Assignment of a survivor's pension. Survivor's pension for a child. Amount and amount of payments. Terms of appointment of insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner

It is assigned to disabled members of the family of the deceased who were dependent on him:
- spouse or parents who are disabled or;
- minor children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters under the age of 18, including those born within 9 months after the death of the breadwinner;
- minor children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters studying full-time in any special educational institutions, until the end of their education or until they reach the age of 23;
- relatives of any age caring for the children of the deceased breadwinner before they turn 14 years old.

Grandchildren, brothers and sisters of the deceased will receive a pension if their parents' disability is proven in court. Children born in a civil marriage can also receive a survivor's pension if they were officially adopted by him or paternity was recognized by a court decision. Care pension is assigned to only one of the relatives, regardless of the number of minor dependents.

The amount of the survivor's pension

Minor children will receive a pension until a certain age, but dependents - disabled people and parents - for the rest of their lives. In general, the size of the pension is set at 50% of the breadwinner's income for each disabled family member, but its minimum size is limited to 2/3 of the minimum old-age pension. The maximum also has its limit - this is the minimum old-age pension. In the event that the number of disabled family members exceeds 2 people, the pension will be paid one at a rate of 100%. The pension case is opened for the remaining parent or guardian.

There are exceptions to this rule. If occurred in the event of a military injury, each disabled member of his family will receive a pension in the amount of the minimum old-age pension. If the children have lost both parents or are the children of a single mother, the amount of the pension for each is set at a coefficient of 1.5 in relation to the minimum old-age pension.

In 2014, the indexation of pensions on February 1 and April 1 was provided, but the government promises that if inflation exceeds the possible norm, indexation will be carried out for the third time.

Please note that documents for the calculation of a survivor's pension should be submitted within 12 months from the date of his death. In this case, it will be accrued from that day, but if the application is submitted later, the family members of the deceased will receive it from the day the application was submitted.

The loss of a breadwinner causes both moral and material damage to the relatives of the deceased and members of his family. The financial side of this issue is taken over by the state, providing material support. The survivor's pension underwent a number of changes in 2018 regarding the amount of social benefits that are intended for children in connection with the loss of a parent or guardian.

What is survivor's pension

This is the amount of money paid to relatives and family members who were left in a difficult financial situation or completely lost their source of livelihood due to the death of the head of the family. It is established by the state and directly depends on the type of human activity during life. The following survivor benefits are available:

    insurance. Dependents and pensioners who were on the support of the deceased can apply for an insurance pension if he had a minimum work experience. In addition to persons who have committed unlawful acts, after which the breadwinner is declared dead, if their presence is confirmed by police officers and presented to the court with an appropriate evidence base;

    state. Paid to disabled citizens (family members) of military personnel, dead cosmonauts, participants in active hostilities on a local or global scale, people who have suffered as a result of man-made, radiation disasters or have received disability as a result of accidents;

    social. A social pension is provided to the families of the deceased, if he did not have insurance experience. It can be charged if by the time of death he was led by purposeful and unlawful acts of third parties, and in the conditions of death the corpus delicti was revealed, but only after confirmation of this fact by the investigating authorities and the court.

Features of accrual

Each allowance: insurance, state or social, intended for payment to the population, depending on the type, has its own conditions and features of accrual. The insurance pension is accrued every month and is aimed at supporting disabled citizens who have lost their only source of livelihood. It also pays out in two ways:

    It is charged to men and women upon reaching the retirement age - 60 and 55 years. This takes into account the individual coefficient and the total length of service before retirement;

    : produced after passing an examination in medical and social institutions in Moscow or another locality. The benefit is accrued to persons with I, II and III disability groups.

The survivor's pension for minors in 2018 is calculated on the basis of insurance premiums transferred on behalf of the deceased, as well as the amount of accumulated labor points. If both parents are lost, these figures are summed up, and the compensation payment is doubled. Orphans are sent to an orphanage or under the guardianship of official representatives with the preservation of benefits.

Compensatory, paid by the state, have the following distinctive features:

    are part of the social policy of the state;

    provide the minimum amounts necessary to meet the basic needs of those in need;

    are extended if one of the parents remarries after the death of the other;

    are automatically charged for children under the age of majority.

Paid on a monthly basis to those in need. It is accrued exclusively for the time of incapacity for work, after which it ceases to be allocated:

    is formed and determined based on the state and scope of the state budget;

    not subject to contributions to the pension fund account.

Who is eligible for Survivor's Benefit

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the survivor's pension in 2018 is accrued to certain categories of people included in the list of persons receiving benefits. The right does not depend on the locality and does not have a local character, therefore it can be used both in Moscow and in another city of the country.

In 2018, the following persons are eligible to receive survivor's insurance benefits:

    Small children. The minor child of the deceased, his brother, sister or grandson who have not reached the age of 18;

    adult children. If they study in educational institutions, subject to the completion of training in departments of universities on a full-time program. Payments stop when you reach the age of 23. Over 18 years of age, if they received a disability before the age of majority;

    the older generation of the family of the deceased: mother and father upon reaching the age of 55 (60) or having a disability. Grandparents under the same conditions, in the absence of other persons who are responsible for their care and maintenance;

    guardians or other official representatives on an equal basis with parents, and adopted children - on an equal basis with their own children.

The following persons are entitled to receive state and social survivor's pension in 2018:

    the older and younger generation of children under the same conditions for receiving insurance benefits;

    widows of military personnel who died in the line of military duty as part of the draft due to military injuries. If they have reached the age of 55 and have not married;

    one of the older generation (grandparents), brothers, sisters, involved in the process of caring for persons who have not reached the age of 14. This does not take into account seniority;

    mother and father at the age of 50 and 55. If the son died during the draft service or died after it ended due to injuries received while in the unit.

Family members of citizens who suffered or died from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident:

    parents, regardless of whether they were dependent on the child during his lifetime;

    spouse (wife, husband) caring for a child under the age of 14, regardless of length of service and employment. He may be granted benefits up to the age of 50 (55) years, regardless of the time that has passed since the death of a citizen and the status of a dependent.

Until what age is paid

The survivor's pension in 2018 is assigned and paid to citizens before the age of:

    18 years - children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren.

    23 years old - for children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren when studying in a full-time program at a college or institute;

    for life. When assigned a disability before the recipient is 18 years old. If the disability was received before the death of the breadwinner, then accruals will come until the status is removed by medical experts;

    for life. Grandparents, parents and spouses, starting from the age of 55 and 60;

    16 years old - for children before entering into a marriage union or official employment, which confirm the fact of legal capacity;

    for the period of incapacity for work - relatives after 18 years of age, if they have proven the fact of incapacity for work.

Conditions for receiving a pension

The decision to provide this type of material compensation is made based on two conditions that characterize the deceased breadwinner and the candidate for a pension. The first concerns the circumstances of the death of the breadwinner, which must be supported by one of the following documents:

    death certificate;

    court decision that he is missing.

The second refers to the applicant for state assistance, who must prove his incapacity for work, the fact that he is dependent on the deceased person and that he permanently resides on the territory of the Russian Federation. Only then will he be entitled to receive compensation payments guaranteed by the state pension policy.

How is it calculated

The survivor's pension in 2018 is credited to the local post office, which is located at the place of residence or to the balance of organizations involved in organizing the delivery of pension payments to the home. In the case of the mail, the delivery of benefits to the apartment is based on a schedule that sets an individual date of receipt, and payments can be transferred within the delivery period.

It can be transferred to a bank account or a card issued to it, for the convenience of withdrawing funds. The pension is delivered on the day of receipt of funds transferred by the territorial representative office of the pension fund. Money is available for daily withdrawal, but after they are credited. Financial receipts coming to the account of a pensioner in a credit institution are not subject to commission.

The choice of the method of calculating the benefit or its change is carried out by notifying the PFR (pension fund) using two methods:

    a written appeal to the territorial body of the PFR that assigned the pension, and filling out a form to choose the method of accrual of funds;

    an electronic notification that is sent through a personal account on the website of the pension fund.

If the recipient of the pension is a minor child, then the pension under 18 years of age can be transferred both to his personal bank account, issued by an official representative (adoptive parent or guardian), and to the balance of the guardian's card. Upon reaching the age of 14, he has the right to independently receive a fixed pension at the post office or to a bank account.

Subsistence payments up to the living wage

This type of compensation is provided to pensioners who are disabled and whose total material security is below the subsistence level (PMP) or (PMG) - a citizen and the average wage in the region of residence. There are two types of surcharges:

    federal surcharge. It is charged by local branches of the pension fund when the amount of total material support is below the subsistence minimum, which is established in the region and does not reach the PMP (pensioner's subsistence minimum) in the country.

    regional. It is charged by a representative of the social protection committee with a slight increase in the PMI in a constituent entity of Russia compared to the same indicator in the country, but in total it is lower than the regional PMP.

For the able-bodied population that is eligible for benefits, adjustments to co-payments are based on average wages.

The amount of the survivor's pension in 2018

The compensation payment is formed on the basis of the type of benefit and is paid according to certain time intervals. These periods are also characterized by a change in the amount of material assistance. It can both decrease and increase by a certain percentage level, which depends on the economic situation in the country and a number of other factors.

Type of pension accrual

Current pension

Benefit increase

Survivor's benefit

The amount depends on the length of service of the deceased breadwinner and a number of other factors. However, a fixed payment of 2279 rubles is always added to it. 41 kopecks

Social benefit for the loss of the breadwinner

When a child is raised by a single mother or both dead parents, the amount paid is doubled: 10068 rubles. 50 kopecks

In the event of the loss of a mother or both parents at once, the pension benefit will be - 10472, 24 rubles.

State allowance for the loss of a soldier

    in the event of the death of a person serving in the army due to injuries and injuries. The amount of the benefit until April 1, 2018 is a double social pension or 200% of it - 10068 rubles. 50 kopecks;

1.5 times higher than the social pension, that is, it is 150% of it - 7551 rubles. 38 kopecks.

Survivor's pension under the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Registration procedure

In order to receive financial assistance from the state, it is necessary to apply to the pension fund at the place of permanent registration or temporary residence. Instead of children who have lost both parents, this can be done by adoptive parents or representatives of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Along with the appeal, you must submit an application written in the prescribed form. This can be done in three ways:

    when visiting the organization. Through the multifunctional center (MFC) "my documents" or at the reception at the local pension fund;

    through third parties. You can send an application through the post office or a third-party person by proxy "to receive, hand over and transfer documents";

    online by visiting the website of the pension fund or the public services portal.

Terms of circulation

The assignment of a survivor's pension is carried out after consideration of the received application, that is, after 10 days from the date of submission of a complete set of documents or the provision of missing certificates - within three months. The provision of an insurance pension for death is carried out from the date of death when applying for benefits no later than 1 year from this date.

State and social pensions are assigned from the beginning of the month, that is, from the 1st day on which the application for benefits occurred, but not earlier than the moment when the rights to this arose. The social benefit upon reaching the retirement age is assigned for an indefinite period. For the same period, a state allowance may also be provided.

What documents are needed

Registration of a survivor's pension for a child involves the collection and submission of the following documents:

    identity documents - an identifier of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport) and a birth certificate of a child or a residence permit - (only for foreign citizens);

    guardian's passports;

    death certificate of the breadwinner or court decision on assigning the status of a missing person;

    certificates from the registry office, certificates of marriage or divorce (if any), decisions on adoption and the status of a guardian;

    decisions of the investigating authorities on the presence or absence of corpus delicti in the death of the breadwinner;

    a certificate from an educational institution confirming the completion of full-time education.


The death of a close relative is a tragedy. Surviving this event is harder for those family members who were on the material support of the deceased. In order to provide financial support to this category of persons, the state establishes a type of benefit - a survivor's pension.

What is Survivor Benefit

The pension / allowance / payment in case of loss (loss / loss) of the breadwinner (hereinafter referred to as the SPC) is a monthly monetary security paid by the state to relatives who are supported by a deceased citizen. Any disabled family member is eligible to apply for the benefit. There are 3 types of SPC payouts:

  • Social pension for the loss of a breadwinner. Appointed:
  1. if the deceased was not officially employed for a day and did not pay contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the PFR);
  2. died as a result of the criminal acts of the person who was in his care.
  • State pension under SPC. Assigned to disabled relatives of the deceased breadwinner, who was:
  1. military personnel;
  2. astronaut;
  3. affected by the consequences of radiation, man-made disasters.
  • Survivor's insurance pension. It is assigned to the former dependents of a deceased citizen if he officially worked for at least 1 day and contributions to the FIU were transferred from his salary.

Legal regulation

The procedure for providing material assistance to relatives and family members who have lost their breadwinner is prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation). The procedure for accrual and conditions of appointment:

  1. the insurance pension under the SEC is regulated by Article 10 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation) dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  2. social and state benefits under the SEC are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
  3. military pensions under the SEC are specified by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

Who is eligible to receive

The SPC allowance is assigned to dependents. They are citizens who are fully supported by another person. Disabled relatives of the deceased breadwinner include:

  • child, stepson, stepdaughter, brother, sister, grandchildren:
  1. small children (minors);
  2. students of the full-time department of a higher educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the university) who are under 23 years old - after they reach this age, payments for the SEC are terminated;
  3. adults with disabilities;
  • adults caring for one of the relatives of the deceased breadwinner:
  1. husband/wife;
  2. parents, including stepmother, stepfather;
  3. grandmother grandfather;
  4. brother, sister;
  5. children, including those who are adopted;
  6. grandchildren;
  • disabled, pensioners
  1. parent;
  2. husband or wife;
  3. grandmother grandfather;
  4. brother, sister.
  • dependency of minors does not need to be proven;
  • a disabled parent/spouse of the deceased should be entitled to a pension at any time from the date of death of the breadwinner;
  • the benefit is retained if its recipient - a widower / widow - decides to enter into a new marriage;
  • alimony, subsidies, lump-sum payments and compensations do not affect the amount and right to receive a pension under the SEC;
  • disabled family members and relatives of the deceased, who were paid any other allowance, are entitled to switch to the payment under the SPC, if its amount is higher.

Conditions for granting an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner

The death of a breadwinner or a court decision, according to which he was declared missing, are insured events, on the basis of which pensions will be assigned to dependents. For this, 2 conditions must be met:

  • the deceased has at least 1 day of work experience;
  • none of the dependents committed criminal acts that led to the death of the breadwinner.

Order and rules of registration

The appointment of benefits for the SEC has its own procedure and rules for registration. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Collect a package of documents.
  2. Fill out an application according to the sample, which is posted on the stand of the PFR department or on the organization's website.
  3. Submit documents to the authorized body.
  4. Select the paying organization and delivery method and notify the FIU officer about this.

Where to go

For the appointment of benefits for the SEC, you should contact the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence of the applicant, the multifunctional center (hereinafter referred to as the MFC), the post office or, if it is required to issue a military pension, the body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) with a corresponding application. You can fill out and submit it in person, through your employer or official representative:

  • in electronic form in a personal account on the PFR portal online;
  • through the branch of the MFC;
  • using mail;
  • personally:
  1. an employee of the territorial branch of the FIU or;
  2. an employee of the local department of the Ministry of Defense.

List of required documents

To receive benefits under the SPC, you should prepare a package of required papers. Documents for applying for a survivor's pension:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation / certificate of registration / residence permit;
  • completed application;
  • birth or adoption certificate;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (hereinafter - SNILS);
  • certificate or death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • certificate of years of service, work book;
  • other documents to clarify the circumstances:
  1. the reasons for the applicant being dependent on the deceased;
  2. absence of parents/relatives capable of working and providing for the applicant;
  3. loss of source of income and livelihood.

Pension amount

The amount of the allowance due to a relative or family member for the loss of a breadwinner consists of 2 parts. It includes:

  1. Fixed payment (hereinafter - PV), established by law.
  2. Survivor's insurance pension, which can be calculated on the basis of the individual pension coefficient indicator (hereinafter referred to as IPC). From 01/01/2018, the cost of 1 IPC point is 81.49 rubles.

Citizens living in the Far North or territories equated to it are entitled to an increase in the pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Its size is adjusted by the regional coefficient (multiplied by it) - the indicators fluctuate in the range of 1.15–2 and depend on the subject of the Russian Federation. Applies only to the period of residence of the dependent in the territory of its operation.

Calculation formula

The size of the survivor's insurance pension is calculated using one of two formulas. The choice of calculation option depends on the status of the deceased at the time of death. If the deceased was a pensioner, the formula applied is PSPK = IPK(1) x SPB, where:

  • IPC - the individual pension coefficient of the deceased breadwinner, used to calculate his insurance benefit on the date of appointment;
  • PSPK - the amount of payment for the SPC;
  • SPB is the cost of one pension point in rubles on the day the benefit is granted.

If the breadwinner was not a pensioner at the time of death, the SPC benefit is calculated using the formula PPC = IPC (2) / CI x SPB, where IPC (2) is the individual pension coefficient earned by the deceased on the date of his death. When calculating, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. IPCs of deceased parents are summed up if the amount of the pension assigned to orphans is calculated.
  2. The amount of the IPC can be multiplied by the regional coefficient if the payment is issued by a dependent living in the Far North or a territory equated to it.
  3. The IPC is doubled if the SPC benefit is calculated for the child of the deceased mother.

The calculation of the amount of the SEC insurance pension is based on a static set of rights that the deceased has already earned during his life. Recalculation is possible if there has been an increase in the cost of IPC as a result of indexation, justified by an increase in inflation, and the volume of the consumer basket. It is produced according to the formula PSPK = stPSPK + (nIPK / KM / KI x SK), where:

  • PSPK - survivor's benefit after recalculation;
  • NIPC - the individual pension coefficient of the deceased, calculated on the basis of insurance premiums not taken into account on the date of his death;
  • stPSKK - the amount of previous payments as of 31.07, in which the recalculation is carried out;
  • KM is the coefficient of the ratio of the standard duration (in months) of the work experience of the deceased on the date of his death to 180 months;
  • KN - the number of dependents on 01.08 of the current year;
  • SC - the cost of IPC on the date of recalculation.

Social supplement up to the subsistence level in the region

If the SEC allowance is the only income of the recipient, and its total volume is below the subsistence minimum (hereinafter - PM) in the region, one of 2 types of allowance is assigned to the pensioner. Regional social surcharge - RSD - is due to citizens registered in the subjects of the Russian Federation with a high level of prices and PM higher than its general Russian indicator (for example, in Moscow). Federal social surcharge - FSD - is assigned to residents of regions with the size of the PM established in them below the average value.

The amount of the fixed payment

The PV is understood as a social survivor's pension and part of the full SEC benefit. The minimum size of the PV as of 04/01/2018.

Under insurance pensions children under 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age in full-time education) are implied monthly compensation payments for the work or performance of the duties of the deceased breadwinner until the appropriate pension provision is assigned to him. In its turn social pensions accrued in the form of social security. *

(* This is a complete analogy with paid both in the form social insurance, and in the form state social security. )

The conditions and procedure for providing these compensations are established in the articles of federal laws:

  • "About insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  • "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
  • on pension provision for military personnel and members of their families dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

The following categories of citizens can count on pensions:

  • insurance pension- children of workers (who had official work experience);
  • military pension- members of the families of military personnel;
  • social pension- children of disabled citizens who did not have insurance (labor) experience;
  • state pension- children of citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters.

Read more about the types and amounts of pensions in Russia (including pensions for children) on the specialized portal

The representative of the child (parent, adoptive parent, guardian or custodian) has the right to apply for this type of pension provision at any time after the right arises but until the child is able to work.

Survivor's insurance pension

In the general case, the law provides for the appointment of insurance pensions to citizens who paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance and dependent members of their families. In doing so, the pension authorities take into account the following circumstances:

  • when calculating a pension, the concept is used insurance experience- the period of performance by the breadwinner of certain works, for which deductions were made to the Pension Fund (Pension Fund);
  • length of service, the amount of contributions paid in the PF, temporary refusal to receive an insurance pension (optional) affect individual pension coefficient(an indicator reflecting the pension rights of accrual recipients);
  • other concepts relating to the provision of pensions for children and other dependents in case of loss of a breadwinner are reflected in Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ;
  • minor children who already received a pension (for example, a social disability pension), for whom the income of the breadwinner was the main means of subsistence, are given the right to switch to his insurance pension payments.

On call - state pension provision


The state guarantees financial support by normative acts the least protected members of society after the loss of their breadwinner. You can count on the insurance pension children of workers, employees and military personnel who died in the line of duty, as a result of an unforeseen situation or after being injured at work.

The size of children's pension payments will depend on the parental insurance experience, the child's ability to work and age, the conditions of the death of the breadwinner, and other indicators. If a child is not entitled to an insurance pension due to the death of a father or mother, he will be credited with a social pension.

The state supports disabled people who have lost their only source of income. Under certain conditions, they are assigned a survivor's insurance benefit. One of the main conditions for receiving state support from the budget of the Pension Fund (PFR) is the fact that the deceased has insurance. The size of the survivor's pension depends on this. We will analyze what benefits citizens can apply for in 2019.

How the amount of payments is determined

Survivor's benefit, in fact, is a compensation for lost income. This is one of the ways to implement the social function of the state. After all, it guarantees its citizens protection under special conditions. Just like this, a person who does not have the opportunity to earn money on his own gets into it.

Important: the insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned exclusively to disabled citizens (without taking into account the reasons for such a circumstance).

The list of persons entitled to claim insurance support is contained in Article 10 of Law No. 400-FZ, signed on December 28, 2013. In particular, they include:

  • minors;
  • children of the deceased who study full-time until the age of 23;
  • parents and spouses who do not have the opportunity to earn;
  • other disabled relatives;
  • persons caring for minor (under 14 years of age) children of the deceased owner.

What does the charge depend on?

According to the current methodology for 2019, this manual consists of two parts:

  • fixed;
  • insurance.

The following factors influence the amount of accruals:

  • the number of individual coefficients earned by the deceased person in the pension insurance system;
  • the duration of the period during which the administration of the enterprise made contributions to the Pension Fund for this worker.
Important: there is also a funded part of the pension. It is also paid to the heirs specified in Article 10 of the said normative act. However, the methods of obtaining such savings are somewhat different from the appointment of insurance maintenance for the loss.

Fixed part of accruals

This component of the content is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Its value is expressed in a fixed amount. It is also increased by government decree annually. The value of the fixed component is affected by the inflation rate for the previous period.

In addition, this part of the allowance in some cases increases legally. Namely:

  • orphans are doubled the established indicator of the fixed component;
  • in the regions of the Far North and equated regions, the corresponding coefficient is applied.
As of January 1, 2018, the volume of the fixed part was equal to 2491.45 rubles. (50% of 4982.90 rubles) for each disabled relative/family member.

New formula for calculating the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner

The two components of pension accruals are well traced in the formula for calculating it. She is like this:

  • RPpk \u003d IPK x SK + BV, where:
  • RPpc - the amount of accruals paid to the recipient;
  • IPC - individual coefficients accumulated in the system by the deceased;
  • SC - the equivalent of one coefficient in rubles, established on the day of calculation;
  • BV - basic or fixed component.

Thus, accruals depend on how much the citizen who gave them the right to officially worked. Contributions to the FIU transferred by the enterprise for it were converted into IPC or points. The allowance for the abandoned dependent directly depends on their number.

Important: in some cases, the IPC increases. This happens for the following people:

  • When calculating the pension provision of round orphans, the IPC of the parents is added up.
  • For the child of a deceased single mother, a rule has been established to double the IPC.

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Latest news about the restoration of indexing in full

In 2016, the increase in base charges was carried out at a level that did not reach the general inflationary background of the previous period. In this regard, pensioners in January 2017 received 5 thousand rubles each as compensation. Such a measure was associated with serious problems of the federal budget.

However, the prospects for a slight economic growth made it possible for the authorities to return to the previously established procedure for compensating citizens for the loss of income associated with inflationary processes.

In 2017, social payments were indexed by 5.8%. This figure is fully consistent with last year's inflation. In 2018, the price of one point was 81.49 rubles.

In 2019, the cost of 1 pension point was indexed in January and amounts to 87.24 rubles.

How to calculate the amount of the future payment

To determine the charges, the applicant must apply the formula (given above). At the same time, up-to-date data regarding fixed indicators should be taken into account. Namely:

  • BV - 2491.45 rubles.
  • SK - 81.49 rubles.

The specified components of the formula are also not a constant. Their data is set for a certain period. In this case, the figures for 2018 are given.

Attention: the IPC indicator is individual. It can be obtained from the local branch of the FIU.

An example of calculating an insurance payment related to the loss of a breadwinner

Citizen N., born in 1964, has been officially engaged in labor activity since 1984. She died in a car accident in March 2017. She is survived by two children:

  • son, born in 1985, soldier, born in wedlock;
  • daughter, born in 2003, schoolgirl, father in the birth certificate is indicated from the words of the mother.

Subject to current legislation, the minor daughter of a deceased single mother is entitled to bereavement insurance benefits.

The allowance is calculated according to the above formula. At the same time, PFR employees take into account the IPC indicators accumulated by the deceased mother:

  • for the period of work from 1984 to 2015, points were converted. Citizen N. scored 60 points;
  • for 2015 and 2016 - 3 and 3.4, respectively;
  • additional 3 b. for periods of care for children up to one and a half years.

Thus, the total sum of the individual coefficients of citizen N. was:

  • 60 b. + 3 b. + 3.4 b. + 3 b. = 69.4 b.

They double as the child was raised by a single mother:

  • 69.4 b. x 2 \u003d 138.8 b.

The specific amount of payment to the daughter is determined by the formula:

  • 138.8 b. x 81.49 p. + 2491.45 rubles. = 13802.3 p.
Attention: the indicator of the calculated allowance is necessarily compared with the subsistence minimum in the region.

The family of citizen N. lived in the Astrakhan region. For children in this region, a minimum is set at the level of 8476 rubles. The estimated amount is higher than this indicator. Consequently, N.'s daughter will not receive an additional social supplement.

Minimum Survivor Benefit

The practice of calculating the insurance pension for the dependents of deceased people has shown that its value is rather low.
The rule is established by legal documents. It says:

  • the amount of insurance maintenance associated with the loss of a breadwinner cannot be less than the subsistence minimum established for a given region.

Thus, the amounts differ depending on the territory. In addition, they depend on the age of the recipient. For example, some data is shown in the table below:

Attention: for insurance maintenance that does not reach the subsistence level, a social supplement is established. The source of its financing is the federal budget.

No special application to the FIU is required to receive social benefits. In the initial application, there is a column in which the citizen agrees with the allowance.

When is the recalculation of the assigned amounts

Operations to change the amount of accruals are made if new information is received by the FIU that affects the indicators from the formula. Moreover, this can happen both at the initiative of the recipient, and without his participation.

In particular, the recalculation is carried out:

  1. When the next government decree on indexing the main indicators is adopted.
  2. If the FIU receives information about new insurance premiums paid to the personal account of a deceased person. Accounting operations are carried out from August 1 of the period following the date of receipt of information.
  3. If the recipient proactively provides information that affects the amount of charges. They are taken into account from the first day of the month following the date of receipt of documents by the FIU.

Attention: when recalculating additional IPC, the following are taken into account:

  • in total for orphans;
  • double the amount for children of single mothers.

In April 2018, another indexation of social pensions was carried out in the amount of 2.9%.

Social pension for dependents

In cases where the deceased citizen was not insured in the national pension insurance system, another payment is assigned to his dependents. It is called social pension.
The amount of this allowance is fixed. It is established by law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001. The amount is indexed annually. Payments come from the federal budget.

On April 1, 2017, the last indexation of social payments was carried out. The size of pensions related to the loss of a breadwinner was fixed at the level of:

  • a child who has lost one of the parents - 5034.25 rubles;
  • children - orphans or who have lost a single mother - 10068.53 rubles;
  • other disabled citizens - 5034.25 rubles.
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Watch the video about the 2019 pension increase

May 28, 2017, 12:03 Mar 3, 2019 13:48