Profession tutor. What are the duties of a modern Governess

Finding a professional governess is a responsible task. But don't let that scare you. We have selected the best candidates, those people who know child psychology well and most of them have a pedagogical education, love children and are able to effectively organize their daily routine (study, rest and leisure). We will select a governess for you in Moscow, who will become not only a good mentor, but also a friend of your child.

governess, governess (French gouvernante, gouverneur, from gouverner - to lead, manage), home educators, mentors of children in noble or bourgeois families. In Russia, they were widely used in the 18-19 centuries. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia).
gouverneur- a hired home caregiver (teacher) of children. (Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary).Governess (m.) governess (f.) French. guardian of children, educator, -nitsa. (Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl).

Reading the definitions of the words “tutor”, “governess” in encyclopedias and dictionaries, an image is created of a certain Freken Bock (by the way, she was not a governess), which should only control and educate children. Maybe in the 18th or 19th century. it was so, because the duties of caring for and communicating with children were then assigned mainly to, and the governesses were engaged only in the education and ethical upbringing of growing children, instilled in them "good tone", "noble manners". And in those days it was believed that children should be brought up in strictness, as Domostroy taught. These, as a rule, were invited overseas governesses, which now (with some stretch) can be compared with. Today, governesses are invited to children from 3 years old and, as a rule, for 5 days a week for 6-8 hours a day. Consequently, a modern governess must combine the functions of developing and raising children with elements of caring for them. After all, you can’t comprehend science hungry, without taking a break from kindergarten or school.

To begin with, parents need to decide what duties they want to entrust to the governess, namely: given the age of the child and the expected result, it is important to imagine what the governess will basically have to do.

If the baby goes to kindergarten (school) and a governess is needed, who, having taken him from the kindergarten (school), will prepare the child for school or pull him up in problematic subjects, then this will be a governess with a pedagogical education, considering employment in the afternoon . Here, the emphasis is mainly on development and basic care before the arrival of parents. This option contains one, but very serious, drawback: if the child falls ill, it is necessary to decide in advance whether the governess insures him on sick leave. It happens that a mother cannot, but there are no grandmothers - then it is important that there is such a governess who could work, if necessary, both in the morning and full time. This question, as a rule, is decided by the amount of wages that might be of interest to the governess.

If the child does not go to the garden, then there is a need for a full-time governess, so the functional duties of a governess by 40% will include: observing the daily routine, feeding, walking and, if there is no housekeeper in the house, maintaining cleanliness and order in everything as far as the child is concerned. The remaining 60% is development and upbringing, and most importantly, communication between the governess and the child.

With any work schedule, first of all, the human qualities of a governess are important, so the second thing that is important for parents to imagine before choosing a governess is what kind of person they see next to their child in their absence.

When choosing a governess, as when choosing any other, the question arises of finding a decent person - a professional in his field, and that at the same time your views on the process of education coincide with him. Several options are possible: a governess as a friend, a governess as a mentor, a governess as a teacher, etc. For example, a governess positions herself as an experienced teacher with 20 years of teaching experience and 7 years of family experience. The governess is used to the fact that everyone listens to her opinion and she has clear ideas on how to raise children, she likes to command and wants everyone to follow her instructions. And you, for example, want to see a governess next to your child who is able to understand the pupil, who knows how to unobtrusively interest him, without resorting to any threats and manipulations. First of all, you want contact and trust between them, not quite like a family member, but still not a detached teacher, fixated only on the results and patterns of education. It happens and everything is exactly the opposite. Without understanding this, before starting to cooperate with the governess, you may encounter opposing views on a number of important points that will inevitably cause difficulties when communicating with the governess, and even create conflict situations.

A child to whom a governess is invited is no longer as small as, for example, a child to whom a nanny is invited. And such a child can already be asked for his opinion before meeting the future governess, and even more so after their meeting. Having asked in detail his expectations and impressions, you can be more confident in the correctness of the choice. The main thing to be guided by when selecting and evaluating a governess in a family is the comfort of the child being with this person in your absence.

Therefore, if dictionaries and encyclopedias were written today, the definition of a governess would sound like this:

“A governess is an educated woman, pleasant in appearance and in communication. The governess loves children and knows how to find a common language with them. The governess knows the methods of development of children of any age, is familiar with child psychology, knows a foreign language or has additional skills and abilities that she can pass on to the pupil.

This is an enthusiastic, diversified person who understands the specifics of working in a homely atmosphere, able not only to organize classes and leisure for the child, but also to prepare food for him and talk heart to heart. A high educational level, goodwill, communication skills, adaptability, resistance to stress, the ability to follow the parents’ instructions for upbringing, as well as the ability to find a way out of any non-standard situations are the main qualities of a governess.”

A governess in Moscow is one of the most popular vacancies now. Which is understandable: living in the rhythm of a big city, parents cannot fully devote themselves to raising a child. Therefore, they call for the help of a qualified person who takes on part of the daily duties.

If you need the services of a tutor or governess for a child, please contact us. Recruitment agency "Second Mom" ​​has been successfully recruiting governesses in Moscow and the region for a long time. In a few days we will find for you an accurate and decent employee who takes his duties responsibly!

Tatyana Rebrova - psychologist of the agency "Second Mom"

Household Responsibilities:

(See sections for more details).

Babysitting duties up to 1 year old

Full child care includes the nanny following the daily routine and carrying out the necessary procedures, feeding, cooking for the child, walking, bathing, keeping the nanny in the children's room and children's things in order, visiting and accompanying the child to children's institutions. Skills and features of a nanny: medical or pedagogical education is desirable, experience working with babies, knowledge of early development methods.

Nanny duties, 1 to 6 years old

Full care includes observing the daily routine, feeding and preparing food for the child by the nanny, washing and ironing the child’s things, cleaning the child’s room by the nanny, walking, bathing, visiting and accompanying the child to childcare facilities, child development (using various methods). Skills and features of a nanny: preferably a pedagogical education, experience in preschool institutions or in families, possession of developing methods. Read more in the article - "
Duties of a governess

Child care and observance of the daily routine, walks, educational games, preparation for school or assistance in mastering the school curriculum, ethical and aesthetic development of the child, visiting theaters, museums, teaching music, foreign languages, painting. Skills and features of a governess: a higher education is required, experience in working with children in state institutions or families, a good cultural level. Read more on the page

Duties of a maid, housekeeper, au pair, housekeeper and:

Cleaning the premises (dry and wet), washing (automatic, manual), ironing, maintaining order in the house, wardrobe. Performing various household tasks (purchasing groceries, household chemicals, paying bills, dry cleaning, laundry, etc.), washing windows (by agreement), cooking (by agreement). Skills and features of a maid, housekeeper: experience in government institutions and / or in families is desirable, a diploma of completion of courses for housekeepers and maids of KC Fairy, positive recommendations.

Responsibilities of the cook:

Purchasing products by a cook, cooking and serving, keeping the kitchen in order, washing dishes. Skills and features of a cook: special education, work experience, positive recommendations are desirable.

Duties of a married couple in a country house:

Man - combines the duties of a driver, a security guard, minor repairs and construction work, caring for the site, appliances, plumbing, possibly caring for animals. A woman is a maid, a nanny, a cook, it is possible to take care of the site. Skills and features of a married couple: experience of working in families or having your own home is desirable. More about

In the last twenty years, after a long oblivion, the profession of a tutor has become more and more in demand.

First appearing in Russia in the eighteenth century, in just a few decades it has become incredibly popular among the Russian elite.

For many years, foreigners became tutors, who introduced the children of nobles to European culture, but by the middle of the nineteenth century they were almost completely replaced by the Russians, who had to confirm the appropriate education with the necessary diplomas and certificates of special education.

In Soviet times, this profession was almost completely eradicated due to the rejection of individual education, but since the late nineties, the situation has gradually begun to change.

A tutor is a hired home caregiver for children who is engaged in their upbringing from the senior preschool age and most often until the end of elementary school, although there are exceptions. Unlike the standard work of a nanny, the duties of a tutor include not only raising a child, but also teaching him.

The main duties of the governor include:

  • organization, control and assistance in the preparation of homework for wards;
  • provides cultural education of the child, which consists of teaching the basics of dance, music, drawing;
  • introducing the child to reading, which is necessary for the education of a full-fledged cultural person;
  • monitor the correct distribution of study and rest, and also instills a love for physical education and sports;
  • is responsible for the health of the child;
  • contributes to the development of independence, purposefulness, decency and other positive qualities in the child.

Qualities and skills required of a tutor

The profession of a tutor requires from a person an obligatory love for children, the ability to find contact with them in order to become a pupil not only a mentor and teacher, but also a friend. Otherwise, it will be problematic to earn authority not only for the child, but also for his parents.

It is necessary to have a high culture, erudition, know foreign languages, be friendly and patient, and engage in sports itself.

Ideal for a tutor is a pedagogical education (for example: a teacher of elementary grades). Not superfluous may be special courses for the training of tutors, which began to appear in connection with the popularity of this profession. A real professional who meets all the requirements and has the necessary skills will always be in demand and can claim a decent salary.

What are the duties of a modern Governess?

Before discussing the duties of a modern governess, I would like to turn to the classics. Who has not admired the countless works of Charlotte Bronte, who sings of the high relations of wealthy men with young governesses, who at first hopelessly, and then more and more confidently, forced out the established canons of "high society" from the hearts of conquered men? Even the most contrite reader, oddly enough, gave his sympathy to these fragile, but very penetrating feelings.

It seemed that the times described in the novels had passed forever, but in recent years, more and more often, authoritative publications in large cities publish ads with a standard content: “a governess is required.” I happened to be one of the authors of such an announcement.

Being a philologist by education, sending my son to the first grade, I was surprised to find that I was completely unprepared for the upcoming changes in the life of a student. In the literal sense, I had a chance to experience an inferiority complex when I suddenly realized that I couldn’t write lowercase letters correctly, sculpt beautiful plasticine crafts and prepare sample cards with “voiced and voiced consonants”. In order to help the child adapt to the schoolboy regime and master the subjects of elementary school, I set out to find a reliable assistant.

I must admit that not only friends and relatives, but also acquaintances of professionals helped me in the search for a good governess, since it was not so easy to find a really good governess. I did not want to accept random people for such a position, because. It was about the development and health of my child. Based on my experience, I was surprised to note that the duties of a modern governess are slightly different from those that I had previously imagined.

Why do they become governesses?

The reasons are different, but the main ones can be counted “on the fingers”:

  • difficulties with employment of young specialists;
  • unwillingness of able-bodied pensioners to “sit around”;
  • state of temporary unemployment;
  • desire to find a part-time job in addition to the main job;
  • desire and ability to express creativity.

The last case is exactly what you need. If a person loves his work and is fully responsible for the results of his work, such a governess can be trusted with a child. True, the payment for the work of such an assistant will be somewhat higher. Despite this, the vast majority of employers invite just such governesses to work, because no one will be satisfied with hastily completed lessons and somehow cooked breakfast for a student.

By the way, not all parents know the functional duties of a governess. If some people think that cooking, cleaning the house, doing laundry and grocery shopping are all the duties of a governess, then they are mistaken.

What are the duties of a governess?

The main object of attention of the hired assistant is the child. The more parents care about the well-being of their children, the less they will burden the governess with additional chores around the house. The duties of a modern governess are as follows:

  • Feed the child, collect and take him to school;
  • Meet after class, escort home, help change clothes and serve him lunch (dinner);
  • Monitor the condition of clothing, including school uniforms;
  • Help with homework and follow the schedule of academic disciplines;
  • Provide parents with news from the school, including the dates of the parent meeting, organizational fees, funding for individual projects and the implementation of other events that require the participation of parents.

A modern governess must provide care and attention to her ward. Probably because the demand for the services of good governesses is quite high, several companies are coordinated in Moscow that specialize in the training (education) of governesses on a paid basis. One of these institutions is the firm "Romashka". Upon completion of the course, students are awarded a diploma. Among the disciplines included in the course program, special attention should be paid to:

  • basics of cooking;
  • age-related psychology;
  • astropsychology;
  • creative development of memory and other sciences.

It is noteworthy that applicants entering to study must have a basic higher education. Otherwise, enrollment will be denied.

One of the areas of training of governesses is defectology. A successfully completed course allows trained professionals to work with deaf-mute or blind children. Special attention is paid to the training of governesses for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Their adaptation in society and their ability to communicate with peers and teachers will depend on how well the preparatory work with such children is organized.

A necessary condition for training is the production practice. Replacing an absent governess at the workplace, trainees learn practical skills, after which employers leave feedback on their work. Taking into account the length of the working day, the services of a governess trained in the Romashka training center are estimated at 200-300 dollars. USA per month.

Under the terms of another company, Inpredkadry, which has been operating since Soviet times, applicants for the position of governess can be graduates of pedagogical and medical colleges who have not reached the age of 27. In addition to the basic disciplines, foreign languages ​​are taught here without fail. After 4 months of preparation, the services of such a governess will cost 500 - 6 dollars. USA per month.

The next agency - "Mary Poppins" - accepts applicants of various specialties for training, regardless of the industry focus.

The main thing is that candidates express a desire to learn the basics of psychology, foreign languages, various methods of developing abilities, etc. The services of graduates of this institution are estimated at 500 - 800 US dollars (with accommodation) and 120 - 150 US dollars without accommodation, for 6 and 8 - hour working days, respectively.

If your baby is self-confident, successfully learns school subjects, is active and good-natured, this indicates that your governess deserves praise.

Children grow up fast. Their age is changing, their interests are changing, and the requirements for domestic staff are also changing. According to a long-standing European tradition, a governess comes to replace the nanny in the family.

A tutor or governess is a teacher invited to the family, a teacher of children. This is a person who is primarily concerned with the education and development of the child.

The tutors prepare preschoolers for going to school, they do homework with younger students.

The tutor, as a rule, has some specialization and is able to give his pupil additional education. This may be knowledge of foreign languages, playing various musical instruments, classes in arts such as painting, sculpture, etc.

The tutor competently organizes the leisure of the child, accompanies him during classes in sports sections, creative circles; arranges joint visits to interesting exhibitions, museum expositions, theatrical performances.

The tutor also monitors the behavior of the pupil, introduces him to etiquette, teaches him to behave correctly in society.

What are the duties of a governor?

  • organization and observance of the daily routine;
  • organization of classes and leisure of the child;
  • preparation for school / help with homework;
  • teaching foreign languages ​​/ playing a musical instrument / fine arts, etc.;
  • accompaniment to sports, clubs, sections;
  • walks and outdoor games;
  • monitoring the behavior of the child at home and in public places.
The duties of a tutor usually do not include full child care, but if the employer wishes, these functions can be combined.

What are tutors and how much do their services cost?

The rates indicated above are preliminary information. The cost of domestic staff services depends on many factors: education, qualifications, family work experience, schedule, etc. Employees of our agency will help to more accurately determine the salary of an employee, based on your conditions and wishes.

How much do agency services cost?

The contract with the agency is concluded for a period of 1 year with the provision of an unlimited number of replacements.

The cost of agency services is 50% of the monthly salary of the staff. The minimum contract amount is 5,000 rubles.

Discounts are provided for regular customers. An extensive program of special offers and a system of bonuses has been developed.

How does the agency work?

Our agency carries out professional selection of domestic staff. We work only with the best specialists who have reliable recommendations and experience in working in a family.

We have developed a multi-stage applicant verification system, which includes:

profile selection:

  • analysis and processing of data contained in the documents on secondary/higher education provided to the agency, employment records, letters of recommendation, certificates of additional education, etc.;
  • individual testing, which is carried out by the psychologist of the agency;
  • verification of candidates on the "black list";

medical control

  • all candidates are allowed to interview only if they have a medical book;
  • at the request of the employer, an additional independent medical examination of the candidate is carried out to identify diseases that impede work in the family;

verification of candidates through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The agency works with candidates-citizens of the Russian Federation who have a permanent residence permit in the city of Moscow, the Moscow region and the regions closest to it.

The interview is held at the office of the agency. By additional agreement with the employer, an exit interview can be held at the address indicated by him.

The employer is given a trial day during which he can look at the selected candidate. The trial day is paid to the employee.

Our agency has a School of Domestic Staff. All candidates attend special courses aimed at improving their qualifications. Particular attention is paid to the etiquette of behavior in the family, such concepts as non-interference in the personal life of employers, hierarchy, discipline, confidentiality of information, compliance with security rules.

Very friendly people work in our agency. We will treat your application with understanding and make every effort to find a really worthy candidate to work in your family.

You can call us at (495) 926-55-04 (multichannel).

Or send an application by email.

Good luck in your search!

Sincerely yours, Big Dipper.