Signs that a guy is hiding his feelings. How to hide love. Negative experiences in the past

Girls are constantly tormented by numerous questions. Agree, because it is exclusively in female nature to worry about what is not there, or what you do not know for sure. If you nodded in agreement, then you succumbed to the stereotype that is common in our society. It is these unshakable statements that do not require proof, but are by no means an axiom, spoil our lives every hour and every second. After all, they take away the main thing - freedom of thought and opinion - and make a huge number of people think equally.

But in fact, it's not about that. We propose to deal with an important question: why does a man not express, does not show, but hides all his feelings, being in love? How can a woman understand that she is loved and desired, because for the prevailing number of charmers it is very important to know. It turns out there are several answers to this question. The comments of acting psychologists are witty, reliable, confirmed by daily practice.

The reason is in it

A banal fear that haunts humanity, in particular men, and which is not at all easy to deal with. Yes, the man is also afraid. But the whole difficulty is that from childhood he was forbidden to talk about his fear, regardless of what he was afraid of at that time. Suppressed emotions always remain in the body, provoking inappropriate behavior in the future. After all, you see, it seems ridiculous that an adult and self-sufficient person hides his real feelings. It is much easier to say directly about what really worries you, leaving no room for omissions.

But the stereotypes are firmly planted in my head, so at the slightest fear it is impossible to talk about it, and, accordingly, we also have to be silent about what gave rise to it. A man is a vulnerable creature who is very kind to his person. He does not tolerate rejections well, so he does not like to flaunt his mental anguish. Feelings may well wait until he gains courage, unless, of course, they run out by then. Summarizing, we highlight the main idea, a man does not show his feelings because of fear.

Reason for them

Unfortunately, it is the man who is inclined to take seriously the opinion of society, that is, those who surround him. The entire society was created by men, therefore, initially, who and what will think about it becomes important. Not wanting to look sensitive outwardly, which for them is directly related to weakness of character, he denies any dependence on the girl, not allowing his friends to tease him. Therefore, a stony face, a slightly squeamish expression of which demonstrates the owner of life, too frank jokes in the presence of his passion, should prove that he is a tasty object for conquest. Yes, the stereotype about the handsome prince who will come, take, take away, and give is destroyed.

A man who does not show his feelings really wants to make sure at first that he is also wanted in order to save himself from the troubles associated with fear. What friends, mother, acquaintances, colleagues and boss will think if they refuse him - that's what he thinks about. If the guy understands that this life is only his, then, perhaps, there will be more frank conversations, and the girl will finally find out that she is not indifferent to her partner or old friend. The second reason is insecurity.

The reason is in her

Sometimes a man is just shy. Then there are obvious signs of falling in love, which will never be voiced by him. He is simply not able to describe his feelings coherently, let alone talk about them, bursting into a nightingale. Of course, such behavior is rare, as it seems to a woman, but psychologists say that this is the case. By the way, the beauties themselves during the period of falling in love become much bolder than during normal existence.

Shyness leaves its mark on all communication that can occur between a couple, during the period of acquaintance and definition. Men themselves scold and punish themselves for being embarrassed, therefore, during the period of falling in love, his efficiency at work usually increases. Labor is something that is understandable. But a woman or a girl is a completely different matter.

Psychologists have identified several nuances, in the presence of which you can understand that you are not indifferent to this particular representative of Homo sapiens. Let's talk about them further.

Determine the presence of feelings:

  • firstly, a man will agree with his chosen one in everything. This is very clearly seen in examples in work groups. With his love, it doesn’t matter at all what scale the issue is being considered. His and her opinions will necessarily coincide;
  • secondly, he will begin to more carefully monitor his appearance. Polished shoes are used, new shirts are clean and ironed, a neat haircut is done once every two weeks, and not, as before, once every six months. Colognes, toilet waters, deodorants will also be used as means of mass destruction;
  • thirdly, without revealing his real feelings, he will start talking more, trying to involve his person and lady of the heart in the discussion;
  • fourthly, the young man will always physically reduce the distance between himself and the chosen one. It is inherent in the subconscious, to show that you let the girl into your personal space.

Watch a man, and you will begin to easily understand how much he likes you. This, as you can see, is easy.

In love matters, the strong half of humanity is characterized by modesty. Shy and modest men become when it comes to real feelings. Women who are more emotional and courageous in this regard sometimes need to push the chosen one to recognition. How to do this delicately and how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

A common reason why the representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings is the fear that he will not meet reciprocity, will be rejected or even ridiculed. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but when it comes to real feelings, the stronger sex can become indecisive and capricious. And here the main thing is to understand whether the satellite is really in love and, having made sure of a positive result, help him open up.

Why can a man hide his feelings?

Many women are familiar with the situation when a lover does not show signs of attention, does not show feelings. Men simply do not understand that if you hide your feelings, a woman may soon doubt their existence. It is very important for women to realize that they are loved and dear. Strong hugs, pleasant words and manifestations of feelings are simply necessary for women, without them they feel lonely. There are doubts and jealousy. Why does a man, even feeling love for the chosen one, hide his feelings? There are several such reasons.

  1. No matter how trite it may sound, the strong half is so accepted. Emotionality, in their opinion, is a typical female trait, and a real man should be restrained and not show emotions and feelings.
  2. In society, too impulsive, emotional men are not well perceived.

In reality, men are often no less sensitive than women, but public opinion and stereotypes force them to be reserved. There is an opinion that ladies adore brutal, rude men, and many guys, wanting popularity, try to match this image. This is one way to create and maintain an image.

  • Men are afraid to get the title of henpecked. Entering into a serious relationship, he fears that the chosen one, having learned about the depth of feelings, will begin to manipulate him. Each representative of the stronger sex values ​​freedom and independence, and even realizing that he wants to always be with his lady, he does not want to lose them. The way out of the situation is to restrain feelings, not to give them free rein.
  • There is an opinion in the male community that a man in love is a weak person. Falling in love makes you weaker and more vulnerable. In order not to look like a weakling among friends and acquaintances, a man does not show feelings.
  • The classic described the fourth reason remarkably: “The more we love a girl, the less she likes us.” According to popular belief, a woman, upon learning that a man has fallen in love, may lose interest. Such behavior maintains interest in the opposite field, adds mystery to the gentleman.

The last reason sounds like a "protection method". By nature, men are vulnerable and sensitive. A frank declaration of love for them is comparable to voluntary surrender, it's the same as laying your head on the chopping block, taking off your helmet and laying down your sword. Stealth and silence are a kind of armor that protects the sensitive heart.

Signs of a man falling in love

To understand if your prince is in love with you, you need to closely observe his behavior when he is with you.

  1. He talks in detail about himself and his loved ones. If the companion constantly keeps up the conversation, talks a lot about himself, trying to make a positive impression, then he is interested in a woman. Thus, he lets the chosen one into his life, makes it possible to get acquainted with things that are important to him. If the lady does not miss the chance, shows sincere interest, listens carefully, helps to open up, this will be the first step towards a long relationship.
  2. He listens carefully and hears his companion. A clear sign of a man's interest. In this case, a woman can create the right impression about herself by talking about hobbies, life priorities ... This is a wonderful moment to search for common interests, common ground.
  3. I started to take better care of myself. When a man begins to devote more time to his appearance: he buys new clothes, signs up for a gym, carefully selects an image - this is a sure sign that the one he wants to like and appear from the most favorable sides has appeared.
  4. Care. If a man helps carry heavy bags or offers to help with household chores, this may indicate more than just politeness and good manners. Repeated displays of concern may well indicate a gentleman's indifference.
  5. Thoughts about stable earnings, material well-being. If earlier a man was little interested in well-being, and now he seriously thought about it, perhaps he thought about starting a family.

Psychology of a man in love

Behavior of a man in love

Sign language

In addition to obvious signs, pay attention to non-verbal, unconscious ones. The main thing is to read the body language and facial expressions correctly.

  • No matter how the lover tries to hide his feelings, his body is tense, a little stiff.
  • Hands may tremble from embarrassment or excitement, palms sweat.
  • Arms crossed on the chest indicate an attempt to close. When a man opens up, straightens his shoulders, he demonstrates his body, flaunts, attracts attention.
  • Physical attraction can be assumed if, during intercourse, a man periodically touches the belt or puts his hands on his hips.
  • Reducing the distance when talking. When falling in love, a man tries to get closer at any opportunity, to penetrate into personal space.

Facial expression and gaze

Unconscious glances towards the object of love. An interested person wants to enjoy, admire the image of his beloved.

It is very difficult for a lover to control his gaze, unless, of course, he is an agent of special services. Noticing how a man looks, it is easy to determine whether he is in love. In the eyes of a man in relation to his beloved, admiration shines. Often, unconsciously, when speaking, the gaze stops on the lips. Realizing that it is indecent to look closely at their beloved, men begin to hide their eyes, to look stealthily. But these views are so frequent that they are easy to catch.


The behavior of a person in love is often unstable. A constant change of mood from thoughtfulness and lyricism to fun and relaxedness.

What is a woman to do?

If a lady notices signs of falling in love in a familiar man, it is worth assessing whether she wants to develop relationships. If sympathy is mutual, you can show reciprocal attention. If for any reason a relationship is impossible or undesirable, you should leave them, but delicately so as not to offend the man.

The inner world of a man is very simple, concise, understandable, but not for a woman. Intuitively, yes, but not logically. Here's how, for example, she understands a man who is definitely in love, but behaves like an insensitive chump or a frozen penguin? And after that, the guys claim that it is women who make life difficult? Why hide your feelings and why can't you come up and say: “I like you, let's live happily ever after and die one day when we hit a hundred!”? No, he suffers, but is silent. And try to find out why he hides his feelings? Let's try, find out and explore the signs that betray a man in love.

Sign 1. Behaves like a stupid "sheep"

It's a little insulting, but it's true, which was subtly noticed by Agatha Christie: “If a man is in love without any pretense, his gaiety and pompous gallantry dissolve without a trace. He looks more like a sheep." Of course, this does not concern every man, but many lose all sanity, and even adequacy in the presence of the object of their love. Fortunately, such a state in its pure form is not often observed. Basically, men from this category demonstrate tension, awkwardness, fussiness, generated by the fear of not being liked. The overestimated importance of the situation brings them down. Here the law of meanness works, and in order not to goof off, the vulnerable male psyche “falls” into extremes: stupor or bravado.

Sign 2. Metamorphoses occur with his voice and speech

Verbal signs are among the most eloquent, and it's not just about the content of what was said. A man's speech can be incoherent, incoherent, and inappropriate, although he is usually famous for his oratory skills, for example. Also, a man is able to unconsciously manipulate his voice, making it softer, more pleasant, more courteous. Or he can chat incessantly, or be silent, like a partisan under interrogation. If a man knows how to control himself in exciting situations, he will still give out his feelings by the desire to ask more about a woman, or talk about himself.

Sign 3. Turns into a solid "ear"

A man in love becomes such a "big ear" - an ideal interlocutor who knows how to listen and hear. He will definitely remember a remark thrown by a woman in a fleeting remark about what kind of masculine fragrance she likes, or what she likes to have breakfast, or what transport she gets to work. And the very next day, a man smelling like Antonio Banderas meets a woman at a bus stop near work with her favorite croissants and Mocaccino. Isn't this love? Perhaps not every man in love and hearing a man will realize to materialize at least the small dreams of a woman, but he will definitely let her speak out, which only a man in love can do.

Sign 4. His eyes are a mirror of a soul in love

What is reflected in this "mirror" depends on the location of the woman. If a man fears that his love will be rejected, or feels unworthy of a woman, his eyes will express the look of a devoted but beaten dog. But if a man is full of hope and confidence, in his eyes one can easily read courage, determination, flirting or intrigue. Unfortunately, the look of a man hiding his feelings is not so eloquent. However, he can also be “convicted” of love if he holds his gaze for a long time, for example, on a woman’s lips, or, conversely, looks away when communicating with a woman, blushes or is embarrassed.

Sign 5. Becomes a gallant gentleman

Men in love express their feelings in two extremes - indifference or excessive (and sometimes obsessive) attention. Moreover, everyone does this, both those who are not ashamed of their feelings, and those who hide them behind seven locks. But the golden mean also happens - a noble gentleman who will open the door in front of a woman, and give a pen and take care to make life easier for a woman. If a man does this without a shadow of interest on his face, of course, he can be suspected simply of a good upbringing, but no woman will confuse good breeding with the gallantry of a man in love.

Sign 6. Pays increased attention to his appearance

It is a well-known fact that men are much less fashionable than women. They don’t really like to follow their appearance either - with age, men, as a rule, look older than their peers. Men in love are another matter. It was as if they had a “program” inserted into their heads - to be beautiful, well-groomed, fit, fashionable. And even those men who do not lag behind women in their ability to take care of their appearance, in a state of love, begin to visit gyms, clothing stores and even beauty salons, which were previously considered women's "parafia", with redoubled agility. They long to please the woman they like, even if she doesn't know it yet.

Sign 7. Jealous and demonstrates his ownership

When a man is secretly in love, he considers a woman already his, even if she does not know in a dream or spirit about his feelings. He does not tolerate when other men show increased signs of attention to her, and can impersonate aggressive behavior, both towards boyfriends who have encroached on his “property”, and towards a woman who allows other men to flirt with her or frankly pester her. If a man realizes that he is wrong, he will deliberately avoid a woman so as not to betray his feelings.

Sign 8: Ridiculous jokes or acting like a clown

Hiding behind humor or playful behavior has been a tradition for men since childhood, when they did not know how to deal with suddenly surging feelings for a classmate. Then humor, jokes and other kinds of tomfoolery often became salvation and reliable cover. A model of behavior has developed, and for many men it has become entrenched, remaining the leader in the tactics of communicating with women in adulthood. A man can tell stupid jokes, play out of place, joke inappropriately, etc. He does not understand that he looks like a jester in the eyes of a woman. Unfortunately, the mask is visible only to the one who looks at it, but not to the one who hides behind it.

Psychologist Elena Tsitrava

Men are not without mystery, just like women. True, upon closer examination, the veil of mystery melts away. For example, a man in love, but hiding his feelings, is an interesting object for analysis.

It is possible to understand that a man is in love by certain signs, but how to do this if he carefully hides his feelings? We'll figure out!

Why can he hide sympathy

There are not many reasons. He:

  • married;
  • does not want to look weak;
  • afraid of being rejected;
  • himself in shock from what happened to him;
  • thinks it's inconvenient at his age.

Of course, all guys are different - in terms of psychotype, horoscope, upbringing, education, habitat. This affects the behavioral aspect. But still there are common moments that betray the one who fell in love.

He is changing. Sometimes abruptly. Often awkward.

The bold impulsive handsome man suddenly becomes quiet and embarrassed. Sometimes blushes and hides his eyes.

A calm, quiet nerd, seemingly for no reason, begins to play tricks: he is ready to jump from the roof into a snowdrift, sing with a guitar, get drunk and light up in a nightclub.

Diagnosis one: fell in love.


Consider the specific signs of a guy in love pretending that nothing is happening.

By look

Love makes the unfortunate always look at the object of your sigh. She attracts him like a magnet, and he is unable to resist. He cannot control himself.

Well, perhaps - he works in the secret services, has psychological training and great willpower. And still, sooner or later it will pierce. The call of nature is stronger.

Noticing how he looks, you can easily understand if a man is in love with you! Admiringly. This is visible from the side. The young man himself may not even realize that sparks of admiration flow from his eyes.

He examines the woman as a whole, in parts - admires every movement, the bend of her body. Often unconsciously look freezes on the lips. He watches, spellbound, as she says something, smiles, licks her lips. Look and experience bliss.

Some subjects, especially those with a high level of intelligence, are aware that it is indecent to look at a beloved with wide-open eyes.

They begin to “encrypt” - they cast sidelong glances, look at them from the sly. But since they do it often, they also give themselves away.

Do you want to know, ? A few tips for women facing this situation!

And we will tell you about how to understand that a guy is cheating on you - obvious signs and the necessary psychological help in case of infidelity.

How to become a happy woman, even if you are left alone? We know that will help change your attitude to life!

Clothing and appearance

Absolutely - falling in love, the guy begins to preen, often look in the mirror. More often than necessary, he splashes in the shower, examines his teeth, pimples, the color of the hairs on his mustache with passion.

The dude will buy himself a few more branded items, a scarf or a cool watch.

The one who has never given a damn about fashion and brands will definitely wash his jeans, take out new socks from the closet or think about buying a fresh shirt, jacket("the old one got lost").

The guy will polish the shoes (or wash last year's dirt off the sneakers and rub the former white inserts with toothpaste). Goes to the hairdresser.

Another bright sign is perfume. If a representative of the stronger sex suddenly smells of perfume - toilet water, lotion, deodorant, cologne - a fact: he fell in love.

In an emotionally agitated state, both women and men almost always abuse perfumes.

Psychology of behavior

Behavior may become unstable. He is either thoughtfully sad, or tenderly lyrical, or excitedly relaxed. Suddenly he will remember Blok, Tsvetaeva, or, at worst, an excerpt from "Eugene Onegin" learned at school.

Intricately and masterfully describe some theorem. He will talk about the high - opera, ballet, the philosophy of the ancient Greeks ...

And then, as if nothing had happened, he will tell a couple of obscene anecdotes, replacing obscene phrases with interjections.

Be attentive to the lady of your heart. Will soulfully delve into all its little content maxims.

And if she is smart and informative, she will google the incomprehensible phrases she has dropped in order to “be in the subject” in the next conversation.

If a lady, unfortunately, has a deep inner world, she will start reading the classics, will be carried away by the fine arts. She can skate or ski, if her beloved spends her leisure time like this.

More often than before, he finds reasons to be close to a woman from whom he is blown away. He comes up with joint business, offers to help with the housework, accompany him to the tire shop with the car, go for seedlings. He suddenly has two tickets for a ballet, a concert, a biennale.

But then he can suddenly disappear for several hours or even days. He doesn't write, he doesn't call. By the way, as the most unpleasant option - drinking. Then he comes out of the binge, washes, shaves, irons his jeans. The woman is surprised. Becomes softer and more attentive. He needs it very much, he spreads his wings again.

Sometimes it is important for a person to touch the object of adoration. But this is not always possible. You can also understand that a man has fallen in love by this sign - he finds a reason, as if by accident, to touch his arm, shoulder, waist.

Body and gestures

They can also betray a lover, no matter how he tries to disguise himself. Often his body is tense or even shackled.

Pay attention to the hands excitement will give out a tremor. The lover's hands often tremble with excitement or embarrassment. The palms become wet.

He crosses his arms over his chest - an attempt to "close". And then, on the contrary, he suddenly opens up, straightens his shoulders and showing off her whole body- that's how handsome I am.

And, really, at such a moment, the women nearby involuntarily gasp - oh, good! Hands, as a rule, at such a moment the guy is holding on to the belt or belt of his trousers.

It is important for him (often unconsciously) to demonstrate a significant part of his body, the male basis of the foundations. And women involuntarily “read” this.

If adrenaline goes off scale, and the time has not yet come to open your feeling, he will sign up for a rocking chair. However, almost every second will decide to pump up muscles - I really want to be attractive.

Do you believe in love horoscopes? Learn all about the character, by external signs and his behavior!

Cancer men are the most mysterious representatives of the water element! Find out how to win their love and what they can be like in a relationship.

About the main signs of a Pisces man in love, and how, by his behavior, you can easily figure out that he is in love with you.


Always in love full of sexual energy. She literally bursts it and spreads around.

If a woman is not observant, but has good intuition, she will definitely feel it. Male energy will make her worry for no reason.

She will become anxious, call her relatives, in search of the cause of her anxiety. He will not find the reasons, he will begin to get annoyed, even angry. Then he gets tired.

But anxiety will not pass while the lover is in her information field. Some especially emotional instances and at a distance are able to broadcast their powerful energy.

Just like some ladies are able to read it, being away from a loving knight.

These states, it must be emphasized, are rather uncomfortable. It is especially difficult when you do not understand what is actually happening. This problem is solved in only one way - the guy will reveal his feelings, and everything will happen between them.

What is a woman to do

If you notice in a man - a friend, colleague, neighbor, just an acquaintance - the above signs, take a closer look and simply accept the fact that someone has a crush on you.

If you allow the relationship to develop, pay attention to.

Do not allow- married, do not like the subject, not up to love - anyway, do not offend the man, do not hurt with rudeness and callousness.

On the one hand, men are very vulnerable.

On the other hand, just think: you are loved!

Let hiding the feeling, let it be hopeless. But, my God, it's such a happiness to be loved.

Not everyone is so lucky. Feel it, rejoice. And support the man whom Cupid kissed.

Romantic relationships are always a whole storm of emotions and experiences that lovingly try to carefully hide at first. Then they can turn into something deeper and more serious, but, first of all, a woman will ask herself the question more than once: how does a man in love behave, is the feeling really mutual, and how long can a man hide feelings if he falls in love.

Characteristics of male behavior

As you know, men differ from women not only physiologically. Behavioral characteristics also differ significantly. Do not think that men are not able to seriously fall in love and worry a lot.

A man can have the most serious feelings for a woman, but the manifestations of these feelings can not be immediately identified. Women's psychology is more open and emotional - it is easier for a girl to express and cry out than to carry her feelings in herself.

A man, on the contrary, tends not to scatter on explanations, but at the same time to worry just as much. The perception of a man is in many ways more purposeful, strict and deliberate, while women are more amenable to emotions than reasoning.

The way a guy in love behaves depends on temperament and character, upbringing and social environment, his ideas about what love is.

It cannot be said that the signs of male love given below serve as some kind of yardstick by which one can judge the entire male half of humanity without exception. But in part, it is possible to determine the love of a man by these parameters.


Perhaps one of the most common behaviors that accompanies men when they fall in love. A self-confident and successful person who has a high position and social position can be shy in front of a girl, what can we say about young guys.

He may feel awkward and awkward, stammer or laugh out loud, and then be silent for a long time, thinking. In any case, if such behavior has never been observed before, this can be regarded as signs of falling in love with men.


Women's intuition, if it is not clouded by a strong feeling, is able to recognize feigned and sincere anxiety. The psychology of a man falling in love is such that, following his instinct, he will try to patronize and protect a woman.

It shows up in the little things. For example, in wishing good morning and good night, worrying about health and mood, carefully studying her problems and helping to solve them. A man subconsciously wants to show that he is strong and confident in his abilities, that he will be a reliable wall for his beloved woman.


No matter how paradoxical it may be, but the gestures of a man in love can be cold-blooded. There may be two reasons for this: he saw that his father treats his mother rather coldly, but, nevertheless, takes care of her and the family, and considers this sufficient. The second reason is that somewhere he heard that women do not like those who constantly run after them, and there is some truth in this.

If such a man is secretly in love, he will find a way to hint about his feelings, for example, send a bouquet of flowers or give a helping hand where no one wants to help. But to understand that a guy is in love, you can only call him to a frank conversation in this case.

Such men will willingly take a step forward if you offer to discuss your relationship, and will be extremely frank if you make it clear that he is not at all intrusive and not imposed.


No matter what zodiac sign a man has, whether a man in love is Libra or Scorpio, he can show openness, even if it is written in black and white in his zodiac characteristic that his feelings are hidden.

Listen to what this man is telling you. Perhaps he trusts you with his secrets, secrets, problems, the solution of which he cannot find on his own. After all, this is one of the forms of deep trust, which is impossible without love.

Such a man will try to show everyone around that you are closer to each other than others, for example, in a company he will sit next to you, call to take you home and talk on the phone, accidentally saying your name with friends.


Sometimes, to understand that a man is in love, but hides it, it is enough to chat with his friends. This communication is necessary in order to find out how his close friends usually see him, and whether there are any changes.

Some men are practical to the point of impossibility. Having fallen in love, they immediately begin to take care of how much money to give gifts to their beloved, where they will live and how to name the children. But at the same time, how long the love of such a man lasts, so much he forgets to inform his beloved about his intentions. And deeply offended when she, out of ignorance, chooses another.


It's not about the guy being jealous if he's in love. Falling in love with men can be quite incomprehensible to female logic, but the techniques remain common to both sexes.

By his manner of communicating with other girls and his behavior, as well as what non-verbal signs he gives, you can find out that a man is in love. This category of men shows his beloved that he has many fans and he is just like hot cakes. But when communicating with others, he will certainly at least once look at the true object of his love.

Duration of feelings

Many women believe that men's love is short-lived, and think about how long an adult man's love lasts. In fact, guys are able to love as much as women, scrupulously collect tickets from theaters and memorize telephone conversations.

The problem is that girls often abuse their position as an object of adoration, they begin to play up and take advantage of this attention, imagining that a man in love, in order to warm up interest, must always be refused.

Actually, it is not. You should not take advantage in a relationship if you just fell in love with each other. A man's love can last a very long time if it was reciprocated.

Do not bother and do not impose your ideas and views on the guy, let him understand that you are completely self-sufficient and can take your leisure time, you have hobbies and favorite activities, but without him you cannot cope with some things and demand his protectorate. Such a woman will be interesting at any stage of the relationship, and even after a long separation, such love does not go away.

Psychologist's advice on this part is as follows. Regardless of the stage of the relationship, don't try to impose your feelings. Do not try to achieve symptoms of love in every man who gives his hand.

Today, good breeding is often perceived as a sign of love. And since it becomes more difficult to recognize feelings for this reason, enjoy communicating with a person, show him how developed and interesting you are, finally become a spiritual friend.

If you look into the guy’s eyes every single time and wait for confessions from him, even a truly in love person can turn back and lose all respect because of your impatience.