Drawing: "My house", "My family", "On the streets of our city".

2. Designing a steam locomotive

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to instill accuracy in work, to cultivate a love for work.

Interaction with parents.

Consultation on the topic "Education in preschool children of love for their native city."

Organization of the photo exhibition "At work".

Purpose: to cultivate patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in one's native land, to teach to see beauty in simple things.

Photo exhibition "At work".

Game "Journey through the city" (with slide show).


The opposite game.
There are many streets in our city and they are all different. I will throw the ball to you in turn, and say what the street is like, and you catch the ball, throw it back and say the opposite:
Long street -…short street
Narrow street - ... wide street
Dirty street -… clean street
Middle street - ... far street
Light street - ... dark street
Noisy street -…quiet street
Old street - ... new, modern street
Winding street - ... straight street
Big street -…small street

Finger game "Building a house".
We build, we build, we build a house / palms overlap each other
High ceiling house / hands up
With a triangular roof. With this one? / make a triangle out of fingers
No, higher! / hands in a triangle above the head
Windows in the house 3 and 3 / show 3 fingers on one and on the other hand
Take a look at them quickly.
There you will see a stove, / squeeze - unclench fists
On the stove is a man.

The game "Tell me a word."
What a wonderful city we have. There are schools, kindergartens, a green park, libraries, a cinema and beautiful monuments here. You can walk around your favorite city all day and admire its beauty. I will go to the museum to admire the exhibits. And you?
I will go to the park….. to get some air
I will go to the cinema…….
I will go to the library……..
I will go to music school……
I'll go to school…..
I'm going to kindergarten...
I will go to the pharmacy…..
I'll go to the store…..
I'm going to the river....
I'm going to the park....
I'm going to the stadium....

"Who needs what to work?"

On the board are pictures of professions: a janitor, a doctor, a salesman, a teacher, a driver, a cook. Children say which tool they need, what they will do.

Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

In a foreign land, even a dog yearns.

Foreign land does not believe in tears.

Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

Who has not been to a foreign land, did not know the price of the Motherland.

When you protect your homeland, you yourself grow up

There is nothing like leather.

Presentation on theme: "My family."

Who lives in houses, apartments?

What is family?

How should people live so that the family is friendly and strong?

What do you know about your family?

Conversation on the topic "My city".

What city do you live in?

State your home address.

What monuments of our city do you know?

What transport is available in our city?

What is the name of the bus stop near your house?

What are your favorite places in the city?

Where do you like to be?

Conversation on the topic "My street".

What is the name of the street? (Was it renamed, why?)

What is this street like? (Quiet, noisy, wide, green, etc.)

What is located on this street? (Shops, hospital, bank, school, hairdresser, etc.)

Where is this street located?

problematic situations.

If there were no addresses on the houses?

If the houses had the same addresses?

Ask adults:

Approximately how many people live in our city;

How old is our city?

Riddles about the city.

The house looks quite ordinary,

For athletes, it is familiar,

In this house all year round

People are splashing in the water.

(Swimming pool)

Here's a cold arena

Ice skates cut boldly

Fast, agile hockey player

And a handsome figure skater.

(Ice Palace)

What kind of house is this

You will hear music in it

Dances, songs and laughter

Cartoons, movies for everyone.


The halls are quiet here comfort

Books live here together

Come on kids

We will always be glad to see you.

(Children's Library)