The scalp is flaky and itchy after washing. Why there is peeling of the scalp in an adult, and how to get rid of it. Fungi, lichen and autoimmune diseases

Peeling of the scalp is a common problem in our time. This gives a person a lot of inconvenience, because the skin. The appearance deteriorates, as it looks unaesthetic. When a person scratches his head, the scales fall off both on clothes and on the surrounding surface, which causes indignation of others.

There can be several reasons for skin peeling:

  • Frequent shampooing. This can be a reason for dry skin, since city water with its composition does not always have a beneficial effect.
  • Poor quality shampoo. Outlets offer a huge amount of hair hygiene products these days. But their quality is unknown. Not always, buying expensive shampoo, you get a good result. Aggressive chemical composition can lead to an allergic reaction to the shampoo. In this case, the skin not only flakes, but also itches.
  • A fungus that causes dandruff. Severe fungal infection. The scales, which are usually small, can also be large in rare cases, which is often mistaken for flaking of the scalp.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. This is a very common reason these days. In the rhythm of modern life, people often eat as they please. Harmful snacks with food that does not contain nutrients gradually leads the body to beriberi, which can lead to peeling of the skin.
  • UV exposure. High activity of sunlight aggressively affects a person. In the summer heat, when the sun is at its most active, many people neglect their headgear. The desire to look beautiful leads to the fact that ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on a person. They lead to dry skin, burns, which further leads to peeling.

These are the main causes of flaky scalp. This is a problem for a person and it must be dealt with. There are many specialty products on the market these days. After undergoing a course of treatment, a person gets rid of ailments with the skin.

What does peeling of the scalp look like in adults and children (photo)

Treatment for flaky scalp

An effective solution to this problem will be specialized shampoos that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is also important to note that in the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to find out the cause. This is the only way to get rid of skin problems once and for all. Consider the most effective means for treatment:


This tool can be produced in the form of an ointment, shampoo or paste. . It is better to use it in the form of a shampoo, as pastes and ointments have a greasy texture. Using them, the hair becomes greasy and you have to wash your hair often. Shampoo will get rid of this problem. It is also worth combining Sulsen with a regular cleansing shampoo so as not to be addictive.

Multivitamin complexes

They help to cope with the problem of peeling the scalp from the inside. In pharmacies, you can buy special complexes for hair. Vitamins such as Vitrum or Complivit combine various trace elements, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the body, as well as on the skin, hair, nails and teeth.


This is an effective treatment shampoo that helps to cope with the fungus. The result is visible after the first application. But here it is important to note that it will help if the peeling of the scalp is caused, namely, by a fungus.

This remedy, like Nizoral, is a shampoo. He actively fights the fungus of the scalp. After the first washing of the head, the result is visible, dandruff is reduced. Accordingly, peeling is reduced. To help with pharmaceutical products, you can add recipes of traditional medicine. For example, using a mask of lemon and olive oil. You need to take five tablespoons of oil and one tablespoon of lemon. Mix these ingredients and apply on the scalp for half an hour. Then wash your hair with a neutral PH shampoo.

Peeling of the scalp in a child

With problems of peeling of the scalp, not only an adult, but also an infant can face. The reasons may also be different. The skin of an infant is very delicate and susceptible to all environmental influences. It requires special attention and care, because due to improper care, the baby's skin may begin to peel off and allergies will appear.

  • Postmaturity. Occurs due to lack of lubrication, in children who have been transferred. This leads to dry skin and the so-called "milky crusts" on the head of the newborn.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. This cause of scalp flaking in an infant is common. Appears in children in the first days of life. This is due to the natural processes in the body of the baby, as he abundantly produces sebum, which leads to dermatitis.
  • Epidermal renewal. This is due to the fact that the baby has changed its environment. In the stomach, he was in the aquatic environment, and, having been born, his habitat became airy. This is a normal physiological process.
  • Atopic dermatitis. This is a genetically determined disease. It occurs as a result of the introduction of a new product into the diet, or on washing powder, and possibly on tap water. Some of the kids do not react to this, but for someone it causes a reaction that leads to skin problems.

These are the main causes of peeling of the scalp in infants. They are also solvable. In specialized stores for mothers and babies, as well as a pharmacy, you can buy special creams for delicate and sensitive baby skin that will remove dryness.

Means for the treatment of the scalp in infants

Zinc ointment

This is an expert-tested product for babies. It causes allergic reactions, only in case of individual intolerance to the ointment. The ointment consists of petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. Its effect on the skin of the child is beneficial and does not cause adverse reactions. It has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, heals wounds and relieves itching and redness.

baby cream

This is the most popular and easily accessible remedy. You can buy baby cream in stores and pharmacies. Its texture is oily, which moisturizes the baby's skin.

This is a remedy based on natural extracts that will cope with the peeling of the skin in infants and soften it. It contains natural extracts: string, violet, walnut, avocado, which remove redness, wounds, peeling, itching.

Bathing in a string, celandine and chamomile helps very well. Herbs can be collected by yourself or bought at a pharmacy, as well as in specialized stores.
To help mom, you can bring a recipe for a folk remedy. Since ancient times, vegetable oils have been used for babies. You can take the usual sunflower, or buy oils at the pharmacy. Before applying them to the skin of a child, it is necessary to boil the oil. Then rub on baby's delicate skin.

All these causes and methods of their treatment will help to cope with the problem of peeling of the head in newborns and adults. But it is worth paying attention to another important point - this is prevention.

Prevention of peeling of the scalp in an infant

  • Do not use ordinary soap, it dries the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Don't bathe your baby often. Bathing twice a day also dries out the skin.
  • Monitor your diet if the baby is breastfed.
  • Humidify the air in your home.

Prevention of peeling of the scalp in an adult:

  • Carefully read the composition of the shampoo.
  • Wear a hat in bright sunshine.
  • Don't wash your hair often.
  • Follow nutrition.

This article writes the main causes and treatments for flaky scalp, as well as prevention. Using them, a person will be able to cope with unpleasant itching and scales on his head and shoulders. A young mother will help her baby get rid of the dryness of his delicate and sensitive skin. Also, observing prevention, you can generally avoid this disease.

Everyone met with a situation when the scalp begins to itch and peel off. But not everyone knows that serious diseases can be the reason for this. At best, a person attributes the problem to dandruff and buys the first shampoo that comes across in a regular store. At worst, they ignore the situation.

Important to remember! When the scalp itches and flakes, the sores can be much more serious than dandruff.

Why does the scalp itch and flake?

There are many reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. But all of them can be divided into two large groups: external and internal.

External causes of itchy skin:

  • Allergy. Anything can be the reason for an allergy. It can be on shampoo or conditioner, hair dye, detergents, and even laundry detergent used to wash things and bed linen. If an unpleasant phenomenon is caused precisely by an allergy, then to eliminate it, it is enough to detect and exclude the allergen;
  • Wrong, or rather, inadequate care. Irregular shampooing, shampoos that are not matched to the type of hair and skin, or vice versa, washing too often, often lead to discomfort;
  • Moral exhaustion, lack of sleep, stress and overwork also cannot but affect the condition of the scalp.

These symptoms are easy to detect and correct. Therefore, if the scalp itches and flakes, and the sores have nothing to do with it, then it’s worth making a little effort and the situation will change.

If the problem is hidden inside, then it will take much more time and money to solve it.

Internal reasons:

It is not uncommon for problems associated with symptoms where the scalp itches and flakes can be caused by sores. Sometimes this occurs under the action of a certain factor, after the detection and removal of which all problems disappear.

For example, if itching and peeling appeared in response to inappropriate hygiene products, it is enough to exclude their use, and the unpleasant symptoms will pass. But there are situations when it is impossible to ignore the signals.

If itching and peeling appeared in response to inappropriate hygiene products, it is enough to exclude their use and everything will pass.

Carefully! If at least one symptom of the following is found, treatment should not be postponed in any case. Severe itching, hair loss, peeling, the appearance of ulcers on the scalp - the presence of at least one of these signs obliges you to immediately seek help from a cosmetologist, trichologist or dermatologist.

Don't delay treatment. After all, these manifestations may indicate the presence of various serious diseases.

Causes of scabs

Scabs are a very common and unpleasant phenomenon. It is caused by an infection in the skin. The main symptom of scabies is severe itching of the scalp. Unpleasant sensations usually intensify in the evening, towards night. Moreover, itching does not appear on the surface, but intradermally. A further scenario for the development of the disease is manifested in the appearance of a rash.

You can become infected with itching after contact of the skin of a healthy person with a sick person or his household items.

The very course of the disease is quite long, since after the introduction of the tick under the skin, a latent period begins. It lasts for a whole month. During this time, inside an unsuspecting person, the causative agent of scabs actively multiplies and affects the integument of the infected.

The disease can be noticed only after the appearance of an allergic reaction to the waste products of the tick.

Young children, as well as people with diseases associated with immunodeficiency, are at particular risk. For the treatment of scabs, mainly external preparations in the form of ointments are used., creams, tinctures.

It is important that the applied reagents remain on the affected area for at least 12 hours. In addition to external preparations, symptomatic treatment is acceptable to alleviate the patient's condition.

Persons who are in contact with an infected person must undergo a prophylactic course of taking acaricidal drugs without fail. And the patient himself must comply with the quarantine.

Seborrhea: signs and treatment

When the scalp itches and flakes, the sores are obvious. Especially if you do not take into account all sorts of allergic reactions. Although they also indicate failures in the body. Seborrhea is a fairly common disease., which is also accompanied by itching and peeling. It appears due to the active growth of a certain type of fungus.

Normally, these yeast fungi live on the scalp and feed on the secretion products of the sebaceous glands. Under certain circumstances, the growth of these products is activated, and the fungus begins to multiply in large numbers. The protective functions of the skin weaken and cease to properly fulfill their properties.

The disease is of 3 types: seborrhea oily, dry and mixed. Each type has its own characteristics.

There are many reasons for the appearance of seborrhea. But older people have the greatest predisposition. It was also noted that this disease is more common in men.

Causes of seborrhea:

  • improper hair care;
  • nervous stress;
  • problems in the work of the endocrine system;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

Given the causes of the disease, treatment should be appropriate for the type of seborrhea, the symptoms present and the degree of skin damage. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe treatment.

The first stage of treatment will be the appointment of antifungal drugs.. In addition, treatment should include taking a complex of vitamins A, B, D, E. Often, in the treatment of this disease, antihistamines are prescribed, as well as drugs to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

In the fight against the disease, the effectiveness of physiotherapy has been clinically confirmed. Among them are cryomassage, magnetotherapy, ozone therapy.

Sores on the head after dyeing hair

Every third girl dyed her hair at least once in her life. There are situations when the result of this procedure is not renewed radiant hair, but a terrible burning sensation, itching, blisters or even open sores.

Such symptoms are typical for thermal burns with aggressive paint components. When, after staining, the scalp itches and flakes, the sores should be treated immediately.

If the burn is not severe, then it is quite possible to get by with special anti-burn ointments. But if the damage is serious, you should immediately go to the hospital. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the hair follicles and being completely hairless.

How to relieve itching and flaking on the head

Skin problems are not new, so we learned how to cope with the disease a long time ago. There are many ways to alleviate discomfort.

Folk remedies and methods of struggle

Among folk The 3 most popular methods are:

  1. Tea tree oil. It is an excellent antiseptic, helps to soothe irritated skin.
  2. The combination of olive and linseed oils - they moisturize and nourish well.
  3. The combination of onion and garlic juice - these are indispensable helpers after hair coloring. They relieve irritation, nourish and soothe the skin.

Carefully! Folk remedies can be used only after determining the exact cause of discomfort.


Drug treatment of scalp problems is more targeted and has a faster action. Among the first in this area are Nizoral and Sulsena. Due to the special composition, they are very effective in fighting dandruff.

Fungal diseases are effectively cured with shampoos containing ketoconazole, selenium disulfide or birch tar.

How to avoid scalp infection

At a time when the scalp flakes and itches, causing sores and microcracks, infection can occur not only in the skin, but also in the blood. It is very dangerous for human life and health. To protect yourself, it is necessary to immediately take measures to reduce itching when unpleasant symptoms appear.

It is forbidden to comb the skin to avoid the appearance of open wounds. Be sure to observe personal hygiene and regularly treat the scalp with antiseptics.

In especially difficult cases of severe itching and peeling of the scalp, self-medication is unacceptable!

Do not self-medicate when these symptoms appear. It is very likely that during this time the latent disease only becomes more active. Treatment is always easier if you turn to specialists in time.

The most important thing is not to self-medicate if itching and flaking interfere with your usual lifestyle, intradermal itching is felt, red spots appear on the scalp and the whole body. These signs can signal the development of serious diseases.

Prevention of itching and flaking of the scalp

Prevention is the most effective way to deal with scalp problems.

Prevention rules are quite simple:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  2. Use of suitable cosmetics.
  3. Always test a new product on a small area of ​​skin to avoid allergic reactions.
  4. Leading a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular walks, healthy sleep, a balanced diet.

By following these simple rules, you can make your life much easier and not harm your health.

Peeling of the scalp

Why does flaking of the scalp occur?

Peeling (often accompanied by severe itching) can be caused by psoriasis, as well as various infectious and hormonal diseases.

Doctors believe that in some cases the "culprit" of this unpleasant phenomenon is the fungus Malassezia (it is also called Piturosporum). It lives on the scalp of most people and often does not remind of itself, so it remains unattended for a long time. However, with a decrease in the level of immunity, poor ecology, physical and nervous overwork, the fungus can become active. As a result, the rate of death of scalp cells noticeably increases, and soon dandruff appears, followed by flaking of the scalp.

The reason for the awakening of the activity of the fungus can also be factors of hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalances, and even incorrectly selected shampoos.

In the latter case, it is necessary to empirically choose a shampoo that is more suitable for the type of hair and skin. To do this, you can contact a specialist such as a trichologist.

As already mentioned, often peeling of the scalp, especially if it is accompanied by severe itching, is caused by skin or infectious diseases - for example, psoriasis. In these cases, in order to get rid of peeling and itching, you need to consult a dermatologist, and, if necessary, other specialists, undergo an examination and a course of treatment. Without the right therapy, getting rid of peeling will not work.

The scalp may begin to peel off after sunburn, especially if it was obtained in southern countries, where the climate is much hotter, and there is a lot of very strong ultraviolet radiation in the sun

Therefore, make it a rule: while in such places, the head must be covered, best of all with a wide-brimmed straw hat, but another headgear, for example, a baseball cap, a scarf, is also suitable. Try to follow this rule, at least during those hours when the sun is close to the zenith, that is, in the daytime.

Sometimes peeling is provoked by sudden changes in humidity and temperature, as well as the use of unsuitable cosmetics for hair care - paints, gels, varnishes for fixing hairstyles, etc.

Sometimes the cause of scalp flaking is unskilled cosmetic procedures, such as peeling. Therefore, try to pass them only with sufficiently experienced specialists.

Peeling of the skin of the eyelids: causes and treatment

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How to get rid of flaky scalp

You will need:

  • egg yolk
  • Burr oil
  • cereals
  • shampoo containing salicylic acid salts and sulfur
  • drug Sebulex
  • coal tar

This problem is mostly faced by people who have dry hair and skin. They can be helped by nourishing fatty creams containing various oils. You can rub these creams into the scalp at home, the procedure takes very little time. You can prepare moisturizers at home, for example, by mixing egg yolk and burdock oil. Also, a mask made from oatmeal can help you.

It is very important to eat right. After all, the condition of human skin directly depends on how useful and varied the diet is! Try to ensure that your diet is complete and contains sufficient amounts of easily digestible foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins A, C, D are especially needed, which make the skin healthy.

In order for the skin to be in good condition, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to streamline your daily routine, be outdoors more often, avoid stressful situations, excessive overstrain (both physical and psychological). Minimize conversations on unpleasant topics. Pay special attention to ensure that the sleep is long enough, and the sleeping area is well ventilated.

At home, you can get rid of dandruff and skin peeling (as well as itching) with the help of products such as Nizoral shampoo, as well as shampoos containing salicylic acid salts and sulfur. With flaking of the scalp, Sebulex, coal tar, and a number of others can help.

Both men and women attach great importance to the condition of the hair. And it will be good only if the scalp is healthy. White small scales that crumble on clothes, itching and redness always cause severe discomfort and a lot of worries.

The skin on the head flakes for a number of reasons. Some you can install on your own, others lie in malfunctions in the body, and they need to be treated.

Peeling of the skin on the face, head, body is a natural process of cell death, it becomes pathological in the presence of concomitant symptoms.

The main sign that there is a problem is the visible flaking of white scales that cannot be removed by shampooing and combing. This symptom may be accompanied by redness, itching, hair loss, which indicates the addition of a fungal infection.

Causes of peeling in children

The child's scalp is dry and flaky, what should mom do in this case? It should be taken into account that this problem can be not only cosmetic, but, quite possibly, also signals health problems.

The natural physiological process of adaptation of the newborn

If the scalp is flaky, which are difficult to comb out, but do not cause concern to the baby, they can be removed by lubricating with baby cream or special baby oil (for example, Bubchen). When there is redness on the skin, and they greatly disturb the child, it is necessary to show it to the pediatrician.

Wrong care

Some baby bath products can cause irritation. This moment is purely individual, and you just need to find a foam suitable for the child. It is important to bathe the baby in water that is not hotter than 37 ° C. Decoctions of sage, chamomile, string have a good effect on the skin. You can buy ready-made liquid complexes of herbal extracts for bathing babies (for example, from Our Mom) or prepare a decoction yourself by buying raw materials at a pharmacy.

External factors

The skin of a child can exfoliate under the influence of too dry air in the apartment, strong wind, sun, cold. It is necessary, if possible, to protect the baby from external stimuli.


You will have to come to terms with this reason and take care of your skin, choosing delicate products that can moisturize it sufficiently (for example, the Emolium line). It is best to consult a dermatologist first.

In addition, in a child, the skin on the head flakes and itches due to health problems:


The reaction can occur both to food and to care products.

  • fungal infection
  • Infection (scarlet fever, rubella).

Causes of peeling in adults

Peeling of the skin on the head in an adult can be caused by many reasons. Conventionally, they are divided into external and internal.

External causes include:

  • Improper care (use of aggressive products).
  • Impact of external factors (ultraviolet, wind, frost).
  • Allergic reaction to care and styling products.

Internal causes of peeling:

External causes can be eliminated on their own, with some effort. It is enough to choose care for sensitive skin with a hypoallergenic composition, to conduct a course of restorative masks. If a disease is detected, you should follow the doctor's recommendations and use medications.

Methods of treatment

It is necessary to choose means for getting rid of peeling only after identifying the cause. At best, the improvements will be temporary, and at worst, there will be complications.

Procedures to deal with the problem

The specialist may prescribe one of these procedures:


Exposure to the skin with an electric current using a special Darsonval device has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.


It is carried out using liquid nitrogen and causes constriction of blood vessels, followed by their significant expansion and increased blood flow to the hair follicles.

Folk recipes

It is not necessary to use purchased masks, it is quite possible to make them yourself. They are made on the basis of medicinal herbs and oils.

Olive-lemon mask

Slightly warmed olive oil (2 tablespoons) is mixed with lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and rubbed into the scalp. Wrap with polyethylene and a towel and hold for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water using a medicated shampoo.

This product moisturizes well and fights dandruff.

Olive linen mask

It intensively nourishes and strengthens the hair. It is prepared from olive and linseed oils in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the composition on the head with massage movements, cover with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off after half an hour with a medicated shampoo.

Oatmeal mask

Used to soften, moisturize and nourish. First, a decoction of herbs is prepared at will (nettle, chamomile, sage, etc.). Then they are poured with oatmeal and left for a few minutes to swell. The resulting mass is gently rubbed into the hair roots, put on a shower cap and cover with a towel. You need to walk like this for at least two hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

  • Tea tree essential oil, added to the shampoo, soothes and fights inflammation. Before washing, they collect shampoo in the palm of their hand, add 2-3 drops of oil there and wash their hair in the usual way.

Prevention of peeling

The condition of the skin can be affected by many different factors: from ecology to diseases of internal organs. But there are a few rules, subject to which you can avoid or significantly reduce peeling on the head.

Many people experience peeling of the skin in the scalp. This problem causes physical discomfort (itching), and aesthetic too. Scales of skin are visible in the hair, give the hairstyle a sloppy look, crumble on the shoulders. It is easy to remove the cause of such manifestations, it is important to establish the reason why the skin is peeling.

What is skin peeling

The exfoliation of the skin under the hair is caused by the death of the upper layer of cells. Scales are visible to the naked eye, and washing your hair does not save you from peeling the scalp. This is a normal natural process, the cells must die, but when this happens too intensely and begins to cause inconvenience, accompanied by itching and profuse peeling, there is no question of the norm.

Possible causes of peeling

Various factors can lead to peeling of the scalp, ranging from improper care to fungal diseases. The causes of intensive death of the upper layer of the skin are:

  • overdrying, exposure to the sun, ultraviolet;
  • aggressive hair washes that affect the skin;
  • allergy to shampoos, rinses, balms;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weak immunity;
  • weakened liver;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • scalp fungus;
  • diseases (eczema, lichen, seborrheic dermatitis).


When the scalp itches and flakes, seborrhea is often suspected, a chronic disease in which the sebaceous glands overproduce sebum rich in free fatty acids. Types of seborrhea:

  • oily - occurs during puberty, normally passes by 25-27 years, remains forever in 10% of patients;
  • dry - more common in children, in adulthood more common in men.

Provoke the development of the disease stress, endocrine disruptions associated with an imbalance of sex hormones. From spicy, over-salted, too sweet food, the symptoms are aggravated. Low humidity exacerbates the dry form of seborrhea. B vitamins, food allergies are bad. The disease is manifested by peeling of the skin, inflammation and itching, the lesion extends to the border of hair growth, eyebrows, mustache and beard.


Peeling of the scalp caused by fungal infections is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • hair becomes dry, brittle, fall out;
  • there is abundant dandruff, oily or dry;
  • reddening of the skin is noted, it begins to itch, pink rounded "plaques" appear, decorated with yellowish or grayish scales;
  • purulent inflammation occurs.

A trichologist can make a diagnosis by taking tests for a fungus (mycosis). Types of mycoses:

  • microsporia - redness, covered with small bubbles;
  • trichophytosis (ringworm), leads to brittle hair, loss;
  • favus (scab) - yellowish crusts appear on the head, grow, lead to baldness.

Dry skin

A common cause of this condition is malnutrition. Often, dryness of the scalp in this case is accompanied by problems with the nails. Bad habits (smoking, excess alcohol), an inactive lifestyle, refusal to wear a hat in cold weather, and hormonal disruptions affect the development of dryness. Incorrectly selected hair cosmetics dry out the scalp.

Why does the skin on the head peel off

Having found small whitish flakes on hair and clothes, it is necessary to establish the nature of peeling. Common causes of this phenomenon are dry skin under the hair, which occurs from hypothermia, malnutrition, stress, hormonal disruptions, or incorrectly selected cosmetics. If all these factors are excluded, and peeling is accompanied by itching, oily dandruff and red spots, a fungus or seborrhea can be assumed.

In an adult

Intensive peeling of the upper layer, the epidermis under the hair in women occurs with hormonal changes, changes in the state of the body: pregnancy, menopause. During puberty in boys and girls, the epidermis often flakes and becomes inflamed. Fungal microflora can be activated after strong physical exertion, due to a change in the climatic zone (moving to another region), during stress.

The child has

A common occurrence in newborns: the skin can peel off and peel off all over the body, not just under the hair. Scales, crusts appear on the head of the baby, they exfoliate and gradually disappear. This is due to the fact that the baby's skin has not adapted to the air space, the sebaceous glands have not adjusted their work. Up to a year, this is a normal phenomenon, the crusts on the head need to be softened with special means, then carefully combed out. If the skin is flaky in older children, this is already a sign of the disease.


Exfoliation of the skin, accompanied by unpleasant phenomena, is treated with both pharmacy and folk remedies. In many cases, properly selected shampoos help to cure the skin, which include:

  • zinc pyrithione - a component that reduces inflammation and has antibacterial properties;
  • tar - slows down enhanced metabolic processes in the epidermis;
  • salicylic acid - removes scales;
  • selenium sulfide, ketoconazole - antifungal agents.

Pharmacy means

Funds from pharmacy shelves are purchased depending on what is the cause of the problem. Known medications:

  • "Sulsena". Available in the form of a paste, ointment, shampoo. Helps with dandruff, severe peeling, itching. The ointment is considered the most effective, but it is recommended to use all three tools in combination. It contains selenium and sulfur, which kill the fungus that causes dandruff. The shampoo is alternated with a regular, pH-neutral one, so that addiction does not occur.
  • "Nizoral". Shampoo against fungus, containing ketoconazole. For one wash, a small portion of the product is enough, applied for 3-5 minutes, washed off with warm water. For dandruff, seborrheic eczema, use twice a week for a month. Pityriasis versicolor is treated with daily applications for 5 days.
  • "Biffon". Antifungal lotion with panthenol, helps to remove dryness, destroys the fungus that causes dandruff.