How to invite a girl to go for a walk. How to ask a girl out on a date. Alternative ways to ask for a date

How to ask a girl out on a date - the 3 most common ways

How to ask a girl out on a date: step by step instructions

- How to ask a girl out on a date: step by step instructions
- 3 most common ways to call a girl for a meeting
Method number 1. By phone
Method number 2. In social networks
Method number 3. In person
- Principles that will increase your chances of dating a girl
- Conclusion

Step one.
Come up with at least 2 places where you would like to go with this girl. It can be a cafe, an exhibition, a walk in the park, or a trip to an event. Of course, it's better if it is something interesting, and not a banal cafe, but if you can't think of such a place, the cafe will do. Remember that it is the company that paints the place.

Step two.
Come up with a place and time for the meeting. To get to the exhibition, it is better to meet at the nearest metro station or in the square near the famous monument. Say a description of the landmarks to yourself: how will you explain to the girl exactly where and what time you are dating.

Step three.
Sell \u200b\u200byour meeting with her. Say out loud a phrase for 30 seconds that will interest her and help you get her consent to the date. Say this phrase several times about each of these two places, soon you will be saying the same to her.

Now feel free to call her and offer to meet. The sooner you do this, the more likely it is that she will agree. Talk to her for a minute, find out how she's doing. Then feel free to offer your first prepared version (place 1, time 1). If she is uncomfortable or not interested, you have a fallback (place 2, time 2). If that doesn't work, say goodbye and call her in a week.

The 3 most common ways to call your girlfriend for a date

Method number 1. By phone.

Asking for a date over the phone has its pros and cons. It is more effective to reach agreement on the phone than when exchanging SMS or messages in VK: a girl does not have time to think, to come up with excuses and circumstances why she cannot - which means that there is a greater chance that she will accept the offer. If a guy has a pleasant timbre of voice, a call is an ideal option to awaken romantic moods and anticipation of a meeting in a girl's soul.

Another advantage of a telephone conversation is that she will not see your face, which means she will not understand that you are blushing, turning pale and terribly embarrassed.

Do not start rattling about that you want to meet her from the very first minutes. Start by asking questions about how she is doing, what she did today. Gradually move on to figuring out the young lady's plans for the day you scheduled a date.

In no case, if you want to invite a girl out on a date via SMS, you do not need to be afraid of rejection and defeat. It is never necessary to give up before your goal. And girls' refusals can be a simple test of a guy's strength. Since all girls love strong and brave guys, and if you pass their test and don't give up, then you will achieve great success and experience in relationships.

You cannot see her, she does not see you and your face, filled with the blush of embarrassment, she does not hear your stammering voice.

The written invitation text, before you sent it, of course, you can correct and refine as many times as you like.
All in all, a great way, perfect for young guys.

However, there are also disadvantages here. When communicating in VK or exchanging SMS, the girl has more ways to retreat. She may simply not reply to a message, leave it unread and, as they say, no person - no problem. Therefore, when texting on Vkontakte, you need to show a lot of ingenuity, a sense of humor and originality in order to interest her and achieve a positive response.

If a man is creative and “friendly” with rhyme, you can try to write a beautiful message in verse, slightly romantic or humorous. The girl will appreciate, first of all, not the perfection of the syllable, but the unusual approach and the fact that the verse is not from the Internet, but is dedicated to her.

To get the girl's consent, come up with some non-trivial invitation text.

If you impress a girl with a creative, romantic and competent invitation, then she will definitely agree to go with you to a meeting.

Method number 3. In person.

It is very difficult, because you can no longer hide behind a telephone receiver or a computer monitor - all your emotions and fears will be visible to the girl.

And yet, do not be afraid to invite a girl on a date in person, for example, by going to her on the street.

This method allows you to use the following advantages:

  • Smile.
    If you have a beautiful smile, healthy teeth and a pleasant breath, then you simply have to demonstrate all this to the young lady you are rolling up to.
  • Sight.
    Practice looking at your interlocutor in a captivating, enveloping, sexy way, promising her eternal happiness. Look in the mirror to see how you look.
  • Appearance.
    Not only men love with their eyes, ladies also prefer handsome men, not unkempt scarecrows.

If you're good-looking, your chances of getting a positive answer will increase.

Principles that will increase your chances of dating a girl

There is no single, one hundred percent "working" phrase or single approach that will ensure success, but there are certain general principles that will help to make the invitation original and properly prepare for a conversation with a girl:

1. First of all, the invitation must be original. With the help of a non-standard approach, you can make it clear to the girl that she is dealing with an outstanding, interesting and cheerful man with whom it will not be boring to spend the evening.

3. A girl should not only be called to a meeting, but interested: invited to a movie for a film she is waiting for, a concert, in a cafe with her favorite cuisine.

4. Time and place must be clearly marked.

5. Make sure the girl knows how to get to the meeting point.

6. Do not say directly that this is a date, using this particular formulation, but come up with some more veiled reason and phrases.

"I have a surprise for you. I know one amazing place that you will certainly like due to your fine mental organization. Let's go? "

7. A man should radiate calmness and confidence.

8. Do not overwhelm right away, after greeting, with a proposal to meet: it is better to first clarify whether it is convenient for the girl to talk, chat a little, and only then move on to the main thing.

9. It is necessary to prepare backup options if the girl says that on the proposed day and time she cannot meet, and immediately determine the date of the meeting. It is necessary to specifically decide on which day the girl will be able to allocate time for a meeting, and first remind her of this promise.

10. If the girl does not directly refuse, but comes up with one after one excuses for the umpteenth time, but still is of irresistible interest, you can turn to a sense of humor and still “pull her out”: “Well, you have a tight schedule, you’re all time is so busy that she has already refused to meet with me 4 times. Maybe you will agree for a change? "

11. After the conversation, the girl should have a more or less clear idea where she is invited - so that her outfit matches the place and setting.

The most optimal invitation option is personal communication, but such an opportunity is not always presented. If a guy and a girl are neighbors, work colleagues, classmates, then it is better to give preference to this particular dialogue option. Eye contact and non-verbal cues can help you better understand each other and increase the chances that the girl will agree.


Many men are hesitant to ask a girl they feel for a date. Especially if they want to see her as their wife. The fear of refusal gives rise to doubts in their souls: what to do so that she agrees to a date - call, write VK or send SMS, and what time it is best to do it.

I think I won't be mistaken if I say that the question "How to invite a girl out on a date?" for a long time interested in the male half of humanity. This question remains relevant to this day. The thing is, not many guys know how to properly invite a girl to agree to a date.

First of all, you should start by choosing the girl you want to date. Then you need to decide why you want to ask her out on a date. Thus, it will be easier for you to work out your further actions. And this article will certainly help you with this.

Material prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

Hello friends. Trying to call a young lady on a date in an original and beautiful way is like going through a minefield, you don't know how she will react to your proposal. Today I will tell you how to invite a girl out on a date, so that I will share all the secrets. Let's consider all possible options.

How to invite a girl for a walk

Most guys get scared when they want to invite a lady they know to a date. As a rule, fear arises from self-doubt, fear of the girl's refusal to meet. In such cases, only increased work on oneself and the practice of communicating with the opposite sex will help. Now let's talk about what needs to be taken into account for a guy who wants to properly invite a young lady on a date:

  1. Confidence.

Try to speak in an even, calm voice, if you stutter or stutter, the girl will simply laugh at you and most likely refuse to meet. Watch your body movements - do not shift from foot to foot, look into your eyes, do not fiddle with clothes.

  1. The words.

Do not use the word "date", this word denotes the seriousness of your act and intentions, perhaps it will frighten off the girl - not many want to get married right after the date, etc. Just say: "I have a free evening today, shall we go to a cafe?" At the same time, it is desirable to say about a specific place, girls do not like ambiguity, such as "maybe we'll go somewhere."

  1. Eye contact.

Women, when talking to them, always look into the eyes, so if you talk and look somewhere to the side or to the side, she will understand that you are not confident and embarrassed. Many psychologists suggest doing this: you can look not into the eyes, but into the bridge of the nose (the place between the eyebrows), so it will be easier for you, and the girl will see that you are looking only at her.

  1. Alone.

There should be no extra people during such an invitation. The environment always has the ability to influence the individual, so avoid companies next to the lady, believe me, she also does not need extra gossip, choose the moment when there are no extra ears next to her.

  1. Meeting point.

This must be taken care of in advance. Choose several options for your pastime: cafe, cinema, theater, exhibition. If possible, you can ask the beauty: what she loves, where she goes, what she likes. This way you will have a better chance of hitting the mark and a lot of fallback options.

  1. Get yourself in order.

This has already been reminded many times: the better you look, the more chances the beauty will like. It is not necessary to wear a suit, tie, patent leather shoes - it is enough to keep you clean, combed, shaved and in unwrinkled clean clothes.

  1. Don't be intimidated by rejection.

Yes, it happens that the lady refuses. For various reasons: maybe she doesn't like you, maybe she doesn't like the meeting place, or maybe she doesn't have time. In any case, there is no need to impose, constantly terrorize her with questions, wait a little, perhaps she will agree another time. In the end, you can invite another, for which you also have views.

How to date a girl you don't know

The most difficult thing to invite is a lady you don't know. The young man knows nothing about her: is there a boyfriend, what is her character and much more. Therefore, in order not to be rejected, you need to show imagination, intelligence, ingenuity. The action plan is as follows:

Approach her with an inquiring look and say: “Girl, do you know where the most delicious coffee is made here? And you could show me, I'll treat you too. " At the same time, keep at arm's length - so the lady will clearly see you, and you will not violate her personal space.

Look at the reaction. Here you need to pay attention to the body language: how she sits or stands - if her arms are spread or at her sides, her face is directed at you, her gaze is open - she listens carefully and acts situationally (decides yes or no on the spot). If she stands and crosses her legs, smiles, lowers her eyes, she is ashamed of you. If she keeps her hands in the lock, cross-legged or crossed, the look is appraising - in this case, she can excuse herself, for example: I have a boyfriend "or" I'm expecting a young man. "

Act according to the situation: if she agreed, offer a place where to walk or sit (park, cafe). Immediately invite a girl to a restaurant, even if you don’t need finances. Firstly, by this you will spoil her from the very beginning - she will wait for a more beautiful place with every date, and secondly, she will decide that you have serious intentions, but you are not yet sure of this. For the first time, you can be invited to take a walk around the city, sit in a cafe, in a park, in a coffee shop.

If the lady refused, apologize, leave and rather forget about it, so as not to breed uncertainty in yourself. It happens that a stranger leaves the phone - you can call and ask for a date on the phone (we will talk about this later).

How to call a girl out on the phone

This is the easiest way to invite, here the girl does not see your insecurity, your ridiculous appearance and much more. Only your voice, intonation, words appear here. During a telephone conversation, the beauty does not have time to think, which increases the chances of a positive answer. You need to pay attention to the following:

  • the voice should not be too loud;
  • speak directly, without going around the bush;
  • speak politely without familiarity;
  • refer to her by name;
  • check if she knows how to get there (if there is a car, offer to give a lift).

Here is a list of example phrases for a phone invitation:

"Hi. I'm Gena, we met last week. Let's go to a new cafe on (street name), they say they make delicious pizza. "

“(Name), what are you doing tomorrow night? I bought myself rollers, but I can't skate, can you help? "

If you live in an area with a large river, where you can ride a boat or steamer in the summer, suggest: "Will you accompany me on a river walk?"

"Hi. A new film has been released today, shall we go together? "

“What is a beautiful stranger in the world doing today? Can I interfere with your plans? Shall we go bowling with me today? "

Important! Regardless of which way you invite a lady: be flexible. The fair sex even on weekends are busy with important things, so adjust to her plans, change yours.

How to invite a beauty VKONTAKTE

Social media is a favorite of most guys. Many even meet girls there and make dates. The advantages of Internet communication are that the chosen one does not see or hear you, but judges your attitude towards her by SMS. Therefore, special attention should be paid to them:

  • use multimedia: smilies, graffiti, photos, videos;
  • write poetry, you can write your own;
  • ask about her affairs, more about her, less about you;
  • write in full words (without any "ok, clear, pozhls, norms", etc.);
  • do not use foul language.

As a rule, when communication has begun in contact and has been actively continuing for some time, you can safely invite her to meet live. The place can be discussed with the beauty - take into account her tastes and preferences. Here, the probability of refusal is reduced to zero - if you constantly communicate online, then the lady is interested in meeting you.

If you practically do not communicate online - for example, you work together, you can invite her to join you on the weekend:

"I'm going to roller-skate on the weekend, would you like with me?"

"The neighbors left me a pug, I have no idea what to do with him, can you help?"

“What are you doing this weekend? Can I join you? "

How to choose a meeting place

Here, too, you need to show imagination and ingenuity. Women are tired of monotonous trips to the cinema, theater, restaurant - they have already gone through all this, except for those who have never been on a romantic date. Think about what your person might like, find out from her about her hobbies, dreams and be guided by this. If there is no option, you can add a little flavor to the simple option. For example: you are going to invite her to a cafe, you can do this:

  1. Book a table.
  2. Decorate the table with flowers or rose petals.
    Wait until the girl comes, and she is escorted to the table.
  3. Wait for her to order.
  4. Agree with the waiter and change into his uniform.
  5. Bring her her order and stay with her.

The girl will be pleasantly surprised and will definitely agree to the second and subsequent dates.

Original date invitation

This question worries all young people and men. "How to invite a young lady so that she does not take offense and does not think anything superfluous or bad about me?" Very simple, consider phrases that spoil everything in the world:

"Hello. May I ask you out on a date? "

"Hi. What are you doing today, come with me to the river. "

"Hi. What are you going to do today? Are you busy? Could you go to the cinema with me? It's not for long, I still have to take my mother from work. "

"(Name), you will go, tomorrow to Stas Mikhailov with me, mind you, if you are late, I will not follow you."

“When will you invite me for tea? Can not wait".

What to say:

"Hi. I'm free from all matters today, and you? You will keep me company, I want to look into the coffee shop, they say there are delicious cakes. "

“I'm going for a run tomorrow morning, are you with me? Only, mind you, do not overtake. "

"Help me, please, I need to buy a shirt, but I absolutely do not know how to choose them, I need your professional look."

These simple phrases will help you invite her on a date with you, but first of all, the guy needs to focus on the chosen one - her tastes, preferences, daily schedule. When the first date is successful, it will not be difficult to invite to the second, you can take a little time - make her a little worried, perhaps she herself will invite first. Be sure to include humor:

"Something I didn't see you last time, will we meet again?"

"You know, and I liked going on dates with you, let's make it a tradition?"

In this article you can find a lot of useful information on relationships with women and understand how best to persuade them to a meeting, and other articles provide answers to many equally important questions.

How to invite a girl to take a walk together in the evening for the first time in the contact of the phrase so that she does not refuse even if she is busy what to write

The advantage of social networks is not only the possibility of communication, but also the fact that people unwittingly reveal themselves and their hobbies in them, posting photos or joining certain interest groups. This should be used so that even an overly busy girl does not refuse to meet.

So, for example, if a girl loves cats, then her page will certainly be filled with pictures of these animals, which means that you can safely invite the girl to visit a cat show - there should be no refusal.

Your rendezvous invitation message will look something like this:

“There are two tickets to the cat show. Will you keep me company? "

How to invite a girl to take a walk around the city if she does not want and refuses

One hundred percent sure-fire option to lure your girlfriend out of the house is to buy tickets for a concert or film with the participation of her favorite artists.

After a concert or a movie session, under the influx of feelings, the girl will no longer be able to refuse you a walk around the city.

How to invite a girl to take a walk SMS examples without refusal

The likelihood of not receiving a refusal from a girl for an invitation to go for a walk increases with sympathy for you. A loving girl can make an appointment for the next meeting even without your reminder. But until this happens, it is important to intrigue your chosen one and interest in the meeting by writing an SMS with approximately the following content:

"There is important information that I cannot tell anyone but you." Next, you should turn on your imagination and figure out how to get out further. For example, you can mysteriously inform your beloved that tonight the Eye of Taurus in the night sky will be bright, as happens once in a hundred years, so I really would not want to miss such a significant event when there are all the possibilities for this.

How to invite a girl for a walk if she is shy, you are shy

You can invite a shy girl to take a walk, if you are shy yourself, you can, for example, with the following phrase: "I am sad to sit at home alone, let's go for a walk in the park?" As a rule, such places are deserted and you will be more comfortable and freer to communicate than in public.

How to invite a girl to take a walk on the phone examples

You can invite a girl to take a walk on the phone by invisibly involving her in a dialogue. For example: "What films do you like?" Having received the answer, immediately say the second half of the phrase: "Keep the company, let's go to the cinema at 5 - the film is in your taste."

Or: "Whom do you love more - sparrows or doves?" Having received the answer, write a second SMS: "Let's go and feed them?"

What do men want and how to provide them with a problem that they have to face constantly, therefore it is not surprising that many people want to find from ...

Walking in the open air or under the moon is always pleasant. Especially if the two of you are also together - this is doubly pleasant. It's somehow not interesting to walk alone on the street, especially if you have a person you like. But many guys don't understand: how to invite a girl for a walk? What if she refuses or laughs at you? To prevent this from happening to you, read this article.

The very process of walking with a girl you like means that you want to get to know better, learn more about her, or just spend your free time pleasantly. It all depends on the purpose of your walk.

Before you invite a girl out for a walk

First, find out if she has a boyfriend. If she is already dating someone, then she is unlikely to accept your offer. Do you need to get upset? And so you will immediately understand that there will only be a refusal, so you don't need to say anything. By the way, find out about her plans. If she is going to go for a walk with a friend, it is unlikely that she will cancel the meeting because of you.

Be sure to find out what she likes. If you've known each other for a while, you already know something. As a last resort, you can ask mutual friends. The main thing is to interest the girl. If she realizes that you have common hobbies, she will be interested in you, and accordingly, you can count on the next meeting.

If you just met, and you have no mutual friends, and you have no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat she likes, then go to a nice and cozy cafe or restaurant. After the cafe, you can walk a little around the city.

In general, it all depends on your imagination. Think about where you wanted to go with the girl? Where do your friends and loved ones date? Surely you will come up with something.

The most important thing now is to properly invite the girl for a walk. The invitation must be polite, it is unacceptable to be arrogant. Start with the trite - find out about the plans for the evening. Ask if she wants to take a walk. Well, then ask if she wants to go there or there. Maybe the girl will suggest another option.

How to invite a girl for a walk

The first step is to make a phone call. As already mentioned, you cannot talk about real plans in the virtual space. So that the girl does not have doubts about the seriousness of the young man, she must hear his voice.

Having dialed the number, you need to introduce yourself, say that you are texting or indicate the place where you met. If it is difficult for a girl to remember (since she can correspond with several men), remind her of your nickname or describe an avatar.

Further, in order to somewhat defuse the situation, it is worth a little joke. This, of course, is not about retelling the latest issue of the Comedy Club - one or two neutral phrases are enough. The main goal at this stage is to make the girl smile, since it is much easier to communicate with a positive person.

Hearing notes of laughter in your voice, you can go directly to your goal. At this stage, you should know that before inviting a girl to take a walk, you need to clearly determine the place where you plan to go and the pastime.

The option “let's go somewhere and see there” is usually associated with boredom and aimless wandering around the city. Sentences such as “let's go boating / rollerblading / bicycles, watching a movie / painting exhibition / horse racing”, etc. are perceived with a much more positive attitude.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the so-called "work with objections." It is likely that none of the proposed options will suit the girl (maybe both a real reason and a lack of desire). In this case, you can give her the opportunity to choose, but if the girl falls into a stupor and cannot answer anything concrete, then you should say goodbye, agree, write off or call in the future.

If everything went well and consent was received from the girl to take a walk, then at the end of the conversation it is necessary to repeat the place and time of the meeting again. And directly on the day of the date, call and decide that everything is in force.

Street, park - where to invite a girl to take a walk?

From the very beginning, you shouldn't make an offer to take a walk like this: "Hey girl or pretty woman, maybe we'll take a walk ...". Etc. In most cases, this can simply be disgusting on her part.

Such an offer should be made in a polite tone. If you don't know what to start talking about, the best way is to invite her to an entertainment program or to a movie. This will give you a common topic for discussion.

If you already know her, then you already know something about her hobbies and interests, and it will be easier for you to start communicating.

If she knows that you are also passionate about the same hobby, then success is practically guaranteed to you. You can consult with her how best to do, what is better to do.

If a girl loves animals, you can invite her to go to a cat show, invite her to ride horses, and the like. If it's summer, you can invite the girl for a walk near the river or on the lakes (after all, there is probably something like that in your area).

True, this will only work if you have known each other for a long time. If you met yesterday, and you offer her to go to the river, where there is no one else within a kilometer radius, you are unlikely to get consent. If you are fond of cinema - go to a new film. And so on - a lot of options.

Your darling is fond of sports - then just take a ride on bicycles, or maybe go to the tennis court or skating rink. This will be just a great move for your future relationship.

It also happens that you just met and do not know anything about her. So it's worth learning about her and her interests. This can be done in a relaxed atmosphere - a movie or cafe, a disco or an exhibition. It is in such an environment that you can study in more detail all of her interests, and how she generally lives.

Remember and don't forget. Whenever you meet, you, a young man, must always arrive on time, even a little earlier. But the girl should not be scolded for being a little late. She can afford it.

All bright and interesting relationships begin with the first date. But it is not easy for a guy to decide to take the initiative and turn to the girl he likes with an offer to meet. After all, the pride of many young people is very vulnerable, and rejection can be painful. How to invite a girl out for a walk if you really like her? This article is not for pickup artists, but for honest guys who liked the girl.

Who should be avoided

Let's make a reservation right away that we are not talking about "dating professionals." These are girls who expect an amazing restaurant and small but expensive gifts from the first meeting. Of course, such girls are very bright and effective, but it's useless to dream of them until you have enough funds. And if there is not much money yet, how to invite a girl for a walk? Sincerity, unobtrusiveness and

Where to rest with her

Where to go for a walk? The ideal option is a park that has ice cream stands and other goodies. does not oblige anyone to anything, so it is best to spend a little on it. If you are counting on sex - then play by the rules of "professional" and immediately take you to a restaurant. And even then not everyone will agree after the restaurant "in the rooms". Feel deceived. So it's better to choose a place for the first date that involves the minimum expenditure of funds.

What not to do

How to invite a girl for a walk so that she doesn't refuse? Talk about topics that are of interest to her, and be simple and honest. Most girls don't like guys who fool around with sudden mood swings, sarcasm, criticizing other people, and bragging. Well, although boasting can still be tolerated, if it is justified, and even then it annoys many. In short, before you call a girl, you need to establish a fun and interesting relationship with her. If you yourself do not like talking, it is better not to try to meet: this is a sign that this girl is not your option. Don't waste your time and hers.

Be direct about sympathy

How do you invite a girl out for a walk to maximize your chances? Be sure to sincerely tell her that you like her and that you enjoy talking to her. Therefore, you would like to be with her in reality. An honest declaration of sympathy is not a declaration of love, but girls like it. There is no need to invent lying pretexts and try to misinform her. The girl you like will agree to hang out with you if she likes you in general. Be unobtrusive - if you are refused, softening the refusal with a reason, retreat for a while. And then after a couple of weeks try to invite again.

Of course, there is also aerobatics dating - to provoke a situation in which the girl herself would invite the guy for a walk. Do you think this is unrealistic? This can be achieved. You need to build a very deep communication, sympathize with her, joke non-aggressively, correspond every day and talk about which places you will visit together and how many new things you will experience. Sooner or later, the girl will want to experience your proposals in reality. And she will invite you on a date. But this method requires long-term concentration on one girl. So use it if you are sure that she is the "one".