Maslenitsa is a sports holiday for preschoolers. Sports holiday "Shrovetide". Children go out and read poetry

Scenario "Farewell to Maslenitsa"

(on the kindergarten site)

Children go to the sports area, stand up, forming 2 circles.

Leading: Gather people!

Fun awaits you

To see off Shrovetide,

Meet the red spring.

Host: Shrovetide - seeing off winter and welcoming spring. “The Russian people have long arranged a magnificent farewell to winter, calling this ceremony “Shrovetide”. Our ancestors generously, cheerfully and satisfyingly celebrated Maslenitsa! There was no holiday in the year equal to Shrovetide in scope and generosity.

Shrovetide was invited to the holiday, they made a straw doll, put on her a caftan and a hat, girded her with a sash, and put on shoes in bast shoes. The Shrovetide doll was carried around the streets with honor and songs, put into a sleigh, taken to the mountain, and then placed on the highest place.

Shrovetide is brought in to the music and put in a place of honor.


Spring is already upon us

Wakes the earth from sleep.

Girls, boys are ready

Lead round dances and play games?

See off the cold winter

Meet the red spring

A merry round dance awaits,

Do not be shy, honest people.

Round dance “Now the winter is passing” r.n.m.arr. P. Tchaikovsky.

Presenter: The holiday was always noisy and fun: with songs, dances, mummers and buffoons, with girlish round dances and valiant games.

A common worldly holiday,

Say goodbye people with longing!

Let's take our friends by the hand.

We invite everyone to the carousel

The carousel game is played.

Leading: And now, and now, the game is just for you.

Don't yawn, don't yawn

Pass the broom in a circle quickly.

The game "Pass the object in a circle" (Fun "Russian broom" - passing the broom in a circle to the music, when the music stops, the child "with a broom" leaves the circle to the center and dances).

Baba Yaga appears: This is who is playing with panicles here, seeing off the evil winter. I also want to play with you and dance together.

Dance game “If life is fun, do it ... .. (do it like me).

Baba Yaga: And now only girls dance. Only boys. Those who have gloves on their hands today, now those who have mittens on their hands. Who has red hats. Who has green scarves. Who is in a good mood.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you, dear children, guess riddles.


And with caviar and sour cream

All of them are delicious.

Nozdrevati and blush,

Our suns... (pancakes)

Leading: Like butter week

Pancakes flew from the pipe!

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You pancakes are mine!

The song "Pancakes" (teachers sing, children sing along).

Leading: Which of you guys knows proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa and pancakes?


Leading : Now another game of attention and endurance. While the music is playing, you can laugh merrily, as soon as the music stops, you should freeze. Whoever can't stand it is out of the game.

The game "Laughter" is held (they laugh to the music, they are silent without music).

Leading: Honest Maslenitsa!

It's fun to meet you

It is difficult to see off from the yard.

Guys, it's time to say goodbye to Maslenitsa.

Goodbye, goodbye Maslenitsa

Goodbye, goodbye, broad.

Say thanks to Shrovetide!

Together : Maslenitsa, goodbye!

Come back next year!

Maslenitsa is taken out of the sports ground and burned.

On the sites of groups, games-competitions, attractions continue:

"Collect snowballs." (snowballs, baskets) "Hit the gate" (snowballs, clubs)

“Feed the kolobok” (throw snowballs into hoops), “Collect ice cubes in baskets.”

The game "Brook", "Wattle", etc.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 15 "Berezhok"

Scenario of the Physical Culture and Sports Festival Shrovetide.

Compiled by: Physical Education Instructor

Dyakova Maria Anatolievna

Date: 28.02.2017

It is carried out on the street, on the sports ground.

Goals: Introducing children to folk traditions and the formation of communicative relations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, increasing social activity and strengthening the health of pupils, familiarizing them with physical culture as an integral element of national culture.

Tasks: To acquaint children with the symbols and traditions of the "Wide Shrovetide" holiday, health promotion, improvement of motor skills during games and competitions. To instill in children a love for physical education and sports, to consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in physical education. Develop attention, observation, coordination of movements, the ability to overcome obstacles. To educate in children purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of collectivism, friendliness. Create a friendly atmosphere, bring joy to children. continue to acquaint with the rules of personal safety.


Children - girls are tied with scarves on their heads, boys have bright caps (buffoons, parsley, etc.)

Tell parents to bring headscarves (girls) and caps (boys), and bring ready-made pancakes on Friday 02/28/2014.

Maslenitsa is being prepared for burning on the street, the site is decorated with flags, balls, a ribbon. handkerchiefs.


Lead-disguised- FC instructor M.A. Dyakova

Baba Yaga- teacher - speech therapist S.A. Ivanova

Inventory: group number plates, three stacks of cardboard pancakes, a broom, four cones, a rope, 3 horse sticks, a megaphone (with a microphone and a record player), 20 flat rings

Music: Songs about Maslenitsa, about Pancakes, song-dance "Forward 4 steps"


Children line up on the playground (all 5 groups)

Leading: All! All! All! Hurry up for the holiday! We meet Maslenitsa, we see off the winter!

Today Shrovetide invites you to visit! We will all have fun, in games, dances we will spin!

Come on guys, tell us what you know about Maslenitsa!

Children go out and read poetry:

1st Child

Shrovetide, Shrovetide!

We are proud of you!

Came to us in Kindergarten

And brought fun!

2nd child

Hello Shrovetide!

Give us oil!

We bake hot pancakes for ourselves

We don't care about blizzards and frosts!

3rd child


fed all the people

Played, danced,

It immediately became more fun!

4th child

The baptized world now rejoices

Because today is Maslenitsa

Come, people, and eat a pancake with us

So that spring comes soon!

5th child

Happy Shrovetide, congratulations!

It's time for pancakes to reign!

Without pancakes, the farewell of winter will not work,

We invite you to joke, to song, to joy!


Guys, let's call spring with you!

Repeat after me:

Clear-red! Come spring!

One more time... 3 times!

Baba Yaga appears, eats a pancake: (runs around with a broom, scares children to the music)

Baba Yaga: Greetings, good people! Are you calling me so loudly? So I flew to you - on a broomstick! Oh my dear children! They themselves are asking for a frying pan !!!

Leading: What are you talking about, Granny-Yagulechka! We have a holiday, and you scare the kids! Since you're here, let's have fun with us!

Baba Yaga: Yes, with pleasure, I know a chic dance! Let's expand our circle a little, move our elbows so that the dance is not crowded, and let's start! Maestro - music!

To the soundtrack, the dance “Forward 4 steps” is danced

Leading: Thank you, Baba Yaga, such a wonderful dance turned out, and we all got warm, right, guys?

Guys - YES!

Leading: Come on, guys, now let's check how attentive you are. I will tell you the task, and you will show it - for example, I say: “Hands up!” And you all raise your hands together. And Baba Yaga will help us, will prompt you. Okay, Yagulya?

Baba Yaga: Oh, yes, please, of course, I will help!

A game is being played: the host speaks, and Baba Yaga confuses the children.

Hands forward! (Baba Yaga - hands forward)

Hands down! (Baba Yaga - hands up)

Jump! (Baba Yaga - crouches)

Clap your hands! (Baba Yaga - stamps her feet)

Sit down! (Baba Yaga - hands up)

Stomp your feet! (Baba Yaga claps her hands)

Leading: Oh, yes, naughty, Baba Yaga! You only confused the children, and did not help them!

Baba Yaga: On the contrary, it turned out so much more fun!

Leading: Okay, we forgive you, but do you know poems or riddles about pancakes?

Baba Yaga: Oh, my memory is not very good, I should remember, I used to know a lot!

Leading: Okay, for now, remember, and the kids will tell us poems about pancakes!

1st child

If there is a frying pan

We are not afraid of the cold

Because the pancake is hot -

This is the best food!

2nd child

On the ground with wheels

Rolled Pancakes

Children, under the birches -

Collect pancakes!

3rd child

And with caviar and sour cream -

All of them are delicious!

Nozdrevati and blush -

Our suns are pancakes!

4th child

Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:

This is the sun-damn and near the damn moon

One pancake is hot and the other is cold

Climb to the sky if someone is hungry!

5th child

Shrovetide, Shrovetide

Round dance teases

Pancake in sour cream with butter

Waiting for someone to get!

Leading: Well done, guys, what wonderful poems you know. And you Baba Yaga, remember the riddles?

Baba Yaga: No, something never came to mind. But I remembered a wonderful song about pancakes and the words there are simple! I encourage everyone to sing along. There are such words: OH PANCAKES, PANCAKES, PANCAKES, YOU ARE MY PANCAKES! Come on, let's try to say it all together:


Great, now sing along!

The Russian folk song "Pancakes" sounds, everyone sings along, clap, dance.

Baba Yaga is dancing (Especially in losses)

1. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.

2. My older sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.


3. She baked food,

There are probably five hundred.


4. She puts on a tray

And she brings it to the table.


5. "Guests, be healthy,

Here are my pancakes ready.


6. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.


Leading: Well done guys and Baba Yaga - it turned out fun. And now let's see how you can run with pancakes! I offer Shrovetide fun "Transfer pancakes - do not drop!"

Relay race with "pancakes" is held:

Children are selected and divided into three teams. Each team is divided in half and stands on opposite sides of the site. Each team is given a pre-prepared large stack of cardboard pancakes. Task: run to the opposite side of the team and pass a stack of pancakes to the next one, trying not to spill it. Thus, an oncoming relay race is carried out - the children take turns running with "pancakes" and passing them on to the next.

Leading: Wow, what fun! Let's try another game! Memorize all your places! When the music starts, enter closer to the center and dance, but when the music stops, everyone should quickly return to their places. Let's see which group can line up the fastest!

The game is played 2-3 times.

Leading: Well done guys, you know how to build well! Horse racing is traditionally held on Maslenitsa. Let's jump too!

Opposite relay race "Horse racing" is held.

Children are selected and divided into three teams. Each team is divided in half and stands on opposite sides of the site. The children of each subgroup take turns riding the "Horse" to the opposite subgroup and pass the "Horse".

After the relay, the children return to duty.

Leading: Now let's check your power.

The game is being played "Tug of War"

Children are selected, divided into two teams and pull the rope.

The game is played 2-3 times.

Music is played during games and relay races.

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, ride the kids on your broom for now! (Explains the rules of the game)

Game "Tail" Baba Yaga "

Children stand in a circle, Baba Yaga with a broom in her hands flies in a circle with the words

I am Yaga, Yaga, Yaga, I'm flying, flying, flying

Then he stops next to someone and says:

Do you want to be my tail? And the child replies:

Yes, of course I do!

The game is repeated 2-3 times

Leading: Well done guys, good flight! And now guys, let's check your accuracy.

A cone is placed in front of each group at a distance of 3 meters and flat rings (3-5 pieces) are issued. Each child in turn performs 3-5 throws trying to put the ring on the cone.

The educators of each group regulate the process. Children who were able to get in and put rings on the cone are noted.

Leading: Well done guys did an excellent job with the task, now get up in pairs and play another carnival fun - "Brook"

Game "Brook"

Children stand in pairs, forming a long corridor with clasped hands. Starting with the last pair, each pair makes their way along the "corridor" and stands forward. "Brook" moves along the perimeter of the site.

Music is playing.


Guys, isn't it time for us to say goodbye to winter, to Maslenitsa?

It's time for us to part with winter, we warm ourselves by the fire!

Let's all say together: Go away, WINTER! Farewell, Shrovetide! Hello Spring!

Scarecrow is burned.

Children all repeat after the leader! Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out! Farewell, Shrovetide!

The prepared Maslenitsa is burned.


Had a lot of fun,

They just didn't treat themselves to a pancake!

We should get together now

Yes, eat pancakes!

Children go to the verandas, get a pancake and eat pancakes.

Sports festival "Razgulyay".

Kalabina Olga Sergeevna, primary school teacher of the KGBS (K) OU "Barnaul special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 5 of the VIII type"
Description: This development will be of interest to primary school teachers, educators. This material was developed for children in grades 1-4.
Target: acquaintance with folk customs and development of creative abilities of pupils.
develop a cognitive interest in the traditions of their people
develop attention, memory, coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of speech
instill a sense of patriotism;
to develop interest and respect for Russian folk holidays, traditions and customs.

Lesson progress

1 Buffoon:
Hello dear guests,
Small and big!
2 Buffoon:
Shrovetide wide open,
Let's start the fun!
1 Buffoon:
Carnival has come to us!
Jokes, laughter brought us!
Songs, riddles, but pancakes are sweet!
2 Buffoon:
Not English, not French,
Maslenitsa is a Russian holiday.
We will sing and dance
Play Russian games!
The people are going Maslenitsa begins!

1 Buffoon:
Let's see off the winter
Meet the red spring!
2 Buffoon:
How to play wires?
We need to call Spring!
Spring is red, come, drive away the winter!
2. Main stage.

I - Spring - red, wake the earth from sleep!
I fill the kidneys with juice
I grow flowers in the meadows!
I drive ice from the river,
I make the sunrise bright!
Everywhere - in the field and in the forest -
I bring joy to people!
I have been going to you for a long time, good people, I miss you. It drowned deep snows, freed rivers from ice, awakened grasses and trees from winter sleep.
I didn’t come to you alone for the holiday, but brought with me the most satisfying Russian holiday and my girlfriend - Maslenitsa. Meet!

Our dear Maslenitsa!
Avdotya Ivanovna!
Dunya is white! Dunya is ruddy!
The braid is long, triarshin!
Ribbon scarlet, two-fifty!
White scarf, brand new!
Eyebrows are black, induced!
The fur coat is blue, the patches are red!
Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed!
The footcloths are white, whitewashed!
Our Shrovetide is annual.
She is a dear guest.
She does not walk.
She rides horses.
So that the horses were black,
To keep the servants young.
Make yourself comfortable, Avdotya Ivanovna,
And we will walk.
Children read poetry.
1 reader:

In March, through native expanses -
At least you find someone to ask -
Walks with song and enthusiasm
Shrovetide in Russia!
2 reader:
Children laugh heartily
Have fun, young and old
And congratulate everyone in the world
Everyone is happy on this holiday!
Buffoon 1:
cheered us up many times
Russian dance dance,
How much daring, enthusiasm,
How much joy in the eyes!
Come out bolder, friend!
Dance, join the circle!
Round dance "Karavai"

Like Shrove Week
We baked a loaf
This is the width
Here are the dinners
Here is such a height
Here is such a low
Caravan, caravan,
Whom do you want to choose.

What was the loaf baked from? What are they baked from? Now let's check!
Magpie - white-sided
thought about baking pancakes,
I went to the market and this is what I got...
Fresh milk - yes!
Chicken egg - yes!
Semolina - no!
Cabbage - no!
Meat jelly - no!
Sugar, yes salt - yes!
White beans - no!
Melted butter - yes!
Salted fish - no!
Chinese rice - no!
Bay leaf - no!
Prunes and raisins - yes!
Chocolate delight - no!
Bulgarian pepper - no!
Tomato sauce - no!
Strawberry jam - yes!
Biscuits - no!

Presenter: Today, Thursday - the 4th day of Shrovetide, the people called it "Wide Thursday, revelry." The main man's business on this day is the defense and capture of the snowy town, and other fights and competitions.
Spring: Men and young guys join the battle with passion
Let's warm up with you, split into 2 teams. 1 - will shout at my signal - “Pancakes!”, 2 - “With bacon!”, Then everyone repeats the movements after me.
-Like on Shrovetide week
Every day in the morning we ate ... What?
Pancakes! With a twist!
Around yourself with a jump.
- Drinking tea at lunchtime
Handfuls were thrown into the mouth ... What?
With a twist! Pancakes!
A tribute to winter!
- Well, at dinner, as always,
The best food for us... What?
Pancakes! With a twist!
Landing jumps.
- Grandma's been
And chewed all day ... What?
With a twist! Pancakes!
A tribute to spring.
- All offenses were forgiven
And poured oil ... What?
Pancakes! With a twist!
Around yourself with a jump.

Game "Funny fight" for 2 classes
1st buffoon.
Strongmen! This is a competition for those
In whom power plays for winter fun.
In whom young blood does not freeze in frosts,
Whoever weights away, throws away.
2nd buffoon.
You can throw on the left
You can throw to the right.
Who is on the shoulder heroic glory?
Bow down to the gyre -
Shoulders will be broader.
1st buffoon.
Now folks, look around
Look at the cow!
And the cow - ha ha! -
A cow without a tail!
2nd buffoon
My competition is good and simple -
Attach the cow's tail!
Your eyes will be tied
“Catch,” they will say.
To make the cow more beautiful
Don't stick your tail anywhere
And stick it where you need it!
There is a competition "Attach a cow's tail" for grades 1.
1 buffoon:
Any Russian party
Does not pass without throwing
We take rings in our hands
And we are going to throw them.
Competition "Ring throws" for grade 3.
2 buffoons:
We are girls and boys
We call on the rope
4a on the left, 4b on the right
Muscles are cracking.
Competition "Tug of war" for 4 classes.

Well done boys! Good meeting, you have prepared for me. They celebrated Maslenitsa, got rid of troubles and troubles. I want to wish you good mood, and most importantly - health. Goodbye!
We rested well
They all rightfully won.
They frolic, they played enough!
Many new forces have been gained.
Worked up an appetite
Now, refresh yourself
It won't hurt us at all.
The holiday ends with tea.

Olga Guletskaya
Scenario of the Physical Culture and Sports Festival Shrovetide

It is carried out on the street, on the sports ground.

Goals: Introducing children to folk traditions and the formation of communicative relations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, increasing social activity and strengthening the health of pupils, familiarizing them with physical culture as an integral element of national culture.

Tasks: To acquaint children with the symbols and traditions of the "Wide Shrovetide" holiday, health promotion, improvement of motor skills during games and competitions. To instill in children a love for physical education and sports, to consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in physical education. Develop attention, observation, coordination of movements, the ability to overcome obstacles. To educate in children purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of collectivism, friendliness. Create a friendly atmosphere, bring joy to children. continue to acquaint with the rules of personal safety.


Children - girls are tied with scarves on their heads, boys have bright caps (buffoons, parsley, etc.)

Tell parents to bring scarves (girls) and caps (boys, and bring ready-made pancakes on Friday 02/28/2014.

Maslenitsa is being prepared for burning on the street, the site is decorated with flags, balls, a ribbon. handkerchiefs.


Leading mummer - FC instructor

Baba Yaga - educator

Inventory: plates with group numbers, three stacks of cardboard pancakes, a broom, four cones, a rope, 3 horse sticks, a megaphone (with a microphone and a record player, 20 flat rings

Music: Songs about Maslenitsa, about Pancakes, song-dance "Forward 4 steps"


Children line up on the playground (all 5 groups)

Host: Everyone! All! All! Hurry up for the holiday! We meet Maslenitsa, we see off the winter!

Today Shrovetide invites you to visit! We will all have fun, in games, dances we will spin!

Come on guys, tell us what you know about Maslenitsa!

Children go out and read poetry:

1st Child

Shrovetide, Shrovetide!

We are proud of you!

Came to us in Kindergarten

And brought fun!

2nd child

Hello Shrovetide!

Give us oil!

We bake hot pancakes for ourselves

We don't care about blizzards and frosts!

3rd child


fed all the people

Played, danced,

It immediately became more fun!

4th child

The baptized world now rejoices

Because today is Maslenitsa

Come, people, and eat a pancake with us

So that spring comes soon!

5th child

Happy Shrovetide, congratulations!

It's time for pancakes to reign!

Without pancakes, the farewell of winter will not work,

We invite you to joke, to song, to joy!

Guys, let's call spring with you!

Repeat after me:

Clear-red! Come spring!

One more time... 3 times!

Baba Yaga appears, eats a pancake: (runs around with a broom, scares children to the music)

Baba Yaga: Greetings, good people! Are you calling me so loudly? So I flew to you - on a broomstick! Oh my dear children! They themselves are asking for a frying pan!

Leading: What are you talking about, Granny-Yagulechka! We have a holiday, and you scare the kids! Since you're here, let's have fun with us!

Baba Yaga: Yes, with pleasure, I know a gorgeous dance! Let's expand our circle a little, move our elbows so that the dance is not crowded, and let's start! Maestro - music!

To the soundtrack, the dance “Forward 4 steps” is danced

Leading: Thank you, Baba Yaga, such a wonderful dance turned out, and we all got warm, right, guys?

Guys - YES!

Host: Well, guys, now let's check how attentive you are. I will tell you the task, and you will show it - for example, I say: “Hands up!” And you all raise your hands together. And Baba Yaga will help us, will prompt you. Okay, Yagulya?

Baba Yaga: Oh, yes, please, of course, I will help!

A game is being played: the host speaks, and Baba Yaga confuses the children.

Hands forward! (Baba Yaga - hands forward)

Hands down! (Baba Yaga - hands up)

Jump! (Baba Yaga - crouches)

Clap your hands! (Baba Yaga - stamps her feet)

Sit down! (Baba Yaga - hands up)

Stomp your feet! (Baba Yaga claps her hands)

Host: Oh, yes, the naughty one, Baba Yaga! You only confused the children, and did not help them!

Baba Yaga: On the contrary, it turned out so much more fun!

Host: Okay, we forgive you, but do you know poems or riddles about pancakes?

Baba Yaga: Oh, my memory is not very good, I should remember, I used to know a lot!

Leading: Okay, for now, remember, and the kids will tell us poems about pancakes!

1st child

If there is a frying pan

We are not afraid of the cold

Because the pancake is hot -

This is the best food!

2nd child

On the ground with wheels

Rolled Pancakes

Children, under the birches -

Collect pancakes!

3rd child

And with caviar and sour cream -

All of them are delicious!

Nozdrevati and blush -

Our suns are pancakes!

4th child

Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:

This is the sun-damn and near the damn moon

One pancake is hot and the other is cold

Climb to the sky if someone is hungry!

5th child

Shrovetide, Shrovetide

Round dance teases

Pancake in sour cream with butter

Waiting for someone to get!

Leading: Well done, guys, what wonderful poems you know. And you Baba Yaga, remember the riddles?

Baba Yaga: No, something never came to mind. But I remembered a wonderful song about pancakes and the words there are simple! I encourage everyone to sing along. There are such words: OH PANCAKES, PANCAKES, PANCAKES, YOU ARE MY PANCAKES! Come on, let's try to say it all together:


Great, now sing along!

The Russian folk song "Pancakes" sounds, everyone sings along, clap, dance.

Baba Yaga is dancing (Especially in losses)

1. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.

2. My older sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.


3. She baked food,

There are probably five hundred.


4. She puts on a tray

And she brings it to the table.


5. "Guests, be healthy,

Here are my pancakes ready.


6. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.


Presenter: Well done and the guys and Baba Yaga - it turned out to be fun. And now let's see how you can run with pancakes! I offer Shrovetide fun "Transfer pancakes - do not drop!"

Relay race with "pancakes" is held:

Children are selected and divided into three teams. Each team is divided in half and stands on opposite sides of the site. Each team is given a pre-prepared large stack of cardboard pancakes. Task: run to the opposite side of the team and pass a stack of pancakes to the next one, trying not to spill it. Thus, an oncoming relay race is carried out - the children take turns running with "pancakes" and passing them on to the next.

Host: Wow, what fun! Let's try another game! Memorize all your places! When the music starts, enter closer to the center and dance, but when the music stops, everyone should quickly return to their places. Let's see which group can line up the fastest!

The game is played 2-3 times.

Leading: Well done guys, you know how to line up well! Horse racing is traditionally held on Maslenitsa. Let's jump too!

The opposite relay race "Horse racing" is held.

Children are selected and divided into three teams. Each team is divided in half and stands on opposite sides of the site. The children of each subgroup take turns riding the "Horse" to the opposite subgroup and pass the "Horse".

After the relay, the children return to duty.

Host: And now let's check your power.

Playing a tug-of-war game

Children are selected, divided into two teams and pull the rope.

The game is played 2-3 times.

Music is played during games and relay races.

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, ride the kids on your broom for now! (Explains the rules of the game)

Game "Tail" Baba Yaga "

Children stand in a circle, Baba Yaga with a broom in her hands flies in a circle with the words

I am Yaga, Yaga, Yaga, I'm flying, flying, flying

Then he stops next to someone and says:

Do you want to be my tail? And the child replies:

Yes, of course I do!

The game is repeated 2-3 times

Leading: Well done guys, good flight! And now guys, let's check your accuracy.

A cone is placed in front of each group at a distance of 3 meters and flat rings (3-5 pieces) are issued. Each child in turn performs 3-5 throws trying to put the ring on the cone.

The educators of each group regulate the process. Children who were able to get in and put rings on the cone are noted.

Leading: Well done, the guys did an excellent job with the task, now get up in pairs and play another Shrovetide fun - “Brook”

Game "Brook"

Children stand in pairs, forming a long corridor with clasped hands. Starting with the last pair, each pair makes their way along the "corridor" and stands forward. "Brook" moves along the perimeter of the site.

Music is playing.

Guys, isn't it time for us to say goodbye to winter, to Maslenitsa?

It's time for us to part with winter, we warm ourselves by the fire!

Let's all say together: Go away, WINTER! Farewell, Shrovetide! Hello Spring!

Scarecrow is burned.

Children all repeat after the leader! Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out! Farewell, Shrovetide!

The prepared Maslenitsa is burned.

Had a lot of fun,

They just didn't treat themselves to a pancake!

We should get together now

Yes, eat pancakes!

Children go to the verandas, get a pancake and eat pancakes.

Details Category: Maslenitsa

Tasks :

1. Generalize and systematize children's ideas about folk traditions, symbols holiday, festivities, games and fun.

2. Enrich the vocabulary of children and introduce them to the values ​​of Russian culture.

3. Activate the motor activity of children, develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, orientation in space.

4. To develop children's imagination, attention, memory, the ability to guess riddles.

5. To cultivate purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of collectivism, friendliness and mutual assistance between children.

6. Bring joy to children, create a good mood for the participants holiday.

preliminary work:

Conversations about Russian folk holiday« Pancake week» ;

View illustrations related to this holiday;

Acquaintance with the works of Russian folk art - invocations, counting rhymes, collusions.

Carrying out folk games, round dances, relay races.

Pancake baking.

Hall decoration:

Poster "Spring is red";


Long satin ribbons;

Artificial flowers;

Layout "Sunshine".




Ivan and Marya;

2 buffoons;

2 Baba - Yagi.

Equipment : stuffed animal « Pancake week» , Russian folk costumes, costumes for characters, "snowdrift", 2 brooms, sled, landmarks, long cord, tape recorder, music discs, microphone.

Holiday progress:

Russian folk melody sounds "Shining Moon". Children freely enter the hall, sit down. They are met by a host in a Russian costume.

Presenter: Hello, good people! Thank you for coming according to the old custom of Winter - to see mother off, to honor her, to thank her for the skates - sleigh. Winter is ending. The day is getting longer. The sun is shining more and more in the sky. But it seems that we just recently met her, rejoiced at the first frost, the first snow, admired the first patterns.

There are many proverbs about snow and frost among the people. Let's remember them.

Children (alternately): Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat. In winter, the sun smiles through tears. Winter - three months lord.

Presenter: Guys, did you feel good in the winter? Did you go sledding? But as?

Children. But like this (imitates sledding).

Presenter: Did you go skiing? But as?

Children. But like this (imitates skiing).

Presenter: Did you skate? But as?

Children. But like this (imitates ice skating).

Presenter: After all, quite recently we led funny round dances at the Christmas tree. Let's remember one of them.

Children perform a round dance "Like thin ice". The sound of birds singing (on record). The wall starts to stir "snowdrift".

Presenter: Oh, look, the snowdrift is moving. (Old woman Zima appears from behind a snowdrift).

Winter: Who is disturbing me here? I can’t see from sleep (rubs his eyes, a neighbor is a bear, maybe? Who is making noise here?

Presenter: This is us guys - preschool children. Who are you, grandma? What did you do under this snowdrift?

Winter: I am Winter is cold, fierce. And under the snowdrift lay down to rest. I'm tired of covering the ground with snow.

Leading: Winter, it’s coming, and it’s your turn to give way to Spring. It's time for you to go to the North Pole and rest.

Winter (threateningly): What? What are you talking about! (Bird singing gets louder). What are those birds crying about? Shut up! (flashes sleeve, chirping stops).

presenter (excitedly): Winter, what are you doing? Do not freeze the first spring birds!

Winter (indignantly): What, what is it? Yes, I'll turn you all into icicles now! Where is my staff of ice, magic? (Looking for a snowdrift, finds an icicle).

Presenter: You see, even your staff has melted. Yes, you look out the window - icicles are dripping all around, it's time for you to go to the North, to host there.

Winter: It's too early for me to leave, too early-oh-oh-oh! Hey you, winter blizzard, ice blizzard, wake up, girlfriend come out!

Howling blizzard (audio recording).

Winter: What, scared? Ha ha ha!

Presenter: But you, Winter, must leave. You know, it always happens.

Winter (reluctantly): Well, so be it, only under one condition. Guess my riddles first.

Presenter: Children, do you agree? (Answers).

Winter: 1) What kind of master put leaves, herbs, and thickets of roses on the glass? (Freezing). 2) And not snow, and not ice, but silver will remove trees (Frost). 3) Walks in the field, but not a horse, flies in the wild, but not a bird. (Winter storm)

Winter: Guessed, guessed, I was gone! Well, now watch out - I'll freeze you!

The game "I will freeze"(children stand in a circle, "Winter" tries to touch the noses, cheeks, hands, the children hide them).

Winter: We need to collect things and run away as soon as possible! (Runs away).

Presenter: For a long time in Russia, folk festivals were held at the end of winter. This one was called holiday - Maslenitsa. Cheerful and reckless, with games and fun competitions. On this day, pancakes were baked, and they also made a scarecrow of winter, carried it along the street, and burned it in the evening. What about holiday without guests?

(There is a noise, buffoons with a scarecrow run in Shrovetide) .

1-buffoon: Make way, honest people, Shrovetide is coming to us!

2-buffoon: Our dear guest, Pancake week,

Avdotya Ivanovna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

An important, long-awaited guest!

Come on, kids, let's praise her, praise her.

Children : Maslenitsa dear, our annual guest

On painted sledges, on black horses.

1st child: Ours Maslenitsa you are wide,

She came to kindergarten and brought fun!

2nd child: Our dear Pancake week!

Avdotyushka Izotievna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The braid is long, three-yard!

3rd child: Chintz scarf, brand new!

lives Maslenitsa seven days,

stay Pancake week, seven years old!

Leading: Hold hands tight and stand in a circle.

Let's dance merrily Shrove Tuesday!

(Children lead a round dance and dance to a folk song "Ay, hare, ah, gray")

1-buffoon: And now, honest people, guests of mummers,

Look into all ears, clap your hands and listen.

2nd buffoon: A reactive broom flies - a marvelous invention,

Who flies on it surprises people!

Who is it?

Children: Baba Yaga!

Host: Yes, we have not one Baba Yaga, but two. That's the focus!

Yagusya Gavrilovna: Yes, let me introduce myself! I am Yagusya Gavrilovna.

Yagusya Danilovna: And I am Yagusya Danilovna.

Yagusya Gavrilovna: Fu - fu, the Russian spirit is apparently invisible! And why are you here? Secret, what, al no?

Presenter: Our holiday is Maslenitsa! We see off the winter, meet the red spring, and we will play with you.

Yagusya Danilovna: And how?

Host: And that's it!

Children play a game with Yagusya Gavrilovna and Yagusya Danilovna "Don't get caught". (children tease Babok-Ezhek and run away, and they catch them).

Yagusya Gavrilovna: Ah well! Are you on holiday gathered and they tried to tease us! We will now how to whistle, we will instantly take revenge on all of you!

Yagusya Danilovna: And we Let's steal Shrove Tuesday, let's take it to the dense forest!

(Grandma-Hedgehogs steal a scarecrow Shrovetide and run away) .

(Russian folk music sounds, Ivan da Marya enters the hall).

Ivan: Hello, red girls and good fellows!

Marya: You are welcome! Let's get acquainted. My name is Maryushka!

Ivan: And me - Ivanushka! How about you? On command "ONE TWO THREE" say your name! (Children say each their name at the same time). Oh, I didn't understand anything, let's do it again. (Introduction repeats). Well, here it is met!

Marya: You are probably funny guys, do you like to play? Then let's play!

Ivan: First, let's do a warm-up. Repeat after me :

We all have fun, we clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap, clap-

I take myself by the forehead.

Is that your forehead on your knee? This is how I played you! Be careful and take yourself for what I call, and I will confuse you further. (Brings the most attentive children to the center). Oh, how attentive you are. Give us a shout and we'll clap for you. (Children dance).

Marya: Well, that's warmed up, and now you can play fun games.

Played game "Golden Gate".

1st buffoon: You amused the kids! Have fun, but have fun! And now it's time Rescue Shrove Tuesday

(In the distance, a whistle, a rumble, a roar is heard, Babki-Hedgehogs fly on broomsticks and have a stuffed animal in their hands Shrovetide).

Leading (referring to Babka - Yozhki): Why Maslenitsa was stolen? Were all the guys upset?

Babki-Yozhki: We wanted to play with you, have fun and treat ourselves to pancakes, and you decided to tease us, so we stole Maslenitsa.

Leading: Well, okay, let's put up!

Yagusya Gavrilovna: We apologize to the guys, we repent, and we will not do this again.

Leading: We will forgive you if you play with us.

Grandmothers - Yozhki: With pleasure!

relay race is underway "Broomsticks".

Grandmothers - Hedgehogs return the scarecrow Shrovetide and go.

Buffoons: Hurry up and get dressed on the street with Shrovetide farewell!

Phonogram of Russian folk music, the children leave the hall. Holiday continues outdoors.

The presenter and buffoons spend Russian folk games and fun on the street

1. Game "Tetera" (senior groups).

2. Game "Burners" (prep. gr).

3. Find your circle (medium gr.).

4. Relay "Sled Racing" (prep. gr).


Oh! Haven't eaten pancakes in a long time!

We wanted pancakes!


Give me a pancake!

(Everyone is treated to pancakes).

Presenter: Wet-tailed Shrovetide,

Drive home from the yard

Your time has passed!

Go away, winter, to the bottom,

Send spring soon!

buffoons (set fire to scarecrow Shrovetide with words) :

Light up my beacon

Fly away, winter is a twist!

Pancake week, light up!

Fiery, flare up!

(Russian folk songs sound, everyone dances)