Synopsis of GCD in a mixed age group. Don Cossacks. Extra-curricular event "Visiting the Cossacks"

Visiting the Cossacks
Leading. Hello, dear children, dear guests.
Had a great night, Cossacks and Cossacks. Today we have with you
Leading: Imagine that we were on the village
gatherings, where, according to custom, young Cossacks and Cossacks lead
talking, singing, dancing. And as at any Cossack holiday
there are jokes, sayings, jokes.
(The cock comes out to the music with balls)
Rooster: Crow! Crow!
Well, here it is all together
You can start the holiday
Gather everyone in a circle of friends.
Hey guys kids!
Sing, dance, it's time
Let's get acquainted.
comb red,
scarlet shirt
I guys - cockcaller!
Come one by one
I'll tell you what's what.
No secret here
Whoever I ask:
After all, a holiday like this one
Didn't happen on the Don!
(Dance music sounds, cock dances)
And now the time has come
Wake up the people to creativity;
All traditions are forgotten -
It needs to be revived urgently.
Cossack couples come out with the song "Hey, Don Cossacks"
Oh, Don Cossacks,
Oh, Don Cossacks,
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Walked through the villages
Walked through the villages
Walked, walked
They walked, they walked.
Young people were loved
Young people were loved
Loved, loved
Loved, loved.
Two went to one
Two went to one
We walked, we walked
They walked, they walked.
Two loved one
Two loved one
Loved, loved

Loved, loved.
Gifts were worn
Gifts were worn.
They wore, they wore
They wore it, they wore it.
The gift is not simple
The gift is not simple
Not simple, not simple
Not simple, not simple
From the handle a golden ring,
From the handle a golden ring,
golden, golden,
Golden, golden.
silver cripple,
silver cripple,
Cripple, cripple,
Cripple, cripple.
To beat my heart,
To beat my heart,
Heart, heart
Heart, heart.
To hurt the heart and stomach,
To hurt the heart and stomach,
And belly and belly
Both belly and belly.
Darling lives far away
Darling lives far away
He lives, he lives
He lives, he lives.
Often gives news
Often gives news
Gives, gives
Gives, gives.
And I'm not afraid of it
And I'm not afraid of it
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
I'll show up on the street
I'll show up on the street
Show me, show me
I will show, I will show.

chubby guys,
chubby guys,
Guys, guys
Guys, guys
lovely Cossacks,
lovely Cossacks,
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Cossacks, Cossacks!

Leading. Such holidays on the Don were held after
how the crops were harvested from the fields to the last
grain. And only then they baked loaves from the new
harvest, played weddings, arranged gatherings. One
In a word, everyone could rest.
At the kuren, where the youth gathered for gatherings,
As usual, guests were greeted by the host and hostess.
(Master and hostess exit)
Host: Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests.
Hostess: Dear guests! Thank God for many years!
Owner: You are welcome to our kuren!
Hostess: A noble treat awaits you here and time
pleasant experience. And according to the old Don custom,
we welcome dear guests with bread and salt. And the main bread
on the Don is, of course, a loaf.
(A loaf girl comes out with bread and salt)
Karavayshchitsa: It was great to spend the night, Cossacks and Cossacks.
You are welcome to our kuren.
Leading. The word "loaf" comes from the word "kara"
- a circle; because loaf is round bread. And our
ancestors put a lot of meaning into the concept of "circle" -
round red sun, round annual cycle.
The universe was also imagined by our ancestors
closed in the form of a circle, and indeed the whole life, so they thought,
develops in a circle...
Leading. Therefore, after cleaning the girls drove ho
(Round dance "Braid wattle")
Leading. In ancient times, people used to gather
holidays, arranged feasts. And by this day they baked oso
byy bread - he received the name "pie", from the word
(lyric music playing)
Presenter: The most ancient pies are pies from
fresh dough.
Presenter: Yeast dough was prepared simple and rich
- only on major holidays.
Leading. Puff pastry appeared much later. AT
the old days, the fillings of pies were distinguished by their large
Presenter: Cooked pies with meat, mushrooms, apples,
poppy seeds, fish and even sour.
The vegetable filling was also the best.
varied, there were even borage - pies with salted
Leading. There were also bread pies. They cut off the rind
and eat the stuffing with spoons.
Presenter: We prepared such pies with fillings from
onions, cabbage and carrots.
(Music fades out)

The shape of the pies differed for a long time,
round and three. In a round pie, as already said
before, it made a lot of sense.
Leading. In our region, in addition to Easter cakes,
Voznesensky flyers, fashionistas, potato workers, baked
prisoners and secheniki, i.e. juicy with potatoes and cabbage,
toptaniki from pea flour and much more.
Leading. Oh, Cossacks and Cossacks, you and I were talking.
Let's sing better.
Leading. Get it together people
I would be a free Cossack.

Jumped, danced through the meadows,
On green, on oak forests,
On green, on oak forests.
With the Don, with the young Cossack,
With a daring good fellow,
With a daring good fellow.
Girl. Hey guys, what did I see?
All. What!?
In our cheerful round dance.
Sing songs and dance
Amuse everyone around.
The song "I will sow a swan ..."
I will sow a swan on the shore,
My big seedling
My big green one.

The swan burned without rain,
My big nursery
My big green one.

I will send a Cossack on the water,
There is no water, no Cossack,
There is no water, no Cossack.

If only I, young, crow horse,
I would be a free Cossack,
The village drove past the Cossack,
Suddenly from the gateway
The gates are barking!
The horse ate porridge
And the Cossack is oats.
The horse sat in the sleigh
And the Cossack brought!
Knocking - strumming down the street,
Thomas is riding a chicken.
And Timoshka is on a cat
On a crooked path!

She saddled the rooster.
The rooster neighed
Run to the market!
The blue sea is on fire
White fish flies across the sky
The ship sails across the open field,
On the ship is a gray wolf.
And the agile fox barks:
Hold to the right, hold to the left,
And then where you want, turn!
Well guys, you are bent
Nearly scared to death.
And where is it seen?
And where is it heard?
You play, harmonist,
Play, don't be shy
You are today, harmonist,
Try for us.
They say ditties like
These days it is no longer in fashion.
Just how they're out of fashion
If people love them.
Hey little girls
Sing ditties.
Sing it fast
To make it more fun!
Have fun playing, harmonica,
We will sing to you from the heart.
We, Donetsk girls,
How good are they!
Eh, dear side,
Dear side!
Meets us everywhere
Ah, the Don land.
We respect the old
We keep the old.
About our beloved land
We sing sonorous songs.
We are friends with a cheerful song,
We tell you honestly
We live well, do not grieve,
We eat bread with caviar.
We sang and danced for you
They stomped their heels,
And now we ask you
To clap us

Leading. Ljubo Cossacks and Cossacks, Ljubo.
Loaf Girl: And I want to ask you guys. Tell me
me, how is the word "pie" interpreted in Russian?
Cossack: This is a woman who sells pies.
Cossack: No, this is a board on which pies are cooked.
Caravan Girl: Okay, okay. No need to argue. Both
answers are correct, since this word has two meanings.
And tell me, good people, why do they say: “For the time being
pies in the oven - don't sit on the oven"?
Cossack: Yes, because the dough will go bad.
Caravan Girl: Right. And also, so that the pie and bread do not
spoiled, you can’t put a golik under the oven and cut the bread,
until all the loaves are baked.
And why didn’t the Cossack start cutting new bread at dinner?
Cossack: But because the dispute will be in the house and poverty will overcome.
Loaf Girl: But what about a loaf of bread then?
need to start?
Cossack: It is necessary to cut from the head, from the edge that has stood out.
Loaf Girl: Well, well done, Cossacks and Cossacks.
Dear Cossacks and Cossacks, I propose to go
now on a trip along the Don, show yourself yes to people
Owner: Love! Honest loaf girl, we agree.
But where will we go, who will show us the way?
Loaf Girl: And especially for this I baked a bun,
to show us the way. All you have to do is say, "Screw
kolobok on a saucer. Show us the treasured corner.
Leading. Wonderful. Just before the trip
I propose to gain strength, to rest a little.
All. Love, love!
Song "Across the field, field"
Along the field, along the field,
across a wide field,
Wide field
I flew, I flew, I flew
Blue dove young,
Blue dove is young.
Clicked, clicked, clicked, clicked
Your dove,
Your dove.
You go here, you go here
My dove,
My dove.
I love you I love you
For your walk
For your walk.
Walking through the yard
Walking through the yard
You swim like a spider
You swim like a spider.
Along the field, along the field,
across a wide field,
Wide field

I flew, I flew, I flew
Blue dove young,
Blue dove is young.
Along the field, along the field,
across a wide field,
By the field, by the field,
Over a wide field.
journey to depart.
kolobok, show us the treasured corner.
Well, Cossacks and Cossacks, you can
Roll on a saucer
(Kolobok song sounds)
Leading. Rolled, rolled bun and rolled into
wonderful country called "Childhood". Yes and
How could he not go there. After all, man in
at an early age gets acquainted with the concept of "pie", and
the round cake also served as a talisman, so
often this word is found in children's nursery rhymes,
jokes and lullabies.
Leading. Would you like to watch and listen to how
zachki put their babies to sleep, how they were rocked,
what did they sing?
(On the stage, in the hut by the cradle, the hostess sings a cradle

Kitty, kitty, kitty,
Kitten - gray tail.
Come, Kitty, spend the night.
Download our girl.
How do I like you, cat,
I'll pay for the work
I'll give you a piece of the pie
Yes, a jug of milk
Eat, Kitty, do not ask.
(Daughter comes out with a doll)

Oh, kachikachi shake,
I'll bake you a loaf
Spiko, Tanechka, don't cry.
Daughter. And my Tanechka should be put under the sourdough, yes
Hostess: Do you know how it's done?
Daughter: Of course. It is necessary, as bread is baked, from sourdough
take out the dough, put a chrysalis there, as grandmother did with
little Vanya. And you also need a chrysalis on a shoulder blade
put it in the oven and put it in.
And here is a question for you, Cossacks and Cossacks. Why small
did they put children under the sourdough and put them in the stove on a shovel?
Leading. If a child speaks badly and grows, he was imprisoned
under the sour Hands were moistened with water, which they lubricated
hand-made loaves, and said: “As my loaves are sour, so
and you, my child, sour. As my loaves sprouted, so did you

Leading. And when the child was frail and sickly,
performed the rite of baking - they put them on the shoulder blade and in
oven, like a pie popped.
Host: Beautiful country - Childhood, but we need
go on a journey.
Hostess: Roll on a silver platter, bun, Show us
treasured corner.
You and I ended up in a country called "The Riddle".
A very mysterious country.
Loaf girl:

Don't sit on the stove
Fly on kalachi
Pies will get the one
Who will guess the answer.
1. What is poured into the pan and folded four times?
2. They beat me, beat me, cut me, but I endure everything, people
crying. (Bread)
3. I’ll take it magnificently, I’ll make it liquid, I’ll throw it into the flame, it will be
like a stone. (Pie)
Owner: Ljubo, Cossacks and Cossacks! On holidays in Russia, and
We on the Don liked to arrange competitions. Competed in
dance, songs, in valiant prowess, in strength.
- And let's arrange a competition in ingenuity, on
walkability, mind? Then listen carefully.
The inhabitants of the Don were distinguished by a special dialect, and now we will
quiz on the dictionary of the Don dialect.
Gorishche - attic
Gutara - speak
Gumno - a place to store grain
Kuren - home
supper - supper
Way - road
Ataman - leader
Cossacks are free people
Maidan - square
Stanitsa - a large village
Khutor is a small village
Kochet - rooster
Dude - slippers
Sick - hurt
Cybarka - bucket
Curtain - apron
Baz - barn
Come on - let

But not today
Presenter: Cossacks are free people, but they always observed
code of honor, and had their commandments, which were to be violated
it is forbidden. And what? Do you know?
(children in the hall list)
Commandments of the Cossacks:
Honor and a good name for a Cossack is dearer than life.
By you they judge all the Cossacks.
Serve faithfully to your people, not to their leaders.
Keep your word! The word of a Cossack is precious.
Honor elders, respect old age.
Die yourself, and rescue a comrade.
Above all blessings and life itself put the Cossack will, but
remember - will is not self-will! Dashing is not robbery! And valor
- not cruelty!
Remember - the brave are always kind, because they are strong!
Don't take revenge! Leave your enemy to the judgment of God!
Loaf Girl: Lyubo, Cossacks and Cossacks. Get lost, it's time
it would be an honor to know.
Hostess: Waves are walking on the Don,
The scallops are foaming
We know how to have fun
And we are not lazy in work.
Owner: I’ll bring out a song to Izza Don,
I'll lead you around Russia
Vociferous, fervent,
With undertones in harmony.
Let's sing a song
Sounds "Song of Russia"
1. Look how beautiful everything is,
Look at the space.
Like a mother, the willow bowed
Over the sleeping river.
The wind blew together
Clouds breaking through the ring.
And a daisy with a yellow eye
Looks the sun in the face.
The sun is shining over Russia
And the rains rustle over it.
/ In the whole world, in the whole world
There is no country of her relatives,
There is no country of her relatives.2p./
2. Look at the forests
And the gardens are noisy all around.
Our Motherland Russia
Getting better every day.
You see apple and plum trees
They lined up along the road.

About living being happy
They speak in Russian villages.
And a young birch
And shrubs and grass,
I love everything unconditionally
I call everything home.
Good campfire
Kindle in the meadow
Good in the land of the free
I have to grow up with friends.
Rooster: Well, dear guests, we are with you again
heard about the Don loaf, about the Cossack customs,
traditions. And remember that there is nothing dearer and dearer,
than the place where you were born and raised.

Visiting the Cossacks

Leading. Hello, dear children, dear guests. Had a great night, Cossacks and Cossacks. Today we have a holiday.

Leading: Imagine that we ended up at stanitsa gatherings, where, as usual, young Cossacks and Cossacks talk, sing, and dance. And as at any Cossack holiday, jokes, sayings, jokes sound here.

(The cock comes out to the music with balls)

Rooster: Crow! Crow!

Well, here it is all together

You can start the holiday

Gather everyone in a circle of friends.

Hey guys kids!

Sing, dance, it's time

Let's get acquainted.

comb red,

scarlet shirt

I'm guys - cock-barker!

Come one by one

I'll tell you what's what.

No secret here

Whoever I ask:

After all, a holiday like this one

Didn't happen on the Don!

(Dance music sounds, cock dances)

And now the time has come

Wake up the people to creativity;

All traditions are forgotten -

It needs to be revived urgently.

Cossack couples come outwith the song "Hey, Don Cossacks"

Oh, Don Cossacks,

Oh, Don Cossacks,

Cossacks, Cossacks,

Cossacks, Cossacks,

Walked through the villages

Walked through the villages

Walked, walked

They walked, they walked.

Young people were loved

Young people were loved

Loved, loved

Loved, loved.

Two went to one

Two went to one

We walked, we walked

They walked, they walked.

Two loved one

Two loved one

Loved, loved

Loved, loved.

Gifts were worn

Gifts were worn.

They wore, they wore

They wore it, they wore it.

The gift is not simple

The gift is not simple

Not simple, not simple

Not simple, not simple

From the handle a golden ring,

From the handle a golden ring,

golden, golden,

Golden, golden.

silver cripple,

silver cripple,

Cripple, cripple,

Cripple, cripple.

To beat my heart,

To beat my heart,

Heart, heart

Heart, heart.

To hurt the heart and stomach,

To hurt the heart and stomach,

And belly and belly

Both belly and belly.

Darling lives far away

Darling lives far away

He lives, he lives

He lives, he lives.

Often gives news

Often gives news

Gives, gives

Gives, gives.

And I'm not afraid of it

And I'm not afraid of it

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

I'll show up on the street

I'll show up on the street

Show me, show me

I will show, I will show.

chubby guys,

chubby guys,

Guys, guys

Guys, guys

lovely Cossacks,

lovely Cossacks,

Cossacks, Cossacks,

Cossacks, Cossacks!

Leading. Such holidays on the Don were held after the harvest was harvested from the fields to the last grain. And only then they baked loaves from the new crop, played weddings, arranged gatherings. In a word, everyone could rest.

At the kuren, where the youth gathered for gatherings, according to custom, the guests were met by the owner and hostess.

(Master and hostess exit)

Master : Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests.

Mistress: Dear guests! Thank God for many years!

Master: Welcome to our kuren!

Mistress: A noble treat and a pleasant pastime are waiting for you here. And according to the old Don tradition, we meet dear guests with bread and salt. And the main bread on the Don is, of course, loaf.

(The loaf girl comes out with bread and salt)

Loaf girl: Had a great night, Cossacks and Cossacks. You are welcome to our kuren.

Leading. The word "loaf" comes from the word "kara" - a circle; because loaf is round bread. And our ancestors put a lot of meaning into the concept of "circle" - a round red sun, a round annual cycle. The Universe was also represented by our ancestors as closed in the form of a circle, and all life, as they believed, develops in a circle ...

Leading. Therefore, after cleaning, the girls led round dances.

(Round dancedance "Braid wattle" )

Leading. In ancient times, people gathered for holidays, arranged feasts. And for this day they baked special bread - it got the name "pie", from the word "feast".

(lyric music playing)

Leading: The most ancient pies are pies made from unleavened dough.

Leading: Yeast dough was prepared simple and rich - only on major holidays.

Leading. Puff pastry appeared much later. In the old days, the fillings of pies were very diverse.

Leading: They prepared pies with meat, mushrooms, apples, poppy seeds, fish and even sour.

Leading: The vegetable filling was also the most varied, there were even borage - pies with pickles.

Leading. There were also bread pies. They cut off the crust and ate the filling with spoons.

Leading: They prepared such pies-plates with onion, cabbage and carrot fillings.

(Music fades out)

Leading. The shape of the pies differed in long, round and three. In a round cake, as mentioned earlier, a lot of sense was invested.

Leading. In our region, in addition to Easter cakes, Voznesensky flyers, fashionistas, potato makers, they baked urizniks and secheniki, i.e. juicy with potatoes and cabbage, toptaniki from pea flour and much more.

Leading. Oh, Cossacks and Cossacks, you and I were talking. Let's sing better.

Leading. Get it together people

In our cheerful round dance.

Sing songs and dance

Amuse everyone around.

The song "I will sow a swan ..."

I will sow a swan on the shore,

My big seedling

My big green one.

The swan burned without rain,

My big nursery

My big green one.

I will send a Cossack on the water,

There is no water, no Cossack,

There is no water, no Cossack.

If only I, young, crow horse,

I would be a free Cossack,

I would be a free Cossack.

Jumped, danced through the meadows,

On green, on oak forests,

On green, on oak forests.

With the Don, with the young Cossack,

With a daring good fellow,

With a daring good fellow.

Girl. Hey guys, what did I see?

All. What!?


The village drove past the Cossack,

Suddenly from the gateway

The gates are barking!


The horse ate porridge

And the Cossack is oats.

The horse sat in the sleigh

And the Cossack - drove!


Knocking - strumming down the street,

Thomas is riding a chicken.

And Timoshka is on a cat

On a crooked path!



She saddled the rooster.

The rooster neighed

Run to the market!


The blue sea is on fire

White fish flies across the sky

The ship sails across the open field,

On the ship is a gray wolf.


And the agile fox barks:

Hold to the right, hold to the left,

And then where you want, turn!


Well guys, you are bent

Nearly scared to death.

And where is it seen?

And where is it heard?


You play, harmonist,

Play, don't be shy

You are today, harmonist,

Try for us.


They say ditties like

These days it is no longer in fashion.

Just how they're out of fashion

If people love them.

Hey chick girls

Sing ditties.

Sing it fast

To make it more fun!

Have fun playing, harmonica,

We will sing to you from the heart.

We, Donetsk girls,

How good are they!

Eh, dear side,

Dear side!

Meets us everywhere

Ah, the Don land.

We respect the old

We keep the old.

About our beloved land

We sing sonorous songs.

We are friends with a cheerful song,

We tell you honestly

We live well, do not grieve,

We eat bread with caviar.

We sang and danced for you

They stomped their heels,

And now we ask you

To clap us

Leading. Ljubo Cossacks and Cossacks, Ljubo.

Loaf girl: And I want to ask you guys. Tell me, how is the word "pie" interpreted in Russian?

Cossack: This is a woman who sells pies.

Cossack: No, this is a board on which pies are cooked.

Loaf girl: Good good. No need to argue. Both answers are correct because the word has two meanings.

And tell me, good people, why do they say: “For now, pies are in the oven - do not sit on the oven”?

Cossack: Yes, because if they go bad, the dough will sit down.

Loaf girl: Right. And also, so that the cake and bread do not spoil, you can’t put the golik under the oven and cut the bread until all the bread is baked.

And why didn’t the Cossack start cutting new bread at dinner?

Cossack: But because the dispute will be in the house and poverty will overcome.

Loaf girl: But how then should a loaf of bread be started correctly?

Cossack: It is necessary to cut from the head, from the edge that has stood out.

Loaf girl: Well, well done, Cossacks and Cossacks.

Dear Cossacks and Cossacks, I propose now to go on a trip along the Don, show yourself and look at people.

Master: Love! Honest loaf girl, we agree. But where will we go, who will show us the way?

Loaf girl: And especially for this, I baked a bun, so that the path would show us. You just need to say: “Roll the bun on a silver platter. Show us the treasured corner.

Leading. Wonderful. Just before the trip, I suggest gaining strength, resting a little.

All . Love, love!

Song "Across the field, field"

Field-field, field-field,

across a wide field,

Wide field

Fly-fly, fly-fly

Blue dove young,

Blue dove is young.

Clicked-clicked, clicked-clicked

Your dove,

Your dove.

You go here, you go here

My dove,

My dove.

I love you I love you

For your walk

For your walk.

Walking through the yard

Walking through the yard

You swim like a spider

You swim like a spider.

Field-field, field-field,

across a wide field,

Wide field

Fly-fly, fly-fly

Blue dove young,

Blue dove is young.

Field-field, field-field,

across a wide field,

Field-field, field-field,

Over a wide field.


Leading. Well, Cossacks and Cossacks, you can go on a trip. Roll on a silver platter, bun, show us the treasured corner.

(Kolobok song sounds)

Leading. The bun rolled and rolled and rolled into a wonderful country called "Childhood". Yes, and how could he not roll there. After all, a person at a very early age gets acquainted with the concept of “pie”, and a round cake also served as a talisman, which is why this word is so often found in nursery rhymes, jokes and lullabies.

Leading. Do you want to see and listen to how the Cossack women put their babies to bed, how they rocked them, what they sang to them?

(On the stage, in the hut by the cradle, the hostess sings a lullaby)


Kitty, kitty, kitty,

Kitten - gray tail.

Come, Kitty, spend the night.

Download our girl.

How do I like you, cat,

I'll pay for the work

I'll give you a piece of the pie

Yes, a jug of milk

Eat, Kitty, do not ask.

(Daughter comes out with a doll)


Oh, swing-roll-shake,

I'll bake you a loaf

Sleep, Tanechka, don't cry.

Daughter. And my Tanechka should be put under the sourdough and rebaked.

Mistress: And do you know how it's done?

Daughter: Of course. It is necessary, as bread is baked, to take out the dough from the kneading bowl, put a doll there, as grandmother did with little Vanya. And you also need to put the doll on the shoulder blade and put it in the oven.

And here is a question for you, Cossacks and Cossacks. Why were small children put under a sourdough and put into the stove on a shovel?

Leading. If a child does not speak well and grows, he was put under a sourdough. They moistened their hands with water, which they smeared with hand-made breads, and said: “As my bread is sour, so you, my child, are sour. As my loaves sprouted, so you go.

Leading. And when the child was frail and sickly, they performed the rite of baking - they put him on a spatula and into the oven, like a pie was thrust.

Master: Beautiful country - Childhood, but we need to go on a journey.

Mistress: Roll on a silver platter, bun, Show us a treasured corner.

You and I ended up in a country called "The Riddle". A very mysterious country.

Loaf girl:

Don't sit on the stove

Fly on kalachi

Pies will get the one

Who will guess the answer.

    1. What is poured into the pan, and folded four times?(Pancakes)

      They beat me, beat me, cut me, but I endure everything, crying to people.(Bread)

      I will take it magnificently, I will make it liquid, I will throw it into the flame, it will be like a stone.(Pie)

Master: Ljubo, Cossacks and Cossacks! On holidays in Russia, and here in the Don they liked to arrange competitions. They competed in dance, songs, in valiant prowess, in strength.

- And let's arrange a competition in ingenuity, resourcefulness, mind? Then listen carefully.


The inhabitants of the Don were distinguished by a special dialect, and now we will conduct a quiz on the vocabulary of the Don dialect.

Gorische - attic

Gutara - talk

barn - storage space for grain

Kuren - house

supper - supper

way - road

Ataman - leader

Cossacks - free people

Maidan - square

village - big village

Farm - small village

Kochet - rooster

dude - slippers

sick - get sick

Cybarka - bucket

curtain - apron

baz - barn

Come on - let

But not - today

Leading: The Cossacks are free people, but they always observed the code of honor, and had their own commandments, which could not be violated. And what? Do you know?

(children in the hall list)

Commandments of the Cossacks:

- Honor and a good name for a Cossack is more precious than life.

- You judge all the Cossacks.

- Serve faithfully to your people, not to their leaders.

- Keep your word! The word of a Cossack is precious.

- Honor elders, respect old age.

- Die yourself, and rescue a comrade.

- Above all blessings and life itself, put the Cossack will, but remember - the will is not self-will! Dashing is not robbery! Valor is not cruelty!

- Remember - the brave are always kind, because they are strong!

- Do not take revenge! Leave your enemy to the judgment of God!

Loaf girl: Ljubo, Cossacks and Cossacks. Gutted, it's time to know the honor.

Mistress: Waves are walking on the Don,
The scallops are foaming
We know how to have fun
And we are not lazy in work.

Master: Because of the Don I will bring out a song,
I'll lead you around Russia
Vociferous, fervent,
With undertones in harmony.

Let's sing a song

Sounds like"Song about Russia"

    Look how beautiful everything is

Look at the space.

Like a mother, the willow bowed

Over the sleeping river.

The wind blew together

Clouds breaking through the ring.

And a daisy with a yellow eye

Looks the sun in the face.


The sun is shining over Russia

And the rains rustle over it.

/ In the whole world, in the whole world

There is no country of her relatives,

There is no country of her relatives.-2r./

    Look what forests

And the gardens are noisy all around.

Our Motherland - Russia

Getting better every day.

You see - apple trees and plums

They lined up along the road.

About living and being happy

They speak in Russian villages.


    And a young birch

And bushes, and grass, -

I love everything unconditionally

I call everything home.

Good campfire

Kindle in the meadow

Good in the land of the free

I have to grow up with friends.

Rooster: Well, dear guests, we once again heard about the Don loaf, about Cossack customs and traditions. And remember that there is nothing dearer and dearer than the place where you were born and raised.

Scenario of the holiday "Visiting the Cossacks"

Target: to acquaint pupils with the traditions of the Astrakhan Cossack class; to cultivate interest in the native culture; broaden the horizons of pupils; emotional correction.

Equipment: the scene is framed in the form of a Cossack hut.

The course of the holiday

1st leader (pupil)
There is no more beautiful edge in the world
There is no homeland brighter in the world!
Russia, Russia, Russia, -
What can be dearer to the heart?

Who was your equal?
Anyone has been defeated!
Russia, Russia, Russia, -
We are in sorrow and happiness - with you!

2nd leader (pupil)

Russia! Like a blue bird
We protect and honor you
And if they violate the border,
We will protect you with our breasts!

And if we were suddenly asked:

"And what is the country dear to you?"
- Yes, because for all of us Russia,
Like a mother, alone!

Singing a song about Russia

1st presenter

The spring wind shakes the birch tree,
A cheerful drop is ringing ...
As if reading Yesenin's poem
About the land he was in love with.

About white groves and slanting showers,
About yellow fields and the rise of cranes.

2nd host

Love Russia, love Russia
For the Russian heart, there is no sweeter land.

Russian songs were sung to us from birth.
The wind of Russia hugged us on the way.
When all of Russia put on overcoats,
Often, it happened, the soldier recalled:

And white groves, and slanting downpours.
And mentally bequeathed to his children:
Love Russia, love Russia -
Russia, which I defended.

A song about Astrakhan is being performed

Leading. Our region is really amazing. More than 120 nationalities live here. We love our land, our Motherland. And we learn to take care of our past. Today we will take a closer look at the traditions and customs, songs of the Astrakhan Cossacks.
Let's see how the Cossacks lived many years ago. We got to the village with you. No one is visible!

(An old Cossack sits on a bench by the stove)

Presenter: Hello grandfather. How are you doing?

Cossack: Who are you?

Leading. We are young Astrakhans. We want to see how people used to live, how they sang songs, how they worked. There is no one here but you. Where is everyone?

Cossack: As where? All are busy. The Cossacks went to water the horses. Girls weave cloth. Here they are, look!

Song dramatization

Cossack: People worked from morning to evening. People made up proverbs and sayings about this.
Do you guys know proverbs about work? Now let's check. Let's do this: I will start the proverb, and the one who remembers its ending, let him raise his hand, and then complete the whole phrase. So, we started.
(Pronounces the beginning of the proverb, and the guys must pronounce its end.)

  • What goes around comes around).
  • Labor feeds a person, but (laziness spoils).
  • Patience and a little effort).
  • The bee is small, and (it works).
  • Boring day until evening, (if there is nothing to do).
  • Put off doing nothing, yeah (don't put off doing things)
  • Not everyone sows bread, yes (everyone eats it).

Cossack: People work during the day, and in the evening they gather for gatherings. And what are gatherings without tea drinking? We need to get water, make tea.

sent to the young
Under the peas on the water.
And the water is far away
And the bucket is big.

Song-staging "Went young for water"

Cossack: While the girls were walking on the water, the Cossacks bathed the horses. . The Cossacks were very fond of horses and were devoted to their faithful friends and helpers. Songs, proverbs, poems were composed about them. Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around.

The song "Astrakhan Cossacks" is performed

The Cossacks are coming
Dances, games begin.

The game "Get the handkerchief" is being played.

The players walk in a circle, performing dance movements. In the center of the circle is the leader with a pole in his hand, at its end is a handkerchief. At the end of the music, you need to jump up and get a handkerchief. Whoever succeeds, he becomes the leader. The game continues.


You play, harmonist,
Play, don't be shy
You are today, harmonist,
Try for us.

Girls and boys perform ditties.

They say ditties like
These days it is no longer in fashion.
Just how they're out of fashion
If people love them.

Hey chick girls
Sing ditties.
Sing it fast
To make it more fun!

Have fun playing, harmonica,
We will sing to you from the heart.
We, the girls of Astrakhan,
How good are they!

Eh, dear side,
Dear side!
Meets us everywhere
Astrakhan land.

We respect the old
We keep the old.
About our beloved land
We sing sonorous songs.

You play, play accordion
Cossack harmonica!
I am a fighting girl
From the edge of Astrakhan.

We are friends with a cheerful song,
We tell you honestly
We live well, do not grieve,
We eat bread with caviar.

We sang and danced for you
They stomped their heels,
And now we ask you
For us to be applauded.

Cossack: In the spring, the Cossacks began to build a plow and a harrow, to plow the land in order to sow bread. Agricultural work began - youth games were started in the villages, which told about these works.

Round dance game "The millet was sown".

Two groups take part in the game: a group of girls and a group of guys, who line up in two lines facing each other at a distance of 8 steps.

Girls for words:
“And we sowed millet, sowed ...”take 4 steps forward and two stomp.
Then to the words:
"Oh, did Lada, sowed, sowed."
They return to their place.
A group of guys, repeating the movement of the girls, sings:
“And we will trample the millet, trample it.
Oh, did Lada, we'll trample, we'll trample.

The girls, replacing the guys, sing:
“We will give you 100 rubles, 100 rubles,
Oh, did Lada, 100 rubles, 100 rubles.

Guys, changing girls, continue the song:
“We don’t need 100 rubles, 100 rubles,
And we need a girl, a girl.”

Girls go towards the guys with the words:
"We'll give you a maiden, a maiden,
We'll give you a scythe, a scythe."

Guys answer:
"We don't need oblique, oblique."
The guy chooses a girl for himself, bowing to her.

Leading. But it was not always calm, cloudless, peaceful in the Cossack villages. The Cossack holds on to the plow with one hand, and with the other to the drill horse.

Presenter 1
Only the enemy moves
Our Cossack is already on horseback -
Cuts, stabs, has fun
In an enemy country.

Leading. Before the campaign, the Cossack bowed at the feet of his father and mother, asked for forgiveness if he offended by chance, and the father gave his son an order:
“Serve properly, do not disgrace the villagers”, “Don’t go on the rampage in vain, but don’t trail in the tail either.”

Lead 2

And may God send you strength
The duty of service is holy to observe,
Serve as we served the king,
And to support the glory of the family.

Go where they point you
Lord, bosses and turn,
When will they order to fly into battle,
Blessed, go ahead!

But neither in battle, nor before the battle
You do not scold, do not scold,
Be a Christian and before the fight
You overshadow yourself with the cross ...

The war horse is the most expensive
And you, my son, cherish them,
And it's better you eat worse yourself,
And keep the horse in the hall!

Lead 1.
Our hundredth commander -
He is master of all of us.
He did not sleep and did not doze off,
He taught his hundred.
Pulled up a hundred of his
At least show the king.

The song "Ataman" is performed

Leading. The Cossacks participated in all the wars waged by Russia, and made an invaluable contribution to the glorification of Russian weapons, they wrote many glorious pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Lead 2
Lived in their hearts bold courage,
They are strong with their love for the Motherland,
They reached the Reichstag with victory,
Heroic sons of their country.

The song "They are going, our Cossacks are going through Berlin" is being performed.

Presenter 1

All the peoples in the world,
Bless the bright hour!
These years have rumbled
What on earth overtook us.

The gun barrels are still warm,
And the sand did not absorb all the blood,
But peace has come. Take a breath people
Crossing the threshold of war...
A. Tvardovsky

Lead 2

Let the glory of the heroes roar without ceasing,
Will not smooth the honor of the coming dream,
And let to the pedestals, like a living memory,
Flowers lie down in the eyelids of immortality.

Presenter 1

Cossack to be born
Not everyone is given
Without any tradition
But simply - destined!
If so, put on the uniform
And you will stand in line
For the Cossack - as the norm:
Keep people's peace!

Is the song "Cossacks" is being filled

Leading. And so our journey into the past ends. And we, guys, will always protect and respect the heritage of our people.

Synopsis of GCD in a mixed-age group on the topic "Visiting a Cossack hut."

Material Description: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities on the topic “Visiting a Cossack hut” for children of different ages. This material will be useful to educators. This is a summary of a cognitive lesson aimed at familiarizing preschoolers with the life of the Don Cossacks through cognitive activities.
Summary of directly educational activities for children of a different age group on cognitive development on the topic: "Visiting a Cossack hut"
Priority educational area– cognitive
Integration with educational areas:"Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Speech development", "Physical development".
Target: Creation of conditions for familiarization of preschoolers with the life of the Don Cossacks through cognitive activities.
Educational: To form in children the desire to know their native land. Generalize and systematize knowledge and ideas about the culture and life of the Cossacks. Familiarize yourself with museum exhibits. To consolidate the commandment of the Cossacks: "Keep the faith of your ancestors, act according to the customs of your people."
Developing: Develop attention, memory. To instill respect for the traditions of the native land. Develop and enrich vocabulary.
Educational: Continue to cultivate the desire to learn the culture, customs and traditions of your people. Cultivate moral feelings. Cultivate love for your small Motherland. Cultivate a sense of pride in your people.
Vocabulary work: Enter the words into the active dictionary: kuren, Cossacks, icon, spinning wheel, rubel, knot.
Preliminary work with children: studying the map of the Rostov region, designing the photo exhibition "My City", an exhibition of children's drawings, making a model of a Cossack kuren, learning the game "I walk around the kuren". Acquaintance with the Don ceremonies and holidays, customs and life of the Don Cossacks.
Methodical methods: display, explanation, examination of museum exhibits, conversation.
Visual material, equipment: map of the Rostov region, mini-museum "Cossack Room" - stove, iron, cast iron, spinning wheel, towel, tablecloth, napkins, icon, chest. Cossack cap, wattle fence, model of a kuren, musical recordings of Cossack songs.
GCD progress:
Educator: I came here in the morning, hello my friends (children say hello). Hello sun and earth. I am Victoria Vladimirovna. Children take turns saying their names. Guys, I see that you are all in a good mood today, today guests have come to us, let's say hello and share our good mood with them (we blow our smiles from our palms). Now we and our guests have a good mood, let's keep it for the whole day. Have a seat.
Educator: Among the expanses of our country there is a region where we live, where is our native land, home and the people closest to you! And how can you call people close to you, in one word?
Children: Relatives, relatives, relatives, ancestors.
Educator: Correctly. Close ancestors are your dads, moms, grandparents. And distant ancestors are those of your relatives who lived before them. And today we have the opportunity to see how our distant ancestors lived, some of the household items that they used. I have a magical Cossack cap that will help us travel back in time. Let's put a cap on our heads, turn around ourselves three times and say: "Time, stop time! Turn to our ancestors!". Children put on a cap, spin around and repeat the words (magic music), a model of a kuren appears (the 2nd teacher brings in).
Children and teacher examine the layout.
Educator: Guys, what kind of house is this?
Children answer:- This is a Cossack chicken.
Educator: What does the word chicken mean?
Children:- The very word "kuren" means "round". In such a dwelling, the rooms were located in a circle, and in the center there was a stove, which served for cooking and heating the whole house.
Educator: And how many floors in the Cossack kuren?
Children:-The Cossack hut was built two-story, "semi-stone", the first floor was built from adobe, the adobe was molded from clay and water, the second floor was wooden.
- The first floor was non-residential, and the economic, the Cossacks believed that you need to live in a tree, and store supplies in stone.
- Balcony, around the house the Cossacks called balusters, it served to make it convenient to open and close the shutters, and during a flood on a boat it was possible to sail directly from the balcony.
Educator: Why do you need shutters in a kuren? How are we closing windows?
Children's answers.
Educator: The covered porch of the Cossacks was called the "locker", and it was decorated with carved ornaments in the form of a grapevine, an ivy leaf and sheep's heads, but why did the Cossacks do this?
Children: this ornament was designed to protect the house of the Cossack from evil: slander and disease.
Children:- The roofs of the kuren were made of reeds or straw, and later of iron.

The finished house was anointed, after the house was anointed, it was painted. The kurens were painted yellow, light blue or blue, the wooden walls were painted white, and the shutters yellow or blue.
-The door in the kuren was low and small - it was possible to enter slowly and only one at a time.
Educator: The door must be closed inside, so that it can be securely supported from the inside, the Cossacks said: “My house is my fortress”? Guys, do you live in such houses, tell us about your house.
Children's answer
And why do they say: “Away is good, but home is better”?
Children's answers.
caregiver: The yard and the farm of the kuren were fenced with wattle - a fence made of intertwined rods. Children were playing at the wattle fence. Guys, let's play our favorite Cossack game "I walk around the kuren."
Children stand in a circle, the driver goes around the circle with the words:
"I walk around the kuren
And I look through the windows
I will go to one
And I'll knock on the window"
Knock Knock. A child standing in a circle asks: “Who is there? " The driver replies: "It's me, Cossack Katya." Child: - Why did you come? Driver: - Let's run for the race. Children scatter in different directions around the circle and meet in the place of a standing child. The one who runs first wins. The game is repeated 2-3 times, with a change of driver.
Educator: Guys, do you want to see what's inside the kuren? What about our guests?
Children's answer.
Educator: And our chicken is not easy, he has a secret. (Raises the roof, the children look inside, it's empty.)
Educator: And there’s nothing here, guys, but do you want to get into a real Cossack hut?
Children's answer
Educator: To do this, we need to complete the task. You already know a lot about the life of the Cossacks, now we will check how you will cope with it.
1. The best friend of the Cossack (horse).
2. As the Cossacks called fish soup (ukha).
3. As the Cossacks called the kitchen (cook).
4. What was in the center of the Cossack kuren and was affectionately called mother and nurse (oven).
5. Favorite treat of the Cossacks (gingerbread).
Educator: Cossacks, come to me, let's ask our guests to read the word that turned out.
Guests read: chicken.
Sounds like a Cossack song.
The Cossack appears.
Cossack: Chicken, chicken, he is not low, he is high. Come into my hut and stay there for an hour. Had a good day.
The answer of children and guests.
Cossack: I am a Cossack Galina, and who are you?
Children: We are Cossacks from Zhemchuzhinka
Cossack:(referring to guests). And you, dear guests, take Cossack shawls, and go through the hut. We want to turn you into a Cossack, invite you into a Cossack chicken. Come in dear guests. My family is large, it is not customary for the Cossacks to be lazy, everyone has their own household duties and everyone has their own work to do around the house. Everything in my kuren is made with love, with my own hands. I invite you to see who is doing what. This kunatsky is a room where single Cossacks and teenagers live (Cossack uniform, weapons, photographs, hat, cap). Women and children don’t go into our Kunatska, because there are weapons there, they can be injured.
Educator: Kunatskaya is a place where a warrior and a defender were raised, so there shouldn’t be anything superfluous in it, guys, but what do you think is superfluous here?
(The game "Remove the excess", put a pillow, a toy, a mirror).
Children: Mirror
Educator: And why?
Cossack: There is no time for a Cossack to admire himself, he must prepare for the service.
Children: A toy.
Educator: Didn't the Cossacks play?
Cossack: Cossacks do not play, they are preparing for the service.
Children: Pillow.
Educator: That's right, a Cossack from childhood was prepared for military service, for harsh conditions, to sleep on a hard bed, the Cossacks had both an elbow pillow and an overcoat-blanket.
Cossack: Thanks for the help, probably the youngest son was naughty. And my older sons are learning to wield a saber, and show our guests what you can do (Cossacks show a master class on Cossack draughts).
Cossack: Well done sons, all to the father.
Educator: Guys, do you want to learn the same? We will learn, because we are Cossacks.
Cossack: And this is my kitchen, among the Cossacks it is called a cook. Why do you think this part of the house is called that?
Children's answer.
Guys, it's beautiful, warm and cozy here.
Cossack: We, Cossacks, are good housewives, we love cleanliness and order, and we also love to cook delicious food. Do you know the favorite dishes of the Cossacks?
Children: Noodles, borscht, fish soup, jelly, kaimak, uzvar - dried fruit compote.
Educator: And in our garden, they also cook dried fruit compote.
Cossack: The Cossacks carried water in the morning,
Each time two buckets.
That hung on his shoulder (children's answer: rocker).
Cossack: Who wants to try to bring water on a yoke?
Children take turns trying.
Cossack: And now I will show you the female half. This is our bedroom - house (spinning wheel, bed, chest). We educate Cossack girls as good housewives. No wonder the Cossacks say: "Take your wife from the Don - there will be no damage." And show what kind of Cossack hostesses you are, help me iron the linen, but take a rubel, otherwise there is no place on the stove for an iron.
The girls are trying to iron clothes.
Educator: What kind of box do you have?
Cossack: This is not a box, but a chest in which we store our things (opens the chest, takes out outfits, shows the guests.)
Educator: it was beautiful in a Cossack kuren, all things are made with great love and with their own hands.
Cossack: And let the guests help me sew a warm blanket for the winter.
The teacher and the children take rags, needles, scissors out of the chest, put them on the table in front of the guests, the children cut the rags, the adult guests sew them together, show and help. After the needlework is over, the Cossack woman praises the guests and children.
Educator: Away is good, but home is better, it's time for us to go home.
The children gather in a circle, put on their caps and say, "Time, time turn around, come back home."
Educator: Well, here we are at home, guys, what new did you learn about the structure of the Cossack kuren today, and what did you like the most? What else would you like to know? There is no translation for the Cossack family, this is an ancient order of our Cossack ancestors, we must know it, keep it in our hearts and sacredly fulfill it. Do you want to observe these Cossack traditions?
Children's answer.

The culture of the Cossacks is bright personalities, highly spiritual and moral. Education takes place within the framework of moral and moral principles, on patriotism, orientation on family values. In this article we will consider a small part of those customs and traditions that the Cossacks followed.

The Cossacks brought up such qualities as respect for elders, spirituality. When raising boys, they brought up real warriors. When children were born, they brought a gun and a bow, a saber and a pistol to the head of the bed. Also brought a bullet. It is also impossible to bypass the rite of initiation into the Cossacks. When the first tooth appeared in the child, the father put the child on a horse, cut the forelock (for the first time) and gave a saber. This ritual goes far back in antiquity. There is a hair motif here. Because hair is a female motif, then cutting the forelock is symbolic here - the child breaks away from the mother and becomes a real Cossack, a warrior.

Small children lived in this atmosphere, listened to talk about military battles. Therefore, often the first word children said was not familiar to everyone “mom” or “dad”, but “chu”, meaning riding a horse, or “pu”, meaning to shoot. Children literally from the age of three knew how to ride around the yard, and after a couple of years they already boldly and deftly cut through the city, and their father and mother joyfully watched this picture.

What could a child do at 14?

He skillfully dzhigitov, chopped the vine with a saber. A couple of years later, at 16, the guys participated in military reviews and won. It was time to buy a horse and the uniform of a real Cossack. And at the age of 19, the Cossack service to the fatherland began. Parents saw off the brave and brave warrior, not knowing whether they would see him again or not. It was for this reason that the soldiers were sent to the service with a festive scope, and with the same scope they were greeted home after the service.

History of the Don Cossacks

Prayer after birth

Previously, there was another custom that was performed shortly after birth. When the child was 40 days old, the mother came from the church with a cleansing prayer. The child was taken by the father and clung to the saber, soot on the horse. Then he cut his first hair. After that, the father gave his son to his mother and congratulated him on the Don Cossack. But now this custom is no longer used, but only lives in the memory of the people.

Other customs

A handful of earth on a hike

Song of the Don Cossacks on campaigns

The Don Cossacks warriors from ancient times and still have a custom to take a handful of their native land on a campaign. As a rule, the land is not taken anywhere, but either from the church, or the parents could. In extreme cases, the land was taken in the yard of the native house. The earth was sewn into a bag and hung on the chest next to the cross. This custom has the following meaning: if a Cossack was killed on a campaign, then a handful of his native land was on his chest.


Also always said goodbye to Don. The farewell was accompanied by jokes, but do not think that this is frivolity. Cossacks hid deep feelings behind jokes.

When a Cossack began his service, he could determine the outcome by his horse. If the horse urinated, then this spoke of trouble (either he would be injured, or trouble would happen to his horse, or the Cossack would be captured). If the horse defecated, then it was a good sign that the Cossack would come safe and sound. The biggest fear is dropping your hat when leaving the house. This indicated that the Cossack would be killed. Each Cossack treated these signs with the deepest trust.


To understand which horse would bring good luck to the Cossack on a campaign, it was recommended to perform one ritual. With the beginning of spring, the Cossack, seeing the first swallow, had to close his eyes, turn around to the left, and then look at his left boot. Under his heel there was supposed to be a hair in the color of a horse, which should be taken on a hike.

Church holidays

The celebration of church celebrations was joint. Chants and psalms were heard from every house. If there were patronal feasts, then after the prayer service they arranged a common dinner - here everyone brought something tasty, and, of course, there were fish and meat from the village. After a common dinner, the Cossacks were divided and celebrated for three days in gangs. It was also customary to treat the elderly and invite them to visit. There were several cycles, which were divided according to the seasons. For example, the winter cycle was Christmas, baptism, new year. At Christmas, the girls went under the windows and sang carols in groups. Children carried kutya, received gifts.


This is only a small part of the customs of the Don Cossacks. This is a colorful and vibrant people who treated with special confidence all the traditions and customs of their people, the region. Everything was done as it was supposed to be done. The culture of the Cossacks, their traditions and customs evolved over a long period of time. In their upbringing there was spirituality, culture, patriotism and many other qualities that were honored to have real warriors, the Don Cossacks.

History of the Don Cossacks