Happy birthday greetings to the girl. Happy birthday to the girl

Do you know what is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for a person? Of course, the day when he is the most important, beloved, adored by everyone. This is our birthday. And the most quivering, sensitive, vulnerable creatures - our girls - attach special importance to this holiday. That is why birthday greetings to a girl should be prepared in a special way. From the very beginning of this festive day, everything should be prepared in such a way that an exciting, joyful mood arises and does not leave the beloved all day. The main thing is to have time to congratulate the girl first (it is better to wait until twelve o'clock the night before). Girls who are romantic and believe in a fairy tale attach great importance to this, and will be happy and immensely happy for such a delightful start to the day.

I wish to live and be loved
Do not grieve, do not lose heart
And along the road of life long
It's fun to walk with a smile.
Let the sea of ​​bouquets on this day
Friends will present you
Sadness will not touch the beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!
Shine like a ray of sunshine
Always be gentle, affectionate.
And may happiness be the reward
For all the coming years !!!

I was created for you alone
I live for you alone
In your hands given by God
Entrusted you with fate
Your arms are your shoulders
Lips hair eyes
I will cherish and remember
I will never forget
And forgive me for the frankness for the hot words
You alone are needed in the world
Only one I love you!

May every day be happy
Every moment is beautiful
Success, joy, kindness,
Love, good luck,

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days
Let this congratulation
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only light of the sun!
May love come to you great
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And let your life be, dear,
Light like spring water!

You want to wish a lot:
To find your happiness
To make that road long
On which you went in life.
For people to respect you
And everything was brighter around
And to stay next to you
At least one, but your reliable friend.

Happy birthday to you,
You read my congratulations
With all my heart, I wish you
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
May they not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
The years will never change!

Long and happy life.
Always be beautiful everywhere.
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter.
To caress the heart
And nothing would hurt
All adversity was forgotten
And dreams would all come true!

Let the stars shine in your eyes
May happiness sparkle like champagne
May tears never shine in them
And let the sorrow not knock in the heart.
May this day be like a nightingale's song
Bad weather will cross out all gloomy days.
May your life be like the dawn of May
Every day brings happiness in the palms of your hands!

Happy birthday girl greetings in verses

With a gentle dawn, with awakening
I'm in a hurry on my birthday
You will open up in congratulations
And I am deafening indecision.

My love will keep you warm
And happiness is all at your feet,
The soul is sick in silence,
And I rave about your name.

Be beautiful, stylish, fashionable,
Independent and proud
Smart, kind, modern
And certainly happy!

I hasten to wish you a happy birthday,
I wish you happiness, mood,
Success, cheerfulness, good luck,
Good health to boot.
Live, bloom like a lilac poppy,
Not knowing sorrow and need,
And bloom in the spring again
And cherish the caress of the sun!

Be the funniest and happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

Happy birthday to the girl in verses

The sun, the star, the sparkle -
You are as beautiful as a picture!
I just adore you -
Happy birthday, congratulations!
May Fortune accompany
Taking off the mystery mask,
And you always stay sweet
Like a princess in a fairy tale!

On your holiday, forget all the sadness and sorrow,
Let the sun only shine on you
Let roses be your life path
Paved towards fate.

I am ready to give all flowers in the world,
Poems in the world to dedicate everything
To the girl you are
It cannot be otherwise.

Lush bow over your head,
Like a flower in bloom ...
Eh! What's the matter with you?
Birthday party?
Happiness sparkles shine
In a rainbow of fun ...
Always be among the guys
A spring flower!

Birthday greetings in verses for a girl

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy this bright and beautiful day!
I wish you the sun in your soul
Joy, fun full house!

As today, be always beautiful!
Caress to you, tenderness, love!
So that in life, bright and happy,
All your dreams have come true!

You sing and the stars melt
Like kisses on the lips
Look, the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes.
You go and all your movements,
Deeds are all and all features
So full of feelings and expressions
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate handed you over to me, dear,
And I don’t know the best gift!

A beautiful evening by candlelight
Flowers gifts congratulations,
And these eyes, with the rays,
Burn on your birthday!

Happy birthday greetings for a girl from a friend

How many times in your ear
I complained, girlfriend
Or she shared her joy ...
Know, I have not forgotten
All yours are for me,
I wish you happiness
Joy, love, success,
Children's laughter in the apartment,
Strong as steel, health,
Intoxications with love.
Happy Birthday to You
I congratulate loving!

Happy birthday, dear friend!
Be young and strong as always!
Be happy, beautiful and loved
And don't count the past years!
Let your charm notice
Only the one for whom you have been waiting for a long time!
So that you have a family and children,
I believe! You will live your life happily!

Today in life for you
Have a nice moment
Let it be more forever
Have a wonderful birthday!

So that all your hopes and dreams
Have not lost faith
And all the happy lights
Lit up without dooming sulfur.

A living love, so beautiful
The only one just for you
Fate and not at all dangerous,
Catching all the charm of life ...

Beautiful congratulations girl happy birthday

Take a look at the sky. Where the milky way is
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget
That you have a birthday today.
And I wish you happiness
Love and cold and bad weather,
And to spite all the devils
You were always lucky in everything!

May life carry you on a wave of good luck
Let everything be like in a fairy tale.
May the wind bring good luck in life,
And the bright sun leads through life.
Let the starry sky fulfill your dreams.
And you will always be very happy!

Of such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a trembling heart beats!
The eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with affection ...
And we confess on our birthday:
We love you, dear!

Let life be yours like honey
Not a step back, but only forward.
Let all the peaks conquer
And men bow before you

Follow the rose petals
Without pain, grief and tears
You can do everything - do not hesitate
Stay the same beautiful.

Happy birthday to the girl with beautiful and warm words

Your beauty and youth
So magically good!
Happy birthday
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
And stay like this
Blooming every day
Enjoy every moment
In the dark night and day!

I want to give the whole world today
My beloved, beloved.
I want you to speak quietly all night
How good I am with my darling.
Darling, sweetheart, you are my whole world.
I completely dissolve in you.
You are joy, you are happiness, you are a bright sapphire!
Happy birthday to you!

You, (girl's name), eighteen,
A big door has opened into life.
How difficult it is to part with childhood
But don't bring it back now.
May all the good things from childhood
It will be inherited by you.
Let the heart beat with excitement
And sings songs of youth!

I wish you to be happy!
Bloom more magnificent than any roses!
The road to happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I wish you a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

I want to congratulate a wonderful girl on her holiday! Happy birthday, dear! Thinking about what to write in honor of such an event, the following words come to mind: I want you to always be surrounded by a lot of attention and care. Let real inspiration come to you! Always be healthy, beautiful and let the sunny mood never leave you!

My dear, accept my sincere words in honor of your day! I want to tell you that you are a wonderful person. May there be a lot of love in your destiny! Sincere, strong and real! Such that the soul sang and fluttered with joy and happiness! Of course, success in all matters! Let all your plans come true!

Expensive! You are a wonderful person and I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart: always be the same charming beauty! You know how warm I feel for you! So let there always be harmony, warmth and real female happiness in your life!

My bunny! Accept my sincere congratulations on your holiday as soon as possible. I want to remind you that you deserve the best and the kindest! More smiles for you! Let joy and success be faithful companions in your destiny. Never give up or lose heart. You will succeed! Rainbows of positive emotions to you, pleasant events and luck!

I hasten to congratulate the beautiful girl on her holiday. Dear, I want to wish with all my heart that on this day you have a storm of positive emotions, a wagon of beautiful flowers, the attention of fans and dancing until the morning! Hug you!

My darling! I would like to congratulate you on your wonderful day. Let sincere smiles surround you every day. Let there be a lot of light and goodness. Of course, well-being and harmony in the family. May all undertakings end with tremendous success.

Expensive. Catch my congratulations on your wonderful holiday. I am grateful to your mother for the fact that on this day she gave the world such a treasure as you. Let your friends become strong support and support, good health, a smile in your eyes. Let every morning start with a wonderful mood.

Sweetheart, be loved! These are the most important words that I want to say to you on this day. You deserve real, crazy, crazy love! You will definitely find her, the main thing is to believe. You are wonderful, remember this every second.

Today is a wonderful day. Sweetheart, look out the window and you will see that even the weather is happy with your holiday. I don’t want to say banal congratulations. You know what sincere and warm feelings I have for you, so I'll just write: be yourself! Your eyes are full of passion and fire. May it always be so! Your gait is light and mesmerizing. Keep inspiring and surprising. Hug you!

Expensive. I want to write you warm words as soon as possible so that you smile and remember how I value you. I want you never to be sad. Let if there are tears in your eyes, then only from happiness. Live long, bright, fabulous and unique.

To a beautiful girl, beautiful wishes! We wish you to bloom like a tea rose in the morning. And please everyone around you with your presence. We wish you to receive gifts and compliments, not only on your birthday! Live interesting and informative! Bathe in happiness and love!

Wonderful girl, congratulations! In the cycle of life events, I wish not to lose myself. Find your worthy place in life. Enjoy every minute, every moment. May fate be favorable to you and kind! Always be successful and happy!

I wish love, without a trace, such that for life! Let your dreams come true, always and on time. Let there be many interesting meetings, memorable events. I wish you luck, in everything! Let your plans come true, and fate will give you - happiness and good luck!

The brightest emotions, holiday and fireworks of fulfilled wishes! Please accept these wishes from me. May your career be successful. Travel, learn something new, curiosity suits you so! Let the happy events in your life replace the excellent ones! Sweet girl, be always positive!

I want to make you the fulfillment of your deepest desires. So that one morning, opening your eyes, you understand - everything goes the way you want it! Be always desired and loved, close, friends. Unshakable health, self-confidence! True friends and girlfriends!

What can I wish you, beautiful creature? Let your loved one hug you in the morning. So that you happily go to work. Because you are doing what you love. I wish you find your favorite hobby, let it bring moral pleasure! And most importantly, I wish you to become - infinitely happy!

I wish, on your birthday, many good meetings! Unique ideas that you will bring to life. Smiles, bright, memorable gifts. Always be unique and unique person. The smile and the sparkle of the eyes suit you so well. Shine, inspire others, love! Always be harmonious and inspired!

A million wishes for happiness, this holiday for you. You are a wonderful and kind girl. Worthy of all the most: bright, unforgettable, impressive! Let your destiny turn out, as you yourself want. Let the fabulous dreams come true for you. Be sure to dream, everything will come true!

You know how to give joy and beauty. Thank you for that. So let everything be returned to you in return. You are unpredictable and sweet. So beautiful in her spontaneity. Accept quickly the assurances of our long friendship. Great success to you, fireworks of colorful emotions! May you always be lucky, and we will be there!

Happy birthday to beauty! There is so much to say. Always be such an energetic, bright girl. You have your own "zest" - you are very original! Save this. May your brightness never fade. And neither sorrow nor adversity can break you! Live endlessly happily!

Poets of women sing
I want to sing you too,
You are the muse, you are the angel, you are the goddess,
All friends know about it.

Everything in your life is harmonious
Order in the house and comfort,
Let it not always go out with a personal one,
But happiness will be right there.

I believe the best will happen
More than once in your fate,
All that dreams will come true
Success will not be lost anywhere.

You will jump again, dear,
Good luck, joy tram,
And there is nothing he does not mind,
Will take you away into the dashing distance.

Where everything becomes possible
There are no boundaries of love
Leaving everything that was difficult
After all, you deserve the best!

Young, sweet, beautiful,
The devils are dancing in the eyes
You joke, you laugh often
You are not a girl, you are "wah!"

We express admiration,
We don't get tired every year
You are a sip of happiness for us
You are beautiful in everything.

You manage to be a wife
Mom is the best for children
And a compassionate friend
You manage to be mine.

Many different things happened
You were always with me
Although we quarreled a little,
You angel, my guardian!

I wish you happiness
I wish you to grow younger
To have a lot of everything
To have something to wear.

To protect you
From adversity, your family
If anything, I'll be there
You and I are almost related!

You are not a woman, you are a miracle
You are not a woman - a dream
I'll be short today
Happy Birthday to You!

How many years have I known you
I don’t presume to count,
But what is interesting is
You're a girl again.

You are fresh and pretty
You are young, do not give not take,
You dress well
You know what to combine with.

Passion sparkles like a fire
Your brown eyes
And men very often
Not to see a dream with you.
Happy Birthday dear,
Always be just like that
Happiness may not know the edge
Stand up for success!

Celebrates the holiday today
Our glorious family
And he protects the family,
From adversity, the muse is one.

Knows this muse in the house,
Where, when and what lies
I do not hide my love for her,
After all, I am her man.

I like to taste delicious borsch,
The one that the muse cooks for us
The furniture is a muse so skillfully
Places in places.
Our muse gives happiness
She gives us peace
Can put everything according to suit,
I'm not looking for a second sock.

So I live without knowing grief,
With you, muse, for many years,
And the sea of ​​love with you,
And I'm shod and dressed.

Happy birthday dear
My muse and destiny
I don't need heaven with you
There is no one better than you in the world!

Congratulations always
We have been each other for many years
And I confess frankly
There is no such friendship in the world,
How is your friendship with us,
You will not cut, you will not kill,
It's such a miracle
Always know what you live for.

Feel in the distance
The mood is yours
And keep me in condition,
Secrets about life.

For me you are invariable
The closest person,
The most sincere and loyal
We have been friends for many years.

Congratulations, hugs,
I love you deeply, anxiously,
Happy birthday dear
I'll shout out loud to you!

I want your birthday
Do not hide your admiration
To wish for love and not regret words,
For the best girl, you
I want to sing on my birthday!
So that your dreams come true
So that you do not know about misfortune
And just do you dear.
Happiness, joy. of good!

The birthday girl is cute.
Beloved by all,
We wish you with all our hearts.
Know neither grief nor misfortune.
And everyday life is happy and beautiful.
To make your dreams come true!
So that on a wide road
I've always been generous to you.
So that you never lose heart
And so that she would not know evil in the world!
And only love, kindness and affection
After all, you are a princess.
I wish you a good fairy tale!

Your birthday is a holiday
The best day of the year.
We wish you a lot of happiness
And you do not know trouble
Always be joyful
Generous, beautiful!
Cute, good
And beloved by all!

Sweet girl, you are the birthday girl.
Today is your day and everyone has a holiday
Everyone loves you, they admire you,
Be the most successful of all!
Be healthy, strong, beloved,
The very best. an example for everyone!
Don't let the session upset you
And only you always uplifts!
May you be a princess and may not be alone
Let your prince mount his horse soon!

It's a birthday on this holiday.
I want to wish you
Always be healthy and happy.
No need girl
Count your years!
No need to hide your dreams
Do not be upset suddenly
You just know that tears
This is a useless friend!
After all, you need to believe, smile,
Try to be better!
Exactly from today
I wish you to conquer all heights!
You are young, smart, beautiful
And there are your winged dreams
Come on dare, hurry up
I wish you to always be so!

Birthday at a cutie
All gathered - all friends.
That's why. what we adore
And we always love you!

On this day you were born!
For everyone's joy and happiness
So let you have
Life will be a real fairy tale!

At this holiday. on this day.
Singing songs is not at all lazy!
After all, today is the day of jam
Birthday, blooming day.
At a beautiful girl
At my girlfriend's!
I always wish her
Always be on top!
Smile, don't be sad.
Tears never shed
Smile and bloom
Be happy and grow!

It's your birthday today.
You have the best day today!
And I want to say without a doubt
May every day
Good luck to you, joy smile.
Be happy.
After all, you have no options!

Happy birthday greetings to the girl

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Not everyone knows that congratulating a girl on her birthday is not only fun and easy. It can be imbued with endless love, and a feeling of deep admiration, and the warmth of friendly feelings. In it, between the lines, you can tell about your hopes, and about the values ​​of female friendship, and about what binds you for many years. Happy birthday to a girl from mom or father can become a symbol of parental love, a spark of their loving hearts. Congratulations from a brother or sister will remind her of the childhood years spent together, a congratulation from a friend will make you believe that your friendship is not afraid of any adversity. And how nice it will be for a girl to receive congratulations from classmates, classmates or work colleagues! It will be a real holiday.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy this bright and beautiful day!
I wish you the sun in your soul
Joy, fun full house!

As today, be always beautiful!
Caress to you, tenderness, love!
So that in life, bright and happy,
All your dreams have come true!

Be the funniest and happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

Darling, you are older today.
You have become both prettier and smarter.
Although, much smarter and more beautiful,
After all, you are already the nicest in the world.

I can't imagine myself without you.
You are like air to me, like water ...
Darling, I congratulate you!
Be happy! And always be with me!

Be beautiful, stylish, fashionable,
Independent and proud
Smart, kind, modern
And certainly happy!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days.
May this congratulations be mine
It will also be your joy.

On this day I wish you happiness
And wonderful long, long years.
May you not have bad weather
Only the stars, only the sun's light.

May love come to you big:
Not for a year - for eternity, forever.
And let your life be, dear,
Light like spring water.

If you say that you are very beautiful
And admire your smile
You can see the power of heaven
That stretches out in the light of the eyes.
Thinking about how awesome you are
In the dances of an open and light soul,
You can feel freedom in your heart
What inspires, gives strength to live.
With a sincere heart I wish you
Always be gentle and kind
May there be few tears in your life
And there will be a bright peace in the soul.

May 19, 2010

It's your birthday today
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth bloom
Smiles, sun and warmth

Be young, always beautiful
Desirable, kind and simple,
Always friendly and sweet
Always beloved, dear

Let there be no sorrow in your life,
Let happiness meet you everywhere
May joy remain your companion forever,
And there will be a forever loved one next to you

Let the sun shine brightly
At white tender birches,
We wish you good luck and success,
Health, cheerfulness always,
Well-being for all the coming years.

You are like candy today.
Congratulations, baby!
Always be the most beautiful
The most tender and beloved.

So that desires come true
So that the pockets are filled
I had a rest on the sea,
In life, so that she does not know grief.

I lived so that, like a goddess,
So that she does not know tears from now on,
To keep luck next to you.
Honey, happy birthday!

I wish you so much
Full of happiness, wonderful minutes.
May all fears, worries, problems
They will flee from you forever.

Let in your eyes, joyful, bright,
An unquenchable fire burns.
The desired man will be near
And your love tenderly keeps.

I wish you more luck
And success in any beginnings.
You are beautiful, you will not say otherwise,
There are few such beautiful ones in the world.

Happy Birthday! May dreams come true
And your world will be full of love
Only with joy will tears come out.
Be happy and give happiness.

Happy Birthday! I wish you happiness, health, warmth, light, love, tenderness, vitality! So that you always shine with happiness, achieve your goal, so that all your most cherished dreams come true. And also so that there is a person in your life who is ready to do anything for you!

Happy birthday, darling,
Always be happy
Wake up with the sun
Smile more often!

Be gentle, always beautiful
Kind, sweet and happy.
Always be the warm sun
Never be sad!

Be beautiful, irresistible
Desired and irreplaceable
Open, gentle, very passionate.
And, like love, you be beautiful.

Feminine, fashionable and shiny.
Slim, playful and heady.
Daring, funny, modest, proud.
Both affectionate and noble.

Both business and creative.
Spectacular, bright, promising ...
I wish you joy, fun
And happy birthday!

I congratulate you on your birthday -
The most important and festive day.
I wish you to enjoy
Positiveness and joy in it!

Be luxurious, chic, open.
Go boldly, proudly through life.
May fate love you mutually
And does not build barriers on the way!

Be healthy, happy, rich
And successful in their accomplishments.
May dreams come true clearly
And you - clearly feel them!

On your birthday, today
I want to wish you happiness.
And many words - good, warm -
From a pure heart to say.

May your life be beautiful
Without grief and resentment,
The weather in the house is only clear.
And impeccable - appearance.

I wish you faithfulness and faith
Good friends for years.
Don't miss your career
And always be beautiful.

Like a star, you are beautiful today
Compliments sound after you.
Happy birthday to you!
I wish you love and victories.

Let the lights not go out in the eyes,
Let the soul sing from happiness
And dreams all come true quickly
Only the best lies ahead.

Smile and laugh more often
After all, there is no more beautiful smile.
You radiate joy and happiness
Unmatched enchanting light.

May your friends sincerely appreciate you
And let fate spoil you.
Reach all your goals
Drive the sadness out of your soul.

Be fun, love and be loved
Let your eyes shine with joy!
Always be good, unique
May peace and harmony reign in your soul!

I wish you smile on your birthday
In life, you can only radiate positive
May you be lucky
So that you can make your dreams come true!

Honey, happy birthday!
All the best to you in the world
A whole box of inspiration
And luck in business.

And also a wagon of success,
The ocean of love is big
Creativity, happiness, laughter
And always be young.

I wish you a birthday
Happiness, joy, luck.
Let luck enter the house
So that life was in full swing.
Be successful and beautiful
She is cheerful and talkative.
So that the family gives laughter
And work is just success.
I wish you live a hundred years
Without grief, sorrow and troubles.