International Children's Day Presentation in English on the topic "Children's Day" Children's Day in English

    Children Protection Day- "Children's Day" international days to draw attention to the protection of the rights of the child: UN, ... Wikipedia

    Children Protection Day- Children Protection Day …

    Children's Day (Ukraine)- "Children's Day" Child Labor Type n ... Wikipedia

    Africa Children's Day- "Day of the African Child" (eng. Day of the African Child) is an international day that is designed to draw the attention of politicians in all countries and the world community to the problems faced by children in African countries. This date ... ... Wikipedia

    International Children's Day- Soviet postage stamp label dedicated to International Children's Day ... Wikipedia

    International Children's Day- June 1 is International Children's Day. Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays, it has been celebrated all over the world since 1950. The decision to hold it was taken by the Women's International Democratic Federation on ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    International Children's Day: the history and traditions of the holiday- Children's Day, which falls on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays, it has been celebrated all over the world since 1950. The decision to hold it was taken by the Women's International Democratic Federation at a special ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    International Day for the Protection of Children with Cancer On February 15, the world celebrates the International Day of Children with Cancer. This Day was announced in Luxembourg in September 2001 and has been held since 2003 in 38 countries of the world under the patronage of the International Society of Pediatric Oncologists and ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    International Children's Day- the day of mobilization of world public opinion to fight for the protection of children from the threat of war, for the preservation of the health of children, for the implementation of their upbringing and education on a democratic basis. Established in 1949 at the Moscow session of the Council ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    World Children's Day- Worldwide Children's Day ... Russian spelling dictionary

    International Children's Day- International Children's Day… Russian spelling dictionary


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  • The main holidays of the country Book 6 Day of Spring and Labor Day of Graduation in Kindergarten Children's Day Osenins Knowledge Day Teacher's Day,. The manual includes educational material on program sections. "Introduction to the environment" and "Cultural and leisure activities", dedicated to. celebrated for the main folk and Orthodox holidays ...

Mark loves a lot of people, young and old. The students waiting for unplanned weekends with no school, students too, though they rarely isn't so fortunate. Working people - so God himself said! Perhaps it brings people together from different countries most.

Each country has its

Of course in every country there are holidays, major and minor so to speak. Some came from the depths of centuries, some brought the events (war, sovereignty, the transfer of the capital), some commemorative dates of great people and so on. Major holidays celebrated red day in the calendar and their significance is great for the country.

Main for many

What are the holidays can be major year for many countries? These are just a few of the many options.

New year or Christmas

Most of the world see off the old year and welcome the new, giving great importance to this holiday. He came from ancient times, though many believed the Santa Claus or Santa Claus, Asata characters from mythologies. Some of them were not good and did not carry the gifts to the children. History was changed then. And maiden is the only Santa Claus. Santa travels with the elves. But the community still remains - the family atmosphere, Christmas tree, gifts and greetings. This can be found in the homes and the USA, and England, and Russia, and Kazakhstan etc.


Extremely important day for Christians all over the world. She came from the depths of centuries and refers to religious holidays. Celebrate Easter and the ocean, and in Russia, treated with the same reverence for tradition.

independence day

Hardly you can meet a country that in some day of the year did not gain sovereignty. And of course, that day can not be celebrated as his birthday. For every people has their own, as a tribute of love to the Fatherland. On this day the older generation shares with the children the history of their country, how they became independent and how much it would mean always.

Women's day

March 8, the day when all women can find a voice - if you believe the saying - have long gained international status and importance. In many countries around the world honor the woman - mother, sister, daughter, grandmother. Women, without which the reality simply did not exist.

World day of red cross and red Crescent

This may 8. It received the status of the world. The opportunity to show their respect and gratitude to the daily work of the organization, it saved millions of lives, the cause of charity and selfless work of people working in it.

Children's day

It is not only the beginning of vacation for thousands of school children and when given the opportunity to ride free on public transport. June 1 is internationally recognized, the feast of the protection of childhood for all children around the world.


Many of the holidays recognized by the UN as international, some of them ordinary people do not even really know. The same Day the parrot or the Day blondes (there is also). But it is important for every home, every family - not so much. This is what you need to remember and love, happy to meet every year.

Translation into Russian:

Many people love to celebrate, both old and young. Schoolchildren are waiting for unplanned weekends when there are no classes, students too, although they rarely get such happiness. Working people - so God himself said! Perhaps this unites people from different countries most of all.

Each country has its own

Of course, in any country there are holidays, the main and, let's say, secondary ones. Some came from the depths of centuries, some were brought by past events (war, sovereignty, transfer of the capital), some - memorable dates of great people, and so on. The main holidays are celebrated as a red day in the calendar and their significance is great for the country.

Essential for many

What holidays can be the main ones of the year for many countries? These are just a few of the many options.

New Year or Christmas

Most countries of the world see off the old year and meet the new, attaching great importance to this holiday. He came from ancient times, however, according to many beliefs, the same Santa Claus or Santa Claus, Ayazata are characters from mythologies. Some of them were not kind at all and did not bring gifts to children. The stories changed later. And only Santa Claus has a Snow Maiden. Santa travels with the elves. But the commonality still remained - a family atmosphere, a Christmas tree, congratulations and gifts. This can be found in the homes of the USA, England, Russia, Kazakhstan, etc.


An extremely important day for Christians around the world. It came from the depths of centuries and belongs to religious holidays. celebrated both overseas and in Russia, treating traditions with the same respect.

Independence Day

It is hardly possible to meet a country in the world that on some day of the year did not gain sovereignty. And of course, such a day cannot but be celebrated as your birthday. For each nation, it has its own, as a tribute to the love of the Fatherland. On this day, the older generation shares with children the history of their country, how they became independent and how much it will always mean.

Women's Day

The day when all women can find a voice - if the saying is to be believed - has long gained international status and importance. In many countries of the world, a woman is honored - mother, sister, daughter, grandmother. Women, without whom reality simply did not exist.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

This . He received the status of the world. An opportunity to show your respect and gratitude for the daily work of the organization, millions of lives saved by it, a matter of mercy and selfless work of people working in it.

Children Protection Day

This is not only the beginning of the holidays for thousands of schoolchildren and when they give the opportunity to ride for free on public transport. June 1 was recognized as an international holiday for the protection of childhood for all the children of the world.


Many holidays are recognized by the UN as international, some of them ordinary people do not even really know. The same Day of the Parrot or the Day of Blondes (this also exists). But the most important for every home, every family - there are not so many of them. This is something that needs to be remembered and loved, with joy to meet every year.

June 1 is the first calendar day of summer and a very important children's holiday - Children's Day, or International Children's Day! This holiday has been celebrated since 1950. The decision to hold it was taken by the Women's International Democratic Federation at a special session in November 1949.

In 1954, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution No. 836 (IX) and recommended that all countries celebrate World Children's Day as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding. This is a holiday dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world. On November 20, 1959, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and in 1989, on the same day, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted.

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child proclaimed for the first time that "humanity has an obligation to give the child the best that it has" and "to provide children with a happy childhood." This holiday is designed to remind adults about children, and not only about their own, to draw attention to the situation of children around the world.

On this day, there are concerts and evenings in all schools, children's institutions. In city entertainment centers for children, films are shown, competitions and festivals are held.

The holiday has its own flag. The green background symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness and fertility. In the center is the sign of the Earth, surrounded by stylized multi-colored human figures - red, yellow, blue, white and black. These figurines symbolize diversity and tolerance. The Earth sign is a symbol of our planet, our common home.

The happiness of the child and his protection is, first of all, his family.

How do we call family members in English? How do children address their beloved parents? Let's repeat.

Family /'fæməlɪ/family

a mother /'mʌðə/ - mother

a father / 'fɑ: ðə / - father

children's appeals

mum (eng.) /'mʌm/ - mother

mom (am.) /mɒm/ - mom

dad, daddy /dæd/ /'dædɪ/ - dad

a grandmother /’grænˌmʌðə/ - grandmother

a grandfather /’grændˌfɑ:ðə/ - grandfather

children's appeals

granny /'grænɪ/ - granny

grandma /'grænmɑ:/ - grandma

granddad (eng.) /'grændæd/ - grandfather

grandpa /'grænpɑ:/ - grandfather

a son /’sʌn/ - son

a daughter /'dɔ:tə/ - daughter

a sister /'sɪstə/ - sister

a brother /'brʌðə/ - brother

an uncle /'ʌŋkəl/ - uncle

an aunt / 'ɑ: nt / - aunt

a cousin /’kʌzən/ - cousin / cousin

a child /'tʃaɪld/ - child

children /'tʃɪldrən/ - children

a baby /'beɪbɪ/ - baby

a toddler /ˈtɒdlə/ - a child who starts walking

a godmother /ˈgɒdˌmʌðə/ - godmother (mother)

a godfather /ˈgɒdˌfɑ:ðə/ - godfather (father)

To protect the rights of children around the world, the Women's International Democratic Federation, at a meeting of the Executive Committee convened in November 1949 in Moscow, decided to make June 1 International Children's Day.

With the joint efforts of the international community, significant progress has been made in the development of children, the provision of basic services, the promotion of health and habit formation, and the elimination of gender discrimination in education. The annual number of deaths among children under 5 years of age has decreased from 12 million 500 thousand in 1990 to less than 9 million in 2008.

One of the issues that worries all people on the planet is undoubtedly related to the environment for the life and growth of the child. Countries around the world celebrate International Children's Day in different ways - June 1, however, not all children celebrate their holiday on this day. In different countries, International Children's Day falls on different times, in addition, it is celebrated in different ways.

Russia: it is in this country that International Children's Day was born

Children's holiday in Russia is celebrated on International Children's Day on June 1. On this day, Russian children in different parts of the country cheerfully celebrate their holiday, perform folk songs and dances, and festive events are held in schools.

Japan: Children's Day is celebrated three times a year

March 3 - Girls' Day
This holiday is specially established for little girls. Every year on this day, the parents of girls arrange an exhibition of beautiful children's dolls in kimono at home, this is the gift of parents to their princesses.

May 5 - Boys' Day
On the day of the holiday, a flag with the image of a carp is hung in front of the entrance to the house of a family that has a boy, which means the possibility of obtaining an academic degree. If there are several boys in the family, then green-blue flags are hung on the front doors of the house. A huge number of such flags means that there are many boys in the family. In the representation of the Japanese carp symbolizes strength and courage.

November 15 - Children's Day "Seven-Five-Three"
According to Japanese customs, it is believed that three, five and seven years old are the happiest ages of children, so every year on November 15, children of these ages celebrate their holiday cheerfully.

Republic of Korea: dress up in Korean national costume and get a gift

Children's Day in the Republic of Korea has its origins in 1923, which was originally a boys' holiday. Children's Day in the Republic of Korea is considered a public holiday, celebrated annually on May 5th. On this day, all children are joyful and happy, parents give them gifts that they most wanted. A huge number of children also dress up in the Korean national costume, come into contact with the traditional culture of the country.

Colombia: masked clowns

Children's Day is celebrated every year on July 4th in Colombia. On this holiday, various events are held in all schools of the country. Children usually put on different masks, dress up as clowns and walk the streets. There is a cheerful atmosphere everywhere.

Brazil: health first

Children's Day in Brazil is celebrated on August 15th. This day is also the National Day to Combat the Epidemic, so every year on this holiday, the country's doctors examine children, in addition, babies under the age of 5 are vaccinated against polio. Such activities show that the Brazilian government is very concerned about the health of children.

Sweden: "Boys' Day" and "Girls' Day"

Sweden also has a clear separation of holidays for boys and girls. Every year on August 7, Boys' Day is celebrated, which is also called the Lobster holiday. He received this name in the hope that the boys would be as bold as the spiny lobster. On this day, children dress up as lobsters and perform funny and funny numbers.

And on December 13, Sweden celebrates girls' day, which is also called the holiday of the Goddess Lucia. Lucia is a goddess who, according to Swedish legend, protects girls. Every year on a holiday, the girls of Sweden turn into little goddesses who do good deeds for other children.

Islamic countries: a cheerful "holiday of sweets"

In most Islamic countries, on the fourteenth day of fasting, the “holiday of sweets” is celebrated, this is the most fun holiday for children.
African countries: a month-long children's carnival

In the countries of West Africa there is a special "children's carnival" that lasts a whole month. The inhabitants of Africa historically love to sing and dance, during the children's carnival, despite the different living conditions of people in the country, all children are happy and joyful.

Spain: the most solemn Children's Day

Children's Day in Spain falls on January 5, in fact, this is a religious holiday, translated from Spanish means "the holiday of the King of Magic." From the evening of January 5 until the next morning, parade cars can be seen everywhere in Spain, on which the “three kings” constantly distribute various sweets to children. When the column arrives at the gates of the city or district administration, any child who sits on the king's lap can receive a special gift. Children who receive such gifts must promise the king to study well and diligently.