Early child development from 0. Early child development. Early development: how it happens

As studies show, the sooner you start working with a child on the formation of certain skills, the easier it will be for the baby to adapt to the world around him, to gain the knowledge and abilities necessary for a fulfilling life. It is on this principle that the methods of early development of children, proposed by such famous scientists as Montessori, Doman, Manichenko, Zhelenova, are based. There are many techniques for cooperation with babies, they are introduced at the age of several months to several years. Given the variety of approaches, you can choose the best option for teaching your baby and not miss precious time. Most popular systems have stood the test of time, received positive feedback from parents and have proven themselves from the best side.

Appointment of methods of individual development of the child

According to empirical evidence, there are many things that are very easy in infancy. As the child grows older, it becomes more difficult to develop such skills. Upon reaching a certain age, there is a risk of complete misunderstanding of a particular action. Early development techniques allow you not to miss that important moment in childhood, which will no longer be possible to restore. Even if the baby does not become a genius, such an approach will allow him to make the most of his starting potential.

In addition, modern systems of education and development allow us to count on the following results:

  • There is a gradual formation of a self-confident personality. If from early childhood to teach a child to overcome difficulties and use the strengths of nature, over time it will become a habit.
  • Genes play an important role in human development. But they can be completely helpless without the necessary stimulation of mental activity. Research by a military doctor Glenn Doman, an innovative teacher Zaitsev, the practice of Masaru Ibuki and other prominent scientists have proven the effectiveness of developmental methods in educating gifted children.
  • Statistics prove that the timely introduction of developmental techniques can really provide the baby with a happy, full and prosperous life. This is a kind of opportunity for parents to choose a fate for their child, which they consider optimal.

In order to choose the optimal method or system, it is not necessary to contact specialists. The techniques are so simple and accessible that it is very easy to figure them out on your own.

The main purpose of the methods is the comprehensive development of the child

The Importance of Introducing Special Skills Early

All developing systems imply the beginning of work from a very early age, the smaller the child, the better the material will be absorbed. Scientists have long proven the fact that in the first two years of a baby's life, brain formation occurs by 50%, and in the first three years - by 80%. It is during this period that it is necessary to lay the foundation for programming the child's personality. This time becomes decisive for the social adaptability of the baby. Without the necessary skills, an adult will not be able to easily communicate with people, solve problems and everyday issues, distinguish enthusiasm from reactivity and realism from fantasies.

When starting to introduce certain methods and techniques, it is necessary to be guided by the following general rules:

  1. The child should be introduced to new interesting activities as early as possible. The leisure of the baby should be as diverse as possible. Musical instruments, sports, drawing, reading, listening to music - even if it does not work out at first, but the interest of a small person in these types of activity will constantly develop. The experience gained in the first years or months of life becomes fundamental for further development.
  2. It is necessary to properly stimulate the baby. A dull, boring room, inexpressive details and the same type of toys will form a gloomy and withdrawn personality. The room in which the baby grows should resemble a bright fairy-tale world, in which there are many interesting things. In this case, the development of the little man will occur without the influence of parents.
  3. From an early age, children should have sufficient freedom of movement and personal space.
  4. To develop communication skills, the baby must be provided with the opportunity to communicate with different people, including children.

Well, do not forget that the behavior of parents is the main role model for the baby. Before you start educating your child, you need to assess the features of your own character.

Basics of the Doman-Manichenko system

The Doman-Manichenko technique is a variant of the intensive development of the baby's intellect from the moment of birth. By teaching the baby to count and read in whole words, there is an intensive development of memory, speed of thinking, and an interest in learning is laid.

The methodology of early development of Doman, adapted by Manichenko, has a number of advantages:

  • Classes conducted from birth, contribute to the development of hearing, attention, vision.
  • The duration of one lesson does not exceed a couple of minutes, even the baby does not have time to get tired and lose interest in the event.
  • The technique was created specifically for home use. It is carried out by parents, which can significantly increase their authority.

Differences of the technique from the original approach of Glenn Doman:

  1. Unlike Glenn Doman's methodology, which used only learning cards, special hide-and-seek books, turntables and leaflets are introduced here. This significantly increases the effectiveness of training.
  2. Through the use of a playful approach, a child of any age behaves quite actively, which allows him to discover his full potential.
  3. Initially, Glen Doman's cards were intended for English-speaking students. In the adapted system, these words are not just translated into Russian, the vocabulary is selected taking into account the Russian mentality.

Among the disadvantages of the approach, they highlight the fact that, despite the baby’s noticeable advance of peers, free reading and counting skills will be noticeable no earlier than in 6-12 months.

You can develop a child according to the Montessori method both at home and in specialized gardens.

Features of Maria Montessori's research

Maria Montessori is an Italian doctor of medicine who has developed a unique approach to teaching both weakened and completely healthy babies. The basis of the Montessori system is very simple - ideal conditions must be created for the child that will help him develop and learn on his own. This approach provides an early acquisition of important life experience, forms the sensory and motor skills necessary for a certain age.

Using absorbent thinking and heightened age sensitivity as starting points, Maria Montessori built a parenting scheme focused on developing the individuality and personality of the little man on her own.

  1. Building learning around play practice.
  2. Introduction of classes on the development of writing, reading, correct speech, everyday skills, sensory indicators.
  3. Provoking the connection of the child's own thinking, and not the mechanical performance of tasks.
  4. Maria Montessori suggested using toys with a lot of small parts, which has a positive effect on children's fine motor skills.

According to the Montessori system, the following patterns of skills formation can be distinguished:

  • Until the age of six, sensory development of children occurs.
  • Up to 3 years, the perception of order is formed.
  • In 1-4 years, movements and actions are laid.
  • Up to 6 years, the basics of speech are formed.
  • After 2.5 and up to 6 years, social skills are laid.

According to the Montessori doctrine, lost time is irreplaceable. If in one of these periods the appropriate work is not carried out with the baby, then the opportunity to develop an important ability will go away forever.

Child development technique according to Zheleznov

Another interesting universal technique based on exercises, developing songs, finger and gesture games. This implies the activation of the overall development of the personality, and not individual skills. Along with the intellectual development of children, their physical health is being strengthened. The system is quite extensive, but simple and affordable for home implementation.

Most human abilities are formed in early childhood. It is a known established fact that every child from birth has a great intellectual potential. Therefore, it is important that the child receive and assimilate new knowledge as early as possible, since this will help him develop certain abilities in himself, thereby facilitating life and learning in the future.

However, unfortunately, the child does not use the inherent potential in full, but only a small part of it. Why is this happening? It's very simple, we, parents, use outdated methods of education. Many scientists and psychologists argue that most children are able to use the natural potential given to them and achieve high results that would previously be considered phenomenal.

Most teachers believe that it is easier to teach children from 3-4 years of age than seven years. Scientific studies have proven that learning is effective during the growth of the human brain, that is, in early childhood. Early education of children is the basis of all methods of early development of children that exist today.

Each parent should familiarize himself with each of the methods and choose the appropriate one. The question of choosing a methodology is quite important for parents, since there are many development methods and each is effective in its own way. Geniuses are not born, they are made. Combining the best of each technique and putting it into practice, you can discover the possibilities that are inherent in nature itself in our baby, comprehensively develop and prepare him for adulthood. Consider the essence of the most common methods of early childhood development.

Glenn Doman's early development methodology.
The most controversial and most discussed method of early childhood development is the method of Glen Doman. This technique originates in the 40s of the last century, when a military doctor, an American by birth, Glen Doman began to treat children with severe brain injuries. Such children were taught to read with the help of cards on which various words were written in large red letters. Simultaneously with the display of the cards, the words written on them were also spoken. These lessons were very short, 5-10 seconds, but there were several dozen such approaches per day. The result of this way of learning was that paralyzed children began to move little by little, and then crawl, walk and run, as happens with normal healthy children. Therefore, Glen Doman made a simple, but at the same time ingenious conclusion that the constant stimulation of vision contributes to the overall activation of brain activity.

After that, Doman began to apply his technique to healthy children. The technique is based on the use of cards to show the child from an early age, almost from birth. By the way, cards are presented with information on various areas - these are cards with dots for counting, words written in large red letters for reading, pictures depicting animals, scientists, natural phenomena, etc. Doman himself called these cards “bits of information”. Cards are constantly shown to the child for a few seconds throughout the day. Doman himself believed very much in his methodology and believed that it brought up geniuses. Yes, and many educators and psychologists agreed with him that visual impressions are very important for newborns.

However, this technique, like everything in our world, has its drawbacks. It does not give full development to children. Its essential drawback is the passivity of the child, since only his vision is occupied with active work. And the kids, everyone knows this, love to touch the object of interest to him with his hands and “taste everything”. And when he starts talking, various questions cannot be avoided, which is not welcome in the Doman method, since the baby must sit and carefully watch and listen. Doman constantly compares the human brain with a perfect computer, for the successful operation of which it is necessary to download a good database. However, a living child is not a computer, it is not enough for him to know numbers and facts, he needs to be able to analyze them correctly and use them. A small child needs experience, spontaneous creativity, conversations, games and affectionate songs. Therefore, this technique not only does not guarantee the upbringing of brilliant children, but is also very laborious. Only one math class should be at least six times a day. As a result, parents devote all their time to lessons, and at night they have to prepare cards for new activities. But some of this technique can still be adopted, for example, classes with cards can be combined with reading your favorite book. If you are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties, and believe in the power of intelligence and encyclopedic knowledge, then the technique developed by Glen Doman is for you.

Methods of early development Cecile Lupan.
Glen Doman's technique has caused a lot of controversy and gave rise to other interesting methods, such as the Cecile Lupan system. She began to work with her daughters according to the developed methodology of Glen Doman. However, realizing that many of Doman's techniques do not work with her children, she decided to slightly improve this technique, take something from others and bring her own. As a result, Cecile Lupan developed her own system of education, taking into account the reality of family life. Lupan's acting background has helped create many exciting performances. The Lupan methodology pays special attention to learning to read, which must begin right from birth. For example, sing the alphabet to the baby to the tune of your favorite song. In addition, visual interest must be supported by signs with the names of objects that need to be placed throughout the house. You need to draw them in red and black, that is, highlight the vowels in red. It is also necessary to constantly update these cards. For example, first the cards should introduce the baby to the outside world, then the plates should show the actions. For example, when showing a child the word “catch a cold”, you need to sneeze, and accompany the card with the word “fall” with a funny fall. However, for parents trying to maintain their status quo, this technique is not suitable. And those parents for whom it is possible to become a child for a while when communicating with their baby can safely apply this technique. This technique is described in detail in Cecile Lupan's book "Believe in Your Child", which gives parents confidence and encourages them to fantasize and create.

Methods of early development N.A. Zaitsev.
This technique is also aimed at early learning to read. For this, Zaitsev developed special cubes (different in weight, color, size, make different sounds) and tables that are designed to familiarize the child with warehouses. The warehouse, according to Zaitsev, is a combination of vowel and consonant sounds that make up the words of the Russian language. As a result, when the child speaks, he will not pronounce individual letters, but combinations of "ma", "pa", "ba". The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the child's education does not proceed from simple to complex (letter-syllable-word). The child is given immediately all the warehouses that are constantly shown to him, and he remembers them. That is, the child receives all the teaching material (tables, cubes) in its entirety. In order for the children not to get tired in the classroom and not experience discomfort, the tables are placed at a height of 170 cm from the floor. The child must work standing up, which has a positive effect on posture, large letters do not cause eye strain, the child is constantly moving, and classes are held exclusively in a playful way, when children sing syllables, clap their hands, jump and run. This technique excludes any memorization and memorization. However, this method also has its pitfalls. Since there are more than 200 warehouses, and there are only 33 letters in the alphabet, a child studying according to this method receives ten times more information than studying according to the traditional system. This method of teaching reading is in direct contrast to the school system. From this we conclude that the child will need to re-learn how to spell. In addition, it will be much more difficult for such a child to do phonetic and derivational analysis of words.

Waldorf pedagogy.
This teaching methodology is based on the philosophy of the scientist, teacher R. Steiner. The bottom line is that the aesthetic and spiritual development of the individual is of priority, and the intelligence of the child does not matter. Therefore, the basis of the methodology is observations of nature, creativity, crafts. In the centers of the Waldorf teachings, children are engaged in modeling, playing various musical instruments, folk crafts, taking part in theatrical performances, etc. This method recommends starting reading training no earlier than the age of twelve. The main mentor in everything is the teacher who teaches all subjects and is the only source that gives knowledge. Teaching is in the form of storytelling by the teacher and retelling by the students, with display and imitation being of primary importance. The Waldorf method also has its drawbacks. Some believe that this system creates an ideal environment, far from reality. In addition, unjustified inhibition of the development of the child is carried out. And, finally, aesthetic education, which is emphasized in this teaching method, infringes on the development of thinking and logic. But Waldorf pedagogy is necessary for those parents who have a hyperactive, irritable and aggressive child who is not self-confident, with a low concentration of attention. In Waldorf centers, one of the prerequisites is the creation of psychological comfort for children, in addition, teachers in these centers are psychologically well prepared.

This teaching method is absolutely not suitable for parents who are very busy at work, because for classes you will need to sculpt from clay, dough, sew dolls, and also do needlework. Children are the center of attention in this technique, and parents must adapt to them. Waldorf pedagogy does not tolerate any acceleration in learning, as this will help to negatively affect the healthy development of the child.

Methods of early development of children of the Nikitin family.
This technique is similar to the teachings of R. Steiner. Their education system is based on work, the natural development of the child, and proximity to nature. This method excludes any coercion of the child to do anything, it is based on the cooperation of children and parents, in which the latter simply guide the child, not ahead of his development. The main thing in this system is to create comfortable conditions for the child, where the well-being and desires of the child are a priority. The Nikitin family never aspired to teach their children everything as early as possible. But they noticed that children develop earlier those aspects of the intellect for which advanced conditions are created. For example, for a baby who is just starting to speak, you need to purchase cubes with numbers and a plastic alphabet. In addition, the Nikitin family has developed many children's educational games. The level of difficulty of the games is varied. Therefore, such games interest the child for many years. Due to the gradual complication of intellectual tasks, the child develops independently.

When practicing with a child according to the Nikitin method, you must adhere to the following:

  • it is forbidden to explain and prompt the child to solve problems;
  • it is forbidden to require the child to solve the problem on the first attempt;
  • it is impossible to demand and achieve that the child solves the problem on the first try, since he may simply not be ready and time is needed;
  • Try to come up with new games with your baby.
The Nikitin system is currently popular all over the world. The Japanese, for example, made this technique the basic basis for the work of kindergartens. The Nikitin Institute was founded in Germany. But the technique of the Nikitin family is not suitable for every child, since it lacks the humanitarian and aesthetic side. However, educational games are really unique, they are all described in the book of the same name "Intellectual Games".

Methods of early development Montessori.
The main principles of the Maria Montessori methodology are learning in a playful way and independent exercise. It is based on an individual approach to the child. The child independently chooses the material and duration of the lesson, that is, it develops in an individual rhythm. The main goal of this technique is a developing environment, the creation of which awakens in the child the desire to show their individual abilities. Classes according to the Montessori method differ from traditional ones, because they allow the child to independently detect and correct the mistakes made. The role of the teacher is to guide the independent activity of the child, and not to teach. The Montessori technique promotes the development of attention, creative and logical thinking, memory, speech, imagination, motor skills. In addition, this technique pays special attention to collective games and tasks, which positively affects the development of communication skills, as well as the development of household activities, which affects the development of independence.

Which method of development to choose for your child is up to you. The main thing at the same time is to maintain a realistic view of things and not to set tasks that are impossible for the child.

The first years of life for a child are very important, because it is at this time that the foundations of intelligence, physical and emotional development are laid, he quickly masters this world and learns to live in it. And it is extremely important to teach him all the early aspects of human activity, influence the development of the speech of young children and help the baby adapt in this difficult world.

To develop the physical characteristics of the child, parents can resort to the help of books in the field of early development of babies. The technique of Boris and Elena Nikitin insists that it is definitely worth developing the baby physically, since it naturally contains a huge number of opportunities that, if not developed, will simply fade away.

The baby has three reflexes:

  • Prehensile;
  • swimming reflex;
  • step reflex.

If you do not start and develop these reflexes in a child, then swimming and walking, and any other physical development, will be much easier for the baby. Nikitins also propose to introduce sports complexes in the house for preschool children, 4-6 years old. Be sure to use hardening and massage techniques.

Glen Doman also proposed a very interesting methodology for the development of children. Physical development, according to what Doman writes, should be systemic. It offers a whole series of exercises and games that will affect all muscle groups on the body of a toddler from 0 to 3 years old. Doman believes that dynamic gymnastics is extremely important for kids.

Dynamic gymnastics for kids

Studies have shown that if a child was occupied from birth with such dynamic gymnastics, which Doman recommends, then very quickly the children began to outstrip their peers. We can say that physical exercises and coordination of the baby's movements take an active part in the intellectual development and become a stepping stone to active knowledge of the world. If you develop the child as Doman recommends, then you will quickly see the results of this technique in your crumbs.

The Doman technique includes a set of physical exercises:

  • on motor skills
  • on manual skills;
  • for balance.

emotional development

For a child from 0 to 3 years old, the development of the emotional sphere is very important. Parents should pay maximum attention to this. Up to a year and a half, the little one will unconsciously master and adopt the behavior of his parents, so it is very important that they were calm and peaceful.

The main stages of the emotional development of the child

The simplest technique for developing the emotional sphere is to support and believe in your baby, as well as the complete acceptance of any of his features.

Tip: In order for the toddler to develop normally emotionally, parents must love him, be calm next to the baby and protect him from his own emotional swings.

You must openly show your love for the baby, accept him completely as he is. Try to make the little one develop only a good attitude towards yourself, praise him and believe in him. Offer him tasks that he can perform and try to help him understand his feelings and desires, also explain that other people also have their own feelings and desires and they need to be respected.

Give the preschooler freedom within reason and let him act on his own, take risks, make mistakes and gain experience.

Encourage his interest in games, music, movement, reading, drawing, so that the little one gets good and positive emotions.

Games for early childhood development

Games for early childhood development should be simple, but each game should have a task that will be useful for the development of preschool children.

The first game enriches children's motor experience and makes them want to play with their parents, but it also encourages independence and initiative in children. Put the children on chairs, these will be houses. Speak:

"Rain, rain,
Enough for you, rain, pour,
The children are sitting at home
Like birds in a cage.
Sunshine, sunshine
Shine a little
The kids will go out for a walk
They will run and play."

Children begin to run, clap their hands, you can turn on the music and dance. Under the words of the educator "It's raining again," the kids run to the houses.

The second game is aimed at positive emotions and development in general. Play with the baby in ordinary locks, children from one to 3 years old are extremely amused when people appear and disappear.

Do not forget to play with children 2-3 years old in cubes, collect a pyramid, draw with paints and crayons, play musical instruments. The game should be not only useful, but also bringing pleasure to the baby.

Maria Montessori Method

The method of Maria Montesori is mainly based on the fact that the little one should have complete freedom of action. The baby should learn effortlessly, but at the same time he must perform all the exercises on his own.

Of course, parents, according to the idea of ​​this program, should help, but at the same time not interfere. The approach to the toddler should be individual and should take into account all the characteristics of a preschool child. "Help me do it myself" - this is the principle of the Montessori system.

In many cities there are kindergartens that are based on the basics of the Montessori methodology. For each baby, a development plan has been developed in a special environment. The teacher must organize the activities of the crumbs so that the potential is maximized.

Learn colors and develop motor skills

Such a Montesori environment can be created at home, as a result, a baby from 0 to 3 years old will show his abilities in front of his parents, he will develop creative and logical thinking, memory, concentration, imagination and fantasy, as well as motor skills. You can start a lesson on the principles of the Montesori methodology from 8-10 months.

Nikitin games

Games based on the principles of the Nikitin program allow you to develop the child's intelligence based on transitions from simple to complex. At the same time, the principles of creative activity are used in development and the characteristics of a preschool child are taken into account.

From a very early age, children get food for thought and development of creative abilities by playing Nikitin's games. Also, this technique allows you to act in stages, creating conditions for children that are slightly ahead of the development of the abilities of babies. Children will grow and develop independently, rising to the level of knowledge of this stage, and then the next step will be waiting for them.

The game "Fold the square"

All Nikitin's games are varied and the little one will never be bored, he will not need to be forced to do something, the kid will want to play himself. Moreover, Ira will encourage parents to control themselves and not interfere with the baby to do something on his own, make decisions and face their consequences.

Zaitsev Cubes

At the heart of Zaitsev's early development are cubes as visual aids. It can also be cards, tables, funny songs. All these materials allow children to easily absorb the material while having fun and playing. The main principle of Zaitsev's methodology is learning by playing.

Reading on Zaitsev's cubes. Speech therapist N. Pyatibratova

Zaitsev's cubes allow children to read from the age of two. This warehouse method makes it easy and simple to teach your baby to read during the game. You can purchase Zaitsev's sounding cubes, then the baby will independently develop word-forming creativity. You can start classes according to the Zaitsev method from 1.5-2 years. The main thing is not to start classes with children when they reach preschool age.

Useful books

"Teaching a child to read" Valery Marusyak offers parents a set of games and exercises that gradually raise the baby to reading and interest him to hold a book in his hands. This book is perfect for preschoolers and parents who don't like to rush things.

The book "Harmonious Development of the Child" describes in detail the unique system that Glen Doman developed. It is focused on the activities of parents and children, and parents should take the most active role in the development of the baby and his games, according to Doman. The exercises developed by Doman stimulate the memory and already in the first year of life a rich knowledge base is formed in the baby. Doman offers to teach the baby different facts from the fields of biology, geography, history and others, from the first months to learn letters, reading and counting.

The book "Believe in your child" by Cecil Lupan is considered one of the most famous in the world, it offers the disclosure of the individual potential of the baby, turning learning into a game. You can learn to read through the singing of letters based on children's songs, To count - by guessing simple riddles. Parents will not need to force the baby to study, classes can be held when the crumbs are in the mood, but do not forget about regularity.

Hello dear readers and guests of the blog!

The modern world provides many opportunities for realization and parents are provided with various programs that are designed to help in educating and unlocking the potential inherent in the child.

The concept of "early development" implies that they will begin to apply it even before the year, almost from birth. With babies, classes cause mixed feelings in parents, and you should not expect concrete results at this stage, the foundation is being laid.

From 1 year to 3 years, of course, it gets easier. The return and interest of the “student” is visible, or vice versa, his lack of initiative, which indicates the need to change activities or directions.

Author's methods of general development

Parents and teachers come to the aid of author's programs that have been successfully used for many years. Consider the most popular and relevant in our time.

1. G. Doman and his methods are known all over the world. The main emphasis in it is on the ability of children from infancy to absorb a huge amount of information.

For classes, pre-prepared cards of different categories and levels of complexity are used. Doman focuses on the connection between physical and mental development, so he pays special attention to gymnastics and sports.

The results shown by the children involved are really good. The main disadvantage of the system is the passivity of the process. The child observes but does not practice.

2.Father and daughter Zheleznova , authors of the popular developing program. Classes are held under musical accompaniment, in a playful way.

This activates motor skills. Speech and hearing develop, coordination is honed during exercise. The connection with the mother is strengthened or there is an active interaction with other children, since the system can be used with a group of babies.

3. Inspired by the work of G. Doman, S. Lupan becomes the author of another popular technique. Cecile believes that the main thing in the successful development of a child is the sincere interest of parents in communicating with him.

In her book “Believe in Your Child,” she encourages parents to engage with their child without being tied to a specific time, but regularly and having prepared in advance.

Learning does not take place according to the standard scheme, but with the help of warehouses or combinations of letters. The school curriculum in this case will be given with difficulty, problems arise with the division into letters and sounds.

The material is cubes, which can be purchased, or made and glued on your own.

8. Methodology E. Chaplygina Designed for children over 3 years old. With its help, children learn to read in a short time. In this process, they are helped by cubes of a unique design, and dominoes designed by him are suitable for learning to count.

9.J. Cuisiner offers to teach counting to children from a year. Special materials in the form of multi-colored sticks of different lengths help kids not only start counting, but also design, think logically, and creatively. The system comes with a manual with possible games.

Useful additions to the author's methods

10. Boards E. Seguina became the basis for the emergence of a large number of educational toys that have gained immense popularity among mothers and children.

A board with holes of various shapes, into which the baby is invited to insert cubes or figures (geometric, images of animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

At the time of use, logic, attentiveness and motor skills are involved. Actions are accompanied by an adult's explanation, which stimulates speech. The boards themselves have varying degrees of complexity and shape.

11. Fun game creator V. Voskobovich believed that learning should be easy and interesting. A fairy tale plot helps to acquire knowledge when performing various tasks.

Multilevel games are offered for children of different ages. During classes, creative potential and intellectual abilities are revealed.

12. Blocks Gyenes - another way to keep the guys busy. Different shapes and colors give "expanse" to the imagination, logic and analytical abilities.

The application to the game describes in detail the possible options for classes, but fantasy is a limitless concept, so parents can also make their own suggestions.

Having considered several methods, trying to analyze their essence, it can be noted that it is perhaps difficult to follow one of them and, in fact, there is nothing to do. Each in addition to undeniable advantages has a number of disadvantages.

Referring to the individuality of the child, combine activities from different systems. Using educational toys and tricks will be a fun and rewarding way to spend your free time.

Grow well!

All the best! See you soon!

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Educators, psychologists and parents themselves are very “loving” to talk about the early development of babies. True, the latter, as a rule, have a poor idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the early development of the child is, is it really useful, can it be stimulated without fear of negative consequences, and what pediatricians think about early development.

The most seductive nuance in the minds of most parents of any method of early childhood development is that it supposedly promises to grow a true genius out of your baby. But in reality, none of the existing systems of early development provides such guarantees.

Early Development Methods: Are We Talking About the Same Thing?

When it comes to early development, most often we mean some extraordinary sports, creative or intellectual skills that, in our opinion, a child can and should master at the earliest possible age, as far as possible.

It is desirable that he was generally born into the world already with a diploma of secondary education and a tag indicating in which particular area this child is a future genius ...

But since from time immemorial and to this day, such baggage is, alas, not attached to the birth of a child, various sensible and talented teachers have come up with all sorts of methods for the early development of children.

It is important that you understand that early development techniques (and we will not tire of repeating this) are not “openers” that “reveal” your baby’s personality like a tin can, exposing all of his talents, abilities and talents to you. No, not at all!

First of all, without exception, all methods of early development are aimed at helping your baby “join” the structure of the world around him as quickly and organically as possible, understand it, “make friends” with it, and learn how to benefit from it for yourself. In a word, they teach children to quickly and easily adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the world around them, and even so that the children themselves are informative, fun and not bored.

And only a few of the methods report that against the general background of the harmonious development of the child's personality, his extraordinary abilities in one area or another begin to appear: arts, exact sciences, some kind of applied skill, etc.

The most famous methods of early development:

  • Montessori School. According to , the teacher, the child and the learning environment form the so-called "learning triangle". The teacher should create a natural environment for the child by setting up the learning spaces in such a way that the environment encourages independence, freedom with moderate restrictions, and promotes a sense of order. Groups with children of different ages are an important distinguishing feature of the Montessori methodology. Younger children learn from older children, older children can reinforce their knowledge by teaching younger children things they have already mastered. This relationship reflects the real world in which people work and interact with people of all ages and abilities.
  • Bereslavsky method. The system of teaching children about software is quite popular today as a system of independent early development (there is no need to study at some specialized center or kindergarten). The technique allows even very tiny children (starting as early as one and a half to two years) to teach reading and writing, as well as logical thinking and decision making.
  • Doman Method. It was originally developed to help develop the capabilities of children with brain damage through a program of intense mental and physical stimulation. But since the 1960s, this technique has been actively used in the upbringing of ordinary, healthy children. According to Doman's methodology, the period from birth to 6 years is crucial for children in terms of learning and developing internal potential.
  • Zaitsev's method. The most famous tutorial is the cubes of the same name. Zaitsev's cubes can be successfully used both at home and in any kindergarten. The manual consists of cubes of different sizes and colors, on which all warehouses of the Russian language are depicted at once. Classes with cubes allow older children (from 3 years old) to learn to read fluently very quickly, and kids (from 1 year old) help to start talking actively and, after a couple of years, to read without problems.
  • Ibuka technique. One of the most famous methods of early development. According to the author, she does not at all strive to bring up a genius from a child. All people, provided there are no physical defects, are born with the same potential. How they are then divided into smart or stupid, polite or aggressive - depends entirely on education. In essence, this is a certain set of observations and rules that are aimed at ensuring that the child grows up, first of all, happy.

All of the above methods of early development have proven their effectiveness and usefulness over a particular period in the history of their existence - choose any one to your taste, or combine several at once. All of them, in slightly different ways, but with approximately the same degree of success, really help the personality of a small child “find its place” in the world around it, establish mutually beneficial communication with it, learn to quickly adapt to the image of the social group in which the child exists.

Many parents independently study the basics and principles of one or another authoritative method of early development, and apply this experience in everyday communication with their baby ...

At the same time, training within the framework of early development is usually structured in such a way as to maximally stimulate curiosity, communication, the ability to acquire and use one's experience and other useful qualities in the baby.

What to develop in a small child?

In order to introduce the baby to early development, it is not at all necessary to give him into the hands of specialists and special institutions. Not deprived of intelligence and culturally savvy parents can themselves deal with their children. Another thing - what exactly to do?

Being carried away by the theory of early child development, it is very important not to succumb to the temptation and not turn your own baby into a “star of a traveling circus”.

Namely: a two-year-old baby can be made to remember the flags of all European states and recognize them unmistakably. And you will always have a spectacular “trump card” up your sleeve to “plug in the belt” of other parents who from time to time like to show off the talents and achievements of their children.

Has your Petya learned to count to five? Does your Sonechka distinguish red from blue? Well, not bad. But mine, look, is already an expert on European banners! Of course, you will break a flurry of applause. True, this family pride of yours in this case has nothing to do with early development.

If you do not repeat the names of the states and the flags inherent in them every day with your child, then by the age of five he will not have a trace of this skill. Moreover, as he had no idea about the learned states, he will remain in the dark about them.

This is imaginary knowledge, stupid and impractical. Ballast, from which children's memory will sooner or later get rid of. So is it worth spending effort on introducing a child to useless and meaningless knowledge?

If we are talking about an infant or a toddler under 2 years old, then first of all, it is necessary to develop in him those skills that are clearly useful to him now, useful in the future, and will also become the first step towards mastering more complex skills.

Sometimes doctors call these skills "instinctive" - ​​they do not belong to the category of highly intellectual achievements and talents, but they dramatically increase the child's activity in the field of social and natural adaptation. Moreover, this activity will be inherent in this child in the future. In practice, everything looks much simpler and more fun than in theory. For example, a baby aged 1.5-2 years old can already be taught:

Distinguish multiple colors. And best of all - on specific applied things and objects. “Yellow banana is a ripe and delicious fruit. A green banana is unripe and not tasty at all. Red or blue berry - ripe and tasty. But this green berry ( be sure to show the agreed items in the pictures or "live") is not mature and may even be poisonous, you can’t eat it. ” Etc...

Whatever you are trying to teach your child - always give examples. Dozens, hundreds of examples! Only through illustrative examples is the child able to perceive knowledge. No abstract explanations are in principle available to him at the age of 6-7 years - keep this in mind.

As soon as your little one realizes that the taste and ripeness of bananas can be recognized by color, his competitiveness in society and his ability to self-preservation will greatly increase. Judge for yourself: the next time a dish of bananas is placed in front of the kids, it is your child who will feel best of all - he will be able to quickly and accurately choose the most ripe and delicious fruit from the whole pile of bananas.

And if, in his 2 years old, your little one can not only get himself the most delicious and “profitable” fruit, but also, on his own initiative, share his “booty” with someone else (with you or with the kids on the site) - you can safely praise yourself for being a truly talented, amazing teacher. After all, the ability to show empathy, sympathy, generosity and similar qualities is also a sign of a mature personality.

Distinguish odors. It is especially useful to teach a child to recognize pleasant smells (for example, the smell of flowers, fruits, hot bread, freshly cut grass, etc.), as well as “alarming and dangerous” smells: for example, the smell of smoke, burning, gasoline, etc. On this you can come up with a lot of interesting, fun, educational games.

Distinguish the shape of similar objects. Much easier - to collect a bunch of autumn leaves in the yard, and then for each leaf to find a "native" tree. “This is a maple leaf, the maple looks like this ( and show the kid the tree itself). And this is an oak leaf, and there is an oak itself ... ".

And in a couple of days, let your baby show you the trees from which the collected leaves "escaped" ... Such games quickly instill in the child the ability to identify similar objects. No matter how simple this activity may seem to you, it can really teach your baby the ability to quickly adapt in the face of choice. Have you noticed how often, for example, people stand in deep thought in front of a counter with kefir-yogurt? It is really hard for them to choose something for themselves from the mass of similar products. Most often, they take either what they have already tried recently, or what the person next to them takes in their basket.

Many psychologists will confirm you - modern people often suffer from the fact that they are lost in front of a multitude of the same type of forms (whether it be the choice of clothes, products, etc.). Although this skill - a confident and informed choice - can be easily instilled in early childhood.

Whatever you talk about with your baby, always try to provide your narrative with a bright, simple illustration or live demonstration of the subject.

Speak multiple languages. The nature of a small child is very malleable and is able to perceive a much larger amount of information than you can imagine. And bilinguals (children who are brought up in two languages ​​at once) are not uncommon in our time.

Sometimes the reason for this is international marriages, and sometimes parents specifically begin to teach the baby languages ​​​​from infancy. But here it is very important to follow the rule: if you want your child to be fluent in several languages, he must practice these languages ​​every day.

By the way, bilinguals are people who speak only two languages. If you or your child speaks three, four or five languages, then your name is multilingual. And if you are that rare type of people who speaks six or more linguistic cultures, then you are definitely a polyglot.

Knowledge is nothing without practice!

Early development can be understood as many excellent skills. For children from 2-3 years old, this is usually: mastering foreign languages ​​(in parallel with their native language), the ability to read and write at an early age, sports, or, for example, musical talents, etc. In very tiny babies up to a year old, early development is the progressive development of reflexes (for example, grasping or walking) in the early stages, etc.

However, remember - what you develop in this baby (or are just trying to develop) should be part of his daily life. For example, if you teach your son or daughter to foreign languages ​​from the age of 6 months, then for many years he must hear these languages ​​and use them daily - only then this will make sense, progress and sense.

You can explain the basic principles of thermodynamics to a three-year-old boy on your fingers - and he will probably even understand you. And he will even repeat these theses in the circle of his peers in front of their astonished parents. But if this does not have any continuation, regularity and practical reinforcement, then by the age of ten this child in terms of knowledge of thermodynamics will be the same “zero” as he was at two years old. Do not waste time on empty, "dead-end" knowledge! Take care of your child by:

  • has development.(The ability to recognize simple colors can be complicated by familiarity with the variety of color shades, with drawing skills, etc.)
  • has practical benefits.(Do you remember - the ability to recognize colors gives the baby the opportunity to choose the most delicious and “profitable” banana for himself).
  • your child likes.(Any activity within the framework of early development should bring genuine pleasure to the child, satisfy his curiosity, make him laugh and amuse, in a word, give the child positive emotions).

How to find out if the baby is overloaded with one or another activity?

The load for babies of a very tender age (up to 2-3 years) is determined solely by the individual characteristics of the child, his personal daily routine, his interests and desires.

If the baby is fascinated by music, what prevents you from listening to it constantly while the baby is awake? Never mind! Or why not let the child “study” books to its fullest if he is really passionate about them? There are many children who, in infancy, having barely learned to sit and stand, could spend hours looking at bright book illustrations or the pages of glossy magazines - as a rule, such children learn to read very early, easily and quickly in the future.

Whatever your child, who is not yet 3 years old, does, the criterion of “overload” will always be the same - the baby will lose the desire to do it. He will begin to act up or cry, switch his attention or ask to sleep. At this point, it is very important to instantly switch the child to something else.

But if the child does not show signs of fatigue or boredom, but clearly enjoys some activity (collects blocks into a pyramid, listens to music from the player, looks at colorful illustrations in magazines) - he can do this for as long as he likes.

Early development should not interfere with health!

In no case should you allow that in pursuit of musical, or, say, intellectual achievements, you forget that physical activity and fresh air are extremely important for a child of 1-3 years old. If, for the sake of developmental activities, the baby will walk less and less often, move less and get physically tired, this can be detrimental to his health.

Physical activity is just as important for the successful maturation of a harmonious personality of a child as intellectual (as well as emotional and other) skills ...

Do not forget that physical activities - swimming, crawling, long walks and any active movement - are very important for the baby. Recall that many organs and systems in the body of a child continue to form several years after his birth.

For example, the arch of the foot acquires the correct shape only by 7-12 years. Moreover, due precisely to the fact that, by nature, a child up to this age is especially physically active: jumping, jumping, rushing, etc.

By the way, this is why there is no official diagnosis in medicine, although this problem itself exists, and is quite acute: many young children in our time are partly deprived of physical activity in favor of the so-called intellectual early development. And instead of playing catch-up and "classics", they sit back, mastering the basics of chess or foreign languages. Which as a result leads to "gaps" in the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the child...

Do not deprive the baby of walks - he must “jump” and “run through” his childhood for the sake of his own health, this is inherent in the human cub by nature.

And if you want that at the same time his intellect does not get bored and develops, look for a compromise! For example: hire him a young nanny with knowledge of French: let them jump together in the fresh air and at the same time speak French. There is always a reasonable compromise!

Competent approach

Intelligent, prudent parents understand that early development methods are not a way to raise a future Mozart, Pavarotti, Hawking or Einstein from their child. Such ambitions are already a failure in their essence.

All existing courses and schools for the early development of babies are just a great opportunity to support and satisfy the need of any child to learn about the world around them. Through sports, through music, through visual perception, through mathematics, through languages ​​- there are dozens, hundreds of ways to learn about the world around us. Your task is only to determine which of these methods is “to your heart's content” for your baby more than others ...

No early development method alone can make your child happy. Moreover, even if your baby masters all the existing methods of early development even before his fifth birthday, this is by no means a guarantee that at 25 he will become a successful and contented person.

So, loving, prudent and responsible parents who decide to “expose” their baby to one or another method of early development should firmly remember:

  • Early development is not about raising a child to be a genius. And it is to teach the child some skills of mutually beneficial communication with the outside world. Lack of fear and distrust, curiosity, desire for communication, ability with compassion and generosity, kindness.
  • The knowledge that early development methods provide should be practical and useful for the daily life of the child.
  • The method of early development, no matter how effective and avant-garde it may be, should not interfere with the natural development of the whole organism or threaten the physical health of the child.