Annual plan for working with early childhood parents. Organization of work with parents with young children

Organization of work with parents in the early age group

In conditions when the majority of families are concerned about solving the problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of self-withdrawal of many parents from solving the issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has intensified. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.
Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age.
Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child's nutrition, they believe that a kindergarten is a place where they only look after children while their parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.
Therefore, having recruited a group of kids, we began to work on the problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
The work to involve parents in joint activities was carried out by the preschool educational institution in four directions.

Information and analytical direction
In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize the educational impact on the child, we began work with a questionnaire. Having received a real picture, on the basis of the collected data, we analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of a preschooler, and developed tactics for our communication with each parent. This helped us better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, take into account its individual characteristics.
This analysis made it possible to distinguish three groups of parents.
1. Parents are leaders who are able and happy to participate in the educational process, see the value of any work of a children's institution.
2. Parents are performers who take part under the condition of significant motivation.
3. Parents are critical observers. The change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the pedagogical process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but willing to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle "I was brought up the same way."
We have the opportunity for a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

Cognitive direction
The cognitive direction is the enrichment of parents with knowledge in the upbringing of preschool children.
In our kindergarten group, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of the specialists of the preschool educational institution (speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, head nurse) in the implementation of the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, makes parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.
For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, we set ourselves the following tasks:
1. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
2. Work closely with the families of their pupils.
To this end, I used active forms and methods of working with parents:
general and group parent meetings;
exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;
Days of good deeds;
participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, leisure activities;
design of photomontages;
joint creation of a subject-developing environment;
work with the parent committee of the group;
Trust mail;
As a result, the level of upbringing and educational activities of parents increased, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative.
Visually - informational direction
Visually - informational direction includes:
parent corners
folders - shifters of various subjects
family and group albums “Our friendly family”, “Our life day after day”, etc. (Appendix No. 2 photo and video material
family vernissage "My best family", "Family - a healthy lifestyle", "Learn to be a dad",
emotional corner "I'm like this today", "Hello, I've come",
piggy bank of good deeds, etc.
The form of work through parental corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective, to help, we use the headings to activate my parents, the headings: “What and how to take a child at home”, “We asked - we answer”, “Children say”, “Noses - snub noses”, “Grow up”, “ Thank you”, “This is interesting”, “Let's play”, “With all my heart”, “Pay attention”, in which we put practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child is doing in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks
The activity of parents in creating photo newspapers and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. Visually - the informational direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form, to remind tactfully about parental duties and responsibilities.

Leisure direction
The leisure direction in work with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; to see how others do it, that is, to gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.

The group carried out:
joint projects "My family tree", "My family"
issue of family and thematic newspapers
birthday party (monthly)
New Year's party
exhibitions of family collections, relics "From Grandma's Chest", "That's the outfit",
performances "Teremok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids",
We celebrate the "Birthday" holiday for children in the group every month.
It is planned to hold an annual campaign: “Just like that”, “Give a book to children” Many people have books and toys at home, from which children “grew up”. How many educational moments are concealed in this small action! This is a careful attitude to old things; at the same time, children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to make them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.
I would like to say about one important point in the system of work with parents. Each person, having done some work, needs to evaluate his work. Our parents need it too. “Praise is useful, if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. We thank our parents in a separate section "Thank you"
In today's kindergarten, it is difficult to do without the support of parents. That is why a lot of things in our group have been done with the help of the fathers and mothers of our children. With the help of parents, the group is designed in such a way that every corner is used for the development of children: a lot of toys, a "hospital", "barber shop", "shop". We also have a cafe where children like to invite guests, treating them to ice cream and tea with sweets. In a cozy kitchenette with a sink and a gas stove, beautiful dishes, children simply love to play.
Trusting relationships were established gradually in the joint activities of parents with the educator. So we plan to organize the repair of toys, furniture, groups together with parents, help in creating a subject-developing environment in the group as part of the “Days of Good Deeds” campaign, thereby establishing an atmosphere of peace and warm relationships between us and parents. Together we must strive to make the children feel good and comfortable in the group.
The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become assistants to the teacher, to develop creatively together with the children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and nobler thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, help in everything, be patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

Aunt Motya
(young age group)

Perspective plan of work with parents

Early age group


Alekseeva E. N.

2013-2014 academic year year

Perspective plan of work with parents


"Adaptation of the child in kindergarten"

"Features of the adaptation period"

Questioning "Let's get to know each other", individual conversations with parents of newly admitted children.

1. To acquaint with the conditions of the educational and health-improving processes in kindergarten.

2. Show equipment and equipment of the group. Establish contact with parents.

3. Studying the specifics of the family


"I myself." Consultation on instilling KPs and self-service skills.

Photo exhibition "First Days in Kindergarten"

"What kind of parent are you?" Test for parents.

1. Introduce parents to the main indicators of the development of young children

2. Expand the knowledge of parents about the age characteristics of preschoolers.

3. Involve parents in the educational process, teach them how to interact with the baby.


"Where's my big spoon?" Consultation on the importance of rational nutrition in the life of preschool children.

Memo for parents "Clothing in the winter season" 1. To acquaint parents with the list of products necessary for the harmonious physical and neuropsychic development of babies.

2. Help parents how to contribute to the development of the child's personality in relations with the outside world


"Development of independence of young children"

"In the beginning was the word." Consultation on the development of speech in young children. Making a memo.

Participation of parents in the design of the group and site for the New Year 1. To acquaint parents with the methods of developing a sound culture of speech in children.

2. To form interest and desire for joint activities


"I play all day, I'm not too lazy to play." Consultation on the management of children's play activities.

Screen "Games - entertainment with children at home", "The game and its significance in the spiritual and moral education of a child in a family"

1. Revealing the conditions for proper upbringing in the game, providing concrete assistance to the family.

2. To increase the knowledge of parents on the management of gaming activities, to teach how to create an environment in which he would feel free, easy and joyful, would resonate with his interests and abilities.


"When and how to start learning colors with a child", "Games for the sensory development of young children"

2. Expand the knowledge of parents to improve the child's speech


"That finger is me." Counseling on the importance of developing fine motor skills at an early age "Are you giving enough time to your child" - a questionnaire for parents 1. Explain to parents the importance of developing fine motor skills at an early age.

2. Introduce the method of using finger games.

3. To teach parents methods and techniques that ensure optimal physical development of babies, to form accurate motor skills and movements.


"Want to know everything". Consultation on the development of cognitive abilities in children Questionnaire on the cognitive development of young children.

1. Familiarize parents with ways to organize conditions for the formation of cognitive abilities in children.

2. Show parents how, by interacting with a child and using household items, one can develop memory, thinking, perception, imagination, etc.

3. Involve parents in the creative process, increase interest in the development of cognitive activity of kids

"We have grown up" Summing up. .

"Mailbox". Build a database of child development issues of interest to parents

1. Provide an opportunity to anonymously ask questions on a topic of concern to parents.

2. Establishment of confidential business contact with parents.

3. Summarize this year and show the result of your work


"The sun, air and water are our friendly friends!"

Improvement of the territory of the kindergarten


"If a child is stung by a bee"

Competition from crafts of natural material for the site

Give parents the opportunity to express their creativity together


"Prevention of intestinal diseases" Making a panel from plant material "Forest"

Give parents the opportunity to express their creativity together

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 15 "Rucheyek"



For 2012-2013 academic year


Polyanova V.P.

Sergach, 2012

Working with parents

Forms of work with parents

parent meetings


Pedagogical material in the parent corner and folders-sliders

Individual conversations

Invitation of parents to classes (at the end of the school year)

Classes - workshop

Topics for parent-teacher conferences

- "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution"

- "The role of the book in the upbringing of the child"

- "A toy in the life of a preschooler"

- “How matured and what our children have learned this year. Hello sunny summer

Consultation Topics

Reasons for the difficult adaptation of children to kindergarten

How we play with children, an overview of toys for children of the 2nd year of life

Sensory development of the child, educational games

Development of movements

Age of obstinacy. How to teach a child to respond correctly to the word "no"

Information block

Meals for children on the day off


Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Outdoor games with children

Development of musical abilities in children

The origins of visual activity

Book corner at home

finger games

Breathing games

Children's anxieties, their origins


  • Parent meeting: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution"
  • Individual conversations aimed at removing the problems that arise in the initial period of adaptation. (preventive and corrective work
  • Help parents in the design of the site for walking.


  • Conduct individual conversations with parents in the evening on the following topics: adaptation, daily routine and the consequences of its violation, the formation of feeding and dressing skills
  • Assistance in the design of the group, updating game materials. Tailoring for dolls (Zybina S.A.) Repair of cars (Pigolev E.V.)
  • Inform parents about the action of CJSC Gazetny Mir Publishing House together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post under the name "The best for children!" Goal: strengthening the sense of responsibility of fathers and mothers, the formation of family traditions among young people, increasing the interest of the younger generation in reading books.
  • Assistance in preparing children for the meeting with the photographer.
  • Prevention of SARS and FLU, updating information on vaccinations.


  • Prepare information material for parents

Meals for children on weekends


finger games

  • Conduct a consultation "How we play with children"
  • Prepare gifts for the New Year with the parent committee
  • Conduct individual conversations with parents in the evening on the topic:

Children's clothing in the group

Formation of dressing and feeding skills

  • Continue to inform parents about the action of CJSC Gazetny Mir Publishing House together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post under the name "The best for children!"

Goal: strengthening the sense of responsibility of fathers and mothers, the formation of family traditions among young people, increasing the interest of the younger generation in reading books.

  • To interest parents to take part in the exhibition of photographs "My mother and I are great friends" and the exhibition of crafts "Mom's Golden Hands" dedicated to Mother's Day.


  • In the corner for parents, place the informational material "Hardening",
  • Conduct a conversation on the topic "How to teach a child to respond correctly to a word is impossible"
  • Parent meeting on the topic: "The role of books in raising a child"
  • Ask parents for help in preparing for the New Year's party, decorate the group, prepare New Year's gifts
  • Kindergarten payment work
  • Organize an exhibition of crafts theme "Snowflake", made by the hands of parents.
  • Individual conversations on parenting issues.
  • Helping the group to screw the tabletops (Latukhin A.V.)


3. Working with parents

  • Conduct a survey "What your child can do" (in terms of neuropsychic development of children).
  • Place informational material in the corner for parents

Flu. Flu Prevention

How to view illustrations

Outdoor games

  • Have conversations with parents

On the need to comply with the daily routine adopted in kindergarten, bring children to 8 o'clock

The need to give up diapers

  • Ask parents to make aids for the development of speech breathing
  • Involve parents in the design of walking areas (making snow figures)


3. Working with parents

  • Conduct a consultation with parents “Sensory development of the child. Educational games"
  • In the corner for parents, place informational material: “Visual activity of young children”, “Book corner at home”
  • Ask parents to bring jars, boxes with lids of different colors


  1. Working with parents

Information material

Our children's toys

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

2. Parent meeting. Topic: "A toy in the life of a preschooler"


Information block

Book corner at home

Children's anxieties, their origins


1. Information block

Ten rules a parent must learn to keep their child happy

Don't scold the child

First aid for a bite of mosquitoes, wasps ...

2. Workshop for parents "We play and communicate with the child!"

3. Final general parent meeting “How our children have matured and learned this year. Hello sunny summer

4. Involve parents in the design of the site for summer recreation work.

Organization of work with parents in the early age group

In conditions when the majority of families are concerned about solving the problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of self-withdrawal of many parents from solving the issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has intensified. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.
Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age.
Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child's nutrition, they believe that a kindergarten is a place where they only look after children while their parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.
Therefore, having recruited a group of kids, we began to work on the problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
The work to involve parents in joint activities was carried out by the preschool educational institution in four directions.

Information and analytical direction
In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize the educational impact on the child, we began work with a questionnaire. Having received a real picture, on the basis of the collected data, we analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of a preschooler, and developed tactics for our communication with each parent. This helped us better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, take into account its individual characteristics.
This analysis made it possible to distinguish three groups of parents.
1. Parents are leaders who are able and happy to participate in the educational process, see the value of any work of a children's institution.
2. Parents are performers who take part under the condition of significant motivation.
3. Parents are critical observers. The change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the pedagogical process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but willing to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle "I was brought up the same way."
We have the opportunity for a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

Cognitive direction
The cognitive direction is the enrichment of parents with knowledge in the upbringing of preschool children.
In our kindergarten group, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of specialists of the preschool educational institution (speech therapist, teacher - psychologist, senior) in the implementation of the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, makes parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.
For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, we set ourselves the following tasks:
1. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
2. Work closely with the families of their pupils.
To this end, I used active forms and methods of working with parents:
general and group parent meetings;
exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;
Days of good deeds;
participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, leisure activities;
design of photomontages;
joint creation of a subject-developing environment;
work with the parent committee of the group;
Trust mail;
As a result, the level of upbringing and educational activities of parents increased, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative.
Visually - informational direction
Visually - informational direction includes:

folders - shifters of various subjects
family and group albums “Our friendly family”, “Our life day after day”, etc. (Appendix No. 2 photo and video material
family vernissage "My best family", "Family - a healthy lifestyle", "Learn to be a dad",
emotional corner "I'm like this today", "Hello, I've come",
piggy bank of good deeds, etc.
The form of work through parental corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective, to help, we use the headings to activate my parents, the headings: “What and how to take a child at home”, “We asked - we answer”, “Children say”, “Noses - snub noses”, “Grow up”, “ Thank you”, “This is interesting”, “Let's play”, “With all my heart”, “Pay attention”, in which we put practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child is doing in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks
The activity of parents in creating photo newspapers and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. Visually - the informational direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form, to remind tactfully about parental duties and responsibilities.

Leisure direction
The leisure direction in work with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; to see how others do it, that is, to gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.

The group carried out:
joint projects "My family tree", "My family"
issue of family and thematic newspapers
birthday party (monthly)
New Year's party
exhibitions of family collections, relics "From Grandma's Chest", "That's the outfit",
performances "Teremok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids",
We celebrate the "Birthday" holiday for children in the group every month.
It is planned to hold an annual campaign: “Just like that”, “Give a book to children” Many people have books and toys at home, from which children “grew up”. How many educational moments are concealed in this small action! This is a careful attitude to old things; at the same time, children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to make them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.
I would like to say about one important point in the system of work with parents. Each person, having done some work, needs to evaluate his work. Our parents need it too. “Praise is useful, if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. We thank our parents in a separate section "Thank you"
In today's kindergarten, it is difficult to do without the support of parents. That is why a lot of things in our group have been done with the help of the fathers and mothers of our children. With the help of parents, the group is designed in such a way that every corner is used for the development of children: a lot of toys, a "hospital", "barber shop", "shop". We also have a cafe where children like to invite guests, treating them to ice cream and tea with sweets. In a cozy kitchenette with a sink and a gas stove, beautiful dishes, children simply love to play.
Trusting relationships were established gradually in the joint activities of parents with the educator. So we plan to organize the repair of toys, furniture, groups together with parents, help in creating a subject-developing environment in the group as part of the “Days of Good Deeds” campaign, thereby establishing an atmosphere of peace and warm relationships between us and parents. Together we must strive to make the children feel good and comfortable in the group.
The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become assistants to the teacher, to develop creatively together with the children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and nobler thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, help in everything, be patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

The family is truly a high creation. She is a reliable barrier and a mooring. She gives birth and calling. It is the foundation of everything for us.
(E.A. Mukhacheva.)

Working with the family is a necessary complex activity of a kindergarten teacher.
Main tasks:
- establishing unity in the upbringing of children;
- pedagogical and medical education of parents;
- Familiarization of parents with the life and work of the children's institution.
- to help the family to bring up a harmoniously developed person. We analyzed the features of the family and family education of our children, developed tactics for our communication with each parent. This helped to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, to take into account its individual characteristics.
Active forms and methods of work with parents. One of the most important moments of interaction between the family and the kindergarten is connected with the period of adaptation. The success of the course of adaptation depends on the preparation of adults and the child.
Cooperation between educators and parents begins before the child enters the preschool educational institution, with the collection of primary information about him and his family, inviting parents for a consultation “How to prepare a child for entering a nursery”;
Memo for parents "Problems of adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool institution"
Questionnaire for parents
(Conversations with parents; communication with peers; the child's attitude towards strangers)
Parents' club "Seven fairies at the cradle", within the framework of which the following events are held:
Parent meetings on the topic:
"How to help a child adapt to a children's institution"
"Grow up healthy baby"
"How to teach a child to perceive the size, shape, color of objects"
"How to develop a baby's speech"
"Games and toys"
"Crisis 3 years"


"How to help a child adapt faster in kindergarten";
"Adaptation of young children"; "Characteristics of the development of children and the organization of their lives";
"Cultural and hygienic skills of young children"; "Teaching children's color perception";
"Sensory education of the child";
"How to develop a baby's speech";
"Whims and stubbornness"; "Health is the head of everything"; "How to teach a child to be independent"; "Winter Injuries"; "Games and toys"; "A toy in a child's life"; "Games with young children"; “Main indicators of the development of children of 3 years old”, etc.
"Raising hyperactive children"; "Shy and closed"; "Is punishment necessary?" ; "Childhood with fists".
"How to play with a baby";
"Games for the development of perception"; "Do not spare time for street lessons"; "If the child does not speak well"; "Games for the development of perception"; "Seven parental misconceptions about freezing weather."
From work experience:
parents share their parenting experiences.

Visually - informational direction

Visual-informational direction includes:
- information stands: business card, daily routine, our classes, practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child is doing in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks
- photo montages: "From the life of the group", this form of work is in demand.
- photo exhibitions: “My mom is the best”, “My best dad”, “Invitation card to the world of the game”, “It is easy for us to live on a sunny planet when our children walk with us”, etc.
- sliding folders: "Adaptation period", "A healthy mind in a healthy body", "Children's diseases from A to Z", "Caution, children!", "Doctor's Thermometer's advice", "One, two, three, four, five I went to play”, “Question-Answer”, “The road and we”, “Not sick”, “Children of 2 years old”, “Word is silver, silence is gold”, “Necessary advice for parents”, “Clothes and nutrition”, “Adaptation of children”, etc.
Visually - the informational direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form, to remind tactfully about parental duties and responsibilities.

Leisure direction

The leisure direction in work with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; to see how others do it, that is, to gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment were developed jointly with the music director. A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, a celebration that is shared by both adults and children. Traditional in the group is the holiday, “Happy birthday Kolobok”, “Farewell to Kolobok”, where diplomas are awarded to children. A lively interest and even surprise of the parents was caused by the photo collage of the children of the group - “Golden Autumn”; "Zimushka-winter"; "Spring-Red"

With the help of parents, video films were created: “One day in the life of a group”, “Outdoor games and physical education”, “Game-dramatization” Kolobok”. It is very good when a video camera and a camera are at hand, because parents are very interested in what their child is doing in kindergarten. Parents bring to kindergarten the most precious thing they have - their children. And the task of the educator is to make sure that their wealth is in safe hands. The participation of families in competitions for the best drawing, crafts made from natural material not only enriches family leisure, but also unites children and adults in common activities. In order to attract parents to participate in competitions, exhibitions, we post a bright announcement in advance. They do not remain indifferent: they collect drawings, photographs, and prepare interesting crafts with the children. I would like to say about one important point in the system of work with parents. Each person, having done some work, needs to evaluate his work. Our parents need it too. “Praise is useful, if only because it strengthens us in benevolent intentions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. Don't forget to praise your parents. We always make letters of thanks for parents who are actively involved in the life of the group. At events such as "Days of Good Deeds" - repairing toys, helping to clean the leaves on the site, making bird feeders with their children, making portable material, building a snow town on the site, helping to create a subject-developing environment in the group, an atmosphere of peace and warm relations between us and our parents was established. Depending on the work plan, we jointly discuss each event and solve problems. Thanks to this, all cases are carried out with great enthusiasm, since in their implementation everyone contributes grains of their work, skills, and creativity. Today we can say that we have developed a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work gave certain results:
parents became active participants in the meetings and the first assistants to the educator;
created an atmosphere of mutual respect. Now they feel more competent in raising children;
parents began to show a sincere interest in the life of the group.

It is possible to properly raise a healthy child only when the uniform requirements of the kindergarten and the family are observed in matters of education, health improvement, daily routine, physical activity, hygiene procedures, cultural and hygienic skills.
Therefore, it is very important to provide the necessary assistance to parents, to involve them in joint work.

Visual materials:

In recent years, the term “innovation” has been increasingly used in the pedagogical lexicon. This term means "innovation", "leading pedagogical experience", "innovation arising from a variety of initiatives and innovations that are promising for the development of education." Innovation is changing what already exists.

At present, considerable practical experience has been accumulated in interaction with the families of pupils. However, not enough attention is paid to the work of preschool educational institutions with parents of young children.

The role of dialogue between teachers and families of pupils

Practice shows that in order to establish a dialogue with the families of pupils, it is important for teachers to actively use the language of support and complicity, to make it clear to parents that they are being carefully listened to and heard. This is achieved through a variety of communication methods (active listening, eye contact, an appropriate compliment, a smile, etc.), but not for the sake of meeting the family's expectations in order to make a good impression or prove one's point, but to create an emotionally positive atmosphere for the interested person. conversation, problem solving.

Studying the features of raising a child in a family is quite difficult. Commonly used observations, questionnaires and conversations give an incomplete picture, since parents do not fully disclose their relationship with their children, but most often they simply hide it. This happens due to the fact that parents either do not want or find it difficult to talk about their impressions and experiences.

Interaction with parents of young children

Contacts with parents of young children in kindergarten begin from the moment when they bring the medical card of the future pupil, that is, 3-4 months before the child enters the preschool institution. An initial acquaintance with the parents of babies is organized, during which a conversation and a questionnaire are conducted, aimed at studying the specifics of the family: living conditions, family composition, the age of the parents, their level of preparedness in matters of education, etc.

Based on the analysis of the development of the child, including intrauterine, his physical and mental characteristics are recorded. With the parents of each child, the conversation is conducted individually, recommendations are given to improve his adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. This can be achieved only with established contact between parents and preschool teachers.

Then the parents and the child are introduced to the first younger group. A tour of the group premises is conducted in order to acquaint parents in as much detail as possible with the conditions and mode of the group. Be sure to demonstrate where children sleep, play, wash, what cultural and hygiene skills are instilled in babies, which is important for parents to take into account for the proper organization of children's lives at home. The teacher shows parents toys, teaching aids, children's books, suggests which toys and aids should be purchased for children, special attention is paid to their age-appropriateness.

Properly organized work on the interaction between the teacher and parents is, as a rule, educational in nature, which helps parents gain pedagogical knowledge and skills. Parents attend parent meetings, consultations, use methodological illustrated material, etc. The result of such pedagogical interaction is the active participation of parents in the upbringing of not only their child, but also the group as a whole.

A new form of holding a parent meeting

One of the forms of traditional interaction with parents is parent-teacher meetings, where nutrition issues, methods of raising children, and requirements for group arrangements are discussed. And if the first question at the meeting still arouses the interest of parents, then, as a rule, then the parents do not show any activity. And passivity is an indicator of either disinterest, or the fact that the form of the meeting is not conducive to statements from the parents.

Often only the teacher speaks at parent-teacher meetings, and parents listen and wait for the end. If parents have questions, they usually relate to the nutrition of children. Kindergarten teachers decided to radically change this stereotype and introduce innovative principles into their work. Therefore, much attention is paid to the preparation for parent-teacher meetings. An announcement is posted in advance asking parents to think over the questions they would like to receive answers to, which of the specialists they would like to meet.

Parent meetings are held for tea drinking. Most parents come to such meetings after a hard day, and in such an informal, warm, almost family atmosphere, people feel freer, easier to share their problems.

Kindergarten teachers bake pies for the parent meeting, put sweets and tea on the table. Parents are pleasantly surprised when they see smiling, friendly teachers waiting for them, but they are even more amazed at the laid tables! This happens at the first parent-teacher meeting, and only then the proactive parents bring something for tea themselves. And there is always someone's grandmother or mother who bakes pies.

Parents in a relaxed atmosphere discuss with enthusiasm and interest the questions that the teacher puts before them. Many mothers and fathers, bringing a second or third child to the kindergarten, share their experience in raising children with great pleasure. And if parents take the initiative, this indicates their real desire to cooperate with the teacher.

Holding open days

Traditionally, open days are not held in early childhood groups, however, innovations have been made in this area of ​​activity in our kindergarten. For many years, open days have been held already in November, that is, when most children have passed the adaptation period. Therefore, teachers do not need to worry that their little pupils, when they see their parents, will cry and ask to go home. Parents show great interest in how their kids spend time without moms and dads in kindergarten, what they do.

Preparation for this day is carried out in advance: an announcement is posted, which indicates the time of this event, the rules of conduct for parents, as well as the goals and content of the event. Parents can observe their children from the outside, evaluate their behavior in a situation other than family, and also learn from the teacher teaching methods and educational influences.

If one of the parents could not come to the meeting, then there is an opportunity to show a recording of the open day on video, since there will always be a parent in the group who has a video camera. This can be done, but on the condition that all children are filmed equally. In addition, such shooting allows educators to make a video archive. When the guys move to the second junior group in a year, the teachers give the parents a video cassette “What we are!”.

During the graduation of children from kindergarten, parents thank the teachers for creating a video archive of their children's lives from the first days of their stay in the kindergarten, they compare their children: what they were five years ago and what they have become, and the children themselves look with great pleasure at themselves small. This brings parents and teachers very close, and children will not be able to forget their educators, who cared for them with love.

Visits by teachers to the families of pupils

This form of interaction, such as visits by educators to the families of pupils, is most often not popular among either teachers or parents. Modern parents live in their own separate world and do not always let strangers into it. But it was the parents who suggested how to change the situation. Parents always want Santa Claus and Snegurochka to congratulate their children on the New Year. But often, at the sight of unfamiliar adults, babies begin to cry, so it was decided that educators would prepare congratulations for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

A teacher familiar to the child comes to visit him, plays with him, then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come, in the role of educators. The meeting proceeds calmly, the game continues without tears and nervous breakdowns. Of course, the senior educator, being a professional teacher, not only plays with the child, but also observes the behavior of the baby in a homely, familiar environment, which helps him in his future work.

After that, parents began to invite educators to their children's birthday parties at the festive table. Such visits provide an opportunity to show what entertainment is available to the child, to study the family from the inside, to feel the psychological atmosphere surrounding the child, the nature of interpersonal relationships between family members, etc. Positive and negative manifestations are of particular value for understanding the microclimate in which a small person is brought up. Of course, everything that educators see and learn in the family is strictly confidential.

Visiting a family should encourage the educator not to discuss or condemn how this or that family lives, but to provide it with the necessary assistance. In addition, it can become an acquaintance with the successful experience of family education, family traditions. The information obtained is used in individual consultations for parents. From this moment on, parents and teachers solve many problems in the development and upbringing of children together. In addition, in the process of confidential communication between educators and families, it is easier for parents to overcome doubt and distrust in the upbringing of their children by strangers.

Joint visits to cultural and entertainment events

One of the effective ways of bringing parents, children and teachers closer together are also joint visits to children's theaters. Nothing determines the future of a person so much as the unforgettable impressions of childhood, this kind of foundation of conscious life. Timely introduction of children to the heritage of world artistic culture leads to the formation and development of aesthetic feelings.

Despite the fact that the children are still very young, the teachers, after consulting with their parents, decided to involve them in visiting theaters. Parents learn in advance the repertoire of children's theaters (circuses, puppet theaters, shadows, animals), together with educators discuss which performance is better to go to, taking into account the age characteristics of young children, buy tickets. The performance becomes a real holiday for everyone: educators, parents and children. Before a joint visit to the theater, many believe that it is too early to take children to such events, but after that they change their minds.

Thus, in the course of searches and experiments, a certain plan of work with parents in a group of young children gradually developed (appendix). The developed model is qualitatively different from the previously existing models. Its features are as follows:

  • a unified educational environment has been created that is important for the child and his parents
  • parents are not separated from the kindergarten and attend all events with great pleasure
  • parents accept the recommendations of specialists and, most valuable of all, put them into practice.

It is very important that parents have an interest in the life of their children in the group. Often there are discussions initiated by parents. Moms and dads strive for individual communication with the teacher, they begin to be interested in issues related to the formation of the personality of the baby, his inner world, relationships with others. Sometimes parents admit the fallacy of some of their parenting methods.

Such an approach to interaction with parents of young children increases their responsibility for the upbringing of children in the family, develops pedagogical activity - an indicator of an interested attitude towards the upbringing of their children. A favorable emotional atmosphere is created in relations between parents and teachers, which ensures joint success in the upbringing, development and socialization of young children, and hence the success of the entire preschool educational institution.

With such work, the teacher is obliged to take a more active position, to look for new forms of interaction with families. In this case, a formal approach is unacceptable. The work should be interesting and important for both the preschool educational institution and the family. It is necessary to properly and qualitatively organize the interaction of the kindergarten with the family, educators with parents.


A forward-looking plan for engaging with parents of young children


Form of interaction

Ways of implementation
interactions with parents

April May

Personal acquaintance of the teacher with parents and children

Conversation, questioning, studying the specifics of the family

June August

“Meet: the KARAPUZ group!”

Excursion around the kindergarten, getting to know the group

Evening of questions and answers

The first parent meeting with answers to questions of interest

Assistance in preparing the group for the new school year

Collective cleaning of the group: joint work - rapprochement of parents and educators


Oral magazine on the adaptation of children in the early age group

Individual contacts, consultations "First days in a preschool educational institution"

round table

Chatting over tea. Problem talk.
Meeting with a teacher-psychologist

Open Day

The presence of parents in the classroom in the group, in the sports and music halls

Journal "Health"

Consultations like "Grow up healthy, baby!"

Visits by the educator to the families of pupils

Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden visiting the children

Shared tea in a group

Christmas tree holiday in kindergarten

Theater visit
"Together with mom, together with dad."

Parent meeting

A joint trip to the theater of parents, educators and children.

Discussion of pressing problems, the results of the diagnosis of neuropsychic development and the assimilation of the program by children, the exchange of experience

Sports leisure "I will grow up like a dad."

"Helpful Tips"

Games - entertainment with dads

Tea party "I love my mom very much"

Theater visit

Circus, "Yu. Kuklachev's Cat Theater", "Grandfather Durov's Corner"

Photo exhibition "My child in kindergarten"

Open Day

Parents prepare photos of children in kindergarten

The presence of parents in the classroom in the group, in the gym, with a music director

good deeds day

Cafe Lakomka

Family club - parent meeting

Subbotnik on the territory of the kindergarten and in the group

tea drinking

Viewing the video archive, discussing plans for the future

Family vacation, picnic

Departure to nature or to the park

Zoo visit

Group trip to the zoo

Perspective plan for working with parents in

early age group for 2016-2017.

Goal: Purposeful and systematic dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

Providing practical assistance in raising children, involving parents in pedagogical activities, promoting the desire for self-education, increasing the level of literacy in the field of education. To promote the unity of goals and objectives in the work of the kindergarten and the family on issues of education.

daily routine, schedule of classes, annual tasks in accordance with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, basic rules for visiting preschool educational institutions.

To acquaint the parents of the Federal State Educational Standard in education, with the mode of operation in the early age group.




"Features of the child's adaptation to the preschool educational institution"

To carry out pedagogical education of parents in the following areas: features of the development of children 2-3 years of age, the creation of optimal conditions for the child, contributing to a comfortable stay in the children's team.

Parents of newly arrived children.

Parent meeting "Age characteristics of children"

memo "Adaptation of children to kindergarten".

Determine goals for the coming year. Choice of parent committee.

Parents, educators.

Consultation: "Features of the upbringing and development of children 2-4 years old."

Involvement of parents in teaching activities. Solving the problems of education.

Parents, educators.

Consultation :

"Game as a means of developing relationships between children of 2-3 years of age".

To help parents in choosing the game as the main way of development of the child's life. Recommend games appropriate for the age of the child.

Parents, educators.


Design of the stand "Autumn in the native village"

To form in parents the desire to educate children in love for their native land and the surrounding nature.

Parents, educators.

craft competition "Autumn Fantasies"

Strengthen cooperation between parents and teachers. To promote the development of interest in artistic and aesthetic activities. Joint production of crafts from natural materials.

Parents, educators.

Consultation :

"The role of play in the upbringing of children"

To give knowledge to parents that each game should contain a learning element.

Parents, educators.


"Education of independence in self-service in children"

Involvement of parents in teaching activities. Solving the problems of education




Preparing for the autumn holiday.

Involving parents in preparing for the autumn holiday (learning songs, poems together with children, making attributes, crafts, jewelry, costumes).

Parents, educators.


Autumn morning.

Demonstration of the creative abilities of children, formed creative skills and abilities. Formation of positive relations between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents

Parents, teachers, children.


"Games and toys for children 2-3 years old."

(offer games that will contribute to the development of children).

Expansion of the pedagogical experience of parents through drawing attention to the role of toys in the development of the upbringing of the child.

Parents, teachers, children.

information stand : "Raising a healthy child"

Educational activities aimed at the prevention of colds, FLU.

Joint development of measures for the prevention of colds.

Parents, educators.

Consultation : "How to make family reading fun."

Parents, teachers, children.


"Children's rights - their observance in the family"

To acquaint parents with the legal documents regulating the rights of the child in the family and preschool education.

Parents, educators.

Organization of the exhibition : "My mom is the best."

To instill in children a sensitive and benevolent attitude towards others. Cultivate a sense of respect for loved ones, appreciate their work. Cultivate a desire to help them.

Parents, educators.


Information stand for parents:

“We develop by playing” (games that develop cognitive interest)

Parents, educators.

Reminder: Raising a Healthy Child.

To form in the minds of parents the desire to educate children in a value-based attitude to a healthy lifestyle, through personal example. To accustom to a careful attitude to your body, the idea of ​​what is useful and what is harmful to health, mastering the necessary hygiene skills.

Parents, educators.

Consultation : "Organization of walks in winter."

Parents, educators.

Reminders "Fire Safety Rules".

To develop the desire of parents to carry out explanatory work on fire safety.

To form an idea in children about the rules of behavior in emergency situations.

Parents, educators.

Parent meeting : "The role of the family in the conditions of safe upbringing of the child."

Draw special attention to the problem of education. Offer practical recommendations for the implementation of this direction in education. Explain that the family plays a leading role in education.

Parents, educators.


"Games for the development of speech 2-3 years."

Parents, educators.

Preparing for the morning

Involving parents in preparing for the New Year holiday (learning songs, poems together with children, making attributes, crafts, decorations, New Year's costumes).

Parents, educators.

craft competition :

"Pantry of Santa Claus"

To promote the development of interest in artistic and aesthetic activities. Making crafts in different techniques.

Formation of positive relations between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Parents, educators.


Photo exhibition :

"New Year's Eve"

Cultivating in the minds of parents the idea of ​​the value of holding this event in the family circle. How about a unique event associated with family traditions. Encourage the pursuit of creative self-expression through photography.

Parents, educators.


"Laboratory curiosity" Experiments with snow.

Parents, educators.

information stand : memo "We observe the visual mode"

To acquaint parents with the concept of the “visual regimen of a preschooler”, about the importance of observing it for a growing organism, to acquaint them with non-traditional methods of training vision.

Parents, educators.

Consultation on the organization of outdoor games with children in the fresh air: "Winter fun".

Give advice to parents on organizing walks in the winter. To expand parents' understanding of the important role of outdoor games in physical development, strengthening immunity, building endurance and dexterity.

Parents, educators.

Consultation :

"Playing corner at home"

Parents, educators.



« Daily routine and its


Continue acquaintance of parents with the daily routine, reveal its structure.

Familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for the regime of the day; with the process of organizing regime moments in kindergarten.

Encourage parents to be interested in observing the daily routine at home, adhering to the same requirements as in kindergarten.

Parents are educators.

Music and sports festival: "Dad - maybe dad can do anything!"

Generate positive emotions from the event. Formation of positive relations between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents. Emphasize the role of the father in the upbringing of children. Help strengthen family ties.

Parents, teachers, children.

Organization of a family art competition : "Gift for Dad"

Involve parents in the joint production of crafts. Help strengthen family ties.

Parents, teachers, children.


"Dangerous Situations in a Child's Life"

Involve parents in creating a safe environment during different periods of activity and monitoring children. Distribution of reminders.

Parents, educators.


How to teach a child to be friends.

To form a desire in parents to educate children in a value attitude towards the concept of "friendship". Teach to use polite forms of address in speech. Offer recommendations for overcoming children's conflicts.

Parents, educators.


"The development of fine motor skills."

To form an idea among parents that the development of fine motor skills of the hands stimulates the mental and speech development of the child. Suggest recommendations for playing games at home.

Parents, educators.



"Organization of walks in the spring"

Parents, educators.

Strengthen cooperation between parents and caregivers. Formation of positive relations between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Parents, educators.

Preparing for the morning

Involving parents in preparing for the March 8 holiday (learning songs, poems together with children, making attributes, crafts, jewelry, costumes).

Parents, educators.

Creating a festive mood for pupils and their parents. Demonstration of the creative abilities of children, formed creative. Strengthening family ties between children and parents.

Parents, teachers, children.

Information stand: memo

How to make exercise your child's favorite habit.

Pedagogical education.Explain the principles of organization and content of health-improving morning exercises. To develop interest in the use at home of the UGG complexes recommended in the preschool educational institution.

Parents, educators.


"Games on the way home."

(suggest games to play on the way home).

Expansion of the pedagogical experience of parents through acquaintance with speech and communication games. Enriching children and parents with the experience of emotional communication.

Parents, teachers, children.



Workshop for parents "Game methods of removing

psycho-emotional stress in children"

Increasing parental competence in the application of withdrawal methodspsycho-emotional stress in preschool children.To increase the psychological competence of parents in this matter.

Parents, educators.

Consultation: "Children's safety is in your hands."

To involve parents in the problem of safety, the desire to develop in children ideas about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life. Cultivate respect for health.

Parents, educators.

Information stand for parents:

"We develop by playing" (games that develop cognitive interest)

Pedagogical education of parents. To develop the desires of parents to support in children the desire to learn about the world around them in a playful way.

Parents, educators.

Conversation: How to prevent spring beriberi.

Pedagogical education of parents.To offer practical recommendations to parents on a healthy diet that helps to improve the health of children during a period of vitamin deficiency.

educators, nurses,


Folder-slider: "The dangers that lie in wait for a child on a walk."

To draw special attention to the problem of children's safety in nature. To form a sense of deep responsibility for saving the life of the child.

Parents, educators.

Consultation: "Games on the Walk"

Parents, educators.

Consultation: Creative workshop "Good Fairy Tale"

Parents, educators.

Preparing for the coming summer

Involving parents in the manufacture of attributes for games, benefits, providing all possible assistance in the repair, improvement and landscaping of the site.

Parents, educators.

Parent meeting :

"The final parent meeting."

To draw special attention to the upbringing of children in the summer recreational period. Offer practical recommendations for the implementation of this direction in education. Explain that the family plays a leading role in education.

Parents, educators.


"Child at Home Alone"

Talk to parents and let them know that leaving children alone at home is dangerous. Explain measures about possible dangers in everyday life.

Parents, educators.


"Rules of conduct on the water"

Parents, educators.