Knitted boots for a 6 month old baby. How to knit booties-boots. Photo and video master classes. We are trying to make booties-boots "Berry" for girls

The booties are very beautiful, and they look very nice on small legs, especially when paired with a hat that you have already seen on the site.

Description of knitting booties with a scythe:

You will need: white yarn 50 g (Kartopu Bebe, 100% premium acrylic, weight: 50 gr., length: 150 m, color No. K001), stocking needles, crochet hook.

Braid pattern:

The diagram shows only the front rows, in the wrong rows we knit all the loops with the wrong ones.

In the 9th row we make a cross of loops: we remove 6 loops before work on an additional knitting needle, we knit the next 6 loops with facial ones, then we knit 6 loops from an additional knitting needle with facial ones.
Repeat from 1st to 10th row

Beginning of knitting

We start knitting booties from the cuff.
To do this, we collect 34 loops (the width is 12 cm) and we knit 1 hem, 4 loops garter stitch, 1 purl, 8 braid loops, 1 purl, 18 loops garter stitch, 1 hem until the height reaches 16 cm. Close the loops.

We turn it over to the wrong side and from the side, where 18 loops of garter stitch were knitted, we remove the loops. We remove 12 loops on additional knitting needles on both sides and debug. Of these, we will knit the side of the booties.

We knit the middle 12 loops with the wrong side of the stitch 5 cm, while in the 14th and 16th row we decrease the 1st loop on both sides = 8 loops.

Then we continue to work as follows: 12 loops laid off on the right side, remove 10 loops from the right side of the upper part of the booties, middle 8 loops, remove 10 loops from the left side of the upper part of the booties, 12 loops laid off on the left side. Total 52 p.

And we knit 2.5 cm in garter stitch on the side of the booties.


Now let's start knitting the soles:
1st row: knit 2 loops together with the front, 23 loops with the front, knit 2 loops together with the front, 23 loops with the front, knit 2 loops with the front.
2nd, 4th and 6th rows: facial loops.
3rd row: knit 2 loops together with the front, knit 21 loops, knit 3 loops together with the front, knit 21, knit 2 loops together with the front.
5th row: knit 2 loops together with the front, 19 loops with the front, 3 sts knit together with the front, 19 faces., 2 loops knit together with the front.
Then close all loops.


We sew the sole and perform the back seam in the booties.
For the edging in the last row of the side part on the front side, remove the loops in a circle and knit 5 rows with the wrong side. Close loops. The edging should curl down, as in the photo.

Crochet a cord from air loops into two threads, insert into the cuff (where the loops were removed).

Chamomile scheme:

Knitted booties with a scythe - option 2

The size: 3-6 months
Materials: yarn Gazzal Baby Wool XL (40% merino, 40% acrylic, 20% nylon, 50 g/100 m), needles 4.0 mm.
Knitting density: 21 loops = 10 cm.

Sole: Cast on 36 stitches.
1st row (wrong side): chrome. loop, facial loops, chrome. the loop.
2nd row (face side): chrome. loop, 1 person., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 2 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 1 person., chrome. the loop.
3rd row: chrome. loop, facial loops, chrome. the loop.
4th row: chrome. loop, 2 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 4 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 2 persons., chrome. the loop.
5th row: chrome. loop, facial loops, chrome. the loop.
6th row: chrome. loop, 3 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 6 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 3 persons., chrome. the loop.
7th row: chrome. loop, facial loops, chrome. the loop.
8th row: chrome. loop, 4 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 8 persons., add a loop to the left, 15 persons., add a loop to the right, 4 persons., chrome. the loop.
9th row: chrome. loop, facial loops, chrome. loop = 52 loops.
10-15 rows: knit with stockinette stitch, starting from the front side
From the wrong side, with an additional thread, pick up 50 loops along the 10th row (or 1st row of the front surface).
16th row: chrome. loop, * remove the loop from the working knitting needle, knit loops with additional. knitting needles, throw the removed loop on the knitted one, repeat from *, chrome. loop = 52 loops.
17-21 rows: knit facial loops (shawl pattern).

Top of the foot: performed in short rows with decreases

1st row (face side): chrome. loop, 28 persons., 2 together out., turn the work.
2nd row (wrong side): remove the loop, 6 persons., 2 persons together. left, turn work.
3rd row: remove the loop, 6 persons., 2 together out., turn the work.
4th row: remove the loop, 6 persons., 2 persons together. left, turn work.
Rows 5-18: Rep Rows 3-4 7 more times = 34 sts on needle.
19th row (right side): slip a loop, knit to the end of the row, chrome. the loop.
20th row (wrong side): chrome. loop, knit facial to the end of the row, chrome. the loop.
21st row (face side): chrome. loop, knit facial to the end of the row, chrome. the loop.
22nd row (wrong side, buttonholes): chrome. loop, * 2 together out., nakid, repeat from *, chrome. the loop.
23rd row (face side): chrome. loop, knit facial to the end of the row, chrome. the loop.
24th row (wrong side): chrome. loop, knit facial to the end of the row, chrome. the loop.
Close loops.

Good afternoon friends!

Today, I will tell you how to knit children's boots on two toe knitting needles.

With the onset of cold weather, warm children's shoes become relevant. Knitted shoes are considered the most comfortable and warm for babies. The ideal yarn is natural wool, but it is not suitable for everyone. As you know, wool on contact with the skin causes discomfort, a person begins to itch, and some people experience allergic reactions. Especially for children, this is not always suitable, so I recommend knitting children's boots from artificial wool. This type of yarn does not cause allergies and has a wide range of colors.

To knit children's boots we need:

  • Green yarn (artificial wool) - 50 g.
  • Brown yarn (artificial wool) - 20 g.
  • White yarn (artificial wool).
  • Lilac yarn (artificial wool).
  • Toe needles.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.

Knit soleboot

Row 1: Cast on 28 sts with brown yarn on two toe needles.

We collect loops

2 row: knit a row of facial loops.

Row 3: slip 1st st, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over again and knit 10, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 10, yarn over, knit 1, just slip last loop. There should be 36 stitches on the needle.

4 row: we knit with facial loops.

Row 5: Slip off 1st stitch, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 14, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 14, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, slip last st. There are 44 loops on the needle.

6 row: we knit with facial loops.

Row 7: Slip 1st st, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 18, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 18, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, slip last stitch 52 loops are formed.

8 row: we knit with facial loops.

9 row: slip 1st loop, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 22, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 22, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, remove the last loop. There should be 60 loops on the needle. The sole is ready, we move on to knitting the side of the boots.

Tied sole

10 row: we knit with facial loops.

Knit the side of the boot

11-22 row: switch to a green thread and knit all 12 rows with facial loops.

We begin to knit the side of the boots

23 row: we knit 20 front loops, then we knit 2 loops together 10 times, we just knit 20 front loops.

24-28 row: we knit with facial loops.

We knit the side part of the boots

29 row: we knit 15 front loops, then 10 times we knit two loops together, we just knit 15 front loops.

30 row: we knit with facial loops. Thus, the side of the boot is ready, so let's move on to knitting its upper part.

The side of the boot is ready

We knit the top of the boot

The top will be made in the same way as the side part of green yarn with a further input of white yarn, and at the end of lilac yarn.

31 row: we knit 3 green front loops, 1 white front, 3 green front and so alternate until the end of the row.

We knit the top of the boot

32 row: we knit with purl loops.

33-36 row: we knit with front stitch and green yarn.

We knit the top of the boot

37 row: we knit 3 front loops, dissolve the loop (we put the loose loops on the left knitting needle) until we reach the white loop, then we knit all the broaches with a white loop (according to the text - a white loop with a broach), we knit 3 front loops and again white a loop with a broach and so on until the completion of this row.

We knit the top of the boot

38 row: we knit 3 green purl loops, 1 white purl, 3 green facial and in this alternation to the end of the row.

39-42 row: we knit with front stitch and green yarn.

We knit the top of the boot

43 row: we knit the first loop with the front, then the white front with a broach, 3 green front, again the white front with a broach, and so on until the end of the row.

44 row: we knit a row of purl loops.

47-50 row: we knit with front stitch and green yarn.

51 row: 3 green facial, white facial with a broach, 3 green facial and so on until the end of the row.

52 row: purl 3 green, purl 1 white, purl 3 green and so on until the end of the row.

53-56 row: we knit the rows with the front stitch.

We knit the top of the boot

57 row: 1 lilac front, 1 lilac with a broach, 1 lilac front, 1 green front, 1 lilac front, 1 lilac with a broach, 1 lilac front, 1 green front and so on until the completion of the row.

We knit the top of the boot

58 row: lilac purl loops.

We knit the top of the boot

59-63 row: we knit with the front surface and at the end of the knitting we close all the loops, cut the threads.

We close all the loops, cut the threads.

We sew the boot on the wrong side.

We sew a boot

Then we turn it out. And in the same way we knit the second boot.

Children's boots are ready!

Warm children's boots, knitting.

Warm children's boots, knitting.

P.S. By the way! If you need lighter shoes for your little ones, check out our bootie tutorials:

Friends! If my master class was useful to you, share it with your friends!

Every kid needs comfortable and warm shoes. Therefore, if you are expecting a baby, or want to give a gift to those who are expecting a baby, this option will be very acceptable. The legs of a newborn in crocheted booties will look beautiful and be warm. Knit fashionable and stylish booties "a la Uggs" with the help of a detailed description for a baby from 0-6 months.

To crochet bootie boots, you will need:

- yarn, about 50g, for example, ComfortYarnArt acrylic yarn;
- a little dark yarn for the sole;
- hook No. 3.5.

Crochet such cute booties using the elongated loop method.

We start boots from the sole.

1 row: 10 air loops, 3 air lift loops, 1 double crochet in the 4th loop from the beginning, 8 double crochets, 7 double crochets in the 1st loop of the chain. Tie a chain of air loops on the other side with 8 double crochets, 5 double crochets in the initial loop of the row, 1 post. with a crochet.

2 row: 2 air loops, 1 half double crochet in the same place, adding from half double crochet, 4 half double crochets, 5 double crochets, 4 half double crochets, 4 additions from half double crochet, 1 double crochet.

3 row: 2 lifting air loops, 1 half-column with double crochets there, 1 half-column with double crochets, 1 addition from half-st. snakids, 5 half-st. 6 times, 4 columns with double crochets, 5 half columns with snaps (1 addition from half double crochets, 1 half double crochet) * 3 times, 1 addition from half double crochets, 1 connecting column.

4 row: we knit the details of the sole, 2 pieces.

Place the sole on cardboard to make a template.

Lay the cardboard between the two pieces, and then tie them in a circle with single crochets.

We take light yarn and continue to knit 5-9 rows in a circle without additions with single crochets. We get 54 loops.

Now you need to knit the sock of the booties, taking into account the decreases:

10th row: 9 single crochet, 6 dec 1 single crochet, 13 single crochet, dec, 4 single crochet, dec, 6 single crochet. You will get 46 loops.

An important point: 6 decreases are knitted evenly over the toe of the bootie, and two decreases at the back on the heel.

Having connected 19 rows, form a bar for the fastener. Now we will knit not in circular rows, but straight and back. And the left and right shoes fit differently.

Crochet the right boot of the booties. Scheme:

11 row - incomplete front - 7 single crochet, 7 decreases, 5 single crochet, turn the product over.

12 row: 1 lifting air loop, 5 single crochet, decrease, 2 double crochet, decrease, 27 single crochet, turn over.

13 row: 1 air. lifting loop, 3 single crochet, 22 elongated loops, decrease, 2 single crochet, decrease, 3 elongated loops, 1 single crochet, turn over.

14th row: 34 single crochets.

Crochet the left bootie bootie. Scheme:

11 row - incomplete front - 3 columns without a crochet, turn the product over.

12 row: 1 lifting air loop, 1 single crochet in the same loop, 25 single crochet, 7 decreases, 5 single crochet, turn over.

13 row: 1 air. lifting loop, 1 single crochet, 4 elongated loops, 1 single crochet, decrease, 2 single crochet, decrease, 22 elongated loops, 3 single crochet, turn over.

14 row: 25 single crochet, decrease, 2 single crochet, decrease, 5 single crochet.

15 row: 1 single crochet, 30 elongated loops, 3 single crochet, turn over.

16 row: 34 single crochet to the end of the row.

We repeat the last two rows without reductions as needed for the height of the boot.

Are you expecting a baby and have you already thought about a baby dowry?
Surely you want to knit something for your future baby?
Or one of your friends is expecting an addition to the family and you are already thinking about a gift?

Booties are a very cute piece of clothing for a newborn.
Knitting booties will not take much time, but will bring many pleasant moments, because booties, sliders and vests are pleasant symbols of the future baby.

How to crochet booties?

For knitting baby booties, woolen yarn, cotton and acrylic are suitable.
There may be an allergy to woolen yarn, and in this case it is better to use children's acrylic for knitting warm booties.
For knitting these booties I used mixed yarn: 50/50 cotton and acrylic.
Yarn: 390m/100g
Hook: №2,5
Types of loops: air loop, single crochet, single crochet, connecting stitch, 2 double crochets knitted together.

For the smallest (0-3 months) foot length 9 cm.

Work description:
Start knitting from the sole.

To do this, you need to dial a chain of 13 air loops and 3 lifting air loops. Then, on the 5th loop from the beginning of the chain, knit a double crochet.
Tie the chain on both sides with double crochets 3 times:
1 row: on the extreme loops of the chain (toe and heel), tie 5 columns with a crochet.
2 row: in each of the 5 extreme loops (toe and heel), tie 2 columns with a crochet.
3rd row: in each of the 8 extreme loops (toe and heel), knit 2 double crochets.

Important: do not knit the sole in a spiral!
Each row ends with a connecting loop, and the next row begins with 3 lifting air loops.

The next row is transitional from the sole to the side - it transfers knitting from a horizontal plane to a vertical one and strengthens the perimeter of the sole.
Knit 1 row with single crochets and additions, making the grip not by the loop of the base, but wrapping around the column of the previous row (the hook is inserted from the wrong side from right to left, wrapping around the column of the previous row, the thread is picked up and pulled to the wrong side, knitted with a single crochet).
Then two rows with a single crochet without adding loops.

Fold the bootie in half lengthwise and find the center of the toe. Lay off 15 loops to the left and right of the center of the toe and mark with a thread.

We start knitting the top of the toe according to the scheme from the marked loop (middle
side of booties):

1 row: 3 lifting air loops, 4 columns with a crochet, 10 times 2
knit a double crochet together, 5 double crochets. Do
grip on the back wall of the loop. Expand knitting.

2 row: 3 lifting air loops, 4 columns with a crochet, 5 times 2
knit a double crochet together, 5 double crochets. Expand

3 row: 3 lifting air loops, 4 double crochets, 5 stitches with
double crochet together (with one top), 5 double crochets.

Fold the left and right parts of the toe and on the wrong side 5 extreme loops,
remaining not closed, knit together with connecting posts.

We stretch the thread along the wrong side and start knitting the top of the booties from the middle of the toe.
According to the scheme:

Expand knitting and continue according to the scheme.

Tie the sole and toe of the booties around the perimeter with white yarn: * 3 air loops, 2 connecting loops *.

Tie a flower to decorate the toe of the booties.
Fold a ring of thread.
1 row: in the middle of the ring, knit 6 single crochets.
Pull off the ring by pulling on the non-working end of the thread.
Next, knit in a spiral.
2 row: in each column, knit 2 single crochet.
3 row: * 8 air loops, connecting loop "grab on the front wall of the circle
4 row: with white yarn * 10 air loops, connecting loop * grab the back wall of the circle.

Sew a flower to the middle of the toe of the booties.

With white yarn, knit a lace for tying a bootie from 100-110 air loops.
Insert into booties and tie with a bow.

To decorate booties, you can use lace, satin ribbons, satin ribbon flowers, ribbons, knitted flowers, etc.

Showed in detail how to tie booties-boots knitting needles. This is a well-known model of baby booties on the Internet. Just follow the steps and knit them easily and quickly!

Greetings! I decided to show step by step how these lovely booties-boots fit. Many have seen on the Internet a description of their knitting. I would like to say a huge thank you to an unfamiliar craftswoman for this beautiful model of booties. And, of course, for the fact that the knitting process is described in such detail. It is quite enough for experienced craftswomen.


Note from December 14, 2015: prepared for knitting similar tiny socks. Choose which option is more interesting for you.


Several times I met questions on the forums regarding this description:

  • which means reception "3vm. faces (middle top)"?
  • how to “twist the yarn over” to avoid holes?
  • how are booties-boots knitted - round or not, top-down or vice versa?
  • how to increase the size of booties-boots?

In this case, MK tried to answer these questions in detail. I prepared it for a week (there are 40 photos in the MK case). I hope that it will help beginners to easily knit such booties-boots. If the word "case" is not familiar to you, please read the article

I. A brief explanation of how booties are knitted.
II. Materials for knitting and Tips on how to knit booties-boots for a larger size than given in the description.
III. Conditional designations and receptions.
IV. Beginning (stage 1) - sole and transition to the shaft.
V. The main part (stage 2) - the bootleg with a zigzag pattern.
VI. Completion (stage 3) - close knitting and sew booties-boots.

I. Explanations on knitting booties-boots

Bootees-boots are knitted from the bottom up, i.e. from sole to shank. Moreover, not round, but straight-reverse (facial-purl) rows. A total of 57 rows are knitted, of which:
RR 1-23: outsole. At first, 20 sts are cast on, and, due to the additions on the sole, their number in the 11th row reaches 60. From the 13th to the 23rd rr. several faces alternate rows with one purl.

24th p: transitional, reductions are made in it for the toe of the bootie,

25-55 rr: shank with a zigzag pattern,

56-57 pp: knitting closes.

In general, start knitting, repeating the steps of the case-MK, and everything will work out!

I immediately show the photo so that you can understand what the canvas looks like when the booties-boots are almost ready (it remains to be sewn). By clicking on one image, you can view the rest in photo album format. Try))

The upper part (along the shaft) is knitted with a pattern, thanks to which beautiful smooth zigzags appear. With such a pattern, which is also called the "peacock tail", I have connected. Take a look, perhaps the description will fit you. I order it well for adults and children.

You can sew booties in the usual way - with a needle with a large eye. Or, as I have shown, connect the two sides with a crochet. Choose whichever is more convenient for you.

II. What will be required

— I have a pink “Semenovskaya Yarn”, 190m/100g, 100% acrylic (it took 80g). I took such thick threads on purpose so that everything looked distinct in the photographs.

- Knitting needles are suitable for straight or - for circular knitting (knit without closing in a circle). The main thing is that the length of the needles is suitable - for 60 loops. I have knitting needles No. 3.5, on a fishing line with a latch, very comfortable - light, do not rest on the sides of objects nearby. Knitting with them is a pleasure!

Yarn is of great importance in what size the booties will turn out. Many are interested in the question: how to knit such booties-boots in a larger size? I already wrote about this, showed examples of my booties-boots of different sizes (11, 14, 17 cm on the insole). And she described techniques that help to easily increase the size, see.

- You also need a sewing needle or a sewing hook. In the first booties, I sewed the fabric. This time I used a crochet - it turned out that it was faster, easier, simpler. And the seam is neater, in my opinion.

BIG REQUEST to those who will tie booties on this case-MK. If it’s not difficult, write in the comments what size you got, what threads and knitting needles you knitted. This will help us when knitting booties-boots of the right size.

III. Used notation and techniques

Loop - p.
Facial loop - L.p.
Initial loop - I.p.
The front wall of the loops - PS.
Rear wall - AP.
Edge (cr) - remove the first loop of the row without knitting.
Row - R.
Nakid - N.
Crossed front - yarn "away from you", made on one side of the canvas, on the other side we knit behind the front wall of the loop.
3 in. persons, middle on top - when we get to this technique, there will be a link to my MK, how to do it. And, just in case, I also show in the same case. So don't worry, everything will work out.

See more on knitting beautiful luxurious mitts with puffy cuffs. The model is known to many. but, it also has unclear points. She gradually figured out the description for them, and made a master class for those who wished.

IV. We start knitting with the soles of booties-boots

This is the first part of the description in the original, from the authors of this model of booties, boots, to the 23rd row. In the master class, I follow the sequence of rows, as given in the original.

So, we begin to knit the first booties.

Row 1: Cast on 20 sts.

R 2: Knit all cast on stitches.

Further 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 rows we knit faces-mi - without increments. And odd, i.e. 3,5,7,9,11 rows as given in the description below.

3 r: cr, N, 1 L, N, 6 L, N, 1 L, N, 2 L, N, 1L, N, 6 L, N, 1 L, N, edge = 28 p.

We make nakida “on our own”:

Third row done:

4 p: it is necessary to go through the faces of the loops. In the next four photos I show how to knit the "crossed front" yarns that we made in the previous row.

There are yarn overs at the end of the fourth row in the photo: we knit behind the front wall of the loop (the arrow points to it) to get a crossed front loop.

So I entered the right knitting needle into the loop - behind the PS of the loop.

And she pulled out the front loop, knitting it.

Here is this crossed face closer.

Shown here is the fourth row passed by persons (first chrome).

Then I show each next row. The text with the description is given on the photos themselves.

Knit the next three rows - 16, 17, 18 facial.

Knit the next three rows - 20, 21, 22 facial.

Attention: in the next, 24th row, the “3 vm. faces-x (middle from above) ”and cuts are made in the center of the booties.

24 p: chrome, 8 L, nakid, 3cm. persons x (cf. from above), N, 8 L, 2together facial repeat 10 times (decrease for the toe of the bootie), 8 L, N, 3 vm. persons-x (cf. above), N, 8 L, chrome.

The picture below, as well as - in, shows the knitting of the “three knit together, middle on top” technique (specially prepared it earlier).

It looks like "3vm. faces-x" on booties.

The decrease in the center, I knitted in the following rows like this:

- 5 times with an inclination to the left (slip the next loop from the left knitting needle to the right one, without knitting, knit the next one with the front one behind the GS, and stretch it through the removed untied one)
- and 5 times with an inclination to the right (knit two together for the PS).

This, of course, is not essential. You can cut in the usual way. I'm more accustomed to doing inclinations in such a way that it "does not catch" the eye.

Finished knitting the 24th row.

25, 26 pp. - we knit faces, 27 p. - knit purl. In the photo, the green arrows show the sole, the blue arrow shows the place of stitching at the back.

V. The main part (stage 2) - the bootleg with a zigzag pattern.

- in the 28th row, we perform subtractions and additions, as given in the description “kr, (2m. persons) - 3 times, (1 person, nakid) - 6 times, (2 vm. persons) - 12 times, (nakid, 1 person) - 6 times, (2vm.persons) - 3 times, kr "
- 29 and 30 rows will be knit
- 31st p. purl

And so knit according to the description up to the 56th row inclusive. If the text is hard to see in the picture with the description, write in the comments, I will fix it.

VI. Completion (stage 3) - closing the loops and sewing the booties

57 r: in this row we close knitting. Do not rush to cut off the end of the thread!

So, it remains to assemble the booties by sewing along the insole and behind. If you are sewing with a needle, measure the thread at about 3 to 3.5 times the length of the distance to be sewn. Well, I crochet 3.25. I fold the fabric in half, start sewing, inserting the hook alternately behind the back half loops.

I finish on the sole. The seam is soft.

Cut off the end of the thread and hide. It remains to tie the second and a pair of lovely booties-boots is ready! You can decorate with pom-poms or flowers.

Now you know that these booties-boots knit easily and quickly. I wish you pleasant creativity!

Sincerely, Saule Vagapova
