Oxygen face mask. Oxygen face mask: features, how to cook it yourself? Chamomile mask

To begin with, nature endowed me with dry skin of the face and over time it began to fade. I have tried many cosmetics that, according to the manufacturers, should have helped me with this problem. Unfortunately, the desired result was never obtained or it was not as good as I wanted it to be. When my hands were already starting to drop, a friend told me about oxygen masks. I didn't give myself much hope, but the result was impressive.

The effect of oxygen on the skin

As it turned out, poor gas exchange in skin cells affects not only dryness, but also various subcutaneous diseases that lead to rapid aging. All this can be avoided by doing oxygen masks for some time. Through these procedures, you can get the following results:

  • increases the level of oxygen in skin cells;
  • due to the increase in moisture, the production of substances that lead to rejuvenation will occur;
  • skin color improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion becomes better.

Of course, oxygen cosmetics do not contain pure oxygen. Its formation occurs due to substances such as perfluorocarbon and aquaftem. They are found in various masks, lotions, creams. When in contact with the skin, these components absorb oxygen from the environment and break it down into small molecules. After that, transportation to the subcutaneous layers occurs. If you follow these procedures regularly, you will soon see the result. The skin will become noticeably younger and more beautiful.

When should oxygen masks be used?

It is worth using oxygen cosmetics when signs of wilting are noticeable. For young girls who do not have visible defects, such procedures are useless. You will not see any result on healthy skin. If there are wounds on the face, fresh scars or dilated blood vessels, then it is best to postpone the rejuvenation procedure a little.

You can buy oxygen masks at pharmacies or cosmetics stores. I used them in my home care and I can safely say that they helped me cope with such problems:

  • the number of mimic wrinkles has noticeably decreased, and the skin has become more elastic;
  • acne no longer bothers;
  • oily sheen on the skin disappeared;
  • Pores are cleared and blackheads are reduced.

Rules for using oxygen masks

When using oxygen masks, the following rules must be observed:

1. Be sure to test the product before applying to the skin.

2. Before applying any cosmetics, you need to thoroughly clean your face. The result of using oxygen masks will be much better if you first steam the skin.

3. When choosing an oxygen mask, you need to take into account the problems that are on the face. This is due to the fact that they contain various additional ingredients that are aimed at relieving inflammation or increasing regeneration.

The best oxygen face masks

Bliss mask. The composition contains antioxidants, grape seed extract and vitamin C. With such beneficial components, it will help you brighten and refresh tired skin. In addition, such a mask protects the cells of the dermis from damage.

Flash Mask Oxygen Facial Dr. Brandt. One of the best oxygen products. You only need to keep it on your face for 5 minutes, but during this time you will get the maximum result. The skin will be saturated with beneficial nutrients and refreshed.

Cosmetics enriched with oxygen appeared in our country relatively recently, but has already gained immense popularity. This is not surprising. Cosmetologists say that a high-quality oxygen face mask is a real elixir of youth. Let's take a closer look at the principle of operation of such a tool.

Oxygen is essential for all cells in the human body. Without it, life would not be possible. Due to some negative factors (poor ecology, insufficient pore cleansing), the oxygen content in the skin can drop sharply. This causes unpleasant consequences - metabolism decreases, and our skin begins to age, wrinkles appear on the face.

How do oxygen face masks work on the skin?

An oxygen face mask contains oxygen in a high concentration. Regular use of such a miraculous cosmetic will allow you to:

  • Significantly increase skin oxygenation.
  • Accelerate the process of cell regeneration, visually, relieve inflammation.
  • Activate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin. Thanks to these substances, the skin becomes very elastic, smooth, wrinkles are leveled.

Despite the claims of manufacturers, experts claim that there is practically no oxygen in oxygen masks. The main active substances of such cosmetics are usually perfluorocarbon or aquaftem. These elements are able to absorb oxygen molecules from the outside, and then transport them to the cells of the epidermis. Regularly using such an oxygen mask for the face in a couple of months, you can achieve a significant rejuvenating effect.

oxygen face mask: indications for use

Oxygen face masks can be purchased at a pharmacy or beauty supply store. Some of the fair sex prefer to prepare such anti-aging products on their own. If you use a pharmacy product, be sure to read the detailed instructions first. Remember that oxygen masks have both indications and contraindications.

  • You already have;
  • The skin became dry, withering;
  • Pimples, blackheads, blackheads appeared;
  • Your skin is too oily
  • The pores on the skin of the face are clogged, thorough cleaning is necessary.

If you have young perfectly smooth skin, there is no point in using an oxygen mask. In this case, you will not notice any visible effect. Contraindications to the use of this remedy can be considered - pathological or inflammatory skin diseases, epidermal injuries, fresh scars, circulatory disorders. In any case, before using a potent anti-aging agent, it is recommended to consult an experienced cosmetologist or dermatologist.

How to make your own oxygen mask?

Today, anyone can buy an oxygen face mask from well-known cosmetic brands. However, such a tool will not cost you cheap. If you want to save money, but at the same time achieve a noticeable facial rejuvenation, use the oxygen mask recipes below. You can prepare such products yourself, from simple ingredients that can be found in any medicine cabinet or refrigerator.

  • Chamomile mask. In a small bowl, mix 2 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal and 1 tsp. dry flowers of medicinal chamomile. Also add 1 tbsp to the mask. , 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 100 ml. water. You should get a thick slurry. Apply the product on the skin of the face for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water without soap.
  • Almond mask. In a blender, grind almonds and oatmeal in equal proportions (2 tbsp each), add 1 tbsp to the container. white clay. Pour all 100 ml. water and do not forget to add 10 drops. hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mask on the skin for 10 minutes.

An oxygen mask is a real find for aging skin. However, do not expect instant rejuvenation after the first procedure. Make a mask daily, and after 2-3 weeks you will notice changes for the better.

Why is it sometimes difficult to tidy up the skin? Masks do not help, and massage does not give the expected effect. The answer is simple - it's all about the surrounding air. It's just that our skin does not have enough oxygen - the purity of the air in large cities leaves much to be desired. So, it's time to get acquainted with oxygen cosmetics, which recently can be found on the shelves of beauty salons and pharmacies.

Operating principle

Without oxygen, we are not able to live, without it, our skin is not able to function normally. Experiencing oxygen starvation, epidermal cells dramatically reduce their metabolism and begin to age at an accelerated pace. Oxygen face mask is a new trend in modern cosmetology, which confidently breaks into a leading position in the niche of care products.

In fact, there is no oxygen in such masks, it is replaced by the active substances perfluorocarbon (PFC) and aquaftem. They have the ability to "attract" pure oxygen, split it into molecules and deliver it to the deep epidermal layers of the skin.

For such unique abilities, these substances are called "materials of the future." Enriching the dermis with pure oxygen, regenerating and restoring, destroying free radicals, they rejuvenate it as much as possible in a short time.

Who can help and where

If you have healthy and normal skin, there is no need to enrich such epidermis with oxygen. But in the case:

  • Aging skin with an abundance of wrinkles.
  • Progressive growth of acne and.
  • Skin prone to oiliness, with a greasy sheen.
  • Heavily polluted pores.

Oxygen care will be very helpful. After all, oxygen-containing sessions also have a peeling effect, which further enhances their properties. So where to run for oxygen sessions? You have three paths:

Beauty Salons. An oxygen face mask in the salon is an effective way to tidy up your skin and significantly rejuvenate it. Of course, if you are given the go-ahead for this time and finances.

Pharmacies. There is a good selection of oxygen-containing masks on the shelves of pharmacies. Already ready and requiring only familiarization and following the instructions. The choice is large: regenerating, restorative, anti-inflammatory, tonic, designed for skin with different problems and types.

homemade recipes. We can easily create these rather expensive procedures and masks with our own hands. This is worth talking about in more detail.

But how to create active substances at home that can split oxygen? This talent is possessed by one, familiar remedy - ordinary hydrogen peroxide.

Peroxide, combining with the rest of the ingredients of the masks, enters into a chemical reaction, the result of which is the rapid release of oxygen. It penetrates into the cells of the dermis and enriches them. Along the way, metabolism improves and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen increases. The result is effective healing and skin rejuvenation.

Such a composition cannot be stored - it is used immediately. It is necessary to prepare an oxygen-containing mask exclusively in ceramic or enameled containers (peroxide can enter into a chemical reaction when in contact with plastic or aluminum). Masks of this type should affect the epidermis for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Choose your recipe

Before the procedure, do not forget to test your skin for a possible allergic reaction - apply a little mixture on your wrist and observe the skin reaction. For home masks, we need 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Oat nutritional

Grind oatmeal (25 gr.) to a state of coarse flour. Add dry chamomile flowers (10 gr.) And white clay (15 gr.) To it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour clean water (100 ml) and peroxide (16 ml) into it.

For problematic skin, replace white clay with green clay, if the dermis is dry, take lavender instead of chamomile.

Almond cleanser

Grind almonds and oatmeal flakes (25 g each) in a blender. Add dry rose petals (10 gr.) And cosmetic clay (15 gr.) To the mixture. Then add a mixture of peroxide (10 drops) and water (100 ml) to the mass.

The mass is applied with massage circular movements on the cleansed face. At the same time, lightly rub it into the skin.

Protein whitening

Mix together any shaving cream (10 gr.) And peroxide (16 ml). Gently pour the whole mass into pre-whipped protein and immediately apply to the skin.

This tool is especially good for toning and getting rid of pigmented areas of the skin.

With bodyaga anti-inflammatory

Gently add hydrogen peroxide drop by drop to freshwater sponge powder (4 grams). It needs to be mixed in enough to get a mixture of thick sour cream.

Use this remedy with extreme caution. Here two very active substances interact at once, such a mask is very effective, but also quite aggressive.

You can also do a peeling with badyaga, more about this.

With anti-inflammatory powder

Take baby powder (30 gr.) Gradually pour in a thin stream of peroxide until a thick mass is obtained.

This mask has a more gentle effect. It can be used for sensitive skin. The result is clear, youthful skin without a hint of acne.

To achieve maximum results, conduct oxygen sessions in a monthly course of 2 procedures weekly. Then let your face rest for 14-16 days.

Unfortunately, the realities of modern life are such that the air around us contains a fairly large amount of harmful substances that adversely affect the condition of our skin. The pores of the skin through which gas exchange occurs are blocked, which leads to the cessation of oxygen supply. So-called free radicals can form on the surface of the skin, the harm of which has long been proven.

How Oxygen Masks Work

Action oxygen face masks based on the release of oxygen when the components of the mask are mixed. That is, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the released oxygen penetrates the skin, enriching its cells. As a result, metabolism improves, collagen and hyaluronic acid are more actively produced.

How to apply

Oxygen face masks should preferably be used in courses, which will significantly enhance their effect. Note that oxygen masks exfoliate dead skin particles, producing the so-called peeling effect.

Before the direct use of the oxygen mask, prepare the skin of the face, clean it from dust and dirt.

Oxygen masks have a fantastic effect on the skin. Their formulations include not only oxygen-forming substances, but also ingredients that perfectly nourish the skin.

Take 1 tbsp. oatmeal and grind into flour (like wholemeal flour). Place the resulting oatmeal in a bowl, add 1 tsp. chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. white clay. Mix everything well and add hydrogen peroxide and water. Stir the mixture to a paste-like consistency.

The resulting composition is applied to clean skin of the face, in circular motions. The mask should be kept for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

If you have normal or dry facial skin, then it is recommended to add lavender instead of chamomile to the mask.

If you have problematic skin, then white clay should be replaced with green.

* * * * *

Grind (in a coffee grinder or blender) 1 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 tbsp. almonds. Pour the resulting oatmeal-almond flour into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. white clay, 1 tsp dried rose petals and mix well. Next, add 3 tbsp. filtered water and 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide, and again mix thoroughly. The composition is applied to a pre-cleansed face, in circular motions, lightly rubbing the mixture into the skin.
This mask is kept for 5 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool clean water.

Oxygen is the basis of life on Earth. Without it, we cannot breathe and function fully. It is because of polluted air and poor cleansing of the pores that every year we have more and more wrinkles on our face.

However, the regular use of oxygen masks can stop aging by restoring and enriching our skin with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

You can saturate the cells with oxygen with the help of purchased modern cosmetics, but it often happens that we do not have extra money to purchase them, and then we start looking for cheaper natural analogues to solve a particular problem.

Today I would like to talk to you about the benefits of oxygen face masks, which can be easily and simply prepared at home. Homemade masks are prepared using hydrogen peroxide, which is capable of absorb the required amount of oxygen and enrich the skin cells with it.


Rules for preparation and application

  1. Apply the mask at night or stay at home after applying it.
  2. Girls need to use a mask at least twice a week, and women over forty are allowed only one procedure per week.
  3. Before applying the mask use scrub, to open the pores to absorb the nutrients contained in the mask.
  4. The ingredients used must be fresh and at room temperature.
  5. Strictly follow the dosage and instructions, which are indicated in the recipe for the mask.
  6. Remove the mask solution with warm boiled water.
  7. After removing the mask use a tonic or the usual nourishing cream.
  8. Alternate masks with each other to achieve the most positive result. Do not forget to take breaks so that the skin on the face has a chance to rest.

Classic oxygen mask


  1. Grind oatmeal and chamomile flowers with a blender to a powder state.
  2. Sift the clay through a fine sieve to get rid of lumps.
  3. We combine the above ingredients and fill them with a decoction of herbs or mineral water.
  4. After thorough stirring, add peroxide and bring the solution to homogeneity.
  5. We clean the face of makeup with a scrub, and apply a thin layer of baby cream around the eyes.
  6. Gently spread the solution for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Remove the mixture with warm boiled water.
  8. Do not forget to use a tonic or your favorite nourishing cream after.

This oxygen mask ideal for all skin types. It helps to improve blood circulation and provides the skin with good nutrition, as well as restores protective functions that prevent the appearance of acne and unwanted peeling.

Oxygen mask with cottage cheese


  • 50 g of hard cottage cheese;
  • 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and application process:

  1. Beat the yolk with a whisk and carefully knead it with cottage cheese.
  2. Add peroxide, stir the mass until a homogeneous consistency.
  3. We apply the mask and after 5-7 minutes remove it with warm boiled water.

An excellent combination of peroxide and cottage cheese perfectly whitens oily skin, and also cleanses it of excess oil and restores its spectacular appearance. In addition, the mask helps to smooth out wrinkles, which is very important for older women.

Oxygen mask with yeast


  • 18 g dry;
  • 20 ml of decoction of medicinal herbs or mineral water without gas;
  • 15 ml hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Preparation and application process:

  1. Pour the yeast with a decoction of herbs and set them aside for fermentation for 15-25 minutes.
  2. Add peroxide and mix well until smooth.
  3. Gently spread the solution on the entire surface of the face or on individual problem areas for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Remove the mask with warm boiled water and use a tonic or nourishing cream.

This mask helps to gently cleanse and fight rashes on the face, and it also evens out skin tone - the face looks fresh, smooth and rejuvenated for several years.

Protein Oxygen Mask


  • 1 egg white;
  • 10 g of shaving cream;
  • 15 ml hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Preparation and application process:

  1. Beat the egg white with a mixer.
  2. Shaving cream mix well with peroxide.
  3. Gently mix the solution with peroxide into the protein mass and immediately apply to the face.
  4. We rest for 5-7 minutes and remove the solution with warm boiled water.

This mask is ideal for toning the skin, lightening freckles and age spots. In addition, it is an effective tool for cleansing the pores of the face and maximum smoothing of wrinkles.

Precautionary measures

  • Repeated use of the mask is prohibited and harmful to the skin of the face.
  • Strictly follow the instructions given in the recipes.
  • Pre-check the solution for an allergic reaction.
  • Protect your eyes from getting the mask solution into them.

Oxygen mask reviews

While looking for new recipes for anti-aging face masks, I came across an interesting site of connoisseurs of traditional medicine, which held an online conference with the participation of cosmetologist Anton Rybakov. It was quite interesting to read comments about purchased cosmetics from a specialist. I made a selection of the most interesting expert answers.

Nina, 25 years old:

First of all, I would like to say that I really love Facezine cosmetics from Korea, and especially their innovation - oxygen face masks. The mask is excellent, everything that the manufacturers promised came true.

However, how difficult it is to apply it on the face! It takes a very long time to suffer in order to properly lay it over the entire surface of the face!

Expert answer: Yes, you are right, certain skills are required to lay out this mask. I can advise you to write a claim to the manufacturer. By the way, why don't you try a sample of Lumene's oxygen face mask?

The composition is applied to the face very easily, since this mask has a gel-jelly consistency. The result will be the same as Facezine, but the cost will be slightly higher. If you have additional funds, I highly recommend giving it a try.

Natasha, 43 years old:

In the old fashioned way, I used homemade oxygen masks to get a rejuvenating effect. The results are positive, no complaints.

However, I would like to spend as little time as possible on the preparation of solutions, as well as on their application.

In addition, I am ripe for experiments with purchased masks. Please tell me some effective cosmetic product with a rejuvenating result.

Expert answer: I've heard a lot of good things about the Beauty Style Oxygen Face Mask. It is quite easy to apply and rinse off, and can also be used on the neck and décolleté.

The oxygen mask of this company makes the skin soft to the touch and helps to smooth out small and shallow wrinkles, and also completely removes peeling. In addition, regular use of this mask will eliminate sagging and flabbiness over time. Good luck!

Angela, 27 years old:

I have always used purchased cosmetics and did not know grief. However, there came a point in my life when I didn’t have extra material resources, and I decided to try homemade recipes for facial skin care.

The first mask I applied was an oxygen mask with almonds. Unfortunately, immediately after applying to the skin, I felt a burning sensation, and I had to wash off the solution.

On top of that, my face was covered with red spots, which did not improve my mood at all. Therefore, I advise everyone not to save money and use only purchased cosmetics.

Expert answer: When preparing a solution, it is very important to consider the type of skin. For example, owners of dry skin need to add lavender oil to the oxygen solution - it performs a softening and moisturizing function.

It is also possible that you are simply allergic to one of the ingredients in the mask. I recommend that you check for an allergic reaction before applying any homemade mask. Good luck and health!

Oxygen mask on video

Home oxygen masks, when used correctly, will allow you to achieve such amazing results that you have not even dreamed of. They are available for preparation at any time of the year and are ready to carefully and safely care for even the most sensitive and problematic skin.

This video will tell you about all the intricacies of preparing, applying and rinsing solutions. Happy viewing!

So our conversation came to its logical conclusion. I hope you will try at least one of the masks I have proposed and will be as delighted with the result as I was when I tried the oxygen mask for the first time.

If you have any questions while reading the article, feel free to ask them, I will definitely answer. I would love to hear about your victories and successes in this field. In addition, maybe you use other recipes - do not be greedy, share information with me. Write, do not be lazy - I'm all waiting!