Vacation trip abroad. How to find a good travel companion: where to look, how to recognize

Sometimes it is not possible to find a companion for a future trip from among acquaintances. Some do not have money, others have time, others are simply tired. In such cases, there is nothing left but to find a fellow traveler for a vacation abroad from among strangers.

And really, what's the point in that? Isn't it easier? The main reason is economy. Accommodation in a double room is usually much cheaper than a single room. In addition, you can share other expenses abroad with a fellow traveler, such as taxis, tips in restaurants, rent a car for two ...

Among the other reasons why people are looking for a company, there are very different ones. Someone is simply bored alone, someone considers an independent trip unsafe, many need a “sponsor” for recreation, and someone, on the contrary, is ready to pay someone for a trip for additional services. And it's not necessarily what you think. Services can be expressed both in taking on all organizational issues, and in knowing the right language.

As you can see, everyone has different reasons, so before you start looking for a companion for relaxation, you should clarify for yourself why you need it. This will help avoid disappointment from a ruined vacation.

Finding a travel companion through a travel agency

The easiest way is to contact the same travel agency where you buy a ticket. You are far from alone in your desire to find a fellow traveler for a holiday abroad, and it is likely that you will be matched with a neighbor “on the spot”. This is a safe and convenient option that will save you a lot of time searching on your own.

This method has one, but very significant, drawback. The travel agency selects suitable, as it seems to them, people without taking into account their characteristics. In other words, the selection is only based on gender: boys in one room, girls in another.

Because of this, a 20-year-old ladies' man and a fan of hanging out until the morning can easily end up in the same room with a "pensioner", who has a lights-out at 22.00 and a rise at 6.00. And a lover of ruins and sights can get a “beach seal” as a neighbor, incessantly rattling about sunscreens. Therefore, it is better not to hope for a chance, but to search on your own.

  • Read also:

How to Find a Travel Companion Online

This path is somewhat more difficult, but more reliable, because the key to a successful vacation is in your hands. To find a really good travel companion, it is better to start your search in advance. If there is a visited, “live” city forum, it is worth starting with it. Traveling with a countryman has the advantage that, even when you are abroad, you already have at least one common topic of conversation - your hometown.

Further searches can be continued on travel forums and social networks, where there are also many topics of this kind. Or you can immediately go to sites that specialize in finding fellow travelers for recreation and travel. Among the most popular and popular are,,,

  • Do not miss:

Do not rush to immediately place your ad with contact information. To get started, look through the existing ones, perhaps among them you will find a suitable companion, without the need to publish your phone number and mail, which then often end up in spam mailing lists. If you have not found anyone suitable, then proceed to compiling an ad.

This very important step is somewhat reminiscent of finding a couple on dating sites. Describe yourself, your vacation preferences, past travel experiences, and interests as accurately as possible. Also express your wishes for the future companion. Specify the specific parameters of the upcoming trip: dates, duration, route and other details. The more data you specify, the less time you will have to spend later on weeding out unsuitable people.

How to find the perfect travel companion for your trip abroad

You don't have to accept the first offer that comes in. Wait until a choice appears, and then start with the most promising one in your opinion. Invite the person to call on Skype or by phone to discuss the details of the upcoming holiday abroad.

The conversation should be frank, without hiding. Tell in detail how you see the upcoming vacation, what you are going to do, how to spend your free time and ask a potential travel companion to do the same. If you have any questions, ask them right away and clarify all the details. It is better now to find out some facts that are unacceptable to some of you and say goodbye at this stage than to pout at each other for the whole vacation.

Separately, it is worth discussing the financial side of the issue. If your vacation budgets differ significantly, this can cause many misunderstandings and even conflicts. For example, one of you plans to dine in restaurants, and the other plans to cook on your own.

If you liked everything over the phone and there is such an opportunity, make an appointment in person, during which it is best to make a final decision. If it is positive, leave the coordinates of your companion to someone close and feel free to go on a journey.

We hope that by learning how to find a travel companion for a holiday abroad, you will make the right choice. Even if you made a mistake in something, don’t be upset, because the only thing that unites you is a hotel room. The rest of the time you can spend as you like.

Are you flying on a trip? Would you like a stunning model to brighten up your spa holiday? Then you have come to the right place! Elite sexy models and travel girls are what you need! Our job is to make men happy and find a travel companion!

We - VIP escort agency organizing! Our girls are ideal for accompanying men on various issues. Meetings and acquaintances with luxurious photo models which you could see in such magazines as "VOGUE", "GLAMOR", on TV and on the Internet. Invite our , chat with her for a while and you will immediately understand why it's worth it!

They are in special demand. Our clients are hundreds of satisfied men of different ages and high status. You get a “packaged” holiday romance without unnecessary nuances.

Imagine how wonderful it is to relax with a seductive beauty who neither saws the brain, nor speaks nonsense and does not sort things out. She will try to keep you happy and relaxed.
Advantages of working with us:

  • We guarantee a pleasant result from traveling with a model from our closed catalog
  • Everything is confidential and 100% anonymous
  • High-class elite service and advice from a personal manager at any time!
  • The opportunity to continue the relationship with your companion after the trip!

Thus, you will give yourself an unforgettable vacation and an impression of a lifetime. Try our services once and become a regular customer, that's for sure!

Rather, contact our manager and he will provide you with a VIP catalog with photos and profiles of our beauties. Only we have the best representatives of the weaker sex!

Make your vacation a heavenly delight!

Successful and wealthy men are sometimes tired of endless meetings and negotiations. They also want to be away from the bustle of the metropolis and go to the sea. For rest and recuperation, there is nothing better than traveling in the company of a young beautiful girl who will delight her man, give him affection and warmth. A wealthy man who has decided “I am looking for a fellow traveler” most often seeks to meet a girl on the Internet, because he simply does not have time for long courtship and meetings.

Advantages of our resource

On our site, finding a girl for a trip is not difficult. Here are collected a lot of profiles of ladies who are ready to accompany a man on a trip. We do our best to ensure that no one feels alone. Look for a pretty girl, strike up an unobtrusive conversation with her and invite her on a trip that will be pleasant for both. The fair sex will brighten the days spent on the beaches of Turkey, Thailand or Egypt. In return, the man is only required to provide the material side of the trip.

It is very easy to find a fellow traveler for a holiday abroad, and all fellow travelers are from Moscow. First, a man will need to go through an easy registration procedure. Becoming a user of our resource, he gets access to the database of profiles filled in by a variety of girls. Convenient filters will help you quickly find a fellow traveler on vacation, thanks to which a man will be able to indicate the one he is interested in:

  • City of residence;
  • Age;
  • Photo availability.

Having completed the search for a fellow traveler girl at sea, you can safely begin communication with this special person. In the course of personal correspondence, you can solve many issues, and then arrange a meeting. If the proposed pastime option suits the girl not only financially, but also physically, we can safely say that the search for a fellow traveler on vacation was a success. The main thing is to assure the lady of her own decency and solvency.

Every potential travel companion on vacation wants to meet a man who will not only show her the corners of the world where she has not been, but will also be very generous. A wealthy person will take care of choosing the best hotel and the most interesting excursion program. A long trip often leads to a rapprochement between the sponsor and fellow traveler for a summer holiday at sea. If a man really likes a lady, then he will be able to invite her on other pleasant trips in the future.

A wealthy person who has decided "I am looking for a companion for a joint holiday" will be able to find a girl with any interests on our website. Here you can get acquainted with a person who loves outdoor activities or, on the contrary, is interested in ancient monuments.

Hello friends! Girls, this post is mainly for you, because it is still easier for men or couples to decide on an independent trip, especially if you plan to spend more than one week on the road.

I wrote this article in my time in Vietnam, but only now got around to publishing it. At that moment, I left my fellow traveler in, arrived early in the morning in Ho Chi Minh City, carefully arranged all my bubbles and jars of creams on the shelf, laid out clean things in the room of an inexpensive hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, turned on Georgian music that only I like, and decided to write this fast.

Today we will talk about travel companions. Girls often write to me who want to travel, but are afraid because they have no one to go with.

I know from my own experience how difficult it is to find a person in your environment who, firstly, will be suitable for you to travel, and secondly, will be able to go to conquer distant countries and continents when you want to.

Many people ask questions about whether I am afraid to travel alone, how to look for fellow travelers, what to do if a companion could not be found, etc. Let me tell you how it usually goes for me.

Let's just clearly distinguish between the concepts of travel and recreation. Personally, I prefer to relax not alone, but with my beloved man, girlfriend or group of friends, but I can safely go on a trip in splendid isolation.

I started my first independent trip around Europe alone and was very worried about this. How will I be there? What if something happens, because no one can take care of me. Despite all my fears, I did not work out the route in advance, but simply bought a one-way ticket to Warsaw and left it to chance.

Was I scared? To tears and paralysis! I remember how no one came to see me off, because S. was on the other side of the country that day and did not have time to return. I got on the bus and burst into tears. Then, when the doors closed and the engine started, I saw him in red shorts and a white T-shirt, jumping out of a taxi and running around the station in search of my bus ...

On the very first night I met a girl Nastya, with whom we hung out for several days in Krakow, and then rushed. At that time, I actively used Couchsurfing, and in every country there was already someone waiting for me, ready to provide free accommodation and show me their city.

Acquaintance with Nastya Yudchits in Krakow
Couchsurfer Marko from Slovenia, city of Maribor

People got to know me in transport, on the streets, in cafes, I talked with friends of new friends, as well as their relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and pets. So my solo trip turned into a series of endless meetings, conversations and joint trips to the sights.

I spent about a month abroad and visited five countries (Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria and Germany). I want to say right away that I am not one of those talkers who are able to approach any stranger and start a casual conversation.

I am rather a closed person, but on the way I have to communicate, and over time, meeting new people begins to bring great pleasure. In addition, Europeans and Asians, in my opinion, are more open, friendly and willing to talk with others than Russians or Belarusians.

The beginning of a solo journey through Europe. Krakow, Poland. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia
My sofa at the couchsurfer from the city of Maribor in Slovenia
Sheepdog (Hungarian breed) is the pet of a couchsurfer from Linz in Austria
Adela is my roommate in the apartment of Thomas from Bratislava in Slovakia

After Europe, I became so bold that I went alone to Asia for an unlimited period. At first, I really liked riding around beautiful cities, learning something new, meeting people, but after three weeks I realized that all the conversations were about the same thing: who is from where, where was and where is going.

I was bored. I wanted someone with whom you can look at the stars and talk heart to heart. Someone who will support me in moments of weakness will bring pills from the pharmacy if I suddenly come down with a temperature.

On the island of Langkawi in Malaysia in an international company

Related travel posts:

Travel companions and travel companions. How to look, the pros and cons of traveling alone

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      • Roman S

        • margarita

          Mila Demenkova


  1. Ilonka


    Igor + Vilkov

    • How can you find the one ... with whom you want to go anywhere in the world, with whom you can be on the same wavelength, with whom you can explore unfamiliar streets for hours and enjoy immersing yourself in a new culture, with whom you can share some of the most joyful and productive days in life - days of travel... A fellow traveler is not just a person with whom you go along the way, it is your like-minded person and potential friend. Of course, if you do not pursue adventurous goals and plan to check into a hotel, leaving for a couple of excursions at most, then you will hardly be puzzled by finding a travel companion. But if the plan is an independent trip, then it is worth approaching this matter, if not responsibly, then with soul and intuition, for sure.

      In all my modest travel history, I traveled with three completely different fellow travelers whom I barely knew. I noticed such a feature behind me - it is much more interesting for me to travel with strangers who are like a “white sheet” for me, because it is on a trip that you can understand a person and see him for who he really is. I am curious. This is part of the fun. I confess that I will not find a common language with every person, I will not feel comfortable with everyone, and if I can be with a person 24 hours a day and at the same time we will not want to kill each other, then this is a real achievement, and this person - my man.

      Some useful tips for everyone!

      On the Internet, I did not find sensible advice on what to consider when choosing a fellow traveler, so I will be based only on my own experience.

      Where to look

      The very first question and the most important. Ask relatives, friends, post on social networks with the appropriate hashtags - thanks, cap :)
      Now seriously.

      If you are a couchsurfer, then look on couchsurfing, on the site I mean. In the city feed, in groups. You can try posting in CS groups on VKontakte. In addition, this wonderful social network is teeming with various thematic groups for finding fellow travelers. Don't underestimate the benefits of social media! Here you can find anything and anyone. If posting on your wall doesn't work, move on to communities. Here are the most relevant ones, in my opinion: I have been following the movements of a St. Petersburg hitchhiker who travels around Russia for a long time, in the discussions there is the topic “Fellow travelers”. Here you can find like-minded people who are ready to travel as desperately as Natasha, the author of this page. I am not a supporter of eternal hitchhiking and consider this an extreme. Still, I like to combine “wildness” with comfort. I love diversity in all its manifestations. I am one of those people who can hitchhike and live in a cheap hostel, but with the money saved, arrange a far from budget pleasure for yourself, if your heart desires. In general, I am for balance and harmony. Probably, there is not a single person who is not a member of this group. There is also a discussion thread dedicated to our "sore" issue. Take a look. People from all over the world, very different, going to different parts of the world and traveling in different ways. From searching for fellow travelers for a ticket to a hotel to finding a partner around the world. Most of the responses from such groups to my ad were inadequate. I write that I want to go to Italy to specific places, and they call me to the Maldives, offering to cover all the expenses. Well, people of a different warehouse, what can you do. Someone answers like adequately, but you start asking all sorts of questions, and then inadequacy comes up. But what if you get lucky? Try it. From the same category, but for safety, you can take note. You can use discussions and a wall. In addition, sometimes there are interesting offers. If it doesn't matter to you, then you can join someone who is in the same search. , Two more communities of couchsurfers in VK. cost. Here hang out those who, as the name of the group implies, do not want to spend a lot and prefer to save at least on air tickets. Quite a decent group. By and large, I judge from my bell tower, but I did not receive inadequate responses from here. A find for lovers of hitchhiking!

      There are also specialized sites for finding fellow travelers (,,, etc.), but I strongly do not recommend using them. If you try, you will understand that there is no sense in them.

      I remembered another very useful resource - Vinsky's forum If you have a profile there, then you can drop a couple of lines in a special topic that you are looking for a travel companion. In general, I advise you to look there directly to prepare for the trip: route development, visa details, prices, photo reports, answers to the most diverse questions about each country. It is better to look for a fellow traveler elsewhere.

      So, you posted your post and are waiting for someone to respond. Will respond. Do not doubt. Still then you will be tormented to rake tons of messages. There will be funny, get ready to laugh and be surprised.

      What to write in a message about finding a fellow traveler

      A few words about how to compose a message in order to immediately dismiss the receipt of incomprehensible, abstract answers and save time discussing the details of the trip with a person who initially does not suit you.

      Consider an example.
      If you look into the groups, you will find a bunch of the same type of messages like this: “I am looking for a fellow traveler to Italy, departure from Moscow.” And what? What did you understand from it? To Italy, where exactly do you want to go? Who are you anyway? Who are you looking for? What way of travel do you prefer? Personally, I don't understand when people write things like that.

      Be specific and talkative. Here is what I once wrote:

      « I am looking for a fellow traveler (ka) of about my age from Barnaul or Novosibirsk for a trip to Italy in the summer (the possibility of a personal meeting is required to discuss everything). Travel time is limited only by the validity of the visa, it is probably 20-30 days and the amount of money.

      There are no specifics yet, but what I would like: a trip in late June-early July for about 3-4 weeks, so as not to rush anywhere. Cities: Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples + the islands of Sardinia / Sicily and Capri / Ischia, perhaps even the Cinque Terre, besides, after or before Italy, I would like to stop by Barcelona for a while. There are plans for hitchhiking and couchsurfing, but you can stay in a hotel or hostel for a few days. Expenses are mainly for travel, food, excursions. Oh yes, the flight is most likely from Moscow or Omsk, as these are the most budget options.

      Lovers of "all inclusive", clubs and five-star hotels, please do not disturb, we will not find a common language, and the purposes of the trip are completely different. Moderately adventurous ideas are only welcome. I am ready to consider your wishes for the route, everything is corrected and discussed, if only the rest was for the soul. All questions and suggestions in the PM.

      Please note that the ad is written simply, without literary frills, as there is nothing here, but at the same time it shows me a little and reveals what I want from the trip and who I want to find.

      The main points that were important for me at that time: the age of the fellow traveler, the city of residence, the number of days on the trip, a small budget, certain dates, certain cities, the way of traveling (I openly say that “vegetable” and “club” holidays do not interests), readiness for adventure, unexpected turns, detailed discussion of the route and its further adjustment.

      So many interesting people responded to this simple ad... I didn't even have time to respond to all the responses. Moreover, if we didn’t go with someone, we still communicate and even met in person. Although I will say the following: specifically, the fellow travelers with whom I really traveled, I found it through the couchsurfing site. But maybe something else will work for you.

      11 questions worth discussing

      The ad "works", you get a lot of feedback. But how to understand that it is with this person that you are ready to become fellow travelers?

      First, carefully read the response to your message - what the person writes and how he does it. Even spelling errors are already an indicator. Secondly, look at him in profile, on the wall, in photographs. The virtual page of a person often reveals at least a little what he really is. For example, no matter how wonderful the answer to my message is, but if my potential fellow traveler constantly takes pictures of herself in the mirror with a duckface, regularly takes selfies and elevator looks and constantly posts all sorts of vanilla quotes and indecent pictures, such a person immediately repels me. At least I don't see him traveling together.

      So, in principle, a person is attractive and interesting to you, you imagine you are conquering the world together, we move on to a detailed condemnation. Below is a list of questions to which you should know the answers in advance. Which of them to ask on the Internet, by phone and in person is up to you.

      1. Route. Ideally, if you plan a route together in person from start to finish. Thus, already in the planning process, you can notice some features of human behavior and, in principle, understand whether it will be easy for you to act in a sudden change of circumstances. Pay special attention to the issue of "flexibility", find out if your companion is ready to move away from the intended route or completely change it. For example, suddenly you like one city so much that you want to stay there and not continue your journey, or you will meet people there with whom you do not want to part, or in general you will meet your love. Thus, it is important to discuss the timing of the trip: it is one thing if you are going for 2-3 weeks, another if you are going to travel for six months with a backpack on your back in search of inspiration, a better life or work abroad.

      2. Interests. I will be surprised if I say that this is also a very important point. At least music, places to visit, bad habits, lifestyle, attitude to the world and its perception in general.

      3. Budget. It can be completely different, but spending on things that concern both of you should preferably be the same. This applies to the search for housing, travel, partly food. It’s bad if one wants to dine exclusively in restaurants, while the other wants to buy food in the cheapest supermarket and eat on a bench. There will be no understanding between such people. Determine the upper and lower limits of the budget and the "degree" of deviation from the planned.

      4. Opportunities for overnight stays. What I talked about above. Couchsurfing, hostels, hotels, tents, benches in parks… when traveling with a fellow traveler, discuss accommodation issues in advance in difficult situations, they may arise, especially if you are hitchhiking. After all, if one is ready to pay any amount, as long as there is a roof over his head, and the other agrees to fall asleep under any bush, no good will come of it. A compromise - asking to spend the night in some house - also needs to be negotiated. For one this will not be a problem, for another it is, to put it mildly, unpleasant, inconvenient, indecent ... a number of negative adverbs can be continued indefinitely. In general, in a stressful situation, when the opinions of two stubborn personalities diverge, a conflict will inevitably arise.. Try to warn him, or at least know roughly what to be prepared for.

      5. Language. Oddly enough, it plays a role. The level of English of a fellow traveler and the intention to learn other foreign languages ​​​​may affect you. Decide what is acceptable to you. For example, are you ready to go on a trip with a person who cannot connect two words in a foreign language, or vice versa - he spars like a true native speaker, and against his background you seem, excuse me, a brake. Or maybe you want to practice German, and your companion will look for Spanish speakers to practice Spanish. I advise you to find out in advance.

      6. Possibility to separate during the trip and travel separately. If your companion will firmly insist "No matter what happens, we will be together from beginning to end", think about it. It is better if both of you are ready to calmly part in case of something, without offense, reproaches and phrases “You threw me!”.

      7. Love affairs. We are all people who are either already in love, or not averse to falling in love. Discuss this ahead of time. Again, an example - when I was looking for a fellow traveler to Italy, I had a young man in Russia, respectively, I was not in the mood for any kind of romantic acquaintances, and I did not want my companion to seduce Italians and have affairs with them there. The purpose of the trip was completely different. Although many girls go to Italy, just to pick up someone there.

      8. Opportunities for travel. Airplanes, buses, local transport, taxi rides, hitchhiking, rides.

      9. Action plan in case you miss each other or get lost. For example, arrange to meet in an hour at some famous landmark in case of disconnection. Also, have a phone number (local) with you so that you can somehow contact passers-by using the phone. Relying on city Wi-Fi in most cases is pointless.

      10. Activity / relaxation. Tell each other exactly how you plan to spend your time. Personally, I like to alternate, as continuous running around and endless crossings tire me. But I also don’t want to lie on the beach the whole vacation.

      11. Shopping. Discuss how much time you are willing to spend on shopping trips and whether you plan to do it at all. If you plan, then approximately where and when.

      And know that you will definitely quarrel on a joint trip, you will definitely have controversial points that can ignite a conflict. Treat this normally, because we are not immune from quarrels even with close people, let alone new acquaintances. Nothing is perfect.

      On this "positive" note, I conclude the most practical memoir in the history of my blog. In the next post, I will show you my wonderful fellow travelers with whom I conquered foreign expanses, and even tell you a little about them.