The competencies of the educator job description. Kindergarten. Responsibilities of a Kindergarten Teacher

As soon as the child begins to go to kindergarten, caring mothers are overcome with anxiety: is their baby provided with proper care in the kindergarten, is the teacher doing his job well? What are the duties of a kindergarten teacher and what if the teacher does not fully fulfill his duties?

What are the duties of a kindergarten teacher

In his work, the kindergarten teacher is obliged to adhere to the requirements of the job description, which regulates the activities of the teacher, his rights, duties and responsibilities. Thus, educators bear full responsibility for the health and life of their pupils. The duties of the kindergarten teacher also include careful supervision of the pupils, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions on protecting the health and life of children, ensuring strict adherence to the daily routine adopted in the preschool institution and informing the head nurse of any noticed changes in the well-being of the pupils. Together with the medical staff of the preschool institution, the teacher organizes hardening, preventive and hygienic measures.

The teacher is obliged to carry out developmental and educational work with children in accordance with the program of the preschool institution and the approved schedule of classes. In his daily work, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of his pupils, show tact and patience when communicating with children and their parents, and respect the personality of each child.

The duties of a kindergarten teacher include creating conditions in the group for the full development and education of children and landscaping the area for walking. The educator must also, together with the physical education instructor and the music director, organize holidays and provide interesting leisure time for children. The job description requires all teachers of a preschool institution to clearly maintain pedagogical documentation and systematically improve their professional qualifications.

As you can see, the requirements for preschool teachers, on the one hand, are quite strict, on the other hand, a number of provisions of the job description contain the possibility of a fairly broad interpretation of them. For example, the duties of a kindergarten teacher include a respectful attitude towards each child and the manifestation of pedagogical tact in communicating with children, but there is no mention of the prohibition of certain types of punishment (we are not talking, of course, about physical punishment). Yes, and to measure the respectful attitude of a particular educator to a particular child seems to be a very difficult matter, so misunderstandings between the teacher and parents are almost inevitable.

Duties of a kindergarten teacher: what to do in controversial situations?

Claims from parents to preschool teachers arise quite often: the child is poorly dressed or does not change clothes on time and is given to dirty parents, the child is not given enough attention, he is forced to eat by force or punished for not sleeping during quiet hours. Sometimes mothers on parental forums on the Internet ask: is it the responsibility of a kindergarten teacher to ensure that the child is dressed correctly? Who can complain if the pants on the baby are constantly inside out?

It is better to first discuss your requirements for the educator with the educator himself and state them in the form of a request - this way you will avoid conflict and can more likely rely on the educator to meet you halfway. If we are talking about causing moral damage to the child or cases of injury, then we will have to act differently.

In case of damage to the health of the child, the fault of the educator must be proven. It must be obvious that the child was injured at the very moment when he was in a preschool under the supervision of a particular teacher. Evidence can be the call of the ambulance team at the address of the kindergarten, the testimony of witnesses. If the fault of the teacher is proven, then the damage (moral or material) is recovered from the preschool institution, and the administration will deal with the specific teacher.

If you think that certain actions of the teacher violate the rights of your child and cause moral damage to him, then you should write a statement addressed to the head of the preschool institution. The application must indicate specific facts, describe the inappropriate actions of the teacher. You can also, on the basis of the facts you have stated, demand that the teacher be punished, up to and including suspension from teaching, or request that the child be transferred to another group. If the appeal to the head did not produce a result, a complaint in writing should be sent to the city's department of education. Make a complaint in the correct form, indicating only the facts of unauthorized actions of the educator and inaction of the head. Usually, contacting the Department of Education is enough for appropriate action to be taken. If there was no reaction, then in case of child abuse, harm to the child during his stay in a preschool institution, or there are facts of illegal collection of money, parents should apply to the court. In this case, the defendants will be a specific teacher, the head of a preschool institution and the city's department of education.

Many educators often ask: should they make repairs in the group or buy methodological literature with their own money? Parents also have many questions about the duties of a kindergarten teacher.

The duties of a kindergarten teacher are clearly enshrined in a number of regulatory documents:

  • in the job description
  • in the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool institutions (SanPiN,
  • in an employment contract concluded between the preschool teacher and the employer.

Anything that is not specified in these legal documents is not the responsibility of the kindergarten teacher and, accordingly, he is not obliged to fulfill them.

As a “cheat sheet”, we collected all the information from legal documents and distributed the duties of a kindergarten teacher in several areas:

  • when accepting children in a group,
  • in catering,
  • when working in a group during the day,
  • when organizing sleep
  • on a walk,
  • at the end of the working day.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher when accepting children into a group

  • Daily morning reception of children is carried out by educators who interview parents about the state of health of children.

Responsibilities of the kindergarten teacher in catering

  • Educators help children eat, very young children are fed up.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher when working in a group during the day

  • Ensures strict implementation of the established daily regimen and the schedule of classes.
  • Monitors the behavior of children during the period of adaptation, helps them; in early age groups keeps a diary of observations.
  • Regularly informs the head of the institution and the head nurse about changes in the health status of children. Informs the head nurse about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence, maintains an attendance record.
  • He treats each child in his group with respect and care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.
  • Together with the music director and physical education instructor, he prepares holidays and organizes leisure activities for children.
  • With children of the second and third years of life, physical exercises are carried out by educators in subgroups 2-3 times a week. Classes in kindergarten with children of the second year of life are carried out in a group room, with children of the third year of life - in a group room or in a gym.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher when organizing sleep in a group

  • Children with difficulty falling asleep and light sleep are recommended to be put to bed first and wake up last. In age groups, older children wake up earlier after sleep. During the sleep of children, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher on a walk

  • The teacher must help the children get dressed.
  • While walking with children, it is necessary to conduct games and physical exercises. Outdoor games are carried out at the end of the walk before the children return to the preschool premises.
  • On the site, together with the children, she works on landscaping according to the program of her age group.

Responsibilities of the kindergarten teacher at the end of the working day

  • When transferring a shift at the end of the working day, he leaves an exemplary order in the group.
  • The teacher hands over the shift personally to the second teacher, transfers the children according to the list.
  • Transfer of children strictly to parents and legal representatives (only adults).

In addition, the responsibilities of the educator include planning educational activities, reporting, advanced training and interaction with kindergarten staff and parents:

  • Fulfills the requirement of the head, the head nurse, the head educator, related to pedagogical work and the protection of the life and health of children.
  • Maintains documentation in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Systematically improves professional qualifications and pedagogical level at courses, seminars, open viewings.
  • Participates in the pedagogical councils of institutions, methodological associations in the region, district, organizes competitions and exhibitions of children's works for open days, holds parent meetings, participates in holidays.
  • Works with parents on the issues of raising children in the family, involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. Actively works with the parent committee and individual parents, ensuring the creation of the necessary conditions in the premises of the group and on the site for the successful implementation of the educational program.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 6 "Health" in Stavropol

Agreed: Approved:

PC Chairman

MBDOU d \ s 6 "Health" MBDOU d \ s 6 "Health __________________ __________________

Dagaeva E.S. Brusentsova I.N.

"___" ____________ 20___ "___" ____________ 20___



1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics of an educator of an educational institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Health, Education and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On Approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, Section “Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers” , the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Institution.

1.2. The teacher belongs to the category of pedagogical workers, is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. For the period of vacation or temporary disability, the duties of an educator may be assigned to an educator or a teacher of appropriate qualification training.

1.3. The educator reports directly to the head of the preschool educational institution, the deputy head of the OIA.

1.4. The teacher's working week is 30 hours.

1.5. In his work, the educator is guided by:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire protection;

SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations";

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2010 No. 209 "On the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions";

Charter and local acts of MBDOU;

Internal labor regulations;

collective agreement;

Orders and instructions of the head of the MBDOU;

this job description;

Employment contract and Contract with parents (legal representatives of the child), etc.

1.6. The teacher must know:

Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;

Laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities;

the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Instructions for protecting the life and health of children;

Pedagogy, child, developmental and social psychology;

Psychology of relationships, individual and age characteristics of children,

Age physiology, hygiene;

Methods and forms, technology for monitoring the activities of pupils;

pedagogical ethics;

Theory and methods of educational work, organization of pupils' free time;

Methods of management of educational systems;

Modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of student-centered education;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology,

labor law;

Basics of working with text and graphic editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Internal labor regulations of an educational institution;

Rules on labor protection and fire safety;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational process;

1.7. The caregiver must comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

2. Qualification requirements

2.1. The educator must have a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

2.2. The educator must have the basic competencies in the organization:

Activities aimed at improving the health of pupils and their physical development;

Various types of children's activities for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education;

Interaction with parents (legal representatives) of pupils and employees of the educational institution;

In the methodological support of the educational process;

Possession of information and communication technologies and the ability to apply them in the educational process.

2.3. On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2010 No. 209 "On the procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers of state and municipal institutions", a teacher can apply to the attestation commission with an application for attestation or establishing compliance of the qualification level with the requirements for the first qualifying category with at least 2 years of experience.

Make a personal contribution to improving the quality of education through the improvement of teaching and upbringing methods;

They have stable results in the development of educational programs by pupils and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements above the average in the subject of the Russian Federation.

A teacher may apply to the attestation commission with an application for certification or establishing compliance with the level of the first qualification category not earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category.

Possess modern educational technologies and methods and effectively apply them in practical professional activities;

They have stable results in the development of educational programs by pupils and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements above the average in the subject of the Russian Federation, incl. taking into account the results of the participation of students and pupils in all-Russian, international olympiads, competitions, competitions .;

Make a personal contribution to improving the quality of education based on improving the methods of education and upbringing, innovation in the development of new educational technologies and actively disseminate their own experience in improving the quality of education and upbringing

3. Job responsibilities


3.1. Carries out:

Activities for the upbringing, education and development of children, ensuring the implementation of the general educational program in accordance with the federal state educational standard and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

Careful supervision of the children entrusted to him in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for protecting the life and health of children in children's walking areas;

Monitoring the behavior of children during the adaptation period and creating favorable conditions for easy adaptation;

The study of the individual characteristics of children, inclinations and interests;

Creating favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the personality of pupils, promoting their growth in their cognitive motivation and developing abilities in various forms of organizing children's activities;

Interaction with parents (legal representatives) on the implementation of the main general education program, strategies and tactics of the educational process, cooperation with the kindergarten and society;

3.2. Plans and organizes:

The vital activity of pupils, a variety of gaming activities, independent and joint activities of children and adults in mastering the main general educational program during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education and the internal regulations for the life of the group;

Directly educational activities in accordance with the general educational program and the regulations of the educational service in close contact with the specialists of the preschool educational institution on the basis of integration interaction in the implementation of educational areas;

Equipping the developing environment of the group;

Exhibitions of children's works;

Children's leisure and other activities with children in accordance with the annual plan;

Participation of children in competitions of different levels (to obtain the appropriate qualification category);


Implementation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children in kindergarten;

Implementation of the general educational program of preschool education;

Individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child;

The use of educational technologies of the activity type;

The level of achievement by pupils of the results of the development of educational areas and the dynamics of the formation of target reference points, corresponding to the federal state standard for the quality of preschool education.

3.4. Owns modern, innovative technologies and methods and effectively applies them in practical professional activities.

3.5. Brings:

Before each child, the norm of nutrition laid down for him during feeding

(breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack);

Information to each parent about the progress of the child in the development of the program through various forms;

Information to the head nurse about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence,

Information about the problems in the development of pupils of the psychological service of the preschool educational institution.

3.6. Participates:

In carrying out comprehensive activities that promote health, psychophysical development of children, promotes a healthy lifestyle;

In the enrichment of the developing subject-spatial environment in the group in accordance with the age of the children;

In organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them);

In work on holding parent-teacher meetings and other forms of interaction with the family;

In teachers' councils and other forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions, methodological associations, seminars and other events organized by the education committee;

In dissemination of own experience in the field of improving the quality of education;

In pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of preschoolers, associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning) at the beginning and end of the school year;

3.7. Shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children, parents and colleagues;

3.8. Comes to the shift 10 minutes before the start of the working day. Hands over the shift personally to the second teacher, transfers the children according to the list;

3.9. Maintains order in the workplace, in group rooms and in the area for walking. Carries out sanitary and hygienic processing of toys in accordance with the requirements of SanPin. Carefully uses the property of the preschool educational institution, methodological literature, manuals.

3.10. Coordinates the work of the junior educator within the framework of a single educational process in the group, observing the sanitary and hygienic regime and the main regime moments of the life of children.

3.11. Maintains the following documentation:

Attendance sheet for pupils of the group (draws it up at the end of each month);

Long-term work plans for the main activities (work program);

Calendar plan of educational work;

Notebook of minutes of parent meetings, a notebook of information about parents (legal representatives);

The results of diagnostics to identify the level of development of children and the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

3.12. Passes a medical examination strictly according to the schedule.

3.13. Masters additional professional educational programs for professional training or advanced training (in the amount of 72 hours) at least every 3 years.

3.14. Promotes:

Comprehensive development of pupils through various forms and types of children's activities;

Formation of a common culture of personality, socialization and development of cognitive interests of children;

Development of communication between pupils, solving problems in communication with peers and adults;

3.15.Complies with:

The rights and freedoms of pupils contained in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire protection, sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements;

Labor discipline and internal labor regulations, job description;

3.16. Provides:

Protection of life and health of children during the educational process;

Strict implementation of the established regime of the day and the schedule of directly educational activities;

Fulfillment of the requirements of the head, nurse, deputy head for educational work related to pedagogical work and the protection of the life and health of children.

4. Rights

4.1. The teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Charter, the Collective Agreement, internal labor regulations and other local acts of the preschool educational institution;

4.2. The educator, within his competence, has the right to:

Take part in the work of creative groups;

Establish business contacts with third parties within its competence;

Make suggestions to improve the educational process;

Make proposals for the development of the educational program and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

Freely choose and use teaching and upbringing methods, teaching aids and materials in accordance with the general educational program approved by the preschool educational institution;

Present your work experience at pedagogical councils, methodological associations, parent-teacher meetings, final reporting events and in specialized printed publications;

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the preschool educational institution relating to his activities;

Require the administration of the preschool educational institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of professional duties;

Participate in the work of self-government bodies.

4.3. Improve your qualifications at least once every 5 years.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The teacher is personally responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties stipulated by this job description,

Within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities,

Within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. In case of violation of the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the terms of the Collective Agreement, the internal labor regulations, this job description, the orders of the head educator, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For the use of educational methods related to physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the pupil, the teacher may be dismissed under Article 336, clause 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Control over the execution of the job description by the educator is assigned to the deputy head of the UVR Pashchenko Rimma Sergeevna.

I have read and agree with the instructions:

FULL NAME. __________________________/_________________/_

"_____" ___________________ 20____

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description for a kindergarten teacher was developed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155; Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation" as amended on December 25, 2018; on the basis of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (Section “Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers”), approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 761n dated August 26, 2010, as amended on May 31, 2011; in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations between an employee and an employer.

1.2. The kindergarten teacher is hired and dismissed by the head of the preschool educational institution.

1.3. The teacher of the preschool educational institution must have a higher vocational education or a secondary vocational education in the direction of training " Education and Pedagogy"without presenting requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of training" Education and Pedagogy with no requirement for work experience.

1.4. The kindergarten teacher reports directly to the head and senior teacher of the preschool educational institution.

1.5. In his professional activities, the preschool teacher should be guided by:

  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • federal law " »;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs for preschool education;
  • SanPiN " Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations» with changes as of August 27, 2015;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
  • Charter and local acts of a preschool educational institution;
  • Internal labor regulations approved in kindergarten;
  • collective agreement;
  • orders and orders of the head of the kindergarten;
  • Employment contract and the Contract concluded with the parents (legal representatives) of the child, etc.;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. The teacher must also be guided by this job description, labor protection instructions for the preschool teacher, other labor protection instructions when performing work and operating audio and video equipment.

1.7. The preschool teacher should know:

  • priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating the educational activities of a preschool educational institution;
  • instructions for protecting the life and health of children;
  • pedagogy, child, developmental and social psychology;
  • psychology of relationships, individual and age characteristics of children;
  • age physiology and hygiene;
  • methods, forms and technology for monitoring the activities of pupils;
  • pedagogical ethics;
  • theory and methodology of educational work, organization of pupils' free time;
  • the latest achievements in the field of methods of preschool education;
  • modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach;
  • methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (legal representatives) and colleagues who are employees of the preschool educational institution;
  • technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;
  • fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology;
  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the basics of working with text and graphic editors, presentations, e-mail and web browsers, multimedia equipment;
  • internal labor regulations approved in kindergarten;
  • sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational process in kindergarten;
  • rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.8. The kindergarten teacher must strictly comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 (as amended on December 28, 2016) " On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation", be trained and have first aid skills.

2. Job responsibilities

The kindergarten teacher has the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Carries out educational and educational activities of pupils, ensuring the implementation of the educational program in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSES DO) and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

2.2. It contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the personality of pupils, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of their education.

2.3. Carries out the study of the personality of children, their inclinations, interests, individual abilities, promotes the growth of their cognitive motivation, the formation of their educational independence, the formation of competencies and the development of abilities in various forms of organizing children's activities.

2.4. Monitors the behavior of children during their adaptation in kindergarten, creates favorable conditions for easy and quick adaptation.

2.5. Creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each child. Promotes the development of children's communication. Helps the pupil to solve the problems that have arisen in communicating with children in the group, teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

2.6. Provides assistance to children in educational activities, helps to ensure the level of their preparation that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state educational requirements.

2.7. In accordance with the individual and age interests of the pupils, he improves the life of the group, pupils of the kindergarten. Respects the rights and freedoms of children.

2.8. Carries out proper supervision of the children of the group in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for protecting the life and health of children in the premises and on children's walking areas of a preschool educational institution.

2.9. Plans and organizes a variety of gaming activities, independent and joint activities of children and adults, aimed at mastering the basic general education program in accordance with the specifics of preschool education and the internal regulations of the group's life.

2.10. Together with the music director and physical education instructor, he prepares holidays and organizes leisure activities for children.

2.11. Plans and organizes the equipping of the group's developing subject-spatial environment, leisure, exhibitions of pupils' works, participation of children in competitions of various levels and other events in accordance with the annual plan of the kindergarten.

2.12. Ensures the protection of life, health and safety of pupils during the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

2.13. Carries out observations (monitoring) of the health, development and upbringing of children, including with the help of electronic forms. He actively promotes a healthy lifestyle among pupils.

2.14. Develops a program of educational and educational work with a group of pupils of a preschool educational institution.

2.15. He treats each child in his group with respect and care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.

2.16. Uses modern innovative technologies and methods, implements their effective application in their educational and upbringing activities.

2.17. Takes part in the monitoring procedure: at the beginning of the school year - to determine the zone of educational needs of each pupil; at the end of the year - in identifying the level of achievement by each pupil of the final indicators of mastering the program, the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities.

2.18. Strictly observes the daily routine and schedule of educational activities of pupils established in the preschool educational institution.

2.19. Based on the study of individual characteristics, recommendations of a teacher-psychologist, he plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities.

2.20. Coordinates the activities of the assistant educator, junior educator within the framework of a single educational process in the group, observing the sanitary and hygienic regime and the main regime moments of the life of children.

2.21. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program of the preschool educational institution, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them).

2.22. Interacts with parents (legal representatives) of pupils on the implementation of the main general educational program, strategy and tactics of the educational process.

2.23. Maintains proper order in his workplace, in group rooms and on the promenade. Carefully and accurately uses the property of the kindergarten, methodological literature and manuals.

2.24. Strictly fulfills all the requirements of this job description, labor protection and fire safety rules in kindergarten.

2.25. Timely informs the medical service of the preschool educational institution about changes in the health status of children, parents - about planned preventive vaccinations.

2.26. Carries out periodic updating of the content of thematic stands for parents, design of the group and information stands for the holidays.

2.27. Maintains the following documentation:

  • calendar and prospective, plans;
  • plan of educational work;
  • journal (report card) of visiting pupils;
  • group passport;
  • a log of monitoring the state of labor protection in the group;
  • health journal;
  • minutes of parent meetings;
  • diagnostic materials;
  • other documentation of the preschool teacher according to the nomenclature of cases in accordance with the order of the head of the kindergarten.

2.28. Passes an annual medical examination according to the schedule established in the institution.

2.29. The development of additional professional educational programs for professional retraining or advanced training is underway.

2.30. Fulfills the requirements of the head of a preschool educational institution, a medical worker, a senior educator, which are related to pedagogical activities and the protection of the life and health of pupils.

3. Employee rights

3.1. The kindergarten teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law " About education in the Russian Federation”, Charter, Collective Agreement, Internal Labor Regulations and other local acts of the kindergarten.

3.2. The preschool teacher, within his competence, has the right to:

  • take part in the work of creative groups;
  • establish business contacts with third parties within its competence;
  • make suggestions to improve the educational process;
  • make suggestions in the process of developing an educational program and an annual plan for a preschool educational institution;
  • freely choose and use teaching and upbringing methods, teaching aids and materials that correspond to the general educational program approved by the preschool educational institution;
  • present their experience of pedagogical work at pedagogical councils, methodological associations, parent-teacher meetings, reporting final events and in specialized printed publications;
  • get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the kindergarten, which relate to his activities;
  • familiarize yourself with this job description, get it in your hands;
  • demand from the administration of the preschool educational institution the creation of the conditions necessary for the performance of their professional duties;
  • participate in the work of self-government bodies;
  • timely improve qualifications and be certified on a voluntary basis;
  • for all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The educator has the right to protect professional honor and dignity, to get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, to give explanations on them.

3.4. The educator has the right to inform the head of the preschool educational institution, the deputy head for administrative and economic work (supply manager) about the acquisition of training, developmental, and demonstration tools necessary for educational and educational activities, repair work of equipment and group premises if necessary.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The preschool teacher is personally responsible for:

  • for the life and health of pupils during the educational process, during supervision in the premises of the preschool educational institution, on the site, during walks and excursions outside the kindergarten;
  • for violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils;
  • for non-compliance with the requirements for labor protection, for ensuring fire safety;
  • for failure to provide first aid to the victim, not timely notification or concealment from the school administration of the accident.

4.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the preschool educational institution, other local regulations, legal orders of the head, official duties established by this instruction, including for not using the rights granted, the educator bears disciplinary responsibility in the manner determined by the labor the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For the use, including a single one, of methods of education related to physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the child, as well as the commission of another immoral act, the educator may be relieved of his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Federal Law " About education in the Russian Federation". Dismissal for this act is not a measure of disciplinary responsibility.

4.4. For the guilty infliction of damage to a preschool educational institution or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the educator shall be liable in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

4.5. Control over the execution of this job description is assigned to the senior teacher of a preschool educational institution.

5. Certification procedure

5.1. Certification of teaching staff in order to confirm the compliance with the position held is mandatory and takes place within the time limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It should be held at least once every 5 years. At the same time, the experience and category of the educator in no way can affect the frequency of the verification procedure. This type is a test for professional compliance with the position held.

5.2. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is voluntary and is carried out at the request of the employee himself in order to increase the existing category.

5.3. Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 Moscow " On the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions» an educator can apply to the attestation commission with an application for attestation or establishing the compliance of the qualification level with the requirements for the first qualification category, having at least 2 years of experience.

  • stable positive results in the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;
  • stable positive results in the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2013 No. 662 " »;
  • identifying the development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities;
  • personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving the methods of training and education, broadcasting in teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of the organization.

5.4. The educator can apply to the attestation commission with an application for certification or establishing the compliance of their qualification level with the requirements for the highest qualification category no earlier than 2 years after the establishment of the first qualification category.

  • possession of the first qualification category;
  • achievement by students of positive dynamics of the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;
  • achievement by students of positive results in the development of educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662 " On monitoring the education system»;
  • identifying and developing students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions;
  • personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting in teaching staff the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative;
  • active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support of the educational process, professional competitions.

6. Regulations on relationships and communications by position

A kindergarten teacher:

6.1. Works in a normalized working day according to a schedule drawn up on the basis of a 36-hour working week and approved by the head of a preschool educational institution, participates in mandatory planned general activities of a preschool educational institution for which production standards are not established.

6.2. He speaks at meetings, pedagogical councils, and other events on the upbringing and education of pupils.

6.3. Informs the head of the kindergarten, the deputy director for administrative and economic work (supply manager) about all the shortcomings in the provision of the educational process. Makes suggestions to eliminate shortcomings, to optimize the work of the educator.

6.4. Replaces a temporarily absent kindergarten teacher on the basis of hourly pay and in accordance with the billing.

6.5. Receives materials of a regulatory, legal and organizational and methodological nature from the administration of the preschool educational institution, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

6.6. Carries out a systematic exchange of information on issues within its competence with the administration and teaching staff of a preschool educational institution.

6.7. Timely informs the head of the kindergarten and the relevant services about all emergencies related to the life and health of children.

7. The procedure for approving and changing the job description

7.1. Amendments and additions to the current job description are made in the same manner in which the job description is adopted.

7.2. The job description comes into force from the moment of its approval and is valid until it is replaced by a new job description.

7.3. The fact that the educator is familiar with this job description is confirmed by a signature in a copy of the job description kept by the employer, as well as in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions.

The duties of a teacher are of great importance in working with children. Meanwhile, some parents do not even suspect that there are some rules that a kindergarten teacher must follow. To correct this situation, today we will get acquainted with the duties of educators. There are not so many of them, but this list is very easy to remember.

parent meetings

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the duties of the educator include holding parent meetings and, of course, conversations with moms and dads. Everyone knows about this item. Especially when the time is approaching the holidays and it is necessary to decide how this event will be celebrated. And, of course, if the kindergarten needs to raise money.

However, the kindergarten teacher must hold parent meetings in a timely and regular manner. It is very important to inform about the successes and failures, as well as the progress of each child. After that, it is sometimes necessary to give some recommendations on classes with the baby at home, so to speak, "homework" to parents.

In practice, this happens extremely rarely, approximately 2-3 times a year. Although it is best to hold parent-teacher conferences once a month or two. This helps track the progress of the child and his timely preparation for school.


Job responsibilities of the educator, as a rule, include monitoring the daily routine of the kids. Children in the kindergarten have a clear schedule of what they do and what time (by time). And this routine has to be constantly monitored.

If the children have a quiet hour at 13:00, this means that the kindergarten teacher must monitor the preparation of the kids for sleep and, if necessary, help them. With all this, during this period, it is also required to monitor the silence. In practice, an assistant teacher helps in such things.

When the daily routine of the kids is violated, you have to quickly correct the situation. If someone is capricious and does not obey the schedule in any way, such a child can be punished, although disputes about the admissibility of punishments in kindergarten are ongoing. The teacher can chastise the baby or put him on a chair for a while.


The duties of the educator include raising children while they are in a group and on the territory of the kindergarten. This is known to everyone and everyone. After all, it is these employees who are responsible for children's development after the kids are sent to a preschool educational institution.

Fortunately, everyone is now engaged in education and development. Whether it's a teacher or an assistant teacher - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you will have to organize developmental activities, conduct a variety of conversations and excursions (usually on the territory of a kindergarten), perform physical exercises with children and present them with new information in an understandable and interesting way.

The teacher-educator is a very important profession. After all, it is this person who is responsible for the timely preparation of kids for a more adult, school life. In some cases, the employee will have to look for an individual approach to each child. And a good worker is obliged to cope with the task.


The instruction of the kindergarten teacher also contains a clause that states that the employee must monitor the safety of children. And this is true, because parents give their children to the actual care of a stranger. And the latter is obliged to transfer the babies at the end of the day back to their relatives safe and sound.

The safety of children has to be constantly monitored. Especially during excursions. In fact, this is not such a simple task. When the group is small, it is still possible to cope with it. But if the kindergarten teacher is busy with a large group of children, then you will have to try hard. Usually a junior teacher helps with this.

In addition, the activities of the educator include a daily report to parents on the health status of their babies. In case of any serious deviations or danger, you can call relatives and ask them to immediately come to the garden for the child. Unfortunately, quite often educators try not to talk about any observations regarding the health of the children, but call relatives only in very dangerous cases.

Plan development

The senior teacher is obliged to develop a work plan and a daily schedule for the kids. Moreover, it is desirable to coordinate it with the parents. For example, at the first parent meeting, which is usually held before the start of the school year. With all this, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the behavior of each baby and the development of children. And already in accordance with the data received, think over an effective plan. In other words, it must take into account individual characteristics.

In reality, the situation is slightly different. Lesson plans with detailed instructions are most often downloaded from the Internet, edited a little (usually the name and address of the kindergarten, as well as the initials of the "developer" teacher) are edited and presented to parents. Those, in turn, agree with everything. But the job responsibilities of the educator include the development of a correct and effective action schedule for the entire academic year! And, as a rule, such plans cannot be edited.

In fact, it is very convenient to borrow someone's developments. It's just that kids are all different. And they need a highly individual approach. Someone develops faster - they need more difficult classes (it is better to give everyone something of their own), and someone is slower. Such babies will have to be given special attention. A good teacher should take into account these features and adjust the already prepared plan for children. Or develop it yourself.

Hygiene and medicine

The duties of the educator also imply the observance by the employee of sanitary standards and hygiene rules. This also applies to children. That is, the teacher is obliged to monitor the sanitary standards in the group, as well as the observance of hygiene rules by the kids.

You will have to take care of your health, both your own and that of your children. In other words, the employee is obliged to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. And, in addition, take the children to routine checkups. Usually a nurse or pediatrician is right in the kindergarten building.

In addition, it is the educator who is obliged to report suspicions of any diseases, as well as to show the child to the doctor if the baby already has certain symptoms of the disease. When the child becomes ill, the teacher should also show him to the nurse in the kindergarten. If necessary, as already mentioned, you will have to call the parents, tell them about what happened, and also ask them to pick up the baby and show it to the doctor.

Moral education and preparation for school

The duties of a teacher in a kindergarten also include the moral education of children. This is a very important point that should be taken into account when drawing up a work plan for the year. Plus, teachers in kindergartens, as a rule, do not just develop children, but prepare them for school, especially in older groups.

These two points are very important for children. Only a good and responsible educator now follows them. Often, as already mentioned, teachers simply download ready-made plans for working with children and edit them a little. And therefore, it cannot be said that such an approach will have a good effect on preparing for school. If moral education can be somehow summed up in all preschool educational institutions, then the second point is not so flexible.

Why? The point is that preparation for school should be based on the characteristics of each child. And, of course, the wishes of the parents. And this is not such an easy task.

Studying the behavior and characteristics of children

A very important point among all the duties of a kindergarten teacher is the study of the behavior and characteristics of babies. It is this moment that requires special attention. It is just as important as ensuring the safety of the child in kindergarten.

The thing is that it is the study of the behavior of babies and their inclinations / features that helps to develop a curriculum for the year. Without it, it is impossible to succeed in development. And only an individual approach, as already mentioned, will help to show the highest results.

In practice, this clause is often omitted. And it is rarely used. After all, it is much easier for employees to educate children according to a pattern than to come up with a variety of activities, entertainment and learning methods on their own. This is not a very good (and not always effective) approach to solving a problem.

Teacher certification. Process Features

Of course, the junior teacher, senior, and indeed all responsible employees in kindergarten are required to undergo timely certification. It usually takes place every few years. With all this, the success of the children-pupils is taken into account.

But with this, as a rule, there are no problems. Certification is carried out under the guise of passing a curriculum developed independently, as well as with the help of information from the parents of children studying in the kindergarten. The portfolio of the employee is also taken into account. Upon successful completion of the certification, the educator can improve his qualifications. This is what will help him in his future work.


So, we talked about what the kindergarten teacher is obliged to do. If you explain everything in a few words, then such an employee ensures the development of the child in a preschool educational institution, prepares him for school and provides leisure. At the same time, educators are also obliged to form the worldview and moral standards of behavior of children.