Surgical and vacuum abortion - indications, preparation, conduct and duration of the operation. Learn everything: how an abortion is done

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks of pregnancy. Depending on the timing, it is customary to divide it into two types:

  • early - up to 12 weeks;
  • late - from the 13th to the 22nd week.

This division is associated with the technique of abortion.

Necessary tools

Answering the question of how an abortion occurs, we must first consider what tools are needed for this. So, for the production of a medical abortion you will need:

  • bullet forceps, which fix the cervix;
  • Gegar dilators, which expand the cervical canal;
  • a probe that determines the length of the uterus;
  • a set of curettes that scrape the walls of the uterine cavity;
  • vacuum aspirator.

Medical abortion technique

How an abortion is done depends on the gestational age, since the technique of abortion up to 12 weeks is different from the technique for a period of more than 12 weeks. In the beginning, let's look at how an early abortion goes, which is also divided into mini-abortion up to 6 weeks.

A mini-abortion can be performed on an outpatient basis. It usually lasts a few minutes. This requires a manual vacuum aspirator. This technique does not require anesthesia. However, this abortion can be performed up to 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is one of the new ways to terminate a pregnancy.

Medical abortion up to 12 weeks is performed according to the traditional method. It consists of several stages. At the first stage, the cervix is ​​fixed with bullet forceps. At the second stage, probing of the uterine cavity is done. Its purpose is to determine the length of the uterine cavity and the location of the uterus relative to the axis of the cervical canal (the uterus can be tilted anteriorly or backwards, as well as to the sides). Determining the location of the uterus reduces the risk of uterine perforation to a certain extent. The next stage involves the expansion of the cervical canal with Gegar dilators. This is necessary in order to be able to introduce instruments directly designed to remove the fetal egg from the uterus. Therefore, the last step is the use of a vacuum aspirator or curettes. If a medical abortion is performed with curettage, then after the complete removal of the fetal egg, a characteristic sound of “crunchy snow” appears. It indicates that there is nothing in the uterus.

How long does a medical abortion take? Usually, an abortion up to 12 weeks is carried out in 5-10 minutes, depending on the gestational age. It takes place under intravenous anesthesia, while the woman breathes on her own, that is, respiratory support is not required.

Abortion in the period from 12 weeks to 22 weeks is carried out according to a technique that resembles childbirth, therefore, among the people, termination of pregnancy at this time is called artificial childbirth. How long does it take and what is this technique? It takes several days to terminate a pregnancy at this time. It is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the cervix with the help of drugs from the group of prostaglandins or progesterone antagonists. At the second stage, it is necessary to induce contractile activity of the uterus. After this, the birth of the fetus and afterbirth occurs. Since the integrity of the placenta is always in doubt, after termination of pregnancy, it is imperative to curettage the uterine cavity according to the method discussed above, but using a large curette (Boom's curette).

Indications for medical abortion

Abortion up to 12 weeks can be performed both at the request of the woman, and taking into account medical indications. The latter include all those cases when the pregnancy cannot be continued due to a threat to the life of the mother or fetus. Usually these are diseases of a woman in the stage of sub- and decompensation, anomalies in the development of the fetus that are incompatible with life, oncological diseases, etc.

Abortion beyond 12 weeks can be performed only upon the conclusion of a medical commission. Medical and social indications must be taken into account. In turn, the medical indications are the same as discussed above. The social ones are:

  • the unemployed status of a woman;
  • loss of a husband during pregnancy;
  • finding a woman or husband in prison, etc.

That is, in order for an abortion to be performed at such a time, the woman’s desire alone is not enough.

After a medical abortion, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations that contribute to a smoother post-abortion period. Consider them:

  • how long should antibiotics be taken? To prevent infectious complications, antibiotics must be taken from five to seven days;
  • How long should you limit your sex life? On average, this is one month;
  • how long can you take a bath? Depending on the period, this time can vary from a week to a month (the longer the period, the longer the restriction).

Complications of medical abortion

Abortion, like any invasive intervention, can have certain complications. They may be early or late. These include:

  • perforation of the uterus, that is, perforation of its wall with instruments;
  • bleeding;
  • infectious complications;
  • violation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle;
  • infertility due to the development of an adhesive process in the uterine cavity or due to a very thin endometrium.

Alternative to medical abortion

An alternative to medical abortion is medical abortion. How is an abortion done in this case, what is its technique? This type of abortion involves the use of special drugs that help terminate the pregnancy. They are applied in two stages, taking into account the mechanism of their action. How long does an abortion last in this case? Usually it takes 2-3 days to carry it out, in external manifestations it resembles menstruation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that abortion is not a method of birth control and should only be performed as a last resort. In order to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraceptives. Ideally, medical abortion should only be performed for medical reasons, when the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman or may result in the birth of a defective child.

Abortion is the intentional interruption of the natural course of pregnancy when the term is not more than 22 weeks (this figure varies in different countries). Termination of pregnancy after the specified period is called premature birth. When can a woman decide to have an abortion on her own? When the pregnancy does not exceed 12 weeks from the day the last period began (early abortion). With a late abortion (more than 12 weeks), the final decision remains with the medical commission. For medical reasons (for example, a positive test for syphilis or HIV), the pregnancy is terminated at any time.

Depending on the term of performance, abortions are divided into early and late, for the reason that led to the termination of pregnancy, abortions are divided into artificial and spontaneous. Among artificial abortions, one can single out medical and criminal abortion.

Miscarriage - spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks without external intervention. A fetus born before this time is usually not viable. Spontaneous abortion can be caused by ovarian dysfunction, inflammatory processes in the genitals, previous abortions.

Types of medical abortion

Medical abortion can be medical or surgical. The latter is the extraction of the fetus using special tools exclusively in medical institutions. Surgical abortions include:

  • Vacuum aspiration.
  • Dilation and curettage - an abortion performed in 2 stages: first, the gynecologist expands the cervix, and then scrapes the uterine wall with a curette instrument. It is very common in the Russian Federation, but is not recommended by WHO as rather unsafe.
  • Dilation and evacuation is the safest method in the later stages. fraught with complications. The procedure consists of dilating the cervix using electric vacuum suction.
  • Artificial childbirth - an abortion used when a late term is reached.
  • Medical abortion is aimed at spontaneous abortion with the help of special drugs.

The safest types of abortion

Vacuum aspiration and medical abortion are the most popular and safest for women's health types of abortions at gestational ages up to 9-12 weeks.

WHO recommends medical abortion before 9 weeks. It is believed that this is the most gentle of all methods of intentional termination of pregnancy - it does not affect the reproductive abilities of the female body. However, the consequences of medical abortion can occur.

In a medical abortion, the patient takes 2 tablets at the doctor's office: mifepristone and misoprostol. In 95-98% of cases, a complete abortion occurs. Medicines act on the fetus, it breaks away from the uterine cavity, which is accompanied by copious blood discharge. But the uterine cavity remains relatively unscathed.

But abortion can be incomplete. In addition, the effects of medical abortion may include increased bleeding, accumulation of blood in the uterus. These complications are treated. If the abortion is successful, the pregnancy test will turn negative in a few weeks.

When vacuum aspiration is used, a syringe with an elastic plastic tube is inserted into the uterus through which the embryo is sucked out.

What result can be expected from this method? Vacuum aspiration has a positive outcome in 95-100% of cases. This is not a traumatic method, it does not damage the cervix, endometrium. The percentage of complications after vacuum aspiration is 0.1%. If the test after the 1st attempt gives a positive result, then after the second it will be 100% negative.

Where can I get an abortion and which doctor to choose

Professional abortion can be done in a public hospital, a private clinic. Good doctors are everywhere. The only difference is that in the later stages there is no time to wait in line at the state polyclinic. A third of women who decide on artificial termination of pregnancy ask the question: “How to have an abortion at home?”

abortion at home

Missed periods indicate pregnancy. Young girls take a pregnancy test, and it turns out to be positive. They think not about which doctor to choose for an abortion, but about how to have an abortion at home in secret from everyone.

Home abortion is dangerous because it is not known what result to expect from it. So, a hot mustard bath can cause profuse bleeding, and even death. A poisonous decoction of tansy is able to kill the embryo in the uterus, where the latter will rot, threatening infection. The safest way to provoke a miscarriage is a decoction of watercress herb, which causes involuntary contraction of the uterus. After washing the grass, and dousing it with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder. Then express the liquid through cheesecloth. Add water to the juice at the rate of 1 to 2. Boil the mixture, then drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Post-abortion test

A positive result of an abortion can be determined by two signs. The first is a negative pregnancy test, the second is menstruation.

A positive pregnancy test, taken in the first days after an abortion, only says that in the body, where the normal development of the fetus was suddenly interrupted, the hCG hormone is still being produced. Therefore, it is worth repeating the test - after 2-3 weeks it will become negative.

When will the first menses start?

The first menstruation will come later than the usual cycle, that is, menstruation will begin on the 30-35th day. Within 2-3 months, this period will gradually decrease to the norm. Get ready for the fact that menstruation will be somewhat more abundant than usual.

Is it worth having an abortion?

According to WHO, about 46,000,000 abortions are performed every year in the world, and this is 20% of the total number of pregnancies.

Remember that induced abortion is an operation that can cause infertility.

If there are no medical indications for an abortion, and there are no such unambiguously negative social factors as rape, then before having an abortion, think about what a wonderful person you are depriving of the right to life.

Today, more and more often you can meet women who turn to a gynecologist with the problem of unwanted pregnancy. And here it is important to know that no matter what the abortion is, it cannot go absolutely without a trace, because in any case it is a third-party intervention. Therefore, it is simply impossible to avoid and bypass all the negative consequences, but it is still possible to reduce the risk of their occurrence, and it is still possible to prepare for them.

This article will try to answer questions such as: “Does it hurt to have an abortion? How is it made? What anesthesia is used?

Abortion begins with the fact that a woman must clearly decide for herself that this pregnancy is undesirable for her, after weighing all the pros and cons. From a psychological point of view, abortion is an extremely difficult stress that a woman experiences, and if an abortion occurs for medical reasons, then it is doubly difficult.

Women who still decide to have an abortion need to know one thing, that abortion is prohibited if the gestation period is more than twenty-two weeks. If a woman has inflammatory processes, purulent or ulcerative diseases, this can worsen the course of the abortion. Therefore, before having an abortion, you will need to contact a specialist who will perform a complete examination. And only a doctor can prescribe an abortion option that is right for you, including your individual characteristics.

Preparing for an abortion

Depending on the gestational age, you may be offered a completely different approach to preparing for artificial termination of pregnancy. If we are talking about early pregnancy, the doctor will suggest you a medical abortion, which is the most effective. A mini-abortion is carried out for a period of seven weeks.

During a medical abortion, you need to prepare in a special way, since drugs are involved here. Breakfast, before this procedure, you need to lightly, so that the medicines are better absorbed.

TO mini abortion need to prepare more carefully. The patient must be tested for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, and blood clotting. This is necessary because this method of interruption is a surgical procedure and requires more careful verification.

Features of surgical abortion: you need to epilate intimate places, wash yourself before lying down on the couch, remove possible piercings on the abdomen. The doctor will do the internal processing himself.

The operation will necessarily take place under anesthesia, and in this case it is painless. But what you need to remember is that if you eat before the operation, then all the contents of the stomach will be thrown into the respiratory tract, and it may end unpleasantly. Therefore, to avoid this, do not take anything before the operation, not even chewing gum.

medical abortion

Medical abortion is the taking of special drugs that should only be prescribed by a doctor. In the clinic, the patient takes the right dose of medication, and after that she stays in the clinic for some time. If there are no complications and side effects, then the gynecologist lets her go home.

Bleeding can last up to two weeks, after which the woman should return to the doctor. This type of abortion is unpleasant because it can be accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen. After all, bleeding is an integral part of an abortion, when a fetal egg comes out along with the blood.

Surgical abortion

This type of abortion is extremely responsible, because the doctor directly penetrates the "holy of holies" - the female uterus, and he must do this very carefully and carefully.

In this case, the fetus is pulled out mechanically, expanding the cervix. In girls who have never given birth, the cervix is ​​​​not wide, and therefore the doctor will be forced to prescribe her drugs, for example, lubricants, which will swell overnight and expand the walls of the uterus.

So, with a vacuum abortion, the fetus is sucked out of the uterus. An abortion is performed under anesthesia, and this method is the most sparing among all surgical ones.
And if your pregnancy is from nine to twenty-two weeks, then we can talk about curettage. To do this, the doctor divides the fetus into parts so that it is possible to pull it out. An abortion is performed using anesthesia, so you will not feel anything during the operation.

Video how to do an abortion

Not for all girls, pregnancy is a reason for joy and happiness: there are times when, for medical reasons or because of her own unwillingness to have a child, a woman decides to have an abortion. Any method of removing the fetus is accompanied by a risk of complications and may affect the patient's reproductive functions, her health, and the longer the period, the more traumatic the procedure. This explains why a woman is required to learn about all the subtleties and possible consequences of an abortion, as well as how an abortion is done, at what time the operation can take place.

What is an abortion

This is an artificial termination of pregnancy, which is done in different ways, the scale of the consequences for the woman's health depends on the choice of method. Aspiration methods practiced today include:

  • abortion with the help of special drugs;
  • vacuum termination of pregnancy;
  • surgical intervention.

The first two methods of abortion are recognized by WHO as less traumatic. As a rule, the removal of the embryo occurs before the onset of 12 weeks, subsequent procedures (at 12-18 weeks) are called late abortions. After 28 weeks, the termination of an unwanted pregnancy is called preterm birth. Each term implies a certain procedure. However, there is no universal way for all women to terminate a pregnancy - the optimal method is selected for each patient.


The abortion procedure should be performed exclusively in specialized medical institutions. For invasive medical intervention, the following indications apply:

  1. Statement of the death or pathological conditions of the fetus based on the results of the examination.
  2. A wise choice for a woman. Up to 12 weeks, according to the law, a pregnant girl has the right to have an abortion.
  3. Confirmed ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Unforeseen dangerous complications for the life of a baby or a woman that arose during pregnancy.
  5. Serious changes in the girl's health that require immediate treatment that is contrary to pregnancy: the need to perform an organ transplant, chemotherapy or radiation therapy against a background of cancer.
  6. Pregnancy due to rape. According to the law, a woman has the right to interrupt her up to 22 weeks of the term.


The procedure is carried out solely at the discretion of the woman, however, there are factors that prohibit certain methods of abortion. Contraindications include:

  • Rhesus conflict during the first pregnancy;
  • the presence of infections of the genital tract in an acute form (inflammation of the uterus, etc.);
  • a period exceeding 12 weeks (except for medical indications);
  • low blood clotting;
  • acute pathologies of other organs.

How often can you do

Doctors consider this question incorrect, and the only correct answer to it is as often as the female body can withstand. Any doctor, at the same time, will talk about the dangers of abortion for health and advise against this measure, but not everyone can follow this recommendation for various reasons. So, it is possible to talk about the permissible frequency of the procedure only from the point of view of minimizing the harmful effects of this medical procedure on the girl's body.

It should be understood that an abortion is done after the patient has completely recovered from a previous abortion. This period depends on individual factors:

  1. General health. Sleep, nutrition, medication, physical or psycho-emotional stress, stress - all this affects the speed of recovery.
  2. age. The older the woman, the slower tissue regeneration occurs and the immune system copes worse.
  3. Qualifications of the specialist who did the previous procedure.
  4. Type of previous abortion. After medical or vacuum aspiration, the recovery time is shorter than after surgery.
  5. Heredity. The endurance of women depends on the genetic potential.

What doctor does

If there are medical indications, doctors perform a procedure to terminate the pregnancy. Aspirations are done in gynecological clinics equipped with their own laboratory. Before performing an abortion, you need to pass a series of tests prescribed by a gynecologist (obstetrician), who previously examined you and confirmed the fact of pregnancy. Examination and aspiration should be done as soon as possible after a missed period.


Before doing aspiration, the patient is sent for examination. Only on the basis of their results, the doctor decides whether the procedure is acceptable. The training includes the following diagnostic techniques:

  • blood tests for HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis;
  • gynecological examination;
  • biochemical and general blood tests, urinalysis;
  • cardiography;
  • coagulogram;
  • analysis of the level of chorionic gonadotropin;

How is it done

In some cases, a mild pregnancy can have negative consequences - spontaneous abortion occurs (miscarriage occurs). It can be caused by various factors, as a rule, infections, nervous conditions, poor lifestyle, complications of a number of diseases, etc. Other types of abortion are called artificial and involve third-party intervention. When a woman decides to go for it, in no case should you independently perform home abortions, because in doing so you will endanger your life and the child.

Surgical abortion

The method involves scraping the uterine cavity with a special tool to remove the fetal egg during a miscarriage or to stop the pregnancy. Surgical termination of pregnancy causes damage to the uterus, which can lead to severe bleeding, however, surgery is considered the most reliable method of aspiration.

How is a surgical abortion done surgically? The process takes place between 6 and 12 weeks. The indications for the procedure are:

  • conception as a result of rape;
  • a woman's illness incompatible with pregnancy;
  • drug or alcohol addiction;
  • unwillingness to have a child;
  • infection with dangerous viruses that are transmitted to the fetus or may affect its development;
  • taking drugs with a teratogenic effect;
  • intrauterine death of the fetus, malformations of its development.

It is not recommended to resort to the procedure for women during their first pregnancy. because there is a high risk that fetal curettage will lead to loss of reproductive function. How is a surgical abortion performed? Intervention is carried out exclusively in a hospital hospital, while before the procedure, the doctor informs the woman about the possible risk and complications. Since the epithelium is removed from the walls of the uterus during aspiration, the woman feels pain. To avoid discomfort, doctors perform an abortion under general anesthesia.

A special probe is inserted into the cervix, with the help of which it is expanded, gaining access to the fetal egg. The remains of the embryo are removed with a tool - a curette, and the mucous membrane is carefully scraped out. Instrumental abortion lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. Since this method is very effective, a second procedure is rarely required. After surgical aspiration, which involves anesthesia, the woman remains under the supervision of the medical staff for some time (from a couple of hours to 3 days).


This method belongs to the instrumental category and is recommended by WHO as a safe way to terminate pregnancy at an early stage (up to 12 weeks). The effectiveness of this procedure is almost 100%, while the likelihood of infertility or complications does not exceed 0.1%. Indications for vacuum aspiration:

  • incomplete abortion, which was previously done with the help of hormonal drugs;
  • the desire of the patient to stop the pregnancy;
  • presence of medical indications.

How does an abortion work with a vacuum? The procedure is done in a specialized gynecological clinic, usually on an outpatient basis. In the course, local anesthetics are used, which remove discomfort. The process is carried out in stages:

  • a woman is seated on a gynecological chair, the genital tract is treated with an antiseptic and a local anesthetic;
  • a vacuum aspirator is inserted through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity;
  • using a special tool, the functional layer of the endometrium is removed along with the implanted egg.

The total vacuum aspiration time is about 15 minutes. After the procedure, it is required to be observed by a doctor for up to 2 hours so that he can respond in a timely manner to possible uterine bleeding. After the patient is released home, while the woman must observe sexual rest regime for 2-3 weeks. Possible complications of vacuum abortion are:

  • incomplete abortion (if it is impossible to carry out ultrasound control after surgery);
  • bleeding (stopped by drugs or through surgery);
  • nausea/vomiting, dizziness (temporary symptoms that go away on their own after a short time).


The use of this method is recommended for up to 9 weeks, but not more than 49 days after the last menstrual bleeding. Medical interruption involves taking progestin and prostaglandin antagonist tablets. Modern clinics use a combination of medications such as misoprostol and mifepristone. Indications for drug removal of the embryo are:

  • the state of health of the girl;
  • the desire of the pregnant woman (if the term allows).

Contraindications to taking special medications that cause fetal rejection are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • drug intolerance;
  • serious illness in the acute phase;
  • late pregnancy;
  • poor rheological properties of blood.

They do a mini-abortion in a specialized institution under the constant supervision of a doctor. As a rule, drug aspiration does not require a hospital stay, so medication is taken on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is needed only in case of complications - incomplete abortion, adverse reactions in the form of allergies, diarrhea, fever, etc. The effectiveness of this method is 92-98%, while it is considered a relatively safe type of aspiration and is psychologically easier to tolerate by women.

How long does it take

Like any other field of medicine, obstetrics has made great strides over the past decades. Termination of pregnancy does not cause difficulties for specialists, and the risk of complications due to modern technology and drugs is minimized. The duration of different types of aspiration starts from 10 minutes and goes up to 40 minutes. What is the duration of specific types of procedures:

  • vacuum - 10-15 minutes;
  • scraping - 20-40 minutes;
  • medical abortion - instantly, but requires a 36-48-hour interval between doses of drugs.

Recovery period

The girl should avoid heavy physical exertion, monitor changes in body temperature, in addition, the doctor after aspiration may recommend periodically doing pregnancy tests to make sure that the level of gonadotropin in the urine decreases. After surgical curettage, it is necessary to take drugs that stimulate uterine contractions for some time. For 2 weeks after the abortion, it is forbidden to swim in hot or cold water (a moderately warm shower is allowed), in addition, you should not relax in open water.

Sexual life can be resumed from the moment the discharge stops, but not earlier than 14 days after the aspiration - this will protect you from infection of the uterus. It is extremely important to eat right after surgery, as weight gain is possible. Some girls who are very worried about what happened should visit a psychologist. 2 weeks after the intervention, it is necessary to see a doctor and undergo an ultrasound scan to make sure that the removal of the embryo was successful. The doctor will also advise the patient on a reliable method of contraception.


Before deciding on an aspiration, you should find out not only how an abortion is done, but also what problems can arise after this. Surgery and medication can cause hormonal imbalances and other more serious consequences. After the removal of the fetal egg, the following complications may occur:

  1. Infection. When pathogenic bacteria enter the uterine cavity, an inflammatory process or blood poisoning occurs.
  2. Heavy bleeding. In severe cases, removal of the uterus is necessary.
  3. Injury to the cervix. Such a consequence is reflected in the course of the next pregnancy, increasing the risk of miscarriage.
  4. incomplete abortion. The fetal egg remains in the cavity of the organ, continuing its development. In this case, there is a high probability that the child will be born with defects.
  5. Infertility. The lining of the uterus is damaged during the operation, so it can be difficult for the embryos to attach to it later on.
  6. Perforation of the uterine walls. In this case, the damaged area is sutured, but there is a risk of loss of the reproductive organ due to the bleeding that has opened.
  7. The formation of a placental polyp. If a certain number of chorionic villi remain inside the uterus, being fixed on its walls by connective tissue, pathology begins. It is often accompanied by pain, vaginal bleeding.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion

Approximately on the 25th day after the operation, menstruation begins. Until this moment, the girl must protect herself, since it is highly likely that a new fertilization will occur immediately. At the same time, it is possible to bear a child before childbirth, however, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature contractions, since the female body has not yet grown stronger after the intervention.

Many doctors prescribe hormonal contraceptives to patients who have undergone aspiration. They stimulate the production of mucus in the cervical canal, which subsequently serves as additional protection for the tubes and uterus from infection. This is necessary to protect the vulnerable organism from pathologies and give it the opportunity to recover after an abortion. As a rule, this period takes six months, during which the menstrual cycle is established and the uterine mucosa is completely renewed, after which the female body is again ready to bear the fetus.


Having decided on a responsible abortion operation, a woman often asks a doctor: how an abortion is done, what methods exist. Let us consider in more detail this process, methods of implementation, possible consequences and complications.

Abortion - types

Before carrying out, doctors conduct a conversation with the patient about the possible negative consequences of manipulation. Many after an abortion have difficulty conceiving. After making the final decision, the girl needs to go to the antenatal clinic, where you can get information about the existing types of abortion operations and the timing of their implementation.

In gynecological practice, several methods of abortion are used. When choosing a particular doctor, they are guided by the gestational age, the age of the patient, and take into account the presence of pregnancies in the past. Among the existing methods:

  • - involves taking drugs that cause the death of the embryo and its expulsion from the uterine cavity;
  • mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) - carried out using a special tool, the principle of which is similar to a vacuum cleaner;
  • surgical abortion (curettage) - the uterine cavity is cleaned with special tools.

abortion pills

When a medical abortion is performed, the drugs used in the manipulation cause the death of the fetal egg, which then comes out. The procedure is performed exclusively for short periods, with small embryo sizes. Talking about how medical abortion occurs, it must be said that its effectiveness is 98%. It is carried out in medical institutions, under the supervision of doctors. At the first stage, they suggest drinking a drug that causes the death of the embryo, after which the medication that expels the embryo (Mifepreston and Misoprostol).

mini abortion

Vacuum aspiration, also known as mini-abortion, is a surgical method for terminating gestation. Conducted for short periods. The operation lasts no more than 10 minutes. Using a special aspirator with a tip, doctors suck the fetal egg from the uterine cavity. It is done by creating a vacuum. Due to the lack of a strong connection between the embryo and the uterine wall, detachment occurs easily. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of incomplete removal of fetal tissues from the uterine cavity. As a result, there is a risk of infection of the uterus.

medical abortion

This type of abortion is used at a later date, when the fetus cannot leave the uterine cavity on its own (due to its size). The operation is performed using anesthetics. Talking about how this type of abortion occurs, doctors draw the attention of patients to its similarity with a conventional operation on the reproductive system. After installing the gynecological mirrors, the neck is dilated. Having gained access to the uterine cavity, a complete curettage is carried out with a curette - removal of the fetal egg along with the endometrium.

Termination of pregnancy - artificial birth

Speaking about how an abortion occurs in the later stages, doctors note the lack of the possibility of carrying out the procedure with the mere desire of the pregnant woman. There needs to be a good reason for doing so. The choice of methodology for conducting it depends on the condition of the woman, the presence or absence of chronic diseases. In the absence of contraindications, a special solution (hypertonic sodium chloride) is injected into the amniotic fluid through the cervix, which causes the death of the fetus. At the next stage, drugs that increase the contractility of the uterus are injected into the bloodstream of the pregnant woman.

Termination of pregnancy with folk remedies

Abortion at home is a dangerous, life-threatening procedure. Methods such as a heated bath with mustard powder, visiting a bathhouse, lifting weights can negatively affect a woman's health. These manipulations provoke a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. The pressure inside the vessels of the small pelvis increases, uterine contractions are provoked, as a result of which the embryo is expelled outward.

It should be borne in mind that the abortive components used may not always lead to a 100% result. As a result, there is a risk of infection - the remaining parts of the embryo tissue in the uterine cavity begin to fester. The situation requires medical intervention, cleaning the uterine cavity. In addition, there is a risk of development when using folk abortive drugs and methods. Lack of qualified assistance for bleeding can lead to death.

Indications for abortion

Abortion at short terms is more often carried out at the request of the woman herself. However, there are so-called indications for abortion. They are usually divided into medical and social. The former include diseases that are incompatible with the life of the fetus - a miscarriage occurs, the child is born with anomalies and defects. Abortion can be prescribed for medical reasons, when the process of pregnancy itself is undesirable for the woman's body - tumors in the pelvis, a recent miscarriage.

It is customary to call social indications those reasons that are due to both the health of the mother and the conditions of her life - dysfunctional families, the presence of genetic diseases in the family. In such cases, the decision to conduct an abortion is made by a medical commission. At the same time, the desire of the woman herself is also taken into account. The list of indications for termination of pregnancy for social reasons is different for different states, and is determined in the order of the Ministry of Health.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons

Termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration is also carried out for medical reasons. These are indicated in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health. If a woman has a pathology or the impossibility of bearing a baby, a date for the operation is set. The choice of technique depends on the gestational age, the presence of concomitant pathologies. Common medical indications for abortion include:

  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • - contact with the patient before 12 weeks of pregnancy, lack of immunity;
  • tumors of the small pelvis, the treatment of which involves the use of x-rays;
  • severe diabetes mellitus (with kidney damage);
  • acute leukemia;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • addiction;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • epilepsy with a predisposition to frequent convulsions;
  • heart defects;
  • gastric ulcer with bleeding;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Termination of pregnancy for social reasons

In the presence of such indications, termination of pregnancy with pills is carried out in a hospital. The list of social indications may differ, and depends on the country of residence of the pregnant woman. So in the CIS countries, the main social indications for which an abortion is performed are:

  • husband's disability (groups 1 and 2);
  • death of a breadwinner during pregnancy;
  • stay of a pregnant woman or her spouse in places of deprivation of liberty; a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights;
  • divorce during the current pregnancy;
  • refugee status;
  • lack of own housing;
  • low family income (less than the subsistence level).

Abortion - terms

Not always, if there is a desire for a pregnant woman, an abortion can be performed - the timing of this operation is determined. In the absence of medical indications, abortive measures are permissible up to 12 weeks. This abortion is considered early. Doctors can do it later - 12-22 weeks, when there are medical indications. Depending on the gestational age, the method of surgical intervention is selected. Speaking about how an abortion is done at a short time, doctors call medical and mini-abortion.

early abortion

When a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy at the very beginning, doctors use medical abortion, the terms of which are up to 5 weeks of gestation, inclusive. Doctors can diagnose pregnancy using ultrasound as early as 3 weeks. If you suspect a pregnancy that is not desirable, you should contact a gynecologist. The absence of surgical, hardware intervention is the advantage of medical abortion, the consequences of which are minimal for the body.

Until a vacuum abortion is possible. It has greater efficiency than the above, but there are risks of trauma to the uterine walls. Often, for short periods, aspiration can be used as a control of the performed medical abortion. Complete removal of the remnants of the tissues of the embryo prevents the development of complications of an inflammatory and infectious nature.

Late term abortion

Having talked about how an abortion is done in the early stages, we note that it is also possible in the 2-3 trimesters. Termination of pregnancy in the later stages is possible only for medical reasons. The process itself is vaguely reminiscent of childbirth - the stimulation of the birth process is also done. If there is a need for an urgent extraction of the fetus, a caesarean section can be used (rarely). During manipulation, transabdominal or transcervical administration of special solutions is used (through the abdominal wall or uterine neck).

Before an abortion is performed, a special catheter is inserted into the cervical canal, through which, after reaching and puncturing the fetal bladder, a hypertonic solution is injected. The calculation of the required fluid is carried out taking into account the gestational age - 6 ml per 1 week. Instead of a hypertonic sodium chloride solution, a 20% glucose solution is often used. After that, drugs that provoke uterine contractions are introduced.

Abortion - complications

Complications after an abortion occur a few days after the manipulation. They can be associated both with the incorrect implementation of the abortion algorithm, and with the course of the recovery period. Common complications of abortion include:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • perforation of the uterine wall;
  • incomplete extraction;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.