What you need to take to the hospital for childbirth. What you need to take with you to the hospital: a list. List of necessary things for the baby - collecting the bag for the maternity hospital

It is impossible to get ready to go to the hospital right the first time. It will definitely turn out that half of the bag is occupied by completely unnecessary things, and what is desperately required, relatives will take half a day, which will seem like an eternity to you!

Therefore, it is better not to rely on the official list of the maternity hospital, which is too general, standard and outdated, and, of course, cannot take into account the needs of different girls.

I advise you to study as much information as possible on the topic of what you need to take, especially the reviews of experienced women in labor who have visited the hospital more than once, and know exactly what the hospital can do without, and what will only take up space.

It is better to collect the bag in advance, from about 34 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, arm yourself with a pen, and write down the most complete list of things in the hospital.

To begin with, get ready for the fact that you will not have to pack things in bags, but in bags. This rule in 2017 and 2018 applies to all maternity hospitals, district and regional, as well as perinatal centers and is due to SanPin.

According to this document, various reusable bags can be too dirty, and also be the source of all kinds of infections, which is dangerous for newborns with immunodeficiency, as well as other disorders.

Therefore, the universal requirement is that all things for the mother and baby are put in plastic bags by the woman in labor.

These items should be put in a separate bag. You will take it with you for registration in the delivery room, leaving all other things in the ward. So, what to take to the hospital in the first place:

  1. Personal documents: passport, policy, SNILS (with copies).
  2. Medical documents: exchange card and birth certificate (issued in the antenatal clinic).
  3. Accompanying documents (if childbirth is joint): passport and fluorography no later than six months before childbirth.
  4. A bottle of water during labor and the first time after childbirth.
  5. Stockings from varicose veins (if it began to appear during pregnancy).
  6. Cellular telephone.
  7. A disposable diaper (it will be put on the baby immediately after birth).
  8. Cotton jumpsuit or bodysuit (if you plan not to swaddle, but to dress the baby in regular clothes right away).
  9. A cap and socks (the nurses ask, however, we didn’t wear either).
  10. Disposable postpartum kit (mesh panties and a huge pad).

List of things in the postpartum ward

These things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby, will wait for them in the ward and are designed to create the comfort of being in the hospital.

  1. Packaging of disposable diapers for newborns (for a weight of 1-4 kg).
  2. Packaging of disposable absorbent diapers (and for a mother to put in for the first time when the discharge may leak, and for a baby instead of a diaper if it is very hot or just ventilate the ass).
  3. Two jumpsuits or bodysuits. If you give birth in autumn or spring, when there is no heating or not yet, it can be cool in the hospital, so a cotton jumpsuit with closed legs and handles is desirable. If you are giving birth in hot summer months or in winter when the heating is hot, it is best to have light baby clothes with you.
  4. Liquid soap for children from the first days of life (and wash the child if necessary, and wash your hands more often).
  5. Baby wet wipes (wipe the bottom at night so as not to get up to wash, or if the water is turned off).
  6. Dry wipes (wipe your mouth if spit up with milk).
  7. Cotton pads (wipe wrinkles).
  8. A bottle of 0.5 of plain non-carbonated water (wet a cotton pad with which to wipe the folds).
  9. Four packs of pads of the largest size (maxi or night for postpartum discharge, it is better to immediately take more of them, so as not to save, but change more often, because dryness and cleanliness in intimate places is one of the conditions for quick healing).
  10. Washable slippers or flip-flops (if something spills or leaks on them, they should be easy to wash and put on immediately).
  11. Panties (3-4 pieces, no less, because at first they can easily get dirty with blood).
  12. Two bras special for breastfeeding (with wide shoulder straps, underwire, comfortable and not crushing). Two because during the flow of milk one of them may get wet through, and you will have to wash and dry it, while wearing the second one.
  13. Breastfeeding inserts (you can't do without them during milk flow - everything will get wet)
  14. Dressing gown (it is usually put on when leaving the ward, and removed when entering the ward, thus contacting the baby in a clean shirt).
  15. Nightgown (this needs to be clarified at the hospital - in mine they were given out and there was no need to take your own).
  16. Shampoo, shower gel (to save space, it is ideal to wash both body and hair, that is, 2 in 1).
  17. Your personal care products (wash gel / milk, toner, cream).
  18. Toothbrush and paste.
  19. Antiperspirant solid, odorless (as hypoallergenic as possible, so that it does not irritate the newborn either with its sprays - therefore, not a spray, nor odors - therefore, odorless).
  20. A razor (you can be in the hospital for about five days, so you may need it).
  21. Glasses, a set for contact lenses (if you use).
  22. Hair ties (according to the requirements of many maternity hospitals, the hair must be collected in a bun).
  23. Magazines, book.
  24. Pen, notebook (you will have to sign a lot of documents, questionnaires, you may be asked to measure and record the weight gain of the child, the names of medications, etc.).
  25. Mug and spoon (to drink tea or water at any time).
  26. A charger for a cell phone (you took the phone for childbirth, so it is already with you).
  27. 2L bottle of water (drink more to ensure there is enough milk in the breast and for more frequent urination to minimize the risk of urinary tract infections after childbirth).
  28. Soft toilet paper.
  29. Dry rations (granola bar, biscuit biscuits, yogurt in a jar stored at room temperature, an apple - in case you give birth at night, and before that you spend the whole day without food - it is quite natural that you may want to have a snack).
  30. Breast pump.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

I know girls who did a great job without it and do not include this device on the list of necessary ones. And I also know those who almost died without him. After the first birth, I was among the second group. After the second birth, the breast pump was immediately with me, and this solved all my problems with milk.

Will you find yourself among those who will not use it, or among those who will praise him, only time will tell. I definitely recommend having it with you right away.

I explain how it should be used in the hospital, especially if this is your first birth. When the milk comes (2-4 days with natural childbirth, and a little later with a cesarean section), your breasts will be rattled to incredible sizes.

This will be followed by two problems. Firstly, it will be difficult for a child to grasp the nipple, because it will become stone and huge. As a result, the baby will not be able to eat well. Secondly, the breast will be bursting with pain from a huge amount of milk.

After the first birth, these two problems cost me a day of hysteria and tears. The child screamed nonstop because he could not take such a breast. I was in a panic with a huge chest, which was wildly aching, rushing about the ward in tears, and could not understand what was wrong and what I should do so that the baby would finally calm down and so that the chest would stop hurting.

I got a fever, they gave me antipyretic drugs. A breastfeeding specialist came and said to knead the nipples and try to pump with your hands (oh, it was a hell of a pain, and with little or no result).

I was even given a referral for an ultrasound of the mammary gland with a diagnosis of lactostasis.

But then my husband brought me a breast pump, and I decided to try to express milk with his help. Imagine my surprise when just a couple of minutes later 300 ml of milk poured out of me without any unpleasant sensations, and my breasts became soft again.

The kid took it without any difficulty, ate it, calmed down and fell asleep for a long time. I breathed a sigh of relief: now I knew what to do.

If my breasts began to burst very strongly, I also expressed myself and just poured out the excess milk. This period of formation of lactation, when all these procedures are required, takes about five days.

Then the breast pump goes to the shelf, and your body already adapts to produce milk according to needs. But how many nerves can be saved during these five days!

I do not know what mastitis, lactostasis, cracked nipples are. My second Lyalka did not cry in the hospital. At all. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Other children were eager to fill the entire corridor. The picture was the same as my first time.

Therefore, take a breast pump with you by all means. Any. Some in pharmacies cost 50-60 rubles each. the simplest design. It's better than hands anyway. And if you start something similar to what I described, you will know what to do.

What not to take to the hospital

Save space in packages by excluding:

Checkout list

This is the very moment when decorative cosmetics come in handy (you can ask to bring it to you the day before). In the end, I want to look like a happy mommy for loved ones and in the photo, and not a pale toadstool.

To look slim and fit, you cannot do without a postpartum bandage - this is a special wide belt that tightens a sagging belly.

Clothing for the child should be suitable for the season and weather conditions, as well as practical. That is, it should be cute and smart clothes, but one that you can later wear on.

No lace blankets or cotton envelopes! Surely, you will be met by car, which means that the baby will stay on the street for 5-10 minutes. If you dress him too hot, he will overheat and notify you about it with a loud cry.

It is important to decide in advance what to take with you to the hospital, to collect an “alarming” package with all the clothes, hygiene items, diapers, diapers that will be needed in the prenatal and postnatal periods for mom and baby. In order not to forget any of the things that will be needed in the hospital, you need to make a list in advance, buy and put everything in separate packages that you put in a prominent place so as not to forget in the confusion before going to the hospital.

Usually, pregnant women after 30-32 weeks, in consultation, the doctor gives out an approximate list of documents, things for the little one and the mother, which it is advisable to take for childbirth. But the maternity hospital can establish its own rules, limit or expand this list. We offer you a memo for the prudent - a complete list of what to take with you to the hospital.

What things a woman in labor will definitely need

Experienced mothers recommend that each future woman in childbirth decide in advance what to take with her, make her own list of what is necessary for the hospital and buy the necessary things for childbirth. This list can be roughly divided into 3 parts:

  • the documents;
  • things and hygiene items for a woman in labor;
  • things and hygiene items for the child.

Mandatory documents to be taken to the hospital

In a separate transparent folder on the button, the lock, you need to fold the documents that you will definitely need for registration in the maternity hospital:

  • passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • delivery contract (if issued);
  • generic certificate (if there is, you can not take it in advance, in any case it will be transferred to the hospital);
  • in case of early hospitalization in pathology - the referral of the doctor of the antenatal clinic.

Things and hygiene items for mom

Different maternity hospitals set their own rules for items that can be taken to the ward by the expectant mother, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of stay in the chosen medical facility in advance. Some maternity hospitals welcome that the woman in labor and the baby should be immediately dressed in household items, in other hospitals they use exclusively their own sterile nightgowns, dressing gowns, diapers, caps, undershirts.

In any case, experienced mothers take clothes for the delivery room and for the postpartum period with them to childbirth:

  • several light cotton nightgowns unbuttoned at the chest;
  • Washable rubber or leather slippers
  • a bra for a nursing mother, usually with front closures;
  • a set of special disposable mesh postpartum panties-swimming trunks;
  • disposable diapers for the first days after childbirth;
  • light or insulated bathrobe (depending on the heating in the wards);
  • a pair of warm or light socks;
  • a face towel, a bath towel for a shower, a roll of paper hand towels;
  • the usual personal hygiene products: a small tube of toothpaste, a brush, a comb, if necessary, hairpins, hair bands, postpartum pads, shower gel (small bottle), baby liquid soap, toilet paper (preferably soft);
  • special pads for the breast, which are embedded in the bra;
  • cosmetics that the expectant mother usually uses;
  • mobile phone with charging;
  • personal cup and spoon;
  • a bag for dirty or unnecessary things;
  • water without gas;
  • a magazine or book to keep you busy in the postpartum period;
  • on the recommendation of doctors, if necessary, a postpartum bandage.

If the presence of the dad is planned for childbirth, it is also recommended to fold the package of necessary things for him in advance. Dad needs to take a T-shirt, pants, slippers, socks to the hospital. In addition, he must have a passport with him, the results of fluorography and certain tests taken before childbirth. It is imperative to take them with you, otherwise you will have to return home and you will be able to miss the most touching moment in the life of a married couple!

It is recommended to pack the nightgown in which the mommy plans to give birth, slippers and things for the daddy in a separate bag, which can be quickly taken out of the general “disturbing” bag. You also need to separately pack a set of the first clothes for the baby, the first diaper.

Essentials for a child

The antenatal clinic can also issue an approximate list of things for a newborn baby that you need to take with you to the hospital. Some hospitals issue only their own sterile diapers for newborns, maternity hospitals, “friendly to children,” welcome if the baby is dressed in clothes prepared by the parents in advance from the first minutes of life. These questions need to be clarified during a study visit to the hospital or on its website on the Internet.

  1. Clothes that will be put on the baby in the first minutes after birth: crawlers, undershirt, blouse or slip, hat. In maternity hospitals that promote the most natural childbirth, the original lubricant is removed only 10-12 hours after birth, so the first set of clothes will be hopelessly damaged by unwashed stains.
  2. Several sets of clothes for the baby: 2-3 light or insulated bodysuits with closed sleeves, 3-4 long-sleeved slips, 2 light caps and 2 flannel caps, a couple of pairs of sliders, undershirts and blouses to change if the baby spits up or a diaper will "flow".
  3. 2 pairs of "scratches".
  4. A pair of lightweight and a pair of flannel diapers: they can be used to cover the little one, put them under the baby.
  5. Personal hygiene products for a newborn: powder, baby milk, oil, diaper cream. It is best to take miniatures of this children's cosmetics to understand if it is suitable for the baby and then either change the brand or buy larger bottles.
  6. Baby hygienic wet wipes.
  7. Diapers for newborns. Well-fed parents recommend taking several diapers of a certain brand for the first days - if they fit the baby and do not cause allergies, then you can buy packaging.
  8. Digital Thermometer.

Rule "3 packets"

Many say that in a pregnant state, a woman's brains turn off a little, so it is better to write a list in advance of what to take with you to the hospital, and tick off already purchased and postponed items. You need to put them in plastic bags, as many maternity hospitals do not welcome cloth bags or suitcases.

  • 1 package - things for a woman in labor, dad and baby in the delivery room;
  • 2 package - things for mom and baby for the postpartum period;
  • 3 package - things for mom and newborn for discharge.

The first two packages will need to be taken with you immediately when contractions appear, because it is not known how long the labor will last, if they are fast, then postpartum things will be needed within a few hours after the birth of the baby. And happy relatives will be able to bring the third package to the ceremonial discharge of the little one.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

There are things that are not included in any maternity list, but sometimes without them, like without hands. Many mothers claim that life in the hospital has been greatly facilitated for them:

  • electric kettle;
  • breast pump;
  • a bottle with a nipple for feeding crumbs;
  • pillow for feeding;
  • nipple pads;
  • dummy.

If the doctors of the maternity hospital are not against the presence of these things in the newborn's ward, then they can also be included in the list of necessary things, but they can be bought in addition and brought a little later, for example, on the second day of the stay of the mother and baby in the hospital.

In any case, each expectant mother must make her own list of what is needed in the hospital, decide what she will take and complete according to her taste.

Your baby is about to be born, and you are already thinking about what is needed take with you to the hospital.

It seems to you that the baby needs absolutely all the things that are sold in the store for newborns.

In fact, in the matter of things necessary for the hospital, you need to carefully understand. This is the only way to succeed avoid unnecessary purchases..

By the way, it is better to take advantage of the offers of children's online stores. The thing is that there you can find exclusive baby clothes, as well as the highest quality diapers. Of course, their prices will differ significantly.

What to take with you to the hospital?

Things to the hospital need to start collecting after 25 weeks... It is worth remembering that in most maternity hospitals it is not allowed to take a travel bag with you.

Everything things are put in bags... Therefore, you need to buy large bags and a marker. It is necessary in order to sign them.

Prepare all the packages in advance and be sure to show your husband (mother, sister, friend) which one needs to be brought to the delivery room, as well as what is needed for discharge.

Things for baby

Your little one will see the light around him for the first time. And, of course, you think that he needs absolutely everything that is created especially for newborns.

Do not hurry! Here list of necessary things, which the baby will need.

Diapers. You will need one pack of the smallest size (for babies up to 4 kg). However, if the baby is large, then this means that this size has already grown in the tummy. Therefore, you can take several pieces of diapers of the next size (up to 6 kg).

Place a few diapers in the bag that you will take with you to the hospital. You don't need to put the whole pack in there. Put the rest of the diapers in the bag that you will take with you to the ward. In it you will spend the next few days.

Today, the choice of diapers on the baby products market is huge. However, it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular brand. So, you can try to get diapers from Merries or Goo.N. The advantage of these diapers is that they are completely made of natural materials, which means that the baby will not be allergic to them.

You can buy such diapers in online stores. They have the widest selection of these diapers. Diapers can also be purchased at the online supermarket.

Diaper rash cream or powder. You will use these tools every time you change a diaper. By the way, diapers at first will need to be changed every three hours or immediately after liquid emptying.

Scissors with rounded tips. Very often babies are born with long nails. Therefore, so that they do not scratch themselves, you can buy special scissors.

Wet wipes(mandatory for newborns) can be selected in the Detsky Mir store. Wipes will be needed when changing diapers.

Disposable diapers convenient to lay on the changing table. You can also buy them at Children's World. These diapers will be needed when the baby is being weighed.

Small enema. It may be needed for the first time after the birth of the baby. It's no secret that the baby may have tummy problems in the first days. You need to buy an enema at the pharmacy. It must be disinfected in advance (boiled in a bowl) and only then put into a bag with things.

Medicine bottle. It is usually sold at a pharmacy. It is a small container with a papilla.

Very often newborns are prescribed beneficial bacteria. They have a liquid consistency. In this case, such a bottle is needed.

It will be needed after discharge. So, if the baby needs to be given any medications, then in this case she will become a reliable assistant.

Silicone spoon. With the help of a silicone spoon, medicines are also given to babies. With its help, they give water or even a mixture.

Cotton buds(exclusively for toddlers). They can only be used to process the spout. These sticks have a special cotton baffle. They are somewhat thickened at the base. Cotton buds for babies can be viewed in this store.

Linen and chintz diapers. Regardless of whether you will swaddle your baby or not, you cannot do without a minimum number of diapers. You will use them as bedding.

Maternity romper hall you need to take 2 pieces. For the maternity hospital, you need to purchase sliders at the rate of 2 things for one day. Sliders can be of two types: with a wide elastic band and with fasteners on the shoulders. Better to get both. Then you can decide which clothing option is more convenient for you.

Undershirts you need to prepare one piece for the delivery room and four for the ward. You will need to change them every day. However, it is worth remembering that the baby can often spit up. Then they will need much more. You can choose undershirts suitable for your baby, made exclusively from natural materials, here.

Blouses with buttons will be needed in the amount of 3 pieces.

"Little Men" especially comfortable in the cool season. For a start, you can buy two "little men". If you take a vest and romper to the delivery room, then the "little man" will not be needed there. You can view a suitable model in this store.

Socks are a must. Babies' legs are constantly freezing. The thing is that the body's thermoregulation has not yet been established. A son-in-law can go to the hospital with 3 pairs of socks (some will be needed in the delivery room, and the rest should be taken to the ward).

Beanie(with and without strings) 3 pieces will be needed. One will need to be put in a bag with things that are intended for the delivery room.

Blanket. The material of the blanket depends on the season.

Scratching are needed so that the baby does not hurt himself.

Documents for mom

You will need to take your documents with you to the hospital. It is recommended to prepare them in advance, put them in a folder.

This folder is needed always take with you(even if you are going to go to the store next to your house).

If you have an unexpected labor, your doctor will be able to read all the information you need to know about your health and how your pregnancy is progressing.

List of documents that need to be folded into the folder:

  • (it contains the results of all examinations and analyzes);
  • passport (+ photocopy of 1 page and registration);
  • medical insurance policy, as well as its photocopy;
  • a contract for paid childbirth (if you managed to sign it).

It is worth noting that women who do not have an exchange card are taken away to the infectious diseases department or in an infectious maternity hospital.

Women receive a birth certificate after 30 weeks of pregnancy... If a woman has not yet received a certificate, but has already entered the hospital, then there is nothing terrible about that. In this case, the employees of the maternity hospital will receive a certificate on their own.

When, if you plan to give birth for a fee and signed a contract, then the so-called coupon number 2 of the maternity certificate you do not need to pay. If the husband will be present at the birth, then you must take his documents with you: a passport, a fresh certificate from a therapist.

Every hospital has list of things for a newborn to the hospital, which is required for women to bring with them. It is noteworthy that these lists differ from each other.

Therefore, even though you have already prepared all the necessary items for the hospital, it is recommended that you read this list and add the missing items. More often than not, these lists are simply specific things are included, like medicine bottles or silicone spoons.

Most likely, the medical staff is used to carrying out certain manipulations with babies. precisely with the help of these items.... Therefore, so that you do not have to run to the pharmacy at the most unexpected moment, it is better to take care of this in advance.

For baby

Canopy bed. Today you can choose absolutely any model of the bed: transformer, cradle, classic. In this case, it all depends on your capabilities and desires. You can make the bed more elegant with a traditional canopy.

Radio or baby monitor will be a great helper for mom. She can always find out if her baby is crying. You can choose a suitable model in the store.

Oilcloth on the bed will help prevent leakage onto the mattress.

Changing chest of drawers. All baby things are conveniently stored in one place. At the same time, an additional changing rack makes an ordinary chest of drawers a versatile piece of equipment for a baby's room.

Stroller. If the baby was born full-term, then in the summer and spring the doctor will allow him to go outside the very next day after discharge.

In a week it will be possible walk outside for an hour and, of course, you cannot do without a good stroller in this case. For the first year of a baby's life, you can purchase a high-quality transformer.

These strollers have a so-called cradle for newborns, thanks to which the walk for the baby will be not only comfortable, but also useful.

Rocking center it is better to start using it from the first days of a baby's life. When the child gets used to being in it, then the mother will be able to devote a few minutes to herself.

Night light, bath with a stand for newborns, bathing agent newborns, special washcloth for bathing the baby, thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.

Hooded Towel(terry), baby oil will be needed if it is necessary to do an enema, herbal mixture for bathing newborns is purchased at the pharmacy. It must be used with every bath.

Bottle necessary even if you plan to breastfeed your baby. You will need it if you need to leave the baby with someone for a short time.

Thermos bag for bottles is an essential attribute of long walks with your baby. You can express milk in a bottle and take it outside with you. When it's time to feed your baby, the milk will be still warm. You can buy such a thermos in the Detsky Mir store.

Diapers. If you are planning to swaddle your baby, then you will need about 20 pieces. Moreover, if the baby is born in hot July or August, then the list of things for the newborn will be small, since you will often leave him naked.
And this means that he will lie on the diapers. In this case, you can purchase them in even larger quantities.

You will also need diapers to help baby to cope with colic. So, for this you need to iron the diaper thoroughly so that it becomes warm.

Fold it and put it on the baby's tummy. In this case, the diaper should be warm, not hot. In this case, you need to be very careful not to burn the child.

Nasal aspirator needed to clean the baby's nose.

Reusable nappies and inserts for them will be needed by moms who have decided not to use their disposable counterparts.

Humidifier especially relevant in winter, when heating devices are working. It's no secret that they dry the air a lot. And this makes the baby feel uncomfortable.

Thermometer for measuring the room temperature.

It is no secret that it is very difficult to measure the temperature of a baby using an ordinary mercury thermometer. Therefore, it is better to purchase kit, which includes a special electronic thermometer in the form of a nipple.

Baby scales are necessary in order to monitor how much the baby eats in the first days. This way it will be possible to understand if he is hungry.

Brush (brush) for washing bottles. It is no secret that it is very difficult to wash a bottle of breast milk with the help of improvised means, which leaves greasy marks on it. Therefore, it is better to choose a convenient "brush" in the store in advance.

Detergent children's dishes. This product does not contain chemicals. With it, you can easily wash the bottles.

For Mom

Breast pump. If you have a lot of milk, then you cannot do without a breast pump. With its help, you can relieve tension in the chest, as well as prepare some milk if, for example, you need to go somewhere. A fairly large assortment of manual breast pumps is presented in the Detsky Mir store.

Anti-cracking cream. Very often, in the first days after the birth of a baby, a woman does not have milk. In this case, the midwife helps her "develop" the breast. Maybe the baby is sucking hard at the breast, from which the appearance of cracks cannot be avoided.

In this case, you will need special anti-cracking cream. Its composition is completely safe for the baby.

You need to lubricate the nipples with cream after each application to the baby's breast or using a breast pump. You can buy the cream at the pharmacy.

Breast pads will save the laundry from getting wet.

Differences in the necessary things, depending on the season

Depending on what time of the year the baby is born, before compiling a list of necessary purchases for a newborn, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances.

So, if the child is born in the summer, then the list of things for newborns should not include items that are too warm.

So, will not need warm envelope for the baby and a blanket. Better to take a terry sheet.

Also not necessary buy too warm hats and booties. The kid will need bodysuits from natural materials. Usually they have special buttons between the legs. Thanks to this, you can easily change the diaper for your baby.

The list of things for a newborn in winter should, on the contrary, include the warmest clothes possible. You will definitely need a warm one-piece overalls.

You can take a transformer. It is a warm zippered envelope with handles and mittens. When the baby becomes a little older, it is fashionable to transform the envelope into a jumpsuit with "legs".

If in the region where you live, very cold in winter then you can purchase a warm envelope on a sheepskin. In such clothes, the baby will not freeze on the street. However, remember that even if you have very warm clothes, you may not always walk with your baby.

In a very windy or in severe frosts(-10 degrees and less) you should not walk with your baby. In spring and autumn, you will need demi-season clothing. For the baby, you will need to purchase a one-piece jumpsuit on a thin layer of padding polyester.

You will also need a few knitted hats with ties (not very tight knit). The little people should also be insulated. A warm blanket will be appropriate in this case.

Where to buy everything?

It is necessary to purchase baby products exclusively in trusted stores.

You should not take (especially hygiene items) in the market or in an unknown store for you, especially if you are not sure of the quality of the goods that are sold there.

Everything medicines are purchased strictly in the pharmacy, including creams for cracked nipples.

The most profitable, from a financial point of view, is to buy things for the baby in large online stores. In such stores, all things have special certificates, which confirm the quality of the goods.

At the same time, very often in online stores for expectant mothers who buy everything necessary for a baby, big discounts are provided, making your purchase even more enjoyable.

Also in the online store you can buy goods that are not sold anywhere else. For example, Japanese diapers are very often counterfeited.

And in the online store, such diapers will be genuine. This is due to the fact that the store is an official dealer of this product. That is, it cooperates directly with the manufacturer. Naturally, in this case, the price for them will be significantly lower.

Things you can do without

You should not take cosmetics with you to the hospital. It is strictly forbidden to use perfume or strong-smelling deodorants. Too harsh odors are contraindicated for babies in the first days of life.

It's no secret that from the moment the baby appears, the mother has been changing. She becomes very gentle and constantly kisses her baby. However, very often women abuse cosmetics (powder, foundation).

When in contact with the baby, he may become irritated with the cosmetics that the mother uses. So leave your makeup for discharge. The only exception would be mascara.

In the first month the baby doesn't need toys yet. However, after a month, you can begin to acquire his first rattles.

What you need to take with you to the hospital should already be carefully laid out in the bags, and neatly displayed in the corridor. After all, when the moment of the onset of childbirth comes, there is simply no time for reflection and long-term gathering.

By 36 weeks gestation, the bag should be collected

Try to approach this issue in advance. This will add to yourself a sense of confidence and complete preparedness for the upcoming event.

Try to divide all your belongings into several bags: things for yourself, a separate bag for the child, and don't forget a small folder for documents. Also divide what you need before and after childbirth into different bags.

The first list of what to take with you to the hospital, namely before the baby appears:

  • rubber (or other washable) slippers;
  • robe;
  • a shirt or T-shirt in which you will give birth;
  • magazine or book;
  • telephone, photo camera, video camera;
  • things that the baby will be dressed in immediately after childbirth (sliders, bodysuit, cap, socks, diaper);
  • a bag of medicines, the list of which is usually said by the gynecologists with whom you are registered, in each maternity hospital it has its own.

After collecting this package, be sure to sign it, like everyone else, so you can be helped in case of anything.

List of required documents

With documents, everything is simple - you need to have with you:

  1. exchange card with all analyzes and ultrasound results;
  2. passport (if you are giving birth with your husband, take his document as well);
  3. some money;
  4. insurance policy (if any);
  5. if the delivery is unscheduled, referral to the hospital;
  6. when you decide to give birth in a paid clinic, take a contract for childbirth.

The folder with the documents should lie somewhere on top, as you will need it immediately upon arrival at the maternity ward.

Which robe is better?

Here are a few small tips that will add to your feeling of comfort later:

  • When buying a dressing gown for a maternity hospital, initially consider the fabric from which it is sewn. Choose only natural, hypoallergenic materials that are non-irritating and breathable.
  • Also, the robe should not be too long, or extremely short. Suitable length - knee-deep (± 4cm).
  • Pay attention to the clasps. For prenatal and postnatal wards, for ease of feeding, do not take gowns with many buttons or buttons. The best choice would be a zipper or a wrap-around robe.
  • A big plus will be the presence of many pockets. Better if they are deep and zipped.
  • Which dressing gown is better to take to the hospital also depends on the time of year. In winter, it is usually warm enough in the postpartum wards, but anything can happen. And it is better to take this factor into account.

Maternity nightgowns should be selected according to similar criteria.

What to take from food?

Nobody will give you food during contractions. So the question of what to take from food to the hospital is a little pointless. Of course, if someone goes with you in support, you can take a couple of sandwiches with you, but this is an individual matter (and then there will be something wrong). In the ward where you will lie after childbirth, you can take biscuit biscuits, kefir 1% fat, and low-fat cottage cheese, the rest is at the discretion of the doctor. Better take a bottle of still mineral water.

Things for a newborn

For crumbs, all clothes must be washed in baby powder and ironed. So drop your prejudices, and do not put the purchase of nappies-vests on the shoulders of a newly-made dad at the last moment. Moreover, it is so pleasant to choose the colors and style of outfits for the little toddler herself.

A complete list of things that the baby will need:

  • several diapers made of chintz and bikes (firstly for the crib, and secondly for changing);
  • thin blanket;
  • liquid cream soap, which is suitable from the first days of life;
  • baby wipes and dry wipes;
  • a set of clothes for every day (a combination of undershirts with high sliders or a bodysuit with ordinary sliders is very convenient) + socks, scratches and a hat for each;
  • baby cream, powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads, ear sticks and brilliant green for treating the navel;
  • diaper packaging;
  • disposable diapers in the crib.

a) wet wipes; b) body

If you are thinking how many disposable diapers to take to the hospital, take several packages, as they may be needed not only by the baby, but also by you. And all because women in labor in the first month after childbirth are characterized by very abundant spotting (lochia).

What diapers to take to the hospital?

It is difficult for inexperienced parents to deal with diapers, but this is temporary. For the first days of life, the smallest sizes (from 2 to 5 kg.) Are suitable. They are usually marked with the number 1 on the package. Do not buy large packages (or several), as the baby grows very quickly and in another week you will need diapers one size larger.

When choosing which diapers to take to the hospital, also pay attention to the presence of artificial fragrances and fragrances. They can irritate the baby's delicate bottom.

What you may need after childbirth

A young mother needs to take 2 bags with things to the postpartum ward: for use in the ward, and for discharge. In order not to forget everything you need, you can even print out a list of what to take to the hospital.

List for mom for the period of stay:

  • 2-3 nightgowns (do not take pajamas with trousers), it will be more convenient for you if they are intended for feeding;
  • a set of underwear (you can buy disposable panties) and socks for every day of your stay;
  • charger for phone, books, magazines, player;
  • linens;
  • cup, spoon, fork, plate, knife;
  • tea bags packaging, zoological cookies, sugar;
  • a bottle of water without gas;

a) water without gas; b) a cup with a spoon

  • electric kettle or boiler;
  • garbage bags (you can also put dirty clothes in them);
  • if your husband is with you in boxing, he will also need sterile clean T-shirts, trousers, slippers;
  • shower gel, washcloth, shampoo, toothbrush and paste;
  • liquid baby hand soap, a roll of paper towels (you need to wash them before picking up the baby);
  • cream or ointment for cracked nipples, for most primiparous will be a salvation when feeding;
  • disposable diapers (packaging), toilet paper;
  • bath towel;
  • a comb, a pair of rubber bands;
  • gaskets.

a) postpartum pads; b) towels

Check-out list (including for a child):

  1. a beautiful outfit, it can be a dress or a suit, but the main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of the figure after childbirth;
  2. shoes;
  3. a cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics in order to be a beauty in all the photos, but remember, perfume will be superfluous here;
  4. spectacular hair clip or hoop;
  5. a beautiful set of clothes for the baby (body or undershirt, sliders, socks, cap);
  6. if the baby was born in a cold season, you need to put on a formal suit or lightweight jumpsuit on top, and another hat on the head;
  7. an envelope or a beautiful blanket, also choose according to the season.

a) an envelope for an extract; b) cosmetics

What pads to take to the hospital?

There are special postpartum pads, they are large, and are designed for the abundant discharge of the woman in labor. But they cannot always be found (especially in small towns). You can buy regular night pads for replacing them. Doctors recommend using those whose upper ball is made of natural materials, then air circulation is maintained. But many girls continue to use those firms to which they are already accustomed.

If you are in doubt about which pads to take to the hospital after childbirth, take several options, the main thing is that the size is as large as possible. And remember to change them as often as possible, at least every time you go to the bathroom.

What to take in the cold season - autumn and winter?

When there is a collection to the hospital, what to take with you in winter is not very different from the "summer" list. In the delivery and postnatal wards, it is usually warm (on average 25 ℃), and it may differ only in the clothes for the mother and the baby for discharge.

Waiting for a baby is an unforgettable time, and preparing for his appearance is a pleasant and entertaining experience. Many mothers, only after learning about pregnancy, cannot resist shopping for the baby in the tummy. Little by little, such things are piling up, and now everything says that soon a new family member should appear in the house.

Every woman carrying a child, of course, worries about the upcoming birth. A calming moment is the collection of things at the hospital, I want maximum comfort and convenience. You can start collecting bags for the hospital after about 32-34 weeks, when you have all the necessary documents on hand. And the likelihood of premature birth cannot be ruled out, let it be better all things are prepared in advance. You should not rely on your husband and relatives in collecting the items you need, in a hurry and from stress, relatives can put you completely wrong. There were times when husbands forgot to bring trousers to their wife for discharge, or they grabbed the first things they came across that the woman could not get into.

Here you will find an approximate list of things you need to take to the hospital.

Documents for the hospital:

  1. Medical policy
  2. Exchange card
  3. Passport
  4. Generic certificate
  5. Childbirth contract (in case of paid childbirth)

The documents will be in your hands after 30 weeks, and it is better to always have them at hand, in case of unforeseen situations.

After admission to the maternity hospital with contractions or referral, you are taken either to the prenatal ward or to the antenatal ward until labor begins or the day of the caesarean section is scheduled.

In the prenatal ward directly for childbirth you will need:

  1. Change of clothes for childbirth: a robe or shirt, cotton and warm socks, rubber slippers.
  2. If the husband is present, he will need to take shoe covers, a hat and a robe.
  3. Water and snack. You can grab a couple of sandwiches, cookies, chocolate.
  4. Hygiene products: soap and towel, comb, wet wipes.
  5. If video filming is allowed in the hospital according to the rules, then you can bring a video camera, a camera.
  6. A phone with a charger, a player with your favorite songs, listening to music helps someone to relax and tune in to the process.

If you are admitted to a maternity hospital in a referral, for example, you have a caesarean section, or the due date has already passed, and you are not giving birth in any way, then, as a rule, you will have to lie down for several days in the antenatal department.

The following things will come in handy in the antenatal ward:

  1. Additional change of clothes: comfortable tracksuit, underwear, dressing gown, pajamas, warm and thin socks, slippers.
  2. Hygiene supplies: toothbrush and paste, soap, toilet paper, wet wipes, towel, shampoo.
  3. Food: sandwiches, cookies, chocolates, water or juice. If you lie longer before childbirth, you can take yoghurts, fruits, vegetables, cheese, as a rule, there are refrigerators in the antenatal department in which pregnant women put their products. In general, they feed in the maternity hospital, and you don't have to carry anything at all.
  4. A phone with a charger, you can use a tablet, books or magazines.
  5. Dishes: a cup, a spoon, you can use a small knife.
  6. Notepad and pen.

These items will help while away the slow-dragging time while waiting for childbirth, and then they will come in handy in the postpartum department.

After your baby is born, you will need some more things for both mommy and newborn.

List of things needed in the postpartum ward:

  1. Money (maybe you will thank the nursing staff)
  2. Bottled water, some food that will not affect the quality of milk, do not forget that you will be fed.
  3. Panties, preferably disposable, which are not a pity to get stained with blood - 4-5 pcs.
  4. Pads, either special postpartum ones, or just with a lot of droplets.
  5. Nursing bra and absorbent pads for it, as the milk will start to flow by itself.
  6. Postpartum bandage (optional)
  7. Clothes: You can take another nightie and your antenatal clothes will remain with you.
  8. If you went to the hospital in advance, then all things from the antenatal department smoothly move into the postpartum department. If you were treated with contractions, do not forget: a cup, a spoon and a knife.
  9. You can take the pads on the chest, if the child chewed it hard, they save at least a little.
  10. Cream for nipple cracks, it is also suitable for a child if skin irritation appears.
  11. Hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, soap and towel (bath and face), shampoo and comb, cream and tonic with cotton pads, toilet paper.
  12. Equipment: phone, player, camera (will remain from the prenatal department).
  13. You may need a shaving razor, deodorant, and chapstick (optional).

For each maternity hospital, the list of permitted things is individual, so find out the information directly at your medical institution. Somewhere it is generally forbidden to take your own things and things for the baby, pads, diapers and a first-aid kit are issued by the hospital.

For a newborn in a maternity hospital you will need:

  1. Pampers are the smallest from 3 to 6 kg, taking into account the fact that up to 10 pieces will go away per day.
  2. Diapers can be taken (2 thin and 2 flannel), but usually they are given in maternity hospitals
  3. Sliders (2 pcs) and treads (2 pcs), you can take several slips
  4. Socks -2 pairs, cap -2 pieces, scratches -2 pieces
  5. Hygiene products: wet wipes, cotton balls or sticks (they are convenient for treating the navel), a towel and soap.
  6. Manicure scissors for babies, because often babies are born with rather long nails and scratch themselves, waving their arms.
  7. If you wish, you can take a powder, a cream under a diaper, but not necessarily, it is easier to wash your ass with soap in the sink.

There is no need to carry things for discharge right away, relatives can bring them later. To do this, at home, prepare a package in advance with the things you and your child need for discharge.

Things that are needed to be discharged from the hospital:

  1. Comfortable and elegant clothes for mom, changeable shoes for the season.
  2. Decorative cosmetics: foundation, mascara, lipstick (optional or if there is a photo session).
  3. For the baby, according to the season: a beautiful suit, a jumpsuit and a plaid with a ribbon, in winter a warm envelope + a hat.
  4. Photo camera, video camera, if you plan to capture the moment of discharge.
  5. If you wish, you can bring flowers and candy to your prescriber.
  6. Car seat for a newborn.

According to the reviews of women giving birth, we can conclude that it is not worth picking up huge bags and suitcases, now in most maternity hospitals they give out almost all the necessary things. You don't need to take anything from cosmetics and medicines for the care of seams, for the baby's navel and intestines, the medical staff gives out everything and teaches you how to handle the child.

The main thing in collecting things for the hospital is to take the necessary minimum. If you need something extra, you can always ask your relatives to inform you. Tune in to the fact that you will spend very little time in the hospital, do not drag too much.

To make everything at home ready for the arrival of the baby, make up and buy a family member in advance, so you will be calmer and more comfortable.

Easy delivery!