What is a fragrance free deodorant? An effective deodorant against excessive sweating. Antiperspirants for sweat

Finding yourself in a store in front of long shelves, it is difficult to choose the really best quality deodorant for women, and not to take the first one that comes across. Meanwhile, an improperly selected product can harm the skin, or simply not have the desired effect. To choose a really good deodorant, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best and most effective sweat odor remedies according to the Mark.guru portal. But first of all, you should identify the most important criteria that you need to consider before buying.

Sometimes, the best but the wrong deodorant can not have the effect you expected. The most important thing to start with is to determine the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant.

Even the best deodorant does not get rid of the smell of sweat, but only covers it with its aroma. At the same time, a good antiperspirant blocks the sweat glands, thereby preventing the unpleasant odor from appearing at all.

When you go to the store, think about what exactly you want to buy: deodorant or antiperspirant. As for the choice of a particular bottle, there are several nuances:

  1. With profuse sweating, you should buy antiperspirant for women, this is the best way to get rid of bad smell and marks on clothes.
  2. If the smell of sweat is very sharp, then in no case is it recommended to use perfumed deodorants. In this situation, attention should be paid to medical devices that have bactericidal effect.
  3. For owners sensitive skin it is not recommended to choose drugs containing alcohol.
  4. If you want to choose the best and most effective deodorant for women, then take a look at its duration. Now, many funds are labeled 24/7 or 48/7.
  5. Don't forget about smell purchased funds. Make sure that it does not contrast with your perfume.
  6. Read compound. Some components are harmful to the skin, and it is best not to choose products with such components.

An important factor when buying a sweat remedy is its cost. Remember: cheap products can cause allergies or simply not do their job.

Up to 500 rubles

The best deodorants for women can't be very cheap, just like any truly effective product. But it is not necessary to overpay, because there are many good funds in the budget category. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of such funds, costing up to 500 rubles.

1. Nivea "Invisible Protection"

If you want to buy the best antiperspirant, then pay attention to Nivea's Invisible Protection. It can be produced in three versions: spray (150 ml), roll-on (50 ml) and stick (40 ml). Depending on the selected format, the product will have a liquid or solid texture.

It does not contain alcohol, has a 48-hour effect and does not leave marks on clothes.

The product is dermatologist approved and approved for all skin types. The drug does not suppress the unpleasant odor, but prevents its occurrence. The cost of funds is from 124 to 517 rubles.

  • nice smell;
  • long protection time;
  • quality of protection;
  • does not irritate the skin;
  • dries quickly;
  • affordable cost.
  • traces remain on clothes;
  • the duration of protection does not correspond to that indicated on the package.

Prices on Nivea "Invisible Protection":

2. Librederm "Natural"

If you are looking for the best deodorant for sweat, then pay attention to this drug. The peculiarity of the product is that it does not stop the sweat glands, but fights with an unpleasant odor. Available only in ball format, 50 ml. Suitable for any skin type.

The deodorant works in this way: the alumina-potassium alum included in its composition dehydrates the bacteria that are responsible for the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The drug eliminates the cause, and does not get rid of the consequences. The cost of funds is from 260 to 825 rubles.

  • completely natural composition;
  • high efficiency;
  • does not stick;
  • enough for a long time;
  • does not leave marks on things;
  • does not irritate the skin;
  • has no smell;
  • long term protection;
  • does not close pores;
  • dries quickly.
  • not everyone is suitable for the ball format;
  • after opening a short shelf life;
  • high price.

Prices on Librederm "Natural":

3. Garnier "NEO"

Garnier's popular NEO Women's Deodorant provides 48-hour sweat protection without clogging your sweat glands or irritating your skin. Available in two versions: spray (150 ml), dry cream (40 ml). Thanks to a specially designed "annular diffuser" application system, the product is evenly distributed over the skin.

The composition includes a natural absorbent, enriched with a mineral, which allows you to effectively block the smell of sweat.

In addition, Panthenol is present in the composition, which prevents irritation and cares for your skin after using a razor. The product is recommended for sensitive skin types. Its cost is from 152 to 606 rubles.

  • good degree of protection;
  • duration of action;
  • nice smell;
  • convenient to use;
  • does not stain things;
  • does not cause irritation;
  • dries quickly;
  • leaves no stickiness.
  • less effective than antiperspirants;
  • quickly consumed.

Prices for Garnier "NEO":

This is an all-natural deodorant that contains ammonium alum. These are natural components of mountain-volcanic origin, which are completely safe for your skin. The drug is available in several versions: retractable stick (80 gr), flat stick (100 gr).

The preparation does not contain harmful components, protects against sweat and is suitable for sensitive skin. Protects the skin and prevents irritation, has a calming effect.

Thanks to natural ingredients, it can be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.

The cost of deodorant is from 150 to 650 rubles.

  • without smell;
  • high efficiency;
  • no traces of stains on clothes;
  • natural ingredients;
  • economical consumption;
  • safety;
  • protection duration.
  • fragility;
  • the complexity of the acquisition;
  • application requires water.

Prices on :

5. Lady Speed ​​Stick "Breath of Freshness"

Deodorant Lady Speed ​​Stick "Breath of Freshness" is different in that it is able to respond to changes in body temperature. This leads to the fact that the protection efficiency increases with increasing loads. The tool is available in four versions: spray (130 g), gel (85 g), stick (45 g), ball (50 ml).

The drug works 24 hours, 7 days a week, protecting your skin. Due to the absence of alcohol in the composition, it can be used for any type of skin. Effect up to 48 hours after application.

The composition of the product includes vitamins and minerals that care for sensitive skin and moisturize it.

The cost of deodorant is from 95 to 623 rubles.

  • nice smell;
  • increasing protection formula;
  • various packaging options;
  • acceptable cost;
  • high level of protection;
  • does not cause irritation.
  • duration of action;
  • the roller is stuck;
  • dries for a long time;
  • ends quickly;
  • small volume.

Prices on Lady Speed ​​Stick "Breath of Freshness":

6. Rexona "Invisible Protection"

The best antiperspirant is one that doesn't leave marks on clothes and effectively keeps sweat out. These funds include the drug Rexona "Invisible Protection". Available in three forms: spray (125 ml), stick (89 g), ball (78 g).

The tool is designed to cope with perspiration for 28 hours. Does not leave stains on clothes, and gently protects the skin from irritation.

The composition of the drug includes moisturizing and softening components, so it can be used for people with sensitive skin.

The cost of antiperspirant is from 85 to 473 rubles.

  • high-quality protection;
  • acceptable price;
  • pleasant smell;
  • does not cause irritation;
  • economical consumption.
  • feeling of a film on the skin;
  • leaves unsaturated stains on clothes;

Prices on Rexona "Invisible Protection":

Deodorants from 500 rubles

Inexpensive deodorants are designed for mass use, therefore they are somewhat average products suitable for most buyers. More expensive antiperspirants have special formulas, consist of natural ingredients and have not only a protective, but also a healing effect. Some of these products include eau de parfum in their composition.

The difference between an expensive and a budget remedy for sweat can be seen after the first application. And if you could not find protection among inexpensive deodorants, then take a closer look at the rating of more expensive products designed to combat sweating.

This is an excellent deodorant for girls, with a delicate rose scent. It not only neutralizes the smell of sweat, but also protects and moisturizes the skin. It can even be used as a foot deodorant.

The important thing is that he struggles not with sweat itself, but with the causes of its appearance. Does not clog pores, allowing skin to breathe.

The composition of the deodorant includes components such as damask rose, rosehip extract, glycerin and several types of alcohols. Sold in a beautiful perfume bottle. Equipped with a convenient spray. The cost of the drug is from 799 to 834 rubles.

  • good composition;
  • replaces toilet water;
  • interesting design;
  • convenience.
  • high price;
  • not a generic scent.

Prices on :

2. Dry Dry

Dry Dry makes the best sweat protection products. The action of the drugs is aimed at eliminating the causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The tool has an antibacterial effect, without disturbing the work of the sweat glands. Suitable for people with excessive sweating.

Available in several forms: spray (100 ml), applicator (35 ml), aerosol (50 ml), gel (100 ml), wipes. The tool can be used to reduce sweating in the armpits, on the palms or feet. Effective 7 days a week and does not leave marks on clothes. Does not dry the skin, as it does not contain alcohol. The cost of the drug is from 291 to 727 rubles.

  • high efficiency;
  • no traces on things;
  • profitability;
  • duration of action;
  • can be used for medicinal purposes.
  • high price;
  • not sold everywhere;
  • not recommended for permanent use;
  • if used incorrectly, it can cause itching.

DryDry Deodorant prices:

If you are interested in the most effective deodorants for sensitive skin, then turn your attention to Vichi 48 Hours. These drugs are positioned precisely as antiperspirants for sensitive skin, reducing its sensitivity, reducing irritation and increasing its own protective properties. Available in several formats: ball (50 ml), spray (125 ml), cream (30 ml).

The composition of the deodorant includes Oligo-zinc, which restores freshness to the skin.

The drug is effective for 48 hours, it slows down the process of sweating and reduces sensitivity. Does not contain alcohols and fragrances. The price of the drug is from 658 to 960 rubles.

  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • efficiency.
  • high price;
  • leaves marks on clothes.

Prices on :

This is a reliable remedy that can be used even for hypersensitive skin.

Available in several formats: roller (50 ml), cream (50 ml), spray (125 ml).

High-quality deodorant against sweating, delicately eliminates odor, does not disrupt the functioning of the glands. A special Deo-Relais formula is used, which provides comfort and protection throughout the day. The composition does not contain alcohols that violate the skin. The price of antiperspirant is from 1142 to 2099 rubles.

  • great quality;
  • Ease of use;
  • high level of protection;
  • drying speed;
  • nice smell;
  • restores the skin.
  • an expensive tool;
  • can't handle the heat.

Prices on :

This is a wonderful perfumed deodorant that protects against unpleasant odors. The composition uses components that give the aroma of the deodorant subtle floral notes. Available in two formats: stick (50 ml), spray (50 ml).

Thanks to its soft texture, it cares for the skin, does not irritate it or cause harm, and can be used for sensitive skin types.

The price of such a tool is from 276 to 1523 rubles.

  • pleasant floral aroma;
  • no age restrictions;
  • easy to apply;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • does not clog pores.
  • high price;
  • not effective as a deodorant.

Prices on :

A reliable roll-on deodorant with a volume of 50 ml. Suitable for sensitive skin. Qualitatively neutralizes the smell, keeping the effect of freshness for a long time. The composition of the product contains components such as decylene glycol and zinc ricinoleate, which fight bacteria that form in sweat secretions.

The drug is anti-inflammatory and relieves irritation. Does not contain alcohol, does not leave marks on clothes, and is recommended for use after depilation. It is hypoallergenic.

Thanks to the specially developed formula Toleridin, the deodorant helps to restore the skin.

The cost of antiperspirant is from 585 to 751 rubles.

  • quality composition;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • no marks on clothes;
  • efficiency;
  • reduces skin irritation.
  • causes discomfort after application;
  • high price;
  • difficult to acquire.

Prices on :


Always remember that choosing a deodorant is a responsible procedure. Purchase funds carefully so as not to harm yourself. Never buy untested antiperspirants that can cause an allergic reaction. The rating included budget and expensive options, perfumed or unscented, for any skin type, or for sensitive skin. Choose what suits you specifically.

Sweating is a natural process. It protects the body from overheating, and the skin from cracking (without sweat, it loses elasticity). But in summer, sweating increases significantly: “water” flows in streams, wet spots appear on clothes, and an unpleasant odor appears. However, these misfortunes are easy to deal with. Modern cosmetology provides a huge range of different lines of sweat protection products, not to mention the ability to make your own deodorant at home. Our task is to help you decide which deodorant is better to choose.

How to find the perfect sweat protection

What is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant

Because of the heat and high humidity, many people have to use deodorants more often than during the cold season. But maybe it is easier and more profitable to give preference to another, more effective tool or one that suits you personally?

According to the established tradition in Russian, it is customary to call deodorant any remedy for an unpleasant odor emitted by the body. In fact, these cosmetic products are divided into two fundamentally different types - deodorants and antiperspirants. Although in everyday life it is permissible to call all these products deodorants. Let's take a closer look at their features.

What is safer?

  • Antiperspirants fight excessive sweating. Their composition necessarily contains zinc or aluminum salts, which clog the sweat glands - moisture is not released, which means there is no smell. However, blockage of the sweat glands from day to day can lead to disruption of heat balance and hormonal metabolism, so it is better to alternate antiperspirants with “lighter” sweat remedies.
  • Deodorants suppress the activity of bacteria that provoke an unpleasant odor, thanks to the disinfectant additives included in their composition. Usually it is triclosan, farnesol or alcohol. Also, all deodorants contain perfume fragrances.

Advice. Choose deodorants that include herbal decoctions and essential oils.

Pros and cons of existing deodorants


+ Thick textured antiperspirant. Compact and dry quickly.

They do not allow the skin to breathe and contribute to clogging of pores. Many sticks clumpy on the skin a few hours after use.


+ They take up little space. Well absorbed.

Dry for a long time. They leave traces.

Sprays (aerosols)

+ These are perfumed deodorants that only mask the smell of sweat, with a minimum of aggressive substances. You can choose the perfume you use.

The can may explode if left in the sun for a long time.


+ Transparent antiperspirant. Doesn't stain clothes. Often the composition includes cooling elements, which is good in the heat.

After application, you have to wait a long time for the deodorant to dry.


+ Deodorant. Able to stop sweating and mask the smell of sweat. They are convenient to take with you and use for the whole body. Suitable for people with reduced sweating.

They last no more than half an hour.

Talc (powder)

+ Deodorant. Absorbs excess fluid and removes odor thanks to antibacterial ingredients.

Sweating does not reduce. Dirty clothes.

Mineral deodorants (crystals)

+ Deodorant, natural origin, contain mineral salts. Eliminates odor well.

Apply only on damp skin.

If you need to reapply deodorant during the day, wipe your underarms first.

The skin needs to rest

As a rule, the duration of the action of the deodorant corresponds to that stated on the package - it can be 24 hours or several days. But more often it turns out that everything depends on water procedures - after the product is washed off, its action ends. And this is good. Because in fact it is better when the deodorant is on the body for no more than 12 hours, and you should not apply it at night. The skin needs to be able to rest.

If you constantly use deodorant, then this can adversely affect the work of the sweat glands, lead to irritation, dryness, itching, the appearance of microtraumas and the addition of a secondary infection.

Apply deodorants in a thin layer, gently rubbing into the skin. If you need to “renew” the deodorant, then ideally, you should wash off the already applied product before that, but if this is not possible, apply a second layer, but do not apply the third layer - this can cause inflammation, and the unpleasant smell will not be removed. If you feel that the action of the deodorant is not enough for 12 hours, then most likely you need to change the product to a more effective one or consult a doctor.

By the way. The formula and composition of men's and women's deodorants are different. But the main difference is in the flavors. Therefore, the use of men's deodorants by women is permissible and absolutely safe, the only question left is the preference for fragrances.

How not to sweat in the heat

In order not to sweat in the heat, it is enough to review your diet, monitor hygiene and take note of a few simple recipes.

Take care of hygiene

  • Remove underarm hair regularly.
  • Rinse under the shower, better contrast, twice a day.
  • Take a bath with 2 tbsp. spoons of sea or ordinary table salt a couple of times a week.
  • After water procedures, let the body breathe for a couple of minutes, apply deodorant and get dressed.

Change your diet

Spicy seasonings and spices, sodas speed up the metabolism, and with it sweating. Hot foods also increase sweating. The sweat glands are forced to work hard by alcohol, coffee, onions and garlic. Therefore, in the heat, you should forget about hot, spicy and spicy food, it is better to quench your thirst with water, and add ice cubes to tea.

Helpful Hints

To reduce underarm sweating, rub or spray your armpits three times a day:

  • apple cider vinegar;
  • composition of a teaspoon of soda (you can add 2 drops of bergamot oil) and a glass of boiled water or chamomile decoction (1/2 tablespoon per glass of water).

Summer wardrobe

Choose loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen) and open-toed shoes made from leather or textiles. Remember that dark colors "attract the sun."

The best new deodorants of this season


Roll-on deodorant "Effect of purity"


antiperspirant aerosol "Antibacterial freshness"


antiperspirant pencil "Touch of Nature"

FIVE ELEMENTS - Air Deodorant Cream


Roll-on antiperspirant that slows down hair growth

PAYOT Déodorant Fraîcheur Energisant

non-alcoholic spray 48-hour action


Roll-on deodorant antiperspirant "La Rose Deo Purete"

In a small selection, we presented the most interesting and effective new deodorants and antiperspirants from well-known manufacturers in order of increasing cost. On the question of where to buy a deodorant - a novelty and how to find out the exact price, we advise you to visit the largest perfume markets on the Internet, for example - L "Etoile.

Interesting fact

The first mention of anti-perspiration agents dates back to the time of Cleopatra. It is believed that she rubbed the skin of her armpits with a mixture of aromatic oils with crushed cinnamon. In ancient Rome, this issue was resolved differently - bags with aromatic herbs were hung under the arms. For centuries in different regions they fought with an unpleasant smell, trying to drown it out with different fragrances. And only in the 20th century they began to use means to limit sweating - aluminum salts, an infusion of oak bark. Similar to today's products, aerosol deodorants appeared in the United States in the late 1940s, and roll-on deodorants in the 1950s.

"AiF" conducted its own test of deodorants.

For this experiment, we bought 6 experimental samples. Rexona, Nivea and Garnier promised reliable sweat protection for 48 hours, Pure Line and Lady Speed ​​Stick - for 24 hours. Deodorant-crystal "Grace" from mineral salts did not make any promises.

During the week we tested the funds in action. In particular, they checked whether they leave stains on black clothes, because the labels on the packages of 4 out of 6 deodorants guaranteed that this would not happen. But it turned out that Clean Line, Garnier and especially Lady Speed ​​Stick stain dark clothes. "White spots in the composition of the deodorant leaves aluminum, which is also unhealthy," - said Yarina Chernyakovskaya, editor of the site about safe cosmetics NaturalRating. Aluminum is declared in the composition of 5 out of 6 products - in all, except for the Grace crystal.

At the same time, yellow spots on white clothes remained after all means! “Yellowness is left not by a cosmetic product, but by human sweat, oxidizing in the air,” he explained to us. Alexander Miloserdov, Honored Doctor of Russia, Doctor of Science, Sofia University (Bulgaria).

It turns out that not a single deodorant coped with its main purpose - it did not protect against sweat!

A simple deodorant is different from an antiperspirant. The first works due to an antibacterial substance (it can be triclosan, alcohol, propylene glycol). It kills bacteria that cause bad breath when exposed to air.

Antiperspirants, on the other hand, block the work of the sweat glands, preventing sweat from being released, due to the content of aluminum or zinc. They last longer than deodorants. The smell of sweat after the crystal deodorant appeared after 4 hours, and after the rest of the antiperspirants - after 8-12 hours (see table).

But the reputation of antiperspirants in medical circles is ambiguous: there is unconfirmed evidence that they can contribute to the development of tumors in the armpits and in the chest.

“Safe deodorants should not contain aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, amines, triclosan, dyes (except for FD and C) and talc,” advises J. Chernyavskaya. “An antiperspirant can be a one-time use, for example, for an important event, but it’s worth using a more gentle agent every day.”

The results of the study "AiF"
Garnier Mineral antiperspirant Lady Speed ​​Stick, Breath of Freshness, Antiperspirant Rexona,
water, antiperspirant
Country of origin Poland USA Russia
Price 95 rub. 129 rub. 125 rub.
Promises on the packaging Protection
for 48 hours,
protection against white marks.
Protection 24 hours
per day.
Leaves no white marks, prevents yellow spots, 48 ​​hours protection.
Marks on clothes* Leaves
white footprints.
white footprints.
Leaves no traces.
Rating "AiF" When applied - sticky, dries for a long time, protects against unpleasant odors for 12 hours, no more. It was he who left the most noticeable white traces. Protects from smell for 12 hours, it is difficult to wash off clothes. Takes a long time to dry upon application. Protects from an unpleasant smell for 8-10 hours.
Nivea, invisible protection, antiperspirant "Clean Line", antiperspirant Crystal "Grace",
Country of origin Germany Russia Thailand
Price 90 rub. RUB 106.50 100 rub.
Promises on the packaging 48 hours protection, anti-marks, stains, fading. 24 hours protection. No white marks. Antibacterial protection.
Marks on clothes* Leaves no traces. Leaves
white footprints.
Doesn't leave
Rating "AiF" Convenient application. Protects from an unpleasant smell no more than 12 hours. Very wet and sticky on application, takes the longest to dry. Protects against odor for 5-6 hours. For application, the crystal must be moistened with water. Protects against the smell of sweat for 4 hours, after which the application must be repeated.
* On black clothes. Deodorants were tested by AiF employees.
The results apply only to samples that have passed the test.

In summer, deodorant and antiperspirant are essentials. Everyone goes to the store and buys them according to price, advertising, preference for certain brands, but not according to the rules.

Today I want to tell you how to choose a deodorant so that it is really effective and does no harm.

On the market, in stores, a huge amount of sweat products. What kind of deodorant you buy depends on your health. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the form, but also to the composition. And of course, know the differences between deodorants and antiperspirants.

Choosing a deodorant is not easy, but despite this, try to take into account all the selection criteria and find the most suitable option for yourself.

Which deodorant to choose?

The purpose of deodorant and antiperspirant is to destroy. Deodorants get rid of sweat, and antiperspirants block the process of sweating. It may seem that antiperspirants are more comfortable, the skin is dry, the clothes are clean. And when using deodorant, you can see wet spots under the arms.

And of course everyone will prefer an antiperspirant, but you need to know the truth: everything that seems perfect can have a catch.

Antiperspirant prevents sweating, blocks the work of apocrine sweat glands. They usually contain salts of zinc and aluminum, they thicken the skin, narrow the ducts of the sweat glands. Sweat comes out twice less. Powerful antiperspirants contain triclosan, which disrupts the microflora and further inhibits sweating.

If you use an antiperspirant every day, then the risk of getting an inflammatory reaction increases, immunity decreases, as the microflora is disturbed, and most importantly, more severe conditions are created for the sweating system.

The body will try to sweat even more intensely, because it must get rid of excess at any cost. The more often we use an antiperspirant, the more sweat is released.

As a rule, everything ends up with constantly wet armpits, when no deodorants help anymore, except for treatment. Serious violations of thermoregulation can also occur.

How to choose the right deodorant?

A good modern deodorant will get rid of sweat through additives that kill bacteria and reduce perspiration and add fragrance, thanks to perfume fragrance.

Be sure to look at the composition, if there is triclosan and farnesol (usually in solid dezik), try not to use it often, these substances do not favorably affect the skin, depriving it of a protective film, drying and irritating.

Before choosing a deodorant, look at its composition:

  • calendula extract - dries the skin;
  • cyclomethicone has a softening effect;
  • stearyl diethyl ether PPG-15 in the composition allows the desicum to dry instantly, prevents the appearance of stains on clothes;
  • avocado oil allows you to apply deodorant immediately after shaving your armpits;
  • propylene glycol can cause allergies;
  • phthalates are rather unsafe substances that affect the level of production of male hormones and can be dangerous for pregnant women.

What is the best deodorant?

Let's get acquainted with the forms of deodorants and the features of their use.

Finding the best deodorant is not easy, you need to pay attention to the following criteria.

  1. Deodorant must have antibacterial protection and at the same time take care of the skin.
  2. A good deodorant moisturizes and softens the skin.
  3. There should be no marks on clothing.
  4. Dispenser convenience.
  5. Pay attention to the name of the company, it must be written without errors.

There is a theory that antiperspirants containing aluminum and zinc salts have a detrimental effect on women's health, these salts penetrate deep into the skin, increasing the risk of developing breast cancer.

Natural antiseptics - clay, starch, soda, perfectly save you from sweat, use them, they are cheap and natural.

To reduce sweating, limit strong tea, coffee, spicy foods.

Choose clothes made from natural fabrics, with a wide armhole.

Now you know how to choose a deodorant and be sure to make the right choice.

Conclusion: you can’t use antiperspirants all the time, especially those whose effect is designed for 48 hours. Such funds are designed for one-time use in special situations. Be sure to apply deodorant to clean, shaved underarms, do not apply after bath products, and be sure to rinse off every day.

Relevance: June 2019

The unpleasant smell of sweat can spoil the impression of even the most elegantly dressed lady, with perfect makeup and hair. Therefore, cosmetic products that help regulate sweating, eliminating the problems associated with it - smell, wet stains on clothes, etc. are incredibly popular today.

These include deodorants and antiperspirants. Their main advantages include elimination of odor, control over perspiration and a pronounced antibacterial effect. Today, manufacturers offer an incredible variety of deodorizing cosmetics. It differs not only in the form of release (sprays, sticks, rollers), but also in the variety of composition.

We have compiled a list of the best deodorants for women based on expert reviews and real customer reviews. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Garnier
  1. DeoNat
  2. Odaban
  3. DryDry
  4. Weleda


  1. Vichy
  2. Korres
Antiperspirants Hypoallergenic Invisible Sticks Sprays Rollers

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Deodorants: Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants / Hypoallergenic/ Rollers

Main advantages
  • Roll-on deodorant perfectly protects against sweat and odor for 48 hours in hot weather, during physical exertion, under stress
  • Due to its antibacterial properties, the active substance of the product prevents the appearance of irritations and prevents the formation of an unpleasant odor.
  • The transparent, moderately liquid texture of the antiperspirant is easy to apply, dries instantly and does not clog pores, allowing them to breathe.
  • Light unobtrusive smell of deodorant does not mix with the aroma of perfume
  • The composition of the product does not contain alcohol and parabens, its hypoallergenicity is confirmed by laboratory tests.

Antiperspirants / Hypoallergenic/ Rollers

Main advantages
  • Deodorant solves two problems at once: it blocks sweat and prevents bacteria that cause odor from multiplying.
  • The composition does not contain ethanol, so the product does not irritate sensitive skin and can be used immediately after epilation. Liquid consistency, easy to apply and spread in a thin layer
  • The deodorant is transparent and does not leave marks on the skin or clothes. After drying, it is not felt - only dry and smooth skin
  • The smell of the deodorant is light, fresh, slightly aquatic. It is heard at the moment of application, then it does not appear in any way and does not interrupt the aroma of perfume
  • The deodorizing effect lasts up to 48 hours even during active sports or in the summer heat

Antiperspirants / Hypoallergenic/ Rollers

Main advantages
  • Deodorant-antiperspirant, which is designed specifically to reliably block sweat in extreme conditions. In addition to aluminum salts, it contains a mineral absorbent that absorbs moisture from the skin surface.
  • The deodorant itself is liquid and transparent, applied in a thin layer. Dries quickly and immediately forms an imperceptible protective film that does not irritate the skin and protects against sweat
  • The product has a pleasant fragrance, reminiscent of the smell of perfume. Fragrance is unstable, does not conflict with other perfumes
  • All components of the deodorant have been tested for safety and approved by dermatologists. Ingredients do not enter the bloodstream and act only on the surface of the skin
  • Leaves no stains on clothes, does not change the color of the fabric

Antiperspirants / Hypoallergenic/ Rollers

Main advantages
  • A real salvation for those who react to stress with excessive sweating. This deodorant blocks the sweat glands and leaves the armpits dry in any situation.
  • The product has a minimum consumption, it must be applied in a thin layer and allowed to dry. In this case, sweat protection is guaranteed even after water procedures, for example, after swimming in the sea.
  • Absorbing into the skin, the deodorant does not leave marks on it, and also does not form white stripes and streaks on clothes.
  • All components are selected in such a way as not to irritate sensitive skin. Both at the time of application and after the deodorant is not felt
  • The fragrance is versatile, fresh, quickly disappears and does not clog the smell of the main perfume.

Show all products in the category "Antiperspirants"

Deodorants: Invisible

Hypoallergenic/ Invisible / Sticks

Main advantages
  • Odorless mineral crystal deodorant with excellent antibacterial properties, provides effective long-term protection against sweat odor
  • The active component of the composition (aluminum alum) inhibits bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor, while being completely safe for humans.
  • Green tea and aloe extracts have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, soften and soothe the skin
  • Due to the original form and natural composition, the product is easy to apply without leaving a film on the skin and marks on clothes.
  • The crystal does not contain alcohol and aluminum hydrochloride, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions.

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Deodorants: Sticks

Antiperspirants/ Sticks

Main advantages
  • The most natural and safe deodorant, the action of which is not aimed at blocking the natural process of sweating, but at neutralizing the smell. Consists of anhydrous aluminum-potassium sulfate - astringent and absorbent of natural origin
  • In addition to fighting unpleasant odors, the deodorant also has wound healing, antifungal, and disinfectant properties.
  • The tool is consumed very slowly, one crystal is enough for 1-2 years, even if used every day
  • It contains only mineral and water, so there are no stains on clothes or white deposits after use.
  • Deodorant does not contain perfume fragrances, odorless

Antiperspirants/ Sticks

Main advantages
  • Deodorant in a stick is consumed minimally, but at the same time protects against sweat and accompanying odor in any conditions: in hot weather, in stressful situations, in the gym
  • This product has a very light smell, which is heard only at the time of application, and then quickly disappears and does not conflict with the main perfume.
  • Deodorant can be applied immediately after epilation. It soothes irritated skin, does not cause burning or other unpleasant sensations, disinfects
  • Active ingredients reduce sweat and neutralize bacteria. Such a complex effect guarantees maximum protection.
  • The formula of the product ensures comfortable application, the deodorant does not pull the skin, melts slightly upon contact with the skin and lays down in an even and thin layer.

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Deodorants: Sprays

Antiperspirants / Hypoallergenic/ Invisible / Sprays

Main advantages
  • Deodorant qualitatively regulates perspiration, maintaining its optimal level, eliminates odor, gives a feeling of comfort and freshness for 48 hours
  • The innovative Anti-traces complex prevents the appearance of white and yellow stains on clothes when using deodorant
  • The active substance of the product (aluminum chlorohydrate) controls perspiration, prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor
  • Mineralized thermal water has a softening, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect on the skin.
  • The product is hypoallergenic, does not contain alcohol, fragrances, parabens, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive