Computer games: how to get married in Avataria? "Avataria": wedding. All about the holiday in the game How much does a wedding cost in an avatar

This is a famous online game that is as close as possible to real life, in particular aspects such as gender relations and, of course, marriages. Most often, users of this game think about how to get engaged in an avatar. It’s worth saying right away that this is quite simple to do, but you need to know a few aspects that will help you get engaged favorably in this game.

Main rules of engagement

As in life, there are several rules and laws in the avatar game that cannot be broken, for example:
  1. A girl cannot propose to a guy, just the opposite. So if you are a girl and want to drag a guy down the aisle, you will not succeed. The guy himself must make you an offer, but, of course, agree or not, it's up to you.
  2. There are no same-sex marriages in Avataria. Probably, nothing needs to be explained here, traditional marriages and nothing more.
  3. You can terminate the engagement (wedding), but then your relationship will deteriorate significantly.

Development of a relationship

Before you get married, you need to find and thoroughly get to know a guy or a girl. Invite the character as a friend, otherwise the engagement will not be available to you.

Next, you need to develop relationships, that is, walk together, visit different places, perform various actions as a couple, and so on. After your relationship is at a high level, you can declare yourself a couple and then make or accept an offer.

Holding a wedding in Avataria

After endless kisses and hugs, they proposed to you, now you need to carry out the engagement. To do this, buy suits and wedding rings, and set a time and place. And then everything is simple, you hold a wedding, celebrate and you're done, you are a married couple!


Now you know, how to get engaged in avatar. At first glance, it seems difficult, but in fact, everything from start to finish can be done in a few days. Good luck!

Passion for Internet games is a privilege not only for teenagers, but also for adults. Modern computer technologies have become so perfect that they can blur the line between virtual reality and the outside world. An example of this is the Avataria online application, which has won thousands of fans of different ages in a short period of time. This game allows absolutely everyone to realize all their dreams and aspirations that could not be realized in reality. Perhaps at first there will be many incomprehensible moments and questions about how to earn coins, how to get married in "Avatar", how to find like-minded people. Gradually the situation will clear up.

First you need to choose a cartoon character of any gender, create an image for him according to your own taste and start organizing a parallel life on the other side of the monitor. "Avataria" is a virtual model of living according to a dream. There is nothing impossible in it. Any action is easy to implement if you play regularly. The meaning in the end comes down to finding friends, having fun together, building relationships with a person of the opposite sex you like. As a rule, in the future a couple is formed and everything ends with a wedding celebration. But not everyone manages to quickly start a family. However, as in everyday life.

To find a wife or husband in the game, you will need to work hard, mastering the proposed professions. Probably, the position will not be very prestigious, such as a janitor or gardener, but it all depends on the diligence and desire to arrange personal life. First, of course, it is worth visiting clubs or cafes, dropping by to parties with neighbors, and often taking walks around the Avataria territory in order to meet your future soul mate there. The higher the activity of the hero, the more chances for a fateful acquaintance. You should not refuse to earn money, gold coins will then come in handy. After the meeting has taken place and sympathy is inevitable, it's time to start courtship.

Kissing and hugging takes a lot of energy, but it replenishes every minute. The duration of the bouquet and candy period depends only on the mutual desire of the lovers. With each level, the statuses change, initially the partners are friends to each other, then relatives, they are officially recognized as a couple. The engagement initiative should come from the guy. Knowing how to get married in "Avatar" will help you avoid mistakes and hitches. It's time to spend your hard earned money. The male character purchases engagement rings from the shop and organizes an event that is attended by parents and friends. Following this, a wedding date is set and gold coins will again be required, which will be used for wedding rings and newlyweds' outfits.

Here you can turn around from the heart, arranging such a holiday, which is possible only in virtual space. Romance and chic can be limitless. At the wedding, everything is real - guests, champagne, fireworks, congratulations, expensive gifts and other essential attributes of a solemn event. Do not be surprised that children may also appear in the project, such an interesting move is also provided. You can get married more than once. Only the guy has the opportunity to make proposals, the girl can only wait and contribute to the approach of the long-awaited moment.

Most of the Avataria players are teenagers. They get invaluable and useful experience by projecting their own worldview into the game. Thanks to this, thinking, psychological and social skills, communication skills develop. It will be easier for them to adapt as they grow up. It is not uncommon for parents to join the game, receiving from this a lot of positive emotions, so necessary among the everyday routine.

Not only children, but also adults play on the Internet. Modern technologies have become so advanced that it is sometimes very difficult to find the line between reality and the virtual world. It is to this category of games that Avataria belongs. She was able to win the hearts of millions of players around the world in a short period of time. Here you can realize all your dreams and plans, and no one can stop you. You can live life the way you want it. But not every user knows how to get married in Avataria, earn a lot of gold or get a job. We will try to answer all questions regarding the Avataria.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, we need a character in . A wedding without a character will not happen. Therefore, we choose gender, hair color, select and start a new virtual life. There are no restrictions and prohibitions. You can make your life bright and unforgettable. If you regularly enter the game, you will receive special bonuses and even gold. The point is to find new friends and communicate, as well as having fun.

It is here that you can find your soul mate and even propose to her. Everything is possible in the game Avataria. The wedding will take place exclusively at your request. She can only start after the guy proposes to the girl. But for the emergence of such an opportunity, you need to do a large number of points.

But not every user can get married. Everything is just like in real life. As an example, you can choose a video of the wedding of Sasha and Masha. It is worth noting that every user can watch videos and listen to songs from the wedding of Sasha and Masha completely free of charge and without registration. Songs can also be found separately on the social network.

A lot of things will need to be done. First of all get a job and start earning gold. Because there will be nothing to spend on a wedding. Who knows, maybe it is at work that you can find your soul mate? Everything will directly depend on your desire and diligence to find your love. You need to visit parks, clubs and cafes, look at your neighbors for parties. Of course, gold will be required everywhere. It can also be earned in by answering questions posed in various subjects.

But in the event that you have already found your soul mate, watched the wedding of Sasha and Masha and you wanted the same. Then you have to work a little. First of all, you choose a soul mate and become friends with her. Continue kissing and hugging until your friendship level reaches Good Buddies. We do the same manipulations until the status between you changes to “Good friends”. We hug and kiss until the status is established, like that of Sasha and Masha, “Best friends”.

And only now we spend gold on the ring. After that, the guy can go to his beloved and propose to. Preparation for the wedding will take place in several stages. Only a guy can propose.

The first step is to select a witness. It can be a friend, acquaintance or the first available avatar from the club. Exclusively according to your wishes. When it was possible to choose a witness, we specify which songs will be played. Friends and parents, who can also be chosen, can take part in organizing the process. After the preparation for the wedding was successful in the Avataria game, the witness and songs were chosen, you need to decide on the date of the celebration and the outfit. Everything, as in the video from the wedding of Sasha and Masha.

You can arrange an unforgettable holiday filled with romance and warm relationships. All you need is desire and gold.

Thanks to such games, teenagers who play Avataria will be able to get a lot of invaluable life experience. It will definitely come in handy for them in real life in a few years, when they will choose songs and a witness for their own wedding.

Today, the game "Avataria" will be presented to the attention. A wedding is an event to be organized. It is present in this game. For many female players, this is an extremely important event. It just won't work just like that. It is necessary to comply with certain conditions that can help bring ideas to life. But what is it about? What information should every Avataria player know before getting married? About all the features of the process below. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Before the ceremony

How to make a wedding in "Avatar"? This game is as close as possible to real life. Therefore, the whole process will be similar to real life. The first stage is getting to know each other.

It is required to find a player of the opposite sex and make friends with him. Further develop relationships. This will help gifts and joint actions. It is required to step over the "best friends" indicator. Only after that you can think about the wedding. Here is such a game "Avatar". A wedding is possible only if there is an excellent relationship between the players. It is important that they are of different genders. Otherwise, the process beyond a strong friendship will not be available.

As soon as the relationship scale reaches a high mark, the guy should propose to the girl. She accepts it. Important: A girl cannot propose engagement.


What do you need to do next in the game "Avatar"? A wedding here requires some preparation. You need to earn gold for the holiday (you can’t do without it), you need costumes and rings. All these are obligatory attributes of the celebration.

Gold coins are earned by performing various work in the corresponding game section, they are given for daily entry into the game, bought for real money, won in the Wheel of Fortune. For some quests, gold is also issued.

Let's assume that the game currency is enough. What's next for "Avatar"? A wedding involves the purchase of suits for the bride and groom, as well as, as already mentioned, rings. All this can be found in the game store. The guy should have rings.


The last is the celebration. Guests are invited to a certain place, then the groom proposes to the bride to marry. If the girl accepts it, a message about a successful wedding appears on the screen.

That's all. Nothing else is required. If you can do without additional guests, then you can’t do without a dress, suit and rings. These are the obligatory components of the celebration in the Avataria game. The wedding here is displayed in the passport of the player's spouse.

    An offer for marriage in the game Avataria can only be made by a guy.

    To do this, you first need to get to know him, become best friends, then plan a date and get engaged to him.

    For this whole process (updating the wardrobe, buying a wedding outfit) you need a lot of gold, which can be earned directly in the game.

    When everything is already behind: the place and date of the wedding are determined and the girl is already in dress, it remains just to agree after the proposal to marry him from the guy.

    To in the game Avataria get married or get married, you need to do the following:

    1. Get to know your favorite.
    2. Become best and closest friends.
    3. Lots of kissing and hugging.
    4. Become engaged.
    5. Buy rings and dress.
    6. Get married.

    As already rightly noted here, only a guy can make an offer to a girl (even though traditions are maintained there).

    In Avataria, the guy always proposes. Basically the same as in life.

    The first step is to find the lady of the heart.

    The next step should be engagement.

    It is a pity that in real life a girl can propose to a young man. But in the game everything is fair.

    In order to get married in the Avataria game, you first need to become very good friends, then best friends. This requires a lot of kissing and hugging. Only then will it be possible to get engaged and get married. Moreover, the proposal must be made by the guy.

    In Avataria, in order for a girl to get married and get married status in the passport, you need to wait for the guy's proposal. However, first you need to find and hook up a guy, preferably one who does not mind spending money on you. He will buy you gifts, clothes and furniture for your home, he will treat you with cocktails and pizza. Did you find a guy? Come into the game together as often as possible. Save up a lot of energy (buy fridges, lots of fridges) and kiss and hug your guy all the time. When you get engaged, you can proceed to the proposal of the hand and heart. To perform the sacrament of marriage, they usually call (via mail) all their acquaintances to someone's home, decorate the house, buy rings (groom. Then the groom can exchange rings (function is available) and you can also choose a leader who will marry you with a crowd of guests. Buy a wedding dress or wait for the groom to give it to you.Decorate the house for the holidays.And a nice bonus: husband and wife can exchange items for free.

    In principle, getting married in Avataria is not so difficult.

    First, find a character with whom you would like to start a relationship. Then gradually develop in this regard - become friends, best friends, etc.

    When you reach the moment of hugging two avatars (they will kiss and hug for a very long time), you can announce your engagement, find witnesses, buy rings and other paraphernalia and get married.

    In terms of marriage, Avataria is very similar to the popular Sims game of any level. In both games, in order to get married, you first need to get to know the character of your choice. Love at first sight in these games does not happen, unfortunately, you have to go a long way to becoming a friend (best and closest), then - many, many hugs and kisses. After that, you can announce the engagement. Only a guy can do this in the Avataria game.

    Now we buy rings, suits and a dress and get married!

    Marriage, both in life and in the game Avataria, is a logical conclusion between a couple in love. Therefore, before thinking about a wedding, you must first find your soul mate. A girl needs to get to know a guy and of course vice versa. Next, you need to become close friends. So close that your admirer would not regret spending his money on you: he treated you to pizza, bought clothes, furniture, etc. It is necessary, as often as possible, to see each other, kiss and hug, and then become engaged, and then the wedding is just around the corner. It will only be necessary to buy all the paraphernalia necessary for this: a dress, rings, etc. But there is one BUT only a guy can make a marriage proposal to a girl.

    Save money for an outfit, but first you need to get engaged, become best friends. After the outfit is bought, the guy proposes marriage to the girl - if she agrees, then the wedding took place.