Sweating during pregnancy: causes and remedies. Why Excessive Sweating Occurs During Pregnancy

One of the problems of pregnancy is increased night sweats (hyperhidrosis). And if you had excessive sweating before pregnancy, then this unpleasant phenomenon may intensify and require more careful attention.

The manifestation of sweating in each expectant mother may be different. For some it will be very rare nights. For others, this problem can be annoying in its frequency. The most risky periods for night sweats in pregnant women are the first and third trimesters.

Cause of night sweats during pregnancy

The reason for night sweats during pregnancy is obvious - it's all the same hormones. Reduced estrogen levels affect the malfunction of the hypothalamus. Namely, the hypothalamus is responsible for regulating the temperature regime of our body. If it is hot outside, it cools our body thanks to perspiration. A change in estrogen levels is perceived by the hypothalamus erroneously - the body will begin to produce more heat, and is released from it by sweating, which causes hyperhidrosis in pregnant women.

Reduce night sweats in pregnant women

Influencing in any way a change in the level of hormones is quite dangerous during pregnancy. This means that the problems of night sweats in pregnant women need to be addressed in gentle ways.

  1. Wear lighter pajamas, otherwise you will create more conditions for sweating in warm pajamas. Sleepwear must be 100% cotton.
  2. Choose a light blanket made from natural materials.
  3. Keep fresh, cool air in the room. Depending on the season, open a window or turn on the air conditioner, directing the air flow away from you.
  4. Prepare in the evening a change of pajamas or a nightgown, a towel, a glass of water. It is better to change sweaty clothes as soon as you wake up.
  5. There are moms-to-be who are ready to get up, take a cool shower and go back to sleep. But after such a shower, falling asleep for some will be problematic.
  6. Move enough. A sedentary lifestyle only increases sweating. Water aerobics for pregnant women is a great option. Physical activity will help the body regulate hormonal levels and the functions of different systems.
  7. Set the right sleep schedule: go to bed at the same time, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Oddly enough, the hypothalamus is also responsible for regulating sleep cycles. If you help him with this function, he has the opportunity to engage in the regulation of body temperature.
  8. Follow a healthy diet. Eliminate the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, sugar.

Night sweats (hyperhidrosis) not only create the inconvenience of wet bed linen, the occurrence of chills, but also deprive the expectant mother of the necessary restful night's sleep.

night sweats some women go away after having a baby. Others remain with this problem for several more weeks, until the level of hormones normalizes, and someone sweats heavily and the entire period of breastfeeding.

In addition to hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, causes of night sweats (hyperhidrosis) can include thyroid problems, obesity, and menopause. It is clear that we exclude menopause, probably obesity, and in addition to hormonal imbalance, a probable problem with the thyroid gland may turn out. In case of the slightest doubt, an additional medical examination will not hurt.

Good dreams to you!

Increased sweating during pregnancy is a common occurrence, especially in the first and third trimesters, when the load on the body is high and the hormonal background is extremely unstable. But doctors strongly recommend that you come to terms with the problem and not resort to the use of methods containing chemical medicines, because many of them are banned in this position and, instead of the expected benefits, can be harmful to the health of a woman, an unborn baby.

Hyperhidrosis during pregnancy is normal and after childbirth it will go away on its own without a trace. Of course, increased sweating during pregnancy can be not only a physiological, but also a pathological factor. How to understand if this is a norm or a pathology? Why does a pregnant woman sweat?

Sweating during pregnancy is normal

Moderate sweating during pregnancy can be considered normal. In this way, the body tries to protect itself from overheating, the work of hormones becomes unstable, the endocrine system dramatically activates the production of sebaceous (sweat) glands.

The restructuring of many systems leads to a violation of the water-salt balance, which cannot but affect the skin in the form of such manifestations:

  • constant release of sweat particles;
  • dryness, peeling;
  • burning, itching, irritation.

Unfortunately, expectant mothers have to experience such discomfort, often after eating, the main reasons for which are different. But nothing can be done about it, therapy in this case is not carried out. The main thing is to observe hygiene standards, drink more water.

If a woman sweats a lot at night, this may indicate heart disease.

With the onset of pregnancy, the body begins to work in a new mode, which is why many problems appear throughout all 9 months. Many young mothers wonder: why do they sweat a lot? But the answer is simple - this is the result of hormonal changes. Throws in a fever, especially in the evening and in a dream, for no apparent reason. The sebaceous glands are activated. He sweats most between the legs, back, palms, in the groin. But at times, the release of sweat is accompanied by its unpleasant odor, the reasons for which:

Strong sweating in women at night can indicate heart disease, a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

“The amount of secretion secreted by the sweat glands during pregnancy increases dramatically, which disrupts the balance of the microflora of the upper layers of the dermis and provokes the activation (reproduction) of the bacterial flora. Expectant mothers should not ignore the discharge of sweat with a repulsive (ammonia) smell, as well as swelling and dryness of the skin of the legs (arms). It is better to seek advice from a therapist, a gynecologist, do not self-medicate.

Hormonal adjustment

One of the causes of sweating is hormonal changes. The production of new hormones begins to be activated, while the concentration of old ones decreases. This is a normal and important process for the development of the fetus.

In the new mode, the endocrine system begins to work, directing all efforts to the production of hormones to regulate water-salt metabolism. But such an imbalance leads to a narrowing (expansion) of blood vessels, as a result - to overheating of the body and increased sweating.

Hormones change during pregnancy

Expectant mothers have to go through a change in hormonal levels, so any, even minor stress or experience, the nervous system begins to react sharply. Adjusting to the new working mode, changes in the functioning of the nervous system lead to:

  • emotional instability;
  • rapid heartbeat, breathing;
  • elevated body temperature (38-39 degrees Celsius);
  • flushes of blood;
  • profuse sweating;
  • severe weakness and dizziness.

Women should learn to deal with their emotions and the burden on the body, because you should not worry about trifles, and it is likely that unpleasant signs after childbirth will pass without a trace.

With the onset of pregnancy, women become less active. The fetus grows, which means that extra pounds are gained. Increased sweating occurs as a result of an increased load on the body.

The fuller the young mother, the more she sweats. After all, to perform even insignificant work, you have to spend more energy. Passivity also leads to a deterioration in thermoregulation and the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

From the first weeks, pregnant women begin to sweat constantly, even at rest.

Sweating during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester has some differences in intensity and duration.

First trimester

Increased sweating during early pregnancy is the result of hormonal instability. Women from the first weeks are constantly thrown into a fever or cold sweat, even at rest. Armpits, palms, feet, body, head become sticky from sweat. The reasons:

  • decreased immunity;
  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • modification of the microflora of the upper layers of the dermis;
  • restructuring of the endocrine system.

The disorders collectively lead to increased sweating in early pregnancy. Manifestations are usually uneven, spontaneous. There is severe sweating even when lying or sitting.

Second trimester

With the advent of the 2nd trimester, hormonal changes are already coming to an end and sweating is gradually returning to normal. But young mothers begin to worry about another problem - strong thirst, when the recommended amount of fluid intake begins to increase, provoking an increase in sweating again.

Excessive sweating during pregnancy is a normal condition, which should not be scared. It is also impossible to get rid of it completely, since many harmful drugs are banned.

third trimester

The fetus in the last weeks (36-40) of pregnancy begins to grow rapidly, which cannot but affect the well-being of women against the backdrop of a sharp increase in weight. An increase in blood flow to critical levels begins to be observed, the appearance of sweating again on the rise. Even slight movements lead to the activation of the sebaceous glands on the arms (legs), severe sweating during pregnancy. This process is normal, because the load on the body increases before childbirth. Future mothers begin to sweat much more often.

It is necessary to minimize unpleasant manifestations in simple by all available ways.

Night sweats occur due to overheating of the body, when pregnant women begin to sweat under the covers during the hot season. Also, the cause is the dryness of the air in the room, overeating at night, wearing synthetic underwear.

Almost all pregnant women face the problem of night sweats. This is due to the load on the body, because all the internal organs are involved, they work in an enhanced mode even at rest of the woman. The baby is growing rapidly, pushing in the 3rd trimester (more often showing activity at night), the sweat glands work in a new enhanced mode. If there is severe sweating at night, then the main thing:

  • ventilate the room before going to bed, controlling the level of humidity;
  • do not allow the air temperature to rise above 20 degrees;
  • follow the daily routine, go to bed and wake up at a certain time;
  • use night clothes and bed linen made of breathable materials;
  • in every possible way to avoid the aggressive effects of chemical (allergenic) compounds from the outside.

Night sweats are not eliminated by special methods of treatment. It is only important to minimize unpleasant manifestations in simple accessible ways.

The Best Ways to Reduce Sweating

Not every method can be used during the period of bearing a baby to reduce sweating during pregnancy. It is recommended to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon in the first place by natural methods. To help - natural cosmetics: antiperspirants, deodorants, creams, but without the content of harmful parabens, fragrances, aluminum salts. Chemical compounds can greatly harm the health of the fetus and expectant mother, provoke skin rashes, allergies, fluid retention in the body.

  • take a contrast shower at least 2 times a day, wipe the body dry after taking;
  • make foot baths with the addition of antiseptic herbs (sage, chamomile, oak bark) or rub down, for example, infusion of tree bark in the composition with tannins to provide astringent, antipyretic, drying effects;
  • revise the diet, exclude from it hot spices that throw you into sweat;
  • refuse to take strong coffee, tea, sweet sparkling water (it is better to drink ordinary mineral water without gas);
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics and choose shoes made from breathable materials;
  • drink more water, teas with the addition of lemon balm (mint, valerian, motherwort, chamomile), so that the lack does not lead to the release of under-oxidized metabolic products in the form of sweat. So, herbal decoction can significantly reduce the intensity of sweating, the excitability of the nervous system.

Recipe for the treatment of the disease folk remedies:

  1. Mix oak and willow bark 1 tablespoon each.
  2. Add water (1.5 l), boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Cool to a comfortable temperature.
  4. Dip your feet for up to 20 minutes.

Carry out such procedures every day, after washing your feet with soap.

Simple methods will help reduce the amount of sticky secretion released, increase stress resistance:

  • the use of baby powder, talc;
  • the use of light sedative infusions of herbs that can reduce the number of impulses of the nervous system when transmitted to the sweat glands;
  • treatment of sweaty areas with soda solutions for up to 20 minutes, then rinsing with cool water.

As a method of treating night sweats, it is permissible to use various physiotherapy procedures (in the absence of contraindications): electrosleep, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, which reduce the excitability of the body and the release of sticky sweat.

“Pregnant ladies need to monitor their health and not overdo it when choosing the right remedy. It should be understood that sweating is a natural process and an important function in the body, without which overheating or poisoning with decay products can quickly occur.

Antiperspirants and deodorants are best taken after a doctor's recommendation.

A variety of deodorants, antiperspirants, medicines are sold today in stores to reduce sweating. But not all of them are suitable for use by women during pregnancy. Especially if they contain harmful chemical components: alcohol, triclosan, parabens, fragrances. Instead of facilitating the use of such drugs can lead to the development of allergies, blocking the functions of the sweat glands, fluid retention in the kidneys, subcutaneous layers. For example, alcohol or triclosan have a bactericidal (disinfectant) effect, but dry the skin and lead to rashes.

A feature of antiperspirants is the narrowing of pores in places of increased sweating. It is even possible and possible for a future mother to get rid of sweating for a while, but another problem may appear - fluid stagnation in the kidneys. It is not recommended to use deodorants, antiperspirants without consulting a doctor.

What absolutely cannot be done

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, expectant mothers are prohibited from:

  • visit a hot bath, sauna, bath, which can only cause increased sweating, lead to harm to the fetus due to overheating of the body;
  • warm your feet in too hot water;
  • apply aggressive chemical, surgical methods (curettage, endoscopic sympathectomy, botox) to reduce the manifestations of hyperhidrosis;
  • be treated with folk recipes without prior consultation with a doctor.

For example, Botox involves the injection of botulinum to problem areas on the body to block the enzyme. But injections are allowed to be carried out only in the postpartum period.

It is important for expectant mothers to understand that only after childbirth the hormonal background normalizes, sudden sweating will go away on its own without any special medical treatment. Even if you take medications for hyperhidrosis, then most likely they will not bring any benefit, but only side effects: blocking the functions of the sweat glands, retention of salts (fluid) by the urinary system.

Sometimes he sweats not because of the physiological restructuring of the body or against the background of pathological disorders. When should you be concerned:

  • discharge of sweat with an unpleasant specific odor from the legs, perineum;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • drowsiness, apathy;
  • throwing it into the heat, then into the cold (as a result of hypothermia);
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of excessive stickiness and irritation in places of increased sweating.

The cause of such symptoms may be hidden in the development of a serious disease, so you should see a therapist, a gynecologist. For example, caustic sticky sweat with the smell of ammonia, acetone can go away with tuberculosis, pneumonia, oncology, overweight, kidney pathology (if palms and feet often sweat).

Annoying sweat (especially in the summer heat) makes many women worry, but these are quite normal changes.

Sweating increases more often during pregnancy at night in the 1st trimester. In the 2nd it is already on the decline. And in the 3rd trimester, sweating in pregnant women increases again due to an increase in the load on the systems (organs) immediately before childbirth.

Usually, during breastfeeding, mothers no longer suffer from excessive sweating, as during pregnancy. But still, it is important to be able to distinguish between a pathological condition and a normal one and know when to immediately contact a specialist.

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of any woman. The expectant mother has to deal with many problems associated with the restructuring of the body. And it's not just external changes. Excessive sweating during pregnancy is a normal variant. At the same time, every woman should know how to avoid inconvenience.

Why do you have to deal with excessive sweating?

Sweating is a normal process by which toxins, metabolic products, are removed from the body. In addition, it is in this way that thermoregulation is carried out. Many have noticed that the amount of sweat secreted increases significantly during illness at a high body temperature.

Some changes in the body can lead to a pathological increase in sweating. This condition is called hyperhidrosis. It is most often caused by hormonal changes. Therefore, excessive sweating during pregnancy is a common occurrence. Especially often girls turn to specialists for help in the early stages. They cannot understand what is happening. And in some cases, hyperhidrosis becomes the first sign that the fairer sex is preparing to become a mother.

Excessive sweating may indicate disorders in the body

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman are due to a decrease in estrogen levels. It is this hormone that is responsible for regulating the water-salt balance in the body. It should also be understood that increased sweating does not necessarily occur during the period of gestation. The individual characteristics of the body of a particular representative of the weaker sex, her diet, etc. matter.

If increased sweating in a pregnant woman is observed against the background of hormonal changes, we are talking about primary hyperhidrosis. But the pathological process can also be secondary when it develops against the background of any disease.

Often, dangerous disorders in the body make themselves felt during pregnancy. Most often, hyperhidrosis indicates the development of diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus. Oncological pathologies can also be manifested by excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating during pregnancy may also be associated with rapid weight gain. Often, thin girls gain over 20 kg during gestation. The body cannot cope with the load, as a result, almost all systems suffer. In 90% of cases, hyperhidrosis develops in expectant mothers who, even before pregnancy, were curvaceous.

Improper nutrition is another cause of hyperhidrosis during pregnancy. As already mentioned, toxins are removed from the body with sweat. During pregnancy, this process is even more intense. If a girl is fond of chips, convenience foods, fast food, she will be provided with hyperhidrosis.

Features of hyperhidrosis during pregnancy

In most cases, however, increased sweating of pregnant women is associated with ongoing hormonal changes. In this case, the girl can feel the "tides" at any time. But most often, increased sweating is observed during night sleep in the early stages of gestation.

Simple recommendations will help to deal with the problem. First of all, it is worth paying attention to clothes, underwear and bed linen. Everything should be made of materials that allow air to pass through well. Cotton is ideal for bedding and pajamas. You will have to forget about using a synthetic blanket for a while. Casual clothes should also be comfortable and natural.

Pregnant women often experience hyperhidrosis at night.

In order not to sweat at night, it is worth adjusting the sleep pattern. In the evening, it will be useful to take a walk in the fresh air, and in the meantime ventilate the room. So you can fall asleep quickly and have a great rest throughout the night. It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Night sleep in a girl during pregnancy should last at least 8 hours. A rested body copes better with the process of thermoregulation.

During the period of gestation, it is recommended to abandon hot baths. The procedure really helps to relax after a hard day's work. Along with this, the bath provokes increased sweating. In addition, hot water can increase blood pressure.

The expectant mother should also pay attention to the diet. There is absolutely no need to eat "for two". Nutrition should be complete and correct, and double portions will only lead to rapid weight gain and, as a result, increased sweating. 60% of the diet should consist of vegetables and fruits. The rest is cereals, lean meat, dairy products, eggs, cheese and fish. Too spicy and salty foods should be avoided.

Means to combat excessive sweating

If hyperhidrosis is just a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, there is no need to take any serious action. But it is not possible to exist normally with excessive sweating. What to do? There are many tools available to help solve the problem.

First of all, you should pay attention to antiperspirants. These funds are not prohibited from being taken during the period of gestation. With their help, it is possible to neutralize the unpleasant odor, reduce sweating. The Dry Dry series of products is very popular today. These are sprays, creams and roll-on deodorants that can reduce the manifestations of hyperhidrosis. The good thing is that the products from this series are completely safe. This has been proven by numerous clinical studies. Buying antiperspirants of unknown quality during pregnancy is not recommended. The product may contain chemicals that are harmful to the fetus.

"Dry Dry" - a popular antiperspirant

Zinc ointment is widely used for hyperhidrosis. The medicine is not contraindicated during the period of gestation. At the same time, it perfectly regulates the process of sweating in women. The tool can also be used during breastfeeding. How to apply it? Simple enough. Zinc ointment should be applied to the area of ​​excessive sweating once a day. Most often, these are the armpits, palms and feet.

To cope with the smell of sweat, ordinary cosmetic talc will help, which you can buy today in almost any store. The disadvantage of this method is that white marks will remain on the clothes. In addition, if there is a sufficiently strong sweating, you will have to use talc 4-5 times a day.

Folk remedies for sweating

You can try to eliminate excessive sweating during pregnancy with the help of traditional medicine recipes. However, it is necessary to pay attention only to products intended for external use. A truly universal remedy is chamomile. It also helps with hyperhidrosis. To prepare a remedy for excessive sweating, you need 6 tablespoons of dry crushed plants to pour 2 liters of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and wait about an hour.

Chamomile will help to cope with excessive sweating

The finished product must be filtered, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. The medicine that will help remove excessive sweating is ready! Several times a day, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the prepared solution and wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits with it. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Horsetail tincture also shows good results in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Raw materials (dry plant) can be purchased at the pharmacy. This recipe also requires vodka (not alcohol!). A dry plant must be poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and left in a cool, dark place for a week. Then the infusion must be filtered and used to wipe the armpits. It should be borne in mind that horsetail can cause allergies.

Alcohol tincture based on walnut will also help to cope with excessive sweating during pregnancy. But it is necessary to use not the nut itself, but the leaves of the tree. Prepare the tincture in the same way as in the previous case. The leaves are crushed and poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. You can use the tool in a week.

It is worth using any remedy after consulting a doctor.

It is worth noting that the described means will not show high efficiency in the very first days of use. However, over time, it will be possible to get rid of excessive sweating.

In some sources, you can find recommendations on the use of herbal preparations to calm the nervous system. Plants such as mint, lemon balm really reduce the manifestations of hyperhidrosis. But during pregnancy, you can take any herbs inside only after consulting a doctor.

Increased sweating during pregnancy is a problem that goes away on its own after the baby is born. Therefore, do not panic. And if you have questions related to health, you should ask your local doctor.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. Some of them are invisible, while others lead to the appearance of symptoms that cause serious discomfort. So, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) often causes a lot of inconvenience during pregnancy.


The increase in the amount of sweat produced has several reasons. At the same time, they can be both functional and pathological in nature - that is, they can be a consequence of the disease. Therefore, it is important to know in which cases excessive sweating is considered the norm. Doctors distinguish three main factors that arise due to characteristic changes in the body during pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalance

From the moment the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, the ovaries begin to produce hormones that are necessary to maintain and develop pregnancy. Progesterone leads to an increase in overall body temperature to 37-37.4 degrees in the early stages. As a result, the sweat glands begin to work more actively to cool the body. The situation is greatly aggravated in the warm season.

Changes in the nervous system

The work of the sweat glands is affected by the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, sweating in pregnant women is often associated with their emotions. And at this time, women often experience an unstable psycho-emotional state:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • tearfulness;
  • prenatal anxiety.

In moments of strong emotions, sweating increases.

As the child develops in the womb, the load that the woman experiences also increases. First of all, the cardiovascular and excretory systems have to work in double volume.

Since the kidneys are not always able to remove excess fluid, the skin is forced to increase the excretion of moisture along with sweat. Therefore, in the third trimester, many girls often suffer from excessive sweating.

The situation gets worse as you gain weight. But in this case, it is important to pay attention to the extra pounds gained in excess of the norm. There are special tables that indicate the average weight gain for each month of pregnancy. With their help, the doctor will control the weight of the pregnant woman, taking into account her physique.

If overweight was present before pregnancy, then sweating worries the woman throughout the entire period.

Places of localization

Sweat glands are located throughout the body. But due to physiological characteristics in greater numbers, they occupy areas with elevated temperatures:

  • armpits
  • inguinal region;
  • palms;
  • Feet;
  • face.

It is in these places that an increased release of moisture will be observed in the first place.

Due to the influence of hormones, other areas of the body can also sweat heavily, such as:

  • back;
  • scalp;
  • breast.

In women with large breasts, the area under the mammary glands often sweats.

Symptoms depending on the time and time of day

Each stage of pregnancy is characterized by a specific cause of sweating. Therefore, the symptoms that bother the expectant mother will vary. They can depend not only on the trimester, but also on the time of day.

First trimester

In the early stages, generalized sweating is observed (over the entire surface of the body). At the same time, it is paroxysmal in nature: a woman feels hot flashes, as a result of which sweat secretion increases sharply. This is due to the influence of hormones produced during pregnancy.

Also, sweating in the first trimester can be caused by toxicosis and be a reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the weakness that occurs during bouts of nausea.

Second trimester

Usually starting from 4 months, a woman feels better. The body adapts to the new hormonal status, toxicosis disappears. Therefore, during this period, increased sweating is rarely observed - only in the case of excess weight. But sometimes, under the influence of emotional experiences, the pregnant woman begins to sweat more. In this case, most often moisture appears on the face and in the armpits.

third trimester

The last months of bearing a child are accompanied by an increase in the load on the internal organs. At the same time, weight is increasing faster and faster, which is associated with the growth of the fetus and the preparation of the body for breastfeeding.

These factors lead to increased sweating in the third trimester. In this case, the problem is localized: legs and armpits get wet.

Hyperhidrosis at night

Excessive sweating at night occurs both in late and early pregnancy. In most cases, it is due to too high a temperature in the room during sleep. At the same time, in addition to heat, the body feels stuffy, lack of fresh air.

Sometimes at night a woman is disturbed by cold sticky sweat. It occurs as a result of metabolic disorders, including hormones. In this case, it is recommended to check for diseases of the thyroid and pancreas.

Ways to reduce sweating

Since profuse sweating is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, women are forced to look for a way to eliminate it.

Not all methods are suitable for pregnant women, as some of them can harm the baby.

Deodorants, antiperspirants, medicines

The use of drugs designed to eliminate excessive sweating is prohibited: medications have a systemic effect and can adversely affect the fetus.

The safety of deodorants and antiperspirants is also questioned, as they often contain metal salts and aggressive perfume compositions. At a minimum, they can provoke an allergic reaction or an attack of toxicosis due to the smell. Relevant studies have not been conducted, so it is impossible to say unequivocally how they will affect the child.

When choosing between an antiperspirant and a deodorant, it is better to give preference to the latter. It does not affect the work of the sweat glands, but only neutralizes the unpleasant odor, therefore it is considered more harmless. You need to choose a product that does not have a strong aroma.

Physical exercise

Pregnant women should not completely abandon physical education. It is enough to choose less intense types of exercises in which the heartbeat and blood flow do not increase much:

  • yoga;
  • walking slow walks;
  • calm swimming.

Any kind of physical activity must be agreed with the gynecologist, as sometimes there is a risk of a miscarriage threat even with a low intensity of exercise.

Water procedures

Timely hygiene procedures will help to avoid unpleasant odors and wash off sweat. It is best to take a shower with water temperature close to body temperature: hot baths, on the contrary, will provoke increased sweating.

After water procedures, it is advisable to change clothes to fresh ones..

Power correction

Some products are also capable of strengthening hydrosis. Therefore, by changing the diet, sweating can be reduced. First of all, in the daily menu, you should limit:

  • all hot and spicy seasonings - pepper, cinnamon, curry, ginger, coriander;
  • onion and garlic;
  • chocolate;
  • tea and coffee;
  • sauces with horseradish and mustard;
  • alcohol.

Folk remedies

The use of folk remedies (baths, lotions, rubbing) will help to significantly reduce the amount of sweat produced. For the recipes to work, all manipulations should be carried out only after hygiene procedures and before applying any cosmetic products:

In what case should you see a doctor?

Excessive sweating is often a pathological symptom. It often accompanies diseases of the endocrine, immune and other systems of the body, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tumors;
  • tuberculosis.

It is important to pay attention to the intensity of perspiration. If there is no effect from the use of deodorizing agents, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

It is impossible to completely get rid of sweating, as it is a natural way to protect the body from overheating. But there are many tools that can reduce its intensity and eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Many women experience heavy sweating during pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered quite normal, since it is associated with changes in the hormonal background in the female body. Hyperhidrosis - delivers a lot of inconvenience, not only because of the unpleasant odor, but also often becomes a cause of anxiety and worries. There are many ways to reduce excessive sweating, but first you need to find out the exact reason why you are throwing up a sweat.

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Causes of heavy sweating in pregnant women

Symptoms and intensity of sweating may vary depending on the timing of pregnancy. The most common cause of excessive sweating is hormonal changes in the body, which occurs in all pregnant women. Sweating is especially common in early pregnancy, this is due to sudden surges in estrogen. Basically, palms and legs sweat a lot, as hormones begin to be actively produced, which can affect the function of sweating. Sometimes the smell of sweat changes dramatically.

Strong sweating at the very beginning of pregnancy can be observed due to changes in the psycho-emotional background. If a woman's psyche is very vulnerable, she constantly sweats. Sudden mood swings, strong excitement, frequent experiences - all this contributes to profuse sweating. Try to stay calm and avoid stress.

Signs of hyperhidrosis at all stages of pregnancy

In the first trimester, excessive sweating is due to the endocrine system. Feet begin to sweat especially strongly, although the rest of the body may remain almost dry. A woman can suddenly break into a sweat for various reasons.

During the second trimester, perspiration usually returns to normal. The body adapts to changes in hormonal levels, this reduces the likelihood of excessive sweating. But at this time there is an increase in blood flow, which can provoke profuse sweating. In addition, during the second trimester, the body requires more fluid, which can also affect the development of sweating.

In the third trimester, sweating may increase due to the increased load on the body, because a woman has to carry a rather large fetus. Even with small loads, the expectant mother sweats, her hands, neck, and legs begin to sweat. At this time, blood actively rushes to the skin, and this can also affect the increase in sweating. At the end of pregnancy, the armpits, pubic area and legs sweat more.

Heavy sweating during night sleep

Often night sweats in pregnant women are associated with external factors. Therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable to check the humidity level and air temperature in the bedroom. Excessive sweating in a dream can be associated with a banal overheating of the body, try to sleep in linen made from pure linen or cotton. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom and make sure that the air temperature does not exceed 20C. Go to bed and wake up at strictly defined hours, observing the daily routine helps to normalize sweating.

If profuse sweating is observed only at night, then this can be a signal of a developing disease, especially if there is a specific smell of sweat. In this case, you should definitely visit your gynecologist or therapist to determine the exact cause of hyperhidrosis.

How to reduce sweating

Personal hygiene should be observed by every woman. It is worth noting that during pregnancy you can not use chemical products (deodorants, antiperspirants) that prevent the smell of sweat. They can cause fluid retention in the body, allergies and skin rashes.

To remove the smell of sweat, wash regularly in the shower, and if there is profuse sweating, then wipe the body with a dry towel or napkin. If your feet are constantly sweating, then they need especially careful care. To reduce sweating and remove the smell of sweat, feet can be soaked in baths with antiseptic herbs.

Proper nutrition

There is a group of products that strongly affect the process of sweating. If you eat dishes that are full of spices, peppers and spicy seasonings, then don't be surprised that you sweat afterwards. Onions and garlic can also cause profuse sweating, and these foods also cause a strong smell of sweat. Strong coffee also contributes to increased sweating.

Physical exercise

Try to properly distribute your household chores. Everyday worries, especially for a long time, can be the main reason why the expectant mother is often thrown into a sweat. Take care of yourself and seek help from loved ones more often. To prevent excessive sweating during pregnancy, get plenty of rest and walk in the fresh air.

Water procedures

Throughout pregnancy, women are advised to shower only. A hot bath is harmful to the fetus and causes excessive sweating. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to visit saunas and baths. Overheating is dangerous both for the health of the woman and for the unborn baby. You can not soar your feet in very hot water, this will cause heavy sweating throughout the body.

But do not be upset, as a rule, after childbirth, as soon as the hormonal background returns to normal, excessive sweating goes away by itself and no medical treatment is required for this.

Sweating during pregnancy in the third trimester is normal, but only if other accompanying symptoms do not bother. In the later stages, the load on all internal organs and the body as a whole increases, blood flow increases. The woman begins to sweat at the slightest movement.

Causes of sweat in the early stages

A woman during the long 9 months of bearing a child can be plagued by various problems, as the body is completely rebuilt to a new mode of functioning. Among the frequent questions with which pregnant women go to the doctor: “Why do I sweat a lot during pregnancy?”.

Sweating pursues a woman at all stages of pregnancy. Increased sweat production is medically referred to as hyperhidrosis. The symptom appears as a result of hormonal changes that occur at the time of bearing a child. The woman breaks into a sweat suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Especially often the problem worries in the early stages of pregnancy as a result of changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. At this time, there is a sharp jump in hormones - estrogen. Sweat palms, feet, face, back. Sweat can change the smell.

The secret produced by the sweat glands is odorless and colorless. But during pregnancy, the smell can change. This is due to an increase in the amount of secretion secreted and a change in the microflora on the surface of the skin. The composition of the skin changes, the number of bacteria increases, and they begin to decompose sweat at an accelerated rate, as a result, an odor is added.

The pathology is indicated by a sharp, repulsive ammonia smell from sweat in pregnant women. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist or therapist to clarify the diagnosis.

As a result of increased work of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the composition of the skin also changes. The lower extremities suffer from excessive oiliness or dryness, begin to swell. Similar symptoms disappear only by the second trimester. In the meantime, sweaty feet can cause a lot of trouble. Sweaty feet begin to smell bad, so you have to change not only socks, but also have an extra pair of shoes.

Sweating during pregnancy in the early stages appears as a result of a change in the emotional background. A woman becomes more vulnerable, receptive to words, tearful. Any minor emotional experiences lead to increased heart rate, increased sweating.

Sweating as pregnancy progresses does not disappear, but rather increases. This is due to the addition of another circle of blood circulation. Blood volume increases by 40%. The rush of blood to the surface of the skin increases, and the sweat glands begin to work more actively.

By the second trimester, the hormonal background stabilizes, but the body's need for fluid increases. A woman begins to drink more, excess fluid is excreted through sweat. The most problematic areas are the back, armpits.

Last months

In the last trimester, blood flow begins to increase its activity to the limit, and hyperhidrosis manifests itself especially clearly. This is explained by several factors:

  1. The rush of blood to all organs and skin increases, the woman begins to sweat more often. A large fetus puts a strain on the work of all internal organs; its development requires more vitamins and other nutrients. The products of these metabolic processes are excreted not only with the kidneys, but also with sweat.
  2. The legs sweat the most, even if the woman is lying or sitting. The problem of the first trimester returns - the legs swell, become dry or greasy. The uterus presses on the vessels, and the blood circulates poorly in the lower extremities.
  3. By the last months, a woman is gaining weight, the fat layer becomes larger and prevents heat from escaping. The body tries to cool itself due to the active release of sweat.
  4. In the last weeks before the upcoming birth, the amount of lymph and blood increases, which explains the active release of sweat.

In the last 3 months, it is worth devoting a lot of time to personal hygiene, nutrition, and clothing. Hiking and healthy sleep are useful.

Contacting a specialist

It happens that excessive sweating during pregnancy is associated not with physiological changes, but with pathological processes in the body.

We are talking about diseases that cause increased sweating:

  • respiratory diseases: pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • CNS disorders;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • obesity;
  • very often, pregnant women experience severe sweating due to kidney disease (white sweat marks remain on clothes, and the discharge itself smells of ammonia);
  • exacerbation of allergies.

You need to suspect a problem if the sweat began to smell unpleasant, changed color, became sticky. At the same time, other signs of the disease may appear, for example, pain in the head, pallor of the skin, cough, drowsiness, apathy.

night sweats

Sweating can disturb a pregnant woman at night. You have to change your shirt or pajamas several times a night, and the bed linen is damp when you wake up.

The reason that severe sweating is disturbing may be in the underwear in which the woman sleeps. Clothing should only be made of natural, breathable material.

Too hot, stuffy and dry air in the room causes poor sleep, nightmares in a dream and the development of severe sweating during pregnancy. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.

The mode will help to normalize sweating at night. It is necessary to learn to go to bed and get up at the same time, not forgetting about daytime rest.

If sweat appears only at night and begins to smell bad, you should definitely inform the doctor: perhaps the cause is a disease of some internal organ.

Reasons for night sweats can be:

Sweating at night can signal a decrease in blood pressure or malfunction of the heart.

Fighting methods

Sweating during pregnancy does not need to be treated. Preparations for hyperhidrosis can cause side effects, and deodorants can harm the development of the fetus with their composition.

It is impossible to influence the hormonal background, but you can improve the condition of the body and reduce the unpleasant manifestation with the help of some rules:

  • clothes, especially underwear, should be chosen only from natural materials (cotton, linen);
  • the room should be ventilated daily;
  • you need to normalize the daily routine;
  • spicy, salty, sweet, fried foods are excluded;
  • it is recommended to avoid strong physical exertion;
  • more time to spend walking on the street;
  • It is good to take a shower every day.

You can not use deodorants based on chemical components during pregnancy. They provoke fluid retention in the body, block the work of the sweat glands, and can cause allergies.

Dermatologist Egorenkova Natalya Vladimirovna

One of the misfortunes during the bearing of a baby can be hyperhidrosis - increased sweating, which causes a lot of inconvenience and makes you feel complex if you need to be in public. The usual measures of disposal in this position no longer help, so you need to know how to eliminate sweating during pregnancy without any harm to the baby.

Why is this happening

Before you start treating hyperhidrosis, you need to understand the mechanism of this phenomenon. Why is sweating most often observed only in the early stages of pregnancy, and since the second trimester it seemed to have never happened? Most of the time it's due to hormonal changes. This is the most common reason, but not the only one.

  • Hormones

In the normal state, the hypothalamus (one of the parts of the brain) is responsible for the temperature regime of the human body. When the temperature rises, it is he who contributes to the increased production of sweat to cool the body. But during the first trimester of pregnancy, the hypothalamus no longer reacts to temperature: it is deceived by a sharp jump in estrogen, a hormone that begins to be actively produced in a woman's body, as a result of which the temperature rises slightly, but rises. This explains the heavy sweating during pregnancy in most cases.

  • Other reasons

Hormonal changes as the cause of hyperhidrosis in expectant mothers will not harm the baby. However, there are cases when excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by other factors that can be fraught with undesirable consequences. For example, such serious diseases as tuberculosis, tumors, stress and all kinds of mental disorders, allergies, heredity, obesity and any acute infectious diseases.

Due to the fact that the causes of hyperhidrosis can be different, at the first signs of this unpleasant phenomenon, you should immediately inform your gynecologist about it. He will prescribe additional examinations and find out the origin of your condition. This will greatly facilitate the way to eliminate it.

How to deal with it

If excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes, and not by other diseases, you can, if not completely eliminate the symptoms of your hyperhidrosis, then at least alleviate the condition. There are many methods, but at the same time, consultation and approval of the gynecologist observing the pregnancy is necessary.

  1. Since sweating most often occurs at night, you just need to choose the right underwear for sleeping: it should “breathe”, let air through and be made of natural material (cotton is ideal). During the day, it is also better not to wrap up and not choose to wear synthetic clothes.
  2. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room in which you sleep.
  3. Normalize your sleep pattern: by accustoming the body to go to bed and get up at the same time, you will help the hypothalamus to orient and maintain a normal body temperature.
  4. Reconsider your diet: are there too many spicy dishes, all kinds of spices or coffee in it (can you read coffee for pregnant women at the link)? But it is they who contribute to the abundant release of sweat. Since these foods are also harmful to the overall course of pregnancy, it is generally better to exclude them from the menu for the next 9 months.
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise. Don't exhaust yourself with sports.
  6. Try to be outdoors more.
  7. Do not use antiperspirants to control sweating. They do not eliminate the cause itself, but only narrow the ducts for sweating. This results in swelling of the body and disruption of the kidneys. It is better to use natural deodorants without fragrances, alcohol and chemical additives.
  8. A bath that only promotes sweating should be replaced with a shower, and not too hot. You can take it several times a day.

If your pregnancy is complicated by excessive sweating, you should not worry about this, but methods to eliminate this problem are not only possible, but necessary. So you will ensure a comfortable course of pregnancy, and therefore - and the baby too.

Sweating during pregnancy is normal. This is a common occurrence due to changes in the female body. The duration of pregnancy affects the symptoms and intensity of hyperhidrosis.

Sudden sweat on the legs or armpits causes discomfort up to acute anxiety. There are good ways to reduce hyperhidrosis during pregnancy. But first, understand the cause of excessive sweating during pregnancy so you can stop worrying.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in pregnant women

The main reason is hormonal changes in the body. The mechanism for maintaining the water-salt balance of expectant mothers changes from the first weeks of pregnancy. The increased concentration of hormones causes powerful sweating. Feet and palms sweat especially quickly.

Hormones are not the only reason. In pregnant women, especially in the early stages, the mood changes dramatically due to an unstable emotional background. A strong sudden experience can make you sweat.

The longer the gestation period, the more difficult the physical activity. Daily worries now require more strength, and this is another factor in excessive sweating of pregnant women.

Symptoms at different stages of carrying a fetus

Increased sweating in the first trimester is a consequence of the restructuring of the endocrine system of the body. Feet sweat profusely even when sitting or lying down. At the same time, the skin of other parts of the body may be dry up to peeling. During this period, hyperhidrosis is sudden and uneven.

In the second trimester, sweating returns to normal: sharp shifts in hormonal levels have passed, and the body is gradually getting used to it. Feet and armpits sweat less.

Hyperhidrosis at this stage of pregnancy occurs due to an increase in blood flow by 30-40%. You have to drink more, and this leads to increased sweating. This is the norm, do not use chemicals and drugs. Follow the daily routine and rules of personal hygiene.

In the last trimester, blood flow increases to the maximum. Blood rushes to the skin more actively and makes it sweat more. The increased stress of carrying a heavier fetus also causes sweating. Even with a little effort, a woman is thrown into a sweat.

Ways to protect against hyperhidrosis during pregnancy

The main protective tool of a pregnant woman is personal hygiene. It is undesirable to use drugs and special chemicals. Take a shower more often, and if this is not possible, use a dry towel. With strong sweating of the feet, pay more attention to their hygiene. There are folk ways to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of sweat.

Recipe for a decoction with a drying effect

The decoction is absolutely harmless to the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. It is suitable for sponge baths and foot baths.

  1. Take 15 grams of crushed willow and oak bark and place in a dry glass jar with a capacity of one liter.
  2. Add one tablespoon of powdered dry horsetail.
  3. Pour boiling water and put the jar in a saucepan with hot water, covered with a glass lid. Put a rag under the jar.
  4. Keep the steam bath for 20 minutes on low heat, and then cool and infuse for 2-3 hours.
  5. For a foot bath, dilute with water at room temperature.

Increased sweating during sleep

With nocturnal hyperhidrosis, choose the right underwear. It should "breathe" and absorb moisture well. Choose natural fabrics - cotton or linen. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Normalization of sweating will be better if you follow the sleep regimen. Go to bed and get up at the same time.

Nutrition for pregnant women with hyperhidrosis

Substances in the composition of some products - spices, seasonings, onions and garlic, strong coffee - can suddenly throw you into a sweat. These products are included in the general list, not recommended for pregnant women.

Bath or shower?

The best remedy for sweat is a shower, regular and not too hot. Bath, sauna or bath will cause even more sweating. A hot foot bath leads to profuse sweating of the whole body. The combination of acute hyperhidrosis with a hot bath will make you sweat during and after the procedure. Sauna and bath are sources of increased risk for the health of a pregnant woman and an unborn child.

Antiperspirants during pregnancy

Excessive sweating is unpleasant, especially in the armpits and legs. But pregnant women should not fight this with antiperspirants. Chemicals disrupt the natural process of sweating and can cause swelling. Increased hyperhidrosis during pregnancy is normal, so weigh the situation calmly.