Napkins for the intimate area. Wet wipes - the benefits and harms. Can you use it all the time

Almost every modern woman has intimate hygiene wipes in her purse. They are very convenient to use, in addition, they are indispensable during trips, hikes and wherever there is no possibility to use running water. But many are interested in the question of whether such wipes are harmful, whether they can be used constantly, and whether there are any contraindications for this. Let us tell you in more detail what these napkins are made of, how they are impregnated, and whether this composition is dangerous for women's health.

What are napkins made of?

For the first time, wet wipes began to be produced back in the 70s of the last century. Then they were made from cellulose and impregnated with various compounds. Such napkins were very similar to ordinary paper ones, they were easily torn and dried quickly after being removed from the package.

Over time, manufacturers began to use synthetic materials (spunbond) and combined materials - synthetics with natural fibers (spunlace) to create napkins. Now all napkins are made from them, so they have become much stronger and more convenient to use.

As an impregnation for sanitary napkins, the following substances can be used:

  • Water. It is she who should be the basis of the lotion, which is impregnated with napkins for intimate hygiene.
  • Various extracts (for example, chamomile extract, calendula, aloe, etc.). Each of them has a different effect: disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, softening.
  • D-panthenol. Has a regenerating effect.
  • Perfumes. They are added so that the lotion has a pleasant smell.
  • Parabens. They play the role of preservatives, they have no taste and smell, they do not irritate the skin, but at the same time they do not allow other products included in the lotion to deteriorate.
  • propylene glycol. This is a moisturizer that is included in almost all lotions for impregnating wet wipes. It is non-toxic, has a plant origin, softens the skin, moisturizes it.

All wipes have different impregnation compositions. Manufacturers create them individually and keep the recipes secret. For each type of wipes (for hands, for the face, for children, for intimate hygiene), the compositions differ significantly.

What should not be in intimate hygiene wipes?

There are several products that definitely should not be in the composition of intimate hygiene wipes:

  • Alcohol. If the packaging indicates that the wipes contain alcohol, they cannot be used for intimate hygiene. Alcohol dries the skin and burns the mucous membranes. Therefore, it should not be in the composition of intimate hygiene products!
  • PEG-40. This is hydrogenated castor oil, it is very often found in wipes for hands, for the face, but it cannot be used for intimate hygiene, because in such sensitive places this substance can cause irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Monopropylene glycol. It is a household solvent of organic origin, commonly used in household chemicals, and this substance is harmful to the skin. They are impregnated with wipes for cleaning, for example, glass or furniture.

It is better to check a new brand of wipes by wiping your hands with one of them - if there are no reactions, you can use these wipes for your intimate hygiene.

Side effects of using wipes

There are actually not many side effects. In most cases, they are complained about by people who thoughtlessly approached the choice of intimate hygiene products: they bought the cheapest napkins of an unknown brand, and not in a pharmacy, but in a nearby store, or even used them for other purposes. You can often hear that instead of special wipes for intimate places, women buy others: for hands, for face, for children. You should not do this, because the skin is different everywhere, and the composition of the impregnation in napkins is designed for their intended use.

Side effects when using these products for intimate hyena can be:

  • Allergic reactions. The material itself, from which the base of the napkin is made, does not cause allergies, but the impregnation may well do this. We already wrote that the wipes contain both plant extracts and fragrances, and soapy ingredients are added to them to enhance the cleansing effect. All of these substances can cause a reaction if a person is allergic to them.
  • Irritation. You need to understand that a remedy has not yet been invented that would cleanse the skin better than running water. Even the best wipes do not completely remove dirt, and besides, after using them, chemicals remain on the skin, and as a result, irritation can occur.

Can you use it all the time?

Showering or simply washing with water cannot be replaced by the use of napkins. Despite the fact that doctors have nothing against these hygiene products, they all claim that only water is ideal for washing intimate places. Napkins can be carried in a purse and used when visiting public toilets, on trips, hiking and in other situations where it is not possible to wash with water. But at home, be sure to take a full shower - only then the use of napkins becomes completely safe.

You should not use such napkins after each visit to the toilet, it is preferable to use ordinary toilet paper, and let the napkins lie in your purse “for safety net”.

Too frequent use of intimate hygiene wipes can cause allergies.

When you use a napkin, the movements must be performed in the same way as with normal washing: from front to back.

The most common brands

There are a lot of brands of napkins now, let's consider a few of them, from different manufacturers.

  • "Ola". Like other good quality wipes these days, they are alcohol-free and won't disturb a woman's pH levels. They contain plant extracts, are available in various flavors - you can choose any to your taste. Their average price is 40 - 50 rubles.

  • "Lactacyd Femina". Very gentle wipes, have a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. They contain lactic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. There are 20 wipes in a pack of quite large size, which makes them convenient to use. Now the packaging of such napkins costs about 150 rubles.

  • "I am the". Contain chamomile extract, which eliminates skin irritation. Delicately care for and soften delicate skin in intimate places. The packaging is convenient, small (it contains 15 napkins), the valve does not lose its properties after repeated use, it still closes hermetically. They cost from 20 to 35 rubles.

  • "Pupi". Widespread budget brand with good quality. The package contains 15 alcohol-free wipes. Moisturizes well, does not dry the skin, does not cause irritation. They cost from 20 to 35 rubles.

  • "care free". The package contains 20 wipes with aloe vera extract. Well suited for sensitive skin, the acidity is neutral - which means that after applying them, the woman will not feel discomfort. Depending on the type, the price of these napkins varies from 100 to 200 rubles.

Once upon a time, wet sanitary napkins were just an attribute of good service on airplanes and branded trains. They were intended, first of all, for comfortable cleansing of the skin of the hands in conditions of a shortage of running water. In the 21st century, wet wipes have firmly entered the everyday life of cultured people. They have a “specialization”: there are special wipes for men and women with different fragrances, for caring for small children, for removing makeup and for intimate hygiene.

Napkins for the care of the most delicate areas of the body are a relatively new trend, but it has managed to become quite fashionable. Many women believe that they allow them to lead a more intense sex life and enjoy love pleasures in an unusual setting - for example, in a car or while walking through the forest, since you can put yourself in order without any problems.

Avoiding abuse

Use wet wipes for intimate hygiene, it is convenient when traveling, staying in the country, occasional visits to public toilets. But turning them into a daily care product, as some of the fair sex is used to doing, is not necessary, and it will not benefit health either.

There is a widespread belief that after each visit to the toilet you need to take a hygienic shower, as is customary in some Eastern countries, and wet wipes become an alternative to such an event in extreme cases. But this position is often strongly rebuffed by gynecologists, who are not inclined to consider too frequent moisturizing a great boon for the intimate area and suggest using soft and dry toilet paper in traditional situations.

Composition secrets

The structure of any sanitary napkins is represented by a special non-woven material. As a rule, its hygroscopicity and air permeability are very low. It is impregnated with an antibacterial composition that does not contain alcohol, since contact with such aggressive substances is contraindicated for delicate skin.

The role of antiseptic additives can be calendula or chamomile extract, green tea and other herbal remedies. Quite often, milk protein is present in the impregnation for “intimate” wipes. - it has a beneficial effect on the state of the female microflora.

allergic reactions

Despite the fact that all manufacturers of intimate hygiene wipes position their products as hypoallergenic, irritation and itching from their use are still quite common. In most cases, these phenomena are provoked by perfume fragrances that are part of the impregnation. Therefore, non-perfumed napkins are considered to be of the highest quality, restoring the natural smell of a clean human body - they cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

According to medical statistics, about ten percent of cases of thrush development are inextricably linked with the use of napkins. The “correct” care products are sold in pharmacies, and you should not chase after cheap copies in bright packages - restoring lost health will cost much more.

How to use intimate hygiene wipes?

You can only wipe the surface of the genital organs with sanitary napkins. Contact of the napkin with the walls of the vagina is undesirable, since the substances contained in the impregnation can harm its microflora.

Movements with a napkin must be made in the same direction in which it is customary to wash: from front to back, that is, from the pubis to the anus. Hands should be kept as clean as possible. During critical days, it is better not to resort to napkins and use a hygienic shower.

Napkins for pregnant women

Many manufacturers, along with classic intimate hygiene wipes, produce special wipes for pregnant women. Their developers proceed from the fact that during this period, women's skin becomes the most sensitive. The cleansing composition for them is selected according to the principle of maximum softness and ph-neutrality. But the “dose” of antiseptic components in it is too high, since the expectant mother needs enhanced protection against infections. Dyes and fragrances in the manufacture of sanitary napkins for pregnant women, as a rule, are not used.

Svetlana Usankova

Not so long ago, wet wipes were issued only on airplanes and trains, and they were intended for cleaning hands, and a little later, similar products began to be used for intimate hygiene, moreover, they are now even divided by gender. Although, universal wipes for intimate hygiene are in the greatest demand, which you can always buy on our website.

No need to abuse

This is true, because it is really not necessary to abuse the achievements of the modern cosmetic industry, because the appearance of such products does not at all cancel the daily hygiene procedures. But then what is their purpose? Everyone needs to buy wet intimate wipes, because they will certainly come in handy, but you need to use them occasionally, as needed. For example, when traveling, on a picnic in the forest, in the country, when visiting a public toilet, and also in some other situations when it is not possible to take a shower normally.

Composition features

For the manufacture of these products, a non-woven material with a low absorbent and breathable ability is used. In the role of impregnation, a special composition is used that does not contain alcohol and has antibacterial properties. The function of an antiseptic may well be taken over by an extract of some medicinal plant, for example, chamomile. Naturally, all products are moderately flavored, although there are products that are odorless, which definitely will not cause itching and irritation. By the way, the price of non-perfumed napkins is slightly higher than that of “fragrant” ones.

How to use?

During the “problem” period of the cycle (on critical days), it is not recommended to use such products, although if there is no other alternative, then intimate hygiene wipes may be the only way out of the situation, however, the cleanliness of hands will have to be monitored very carefully. In all cases, only the outer surface of the genital organs is wiped with a napkin, that is, the vaginal mucosa cannot be touched - its own microflora reigns there and it does not need any foreign substances contained in the impregnation. All movements with a napkin are made from the pubis to the anus - as when washing.


  1. Allows you to keep the genitals clean even when it is not possible to take a shower.
  2. The composition used for impregnation is endowed with an antibacterial effect, and the presence of certain components in it has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  3. Ease of use, which is clearly confirmed by numerous reviews.
  4. Nice texture and wide range of flavors.
  5. Deodorizing effect.

In the online store "AltaiMag" you can purchase these products at the best price, and in addition to napkins for intimate hygiene, our catalog has a unique heading of its kind - moistened toilet paper, which is also easy to use and has a number of positive characteristics.

Where to buy intimate hygiene wipes in Moscow price:

Prices for intimate hygiene wipes in Moscow range from 25 rubles. up to 64 rubles Product cards will help you choose the option that suits you, where there is a detailed description, instructions for use, certificates, photos, videos and customer reviews.

AltaiMag is the official distributor of the leading Russian manufacturers of products for beauty and health!

Rest assured, you will receive a 100% quality product in Moscow with a guarantee and delivery.

To buy intimate hygiene wipes, take just a few steps: specify the quantity of the product and click on the "Add to cart" button or call

The PH of our intimate area is 4.6, not 5.5, as in the rest of the body. The use of products with a pH of 5.5 threatens problems with the intimate environment: from dryness and irritation to the appearance of thrush caused by a weakening of the microflora. Therefore, for the care of the intimate area, it is important to use only products that have the appropriate properties.

Antibacterial for body and toys

All of the above is especially true when using a silicone-based lubricant. It is not so easy to wash it off, especially with ordinary water. The highly effective Swiss Navy Toy and Body Cleaner contains antifungal and antibacterial cleaning agents. Thanks to the tea tree and lavender oils in the composition, the product cares for the intimate area, moisturizes and has a regenerating effect.

Antibacterial agents are not suitable for daily use, because the microflora of the vagina also consists of many microorganisms. Use them if you've had sex outside of your home.


Wet wipes with lactic acid

One of the most indispensable and useful things for girls who care about comfort in the intimate area is wet wipes for intimate hygiene. The usual universal ones will not work here. In addition to the right pH, it is good if they are soaked in a product that helps maintain vaginal health.

The chamomile extract and lactic acid in Olvie wipes maintain the natural pH of the skin, preventing discomfort and dryness.

Moisturizing lubricant with provitamin B5

If there are already certain problems with the intimate area, then lubricants should also be selected taking into account this factor. For example, during periods of stress, pregnancy, hormonal changes, menopause, women often experience vaginal dryness. In this case, it is recommended to use a lubricant designed for long-term moisturizing and containing soothing ingredients. For example, the lubricant Bioritm Delight contains panthenol (moisturizing) and lactic acid, which positively affects the microflora of the intimate zone.

A water-based moisturizing vaginal cream

Women's vaginal creams System JO ReNew Vaginal Moisurizer for everyday use are not very popular with us, but in vain. They help relieve vaginal dryness and support natural female lubrication. The tool is applied to the genital area and has an instant effect, delivering a feeling of freshness and comfort.

You will especially appreciate it if, for example, you often visit a pool with chlorinated water - then you should be familiar with the unpleasant feeling of dryness on the labia and vagina.

Intimate deodorant for women

What, and deodorant in there? Yes, and there. If you are actively involved in sports, you feel discomfort from the fact that the linen is quickly soaked with sweat, or if the skin of the intimate area has irritation after shaving, chafing, then you need such a remedy. Just like the previous product, Bioritm Lovespray Deo intimate deodorant is not the most famous thing in our country, but very useful. It is applied to underwear or on the outer part of the genitals, softens the skin, helps the underwear stay dry and fresh longer. A great option if you have a date with a continuation planned for the evening after a long day.